Newspaper Page Text
,,v;VUt)l l't .W ( . ,. .- RECORD. DAI C01TTIXVJ.TI0N OV TUX PITUOLV DAILY RECORD.) MM lIT-NIX 49 PETROLEUM CENTRE, THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JIECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) LONGWELL & FLUMMER, Proprietors. W, C. rtUSIMEB, Kditor. TKltfllS. Per yesr payable in advance, $8 00 1 et mon,u, FK1CE-MST OF AUVEBTMINO (Ten linen of nonpareil mane olio aquaro.) " No. Insertion!, i a eg i Cl )!. day, Two dttvfc I liree 6yi Four day, Vive days, lae week, Two week. 'I broc week., One month. Two mouths, Three immlhn, Mi months, Muo mouths, 4: T ., . I (Mil i. I !tU' 4 01 . .. 1 SH S (Kll ft 40 V !2 no 9 Mil It lH 7 nn 8 110 S IK) 4 4 M li IK Ml n mi s no 4 60 7 BO ft so 14 01 10 0O Id (HI mil 1il Oil! 12 (XI SO 00 1(1 l1 li Ml 15 1X1 Yi l,1 15 CO1 1 00 91 01 27 '"I" 30 00 811 Oil 40 (Ml (10 00 HO IHJ n III no mi 4!1 U" 4S Oil m '' i' o one year, ' fpeclal notice. 40 Milt, per line, each Insertion. AdvertLemeut. payable quarter In adva-cc BUSINESS CARDS. . ft. Ul.l.IOTT ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PETMOLEUll CENT HE, PA Franklin promptly at wSl'Vln Bis.ell W; Brisk Bank Tjuild 1 - r .1. . .iitnrion-o,. - lnR, I ll" mnnci. m- ATTORN EYSA COUNSELORS AT LAW, Offlce-nitfh Street, Frauklln, "i Jr?';"m l'en lie, l'a. V. McAl.PNE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE-Bcrry'. new liiiNnlnc corner of Wh mainu na peuuuu j i 1 t""i' 1 - mayltt If. T. . CHHISTIE, 11 P., PHYSICIAN ANT BOKflK'INi OPlce opj,olte tlie Mcmnney iiouru, imn...,..... P.r.on from a distauca will genorally find lilin st his Ofdcoou rUiii.d-v from lo m., loa p.m. cpl4tf Col. J. U. BBOHM V J.J. MCDASE1N, Dialers in OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES. 4c, PLEASAXTVILLE, PA. JnSStt AliBKMT B. HAVElt, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In the lliick Bank Uiilldlne. corner of Wasliiugtou and M tln Uli'voia, CENTRE, PENN'A. May 19, 18(18. tf. a. r. wni. h a vatc vtnoa WILSON eV VAN VKLWU, isitrnF.ns AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, 0FHCES, Mercantile Bulldinf, Oil City Pa and won uwelon .v nowur., luiniicuu. . July iiOtll, 18 tf. H. O. Jarvis. PoUlT 111 CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HANI). I.00KINI1 OlistES In urea' variety. I.ookinc l!Ua Platea replaced ui o'd Kranies. Plctmt! Franuis miido loonier. Caijuts, m n..tlr, Wall Paper, Wintlnw Nhiwles, A KINK STOCK. ODEl-TAKl'VO, COFFINS of all sizes nn hand nnd trimmed to order on abort notice. SASR. C-UZS AtfB BOORS. of all rlwi. Also, Puttv. Yarulfh. Stain. Ac !4. 11 WAHIN'roXli'r IMrolenm Ooutru l., July U. WM-tt. A. .1. t'HUISTY, U. S, DRUB STORE Cor. First & lo!i!it!ctt Si., l-ITUOLE CITY, PA. mjl'J tf. HOTELS. QHASE HOUSE, I 8. IMtAPEK, Projuii-tor, 1I.EAANTVIEEK, pr.N'A Dcclfi 3in. jyjcLElNTOCK HOUSE. PETROLEUM CENTP.E, PA. This populat Flotol, Itnatc.d Comer of fllalii V VoUliisttn-st., ...i - i. i ... iu.fltr.itl nurl fnrnliiTiPll tliruiiyhoul. and the proprietor will no IO IIUIKtf II FIRST-CLASS house. oc'S tr W II. GATII.U. Proprietor. JI'.MftitAb llllini.1 rETUOLrll.'M t'ESKiE, PA., Soar Oil Creek 4 Allegheny Kivoi liailway Depot ir.av19 ir. tl- J. Oil'. Proprietor. 7uhes r emTIio v i Wai-lilnh-ton street, Petroli-uai Oemre, Pa. COI.K & GUIITIS, . . Proprietor!. Tl,l It.nwn U ciMit-:lll InciteJ. and the eenural helll(lMatel' t'f o'l men. I'elroleuiu tiMirro ni.. .my m i.'o n- 1iF.1t li an mil si:, aauingion i-ireii, i firnuiuiii vvun.r. .... 1 D. K- CtiOCKEIi. .... ' ,oiio nrciiliiniiniuiniii i"i n.... . r. - . K.......I ...Itl. n,..i.,u 01, rmiKiillllllll (loud arenmmnilatliin. for li-aiiiU-nt enioiner. I . . " "j I. .......... m, r.m.iillllh I. liay inn". i,ii " , icrm. Th p.oprlntor will paie no pains in make hia hoiiw. ilrnetlve to imii-ta. "i'l (' 4 ItlEKICAN HOT PETROLEUM CENTItE, PA. J. R. r.AKSP.S, Vropileior Thi. Hone In a pleasant locality, and but a ?liort walk from Ihe Hepol Tim rooui are laiV'i and eoinl'oria liMiiid tliu tablo euppllcd wtt.i Uic delicacies of the aeasiin. ,,.vio lETK4L!Ei; IKM1SS-:,' OIEi CITY, PA. llavinc recently taken pise'sion of the above tloine, wo would uioiit resiiecfully inform tho trar ehnB piibl'c tlmt we propose to "kt-pa Ho'el," and to convince lhni or the fad, we invite a'.l who wish the romfurt. o. a hums, to call upon us. Ii w 111 be found Tho IIoli'l f the Oil Itrsioiin. nr KuM.,i it, .niu i.MiDDlicd with the (holcest Wines, Liquors and Clpirs, and our table will bi found laden with the very best tun iraiket affirds There Is connw.'.cd with the ll"Hc four first eiase Ililllaid Tallies. Also, llirb r Simp and tt.itn t .it, - .. ...ill. hoiI e.nuvhice vouisclvea of ttlll trUlllIUlUehS Ol our u.air le t lMICM K W. STAATS, OCI9 tf J A in " jHANKI.IN HOUSE. 11 FAKM STATION, On Oil Creek I 'abroad. 1 THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. C. V. TWISV. l'ropilctor. .lunc'Jtf. I KTEUNA'&'ION ALi IIOlEIa - M1LI.EK KARM, PA- JOHN E. KOWE, 1'rop'r. Cood aeenma odatlons for Iransici t customers. Dav Hoard and Hoard with loom- on reasonal.le terms. The uroprlelor will .paw I 'In ' make 111. House ailrictlve to i!ues: junetf TTnT oni or e L., l'l.EASANTVlbl.K, PA This Mouse h.ivlni! recently been enlariiod nnd re furiiishfd. I am now ) etrired lo accommodate ivro luiMdrmi i'tn"ts connorubly. . Staires hve this li nise ihree times a day tor II , iiio Tl.oro is also a line of Si.ure-.o 1 itl ho e. i.l8.i TIHiS. I rop r. o. f. tciioxnivO.M, Proprietor of the Buffalo Bakery. Dealer In choice Flour, Duller, Kiss ami Cheesa. Also, choice liroceries, l'eti'oloum Centre, Pa. Crdcrs left will he promptly a''ed "' Corals delivonil. Postoltlee Hot & n ) III- a. 111: ow.v. M A N U FACTUR ER.5 OK FIRST-CLASS i J . () FOKITKN, JAMESJOWJC, N. V. Warer. o.ns 1 1 Muln Factory-llronWyn Dle.-k, foot of .Maiu-f-u tiaisi. i. PA.', TUESDAY EVENING. JAGUAR i 19, 1669. Petroleum Centre Daily Record. I'll. Ceut.f, Tuesday, Jan. 10. JTIIE WO It I. D, ok. iiiiiij; me nv-. - Siiiil u inelaiiclioly lookiuK indlvidiml to waiter at one of our principal hotels in Ibo (Man1. "Ym ir."' Tim dinner wns luouulit ftnd devmireil. and the cater called the landlord uside, and Huh nddressi'd him : 'You nro the laiidlnrtl ?" 'Yea, ' (in aslnnisiinient. ) You iimUe. probalily, ten dollars a day clear V Yes." i.ii...n 1 ,nn Bi.f T pnnnnt hair for what . UVtl . "IU .-... . ' - l'"J F linve cono'iiiicil. I tiave licen out ol 1 111- lilovnieiil seven month; but have eniineil . 1 1 . .1 .11. no f hint u-it.!i(illt j looil four ti ml twenty loins when I euli ieU i ..1.iri.( 1 villi von in a wwll." j' ! cluiioI pay my bills. with fucli prom 1 iff," liliiHtereil the landlord ; "and I do not keep a noiir Inline. 1 oh Khoulil nudrPM tne proper 'niiilmrities. Leavo nm s imethlnx I, it- security. I have noihili;;." ..I ... ; 1 1 iL-.. ...moWiiiil M II I po in o the s:reet without that I will ... ..... I..4.1I1 tn,h ivunllmp nn lliie." "Y.'.'i li"iil(l have thought ol that before Yon are serious? Well. I solemnly aver tlmt one week trom now I win pay uu ..1 ...ill lul-i. tl, O..t " The eoat was l!t, and a week nl'te ivrurds rcileenr'd. . ..,. r....r. i,ri..i tli it n wpn'.ilio m in fn tnrii.l tin. miliiitil nrvnn.and w;is iiresent-d 10 a cauriie u 1111 nitno;mii nn uhi'h.i- ...."...".. '' "- "''i'''"' nil. Itlalnrv lit t tl II llOU l.tllt. Will WfHa l.'l.l III.-,..!. .'. ,M- )... ..(' il... mill nun i.f I ho most n..F..n..l..l.l.. .Ili.,,ii,. Tin, i.,l, umis a till 1 Vl"Ji l. ll"ir ui , ii .it-. . nv. -. , and he cast thn mvatim, thereby (leleutine the wealihr Hitilii(.i)C -wliom ho met no hour ur.envaril. anil to whom he said: You d n'l remember me';'' I nee t a dinner in your h-itel. and .... ,i..ii I I. .1.1 ..r.n 1 il'i.ii iiiii.;iiii,. nlol . I.., mu vei.e!l niwl lionor f,t inf von ill :t week, y ui t ink mv coat tli U hie (jo out inlo'the iuclenu'iit air at Ihe liili of uiy life without it.'' "Well, sir, what then'.1'' Not much. You called yourself a Christ, ion. To-nijiht you were a cam'tlat" for noiniii ilioti. and but for me you tvi(r!'l hate been elected lo I'onurc." Three vein utter, the Oht.r' '; l.aioiiir became a bankrunt. Th' I noi-lieis wri.lnh tliat. wns. is now u . i.-. e ' ,;..i'- lionnrv. f know him well. I no w s m Piovi ience are indeed wonileriii1. ami !"' wolld's tiiiit.iiion til :1111st beyond c ,iuvo'.i. 11 or belief. A fl-hy circle A seal ritiR. The strongest altar G'br-altnr. Ciifinits That a hard shower should make 80ft water. A miiti's eye may be cowardly when his nose is pugnacious. The latest name for matrimony is ''Com- milting twoicide." 1!IA.U & CO., IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STI1EET, nrrnoEEiui :enthe, pa., Keeconitnntly nn hand a huso assortment of WATC'IFS. jiiwiii.itY, l'IKTOI.S. UEVOLVRKR, ivwuivn TiCKtX wartrld 'es. Ac , and will sell at eas'ern prleui. All Catch work wa. ranted to iiivu satieliiclion. RcVjSoa'b Oil W Pips forh CIIAS. 1KIBSUX iV CO., Corner of Peneca nnd Cctitro Sts. east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pu. HkvIii" iddHl a pnwerl'irl Steam Eniibie and thn-i larua I, Til K. '" our i. .nady extensive MauuOic K .- ...i.e.i. up. imW iit-eonrt'd to do a I lllonecury wyrk.'in til, in,: up, and repairing iKiii.i:i:s. ,UekimNG MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS. ; OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS. In fact d.Aill Maeh'nerv ''' Work nilrirslpr! to us with neatness and dispstur uK -lU'" T. M' Donald, ) I LU U UrtLL STABLES ! At the l)vmU iiMsitc the ti'iirral House, PETROLEUM NT RE PA. riMIK beat S-ock of UlllV.S't. WD SADDLE J. llDlttSbb on ttia cruea. ai m 10 e lounu i Jl'loitult'ft JLiivory. GA.H1UAGE3 CUTTERS 3 Bfi LET AT ALL TIMES. Holism fei .i rjo.iKJJEO en Kensoiiabl Terms. Traminq: of all'.kluis it- tunded t; H'roiUDtly. J'sf'Olro mc a call. T. yi'DONAl. Putro'.euni Ccn're, Nov. If, ISIS .EVJOD9! XEWCSOODS! j 1"S r KECE1VE1 at the Stir, of liermifNlay & Sage, a elioiue stock of ii.otte-i GROCERIES, Oonslettuz of Tm Coffee.. Sphw. plain Fan. ct (,.s ' auned fruits, OYSTURS, l;'.".'lV'.rt. EGGS, CHEESE Mso. ilen'rtin hi TieC- -t lira "( of '1 iiltA' co a .' efu v. Fruits, snd choice I'lAK!. Call :Vi iiniiL ou" aiu.J, ,.t rue ytot o liiti'Iy twcapiPiI !y f Bill If 1 ? J''ely sstors, ti KN E S H V As S A E. r.tro'eum Centre. S;-pl ', 1-SOR -tl. SENtftAL MACHINISTS, in.: Dealers la a',1 kinds of Wi.lsli T'MMi! .V F1XTIUES i.,,i.s4.iv t ' ent'oi1' rt omi ard ooiirtleir Oil Veils i cmlecioei w,-h our MACUINK SUOP, we ti.ive 11 larei-ami colivelt.. ul BLACKSMITH SHOP. e,.. r.n rnr v k WV K 1 1 i'l? NO are not ex celled b. any Shop in ihe (id Heeioe ,i;;,o;i .l((iii-8f,ojvJ)!i(! .WVlinXieit iwuse. Inv97 tr visitEit estahi-isiieu, a. i., i sso CHEAT COM1I1NEI) W--Mii 'r " "ia? i . J 1)1 I ,a Zi. loas. Fetu.ce Coa.pla' u short avo v ioss'UIo form and rnriety "' J -nl -ea Dr. Keynoh!.- l atent French iS:,t- l - aai ia ited nfe and -ire preventive disease 1 rice SI, ''nr0Rr'' . crest work. "TDK PKIVATB HlBDH'.V'. v.t beaniifulty iilustrated, with ease wHli which ihn humni f unily i amiL.i-u, .on cures In all ouial.te eas. a No letters w I oe answereu i "; i - rcm"t'mic of oee dollar c..".ti.m M. Consul ,,i,.., oi (lie odlee fr.c nt e'e . ' ...oi,,.. ..tile,, an !(,, ,' i Tl"""'. corner ot Mill ami Market street-,,,, r-. ca Mm, wil tin Olif "'ii i i"1- ....... - ration of med'cal talent ei ...o " 1 '"' sick a scmn tillc aild ' improved course of t.eaP.ea.t Und a ra;.id and uernianeii' clfo. wirvvitlClH All let to address'sd to Dr. v.. .1. K M'l.llis, ! r N. V- will m -et with prompt Bttenllof. All cures win ranted. 09k l"mJJ'n T,ilou" " Where you nuvv my advenlsenii'iil. GEO. II. KIsEIili At CO., B A N K E E S , rH'Z'llOl.EUM CENrilE, I'A. n,,, H P'hscI!, Jamea A. Williamson .lauVllh,v, ' '""""; uv otri-roiir sit1"" for tho triinarrl.ui of a OrVStllt"', I.XVKISO, LX'.'UAXtiE aiij .aL- I FCTION IV'.-IM.. Anv husin-s entrusted 10 our caro w ill recuivo ..... ...... .i i..,,i ion int7 II'. l"-""o 1 , 1. iiillE DAII..V Krt4 01, Is rti. lie-t .tdverlistue I io d.iiei ni Hie uil 1041011 JBLTTWSTtO'SS fi- TAI.F.N I Dr. I'.. .' BfcK tsft - ' ?w M-lbD". proii'ietor. S. lU V v) C. USl'liNAliii M. D.. J.'i?;' tJb ' Tins is Hie only t.lHe.o In i,viiJSi3'fl the el'v where a periunnenl i-lmf!l iRSyff!Si. cure of prints (H-ensu cnn ' -WifaftI he had without the its ol 25 CIB. WEEKLY MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agent for Oooigl A Urorm, jMintewn, N. Y. y . 13 . a K I H S E H i De tler lu PIANOS, ORGANS- MELOEEONS. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS or everv descrlptJon. PI AN" STOOLS, SPREADS c , c. Ceillre-Rt., OH, CITY, Pa. Oil city, Supt. u, isr,s.-ti. WWUMWtWIIMWHW'WI Ml C:i.K A: TIIACKEU, 131 Slnkleii I.nue, K. ., nnrii:in mum, are now prepared to r.nelvo 01 Commission aed make l.ihural Advanem to Kuftaer. and Uualer iu tiotii crude ana nenntu uu. OIL -V I T :r I O Xu Clt.WE, TIIACKEU Ac Co.j l'EI KOI.F.rM CENTRE, PA , Keep oa hand OIL VITRIOL. ULl'E i WHITE PAINT; . -. a r.- rw . L'Allt .! PM'ff . A I M 1 - 'lA mill uih u km nrf pared tn mnkft liberal dlxronnt o KBri ft.r CASil. and will not bo undfirsold ia iui of tb ahnve articivi. . . f. .1. ns & co., rFora.oily naima Msrp'iy MACHINE &B0ILER SHOP WAlll.r.TO ST., I'E TKULiEl'31 t'C-VriSK, I'm. iiUitiERS AND ENGINES Ii'EFAIRED AT SHOUT NOTICE. All hinds of YanMri IVorlt dene .rrmptly nnd war anie i to uio iiifticiion. K Off. t- HANMA C. nt rrALo, counY & fittbhuko RAILROAD TIME TARL-'., Takes effeot Munda. Nnvcnver S. i, 11 KOKTHWAKO. AeeommodiHon leaves l orry ft.ft'i r. i C'yi, 4 s Pan.m" 4.1n; Shermsn 4.SM; Summit ,( o v M MnvO'.lc 6.5o arriving at HriK lon 7.ihi p. r ' ' i i ....... (I it. . m , ClrinuvSfiS P, n'i n lolo : Sherman Itijw'i Siim.nb. 10,60; Ma vllle ll.lo, sun urnirj ki nun.. ... . Vail leaves Corrv 1. IS e- v.. Mnppliut at all t (loss, airivitig at Urortrm 4.5.1 r. si sorruwAHn. Ma'l train lesv ce llroeton at h., stopping a stations, nrrlvc at Corrv at 11.2e v Kxpraas leave, line ton at i.Ab r. v.; lsyvllle 856- summit S.4fi 1 Slormoa 4 00 ; Panama 4, I Clvii'ur 4.SS. and arriving al Corry ill o.oe . sr Accom"iodaiioii leaves llroeton l.oo f. m , ly vllle sill, Sutnnilt a.lo, Sherman R.., Params u,a0 ; Clnir ,46, arriving st O.rry at lo.lo r. a. I ' eosascno):. ......,l.. it,., Tolerto T'jwneMyi rnw inn ier, -.- --- or l a, Exp. ess. conn e'iutt at Hrocton mtti tralna for Nnv lie. Sherman, Panama. Clyuiev and Oiaa-v; connec'tinB at Corrv wi h trains .ai tne Oil Creak II. K. for Mi'ltr, Piouear and Pet Centre, uilCltvanJ Plttslniigh. .... AImi. connectlrK at Corn- wi'K rr.s.ins or irl'c Phil adelphia Erla l(oad. for Philadelphia and llsrrt linrc; and 011 the Allanllc aud Crelt Western Hut' wnv for I'ninii, M.adville, C.reunvtlle, Pa., and Warren. Ohio, and lamestown snd K.nd.drli.N.l Trains leaving lll Cily aH.15 a. m., Corrv !) In a ni., emoiectitu at Broctrsi with train on it a E. II. It., arriving in Biiirslo at J.lo p. in. Trains lesvlnu Oil I'll v at H.S8 a m wfli eonBaef with Mail Train l.avlna (irry at 1,1 0. m., eoa nectlnsiwiih Kxpres Ea-l on R. A K. K. II., srrtv ug ill Hiilfahi ai .."') p. m Leaving Ibutalo at 4,oo p. in , arriiini! at Corry al bvlu p 11). Also, e-'tirecr hi Vayvllla whli Meamboats on f haiiiaiupia 1 akeidnriim season of nnvigatloa, fur '"V1 'n,1;U'"1"1""A. . TBKW.Ku.rt.. .T.lnl. Mayville. N. V. O. Cliy iVPIlholft ISraith II 11 Tim H, T A It Ii K, On and nfisr Mon lav, July 81lh. antll fnrth.r notice, traius a III arrive, and depart km Pithoiaa follows. DKPAKT. S.OO n m, Coonoetinu' ai Oleomlis v riain. on the Oil Cie.-k A ..liegheny Hivur Lall.vay W l-riiieiou, TI'HiHile, Oil Ci:y, foiry, aud point h ist anil o est , , . i 8t is ill.. Cinriectlii; at Piiliolo wltN fei;s Vcom P oininlvi.le. Shsniliuri: and Miller rnrm, and al Olcopolis wilh Irnb s on the ml I r-et. A. AllMtnciiv Knee Hallway, for oil I Sty, lrviuu tou. Currv, lilld tKilnS'' K.sai snd Wosl AHH1VK .. , , 10.1!) II in, eonnw.iiii; s. Deei,.lW with Irsim. on the ( HI Cnik AHeic-eny ' Ic.iilway o." ii iols Kaal nad t ert. und at Pitho a Willi .-lu-.ea U I loosaotvlllu. Rhamlilirvaml JliPer ljhim. 4.40 n lit, e.inui'Ht :-p ' wl!" 7'"nl u. the. OilVraek A'. Alhutm-y HI.. Iw-Lv.' ! HI I itv, Crry,, 'I idioule, fid vraiit fc,u,t anil We-d w m(,m Hine.riaw.drot. ."rnKK. How.rd Co, i' ',",,,,:V.T-fm.0?- I, . and MUl,e al t aif'.i l o'. A at. I. enu ho hn, at ISH A'! ''"'"' n ti.l, 'rvi.E 'I" P ":'' 1- f ice HE'.f'Kit "''l'1' r I -A'