Newspaper Page Text
1 DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL .1 s ,' f, .J 1 ! 17M L Y RECORD (COjrrinuATioif or tats mtrolb daily bbcoxd.) VOL. ft NO. 40 Oi TIIH PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. v i ' i i ( 1 ' ITBLlStlED EVERY EVENING,1 (Sundays excepted. j LONGWEL.L $ rLL'MMER, I'roprietort T Kit HIS for year payable In advance, t0Q i it nionin, ' i , PKIt'FLlKT OF ADVKKTISINC.. (Ten lint of nonpar,) tnftlK one nqiiar.) . ' fig. tlwjfttiimA. t 14. mj. tfmi. 'ci. hiuday, taret oaytj Four .in), FItc dnya, i hie wvi'k, Two weeks, Oim in-tith. Two mm it lit. Three iimntli. Ms month, Muc month, I'll- yenr. 1 mil HSU 4 Ml 1? f on S60 HI I OH S 110 a ? 4 J I (U 10 00 11 00 IS III n in 30 ID) o IIO 00 Id TIN ,. k 00 8 SO ! . 3 (lo t C I II 91) 4C.I too II I'.' 8 00 14 00 1 00 SO 00 80 OO 40 110 AO 00 80 0U 100 00 1 o i 10 ool 10 IH 31 (II '.7 li. :,e i: li in oo' n on M 00 4n mi Sieelal notice. 'JO cents per line, each lasertlon. Advertisement, payable quarterly in advance BUSINESS CARDS. J4 tt. ELLIOTT, ATTORNE Y-AT-L. A W, AND NOTARY I'LBLIC, 1 PETROLEUM centre, pa. Marine, in the Couru el Franklin promptly at tended to. Off IC'l! In Bleeell A Co' Brick Dunk Bond ing, f up stairs 1, gshlnrton-Sf. oct Su if. , X. U. CHHIiTIt:, in. ., PHYSICIAN AND bORGB'JN t opposite theMcKlnuey House, l'leennnliflUe, Pa. -- Kanoiw from 4hrtanc will iffwaily And htm , w kit OOica uu Matuiikiy from lu va., u4) mm. Vol. AT. B. BKOWN eV J. J. MeCAaLIN, B alert hi OlryLANDS, LI.HSES, ENGINES, &3., . ' -I UA1IAI1 eV bHI IH, , ATT0UNEVS1 COUNSELORS AT LAW, , .., i'i, ; , .. "i i v i -. - Omc-III-.'li Street. Fmnklin, and Petrnlenm Ceo . , ... . - , T Mw-U. , , , W. T. URAHAIR, I: r...'.. I . ... ; ATf0nS4't 4 COUNSELOR AT-LAW, . i i f . . , i)r Al'c?HUck IIoom, Pelrolram Centre, Pa. ino-tf. '. ( , A1BHT HAVEH, , . .. ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR-AT LAW, 3r"KICE il1! the Prick Hunk Bnlldln", i-onier of NViuUiugtvii and Mtia hlretun, PKTKOl.ErM rrtNTKE, PENS'X." '' Hv w. ih tr. .'in" ' ' v. irieALPINK, .RESinENT 8 C RG EON ' DEN T i ST. OFFICE rlMry'e ni-w Ilulldln. corwr i-f latuu and 8icuud eta-, 'etniFMni Cciititi. I'M. - -niayio if, : a. r. wiuon. b a van velwr J- y WlAkON eV VAN VtLMIU, G AUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRttDE PETROLEUM, OFriCEsV Mercantile Building, Oil City Vn-i and with Oweton A Howars; Pea-uleuin. teotre, Pa- : July Itotii, 18i'.ir. , ,. ( CABINET FURNITURE 1 A LARGE AS801TMFNT ALWAYS ON .' . '.-a.s.a'.rf HAND. X I , LOOKINfl QLAHHRA In area variety. Looking Glaae PUM rralaoed Moie? Framaa. Picture frame made to order. Carped Oil Cloths. Wall Paper, Window Shades, , A FINK STOCK. UNDERTAKING, ' COFFINS of ari sltea on hand and trimmed to order as abort notice. sash, 8U2S Aim nitras. fallataea. Alao, Pnttr, Taralsh, Stain, ae. , HO. lira WASHINOTOtl.aT. Pfoleaai OtmUe, P. , Jaly 4, lw-r PETROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. -ihAxf, iioii:, S. DItAIK, IrnpriRtr. PI.EAANTVlI.l,j:, HiTir, Dm. 'l'.KAa M Ctl.lNTUCK HUISK, I'ETHOUXM CKVI lii; I'A. Thie pormlat Ilot,.. untod Corner of :Ialu A aA'nliinetu-St., Nearlhe dmi', liaa been redltcd mill fiimllie thruuphont, and the proprietor will no (Jilh. to make it a FIRST-CLASS IlOirSE. W tf W. II. OABLK. l'r.ricor. PBTHOLKDM CENTiiK, PA., Near Oil Creek Allegheny Uivei Uaihvny Depot. O. J. t'KOSS, Proprietor.' R UVHKMTKK M4tA:, Wadiingtnn otrect. Pulrolcuni I'r.ulrn, Pn. COLK & GRIFFIN, . froprii Thi llone Is eontrnlty located, and the gainful hendqaartura of oil uicd. . Pctrokiiui intre. Pa.. Vy III. lNciS HEH.TIAN IIOVSE, Wns-iiingtoii Strt, Petroluuin iv-m .'. I'a. D. IS. CROCKER I'UOI'U. I Good nccimimoilatlona for trnnslvui. -i:!nmer4 w., " iniaiu wnu raimia nu rnaioiiaii:i, ternii. Tliep.-opiielorwilUimitfBopaii,. tniniilio bi hoiwe attractive to buosii. nttl-if vasaMaaMoanaam iIEItl4JAN HUiCI, PBTnoLBFM CENTJtE, PA. J. B. B A R.IKS, . . , propnc-iir TL1 House is iu a pluaeaut locality, unit i,u: a slioi i wiiln from ilie Oi-jHit Thu room' n'o wgu and coniforta le, and Hie Jahle piippliwl wiih the df'icticit of the ne-on. jii-o-tf- ,1.' H. f.l'!'I.. lTl(Oljlil'iU "slE.i OIL C'VTV, ' Havine recently taken p.sses.lull oft::, niw,u Ulnar, we would most nmiwtttlly lufoTm inc finr- liK public rluit weproiHise to -kecpn Hotel," and to convince them i the fa1, we linite all who wish the comfurte ol a home, to call np-c us. It will be j bund Tare Hotel of the Oil Kr-;ion Oar Sample Hooni la upplied wiih the choicest Winer, Liqnora and Ciptre, and unrtnblowill be fooud laden with Ike very lu-jt the iraikrt utTorda. There la connected niththe llonso four firat class Billiard Tah'ca. Also. Hirh r fhop and Hath Hooina (ie us a ellwand convince youraclvea o9 the truthiulueaa tit our asauiiou. . rHAHI.eS AV. ATA ATS, JA.TIt: . WHITK. ocUMf MI1XEU FARM 8-5ATION, OiiOHCreek Kailroad.l THE HUL'SIO AND FURNITURE NEW. C. w. TWIST. . - Propiletor. Jlinelf. JKTa.HKAT10NAL. HOTEL, MILI.EU FARM, PA. JOUN E. ROWS, . . rrop t. flood accommodattona fnr IrjtnslMtit riiatms' DaylTeard and Hoard with loonia on reasonable terms. The lil'otirii lor will eimru no nalns In make hie House Kill iclivo to puos.s Junta) If NION HOTEL,: M.KASANV 11. 1. E, PA This M-nse navinc recently licen enlarfred nnd re riiri,ialirdTI aai now prepaid to acconinnKiuie two hundred (." comlorttilily. HUkhi leave this hmiae three times a day for Tl tusvllie There it also a line of Htacrea to ntholv. Jn-tf TUOS. McKlNNEV, Prop'r. 0.-F. 8CIIONULOM, Proprietor of ilie'' Buffalo Bakery, Dealer in choice Floor, Batter, Fggs and Cheeae. Also, choice Groceries, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Orders left will he promptly attended to, an' Goods (!Htvored. PortAfflce Box S(i8. iryia. GBORGI "A BROWN, UANCFACTURERS . OF FIRST-CLA88 PIAIVO FORTES, JAHEeTSiutWIT, N. Y. Warerroma 4 1 Mala Sweet Factory BmnMya Blo'.k, foot of Main ota,t t THURSDAY EYEHiMfl. JAMUABg 7. 1869." Petroleum Centre Daily Record Pet. Ventre, Thnraitay, Jan. 7. AV OtTPAOK IPO.V THH FASHIONS. A newly ind'Vjtvd poliennun In New Orlrii' t ri'cpnlly 'ihiI a singular advenluro with n hiWor. -"fed Icly wbon ho m-t emu. Inr out -oods atort. Iln had hPatil ofsVj!!lu carrivd off the meat cost ly goods ip .; . Jipnwd about IbupprHon. ll "' ' of dlsllnctlnn, and hero 'hciib.:. : the coveted fume. The lady war tly carrying a deary load Sbt n(ic- .' a Bho;ylilter. Thrrr eould bt nu doiiui ol it--ju would orret hur. "V'l'i are r'y priaoofr," lie said, la; ing his Ij'ifl on htr sbouldcr. ' ' , 'VT'ia:. lii yon menn!" dotnundi'd 1 Vhi ihnt juirve got on your back loli-n f.ooJs? ' ; Hi'iyH'nsV I neri-r w so lnsnlted. No, sir, it's nut atoli'n goola." I infuH no offi-ncc. m.ul inj, but my duly compi'.o inn to exninloe it.'' ' "Si" villuin that's my my Grecian A ..KfKSEXTATios, cousisting of male viii rnntlwi -r.!ii fli' diffeient Shnker io reeitr:. y ,,ld n meeting in Rugloti, far Vih purpose i f wenling and delVndinn ' tt-'iv liecMliLf, :'-r'(j;i To Iweomo mission. ir! !-; m-v U-t:.T nailing that people. f)i-!i o' their, trnola I the uboli- i ' 'i'1' tt total aeparation of ; .. .pv.a r . ,, ; . ,h-. ,i. ' A '' ,''y" tn,J propone the I t"''i )V,iiiun r-.o." To Ihb uninitiated I . . . 'uks in .j ji-cinclion of tliu racn would., bo vita Mr.' Bbakrrbm waa In trailucttl Into tbis country Irom England in the yt-sr 1774. by Ann Lee. N'orv( shin tolled boxot, for cooking, are attracting great ulloiiiion In London. The looil l j-.aced Uioii the ri'g-ulur Hro for a abort i. in j, and the. diah is then removed anil cticUisi'il in i..o i'clied box tor throe or four Bour, by wliic-L .ime it is asserted. ' Mn cooiplelea tl. procew of eookinj. The apparatus is coming intd j tmo in England for nbouting parties and pic : ns. and ills roevuimer.uV.l aa uHmlrnlile j RHtled to the wanin of the po, r. I There exists no one, though erur so wretch- eil, who baa nut tlm m.-ans.o! pera arient happiness within bis power. Mr. William ICinciile. a well known eir cua performer, died ol dheami of the heart, in Ritliimore, on Sunday. He was in the thirty-eighth ye-'f of Ilia npr. . The joy ol the spirit is a delicate deposit, nnd must he kept in a Jure oasket, r.i an utrhnly breath will did lis luster and fade M fieshnese. They hare commented building ears' for fan through travel from California to New York. Iti Troy a-Christian girl hutied a stillborn baby In a mow bank. It wag resurrected by gebool children. A pious deacon Is like, ly to fniell grief. An Ohio lawyer, having defended a crim inal a,) well na to get kirn sentenced lo H e penitentiary for lite, low stius for a $2,000 "fee for bl services. JOHN M. DAS CO , DRUGGISTS i . BISSELL'S BLOCK, CENTRE-ST., OIL. CITY, PA.' Wlielele Auent. for Tfr. Leon's ElecWIc Ila.. Rcaexer and Dr. Leon'. InTanl Remedy. atl rf. SIIBPARSOAI & SIMM, Wholesale aod Tt.tail Dealer, in GROCERIES & PRO VISIONS CROCKERY. GLASS and STONE WARE, NO. SO' MAI STREET, OIL CITY, PA. S4,lll Gold Jeaalrv, ladies' Sets. Far HlnffS. Pin., Slrore Button., c, at I SHAM 4 inS T. M'-Donald LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the ET?si;, (ipio).ie the Cecntrail 3ouse, PETROLEUM CENTRE I'A. riinK hpst Stock or Tiivis-f AVr KMIOLE .1 UOltSES on the Crook, are to be round at M'Douald'a JLlvery. UdSHIABES & GUTTERS T0 B LET AT ALL TIMES. IIOKSESl FEU Ac BOARDED on Keasonahle' Terms. Teaiuffin; of all kinds at tended to Promptly. J3TGIVO me n call. T. M'DONAI. Petroleum Cca'ra, Nov, H, 18118, ATTENTION JVEWiiOODS t NEW OOOD9 ! j t'ST ItECElVED at the Store or Kenneday & Sage. a choice stock or selected GROCERIE S, Conslsttng of Tt as. Cotrhns. Spices, plain and Fan. ey (Sonps, Canned Fruits, OYSTERS,. BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Also, dealers la Cnnfoctlonary, Fruits, and choice orano. or 1 uuaci.i) and C1UARS. (.ull and ex amltie onr stock at tho Store lately occupied by J. !tlll IcrN Jewcly Store , KRNKDaV V SAGE. Petrileum Centre, Sept Si, 18o8 -tl. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealers in all kinds of WEJi Li TOOLS Si FIXTI IIES Necessary fir I'uitlin: down nnd opuMflng Oil Veil.. In connection with our MalUINE SilDP, we have a larc anti conveuient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr r!illrtes VNTiF4rtm NtS'afeftot ex cel.Vd bv any Shop tmlSo Oil ItcKiofa. Shop 3Ialn-8t,0posite McClMnek House. rnvST tf FISHER Hi JfORKIS. ESTABLISHED, A4 ., lNSO GltEAT COMBINED TAI.EN'I Dr. K. .1. KbV K1H.D1, proprietor. W. C. LISPENAKI. M D. :.r . e?'in.t,llimr Ph.dttan nM , - " . I - - This I. the only office h:' the cl y where n iwrmanenl ci(ro oi private at'caste cr,n ia witnout int. use ol tiry or chantro of dire. We ruarantee to euro (Jon- nrrpaia, Gleet, Syphilis Imrmteiicv. Nocturnal 2m'.iioui. or 8tlf Abiirc. Di miml Kmieitlnni,'VCoriiplnl'itu, in pliorr, evu rv dohhIIjIo form mid vnriftv of ScxiihI DIphbo. nr. nfynoiiii rnit-ni rmin i- n--iuti u i sate ana sure preventive ngamai niseaso. rnce tl, , or three far ft ,-.... Dr. KeyuoW.' sreat work. THR PK1VATK tisniMi lattniin tu.iiA.iiv int.i t.i, . - - , - ,, ,. . nea Wo; .rlcra 'cen s' fir II ; k... jrf annsrltnel on all Hi." eases Wj h which he human ftmliy is nnucted, with eun warranted iu nil ours!,' csss. No letter' will lie answered nni" they contain a remrranc or one dollar, consultation fee. Ooasuf Minn at the othce free of eh' ( iHisiiltiiig offlco and Oper fRoome, corner of., niu ana narKor srrrer.. up Mirs. rentona eniitag wUI'see no one hut the doctor. . Tha above concen tratliin of med'c tl talent, ensure, tho rick a scien. tific ami improved course or treatment aud a rapid aniyoermnnent cure, All lettnn n 'dresd to Dr. E. J. REYNOLDS, Rochester, N. V., will meet with prompt aitentlor. All cures warranted. Office boura I'rOm 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. mcM4 Iv. P7jBa alate AVhero yon saw my Rdwerliaemeiil. GEO. II. BISEIili Ac CO., 33 J. NZEES, PCTMOLEI'iri CENTRE, PA. George II. R'ascll, James- A. Williamson James Bishop, M. O. Martin. Wr ofliir ear aervlrsa fnr the Iransarttna r rJENRHAf, BANKING, KXCKANGB atia CoL- LrCTION BuHlN KHS. Any hii:liss eiurustodto our care will recslve prompt attention. ialTtr. T'HK DATI.v RaryiRn, i. Hie hast ed-Srli.Hf tar-t-ura in ike tili nvion. 25 Cm WEEKLY MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agent for Ocnvgl A Brown, Jaajestowa, N. V. N.' tl. SKINNER, Denier la FIANCS. ORB MS, MElIJDEONS, ,.,AXD ilUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every dascrlpUon. PIANO STOOLS, SPHBABS c, e. Centre'9t Oir. CITY, pa. Oil City, Sept li, isne.-tt. CRAIIE Ac Til ACKER, 131 Maiden t.a or, N. Y., mnmm unwrni are now prepared to- reoeW'o oa Commlnlon and make Lihetal Advances ttr Retners and Dealer. In bolii Crude and Keftned Oil. OIL VITEIOL, CRANE,' Til ACKER Ac Co., PETkOLEUSI CENTRE, PA , Keen na head ' OIL VITRIOL. BLUE 4 WHITE PAINT.' CAUSTIC. SODA, and GLUE. Are prep.vl to mnke liberal ..dlseoiuni' to Rrflnen, for CA811, and will not be ncdoracld la any or the above nrticl JunelS tl CRANE.. in ATKEK & CO. F. .1. HA & CO., Fomerly Manns i, Murphy J MACHINE &BDILERSHOP' WASH INfS TON ST.. TKOLEl'M CENTRE, PE Pst. noil.EIIS AND" E.?f;l.V"ES REIAIREf AT SHOUT NOTICE. All kind, of Ma bine Work done ..romntlr aetl' wnrraete'l to ni.u atl? xtitnt. aug 0 tr. 9. J. HAXNA O nfFFALO, tOHRV &" PlTTSKrittvr RAILROAD TIME TARLE, Tikes ciTect Mond.v-, Nnvrmuiv 2tU, liliS. NonTRwani). Aeeommodr.tinn leaves Corry 3.3 1 p m. f rjymsr 4, a j Panama 4.16; Sherman 4.: Snmmlt' p. M t Mnyi-illo 6. So arriving nt llrort,ai .na p. m Exprrs. train leave. Corrv li,3o a. m ; t'lvmer 9 He' Psnan a lo.lo ; Sherman lri.35: Snnisiiv l(i.ft0;siny ville 11, lo, and arrives at Bropton 13, 0 m. Mail leaves Corry 1,1k p. : slopping at all sta tlotis, striving at llrot ton 4.Sii m SllpTIIU'Altll. Mall train Icsn-nr Hrm tiin at 9,., 4 w -stopplaira' .11 statmns, avrirrs at Corry at l.'ia p. . . Kxpiess letwes Brorton at S,3J r. Mayvilla' H.SS; Sunmiira.45; Sl ennan4.oo; 1'acnfeia 4,13; Clymer 4.3K. nnd arriving at Corrv at A.oi . m Accom"iodatlon leaves Broeltm '".no p. ., May. vllle 8. VO, Summit, Sherman d.55, Panama 11,30 Cljiuer 11.45, nrrlvlnKRl Corry at lo.lo . u. COXSKtrilOKS PasiO'ecr. leave Biifr.ilu on the Toledo' Sxbrour or Day Exp., con.t, ciinir at Timet on with iraina for MSWille. Slurnun. Panama, eit'mw mnA n,,p. connecilne at Com- with trains on the Oil Creek 11 H. for '1 (Misvtitr, MVler, Pioneer mid l et. i:entrc Oil City and Pitirbuigb. Also, counretlpi: at Corrv wiih trains on thel'tii! adelphia k Erie Koiid, Phlladelnhh ami HarrM burgi and on the Ailnnlic and Ore-u Wes'.erh ibill way for i'liloii, M.advilln, tireenville, pa., ong Warren, Ohio. Rhd ieatown and Randi Iplt.N.T 1 rains lunvitu t Hi Cite wtain a , i-,.. , 9,o a. m., ronneetlrsrat Rroeton with tram on B x. h. It. K., arriving In l.ulTnlo at 3,lo p. ni. Trnlns lenvlnx Oil City at il.HS m will- eornrr. with Mall Truii, leaving u,, tt, j.jj ,,. ,., r,-; , Itl.lMtmr will, l.-v,.puua Unl .... ll ... it . itrritni: with Kxi)rjfi KnL on ll. V :- u. v r,. i i... nrnv. ieK hi Hnflilo at (, r,(i n m. I,eavli,a lialViln at 4 no P- " . tii rlvliiL' al t ony at lo.lo i. nt. Also, e-nnti'i nt Wvllle with Slramhoau oh A . .. '""V"1B wiin rwanitHNita on 3"!K!l' navu-ntion, f- "v""""" "'""""P". .Tart. Muyvlllo, O. Ctly A PltUole Branch R It T I M U T A B I, ,R On and after Monday, July K7;h, nstll further potice. Mum. HI uinie and dupart from Plthole u follow., ""PART. . 8.00 a ni, ConneetliiB at Oltn-solle w!I4i w-atna." ou tha Oil Creek AllrRluuy lUver Railway fcv Irviueion, TidliHiu,, Oil City, Curry, ud nni-M Ksstand West. 2.8a p ni, Connect I rite .nt Pitltolo wlh Fia'. from Pleisantvillr, Sii(.iiair!i and Mill Faiiiiy . and at Oleopolia t"i trail., on Hw'UI (We al Allev'itany River Itnlln-sr, fnr Oil ,'ty. Irvine, ton, Curry, aud poiufs Ksai 'nd Wcji . . AlUilVE IO.40 a m, eonnectlng at Oleopolia w.rti 'i ruins ,ai in, mi i reva Aiiriroruy ither Katlany troni . f rnts I ' fugjlra 4.40 p 1 snis ri ana w est. ai d al rithn'e with rraxea irnsnniyiuo, r.iiamimr ana Miner enirn. p m. c.iniieciiti" si tl n.)'i with Trans' on the Oil Creek & Allrgheiy Iviver Hnllwiiy fn-ni Oil J ivy, Corry, lr.1nenti, Tldloule, ahd pi.tntu' EJt and Wegtf W. W. WtOVSO.V. StijdirrrtfjiJiint T THk R. now;.d ft Coi P S. BarHe't, Trrmoi,.' Waieti C'iV. and N itloeai Wmcli (V Watcre" cs. can he hat) nt' ISM AM A Ot .- sa-b.