Newspaper Page Text
r f r CORD iCOHTlSVA-TWH Or TUB flTUOLJS DAILY RECORD.) T VOL II. -NO 3T PETROLEUM CENTRE, FA., MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 4, 1668. 25 CTS. WEEKLY v ' EST WiPWJfflW f . . i 'i THE PETrJLLUJt CENTRE DAII-Y JECORP. PUBI'SHED EVERT EVENING, f (Sundays nxcepted. ) LONpVELL &, PLUMMER, PropriBlora V, C. PEITJIMEH, Editor. fur year payable lu advoncs, Tor mouth, t8 00 V HitlCK'MST OF A DVEMTISINO. ' (Ten linen f Bonpnirll in:ike one square ) fiO. Insertion V. SO,. Hl CM 1 1 i 50 a i-1 r" 1 RC Oil 9 50' B 5" 1 on 50 8 1 " 4 5.", 3 mi It SB l 51 KM (P 8 50 61 (XI 1 IX 14 l! li IK. 8 BO 10 (XV 18 (XI 7 im lo oo! li mi 9ii on 10 ID' 11 bus 15 00 Ml ll 14 ( In Ml H ll 40 (111 SI (H 17 (0 80 (W SO Oil 27 ( 86 (Ml 4 00 Hi) "10 hi mj 4s on' w ou urn no lle day. Two (lily. 'I hrcc uy: yonr days, t ive days, I ine week. Two wwk - , '1 bree weeks, One month. Two mntitbe. Three months, MX minima. Mik months, ' one year, ' ("pedal notices tO cent! prr lino, each InnTtlOD. AHrHHiouU yUlo qunrtrny in udvanc BUSINESS CAKDS. Ju. t: or r, ATTOUSEY-ATilAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, ' " ' . . PETHOLKUM CENTRK, IA. flMlnem In the Cutirt at FnniVlIn promptlj t tcllditl to. . . . . . n i (Ki-ICE-In BiMell Co' BneU Bunk lliiljd 1ne, up kkIikIi W nhlrton tit. op' 'I', li. CliKISTIK, M. U. PHYSICIAN AND 8ITHORON: omro oppolt tlm McKlnney House, rieawiutYUie, ru. Pcrsonn from a distnnt will genernlly And him at hi Oracoon Saturonjr mm to a. m., urn p.m. Col. J. B. IIHOU N J.J.JIcl)A8I.IN Dialers In OIL LANDS,, LEASES, ENGINES. I ri.EASANTVH-LE, J"A. JllWtt ItUMlAM & S.U11 H, i ATTORNEYS 4C0UNSEL0US-AT LAW Ouloo Dleh Straot, Franklin, and PotroUnm On- W. T. (iHAHA.ll, ATTORNEY, COUNSBLOR AT-LAW, Office MtCtlatack House, Petroleum Centre, no'lo-tr. Ps. ALIIKUT HAVUIt, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE -Id the Hrtck Bank Bnildliu:, corilor of V asutngton aaa jxuin oireeis, i PETItObEFM PKNTKE, PKNN'A. May IB, 18B8. tf. . V. meALPINE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Berry's cw Building, coiner of Vah luiitou and Uecoud sis., Petroleum Cenlie, Pa. inayll) ir. a. r. nj!on. a s van velob AV1LSON VAN RAITGF.rt3 AND INSPECTORS OF ; ' CRUD1J PETROLEUM, OFFICKS. Merenntile Ditlldini, Oil City Pa., nnd wilh Oweton .t Sowers; Peiroleuiu Centre, I o. July 85th, 18 8 if. J H : ' O ; J a r v i , ' Dealer In ' CABINET FURNITURE I A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALW AYS ON . . ... HANI). L00KINO CLASHES In ere variety. Leukine (llus Plates replaeed in old Frame. Picture Frames mads tu order Carpets Ml Cloths, Wall i'aper, itulow Siiailrs, ' . , A FINK STOCK. VlVUEUI'AKIiYM, COFFINS of all sizes on-hand and trimmed to order on 6hort notice. SASH. GLASS AND BOOHS. H all UtM., Also, Putly, Vurul'h, Stain, Ac. N. 104 WAIIINUTN-T. fetroleum Celrer, flk , July '.'4, HOTELS. qiiask noisi:, 6. IHI APE IE, Proprietor, l'I.EASANT II.I-C', DeclS 3m. 'i:?;n'a. petholkim centue, pa. This populat Iloli'l, ltuatod Corner ol Alain A; Wattulngten-SK., Near ihe Ilein1, has been refltti-d and fir-ii;l "l lliruuulimit, and the proprietor ivill spare rw pains lo make ll a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, oris tf W. II. GABLE. Proprietor. 1KNTJCAI, ;i(91.ti:, rKTKOLKCM TEN'TIIK, PA., ZiZ Xeor Oil Creek 4 Alk:;lii)iiy lilvui Kailwny Depot. itnvio tr. (' '. CUOSS, IVnprictor. OCUIIMJiJt ikh.!:, WoshlnstnB fiott, pftrDlt'iim Ci-utro, Pa. COI.K & GIUFPIN. . . Proprietor. Thl lliue l rt'iitmlly ltKytiJ, aildtlie'rnl hrnaqnurlrn i.f nil m';n. I'drol'iuul i.ntfw. ru.. .wy r.i. im n. Washington Street, Petroleum Centre, pa. D. E. CltOCKEIl morn. Good fli'coKHiiodationn for trnns'eiit eiMtinner-. Day Iwtinl and l'.:trd with roonii on rtftiHuiialtle lorni. The p.'nprieteff will ?paro no pains to make hid holts'' atlraetive to irltests. nril-lf A HIIJKICA-N HOVM PETROLEUM CENTP.E, PA. ' J. R. DAIISKS, - - Proprietor. Tbii ftoue Is in a pleasant locality, nvd hn a short alk from tiie l, pot The room' uie litruu and fomforia le, and tho tnble supplied with the delicacies of tho tloabull. ju-jo-tr- J. R. tuPXF.s.. Oil ' CITY, I'A. naylng rceeutly taken potfsotMiion of thi! above Hmhsc, we would most respeetfully info:m the trav eluij; pntillc ftmt we proixie to "keep a Huiel,'' aod to coiiviiiee treim of the fact, wo invite all who wish the ruinrurts ol a homo, to call upon us. ll wl'l be found Ttie Hotel of the Oil Kcgiotis. Our (Sample Hooni i supplied with the choicest Wiiios, Liquors and Cigars, and our table will ho found laden with the very bent the market affords. There 1 connected with the House four fust class Billiard Tahle.Jt Also, llnrh r Sliop and Hath Boom. Cive us a c'll, and convince ouie'lves of the truthtulnets of our aurterlioll. t'FIAKI.rsj W. SI" A ATS, oct9 tr jAjia:s u. j'i's-.. MiLLEIJ FAHM STATION, On Oil Creek Pailroad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. C. W. TWIST. - Propiietor. IniiM-tf. I NTi:ltJA'A'lNAl, liOTKI., JULLEU FAKM, PA. JOHN E. HOWE, - - Prop r. (lord accommodations for transient oustomers Day Board and Hoard with rooms 011 riioinil.le terms. The proprietor will spare no palm 10 make his Home attractive to guesis. June'l tf T"NtON IIOTCL., PI.EASANTV1LI.E, PA Tnis fliiuse liaviiu; recently been enlarged and rc funiislH'd, I am now prepared to aecomiuodatu two hundred irllesls eienlorlalily. . , "Ntiw leave this house ihreo times a day lor Ll tnsvllio There is also a line or Staires to I'ilhole. jiis.if THUS. MclilNNIiV. Prop'r. '. O. F. SCIIOJVBIiOM, Projiriotor of tile Buffalo Bakery. Dealer in eho'ce Flour, P.utter, Eggs and 'Cheese. SO,ehouo .series. r Also. Petroleum Centre, Pa. Orders left will be promptly sttevded to, en Coods delivered. Pnslolllee Box ;i(03. lnyiD- (SEOKGl & I3ISOXV., MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST-CLASS PIANO FOSiTES, JAolESTOtVN, N. Y. ,Vsroroom-4 1 Main Snea Facteiy-Brooklyn Block, f,H.i of Vain St. nni ..If. Petroleum Centre Daily Record- Pet. Centre, .Honda)-, Jan. 4. Tub New York BoarJ ol Kxciso bnve just nnaksi" or the vari ous kinds of liquors soNl nt rnrioin saloons in the city ns "Bourbon"' whisky, and the result is published foe the benelit of those v.iiom it may concern. Out of thirty-eight specimens subject to test, only two were round pure. The ingredien a of which most of this "line old whisky" is composed is "9 follows: I-'usil oil. rancid '. mp oi'l, yt'i O'i tea. prtissic ncid. winter gre 'it nnd strych nine. , The conimoditieR ioh1 as brandy and gin, were found to be mmle up of compound eipmlly vile. What is trim of New York vhiky may be taken to bo trim of the pen- em! Hew of whisky of the on. ire country. A citizen of I'rtlai:d, Maine, thinks the world iR to be visited by (i second delude He is accordingly converting bis entire iroperiy C-U.flOO into an arte. The boat will be fifty tent lona, fifteen leet wide, flat bottomed. Sipiare sterned, round bows, with a house just aft nf midship. The proprle. tor is planning and buIUliii.s tlio affair him. s. lf He does not intend to launch it but will simply store it with provision, and and will proceed to keep house in it. prepared, at any time, for the rising of the water?. The it)telli(elice that Lopez has promised io accord full satisfaction, to tho United States Cor the wrongs ho has inllicled upon American citizens argues well for Paraguay. There reon.s to be no doubt that tho co--test has wearied the "triple alliance." The people of Brn7.ii, Uriianay. and the Argen tine Kepnlilio are clumoriuit for immediate neace. lVrhaus a prompt settlement of the lill'ereneeg between the Dictator and the Unili d States Government will lead to a speedy settlement ol the differences between the Paramiaya-" nud their opponents. Cincinnati is nrepiirins: to expand hy legislative, enactment. The Legislature is 10 bo uppeuled to in a proposition to take in lot' a Considerable distance ail thai joins the city, whereby it is not doubted Cincinnati will defy comparison lor.some time to Chi- cii20. In other words tho Queen City is 1 ured to tlo a sensible thinj by consolidat ing tho outlying suburbs. There is no as sisting natural gnnvlh except at Lie t.v pen se of hi a It li and reason. General Gatibaldi hs written a letter formally declioing the commission in the Greek army, which bail been tendered him bv th Grecian government, in view ef a threatened war. A London dispulch states that the owner ot the Kui'lish V '.elil ( anii iia. ileclines (lie rac'n'' challi nire sf Mr. Uenre'.t.of the New Voile Yacht Club, to race wilh the Daunt less, as the hitler is of much heavier to age ILau the Canuuia. A movement favorable to the annexation of "ula to Mexico, is said to be in progress in Mexico, and lueelinits are reporied to have been held at various points, favoring the project. JOHN M. DAV1ES L CO., DEUGGISTS ! BISSELI5 BLOCK. CENTRE-ST., OIL. CITY, PA. Wlioles'ile Aaents fer Dr. Lean's Electric rlii.. Pcuewer and Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy. ihS If. A. .1. CIIltlaiTV, U, S, DRUG STORE Cor. Fimt V llolindcu St., PITTfnr.E riTY, PA . myW tf. -7 ! "' " ' ' " ' '17""" TZ'.Tr i NllGE'AlSSU & STK F, Wholesale nnd Rtdail Dealers in GROCERIES PROVISIONS CROCKERY. GLASN and STONE WARE, AO. .1 MAI. STREET, 0l. CITY, PA.' J tf. C' . ill IDik.l.l .liwelrv. I.'idie.-' Sms l'r liine", l'it!. M. ee i.ii'.tuu- at (Ml AM f'o'S T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite tlu1 Central Mouse, PETROL HUM CENTRE PA. rrnn i.ct gimk or mnviNn and satidle JL HuiiSiili on llie.C'raek, are to lie loiuid at M'lionaM's Ijivery. GiBSIASES CUTTERS 73 M LET AT ALL TIMES. IJOI1SKS FED A; ?JOAitEI on Keasonalilo Tm ins. Tcaisitiij; of all kinds at tended to Promptly. t"Glve inca call. T. M DONA1. Petroleum Ccnire, Not. II, 1SU3. 3. uL sSj XEVOOODS! XEAV GOODS t VST RECEIVED at the Store of ResnsejSay & Sage, a choke stock of selected GROCERIES, Consisting of Teas. Coffees. Splem. plala and Fan cy u;iis, t aimed e nuts, OYSTERS, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE Un. ileali'i a in Cni:fe tionarv. Fruits, and choice brands of TOHACCO aud ciUAiia. lau aua ex- nmiue our Bteek at the Store iiitcly oTS5iesi by J. Mil ler? .lewcly Store, i SACK. Petroleum Cenirc. Sept. aj, isits.-tl. FISI3KI2 & XUKUIS, UulMLilril. iiiti't wtill siu I vj and Dealers la all kinds of VVE.L Si TOOLS & FIXTrilES Neressarv f"r petti!:.' dime S'ld epenili"! Oil "eiis. in en ctinu will, machine siiop, we Uuvea laiL'e and eouvrnkut BLACKaiirril SHOP. Our f.ieilit'es for M ANUKAi'ICItiNO areaot ex celled by any i-liop in the Oil ltegiop. Maiii-at.i'jipimUe McCHntoric llouae. 11. vr tf FISIIEU & NOKIilS. ESVABliISIlEW, A. 1850 GKKAT COMBINED TV. EN I Dr. l:. .1. iil.Y M'l.DS. proprietor. W. C. USi'liNA l(l, M. D.. C'ai.'tiiiiiiL' Pinsieian and V,' i: a , i .' sVi Suriieoii Rochester. N. ' VJ Tins is I lie only olllei; In the i-iiy where a permunent Impntenev. Noetinnal kmi-uais. or Sell Abuse, 11 Kmis-ioos, Female Complaiuls, iii sliort, eve rv iios-llde form and variety of Sexual Disease. ' Dr. Hevnolils' I'm.'l.l Krelifh Safe is warranted a safe and siire preventive against disease. Price l, "'I'lr'T'livnole-.' ereat work. "TIIK PlilVATK MKDH'.VLCl'IDK '' besatifiiPy Illustrated, with nearly Hon pane I'i lee :i cents. Dr. H can be se.reessfullv consulted on all dis eases Willi lilch ihe lnnnili family U afflicted, Willi cures warranted in all emalile nines No letters will lie no wcred nii'es they contain s remitlane. of. one dollar, eoini'iottion fee. Conaul ".inn ai the oltleo free of cle 1 C oiisiiliiiej ofllce and Oper -iiHenms. corner or Mill and Market n reels. Mi sirs. Persons calling will see no one hill tile din tor. The above conceu tiaiion of medical talent ensures the sick a seien tillc and improve! eoiuo of tieuimeiit and a rupij and p.'rmanenl euro. u AH l1ivrvldiee'od lo Dr. E. J. DfcANOI.DH, KiK-hosier. N. Y., will nii-ct wltli prompt altentior. All cures warranted. Otfiee hours from 7 A. M. to j , i mclil4 lv. rMenao ulate Vliero j-oti' law my Hiiverlisienietit. CJEO. 11. HiS5F.IsIi & CO., j3 J. X T K E B S 5 PETISOEELW CEM HE, PA, (leorgu H. Blsscll, .Tames A. Wllliamvon James li shop, M. C. Martin. V7e olTer sei'vicea" for the transaction ef a BKNKU.W. liANKINC, liXCUAXtiE and CltL 1 .! 1 "I'll INI lll'INKl3. Auy.bnsines en;, uslod to our care will receive pronit aiientioii. .puiti. plilO DAILY UKCOKD, Is the best advertbinr 1 mrd.uin ill 'V 011 retmn. ' "V--V ? 'T"-,' cure of private dl-elisi a i nn . ''' -' W '- lw bad without the n-n of i4'l-V'' -l. --' mereurv or elwnsa of diet, fci Ji -We Kiniranioe to euro (ion Cvll'K ;vSti- orrhma, lllcot, Syohilis M ISC EL LAN EOUS OIL CITY. urn ?r-irP9 Agent for Oeorgi & Brown, Jamestown, N. Y. N . II. S K I N X E II , Dealer in PIANCS. CSGANS. KELODEflNS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description.. PIANO STOOLS, tPKEAB3 1 ;entro-St., OH, CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. 11, ISii8.-:f. CUAAE &. TIIACKEU, 131 Maiden J, one, N. Y., Wmm HERCDlSTSv are now prepared to rcaelvo on Commission nnrt nuik Liberal Aavnucei to itentiwa una uouir m liolti Criida and Uvtincd Oil. OIL VITBIOL. C51AXE, TIIACKEIl dc Co., PETKOLF.ITM CKJiTRE, PA , Kmi, on hanf) OIL VITRIOL. BLUE & WHITE PAINT," CAirSTlC. SODA and GLl t. Are prepared to niske liberal dlsoount to Keflneni for CASH, and will not be undersold la any of Uie ubove urcicleii. jimei:j tf CRAXR. TflACKEU CO. F. .1. 11A.W A & rForn.erly Hanaa & Matptiy 1 MACHINE &B0ILER SHOP AVAS4I.VGTO.V ST., ' PE-TKOLEl'-lI CEXTKE, Pa. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED n AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Ma bine Work done .ronip:ly and warrtltited to li.o Jiltiefaclion. sK;o if. F. J. HANNA C". , B ITFALO, CORKY PITT8UCUU KAILROAD TIME TABLE! Takes effect Monda". Novemlier 23d, 1808. N'.lBTHffAKll. Accomm- dition leaves Corry S.80 r. ni Clymm. 4, A ; Panama 4,tfi: tsliermau 4.-S; Huuimit 6,00 p. m ; Mavville 6..V1 arriving at Brocton ",00 p. m Express train leaves Corn- !l,3o A. M ; C!ymer9.5 P.,n'i a lo.lo ; Slierman 10.85; nmmii in,6;Msy vi!le11.1". and arrives at Broc.lon lit, 0 - . Mail leaves Corry 1.15 r. M , stopping at all sta tiojs, arriving at liroi ten t..'i;i p. ji HntTltWAlin. Ma'.l train leaves Hroetoti at 9.00 k stopping at Jl stations, arrives at Corry at li?,2i r. M. F.xpiess leaves Uroctonat 8 :14 v. . ; M.lyvllle ; sumiuil 11,4.'.; SI eriaan -t.oo; Pansina 4,95; Clymer and nrriv in.r at Corry at 6.00 P. M. Aeeoin'Modation leaves Brocton T.oo p. si.. May villehe, Suinniit S,4o, Sherman 8.55. l-'auaiaaS.O; Clymer ll,j, arriviiii; at Corry at ln,lo T. . CONXni.TIONS. Pe.sseiir.nrs lea.o r.uff iio on Ihe Toledo Express or Day Espies, eon., -cling at Brocton Willi trains for Maw lie. Sherman, Panama. Clymer and Corrv, eonn.e:iiit: at Currv wiili traius on the Oil Creek It. It lor Mi'ler, I'ioneoi and l et. Cenue. Oil City and;h Also", euunivciine at Corry wilh trnms on the Phil adelphia 4 Eiie liuad. for I'liiludeloliia arid llarri liwre: an.i mi tho iliiiitie and Creit. Western Kiiil way for r'nlon. IWadvPie, i.retiiville, I'a., and Warren, (1I110. and inmesimvn aud Hunil'Ipti.N. Y.. Trains leai iinr idl ci'y si ti.15 a. m., Corry a:. 9.?o a. m.. 1-111111011117 ai Brocien withiraiu 011B.&1 E. H. If., arriving in BnlLilo at 0,lo p. ai Trsin leaviiiK oil 'city at tt.a." a m will ennnecs witli .Mail Train leaving lorry at I. lip. ut., con inxiiiij: wtili ICxpi-ess Ea-t on B AK It P., arriv ing in Buffalo at .. p. m. lavii n Buffalo at 4,00 p. 111 . arri. ineat Cony at 1i,lo p. in. Also, c-'l'.i.ei 1 ut Mayviils wilh Steamboats on Cliautn'.i'pft l..-ik-ildiiriit( ceatiB of alligation, f -r ilamesiowu and I.nusiiipn. a. n. 1 iir.ii . upi.. Janl. Slayvllle, N Y. O. Ctiy A Pilliule ISrauch li It T 1 M K T ABLE On asd after Momlnr, July 2"th, aniil nufher uotiee, uums will airivu and depart from Plthclt as follows ; DEPART. 8.00 n in, Coimeet,ni at Oleotiolls with Unins on the Oil Creek dip Allegheny I(jver Kailway (or Ii vini.lon. Tidiouie, Oil City, Cony, and points K-t and w est U.liO p m, Conneeiinsf at Piiholi with Ftai-.s B-i'in Pleiaatvi'le. shsmbura sad pile Fame, sod at olenpt:Ms uiih trains on the Oil Crt-el A: AMolu-i.y l.'iver Kailway, firt-oll City, Ir.intt ton, Corry, and piiit Esat ud W est AltlllVE 10.4't n n:. ennnoraiiig at Oleopolis wirli Trains ou the Oil C1c.l1 AUeglieny lliver Kaitway from in leu East and ll est, aud at Pilhoin with Statss fia Plea.-sint rllle, Sliarnburg and Millet I'mm. 4.40 put, e.oniieuiine at 03t"po'iH wiiil Tralai mi Uie Oil Crsek it Allegheny Kivar Kail .vat tiom Oil City, Corry, Irvlnotun, Tidiouie, end poluri East sod West . . . W. W. BRlWSSSrf, fVftWrJrtttt'.nt. fllHKE. Howard & Co, J-' f. BirHe't, Trrmicmt X. Waicli I'o's. and Nsrional Watch Cos H atch f j, can b had at ISIIAM Ai Cu'S, IJAI.I. "H'H.'14EJ ;l up USTiLjr.Bt 5 it Kte.'i'Kl) i'T-V