fcH 2 o to Petroleum Centre Daily Record- Pet. Centre, ISedncsdar. Jan. 8. Tlmo of Clonlug mails. P. 0, PlToi.rr Oirnrs, Vk., Jolt S7st, 1S68. fain f.irlher notlae lh mails will arrive tt and thl ouice a follows: native. tteaib sad Kast, rla. Irvineton, 10. .8 A. M. South ml Weil, " Mcndrllle, 5.18 P. M. North and Cart. " Corrjr, 956 " lir.pinT. forth and West, A5 A. M. Hast nad West, tJOP. M. North, Ku nU Weft, lOJU A. M. fl II. K. Hl.ACKMON. P. M. S W 1 ai ntvlne Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCII. PreMjIiingnl.il o'clock A.M., and 7 o'clock P. M. Rkv. J. T. Oxtohv, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 1 T. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seata Free. A cordial invitation reloaded to all. Rkv. C. M. Heard. Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. Matt at 104 a. m. Vespers ami Benediotlon' of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. in. Catechism at 2 p. m. . JAMES PUNK, Pastor. Coffee nad Tea. Dr. Keyser, in an article on. coffee and tea. says: Coffee is a stimulant and tonic t the mus cular and fleshy parts of the body, and gives greater power of physical endurance, white tea gives energy and vlj;or to the nerves and brain. He would give coffee to the physical hard worker anil laborer, the sol dier uu the murcb, the mechanic in the workshop, and the man of bard muscular work, and tea to the mm who pleds among lonks, and papers, and statistics: No one would believe what nerve tonic there is la a cup of good lea, toe exhausted, nerveus euerjry sipm to rovivo at once under its salntarv inHiiencH.and wbut was hard before from tin' Hanging of the nam ral nerve power, la made ecmpara lively easy. These things may r m tm'mportant, a they era already known to mist M;ple of experienco who have paid any attention to their diet, but, at the Mime time, it can do no barm te re peal what eao tie experienced by every one who wl'.l take the trouble tu liy It. Tub Tiikathk. The performance at the Opera House Inst evening was largely at. tended. The popular aad talented young actor, Mark Rates, took the leading charac ter in ''Black Eyed Susan." Mr. Rates is an actor of very superior talent, and Messrs. Carner So Peterson bare shown excellent judgment in securing his services. The great attraction of the evening was "Rip Van Winkle." The leading character in this play was Mr. J. W. Curner. whoso act Ing was superior to anything of the kind ever before witnessed in this section of the country. As old "Rip" be was a complete success. It is niid by theatrical critics that he tins rarely if ever been equalled in bis rendition of this character. We have heard many of our citizens express the desire that the company would repeat this play during its stay here. " To-night will be presented the beautiful play of '-Don Ctcsnr do Kazan," and the comic drama of "Solon Shingle.'" Souk time ago, we published an account of Mr. Saxhy'g method of dotecllng Haws in iron bars or rods, by means of uiugnelisa, and pointed out the great prnctionl advan tages to be derived from usinjr the test. We now learn that the same method has been applied in testing rolled iron plates lor boilers and other purposes, and that their molecular condition can be plotted down on paper, so as to admit a critical investigation. The importance of this method, it' really a practicable one. in selecting plates for steam boilers, it would be difficult to exaggerate. A daily paper has been started at Pleas iintvillo, culled the Evening News. It is edited mill published by Messrs. Dodd A Ciisrove. The new paper has our best wishes for ils prosperity. The people of I'leasaiitville should give it a generoin sup. port. v im, ij n,rv.-i, i, itiiiies lias re. ceived a largw mpply of coal, and cau fully accommodate mil citizen. His obliging mid geiitlemiuly clerk, Mr. tt. K. Ileaiu, is al ways on hand to utien I t the wanU of c;i.i totuurs. Br partifliiUr request, the inn J panfo- miine of H;iuio'y Dmupiy will bo brought 0,.l al the lln nil u. Tuu tua- U ai au oi.., alia tu uro uov lineln annn. Rrve-i is u ., j . ..cv a- ti irin; tbe lol.i.il. LETTER FROm HABRISBUBU. HARnisBTRo, Jan. 4. The members of both Honnes of the Leg islature are rapidly aong'rogating here. The Senate and House Republic caucuses bare nominated their officers, Col. : John Clark of Philadelphia, late Lt. Col. oftbe 3d Pa. Reserves, being the choice for Spea ker. Messrs. Gilfilan and Pettis are in town, as are also other Congressmen. . There are more than a dozen candidates for the C. S. Senate, but at present it is difficult to form as opinion as to wbo tbe "coming man" may be. Senator Cameron is here but we can not learn to whom support will be given. Grow and VtWehesd appear to be the most popular men at present. A brakeman was run over and killed on the R. R. about a mile ontside of tho city limits on Friday afternoon. Messrs. Ranch and Cochran, of Lancas- ter, have submitted proposition to the Senate to do the pasting and folding of the Legislative Record, and other matters, for $2,000, and for tbe House for $5,000, giv ing bonds for tbe faithful execution of tbe work. The cost to tbe House last session was $37,000. W. shall now see whother "reform and retrenchment'' is the order of the day or not. Vindhx. OIL. CITY COHKESPONDENCE. On. City, Jan. G. The oil market which closed firm on Sat urday, at $5 00 was a little oft yesterday, buyers offering only $4.C01.70. Last' evening the election for Chief Engi neer excited very much interest, moro in fact than we sometimes sou in an election lor municipal officers. The candidates for the position were Messrs. U. W. Hoag, tbe present efficient Chief of tho Department, and C. W. Arnold, of Protection No. 2. We had no idea that tho numerical force of tho Department was so heavy as it ap peared at tbe polls, and can now account for tbe fact of its great efficiency on the oc casion of a visit of tbe devastating element. Notwithstanding the excitement tbe best possible feeling prevailed, establishing the Tact, we have often felt proud to chrouicle, that the fire department of Oil City com prises in its membership some of the most intelligent, respectable and energetic of our citizens. The following 'f the result of the. elec tion : Whole number of votes, 173 C. W. Arnold bad 92 II. W. Hoag bad 81 An obvious Improvement'lins taken place in the grading of tbo sidewalk in front or the M. E. Church. The three step nuisance has been removed and tbe sidewalk rises at an easy grade from the railroad truck to Spring street. This work, with permission from tbo Council, for which wo propose they should give him a vote of thanks, if they don't feel able to pay he bill, was done by our old friend Kellogg the pioneer painter, and one of tbe most enterprising business men in the oil region. If every business man in Oil City had ICellogg's en terprise, we should soon have a,, town com peting with Corry orMeadvllle, neither of which have tbe natural advantages as a railroad centre which we enjoy. Tbe Sacred Concert of tbe Musical As sociation, at St. Joseph's Church, this even ing, promises to be quite attractive as tbe full strength of its musical talent will be engaged on tho occasion. Jims. The Ogectoe, Georslu. troubles continue. Mr. Middioton's Imiiso was burned Wed l.esday nigbt and the ernps ruined. All the whites have returned to Savannah except one man, who bat not been seen since the trouble took place. Tbo Sheriff with a posse went out Monday morning without making any arrests. Neeroea are fully arm. ed and In a largo force, and determined to resist the authorities. Scouts were sent out in the afternoon and were stopped six miles from the city. All tbe six roads lead ing from the city are picketed by negroes. A public meeting lias been held at tbe Court House, and affairs weru discussed bv Gen. Jackson and others. The meeting adjourn ed until to-day, lo decide on what course to pursue. The Governor of Alabama has appointed a Board of Commissioners to negotiate with Florida for the annexation oj the western portion of the State of Alabama. Tho Knijlisli railway companies own two hundred and tliirteeu square miles of that island. Tho Hebrews of Cincinnati have erected monument in memory of their brethren killed during tbo war. Thk Democratic Jackson Asaoclaliou will neet at headquarters this evening. Thhhk is to bo a t the American House on Friday evening. Fi:k i-:t"i limn llari'isbur. CONGREMIONAL. Congress resumed Its session yesterday at 12 o'clock. SBNATB. Mr. Perry offered a resolution requesting tbe President to transmit a copy of bis late amnesty proclamation with a statement of me authority by whlcn lie Issueu it. Mr. Kerry said he offered tho resolution because although he favored the amnesty he doubted tbe right of tbe President to grant it in (his sweeping way, and he wished to have tbe question settled. Mr. Howard was glad the attention of t'ifl Senate had been called to the question, lie thought it important that tho people of tbe United Stales should know whether tbe President had such a dispensing power rs was implied in tbe issuo of this proclama tion. After considerable debate tbe resolution was adopted. Mr. Stewart introduced a bill to enable the people of Georgia to form a State Gov ernment, republican in form, which was re ferred to the Committee on Judiciary. It provides tor repealing Ibo act by which Georgia was restored to tbe Union nnd remanding it to a provisional govern ment. IIOL'SK. Several bills were introdneed, but no business of importance transacted. Till! Tei.kuraph It seems almost in credible Ibat in 1S43, only twenty-five years ago, (here should have been such a debate in Congress as Pref. Morse quoted in his speech at the banquet on Tuesday evening. It was proposed to appropriate thirty thou sand dollars for experiments with Morse's Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. Mr. Cave Johnson, afterward Postmaster General sneeringiy proposed to devote half the a - propnation to mesmerism. Mr. Houston, of Alabama, proposed to add "Millensm" to the list, and Mr. Stanley, of South Carolina. facetiously proposed to make Cave Johnson the subject. However, the bill passed by eighty-nine to eighty-three. Tbe experi ment was made .and was successful. After this, Professor Morse offered tbo whole in vention to tbe Government for one hundred thousand dollars. The proposition was vir tually killed by a report of tbo Postmaster General (Cave Johnson), who observed Ibat the operation of tbe telegraph between this city (Washington1) and Baltimore has not satisfied him that under any rate of pottage that can be adopted its revenues can be made lo equal its expenditures. Neverthe less, Prof. Moree kept the offer open until March, 1817. The raport or the Postmaster General was fatal to the project in Congress, and such language, coming from such a source, well nigh paralyzed the energy and faith of those wbo were engagod in erecting telegraph lines Philadelphia Globe. THE NEWS. Over twenty teousand emigrants arrived at Chicago during the last year. It is rumoredtbat James Gordon Bennett baa had another attack of paralysis and is in a precarious state. Tbe annual meeting of tho American Social Science Associalion will ho held in Albany, New York, In February. The City Solicitor or Cincinnati goes lo Columbus to-day, to press upon the Legis lature tbo bill to increase tbo city limits. In Wilmington, N. C, Monday, J. II. XefT, Republican, ws elected Mayor. Several negro aldermen wore elected. The annual message of Mayor Kalbfleisch, of Brooklyn, shows that 3,300 buildings were erected In that city during the lust year. A gang of burglars numbering eight who have been operating extensively in the town of Warren, Ohio, for a long time, were captured there ou Sunday. Commodore W. S. Salter, United States Navy, died alter a"liugering illness of rheu matism of tbe heart, Suuday morning, at Elizabeth, NewJerS'y, seventy-lour veins of age. The Wisconsin Senatorial contest helwi i n Carpenter and Washburn is waxing warm Tbe former's chanoes ure tbe bettor. The Legislature meets on Ibe 13th instant. It is said that tbe first through train on the Pacific Railroad will be made of one loeomotive, Six passenger two sleeping and one baggage car, and will run through to Sacramento without change. Mr. Detinond Henry Ryan, long a writer on the Loaijon Musical World, and a musi cal crfllo well knowd in England, is dead. Miss Gnbiiele Ki-aus has won Irom the Paris critics the title ol the Ristori of l lie Italian opera, from her personation ol Leonora in "Trovatoro." Handel's "Sainsen" has lately lieen per formed in tho celebrated old Puvillion at Brighton, England, with Madame Shcrrinr. ton in the principal part. Jaell is concertizing in Holland. Sivori is giving concerts in Boliigna. Wwhli, tbe piauist, is playing in Liver pool. Mile. Allot in the reigning opeialie fav orite at Moscow, Tyrolem singers am becoming popular ajaitt in England. Local Notices. t . Hata, Cap. Boole and Shoes. A large assortment at REYNOLDS, I1ROD11RAI) A CO S, No. 11 Ccntrs Stroot, opposite th Post Office, Oil City. Pa. Xexv Flonr, Feed and Crocery Store ! .T. 9. IMIYTIIFK, At the OLD BANK Bfll.OINO, ON M.ttNST, opposite tho llcClinlock IIouw. baa on liuud a lartteand Hist claim Morkof Flonr, Feed and Crocerlea, which lie la nulling at a low figure. . Dou't forget the place wlicre A, I). I'otl in Jt Company broke up. JanMf. VARIETY STORE. AT W . II. ICIIOL.!l. Ac V . Can be found a complete slock of lllank llixiks, full and half hound, from Wo. to $1,10 a quire, Blauk Nv'.ei, Dralti and Kecelpt Books. W.OOO ENVELOPES. With all stylet of Note aud Cap PatH. - GOLD PENS, KNIVES & SCISSORS, warranted. Complete stock of DIARIES for 1809. Finext brands of Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos Combi, Hair and Clothe Bruphea of all stylea,with a compute assortment of Fcncy Goods. Also, a Circulating Library, compoMd of standard works and the latest oiit. Tcrmi only $3.50 for six months. decll lui. Dry fioodt), a large stock- at REYNOLDS, BltODUEAD k CO'S, No. 11 Centre St, opposite the Pout emcs. Oil City, l'a. "3r LA I) IAS wishing to make an appropriate picsent, will fliid beautiful BLIPPER l'ATTEKXS at A. 8. SMITH S Boot A Shoe Store doclStf. BIRD CAGES, wholesale and retail. Thirty four different s) ls to arrive thla week, at ' A. D. MILLER & CCS. CANARY BIRDS, bent German inqiorted, whole sale and retail, at A. D. MIM.KR A CO.'S. 1.5UO rolls WALL PAl'EU received this day at A. O. MILLEU CO'S. Hardware A large assortment of which is being cloned out at reduced rates at REYNOLliS, DUODIIEAD & CO'S, No. 11 Centre St., opposite thsPonlOmce, Ull-City, Pa Alisha. T Ills is a newly discovered article to be rued for a bair drcitnlnR,' which is said to 1 supeil or to anything or the kind yet placed before the pub. He. It renders the hnir noft and closy, and will, it i said, cniiMi the hair to irntw n sc ilps which Irnve long lacked Mich a covering. It la not proiierly a hair dye, and yet it will no operate ou the root of the winie when applied an to rexti.ru li to It orllu al color and Inxiirianco Ina very brief pcrlnl if time. It it beyond qlleiUlon, a very superior tbau, and will mure ihim Mil the expectation of any oca who may imrvlm-e 't. Svinni-e l'nier. Trv Sew ard sCouuli Cti e. II la the bint. A. I). MILf,Kll A Co., Wholesale and Kotail lriisr0'lts, Akmiu for Petroleum Centre, l'a. novl'J liu. Beautiful Slipper Patterns nt A S. Smith Hoot & Shoe store. dixI5-tf. res' FANCY (WXIDS, all descriptions, whole aleand retail, for Holiday Presents, at A. 1). IKlLLKIt JL- CO.'S. Crockery For all kind so lo HKYXOL1W, BHOI!lIHAI A CO'S, No. 11 ('antra .--treat, oppo site tho Pol (fflce. Oil Cily, Pa. tfJ.Call and examine the fi'ie assortment rf SLItTKll PATTEUNSat A. 8. Sinitn'a B;..t A Shoe Wore. der'a-lf Ckrisitinr.il ;ift ! Co'd Watches, Finest Aineilcnii Wat"l es Vusl cal Instrument". All;uns. Plated Ware. Fau.-y Cnt lery, Spectacle, an-1 l'oc.;i Booim Also all kh it of Cigars manufactured Fancy SnmL ing Tobacco, mil ileerschaiiin I ipin. All thesu and a great ilvi-l ni'intena l.e '..mid .t J. Wnl.l li'S J. w.iby store, next dour to Sherman llor.se. HecTif A lareo assortment or FINE 8EWGD D-.I'JTS at A S. Smith's Hoot & Shoe Store. decU tf. DiARIKS Tor 8ti'.lat .. D. MM. I, hit A CO'S. PAPER AND ENVtLOPES at A. 1). MILLER & CO 'S. Carpel, of every ipinlily and description, al REYNOLD-., BROIIIIKAD A CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, opposite tho P. 0 till City, I'.i. Excelsior Illlliard Parlor. To enjoy a dnlishtfnl and quiot (.-nine m Billiaids, go to A. O. Fnrnliam'a FiMliionablo Illllla'd Par lors, on WnsliinL'ton Street, next rioor to the Koch, ester llouso. '1'he.e ParlnrH are within a shoil dis tance of most of the principal hotels in Petroleum Centre. may 9 tf. THE best place is town to got a pair of Boots mado of the beat Stock, that will wnar wall, and warranted to At, is at J, A. Planlc's Fash ionable Ttoot Shop, Washinuton Street, l'ntroloum Centre, Pa. Give blm a trial. auplO-tf. CIGARS AND TOBACCO at A. i. MILLER CO.'S. TAKE .Willi: ! 1).4RTIF.S ddslrlni to purchns EiiaTmeH, Tool. TublUK, Caalug, (tucker Uoda, Hupee, RIGS, TANKS AND SHEDS, ami all nppnratas per'nlninst to w.ils, can do o hv lallin -on II C. IIABCOCK or F. K HAMMONii Aliumon Faim Cfti-re, lhaier Cherry Knu nova NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE ! PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Dlreclor, - - J. xr. earner HuajiiM'M nanaser, XV. o. (rteraoit iVInaical Director, J. V. ajolemuu Return of til.' Favorites! bsoadway'matre ! AND HUMPTY DUMPTY! Troupe, Combined. FIVB NIOHT9 OJtl.Y i Engagematil of - MARK BATES 7 1 he Popular Young Actor. J.' "W- CA.S,3STEn, Ooinedlan and Psntoraiuiitt- Hurry St. Licoii, ' Dan. Morris, A. G. Enoi, E. J. Ward. Hiss R VTY T1IXSTOV ! Coinuiedlciinc and Vocalist, Kate Vernon, Hltty Dowd, Arc. Wednesday Evc,.lan. , ', ' Will be pro-luced the neaiitirul Play of DON CESAR DE BAZAN DON C.F.SAIt DE BA7,N, MAKE BATKS (iUANU l'AS. M li.b. JOVETTA V1UAL To conclude with the Serlo-Comic Drauia of SOLON SHINGLE. Who Stole M Barrel of Apple Sarsc OI.ON 8I1INOLE, 1. W. CARNEH CHANGE OF PROGRAMME NIGHTLY ITT Doors open at 7 o'clock. Pcrforinai ce at 8 o'clock. IJf Admission W cts. Ilesarved eeata. 75 cts-lTTn-morrow night will be presented Hl'.MPTY PCMl'TYr Jun'ilw. New Eating Saloon. FRESH OYSTERS I Received DAILY! ALL THE LUXU R1ES ! OF THE SEASON! Waaliington Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., nasi dunr to lalutui & Co's J?wclr' Snn- F.UDV A. SASUS, lror'. T)uy Iftiartiera rconimf dM''). MfttT urvd at nil hutir. Msit.( auil tvery dt'nptiou ol pa me, fuinietlit-tl fclUO-t. No puiiFt wiH b sKtrel lo aeeommod4e IhnM h lavur n with their p.itrun !:. . , , KDDY A bAXDS. Petroleum Centra, Jmi. 0, 10,. tf. Sewing Machines. TJKOVEU V HAKE! It 8EAV ItJ MiCIIIXGS ! . - of both Stitrhes. Silitfpi's Xew Family 9,;viliK Macliineti ! And ibo . , AinRricmi Over-Si-nminj; and HHtton-Hole Macliiiiea ! KtHl PALE AT NO. 108 MAIN ST., i-hTitOLKI'M CKNTltK, Pa., by .4ilw. H BAKBH, AU WANT B D Fivu (aood .loiiriicyiiuii ( nrptiitois J OWlNOtothi Incivaso of in. business I am comim led lo hire more hel.i to keen an wiih the deiuuiid for iny labor. STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE GIVEN TO THE ABOVE NUMBER OK FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A farK ouauflty of ' FIRST-CLASS LUMBER ! Or all kinds constantly on hand at v Yard, and will be .old at IW REASON A BLI RATES jfcl M. 8DJVTAG. Petroloiun Centre, Oct. Wh, W. tr A. J, CIIHISTY, U, S, DRUG STORE Cor. First Ac Iloltndeii 9t., rmncK cm, pa. mjw-u 17 """"FTSaVi