Newspaper Page Text
SOKE PRINT OBSCURED DAILY e RECORD. iCOXTXXUATlON OF THE P1TBOLB DATLT HJtCORD.) VOL. II NO. 43 PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.. HON DAY EVENING. JANUARY 11, lfl9. 25 Cl. WEEKLY THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) l.ONGWELL A I'LUMMER, Proprletore W. C. I'M JinEK, EeUtisr. fat Tsr payable ta edranee. Par mouth. in m KUICI.IIIT Or ADVERTISING. iTen Urn ef nonpareil milk, cms square ) to. inVrti. in "I x so. la enl. 4!- day, Twe dare, T hice nays, Fear ay. He U)i, 4 ae week. Two weeks. I hree weks, iie evnth. Two nviu'be. Three uinatsa, Ms mould., r Ine month, Hue year, V 1 is 1 S t Oe .1 Ml t 1 '! I 91 1 Out 14 Wi Kl ll 1 00 I 9H nu s. noi ft- SO H lull T IKI no! 10 0 t a -j ! 00 so 14 00 4 w! r. o 1 on 00 7 i 10 no; i i io vi u . is on u m ir- nu' is on i 01 no so flu 10 00 40 on no on HO lJ i an on 4 ' . u t h no 6o on urn oo H,,-Il nolle 2u rents per tin. each lasTtisa. Ailrertlsainoei. .hjtui qn .rieny In ndvaiioe BUSINESS CARDS. 1 . I'.I.I.IOTT,, A T T O IS X K Y - A T - h A V , ; AND .VOTARY" PUBLIC, fETHOI-ltOVI CKXTWt, TA. flaalne In Hie Couru at rranklln n""P'1r ' ''orK-B-ln Tt M-tl -' rtk lank Ball lac. iii maiml. W a.hlrpnn Ht. ft noMiAn mrtiti ATTOnNKYSACOUNSELORS AT LAW, eflrellleh lUMt, rraaklla, aa4 Petralaam Oaa tre, Pa. Marlt-U. T. nAE.FIrtE, wtMTIRT. OPPIf B Vrrr'a aew Balldlns, com.r or Waa'i laxtuH Kei-ouJ (., I'ttrolenra Centre. Pa. inayin ir. T. U. CHRISTIE, M. D.. rnvSH'IAH AND SHHGBflM: Oflr. apteflla lli.McKinn.; Hoiim, PieaMatrill, Pa. PraoM rWim a dl.uii will jnrmll.T And him u hia unlue oa Balnrdny from lu a. at., In I epl4ir Col. 3. U. RHOwfl j. j.iaeuaai.iN, D.alari ta OIMtANDS, UEASRS, ENGINK8. Ac, 1'I.KASAXTTIM.E, PA. at I ' ' AI.BEHT S. HAVEK, ATTORNEY COUNSEI.OR-AT-I.AW, OPriCK -In the Krlrk Bank Bnlldlne. eoraar of M uhlngiou and mum bltm, PXTMLRril OBIfTRI, PIXN'A. Majr It, 1M. tr. a. r wnaaa a- rx WII.ON VAN VEltllMt, GAUGEE3 AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OPIIOKH. MereaallleBitlldln?. Oil City Pa., and Willi Ow.ion Howors l'e.iulj;u Centre. J'a. July Utli. 18 tf. H. C. Jarvi.s. Doaltr la CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS OV HAND. lMKINO OliAHKKR li prest varlntt. I.ookbiK tllasc Plat., roplacd in old Pramet. Picture I'rnmci made lo order. Carpets, Oil C lotlis. Wall Paper, Wliiilow Shades, A HNK I1XICK. J IV lE It TAKING, COFFINS nf all slues on hand and trimmed to order on abort nolle. SASH. BL&ZS AND BOORS. of all etaae. Also, Putt,, Varnish, ftatn. Ac. it- S.' WASHINWTOJI.BT. rctmtonm Ountre Ps., Jnlr M, lant-aT. A. J. CIIUI8TY, U, S. DRUG STORE Cor. Plrat A; nolmdam St., PITHULE CITr. PA. iat tf HOTELS. QUAKE IIOli:, . II.IAt'j.R, Proprietor, Pl.KABASTVII.I.K, licclS 3m. IT.NVA. M C.XINTOCK HOl'NS, pirrnoi.Bi-M ckntp.e, pa. Tali eopalei Motel, heated Corner .t !.!.. Wa.lneTt..,.!l..., Nearlhe De iv. tm hen rfft'ed n l ftirnl.'iMl ihrnhuiit, and the prot riulor w.ll .nr no (.'! le aiaa it a!.as.s Tinif.-?r:. W II. (JAm.K l'rurior. Qf.Nl'HAt. HOf.tK, PBTr-.tH.r or.NTi:, va Sear (Ml I'rtck AllttfUeiij .V.i R;Iwir Depot, .ay 19 If- " ' "r.t:trie.. o:jik!i'i;h u. Wiwhliiftoa ure-'t. Tiir - '.rum C'en'.ro, C. COLB A GIlIi'l.N, . IWrrt'ir.. Thl llonne t eMt'll tiiCJiM. anltlw in-rl hexit'in.rter. of oil incii. Petraleiitii t'.-olle I'n.. Mir 19 IMS 'f I i i HIWI..III w ii. f .i ntMT.1 rnrr-fr j (IIEUJIAJI IIOl'.IK. Wi,i,t,n Str..t, Petrol earn Ceatra. P-i. (;! accommoiUUon. for traMh-l ,.." Par Wi'd and Imard with nmeia on remwieo'ii lernm. The propriety will .car no palm to mnVci hi.hoiiietti-rtlroio.'iie-t.. tnv'- r K1KK1CAN HOllil, L PKTKOI.EUM CSSTRB. PA J. B. BAHSRS, . t Proprietor Th! Hoti.n Is In a pleasant ,t"'' '"..,1 independence. Here we lay down a propo ':lV'"".'!0Vi,?..l!.itll'Mp.l'ifJ with in. isiii.m that -s Iiavo the freest posaible ciril ilr'itttct'a ul th. ttiaioll. j. r:. HAItNrH.. jjio-ir- OIIj city, ia. llsr ar re-nlly taknii poMMkn of ihi ai Hun-, wewoald moi r(w.iiftrnll Inform the tr.r ling ptihlic ttut we p-xipot. to "kc-pa Itoial." and to vonrince th.ra or the fact, wuluviteall who wish an liti l.i independence or frailk Vho comfort, ot a hoin., to rail ... on a.. It will ... , ,. ,utt,nnw , A n. found i The Hotel of the (Ml Kpffion. j ';r"n lla' n0!,,",,tl''" ,r"ii p.ii.lii! opinion. ! I he iieei ssd'v accimipaninient f f it ropnliil- Our Satnpl. Itoom la supplied with ilio r'loir.-ft ! . . ,,. . m i . , .. i Cnn "ri i e it is h it ever- man s ion d be Hlw, I,i(iinra nnd Clears, a-d enr M',l will be .... ' minium foai-d ladea with the very hot the n-a:kM 'r neiiililmr. and we seo nl once Th.r. Is coiiiiettid wlili the limn feur art e'.um 1 ihi' nlmnsl itievilable letiilt of Democratic lilllinrd Tallies. AN". Il r'ir M.ep "d Hath Hooius (inn us a e.ill, u-l eonvlu:e joniftelvn. of Ills Iruthiulucss of inn' iuc-timi. CHtltl.Klt 'V. sn'AAT.'l, JA11..S fi, .v ta '':. octa-tf pAM(ii.t inn's!:. MILLER FAItM TAT!t'S, On Oil Creek ffall-nad.l THE 110 USE AND FUJtNITUUE NET. P. W. TWIST. Junt-if. Proprietor. JN'IX UNA a'i N A Lt HOTEL., w:i.i.i::t tabm, pa. J(1IN B KOWK. - Prof'r. t;.Mid ari-omn;0'ilions for trnaiei t enstomem. liar Bo-tlil ami ll.m-'l nilll looms on 1-nu.ouaLle tcrii... Tliw iiroorielor i'l apa: no pains io tn-ik. hiH lii e..- aiir-eilvi to tiuc.a. jura! tf ri.EASAXTVlLl.K, PA T:.l. rt'iuni: harinu rec.inlljr been eelargM and re fi.rt.i.iod. I nrn now piapnrcl to at'coinuitidaia two iiu.-drc i i'tie..( eumioriuliljr. 8f..Kas l.-svc thi" hniifot iliree times a day for Tl-tiisi-iiid There la u'.o a line of since, io i- illiola. Jn8-tf THUS. XcKlNNBir. l'rop'r. o. r. SCIIO.VBLOM, rropristor of the I3uffalo Bakery. Dealer In choice flour, Hotter, rgt and Chwe. Alio, choics Urocerifa, Petroleum Csnti-e, Ps. Orders left will lie promptly aitet dcd in an (iooti. nenvereu. rosieinre iins (.3 my IB. GEO Kill IIIlOiV.V, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST-CLASS PIAXO VOKTIsfei, JAMCSTOWH, X. V. Warartm 1 Vatn Str-wt. F.itMrr- riconl.-lvn Uewt, toot of JUia-Ml. ' ta.ijr; tf. 1 Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pvt. Centre, Monday, Jan. 11. The Teeth of a Horse. At fire years or ne a horse baa forty teeth twenty molar or jaw teeth, twelve incisor front teeth, between the molars aud Inoiiort; tiHt usually wauling in the mare. At birth only the two nippers or middle i tic i ki r appear. At a year old the incism are all Tisible mi the first or milk nt. Il.-torrt three ycata the permanent nippers I At yearn old the p'rmitient division ' n-'st m the nipper are cut. ' At fire the month ii perfect, the second : net ir ti'eih hare been completed. j At nil the hollow nodi-r the nipper.calleil the mvli. linn disappeared from the nipper, mid diiniuiiiiied in the diridera. ! At si'veti the murk haa dinappenred from !ie iliv dr. and tho next teetli. er turnvrr, .ii- Iim'I. tlmiigk showing the mark. At f trht the mailt has juat Irmn thx cor- j rir-. -t i-d Iho hone ! suit! to I 0 nfd. .f- t "i- t!ii tin)", indeed, )!a'l autlinriliea sv (hat al'er (Ire i'r, the nn nf the hore ; no only h conjectured. lint the teeth grid nitl'y flinrge their form, iociior. lieuomiiiK . i -11111111. nnd trniiijiiUr. Dealers i.oine ! liiee. ir,hfip the teo.h ol' old hnivea; thnl it, M-iiaiiad them out to imitate the mark: " l"" "'- " ' the while edire nf enainle which alwava anr. I 'l rt.l m.rk. hy the aha pe or the ! teelh, and oilier murks of agii about the j n11Pi ,i, , KiiralCTentlemalt. Tub fhsl thing that strike, a Yankee ; a'iroa l is the j;realer indlridiialUy of the ! raii i'vIi lie ineel; the greatest personal ; ins'.ilntionit.the utmost demncralic eqtialilT and th:-n wo dra.v Iho Inl'ureorn that we mnsi !iv lue (,-et'ft pijs.ihlo men and wo- ni'n. That in by no means a nccn.isury cun- ! sTiii' iiee on iho contrary, the piohalde l f"'"'in H b the nther way. .itch is j the li sttiiuiMy of all fnreiifners, und Rilcb is the fact. Tueqticville aaid, ! never met insiliiitions, la c-ntiact with feudalism, is , . T . iimi nii-y proiiiicen auroua or men. tvo are ! into paving stones on mo iiencli, Hie ware nf constant aiiitiien wears off our corners. I The old ili'SjioiiNin end leiidnl syslam left j the corneis on j if if. produced otto tier o . slaves it prnduood annlhT tier of men. I the drat thins that strikes an 1 n- ; ',,!,K"nt Yankee when trirelin : in Kurope I i. ll,ut I,.. I.. a ..t t..,.. - 1... , . i.. .mb. iitp jitu nun m lan'i til niiririlt I blunt and unmannerly men, whete little ft- Kurd is paid to the opinion of those around there. An American conceals thn dawn of his conviction in velvet until he feels round and finds out Iho nvernje public opinion, and then he takes care not to compromise himself, while nn Eng llshman, on the con trary, is so blunt that we almost deem him uncivil. Wendell Phillips. Aiuimta, lie., Jan. 9. Gor. Cimmbnrlan was Inaugurated Yester day. The debt of I lie State has been red ne xt the past year thirty seven thousand dol lars. The entire deiit amounted to five million RPy-three thousand five hundred dollars, which talis due In 1871. liIIA.n A CO., WATCIIMAREUS & tlKU 11,3 US, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PETHOL.El.'.tl t'EMTRE, PA., Keep constantly on had a lings n'orlmDt of WATCH P.S, JISWBl.RV. i I'ISIOI", I HKVOLVKHS, I KIMIINr. TACKI.F. ( anr!de.. e . ami will .: at ; j.rlees. ,-vli natch work ws;r-'nid lo a.e Mii.i'iioii. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. rpiIB"'ock of TlRIVlSd AI BAIXILX X MOltHKS en lha Creek, are to be foand at Sl'UonaldU Jilrerf. CARRIA6ES & GUTTERS T0 B LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FID I Ac HOAIEI n Pao::h!e Tsrnis. Teaming of all Mil l at tended to Promptly. OGlre tn ce'l- T. VfttWAl. Petroleum On-!-.. V". If. IS'iS. ,EW SOODS ! XIIW CittODS ! J txt KF.CElVED st the Stor. fit Kennedrtj & JSaj:'. a choice stark of slo-te.l GROCERIES, Consisting of Tea.. CofTw.. Splcaa. plain and Fan ejr hnaps, Canned Fruits, OTSTERS. BUTTER. EGGS, CHEESE. Also, dealer, in ronfrt'onsrT, Fruits, and choice orami, or Tiituci ii ana cuaks. isn ana ox amine aur sioek at the Store lately occupied by .T. Mil ler' Jcwoly Slore, RINHPt V dc RAGE. F.lro'enm Ccnire. epl. S :SM -11, FISHER & il.l.IS, PCMCDAI fUS APUIMICTC ui.iii.iinL ifirtJiisiBiw i yj and DM'.n In .ill kinda nf WELL TOOLS A; FIXTURES Nace.tarv for I'lirtinu down and ennrstine Oil H'elli. fn connii-iiiin with eiir slAClilNE SaOl", BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our f.icl'liies for V AS'lTArn ijn'N'G arsaot sx celled bv any Shop In the oil Reaiotis. Shop Main-t,opprxitt ite.Clinlnch TIouhi. mjiT tf KISIIEU A XOBKM. ESTABIilSHEII, A. ., 1850' GHKAT COMBINED TAI.KN'J Dr. a. .1. ltliV NOI.ItS. proprietor. W. C. l.IspyiyAIll). M. D.. Conuiliinir Phisfclan and turaon. Roclieler. N. Y This ia the only sfllco in the el-y where a permanent cure of nrlviitu di.eav. can he had without the n.e of mercur.r or change of diet We ciiarnptee to cure Oon onhrea. (lleet, Svnhill. Impntwiei. octlimal Einiioiip. or aeir Aou.e, Ul nmnl Kmiinns, Venial Complaints, lu shairt, eve ry ikismiiic rorm ana rnr.aty in eexuai iiiM'ai.n. Dr. lteTnoh's' Patent Krench Haf la warrauleil sofa nnd snre preventive against disease. Pries $1, or three ror 9? Dr. Keviiolfis' trreat work. "TI1K ritTVATK MRDICAI. GriDK," heantifnlly lUnstratod, with nearly 300 naona. Price 30 conte. Dr. K. can l. snccessfuilr enn.nlted on all dis eases wlih which ihc huaian family is afflicted, with cures warranted in nil nitralile eases. No letters will he answered nnless ther eontsln a reinlttsnn of one dollar, consTiiVitlnn fee. Consul "Inn st the office free of ch? f misultlntr office and Oper J .Booms, corner of Mill and Market utrocta. up str. t'eranns ruling will see no oui mil cne nocuir. i r. sdovo conrati tration of medical talent en.nrss the sick a scion tine and Improved eour.'e of treatment and a rapid and permanent cure. All letters aildres.ed to Dr. K IIUYNOLDS, Rnrhesier. N. Y.. will meet with prompt siUnlior. All cures warranted. ODIee honrs front 7 A. sf. le 7 P. M. mehU lv. Pleaae atnte Where you law hijr arlTerttaeineni- GEO. II. mSSEIili V CO., B -A. IC E 3?l S , PKTnOI.ElJI CENTRE, PA. Reorje IT. Tt'aaell, James A. Williamson Jamna IPshop, M. I". .Martin. Ti'e offer our "rrife for the Srsn'Srliou of a FNf.rtA. BANKIWS, FXCfUNCIJ ana Ol.- a ni'einv Ttrti f v C eiki ItTK I Pi'. Any .iinM rnifrtvlte our euro wHI rrc.Tt l-romitt utfrnntm- juiT tf. ri-iHt-1 PAHA RffOTtp, i Ih, .t edrerl site j mt dens in ihe nil rein' on. MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agent for Geerfi A Brown, Jameatawa, X. Ji . E . SKI K'H B R , Dealer ta PIANOS. ORBANS, MEL01EHVS. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every deserlpUon. PIA!(0 STOOLS, BPBBA ac, ac. CentroBt., Oil. C1TT, PN Oil City, Sept. 14. lSa.-ll. CHASE Ac TII ACKER, 134 maiden Lane, K. T., mimoN nmmm, are now prepared to reaeive oa Commission sad make Liberal Advene to Ttelners and Oealsre ta both Crude and Itatned oil. O IL "V IT RIO Xj CKAXE, TII ACKER a Co., PETKOLirM CBSTIIE,PA, Keep oa hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE ft WHITE PAINT. CAUSTIC. e'ODA and GLUE. Art prepared to make liberal disannul to Beteaja for CAdil. and will not he gnderseld la aas of to ahova articies. jnnU tf prtANB. wiAOarrrn ro. F. J. MAY VI & 0., rVctw-erly Ttanaa A Mnrpky ) MACHINE &B0ILER SHOP WASHINGTON ST., PE THOIiEl'M CENTRE, Pa. Buil-ERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Ms Mne Work dons promptly and wanaol.4 to aie rtrienicclon. ana 0-. F. TJAfCKA Ct. B UFFALiO, CORKY V PITTBRCR0 RAILROAD TIME TABLE, Takes errant Monda, Nnvemher 33d, IMS, aoRTBWAttlft. Aseommodarlon leave. Corry 8.80 p. t. Clyasar 4, 6 ; Panama 4,1A; sihernian 4,35; Ctimralt A.eo p. w ; Mayrille A.5o arrivinit st Broeton 7,ee p. ra Express train loaves Corry a,8o a. t Clymer a.Bi Puneu a lulo ; Sherman ln.SSi rntnjili IO,H,Uay Tillell.le. and strives at ItrocteolS, Mall leaves Corrv 1,1 r. , stopeing at ill ttav tloas, airivins at Brocton 4.80 r. a soi-rtiwaitn. if al I train learns Brorlon at 9. no a stopping all ll si. Hons, arrives at Corrr at lt,M p. m. Kxpi ess loans nrnrtnn at 9.U a. a. ; Msyrllle ; Mimmit 3.Sj Hl erman 4.oo Panama 4,U Clymer 4.3.1. and arrlvlnr at Coiry sts.oe r- . Accniuiiiaiai ion leaves itroeton T.oo r. at., Vav ,l;le Rl, Summit S 4o. fhormun ., Panama t,lb;: Clymer V,4I, arriving at Corry at lo,lo . a. CfJSICTlOSS. Psssei-cers leave Paff-iln on the Toledo Pjrrreee or Day Express, conn'oilui at Brneton with tsalna for Mawille. fh.nnan. Panama. Clymer and Ccm ronneeilnj at Corrr witn trains on the (Ml Creek B. H. for ', Mr lor, Pioneer and 1'et. Centre,. Oil City and Plttl.nti;h. Also. cmini-cHnp at Corrr wllh tralna on the Pnll adelphia A Kiln Koad, for Philadelphia and Hatrta. hurt;; and on the Atlantic aad Oreit Western Rail way lor t nion, MeadviMe, Greenville, Pa., and Warren. Ohio, and letneHtown and Kand.'lpta.4.Y. Trains leaving oil Cliy at o i l a. ra , I Wrv a 0,'Jo s. m., eonuecticx at Rroeton with train on B- et K. K. It., arrivlni; in rlntfiilo at 9,io p. m. Ti-ii'ne leaviiiB (ill Clry at 11.33 a m will eoaneef with Mail 'rrairi lenvin?" Curry at p. as., coa nectlnp with Kxpres Et on n. A K H K , srrlv. Itii; in Huffsln ai p. in. Iieariiia BuSile as 4,oo p. m , arrh inc at Corry at 1Ili p. m. Also, cennert at Vay-rllle wiih Hteamboara ea Chautauqua lAkeiiliirins taiaon of navigation, a Jamesiown and Kandolph. A. It TREW, aant.. .T.inl. Mayvtllo. N. T. O. Ctiy VlMtlMla Brnnch U 11 T I M K On sud after Monday, Jnlr STtti. antil furrher notlee, trains it 111 salve and deport from PllUole aa follows. DKPART. (.00 a m, Conneetin et OlemmMa with trains on the Oil Creek A AUrgheay Klvor Railway I'er Irvlnelon, Tldioute, Oil City, (lorry, and poto Fast and WiKt Z.Bti p m, Conneetlnic at PltheJe wish Slwts aroas Plkisantville, shamhnri; aed Mill. Faiia. and at Oleopolis with trains on the Oil CreoK ,v Alle.'en.r ftirer Itailwty, mr Oil Uty,. Irvine ten. Curry, and points East "nd H oef AKIilVB I0.4U a in. ctnnnnlnal Ol.rj.o'.ls with Trttisa on Uia Oil Creak Allfglietir n,.n H,ii!v, ,,- irom a hit. East nnd Vt tt, and Kl 1M1" -.-It'i HH;a f"T I'lenssatTiile, Kliainlynr a.i.1 '-l.i;. 440 nl, r-.nt.r-lni; at !"i' t e-uli Tra-'ite oa the Oil Cr..k A Alliabeiy f.vr Kallwsy to in fell Cttv, Curry, Ir.wrtun, Tiiinu--, sad pithita (Vut and Wew . W. W. HJtnNr, Riipertttlmdent, ra tr it .1 a . 1 a Tl TrtMMi- I Watch ro'i. and Natlenel Watcli Ct.'e rTiUKav tt. ran hn had at ItfllAM 0K. i)AI.I. 1H'HKA r" U r,K.V.iD i.Krlt a. f ap iijsfvi B..a.