Newspaper Page Text
1 WJSJiS ;.,. - DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL DAILY RECORD. tcoirriirvATioir or rum htbols datlx mmcomj.) VOL. II. NO. 44. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA., TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 12, 1869. 25 CTS. WEEKLY TUK PETROLEUM CENTUE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. j LUNGWELL A PLUMUER, Froprietori. W, C., Editor. Per year payable In advance, It CO Far nioatb, ? PUICE.I.IST OF ADVERTISING. (Ten line of aonuarell make on sqnare.) flu. Ineertiona. I q. "4 SO. .1 SO,. col fine day. Two days, hiee oayi, iMr rlaje, tivedave, (i nrk, Two wrflkl, 1 bran wcekl, One month. Two mouths. Three months, ?U month,, Mnn mouths, Ui.e yivtr. "I 1 ID 1 .V I oo.l i .W (i uui i 501 t 0" t M 3 00 a sui w 00, 10 oo; 11 0. 1.1 00 it 00 v 00 Id 00 ti on S25 X iXt 4 6) T so 10 0 11 09 IS X) H 00 SO Oil 4o Oil CO nil (4 Ml a ,vi a su j oo no 50 u on 1 no r oo 80 00 40 IU ao oo 80 oo 100 00 7 u IV si vi Special notkea SO cut, per tin, wt lai,rtloa. Advortieeraeata payable quart ny In advance BUSINESS CARDS. j a. eei.iottm ATTOttJIET-AT-LlW, AND NOT ART PUBLIC, PEl'MOLEM CENTRE, FA. Buelneie In the Coaru et Franklin promptly at- '"oVki'cB In Blesell A Oo'e Briek Bank Betid ing, (up iiali-l, Yt aehingtonKt. act N tf OMiAJH ami I H, I ATTORNETSACOUNSELORS-AT LAW, Odea nieb tweet, Frackna, aad Fetrolenm Can tre, Pa. Maylt-ti. r. ItleALPINE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICII Berrr'a now BaUdlng. eorner of Waah tagtoa and Second all , Patroleam Centa, Pa. mayll If. t. u. chbii tie, hi. rilYSH'lAN ANB ICHORON; OWco opposite tbattcKinuey Houaa, Fieasnatville, Pa. Paraen from a dtstaixe will generally And bttn at kla Office on batureiiv from lo a. ia , to 3 y.u. Cel. J. B. BttOWN ft J. J. mcUASLIN, Dialara la OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES. ., PI.BASANTTILLE, PA. laM-lA ALBERT B. 11AVEII, ATTORNEY k COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OPTICS In the Brlrk Bank Bal'dine.. earner of waaaiugien auu jsaia ou-ueie, PtTKOl.nTM CBNTRB, PBNN'A. May It, MM. tf. a. . wiuea. a a van vjieon WILSON VAN VEIAOK, GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFriCK,-Mereantlle Building, Oil City Pi . and with OwaiuTi t. Howere; Peiroieuia Centre, Pa. July ilitb, 1 tf. H. C. Jarvis, Oealar In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOK1NO GLABHRS 0 r,v rariHy. Looking Glaat Pluua reslacad In old Kiatnp. Picture Frames made to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, A PINK STOCK. l.METiKIC3, COFFINS of all alxn on hand and (rimmed to order (in slmrt nnlice. SASH, BLA2S AND DOCKS. of all atzoa. Alao, Puttr, Vanilh, Ptaln. c. Nl. H IH U'AMI1NfiTOK!er. Putrnlenm CVntre Pa., July 114. ItiiH-K. A. J. CHIUsiTY, U, S, DRUG STORE Cor. First Sc. llolindcii Sta,, P1TH01S. 01 TV, PA. mvlO if HOTELS. c HASE HOUSE, . DRAPER, Proprietor, PI.EAHANTVIELE, DeclBSin. PENM'Aa jyet;L.iri roCK. iioi'Ui, PETHOMTM CBNTRS, PA. Tkla popolal Tlotal, tutted Corner of Jlaltt Waahlneleti-ffta., Near tha Da o ku bren raHtinl anl fnrnlahvd thrwtipbotit, aud the pruritor will rpnre no paiaa to wake tt a FIRST-CLASS IIOb'SE. W II. wABLK. ProprlKnr. JETNTIIAL. HOUSE, PBritOf.tTM CENTt'B. PA.,' Near OB Ow Allin '.' ra" . u.v.' nayio tf. i. J. (';: . Propri'-'or. JOIHEHI t it Tutvsu, Taahlacton arreet, PtroluaK Ceutre. Pa. COI.H ORIPPIX, . . . P.--i.teivra. Thia llona! la fPtitrally lccated, and the (fnfral beadqamrter f oil num. Pelxokum Crnuo. Pa.. May lit ISM tf. (UEHJIAS HOUSE, TTaahlnften Vtraat, Petroleam Centre, Pa. d. M- CKocKKtt rRorn. Ootid accommodatlnca for traniiont rntninra. Day board and Jioard with ronme an reaaonahle tarma. Tha i.iiprletir will apara no paiua to make hla botiae attractive to irtieati. n'41-if A BIEHIUAN HO'CBI, P 5TR01.BTJ1I CRNTRB, PA. J. B. BARNBH, . . Proprietor. Thia Honaa la In a pleaaant locality, and Vint a ahort walk from the Ii'po' The rooma ara lan; and cnnifurtai le, and the table aupplied with the dflicacK of Uia aeaaou. JniO tf- J. B. BAKNEB.. PETROLEUM HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. Favtav recently taken poaaaiion of ilia aliove rionac, wo woo Kl moat roapartfiilly liifo.m the trav allnj f.iiblic riiat we propnae to "keep a Potal," and to ceuvlnce llnni of the fact, wc Invite all who wiah the nomforta ot a home, to call upon on. 1; r. ilt be fonnd The Hotel of tUc Oil Itcgions. Oar Baeipla Boom la anpplird with the choiovt Wlnea, Llquoriand Ogara, and our table will bo fui' d laden with the very beat the n a. art a.Torda. There la eonnecud with the liou.a f..ur srst r.laa Billiard Tahlea. Alan, Barli r Shop and Hath Hooma t.lvo ua a cll, and convince yuursclvea of the lrullilului.Mii of our aawriiou. CHARLES W. ejTAATS, JAirlEN i. WHITK. ottO tf JUA.NKLIN HOUSE, MILLER FARM STATION, On Oil Creek railroad 1 THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. 0. W. TWIST. . - Proprietor. JuueS tf. I N'TEKNATIONAli I1U A CL,, MILI.EK FARM, PA. JOIIX E. BOWK, rrop r. Oootl accommoilatltius for transient cuatoaiera- Day Uoanl and Itoard with rooina on retuonaMe terma. 'Ilie propriritor will apara ao palna to utitke hla Uouac attractive to tiiC!:a juueS-tf MO.N UOTKL, PI.KASANTVILI.E, PA Thia Moiiae liavinL' recently been enlarged and re-fr.riiiahi-d, I am now prepared to accommodate two nnndrcd uticitta com'ortnbly. Htaa-na h-nve thia linuan ihrce tlmee a day for Ti tnavilie Thuro la lao a Hoe of sincea to Pithola. Jns-tf TIK'S. JlcKlSNKV. Prnp'r. O. Fa SCIIO.MILiO.n, Proprietor of tha "Buffalo Bakery. pral.T hi rbolcfl Flour, Jluttrr, Fgtr nc4 CIuhms. A : cboic-v GrOccri, j li rroteum (Vntrf, 1'a. Opiew loft will h pnimptly Umlvtl to un timtiV diMivorrd. PftiMoill.-e litix my,9 a one. 1 A; iioav., JIANUFACTUUERS OF Fili.ST-CLASS PI1S0 FORTES, -K e'CTO WK, N. V. Warerroma 4 1 Tnin Srioit. ranttfiT rVonk!Tj I ltlur-k, fuvit 01' .Muf-i sl. lil'ijSMf." 1 Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre, Tuesday, Jan. 12. The Survivor of Perry's Victor)-. A iliatinpuljberl officer of the war of 1812, an aid to Ceo. Harrison, now in our cily, sends us the following which we publish with pleasure: The Inst Sunday's papers published the following item of new: 'Delishor Parsons, an eminent and ven erable phynician nt Providence, R. 1., died Saturday, nvjed SO. Ho was aurgeon of the rlnit-idiip Lawrence. In tbo battle of Lake Erie, and the last eurvlving commissioned iifl'ei-r i f lVrryt fl-et." .1- Dr. I'fhor Puraon". of Prbvidenee, was lue aur' on ol Perry "a fleet, and is reported to linve di.-il ol the 10th of September last ih-d i.v o'n which ho had intended to be present nt the cluhratiua nt Pnt-in-Bay. The Itesn just quoted is in error in laying he was I lie Inat surviving commissioned "flier of that Heet. Commodore Chaplin renidos in Hull'ulo. N. Y.. and flreit the Inst iun, in rommand of tlni Scerplon. Dr. W. T. Taliaft-rre. an eminent cilizen nf 'Cincinnati, ard uool her veteran onw liv I nif in Bootio county, Ky.. were volunteer murines in the battle, aad Taliaferro, after nurd followed up the blow by crossing the Luke uml taking part in Johnson's regiment in the Imltle uf the Thames 4 double honor won by 110 111 ti- r patriot. Noah Webnter 1 son, William C. Webate wao helped to make the funjons dittiossr), Is di ad, aged fifty-three yeais. Mis Kllwood, llin prof.mional skater. Is announced at the Buffalo Rink to give an exUibition, rdresspd to represent Mercury." The editor of a Vernont paper says he hsd a present on Christmas morninff.which was not a piano, but tt could yell." The Washington Star says there is a lady in that city who has made a fortune "by uiccetuTnl loblying fjr the whisky rinj." John W. Menard, the colored representa tive from Louisiana, has left Washington iu dig;ust, He bat no hope of bis admission to Congress. The R.v. 15. M. Tillolaun, of Manchester. New Hampshire, has married 1,720 people within twenty-live yearn. lie has buried 1,400 people, and preached 2. COO sermons. A New York policeman recently quarreled with liia wile, pot drunk, and localise she wouldn't let bint break the furniture, threat, enrd to kill himself. ' A Massachusetts inventor has mnrle np plicatien for n palent for an arrangement by which nil the cattle in a burning barn can bo turned loose without loss uf time. A young lover near Ashland, Tennessee, stole the dead body of his sweetheart while it was lying in its cifHn nt her father's bouse on Christmas eve and bid it In a cure. Queen Olga, of Greece, walks the slreots of Athens, with her baby in her iinns, stops snd talks with all the mothers she meets, and compares babies with tbein. One of the new members of the British House of Commons is the proprietor of a lunatic asylum, so that the "lunatic inter est" will be duly represented in Parliament. The occasional Inconvenience of the use of Ihs editorial "we" is exemplified by the Springfield Republican, when it says, ''We were born in February, and so was our wife." The editors of Kentucky will meet In con vocation en the Lltb. Theodore Tilton lectured In Marysville, Ohio, ea Tiiutsday night. Cyrus W. Fiel .'s f.ljuries are leae serious than at first supposed. isii.i.n & co., Watchmakers & .Jfwh.fkn. IN OPERA HOUSE UUII.WNU, WASH INGTON STREET, PETKOL.Er.TI I LSTllK, V.f Keep constantly ou hand a iaro insortmtnt of WATCH F.S. JEWBLRY. i'lhl'Ol.S. KEVOI.VKttS. KlMUNf) TACEI.F, Cnrt-ll?e, A'e., ntld will ett w fi.tmm prl..r. All wauli woiU vh iintctl t" i"s taiiM'-KUou. T. M'.Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. rpiIS i bat Stock of nRIVI?vO ANT) RADDLE X HOkKKS ea tha ( rock, are to be fonnd at AI'DoUald's Livery. CARRIABES & GUTTERS TO B LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FED Sc HOARDED ea Reasonable Terms. Teaming of all kinds at tended to Promptly. rye Ira me 1 call. T. M'DONAL Petroleum Centra, Nov. It, IMS. ATTENTION XKXV GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! JVH'r RECEIVED at tka Btora of Kcnneday & Sage, s eholcs stack af selected GROCERIES. Consiat'.ng of Teas. Coffees. Splraa. plala and Fan cy foape, Canned Frulta, OYSTERS, BiTTTEH. EGGS, CnEESE. Alao, dealera In Cenfeettnnarv, Fnilts. and choice hrarda of TOBACCO aud (III A Kb. Call and i- miae our stock at the Store lately occupied by .J. Mil ler's Jewel y Store, KENEDA V & SAGE. Patrolautn Centre. Sept. Si, ISM -it. FISHER & AORRIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Oaalara ia all kinda nf WELL TOOTHS 1c FIXTURES Vacaoary fevr putting down and er-eratine; e!la. in annnectlon with onr MaCUINE SHOP, wa bava a Urge and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr facilities for MANrFACTiJR'NG araaet e celled b any Shop In tha Oil Redone. ,sV,op Main-st,oppositt MrClintock Ilmst. rJI tf FIRIIEIt A NORKISI. ESTABIilSHED, A. I., 18&0 CHEAT COMBINED TAI.EM Dr. K. .1. KhV NoLD". proprietor. W. C. LINPENAKK. M. I).. Contoltloi' Phislcian snd I'Oivccin UociHVier, N. Ttiia in tlia only ufnYe In the cl y where ri pcrninnent cure of nrivatc dl-cilaia can bo had without the u,e of r mercury nr rnnna in oiei.. We guarantee to iitire (.im orrlioNi. (ileet, Mvnhilia Impoteney, Nocturnal Bmlstons, or sew Aimse, hi niiinl Eroianions, l'imiale Cnuiplninia, in ahei t, eve ry po.aihle form and varieiy of Sciuid Piseaac. Dr. Kevnolda' Patent French Sf is warranted aafo and aure preventive afuiast disoaaa. Price $1, "0.!.' craat work. "TFIB PUIVATK MBDICAL tiCIDE.'1 beairtifully llluatratod, with ncjirlv 300 page. IVIce 30 eenta. Dr. K ran ha siircesufnllv conulted on all dia ea"o with which 1 tin human fniily la atKIOad, with cures warranted In all ourHliia raaea. No Inttera will ha anawnred unleaa thev contain a remlttana. nf one dollar, connuitation fee. Consul- -lnM at the nfllea free of chr . ( onaiiliini: ortioe and Oper A ltoom,; corner of Mill and Market Hreeta. up reraona cauiinj will aeu no ono but the doctor. The above concen tration ,f medical talent ensurae- the sick a scien tific and Impnived couine of treatment and a rapid and permanent cure. . All letters addressed to Dr. E. .1. REYNOLDS, Rnehoater, N. V., will met witli prompt altanlior. All cures warranted. Olflce hours from 7 A M. to 1 p. M. melilA lv. I'loiine atnte Where you law iny ndvorllaumoiil. CEO. II. KIEIili .V CO., B N K E BS , PKi iioi.r.i n cr.NTiti:, pa. fJeorarnTL Ttiencll, ,7mea A. Williamson Janiea B'shnp, M. C. Martin. We offnronr r-rlsei for the trnn'antliio of a A i. BANKINfi, EXCHANGE and CuL LECTION lirclNEFS. Anv huslnefc enirnatedto onr care will roenlve prompt atientlon. in IT t f. HlMIl? DAILY Rljr-iHD, lathe hanudievljilrg I medevn io ! Jll reifion EaS" "WWa TVift . MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agent for Geergt A Urnwa, amaotowv, K. . It, K . SKINNER, Dealer la PIANOS. ORBANS. MELOLEONSf AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO STOOLS, STRIAW sc., sc. Centre-St., Olf. CITV, Pas Oil City, Sept. 14, CRAXE Ac TIIACKER, 134 naldon Lane, A. V., l'011IS )lf;il( IIIVTS, are now prepared to reeaive on Commlaalon aiMf make Liberal Advances to Reflnara and Oaalaea la both Crude aud Ratned Oil. . Oil- VITRIOL, CRANE, THACKER tt Co., PETROLIC M (;BNTRB,PA, Keep on harid OIL VITRIOL. BLUE A WHITE PAINT,- CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are prepared to make liberal dieennat to BaSuars lor CASH, and will nut be DBdersold ia any of Urn abova articles. JanelS tf eRANB. THAOSTRR A Ca F. J. II V VYY & CO., fFonr.erly Uanha A Merpliy MACHINE BOILER SHOP WASHINGTON ST., PE TKOIiEl'M CENTRE, Pa BUHNERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All klnrift ftf Waritfi Work HeM uMmntJ fl' Ilfl fU. W. UAiii cry. B irrALO, co it it y ec pittsbcho RAILROAD TIME TABLE. . Takes effoat Monda. Novrnvmr ld, 1SD9. SOkTHWABD. Aacommodtlon loaves Corry 8.W m $ Ciymar 4, A ; Panama 4.1ft; Hhermau 4.2ft; Knnimlt t.oo r. if ; Mavville ft.5i arrlvina it Ilrocton T.exi p. re Expreae train leavaa Corrv UA. a. ; Clymar ,A''i a lo.lo : Sherman 10,15; Bnraaili 10.40 ; May rille 11. In. and arrive at Brociou lay 0 . Mall leavea Com LIS r. a., slipping at all tia Hons, striving at Brocton 4..W r. it. Sfirma ahd. Mall train leave Brocton at V.nn 1 v .atopplng at Jl atationa. arrives at Corry at IJ,J r. a. Bv pi eas leavea Brocton at 9,19 p. m.: Mayrllt .5o ; rmrarait s.4.1; Khermao 4 oo; Pauaam 4,i Clymer 4 ,V. and arrlvinc at Corry at 4. 04 v. a. Aceom-norlatlnn leavea Brocton 7.oo e. w , Mav lilla K in, Summit 8.4o, Shermad a.3S, Pacaaia 11,40; Clymer 0,45, srrlvlna, at Crry at lo,lo e. a. COSMKCTIOKS PaMci'tera )ava BnAVIo n tha Toledo Expra.e' or 7Hy Rxp,a.a, rolio-eling at brocton with rraine fur 4avlle. Sherman, Panama. Clrnier and Cirrvr cctinertlne at Corrv wlih tnilns on the OH Creek R. It. for Mi'ler, Pioneer and Pet. Centra, Oil City and Plinhn:iih. Also, connecting si Corrv with trains on tha Phil adelphia Krle rtnid. for f'hilailelnhia and Harrla. burg; and on the Ailnnricand Oreit Western Kail way for Colon, Meadvlllo, Greenville. Pa., Sn4l Warren, Ohio, anil .fetnMtown ;ind Rand'l4h,T4. Y. Tnilns leaving oil Cliy at 0.16 a. nr., (virrv at 0,i2o a. m iiikk-?Ii: at Hrocton withrraiit on B ? E. It It., arrlvinc in Hnrftb. at t.ln p. m. Train IniviiiK Oil city at u.ttl a m will crtnn.ct with Mail Tnilu teavinu Corvy at 1,13 p. aa.. eon nectliu! with Kxprsa Eat on B. A F. if R., anlv Inic In t'.nfr.ilo at d.i p. ra. I.avii.K BunMo at 4,oo p. m , arrii iitir at Corry nt In. In p. m. Alao. connect at Mayvtlla with HlramVtar ea Chantauoua Ijike iflorina season uf navigations Oy, Jan.oaioau and Randolph. A. It. TKKW. fntit , JtinU Mayvlllo, N Y. O. Cllv aVPiihole II ranch R R TIME TABLE On and a Par Mndav, .Inly STiii. mil firraar aotice, trains 111 arrive aud depart front Pilbole as' folio a. DKPART. 8.00 a ret. Connect Ine; at Oleormlla .eft wains on tha i'ii! Creek As Allegheny River Railway lor Irvitietoti. Tlilloute, Oil City, Oorry, and polnta Kssi and W.f 4. SO p m, Connecting at PtUioto wlh Fancea Ha P'ensantvrlle, Shanibnn; Md Miller Fanv snd al ilieopolls with frame on tha (ril Creatt A, Aiiamenv River Ha"way. ft oil (tr,- Irvine trie, C.rry, and points Kv "nd Vt'iwt AltltlVK IO. to a rn. cMinefilnir at oieepiili with Tmina on Uia Oil I'n.k k Allegheny River Railway from . i'ltn Kai ai d w eat. and at Piiho a with Maai;a f..r I'lvasantvlllo, Shanihurv and Miller faim 4-! m, eoni ooiini: at. o:-po'ia with Tr.wniC 011 ti e Oil Crciak A Ail' ehe'iv Hival Rallwn.v tram oil lit)', (Wry, L-.iiiebm, Tidionie, awl points' Kaat aad West . . . W. BRISS(W. SnfirlieVnt. rfTIK E. Howard C, P a. Bartlait. Trerinni I Wn H1. Pn1, and Hl:Onnl Waieh Co'rf Wati-ii- rv. can ha had at IBIIAM .t "'t. , J.JAI.I. TM K T4 ti t"c RK'--I 1 ri4;taEI 't np