Newspaper Page Text
rUllMSHED l ,v JOHN HEISKELL, Ibiee tialtars per twnttm payable iit urtvancr. f.\ if/si’K.YS!I'l.E ('O.VJflTlOJVS. I. No papers will l»r discontinued vntil ail arrearages arv paid. *i. Advertisements not exceeding n square, (17 lines printed matter or t° lines common maniiscript matter, inserted three times for One Dollar, and ' wen!y-h ive Cents pee square to! every subsequent insertion, and, when not sperifit ally directed to the contrary, v ill lie inserted until forbid s.rn! charged accordingly. I*h Advertisements front a dis tp'ice must lie accompanied with the < or be assumed by sonic respon R person, or the Postmaster most convenient to the advertiser. • Advertisements will, in even instance, be charged to the person or u'j them, unless particularly sti pulated to the contrary, v. \ lie. Postage on all communi cations to the Editors, must lie paid hy the writer, or they will not be at tended to. N «. Chancery Orders inserted as eth Advertisements and charg’d to the Aliniii y, whose name is indorsed hy the Clerk mi the order. N. 15. ft is distinctly to he under- J stood hy \d\ei ijsiiig Customers, (iiai I >”! -\d\ertisenn id will henceforward j t'e directed hy tin Editor of this pti- j { t to he inserted in other pop rs, j unless the : aine be previously'paid for | rim oALK. HiF owner wishes t.-» dispose of | file imd Lot lately o npuuli\ | >.le ;. hosannah Campbell and at pre- | f'fit ny Mr. Thomas [1. Campbell, 5 situate at the corner of Rent street I ami Fairlax Lane rtsnuii g north_1 tiie situation is a very desirable one J lor a Mechanic; the (Carden abounds [ a choice selection of various fruit (c.- s. perhaps superior to any in the place—the terms can in* !«- to m it »’uy one disposed to par: iia; *• sm !i properly as n>> money w ill hi r<-< pared ham’., lust i ic amount may helifjui d.U« (1 l»y I he purdiasers assuming the ; m suit of an accommodation \ojr. due In one of tie.' bank' in this phu t , r or iurllur particulars apply to t!o, (•editor of this paper or iff Mavra J() L\ CROCKWELL Prizes! Prizes! -s I'tussoAY rue. CSru instant, the ('Vaiul Stair. Latterij, V. ill dr a - r* quin and ilnre is r»o “ lb 0 fiqbtce,, CAFI t At. PRI. ! *'* : f’ mo* li uiiinq, tin* mdiict'm.T, t for < (Lemming u small «urn in itn* l.-itfery >•' psrtn-iilHrly great ; inn dmil time* ..tier great |>ri/.»>* will Jj.* f> -’if • ill no,eon. jo.non. 10.000, K.\ Prizes mulrtiwn arc • 100,000 DOLLS. t of-- £0.00(1 DOLLARS, 0 of - - to ono DOLLARS. Col.. .. 5,()oo DOLLARS. M of - - - - t.ooa DOLLARS. 1 >: kei* ttl didhirn, dimes in prej or ,ii;n. Irhavncrd Ln!‘cn\ ‘ »•< »>ro^rr.*, »ml will in* cam- j Micf-.l n*!h (injiiiteh ; »ti!\ nine draw, j more, ned the capital* to he j I'linrn, are 20.000 Dollars, 01 10,000, £000. 1000*. 100s. 1 Os. &<• I sekofs to dai'ur’i, share* in pro * r«r Lion. University LoU> r?f (vow 11 ?< \W I V A } "!iF, «VRF,AT CAl’I i M. rillZI^DF 20.000 Dollars. J^.ooo, 5.000, ; not), ?,()00, <s*r. ;ii*c*. still uotlrawn. Hek'M* tft did Jars, sliares m pro. portion. l'or tirkr-ts in the nhnvp I:f lorie-. I 3f scad v ■ >r cpl'-r. aijdros io H. <V M. AJ.I.KN r„. j 'nnsyfraifin nn mis. fl a ( /A/. | 'V here 111" Cash will h • paid p,,- j ers s «orn a< drawn. Antro-t 2?y 1 s I’or Sale, . * r1 r /; 7, fe \r.f;!D> W|»>, VN. lifa-h, :.,,,nr. !in!thy ninl snUieieiilly mh:: a’5\ 1\> ^ Mil! nflahor. She ha . hern a j Ml Mil ( Hpacit . di’ ( ,w,!. | <r i. . •V..» • v (liter M'-.-rs, {Air (lie n.u,>» o: ; 1‘" ttxMlCf It! TfiK i ' 1, ;., j; , < Ktli! >r. Svpl. f G 9 AFJV GOODS. WILLIAM MORRIS, IIA.'* jusi received, an Elegant assortment of Superfine Cloths, ( assinu and V( . together with every discrip h°n ol Ladies wear, suitable for the present season, £5 of the latest lashions. which will hr disposed of on the lowest terms. ALSO, An elegant supply of v* rv Superior V/INKS of all kinds, I reneh Brandy ith Proof. Jamaica and Anlcijuc Spirits, New England do. Old Apple Brandy, U. Gis, Whiskey ifom s to 7 years old. also. <» munths oid. Loaf ami Brown ugar. Best Creon Coffee. Do. While* do. Imperial, Gunpowder, ! i LAS. of Very Superior qua Hyson. hty and ol the Latent Importa Aoung Hyson, and , lion. Souchong or Black, j Bice, Pepper. Allspice, Le L*e. Pogctlicr with a ver} general assortment o| 1Tr\i t $ >\ tii c. Quei ns 1 s 1;t>s\y Vt lueh will be sold, on the mod reasonable terms. [ tjs friends and the public generally are particularly invited to call and examine. May 31, 1S23. FOll SALE. IN DIM. iin sell' Inn iuiina. .■ *• • | _R. < iiitalde In attend n» t(. ■ duties ot a harm ; lie* n ous of nit; into Town for the < duration o! mv iniant childrt n, anil, mo* iv» r, to ||. (piidate my enpip-nn nts. i ha\ea;.;ain determined lo offer fur sal.- tin- i ,,,d •uni plantaiion when on 5 reside, i<, gethcr w tlh the A LG R OFS, !5<0( ”u of all kirn! . I'D A .NT A TJO Y 1 TKNSI1.S. i TilliHSIilM; V, V 1 !MNK. and most ot tne l'ui uiJnn . *1" it is neat I v 100t)’ ACRES, ui the '’ear! which i an with inuvoib cm't. hot!* as *■» wood and water, of "•"i !i there is an ahnudaiicc. he divi ded into two or more suitable Farms, t !i«* s-m'j! is pirn) .y* pernliarlv adapted to the culture nt our wheat staple and oilier crops, w iu tlicr of «;raiu orpass; and l run no mb in sawm; it is ( la ys the roust, ;! not t!ie most.productive i at ms ;n ;k \ al!e\, sin< •• man; \ cars experience and tin- knowledge of th sui rnniidint; neighbors will prove ami 1*11111.1 it. I desire also t sell aiiout 4 000 Acres of Land. in Jmn rstin. Ivin;; about ; miles , t ie S:.annmxiab Sprinp. an 1 or t• -1•:i ( iiai’k Sown, which utav he ul! i;i lots to sti;: purchnsvi v._;d so done A C R K B, :;iFount i”s of Mason ait.I |'V. )(i. Ivin- between ti.«- two kaid:aw:i\. partly tenanted for S \ears and 3 or 1)000 Acres »-anos in me si ales ol K' n.tte ky anil Indiana, ■ ! i!sale of all ju t - ml properl* v.i!l t. ke pliKTiiii * 1,.- p; mist s, Aim,* tl.i; the mh n{ Ot Pihep next, iklair, ne the ne\l fair da;. at whirl, lime lie tef'ie- wiil he made Known. All or a of (he lands w;M hr st*M ;,| pm ate '• de a:iy time hefoe-tv.-.t dn\:_>>n \ hii’tl o! i he part hist- money he paid >n hand and the hauine,* ma\ he d.ivi de ': into three a r.mal instalment , • ■rat i:*:; in!t fm:n lh“ day of sale :n>d s'. • tired to my satisfaction. I’.i •• s'-.on will In- £iv< •) s'> far a' mav he •r* for sveditr; this fall ; ‘and (tit.rely wit, n the j^rowia** trips are r< moved. \|J persons at a distance, ti" i now nrj; 1nc prennscs desirous e| ir i ii,, r ( d this farm arc ift d \ • -w it. Ti:o-- m the sitr • "iinliiic; t ountrv know it. « to sire also to st I;«;-i-r* inmn nousK oa Washington street in Alexandria (drnv’rly my residence and now ra ru - tued hy ,!i !,;i i-loyd Ik-t,_KYIVrrnt • l"i‘ if purchase n* litis Mouse will he a1' ie to .fa;i! s I,. M. ki piue tv..;, o!" M'.e Bank ot \i< \r.ndi i.i v.ho is ft:!Iv aulhot i/eti to st || the -.nine i ,eh s m dim tvd lorn: udi he proud i’. at1 * need to and c»vr\ ,n{, rma'ir’i Ri'rlt. JOH>i llOi-KINS. Mil! <V *).de. Batilelown t’-.s' other, r r* Set it h 1 Mnfy, \ a r * Virginia to wit : .it ft: I. i:o!;lni in the h'rh'.s Ujpcr of !",■ Sti’U'rt .r not:-} <)t c!:nurerij /,% tin- ,'/o7 i.r /;?-y .}i, , /,» . im’ f : s: v..i. 1 fir* rdniY. >:]• f!»<* i' \eti i.i »—vivii'<* iiii'loi* licr'ii. t‘I ainli}; s, Aguiard vru>. I!im!,r:-.|'ird\ WO’Uannon ad fra’ui of Hi';,-, ||< aril I’lrV. •aid 1’i'i‘siy \. {) niton, and _\1 <!i| di ins w . liaiii'l if* a vi!. and Mor ;r. o I!< III*. !|. ;,'S n|\s.,i,i itt-pa-y |Jt-;;j;» d> d. and Aatinuot i Uurwril. I Yi an da,'Is. 'I'lir ii:-•Irmtan's. e\i; pf N.tiiiai,*| '•'<di) not liav iuu; ( • 1 r>: -ir nnpear • .S. ftiwn *. vuniy m: dm / io tin pf ’ **1 Assi nil*};* «V l*»;* rid- ■*. of this :uid it appeal iny; !•;-• iti- | ;'J <'\iiicii t* tii.U lli a;v* im! m^a!* >' Hit - of this rnim'ii : l! is nr,In, '. ti'<n to.' »> u.! ocinidan's <• • j atrn'ar on the firs! day ,,f I. I :.|. ;t*:d ivniwir the !>:ii of lire plai’i ti!i: «V tira: a ropy «»!'tic-; *• • f*n »J. "'hi insrr’rii in souir newp-ine*' p;i!i *'•* '■ ,:i '■ Iirsti r. |,»r ;w** monihs Sir CIVS''.jvl; . sill** posted at the I'm),I door of t!c* Court House in tlu. said tow u **! \\ in, lu st, i'# \ •: onv— t sir. !) \Nir.H August id—1*. Virginia to wit. .■it Hairs !. - ,lni m Office ni tii. ■‘‘ill fieri or cli,rt ni i ■I'inccr if j,ir ■ll; H lnch.esti r Oram l Ole f. , <t ' it ’-V 'a .Unjust i : •'i'li''.' 'd ’t/rll. t'ili/d. I\._ '* ^ and *dsiini:i n s wife, tolin Sinurlnlv and i'aiisarino !i.s (ieori;*’ • ri-Jrr and SO>s«,,nn ids '.vii'r. Sural, M Joins!, ;.*,(! t ',.*’. r and Until • ; Ins w ifr, riainfid , \r.\z\- y ( ! . ,s|(.-|’i.'j’ ,’;•/;*!! i'ypcnfur arid Mevisci* <>) C!irist*>jfjrr V- «•*/••il died *• ncIVmlijnts. ^ J "511K Defendant, Christopher Wi't jK. 7' not liav :iu; c:J t:i- appear* R'«m «ud q ven security aecoo'iii" to '•u* Act of A.v mhly r.itd th*> U •!»:> of 'hi. Court, nnd it npp-ar: q !»v antis* • "’',rv evidence, that In* i« tint an in f* i»»:t^nt of this country: ]; M r»u!, i:-st Ike «ud Defendant »;{i appear iter-- on the fir.' dnv of '!:c next tprjrt am! f>iimv t fl. ■ h:H r.f !•><* rdnirt'tSfo : am] >!,h; a c.npy of :!.;•» order t,o forth. '• »;it inserted i.t sot:;- new rspa.uer pith li.hed in *Vtncii(*.t»r, for two* months Bunco.*. vc-Jy and p.»M*<» ft *’,*• front d *<>r of the Court llutiye i«t ih.; „,4U| t'uvn of VVinche«:er. DAN!K?. CUT, e. ,». A Ur;: 1 — W JNcgrors for *a[<\ i'H!', Hir>‘icrih.-r w'nht* to «<»tj (u-o or tiirne nvqro men, a woman nod three irk - y children. I he men ar1* quod i irtttin" lifttma*’ | (jj<) ^ •'nan a •*;>:. 1 c >-ik, wa«her and irnner. 'I hev u ,ii h-r *n!d low for ( •»*!., Valley' Rank V »rk, or {food Bond-. .1 speedy appli cation ro mod •. I wish nip to sell * lianuRotijn ^»a. J. "fttty Sideboard and d:::in«; i’u.Mp. .\tid ono or two d yen <•' at r-,r cash nr on a short rrnl,\ Appiv f., J.U.MAVUM.I). VI inr^t'ster, ’ft < * V Land, Stock, &c. . '7 T r h B L 1 c S J L F. I whall otter for Sale at putilie auction *)u Monday 22d day of September next A TRACT OF LAND, lying in the county of Berkeley; about 12 mile* from Morlinsburg, und the «ame diit nice from Winchester, near IVIiII.Cre* k, adjoining the laud of Col. Elisha Uoyd, .lohn MeKewan and o tbers containing by survey ISo ! 2 \ CJtES ; the improvements are a stone Dwelling House, a good Earn, a newly built Corn-Crib, a Cr.irtury, Meat House, Src. The noil is inferior to none in the state ; this Farm possesses stipe* rior advantages to many others of the same size, it being well watered h\ a never failing stream ; there are on it two Apple Orchards, Peach Orchard and about fiO Acres of this land is hea vily Timbered—about Stooo of the purchase money will be leqttired in hand, lot the balance accommodating payments will be given. Mr. Elisha Smith, who lives on the Farm, will •ho.v it to any person wishing to view ; it. Sele to commence at 12 o’clock on | th** premises. i An I on r*aturday the 27;li nf the *nme i mont'i, ! shall --•*«! u* public sale in the ! town oi trout i.’.i>>*i!, e:*!it or ten work f horses ; -evoral celts, some of them 3 old; 30 or -mi bend of horned cat tie ; f.u sheep , 80 hog* ; sundry lartr. iog tif«-n*i!s ; two half worn wagons ; ■ v. o id w w sgons. well ironed ; several '■ather beds ; and about «ix hundred barrels of corn tmw growing. I he ( orn '. I he ottered on a erctlit i *•* -ix mouths, 'he other personal pro* | jirrty for ea-h. WILLIAM L.*%NE. X. n. 1 r-o*i« i:.<ich:eii to the suit* t st*rjli>*r will ; lease make immediate p 'tmonl, i hi- cireumstaueo* will not i at.. M ut any . ito r. nc.e, and those who ■ purcti m:v! t Tc s-y! ofihe property i : th • up* .1 *lri ! 1*1 y, will recollect 1 :• if mile- !>.*:• »;r.e dua on the 20th j W. 1,. 1 _ ... ‘■'•'Jg. 23. tds. Trust bale. j !. i v,r'!i<* ijf a if ed nt lri.4i. oxoptif , . hy V. il.'iam Dane and wife, to i!te i-uib-eriher. to R< i-iirt* a debt due to l)a *i'! R e*. i *!i ill m-11 or. the prrnti it'R 2 h'i 'i ittii iy the J^'.S day ,.f .S, fitetnber j uo.i! j a Tvii'i of Land | it) l.etn'i ,* y niuinfy, run iiinbur on.t i and five am! a half M j err**, or *i ttt'i. i fliprpiiI' t>r wiil op Riif. J (ii i it: to mu t* a;iqai Jjvo hundred ilch j i.i*« • i.,’,i')g hilan;*e of an ttiRta! 1 mi 'st and Recur-#! hy the i-aiil deed, j paid to (In* Raid David Raws, on } ‘’ay of \ prt! last. S„;d laud j is ii 't inliTior in ally iiiml in lierki l**v. land j . s n • • »t;p Im iD o* ... Lo! E, Doytl and .5. M'iv<-.vaa ; nil It-** from >d,tr i .j. • hn; i'Jie •'»** ‘,,r y :u I * v j!iC h: »I»^-t j iiii<h r, anil \» ill ] Jo’nlfrk j 1 ii d.»y, A fit* i«• r deicritMion (*| 5 ihe. rail! land v-*.D S: found i!n> deed • nf <rij*i a!‘.*r**R*iid, . * r. aril it* ih.p of. j li«fc of i!*i •• iin.% p,.iir R-ik. i. v. I J * ' ** h i 1 I n \. 1 O ,\ , I’ | . I , ‘ti » 11 A HIM K) VVIi : | .j1 •Ir.i'rs hidden in the Clerk'* Office of j the Superior cmi-t of Chnneryjj for the inchrster District the first J/onihin | in Jn'if I 2d. ‘ J | I livhii'-a.i Uilii-ary, rlf >n> ! t T, j;;|_ eai y, i nomas ildlonry, ide.’ii min Uiilcnryimr. W m. Bowie, ami .Mav. his wile, late Mary Hilleary. .Sarah 11 iileiu ;. William riflravv. asliiiH ■ : ai .Jillcarv. and Ann hiflcarx 'C\ . (a-jd nUOunnn Ijillenrv sine. ; heirs of 'Vmi liilliaiy doreufted. wife of y»:d ri!-;.in,n Sliilmry, sen:-, ••■aid j W as!;:n«;i(,n and Ann In-in" infants • l»\ tiieie ie.ther and next friend. Plaintiffs. . t -rftinsf .Tames 1). Brooke. Walter Brooke, Thomas Brook**, I'.Iizn Brooke, Hen *Bianco, t af * lli' d.e. Km .ill r.ri.nj.r, !Bi:hs fh • >k •, K,,.j|y Bro do * * ; *■.io {’>;• o.\o, t liildren and ! • '• BI . d.e d* • ca« rd, and ic irsei \rtinir Brooke decree d, ar»~ M’lur eon r.inl It* it* o', -aid Walter j Brooke fleck!, IVr.’inljints, I IIK Ini,-no 'd ; not having entcr j > 1 t lieir a|>| mi e n< i », securi ■ l y a-' ord:iij* ? * * the \i i of AssembB '1-t t!-e Kales id tii ’, {'i art, (-.’e! . '! i ppearn- ,• .r, s,\- siartoiw n j. ; *1, that l‘ nr. not inhal.iSmts S ,,! ’1 oimfiy f; i* order-,;- I the \ '.iid drk’iulanf'i d«> appeal* lien- on the | f*' o-ix ol the next term and answer the h.ll of the plaintiffs, and that a opj *d this ol der lie t'rtlliwiih iusop. , ted in some newspaper puhlidied in i Winchester, for t\v0 months sneress r.el;., «V posted at the frontdoor ol th* ^ o,i.' | nr.- in the said town of W in i rlirster. A ropv—Teste, m.n.mki ftp. r. d. \ o r. ji Stannlon Female \eadeinv. | ' I” tile request of Mr. I.ruba and ! * ><■ nt'a ** 1e:»f hers in the Staunton f e “male > -*adcmy. the undersign. d j uni nation of th pu I'ijf tI,r lv<- ‘Mid and 2.led liie S' vfi a' < l:>sse : wejt* e;.t*e rnllv < x amined up.,. tlu Minis siiidi.*s in Wl:. the session : and every opportunity " :»S d t!„« n, unsigned of av < crlai'tmg tlu i.u-l! rd of instruct ion, mu! the ;»r.»gi- s .. I-, pupil*. < ,.y |»I-*.i";;« • in sta ingthal the ivvjf was mgidy gratifying |„ them, and rmhtahh to all tfu U neln •-. nic "i • i'»i!;*..i iia-; eviden iy !.»,•»>»i eondnr t-lwitl. much •/«;!<. in’ll list ry am! a hihty : and t!ie proficiency of Hm scholars iun.ishes satisfactory evi di-rim of great diligence and a ’strong spirit of emulation in the prosecumm ol «hcir studies. [ iie di^ciriline ami ar.d'regulations iif the school s, far as ine iitiufr.Sigucd eould judge, are ai>o worthy ol appro'ia'ion* It would lie tedious to state in dr tad tin sentiments of the undersigned, w i.i: regard to tit-, merits of 11so pursued in tin* dilfemii I.ranches of eduration taught in the Academy ; hut they cannot withhold 'Mr opin. ion as to some of the most *mp«.-, rant. • he elements of \stroe,ou>\ are im u! (.ti<‘(| Ity a judicious method, which gi\es a competent knowledge of the subject, witliout fatiguing or < uibar ia‘.;iig i In youthful mind, 'i lie ecnrrse ol' Geography , tho* extensive, is eal ciliated liy a practical application of w ,iat is taught, to make a lasting impiession on the memory.—fu j|,e study ol the Krriirh language, tin; pu jiiis. beside-- Hie means of learning to r< :u! and write ii correctly, enjoy the ad \ ant age* of conversing with several ol the teachers i in' Gnglmi department, consist »;ig ol Knglish Grammar, Heading, «Vc. is midi r I lie direction of Miss Gewi -, wlio has a* quitted her.soil m a manuei highly commemh'ldr. ac.d evincing an ability and industry, I wldcll lll'isl 1 V('(i»5!iu i* to p'lilfic ’ patronage. wherever she is kn.i,u!. ] As to tin' M•-i( al !• pactm. . on 1 <*tn • ] by Mrs. \ i! . raj die,* I who aided hi tin examine.Pm, united I with ’lie undersigned in (hr mo: c d<vi_ 1 ded approbation of her mcuis as a I li ami vlie un union prolieien | ey of her pupils, ■ a the distribution ol x2f) premium'., the undersigned have to regret, that they were ie|u. tantly rompeiled, from die necessity of discriminating, to o verhiok many whose merits entitled them to reward. Jlrc.hVmUl Sfnrnrf, nir,'::l StrfJirns, i>. Micflaj. John i oncers. Jiriscoc (i Iltildzviii. Ml*. Ct Mrs. Gruba return their thanks to the inhabitants of (his town :u.d us vineiuity, «‘.?r • i*. . .mtentim’iit wiiieli tlioy hove exprescdol tin- pri ' l! :‘tid i»isid. examinations of the s. li ilais oi (In ir \radamv , whi. 1. took !»•»'■; the ‘?!st, 2:dj -Mil mid .:1th inst, *>rsiring .•» merit more ami more tlm < otdi < nee oi- die pidd'o and to give ’ K academy the highest degree of n. rfe (ion, they hair engaged as as S!^!l°it Miss M. ,f. Gewis, who unites dl the necessary qualities for general instruction -• particularly Kiiglisli lan gtiag'- in aM its branches, drawing, painting upon paper, linen ami *ilk, and all sorts of nrcdle work. I'rivc far a session of five months. Hoarding, Bed ami Bedding, and fu J JU . fc50 ' Washing* f, | I'iiii (or all the first branchesofim strut (ion vj/; Khetneu, v.ompivsi : tsni, Natural Philosophy« ( hemis tty Rot am. Astronomy, tieogra j pliy. with the use of a new «y bcau | tifnl ( ollcttion o f Meilislfs Maps* ; *V Globes, iG i Mr-h Spelling. Reading, Wriling, ‘ Needle woi I.. Io | Onlx Spelling and Reading r> j French, (Jermau, Italian lattguagosj • •rawing and Painting, three Jes J sons a week, each. to * \ oeai .Music and Piano I ovte. 2■» ! Pn< h scholar will furnish a load of V.m> ; |or Ihe winter c-- . r» onlv, | nr I j For pnprr, Si, ^ti'.i’s aft , tv. |„k n»!:t >|„'e or separat'd'. 2 j | ° * * mo olhee e.xpi us<- c\i epl 11 ku- *-•. j 'I he next session of tiiis Aouhmx | will (omnicii'c t!i;: t i o. September | next ; relcrence 1o t'r: aaov» nniuru I gentlemen examiners, or to any othot j gentleman in Staunton Aug. .Vi, *2 .— 4 _Z_ _ _ I{ i i A N k o •j v-p un:s kinds tor sgilc a; "ir ottiec. i j