Newspaper Page Text
. -1 ' V ; va'IBOLEUAf Cp,x , DAILY RECORD. (COKTISUATIOir Of TUB 1-ITHOLS DAILY RECORD.) l.n I VOL IL NO. 38 TI1K PETROLEUM CENT11E DAILY JRECORD. PUBLISHED EVEUY EVENING, (Sunday) excepted, j LONGWELL t HLUMMER, Proprietors XV, C. Pi.V?MEtt, Editor. Put year payable In advance, I' mouth, f 8 00 flilOK-lilST OF ADVERTISING. (Ten line of aonparetl mak. on. equal-.) No. Insertions One d.y, Two dnyi 'I hrce o.ys, Konr dsjs, Five days, Oat week. Two wrk.. ' are week, On. month. Two luontfa. Three mouths, M 111011(1)., Mne monllis, tji.eyear, 1 m. it sq. a eg. col t 7! 1 lib 1 fit i 0 S 5i 4 fit n K 7 H 10 01 13 IM 27 ( ut Apect.1 notice 20 cent, per line, wh tneertinn. Advertisement, payable quarter, lu advance BUSINESS CARDS. J . KI-l-lOTT, ATTOBNEY-AT-IiAW, AND NOTAUY PUBLIC, PETKOLEUM CKNTRE, PA. Bntlnei In the Court, at Krank'.ln promptly at tended to. UKi-ICE In Blssell ACn'e Brick Bank Pulld lair, up italral, W s.hlrgton-St. oet Wlf. T. U. 4JUUI3TI1:, u.. PHYSICIAN AND BUKPRON; OMc opposite th.McKlnn.y Hon.., PieaMutvtlle, Pa. Perton. num a di.tan( will gvnarallT find him M Ilia OlUco on Baturda; from lu a. ai , to!) p.m. eepMtr Col. J. B. BROWN & J.J. JtleUAoXIN, Diaiara la OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, l'LEASAMVH.LE, PA. UU.MIA.n 4k S.U1 1 M, i ATTOHNEYSJfcCOUNSELOnS AT LAW, CMce Mljjh Street, franklin, and Patrol.nin r.n Ire, Pa. Mayl-tf. V. T. UKAUAJM, ATTORNEY & COUNSKLOR AT-LAW, re HtLUDVocii iiouu. rarrnirnm tenm, AI.BKUT M, 1IAVEK, I SFFICE ! the Brick Hank Bnildlns, corner of , , v anuiiijiau and aula Bireeia, PKTROl.ErM rr.NTRE, PESN'A. May 10, lSfiS tr. v. hicai.pim:, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Berry-. ni"w P.n11dlnr coin.r of tra-th- lotion ana fkcoiiu bid , l cirou-uui iinire, ru. ninylll tX. r. tiuM. a a van vit-OR WILSON VAN Vi:iAll I GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICES. Merenntile'Biilliline. Oil City Pa., and with Ow.ton A otvera; Peuroljiitii t'ciilrf , 1'a. July S!5tli, 18 If. H. O. J arvis, Ueiiler In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. . I-0OKINO OI.AMSES In grea variety. Lookinu Gl.)t4 rlulM rfllni'iul lt M Vrn,,,,. Picture Frume mudo to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Ik.. mm 'i - . - wwr, t muow Mian's ' A FINE 8TOCK. r . I:URUT1VIYI OFFINSofall sizes on haml nml trimmed - to otuur on Buni t notlco. ASH, GLA2S AN3 DOORS. an Al.o, Puttt. Tarnish, Stain, Ac. trjium Ctnura, Pa , July SH.i.w (f. 1UI tlill 4 61) 1 S'l 111 60 1 (ltd W 5U 3 611 (XI 7 KI 3 Ou DM) 8 (Kl s so 4 M H 60 Ml t Nl 14 ' S ON 10 00 1 00 10 Out U Cl !l" HO u 6 n ot mi oo 1.1 00 It l 40 00 97 on' SO ml Co Ot) 86 00 4.S ' J 00 48 ' (XI UD lit) (10 PETROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. QHASE 1IOUSI1, 8. lMlAl'l.Ii, KiisMt!r, ii,EAASTVit.i.r:v llee.., :.nt. IT NX' A. VI J.INl'Ol'K. lilll SM, rETIiOUXM CENTltE, PA. Hill popblal Hotel, Heated Corner or Main dc Waahliigioii-sr,., Near tha Dove!, has been rolltled and furnished thrwtiphout, and tbe proprietor will spar, nu pules to make it a FIRST-CLASS H0H.E. ee-S-tf W. II. OAttLR. Proprietor. PKTKOI.ELM CKTliE, PA., . Z Near Oil Crock A Allegheny Kivei Ruilwny Dppot. rr.ayld tf. O. J. f'ltOH-l, Pinpri'itor. jOCJHEMJ'KIK ilOIL'M:, VTashineton etrect, Pctroloum Centre, Pa. COI.B At OUIFFIN, . . . Proprietors. Thi I!raio l centrally locutcd, and I tie general hendn.rtori uf oil men. Prtrolenin C'onlle. Pa.. .T 19, 18rtS tf. giiiiii.nA iiutsi:, Wnhingtnn Street, Petroleum Centre, Ta. d k. Crocker rnorR. (lood nccnnimoil'itlon. fur tiflimient cii.wtnmer-t. Pay Iwitrl and litmrd with room- on reMoniit)le term. The proprietor will spare no pain, to nnke hi. liollc .ttnictivc to tiH..tH. iul-tf HIKKICAN HOl'lII., PET.'tOl.i-IJa CENTKK, PA. J. R. 1IAHNE3, - Proprietor. 1'lii. Hotie i In a pleasant locality, and hnt a .liort walk from tlie l)eKit Thvrooin a"e luive anoNiinirurta' le, nml tlie table supplied witll tho deiicacie. of the neitMoti. juio tf- J. U. BARNES.. Olli CITY, l'A. FnTlng recently taUiTi posscsRion of the above Ilon.e, we would most respectfully inform the trav eling pnbl'c tliat we propose to "keep a noiel," and to convince then of tho fact, wo invite all who wish the comfort. 01 a home, to call upon m. It will be found Tlie Hotel cl the Oil Itcgion. Our Sample Hooni la aupplied with the choicest Wine., I.tiptore and Clorit, and our table will bo found Uden with tbe very bet tlie teatket amirds. Tlier. is connect with the House four first etas. Billiard TkIi'cs. Also, Tlirh r Siiop and llatli Boom. (,ic us a c-'ll, ned i'onvlia-e )ouriu!ve. of the truthtuluess of our msej-tiou. iiici r:s iv. staats, ociO tf J AIT1 i.S a. w i l l-:. JJtltANBil.lN Si( S. MILIXIt FA KM STATION, I On Oil Creek llallro.d l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. C. W. TWIST. JuneS-lf. Proprietor. INTtllNA'l'lONAK 1(4)1X1.. MILLLMt FARM, PA. joiin e. mnvK, Prop'r. Hood .''comoiorl.tloos for transient customers Day Hoard and Board with looms on reasoiml-le terms. The nropiietor will .pare uo pain, to mak. hi. Utilise atirseilve to ttues:.. jitno-if MON IEOTi:Li, PLEASANTVII.LK, VA Thin rin?e ImvliiL! recently Uonii enlarM nnd ro funiifhrHl, I am tmw prepiir.1 tu Arcuinuiudtite two liiiiMlred "iitDti (tiinfuriably. St:i(' l'-'ive IliU hii!e thrti? times a tiny for Tl lunviiu Tliort i ulw" n Hint tr Sr ? to Hithole. .1ti8-If TIIOS. McKlNNKV, l'rpr. T'mpi Uli of tli I3uifalo Bakery. Ilenl'T lu choice Flour, Butter, Egga and AI.O, Choleu (oeelit1., Petroleum Ceulre, Pa. firiler. left will be promptly attei tied to sn ftoods delivere.1. I'oelolllee Box ; t it 11 ylW- iJFOIUJI A IlliOWA, MAN UFACTCRKRS OF FIRST-CLASS 1 I A ft 0 FOJITKS. J Airi: i orN, n. v. 4 1 Main Street. Factory Brooklyn Week .-feet of Mite-rt. m.i? PA.. TUESDAY EVENING." JANUARY 5, 166flfTT 25 WEKKLY Petroleum Centre Daily Record' . Pet. Centre, Tuesday. Jan. a. AN IMtHMTlVl; liOWN EASTH. A grnllemai, riding in ai Eartero r.ii' wuy ar,wkioli was rather sonntily aupplied with pasenpurs, observed in a neat before blm a lean, ulab-iided Yaike,efcry teattire uf whose t.eo neniJ tit ask a qt.oatioo, and a liulo circumstance iorn proved that 10 poasefred a morn "iaquiiitive uind." Be fore tiiui, occupying the entire seal, pat a lady dreeM'il in tlep mourning, and alter shilling t is position aeveral i:idh., and iunnmverin to get nn opporfinitr lu look into hm fare, lie at li-uyili Caught set' tyu and coniinanced In uffliction ?'' "Yes, air," riHjioinled Ihe Indr. 'I'nrent ruliivr or mither?'' No. air." "Child, perhaps boy or eirl?'' 'No, s.r, iota clu'd I have, n-) child ren. " Iltitbanfl, llien, Ieipecl?'' "Yes," was the curt uiiswer. 'Hum oboleru!--a tratlm' man, may bo?" 'My btistanil wn a s"nfiriny man oap taiu oV a vets 1! lie did act die of'ebolera! be wn drowned." Oh. drowned, eh!" pursued the iuquiiii tor. besitutiDK tor brief instant. 'Save bis cbist?" "Yes. tbe vessel was saved, and my blit bantl's eir.ett." s.iid the widow. "Was they!" asked tue Dewu Easter, bin eyes brightening up. "Piutts man f' "lie waa a member ol tbo Aietbodist church." The question was delayed, but it enme. 'Don't yon think yon have Bleat cause to tie iDanmui main was a pious man and saved ins c.nsi . I do,' said the widow abruptly, add tuning her head to look out the window. Tbe in defatiiial! piuno" cliantrrd his position, held the widow by bis flittering eye one" more, ami prnptiunnetl ' one mure (iiierv i:i n little lower tune, with bit bead slightly iticllneil loiwanl over the buck of tue seal, then tlie tieitc ilo tjuettioa t'Hme out. "Wag vtt culculatiu' to j;et married agin';" "Sir," said tlie widow, indignantly, "you are impertinent. And she left her seat, unJ took another on the other side of the car. 'lVars to be a little huffy?" said the in effable born, tuiniiij to our narrator behind him; she needn't be tund. I don't want to hurt her feelings. What did they make yon pay lor that umbrella you ve got in your iinnu . jt s a real pootv one. Receiving no answer to has last remark, tie was lelt to Ms own mi tluulinns. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES I Crock, ry ! Crockery ! Crockery ! Uhiss Wans Stone Ware, CHINA WARE, ot all l.ind. and descriptions. Also, PBOVISIOISJ'W 1 of all kinds. COI'FEK of tlm best qnatitv. TF.Ae wliiuh cjuinot Im suimssd VUIM. lil'T TEtt, CllltKSK. AI'I'I.K-, LKU)Nt and Ot(ANllK,,ni'd in fact everythiue; per (tilling to a well coiiilncted GROCERY e. PROVISION STDRS. GERMAN SILVER WARE, KNIVES, FOURS. SPOONS, Ac My friends and the citizens of INtrolenn Centre and vicinity, will always. Ibid any and everything iii my line nt tho GROCERY STORE ON MAIN-ST.. OP POSITU THE BANK BUILDING. W. It n I.I.i:il 6c SON. . Pelrolenm Cenlru, liny 111, W. If. . JOHN M. DAVIF.S &. CO , DEUGGISTS1 BISSELL'S BLOCK, CENT RE-ST., OIL CITY, PA, tvh.lm do At'rnt, for tr. Loon's Klect.-le TT.. Iicnewc-ai.d Dr. Lion', luiant itouiedy. wS tl. N!IEPAKS0 & STE, Whole-ale ai.d Ketjtll D.alrr. ia 1 ' GROCERIES PROVISIONS CUOCivERY. . C I.AftS and STONE WAItfi, SO. SO MAIM STItEKT, Oil, if lTV, 'l'A. 2S tf. O'JM II Hold ilcerr, I.s-lifV Pels, far Hinv., J) P!n. r :ofv Ftt"e. &-. V IM1AM Co' T. MDonald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE ..' STABLES ! At the IK' ;;;;, pposili' tlie Central 1! louse, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. 'in! bast Piock rl IiHlVINtl ANI SAHULE A UOKUtS on tho Crick, are to be found at M'USnald'i JLlvery. CARRIAGES & CUTTERS TO Bi! LET AT ALL TIMES. i HOUSE? FED & BOARDED on lUntonntile Ttrnift. IViiicsin; of all kinds at tended ti Promptly tSTGlva rae n ca'l. T. MTI0NA1. . Putroleem Centre, Nov. It, 180S. MOW GOODS ! SIEW GOODS ! JVS t RECEIVD at the Store of Kcuneday & Sae.- a choice stock of selected GROCERIES, Consisting of Tea.. CofTe.. Spices, plain and Fn cy Soap., Canni-d Fruiti, OYSTERS, BUTTER. EGGS, CHEESE. Also, dealer, in Confectionary, Fruits, and choice brand, of TOBACCO and (JiUAltS. Call and ex amice our stock at the Store lately occupied by .1. Mil !cr' JcWcly Store, KEHEDAV & SAGE. r.troleam Centre, Sept 81, :8BS -tt. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealera In all kinds of WKIiLi TOO lit .V FIXTUKES Neeensarv for tniTtfmr down and enrrittles OH Veils, in connection wiilt our MAC'lilNK bilOP, we nave a lare auu citnveu'.eut Iil.ACKSMITH SHOP. Our ficilllles for v-ANT'Ff Tt'H NG ex celled 1V any Sliop in tlie Oil Hejjions. Siiip M lin-iljOj'insite McUliiilock Houst. mr.; If FISHEK NOKHI8. liSTAWLISHEW, A. I., 1850 CHEAT COMBINED TALKS I Dr. K. .1. ItKV NoLI)-. proprietor. W. C. I.lSI'liVAKD. M. 1)., Con niliiiii: Pasiciau aoj burgeon Kochoster, N. V Tlo. i. tho oaly t.mca in the ei y where a pjrmaiienl cure of private di-eust can bo had without tho use of ,io rcurv or eliaoeo of ilit-f. mm I tt?erl8sifW.?i We guarantee to cure lion fci'"sSitSii nrrluen, C.leet, Svphili. Impotetirv. Noctuviial Eniioiis, or Sll" Abuse, 11 uiual Emissions, Female Complaints, in short, eve ry possible form and variety of Srxnal Disea.e. l)r. Bvynold.' Patent French St i. warranted a pale and sure preventive apalnpt diseaso Price $1, or throe for Dr. Kovnolos' (treat work. " TUB PltlVATIS lIKDlCALOltlDK," beanrifully illnstrated, with Dearly SOO psacs. Price SO cent.. )r. It can lie successi'iilly consulted on all dis ease with which the human fimily I. afflicted, with cures warranted In ali ouiahle cases. No letters will be answered unless they contain a remittnnc. of one dollar, con.iiiouiou fee. Consul--tioa a the office fr.'ft of ch' , ( ons 'l ns oince and Oper Room., corn.rol Mill B id Market street., up ...lis Persons calling will sec no one but the doctor The above colicm (ration of medical talent ensures the sick a scion, tide and improved couivo of treatment and a rapid and permanent cure. All letior addressed to Pr. E. .1. UEYNOLl)?, Rochester, N. V., will ineut. with prompt atteutlnr. All cures warranted, inhce hours from 7 A. :v. io 1 P. M moht-l lv. Plcnwe etrtio hero you tmw uiy Rilvcriionient. 13 1ST II 11 R' 3 , Pt l IIOLEI M t'EN ntK, VAi OcorRo H. P encil, .T imes A. MMHiini-on Jumtw i$ 3lnp, M- J. Martin. 7n ofl'iii oiir ori,9 for tlm transaction of a C1K KH At. BANK I NO, KXCIIANUE iiuu CuL LU TIUN HirglNKHS. Av iMiHiufsM cnii tTBteU to our chi'o will recitiro prompt aitt'iition. 1u17 tf. 11 HK PAI LV , B l-"onn, 1 fht b,t advrliaii J CTd.ura In t!s" oil riiii. MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITT. Agent for Genrgl & Brown, Jameetowa, N. V S B . 9 K I K E 11 1 Dealer In PIANOS. CUBANS. MELOBEONS. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO 8T0OLS, KFKKAHS Ac., c. Cmlre-Si., Oil. '1TV, Pa. OH City, Kept. 14. lSi.-tr. CKAXE 4c TJIACKER, 134 Maiden Lane, N. V., I'onitiissiON mm. are now prepared to rei ve oa Comm1.inn and mikn Liberal Advance, to Keanars and Dealers 111 both Crude and Banned Oil. O IL VITRIOL. ( IU.E, TIIACKER At Co., PETKOLEPM CENTRE, PA , Keen on hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE A WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA nnd GLUE. Are nrenand tomak. lilieral disoount to Ketnnra for CASH, and will net be undersold ia any of tin above srtiel.. junel? tr rRANE. THACKKR CO. F. .1. HAS Nil & (., rFoteterly Ilsrus 4 WiitjM J MACHINE BOILER SHOF YVASHrVGTOX ST., PF TftOKiJE5tT3ICITUK9 Pn. BUYERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHOUT NOTICE. All kindf nf M& kir) Work done j.romptl ssd warrnuns'l to Kits naUtifuctltm. twvuvtf V. J. HANK A Of. nrfFALO, COIIKV & P1XT8BVQO RATMIOAD TIME TABLE. Tftkeft effect Kooda, Vovcmiwr ad, 1WB. KonTHWAl(I. Aeconimodillon -evw rry 3.8 P- ll ClyniM' 4, 6 ; PermiuM 4,,S' blifrnmn 4,2Ti Summit 6,00' p. m ; Miiyvtllc ft.Oo hrrivlnjr nt .BiocUm 7,o t. m KxprcHi train Uavts t'orrv a. m ; c'lymir 0.56 pHiinti rt lo.lo ; Sii.Tiimn 1U6; gumrnii. 10,60; May Tllli'll.ln, itnd ftrrivt'g nt Hmeton VJ. 0 M- Muil tarn fjorry 1,13 p. m.. utoppin Oil atA tioii, arrivini; Ht Bfrti t m l.M v M soiTU'VAitri- V.t1 train Iaviw linx-ion ar fl.v i w . stopping at ll T:itiot'. urrivm at Omtt ar 1. m. Kxptffl lettv TiiO' ion at 2 35 p. m.; tnjill R.W ; hnmniit .1.15; M ennan 4.oo ; 1-nuama 4,86; Ciytner 4 and arriviup at Com- at ft. oft p. Accoin'iodntirvu Ic.ivm lirocton 7.oo p. w., vflle S.10, Summit S.4.i, SUt-iuian 8.55. tiuiRmg ,80; Cij nicr airiviiiK Ht Curry t p. M- COXXBCTIOMS ( rntT j?cr leare FuiT.tlo on thu Toledo Exp-wi or i'av r.xpiH, cnnn-VMDK urion with r.ninw for Maw llt, Slioruiau, l'Hnunia, :)vn.T it..rt forrf t counH'tine nt Corn- v ith tr.iins on tii' ' il Ci'ppk C K. for 1 imiiip, Mritr, Vioimur and l ei. Cmce. uii City nnd Hti-'binirli. Aim. co.itioriitiir nt i Virrr with ra'nn nn tbt ?V.-'' adHlphia A Kiln Ubtd, fur rtilli-liihlii ivni liirri biirtj ; an on the Atlantic and J.H Wmitfrn Kull wuy lor Tnion, MtailvHlH, Cirtnill. Ph., and' W'mrfln. iloo. n.ul jtHf!.-.i(A'nf,iiU lijind.'Iplt.N.V. Train lutvinp i City at 1!5 a. (..'nrrv at a m., roniifctirs ut Brorton wito tri!u on U i5 K It. U . rrrivinir hi H iiTilo ii t.lo p. nr.. Trniin V)iv(nt Oil f'ity rt i,"i3 a m will eoniiwt' witll Mail Tniin It-avin,' Otirry at l.liiii. r.i., twii iifrlim: vith LxprtA IvW on B. & li If. K., aiTiv ina in HiiH'.lo at ('. p. :n. Leaving Buffalo at 4,on p. 111 , arriving at Corry at 1, Iti p. in Al:o, (vim itt at A'nyill with Stfambonta n f'liaiiiftuqua Lake Idurinjr Hta?on of Uiitlgaiion, for Jumelowi acni liaudolph- A. n. Titrcw, MM., . Janl. Msyvillw. N. 7. O. C fiy A IMIhil Bi Hiirl; It U T I M K T A It ! K On anl arT Um i;iv, July 27th, until fWrthar otict, td'aint w ill m live and ct p-trt Irom Pttlwiio u folio wii . DKl'AlTT. 8.00 a fonnriTtiusf fH Olcnnoli with taiinn rm lb Oil Ciot-k & Ailfght ny iijiiV Ifnliwuy for Irvinwlon. Ti-liouto, Oil C irv, Cuirv, tud ft4 riti Kift r.nd Woat .H i in Cimncrtim nt VlthoM with hmcm ' iVom PliMfOnlville. Sli'iatburs aiJ V'l1 r'nnu, " mid at OleupolU witli lniir on tiir Oil t T- .3 Ai AHujiifiiv Kivtr Itnilwiiy, fr Oil f.i'y, li'vinu tan, Coiry, una point K-int ondWojit AkltlVK I0.40 a as, coniiertui' ut O'opolU Tmlna uii tbts Oil I'n.k k A'l',ri.nv llivw lirtiWiy lioi.i pt.b:i4 End and W wt, kud a; J'ii h o v t!i &tii a ' fT riMyiiuivillo, Shaoiii"!' Mid iitl .r Kaim. 140 11, trMiinnc'i: ; ftt 0;.p-p'i wlt'ii' "rn oti Uitt Oil 1'i tiflt t A il .it.t7 iJi'ar Ka'l f tram Oil City, t'otry, riinotJn, I'ultoiiu, .iLd polut iMktt B!id W'Vst W. HKOKiV). fif rrrtrtndnt i iiiiim inmiiw iiIMiilWmii iW 'W'' ' ITM E. HY.warJ & I' nv'c". Trmnt Mrii o n. and National au .0 wstclj- fa, can hi lifl'l nt JKHAM A; CO'.". , . lt',1.1, 'ni.'n Ml cyt up it 1 1 Ke iitivryon;:'i: