Newspaper Page Text
SOME PRINT RATHER FAINT DAILY 6 RECOM COXTIXUATIOX OJF THE PITHOLK BAILT lECOJU.) IWBUHIM11M umiwiwww VOL. II NO. 36 PETROLEUM CENTRE, FA., SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 2, 13 25 CTS. WEEKLY i THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays except. ) LONG WELL FLUMMER, Proprietor. rr year iiayebl. In advance, is oo 1 cr uioutn, " l-HICE-LIST OF ADVEKTWINa. (Trn lines of nonpareil rak ons square.) "Ma. Insertion!. I '! ft i col. fine dsy. Two davs. I hree oeyB, Fhi dsya, S-lv dxv-e. I T- I K 1 St Sn hi uu. 81 ti i lU W 8 sn T on 8 00 I SO 14 ; oo 80 UO 40 cm M 00 SO 110 luo no I I isi t UU t CO t SO It DO S IS) 8 SO 8 !W 4 1)11 1 BO 8 00 10 DO SS S St: j n mek, !i Two weeks, 3 'I bree weeks, i (me month. 4 a 0 (H 7 oW 10 flu 11 ) Two iiiniHH. Three montne, U months. Mm- months, llii' year, lfl in) li w: is do 14 Oil is wr it iw 21 01 T IKI 30 (K) 88 00 45 110 IT 01 ! 48 Ul CO mi Special notices 20 uti per Una. each loeertlos. Advertisements payable quartee.; lu advance IIUS1NESS CARDS. J O. 1SL1.IOTT,, ATTOBSiKY-AT-LAW, AND NOTART PUBLIC, PBTKOLECM CENTRE, 1A. BsslaesslntheCinjrteal Franklin promptly at tended to. he. alalral. W sahlneitnnrit. oct 2-lf. T.ti. VMHIkTleS, M. D fllYMWAN AND SCHOKON; e1ce opposlts thaMcKlnuey Uoiim, 1'lcasnaCtllle, Pa. Psrsope from distance will g-iierally find Mm " 14 bit UIUiai ou Saturday from 1G a. av, lo i) p.m. Cel. J. B. HllOWN J.J. ItleCASMN, Diftlon In OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES. Ac, VLEA9ANTVILLE, PA. jaWtt UUMIAH IH, , ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS A? I-AW, Ome Tllsh Etratt, franlilra, and Ptrolirm ftn tra, P. Mal-tl. I W. 'I'. OIIAIIAm, II i ATTORNEY A COUNiSSLOR AT-LAW, V W'Offlca MtCUatack Banaa, Piitrnleura Centra, in;2o-tf. f ra. ALIIEUT . HAVEK, ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE -In tha Brick Hank Bidldlne, corrsr of Washington sad Mtn 8truii.a, PETROLEUM CBNTHE, PEMX'A. Slav Iff, IRrtS. If. V. MeAI.PI.M:, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Bcrnr'a now Pulldlei:, coiner of Vah lai;tou aiwl Secoini .u., l'etrjiemu Centre. Pa mntlO if. K vsLtoN. n a van vgLson WILSON V VAN VEI.MtIS, G AUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, FriCF.a,-Mcrcantlte Bnlldiiif. Oil City Pa., and wlthOwaion A bowiMn; l'e.rolcuiu Centre, Pa. JulytMta if. O. Jarvis. Dealer In CAWNET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HANI). KJSa GLASSES In res' vnri.-U. Looking "lat Hia'ji. nplacd lu old Frames. Picture i iaiiM'N made to order. iarpets, mi Cloths, WaM rapi'r, Window Shades, A FINK BTlK'tt. VNUfiUTAKIXU, 0FFINS of nil ilzes on hand aud ti imined to order osnUott notice. W?H, GLASS MD EDORS. """"W Also, Pr,rrr, Vttdrt. Si:.l,.. i,-. HOTELS. QHASE IIOUSE, B. 1)RAPR, Proprietor, PI.EAANTVILEE, Dcclo am. acCEINTOCav UOl'SE, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. This pnpnlai ITotcl, tluatoil Corner of Alain 4c Wnnhliinteii-Sta., i Near the Da io has bcin refitted nnd furnished ihruilehnnt. and the proprietor will spire uu ,u.s to inaku it ft FIRST-CLASS HOUSE.. oc'9 tf W. II. OA RLE. Proprietor. jENniAi. lion:, fKTROLKCM CKNTIiE, PA., Near Oil C'rtf Alloliny ISIvm UaMvf.iy Depot. ituvlO If. O. J. CKOSX, Prnpriptor. Wu'iiiifl.'n urea, I'clrnlmni Crutro, Pii. COI.E OltlfflN. . . rrnprlctoro. Thin IIoiiko U ciiitrlly locnti, unjtho pnnd hfAiliiiftriHrH ul oil mini. Pctrohmm lntri). I'u.. Mir l, lftdS if. Washington Str'?t. Pctriili-iim Contrc, Pa. d. k citocKEii msP-it. tiond nrcrrunioiltlot Tor traraient fiilnmerJ. Dkv bo.ird ami. nmird with room on renaomthti1 .terms. The p i;uirtiir nl i spine uo paint- to miike III iiohhc iii'incuve kj .'ileia. nm-n t 5EKI:Ai IIOl'Lt PETKOl.ECM CENTKE, PA. J. P.. BAItMlS, l'voprictor. Thia Flnne in In a tileiant lncn!ity. ami tnt a nhort walk bum iNe I). .nil 'riivromn ai-e lurje and cotiil'irin lu, mill tliu tublo aiippiifU with the di-ncucl'-9 of the 5eii9iin. Jit-jO-tf. 3. U. HAUNTS.. ET!8 0 Ii 15 1! 51 19 4&US25, OIL. CITY, PA. nnvlncr recently tiKeii iw.i-riion of Uie above li'ia.e, wevSnlld most respeett'iiily infunu tlio tvaT alinu .nblic Hint we p opo-e to "kuepa Motel," nnd to convince them of the fjit, wc invito all who wieh the coinftiria oi a home, to call fua lis. It will be fju:id Tbe Hotel ul tile Oi! ICixiont. Our Kivnpi itonai is ""1 i'Mcd v.dth tho eho'emt WineH, l.i u;ii .ui 1 ultrui-rf, a- d "iir t:illo will ho f,u:id Uden with Oiu very henl thn tesiket Hff ,r,ls Tt'f-re Is ciiuiiei-ti d with the vi.iuh four first ciasa IlllUnrl Table. A-'o, B r'i r Mion and iiiti, llooma lli' e u a c dl, r.l i ivii'lnti )ouraeiva o." the truth:uluis i f , m a.-enb.n. rut hi. i; .v. sfaats. o-l9 If J ATikk S .. Wlti Tl.. Jlt,l.KI.I HUtJSi:. ;MI,KP. V.MtM STATION, JfiJI lte. ii...-'ivi l t:ii: norsE and FnixnruE ;;-ew. . TV I'. -', - I'lOpricUt. Jllllt 'f. nurniwwHMMMur.euxjrurJ.wawee, ,ui MilU.'Ul II).AI, Wfi'.l.! mii,i.i:i; rAKM, PA. JOHN R. Rt'WU, Prop'r. Good acen'.nmo'i-'iiioiis f.,r tmn.iei t ca.-tnninr?. Pay Hoard and ll'iurd with loom on i-imhoiioI.Ii1 terms. The proprietor will eparu uu pulu to make his House aitrifttvc lo piee s. June-.' tf D NIOiN tiortib. n.E.SANTVII.l.K, PA - This Mo'iw lisvluc r cent! j- been en!nritil nnd rn fnriiilii'd, I :im now prep'irea lu accouuuodaio two lllliidred irui'ts eolillurlMtiiy. ritnyra h nve this houe ihree times a dny for Ti tu.viue There ie uii-o a line ol Stiiirei to Kithol. Jii8-lf THOS. McKI.NNKV. Prop'r. O. F. SCIIOAHIiO.lI, Projirletor of Hit Buffalo Bakery. Under In i holi-e Flour, IhiltiT, Fi.'; anil I'heise. Also, ehoieo Oroeeries, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ciders left will be promptly ntt'it'i-d In sn OoisJ. delivered. Poeloillee Uox lit 3 ii.jr.O. (i:oisi;i & uov., MAN'UKACTUKERS OF FHiST-CLASS lIA.'0 F0IITB5S, jAii;srro , is', v. Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. I'cuk'o, Haturlar, Jo?-. 3. WearliiaThe Hair. Attention lnia lately Iwn iliawn lo the proof of tlio nekleneas nf ilio (iodilem Fash ion, which lms linen ufl'ord by Udii's' hair ft whs ri'umrki'i! that iio yellow Saxon tr"M'a wpri! r.t one linn n 'ng everywhere thrust otvl nf exletenco I tim l.i-wns Hntl blacks of the Ni'ivni:in t;;n'.- but us an at Kmi'hiiii; Haxon ruuetion hori I'y iifti'nvanl-i si-t 1n,ioL'It'ty snilik'tily clittered with goltlen locks, Scati:ely hail wo Wentim acciutom- fil in this niPtumorn'iintiU Inrfore the reaction wa followed hy another. Cfelilen hair was to be so lunger the lasliioi; notliin? would aiifvMT but the sutnbre cuat ni ol'the lirn-n- tln. Tb latist eliauge, honevor, In the ever-Varylni iimde, and wt Tinttire to hope it may ln mote permanent than the pre. eedinp one, In let the iMnrnl bite alone. It ii somewhat eiii(;u!ar tbt only one great nation ever left th'! hnlr ii the natural state --the Greeks, the inoft uremic of all. They tliat the level; covering of tVie heat whs given for artistic handling alone -the volute of the stub ly hnuan capital, the crown to the faireilifico nfbvmtv. Turkey has ruiini uu ak!i8t and advo cate in a London paper,- SB Evening Post, That journal is iucensedut the idea of an unlazonism snhs'stin"; at nis time between the Cross and Crewent ani is (jiiite surprif ed that thi) Knglish sy.npilhies "are by no means strung or as geneous towards the Tur!j as tbey ate Inward tie Christian." In this country we have a few fiewspapeit whicti nic iiially enerci A in belmll'of the pur IiiUlin. and who irink it exceedingly i.f ii Ihnt he is not allured to stampede Ciitile nml ta'ies nil seal) I. n peace. U tulles all 8rla of people to tunkt up a world. UrFl'AI.O AK THIS KAII.ItOAD. On and nfier Momiu, :3rd. IsS, Ptt--.eiiT 1'ittiie- Mill run on r.i mud aa follows.- LK.Wtt tiro: nii ij east. ;' !:4 iiPfe;Veii.L5,x k rrp.'x, i.rriviiii' hi ni'iirii sr 'I ir a. m. kk A. M., m:w vol KXi'iti;ss, stop. J 0:55 ciliit hi "iVedilleld. IriMeu. liiiiikirk. Nil- veir:eivi and Aiik-i), arriving in XlufTulo at P. M. ,,; p. cr. iNX.rf kxpkkss, .i,ir. t '3 leiic M N-iliessT, Wellii'ld. Il'oftoo, Iti-.iikirli and iierre, and anivos at I'.uDhIo at ln.4S P. f. t,t A l . MAIL AND . .WOMMdUA. ". ION. itiu p'ou at uiKtaietaKarilviugat lluft ilo st l.-j A t. I'AV KX'HESH. stopplo" at Vortlwat. Illpbiv, V.'esifle'.d, Dunkirk, Silv.ircro.-k aiiJ Ariols, sviiving at bai rn:., hi l.uo p. M. t,t:Avt-: MirrLe HON i wrs-r. f .:'! "I I'. M., DAY KVI'ie.SS 'i.ipplnx at An-u.-0ttwt ro'a. silvi'iriivi. Ibtnkirk. lvoi-tun, Vi e-itb' J siid ,.rt least, aniving utKrie st 3.W 1. ."I. ...! M. MAIL ATI! ACCOMMOI fc..tVi TION.sto;i iiu at .11 .tr.thius, arriviii M Krii, T ...'n 1. V C'TJD A M.. Til.t:!' KJl'KKf. snopbtffst ad vtaUutis. in 1 a iri In;,' ot K.iu Iu,-.'o i.ift ,iK n, Aiiu'uhi, ("vemvek, I'triil.lrK. Itl'iielon. Wst!leld mil Norttiejitl, arrlv- Iti!! nt Ktie hM 'i. A.M. Ii'ffh A. M., NtuMT KX1HKSS. s:o,lnj at "s' Mlveretwn, Ainkirkaii.l Weu.elii, ar rltini; ul Kr. 'at 4. 1 A. M. ltallroad time lo ni!init. r i"r thin K t!iue K N HRilWX, tien" I'tlpt- J0HN ffl. DAVIE5 & COT., DRUGGISTS ! EISiELI8 E LOCK. CENTR2-ST., OU, CITV, lA. I Wheleailr Acr-nts fur Dr. loon's Elecnic fja.. Rcttcwcr aud Ur. i.tim'i IuI'his Komedy. mi tf. A. I. CIIKIM'V, U. S, DRUG STORE Cor. Firil A. Holintleri St, mnvw.K .htv. pa iwyifctr. lwaW,IHlH im l III ITI-l Wlmlemle ami l!e:ll Healers in GROCERES&PflOVISlGNS ('ROCKERY. tiijAxs nnti B-ii'orJr: ware, 1VO. .'JO MAI. STREET, Oil. CITV, l-t. nM-tf. ev. i,mww.w.-,iiwwil" mnltmn KM WW i S1 oLIDiid .Tee rv. liiir's' Sni-. ear 1'r.ia'i Plrs t-l m .e lluiioin. imui b -j T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the ien tra I House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA, riifltt bust s-oc! of TiniVINO AXfl SADDLE J. IIOi':St.S ou tha Crnelc, aro to be found at M DonaJrt's JLlvery. CARRIAGES CUTTERS TO BE LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FC & BOAKDED on lteaoaa!)lo Tnr.s. Teamli?2 of all Kinds at- .tended to Promptly. ry Olva me a MM. T. M'OONAI. . Petroleum Cen'ra, Not. It, !. STEW iiOOIJi ! nVU003S! I ST UECEIVED at tha Store of Kenneday & a choice stock of selected GROCEHIE S, Coii!t'us of Ten. CnfTf . ?irnj, ji'.tln nd Fan. OYSTERS, BUTTER. EGGS, CHEESE. Also, dealers In ronfecf.ksrr, Traits, nnd choice omuls or 1 uhAini ano uiuau. t aM sou ex. amine our stock st ilia Store lately occi.lotl by j. JIH lcr' Je-ely Slcrn, KKNKDtV 4r SAGE. Petr-jleam Cintre, S-ept 31. :HS -tf. iMsn c:i5 & Mm is is, GENERAL SViAGHIMISTS, and Penlers in all kinds of rE2;iiTooii!3i & rix?Ti iiEs Neri'SHHrv for pnttlti;! dowa and Apertttlra; Oil H1s. in eontieetlua with irar MACHINE BllOP, ivs'hiiToa liirun uuil eouveniuui r.LACicrMiTii fftop. Otr r.-.1title for V!ANrfAnitH'NG are net ex rbeil hi any Shop In tlio oil lienors. Sk9Maln-st,appeUi Jo.6Vin(ocfc Bouse. raw if FISI'EIl & NORKIS. KSTABL,I3HKI, A !., 1850- OII15AT COMTJINEll TALES 1 Dr. R. .1. KI-.Y NOI.H-. proprietor. W. LISI'liSARD. M. D.. Coneililnp l'h,li-lrtn nnd fcoireeuti. Uochester, N. Y rmnolfiirv. Noelllriuil Kmiriolis. or ielf AhtlrO. Dl utliol Kni'Vions. Fenia'o Complaints, in short, c rv rsift'blu form end variety of Sexual Dlf,s. ' Dr. itiyr.olds' Patent French Ski'o la warranted a snf and tire orrTeative aa'ust dlscasa. Price $1, Jrtlirivl'orJ-! Dr. llevnoliis- erest worl:. "THK PltlVATK Mt!DIC.Vl,t:riDK." bea-Oifully illustrated, wltn nerlv .oO pa(s. Price Til cents. Dr. it. enn b si:reesfullv eonsiibpil on nil dis easaswl ll which die hiln.nb f.inlily is alllictod, with cures witi-i-anted ill nil ouinliiH enscs. No letters will be answered unlo-is they contain a remittsne of onndollsr. -Mimi'vniiou fos. Confrtil- -h.n ul the oftlce free ii'ielir . f nnsiibine otllre aed d;r m tRooms, corner of Mill and Market nm-ta. up siirs Periods culling will see no one Inn tho dorior. Tha shov coticen trstlon of medic ll talent ensures tlia sick a scien tific and Improved eou;o of ticntment sau a. rapid and pernitinont cure. w, lirl Allldttarsaitdres'ed to Dr. E. ,f. RIA ISOLDS, R.n h:,4ti.r. N. Y.. will meet with prompt Oltetttlor. All cures warranted, (iflico lioiirs from 1 A V. bi 1 P. M. mchl4 lv. I'lenao mnte "it hero you saw uiy Rflveriieemcnt. L j , I r-B--. BW11IIWIIIP l I Will. I. u:o. ii. H.-i:Lii k co. IE5 -A. IN" T3Z 33 IEI 3 , rE'reiOI,EI'.U I'KNTKK, t JV- (!eorir II. P'sscll, Jiin"S A. VTlluiimson Junes Ibshop, M. C. Martin. V7e offer our service, for tho tnidnciion' f.f a fl M, HWKINfi, tXCIIANlii! and IMI. LltlTKIV rtl'KlKKrS . ... A.rv biieiness eninis:edto oar care will tensive, prompt sttenlien. 'Ul'f''-f, -v m.--4;,--. A,,, Ks this la the only offlre In JtS -.rttift$ the el t where a permanent '?ff?WWX? rr r'' of ptlvste di'es-,s cmi -" J iA'?' he had without the lti of 'iVtt-'miL ineri'tii'v or ehninio of diet. SlwfcVl!?i--' w K'laraweo to cure Con .iiWSr'tiaC!i:' ovrl'.O'll. (Peet, Svnllilis MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. r IJ!1 f -.TKHtm'-?iHKsri ITS. rii;iwiiiB nr.) cS Agent for Oeorjl A Tirown, Jatnestowa, K. T. X . E . SKINNER, Dealer In PIANCS, ORGANS, MEI,DDECRS,- AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of eeery descrlpUon. PIANO STOOLS, 9PREATO Ac, Ac. Centre-St., 01 C CITI, Pa. Oil City, Bnpt. 14. 18M.-II. CUA.M3 &, T1IACKER, 134 .nalden Lanr, N. T. i'OJLHISSION Mtnl'lllNTS, are now prepared to raaeiva on Commission eel make Liberal Advance, to Kelnsrs and Coalers hi both Crude and Reined Oil. OIL VITRIOX... C It A . B, T II AC K E R A Co. , PETK0LEI7M HXTKE, PA , Keep on hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE i WHITE FAINT,. CAUSTIC. SODA nnd GLUE. Are prepared to make liberal dlseennt to Reanera for CASH, and will net be undersold la auy nf tit above nrttclee. Jonel3 It CrtANT! THACKT? CO. F. .1. ISAvYYY & t(., fFota.eily & Marpsy ' MACHINE aBOiLER SHOP WAS'HIXGTO.V ST., TKOJLEOI CETUE PE Pa. BOiL,ER3 AND EVG1XE3 RErAIRED" AT SHORT NOTICE; All kinds of Mnehtie Work done promptly and wan-ant', i to Mva atiff:iet4oa. aii 0-tf. F. ,T. HANTCA ft fJt. B rrrAi.o, roitRY & pittsbuu'jv. RAILROAD TIME TARLE. Taksa effac; Monda"-. Novemner 2;'d, lra. NonTHWAKD. Aeeommodttion loaves Cony 3..T) mi Clymor 4. A ; Prnntn, 4.10; t-henian 4,2ft; Hunimlt o,ao 1 r-m : Mavrllle ft.rso arriving st rtroetnn 7. no p. rn .. Express train leave. Curry !i,Cu i. a'; Clymer B W ' Panaii a ln.lo ; Shermnn lU.fl'i; enin.-nli. 10.40; Slay vlllell.lo, sivi arrives at Hroctou IV, 0 m. Vail l'ltviM Cnrry, p. m., stopping at all sta tions, striving at B.netoti tJSK r a SofTUWAItO. ?Iall trflbt eiTe HriH'ten at P.oo a w..atoppln;st Ml slfttiori. aniivs at Corry at M.'jfi r. a. F..ipi as leaves ItroePm at 2.8s p. SInyvllle ;,; Si iirman 4 Sio ; Panama 4,2b t : C'ymer 4.. . and arriving at Corry at n.o r . Aeeoniodation leavos P.rocton .oo . ., Mar villa H.l(i,'tnniinitH.4n, Rhcrm.w P.M. Panama U,30j . Clymer V,il, arrivlin: st li.irry at.ln,lo r. n: COXSKCTIOKS. rssss'-cers leave Buffalo on tbo Toledo Express -or liav Exp.e's. enn.e-c'lne; at Brocton with tralna for Mav lle. t-hermsn. Panama. Clymer and Com-, -conneiTtins: at Corrv with trains on the Oil Creek J. It. for Tiiuevi.'e, Mi'ler, Pioneer and 1'el Centia, (.11 City aod Piit'bu eh. Al-o, connpriie; at Cnerr with traios on tbaPMt adeliihia 4 Krle lluid. for I'hllartnlnlda and llarrl btiri:; ati.l on the Ailantie ari Oroit western Itnll way for t'nion, Mindvllla, OreatiTllle, Pn., and ' Warren, filno. and Je mivtosrn and ftand.-lpti.N.Y. Trains lesvlnc tdl Ciiy st d.15 a. m.. Corrv as P.aoa. m., oiniecHi.-st rtroclou M-ithtriMn on B At ' E. It. K.. arriving tr. rtuffhlo at ?.1o p m. Train. ln.Tlnit Oil Cliy at 0.83 a in will Sonaset with Mail Train leavim: Corry at 1.IA p. ra-, eon nectlne with Kxpres Erst on B. E K. K., arriv. in HiifTs'o at K.m p. in. Leaving H'lffil" at 4,an ' p. m , arri im; al Coiry at p. ni- Also, eni.ert at 31sylt!e with Btrambosts on Ctautainm lal-eidiinrixseason ot navlfatioe, f,r . uimwton-n ud bandulh A. R TEW. Pan,., Jsnl. Mayvlilo, N. Y. O. lly A IMJholn RrnHcli R H TI H h TABLE On and anw Monlsr, ,1nlv aatll fnrsbee . notice, irsms will arrlv and depart froai Pilhuleas -follows . HUPAilT. 8.00 a m, Conno, tins at Obslls rtii tratna ' on the Oil Cie-k A Alleilieev Hlvor Eailwav fur Irvineion.Tirtiou'.u, OH C4rj', Coiry, uafi ilnta K il and Wrxt. B,8l p in, Connertln" st Pithola with States - from Vlewintvtlle, Khamhcrt; aud Will-r1 Faim, . and at olaopolls with traina i n till (Yeet . V) Allejiieny Wivor Hsllwsy, for Oil city, Irvina- ton, Crry, and toiit K.pi .nd VTset A bit :. VE lO. ttl n rr". eonninbie at 0!e,'t wrlV Tratna on mo i hi i ii-.a c aue (lieny rtivar Hrwy trom ivdni Knst nnd w eet, and at Pilhoia v'tb etayoa - i.,r i ciien in . 1 1 le, cniinmiiie unit sinier i aim-4.-tt pti, cinnrfl'lni si IK-po'ls with Trains mi tlie. Oil Creric & Ale-trl.jSv b'tibi' Iln'lvi-i.y fiuia . hl citi. Crrj, iKS.ieteu, Tldiotiln, and poluw - East imd Woet W. 7. H,1rNStttf. Kiuserrithdent. srteieiii.Mimieiei-i-M iw.i miMwmmmmamnMammmn ' r.He1 T jrow.ifl tf Cr,' ? H. BnrHe't, TUnnwt ; '1 '. -WiwoaiV- and Material Watch Co'a AK4tb-l ;s. can he hud at IKIIASI Al -tv 'K, " - k -(,-rn )i nrrr n i 1 n tii , ir r i i.mi i nn p mm. ew. la WAtit.2't'0.Hr.J !"V the l: H'ourd .mei;-n,l V lh; t'e hot ei 'f IMUV A CO- 'f't-is. isi:.i '(ivr.ii.if lis r,'i ,"f.iJii.: V. Attn I Mail 'I j .5Ti:Ss. -;:7--v:' in it. . rf. I 1 ni-tnai In the oil renin j ;;. I., li ! 'i Mmy .-v