Newspaper Page Text
'rf -pX'ROLEUAf rip .tynur jagrrgngt DAILY W RECORD. icomixvATioir or mm riTHOLs uailx mbcord.) VOL. II NO. 52 PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 22, 1669. 2.1 OK, WEEKLY I,. Ik: F rL'&t I I J f.-at S ,i. i, i. mi i THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted, j LONGWELL A PLUMMEK, Proprietor. W, C. PLVMnElt, Kdtter. TEHItlB. Par )W payabt la advance, 8 00 Tl t uiontu, - ICICE-MST OF ADVEHTISIMO. Ti lliif of nonpareil make om square.) !,. insertl ni. a nil. One day, Two dave. 'Ibie J, pour davs, I Ive days. I'ae week. 1 wo weeks. 1 hree weeks, Om nv nth. Two months. Three moutus, Ma months. Mun month, tiue year, (1 au, t HO, i no a ow s 4 6 10 oo1 11 00 15 00 14 00 10 00 41 00 60 IX) (4 6li Ml JO 7 00 i 50 14 00 18 00 10 00 ) UU 40 00 0 00 ft) 00 ISO 00 Special notice. 20 cents per line, each Insertion. Advertisements payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. j a o. keeiott.j ATTOBSEY-AT'IiAW, AND NOT ART PUBLIC, FETriOLEUlt CEXTKK, PA. Fastness In tht CoatU at Franklin promptly at tended to. . Of ICC In Blesall ACtfa Brlek Bank Balld lot. flip stairs 1, M eshlngtonet. act -tf. MHAJI SMI CM, ATTORN BYS A COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Ode nirt street. Franklin, and Petroleum Ces, tre, Pa. Mal-tf. Y. meALPINE, RESIDENT BURGEON DENTIST. OFFICB Berry' aew BntMlaf. anrnar of ffuk. Uftun ana secoo aw., retro leutu v.euiro, ra. mslt if. T.O. CHHKTIE, 0 PllTHICIAN AND SURGS'lS; OtHr oppnatt theMcsmney hiium, rieaaauivitie, ra. Paranaa (rum a distant will generally find him 41 au umos on raiiiraay irom lu a as, 10 p.oa. MpMtf Col. J. B. UK OWPI ek J.J. IHCD.4L,IN, 0 alera la OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, &&, PLEAKANTYILLI, PA. JaWtC ALUEttr S. HATEH, ATTORNEY A COCNSELOR-AT-LAW, 9FFICB In the Brick Bank Betldmr, earner ef Waabtuf ten and Mala Suee.e, PCTRSLRTJSI OtSTRB, PBNN'A. May It, MM tr. a. r. wiuoa a a tak vuhb WILSON VAN VELHOH, GAUGERS AND" INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, FFICRt. MercaaUle Stilldlns, Oil City Pa , and Vwlih Owaion v Ho were; Pemleilu Centre, Pa. July vigth. 18 II if. H. O. Jarvis, Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE I A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. IWKIVO GI.ASSKS iu rrea variety. Look ins Glaac Platxa replaced in old Framea. Picture Frames made to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shadl'S, - A FINK STOCK. UiUEitTAKI.G, COFFINS of all aires on- hand and trimmed to order on abort notice. SASH. BLA2S AN3 DOORS, of all eicea. Aleo, Putt, Tarnlih. Htalu Ac. . NO. WASHINOTO!-ST. Petmlenm Oentre Pa., July 34. Hil8-lf. A. J. CHRISTY, U. S, DRUG STORE Cor. First St IIolmdeH Sts., maviii wtt; fa. m, $7. l 1 III IS' 1 IV t & 1 (K S If, MO I .V 50 4 M I UU IK a 00 7 Of 10 00, io in u set, i m i, oo 41 01 01) iT Ot 86 00 . 40 00 HOTELS. QHAME HOUSE,; S. DRAPER, Proprietor, PEEASANTVILLE, rxclS tin. PENJI'A actLIX fOCIi HOLME.. PETKOUtTM CENTRE, PA. TUI. popn!ai Iloul, linatn.1 Corner of fflaln At Valiliis;tu-9i., Ni-ar the Ta in, hiia b-an rufltted ntid flirn li.d thrunch'M't. and the pru;rietor iip.ii n puine to uiaka a FIRST-CLAS-S IIOU.5E. o!t-tr 11. OAULK. Proprietor. QLNTHAL HOUSE, PintOLgCM CESTUI, t" , XaarOllCraek A AlUfhtnjr Ittrai Depot, traylt tf. O. J. CltOMtf. Prnprlutor. OGUEtriiH UOUaE, Waehlrntnn ttmt, Pttroli-nm Centre, I' COLB A GRIFFIN, . . . Proprietor.. TM HnnM la C'ntrtlljr looted, -v the (ecerat headtpianarK uf all mna. Petrolnuin Centre Pa.. Mar 19. IMS' tt. gHEK.TIAN HOUSE. Warhlnftan f tract, rctrolrmn Centre. Pa. d. . cnocicen, .... pnorn. Gmtd accommodation, for trnnalpnt mtmnT. Day beard and hoard with rontna en miaonuliie tertna. The p.-oritienir will .par bo peine lo nmke hie botue attractive to euesti. ntit-tf 1 HIEUICAN IIUTEI, PETROl.EDSt CENTKE, PA. i. . BARNF.S, . . . Proprietor. Thle linage le in a pleainnt tocitlity. and hnt a ehnrt walk fmm ihe Oepot Ttwronin are lat-ite and comforts le, and tho table aupplied with the deMenclea of the aeaeon. Jn.'O tf. J. It. TtAllNFa. PETIUHiEHU HOUSE, Olli CITY, PA. Pali recently taken pnieeMlon ef the above fi'itiee, wewoa'd rnnat reapecfully Inform the trav eling pnblte that we propwe to 'ke-pa Hotel," and to euDTinee them of the net, we Invite all who wleh the comforta at a home, lo eall upon ut. It will be fonnel The Hotel of tlio OH Regions. Oar Sample Hooni la supplied with the chotceat Wtnee, Mquorannl Clgare, and nnr tnhle will be found ladea with the very beet the irarket afltirda. There ia connected with the Home four nrat claae Milliard Table. A'no. Birh r Shon and Huth Hu.ime (ii,e ua a cll, and convince youratiWea uf tne Irutniulaeaa or our aeeu-tton. CHARt.ES XV. 8TAATS, JAMES U. WHITE. ortOtf pHANKLIN HOUSE. II ILLEIt FARM STATIOK, (On Oil Creek I'ailroad l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. U W. TWIS r. . - Proprietor. JuneH-tf. I NTEKNATIO.NAb HOTEL., MILLER FARM, PA. JOIIS E. RtWB, - . Trop'r. Good accoimtiodm ion, fir tran.ietit cuatomera Day Hoard and Itnnrd with looina on rc.-t.nnal,lf terma. The proprietor will epere no pains to mike hie llouee attractive to guests JuiieS-u TjNIQN HOTEL.. PI BA9ANTVILLK, PA Tide flctiae havliiL' receody linen enlaraed and re furtilrhi'd. I am new p einred to aceotuiiiodate- two hundred itiieia com'ortiiltly. Staifaa leave thla bullae ibr time a dny for Tl tuaville There iealao a line o' staceato Vitbole. Jus-tf TIKiH. McSINNKf, Pnip'r. O. F. SCHO.VULO.U, ProprleMT of the Buffalo Bakery. Dealer In choice Flour, Butter, Efi.'S and Ckeeee. Also, choice Groceries, Petruleum Centre, Pa. Orders left will be promptly attended to. en Gonda delivered. Poetofflce Box ;Sli8. n yltl- GEUHial fc UKOWi, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST-CLASS PI .00 FORTES, jAniEs-rowiv, w. y. Warememe 41 Mla ttet. Faeeeiw Btoekjax Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pel. Ccutrc, Friday, Jan. 33. Tlio I.ond for CnnnumpliTCe. A leltt-r from Lima, I'l'ru. sires lb fol lowing description oFtbo Vallfj of Jnacca: "A ecntlvmun, a nativ.t of Ckilr, ju.n from tlio Taller cl Jiiaccu, wkre- bo wi nt to bi Ciirctl 1y t Lio aliracinj atmoephero of tlio moimtaiiia of that tlUtrict, of disease of tbi lini((, liiforrnvd mo Ibat Lit case bad been pronounced incurable, that hit right lung enliri'ly gone, and that thu lull waa fur alranced in Ibo dineaae, anil, n a laitt re aott, 'o iv. in mlvincd In takea trip to Jnncaa, wIhtb Ii urrived in Febttnry last. He has ainco Irft lor hia nalivo country, pbyiloally a round tuun. Ho alatei Hint tbcre wero ut least twvnir fellow niill'erers at tha valley Irom Bolivia, Iinenos Ajre and Chile, and thitt every one ut them was piojreasiojj rup. itliy. I truat to lie able to tend by an early hleainvr a fo.r olittei valions and fc(a iu con ttei'liuit willi tlii Valley of Jmtoc, to I hat ymir reatlera may know that tlieru i more truth than Motion iu the well known healing pniprrtiea of the climate f that celebrated vulley. eepecially for persona aOlicled with cunaumption, and that hundred have from time tn lime. I.een radically realorcd teyood health withuiit Ibe utd of druir or doctor, ni'iny el them advauoud In the last ttago f tbi terrible dineafe. Tuk lodotnotiro in No.v Enj hind la now In the .hop ot Ibe Portland and K,-DnuH-c Railroad, in Aiizuata, Maine, un tier repair lor the dummy Ir.titi to Gardiner. It waa built in Liverpool -for Ihe Uoalnn and Worcester llnilroad, and waa the (lilt one on tlm rond, 1 is former name was the "Lion," now called tlm '-Urookline." , - lsii.m Ac co., WATcimiKGUs & Jewelers, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, rETIkOLECtl I'EMRE, PA., Keep constaDt'y ea hand a large aseartuirnt of WATCH FP. JlilVBIRT. I'M It IT. I, KRVOLVHHS. FIHiUNG TACKf.r!. wartrldirea. Ac, and will aell at eistetn prlcue. All Catch work warranted tu 1ve aatiefactioti. LIVERY tt FEED STABLES, Wattthinirton Street, opposite IboOpcru House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I bare put in tt Rood Steele of RiilitiL' and Driving Hois, b, which I will let eti reasonable term. Also, Culler. WHtToiit, Spring Wagon. tvt. HOUSES boarded and fed and best of care guar anteed. JarDtf A. SM AW LEV. New Boot Shop. J. A. PLANTE, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER, Wakhingtoii 8trtet, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL. LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETROLEUM CENTRE, Pa.. Respectfully Invites bis frienda and Ibe pub lic generally to a trial ol bis supe rior made BOOTS. The itnnllty of the material he usee ia not to ha excelled, the atyle of workiiianahtp is unex-eiitioa able, the liltnM natterna of 1 asta beine; uial, whih Ibo prices charged are moat reasoaahle, qiiulu v be ln( the teat of cheapnesa HavluK hail lu eiperl ence bimaelf, and employing nouo t,ut ilia ba,t wntkmcn. he tattere hiniaclf Be will he able to sup. ply an article that will give aatlstactlun to all. It- lkl ,...... ,.,a E u.i i v uiucia .nil Li n i , itn promptly, and with the sreatcat rare ; and baa a-reat coiutdence that 'He articliw he makea will recommend themselves, after a fair trial. REPAIKIMi NEATLY EXECUTED. J. 4. pi.uhti:. P:trolfuoi Oatr. .'n . J! i. -r.i. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. 'pilR beat ft'ock of DRIVINa AND SADDLE A HUUSES ou the Creek, tire to be found at M'HoKuld's Mvrry. CARRIAGES & CUTTERS tq E LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FED ate BOAUDED ea Rittaonabla Twins. Team! ii j; of I.hi l-i at teniled to Promptly. tVGlraEteaca.1. T. M'D'IXAI. rjlrotcnm Ccn ro. Nev. It, 1SCS ATTENTION VEWGUODS! XEWGOODS! JVST IIECEIVED nt the Slore of a choice i-totlt of selected GROCERIES, Consisting of Traa. ('un'es.!piee. plaia ar.d Fan cy Soapt, I'minul trti its, , OYSTERS. BUTTER. EGG?, CHEESE. Also, dealers In CotTectlonnrv, Finite, sad cliotse W'denf I'OBACCO and C1I1AUS. tall and ex amine our stock ut the Store latcljr occupied by J. Mil ler's Jewcly Siom, K F.N EH AY A SAOE. Petroleum Centre, txtpt S ', :808-tr. FISHER & (intIS, GENERAL' MACHINISTS, and Dealers in all kinda of VELil TOOLS Ac FIXTURES Necesaary fir pmtitm down and eperatlng fill 'elli. In eonnection with out MAClllNK SUOl', we have a kirge and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our facilities for MANrFACTiHrNO are nut ox celled bv any Bhop In Die Oil Regions. 67.op Mtin-st,0jipjsite McCliiitofle Ilmise. my47 tf FISHER A XORKIS. ESTABLISHES, A. !., 1830- OIIKAT COMllINTSD TAI.F.N I Dr. K. .1. KI.Y NOLI)"1, proprietor. W. f. I.IM'KNAItll. M. IV. Con.iiliiu,; Pniaieiati nnd r?itricoii Koeheater, N. V Tina ia the only office iu the ci y where n n.'ttntioent cure 4 private okeaats cau he hml without the tt.e of iiiercttrv or ehanie of 'diet. We iriiarantee to cure Gon- orrharA. Gleet. evnhlHe Impotencv. Nocturnal F.tniioiw, nrseir Atmae, iti tttiinl Ktnisalona, Fomale Comilntnta, In liurt. eve ry poaalble form and varietv of Kcxinil Die.e llr. Keyiiolds' Potent French t-at'a ia wananted a anfe nnd a'nre preventive &,,alnt diaoniie. Price f 1, or three for tl llr. RevnoMs' crent work, " TITR PKIVATB MK.IIIC.Vl, GUIDE," beautifully UlB'tratqdj with nearly iioo paea. Price SO cents. Dr. K- can he ptircesaftiilv consnlled an all die eaaes wiih which he human f.tully is afflicted, with curae warranted lu all niiinhle cases. No letter' will he answered nutans they contain a rcmittnnc of one dollar. eniiitatiou f. Conanl--'ioa at the eaice free of eh' . Cotisiiltini; oaice and Gpar .afltcwns, corner of Mill and Market .ireets. tip slra. Persons calling will aee no one but the doctor The above concen tration of med'eal r.-ilant ei'surae the aick a scieu. title and i-niiroved eout-ae of treatmattt and a rapid and permanent cure. All letieri addrrurd to Dr. K, J., Rochester, N. y., will nvet with prompt atlentior. All cures wananted. Office hours from 7 A.M. t 7 P Vf. tnrhll lv. Hlenae atnte Where yoit- saw my adTerliaemrul. GEO, Ha IUSHELL Ac (()., B A N K E IH'S , PETHGaJ.ELIU CKNritF, PA. Genrgi IT B'saell, James A. U illiainann Janiea U aiiop, M. C. Martin. V7p offer our eerviras for tl:e vrunMArlna of a OKNKHAI. BAVKING, EICUAGB and VOL tKtTidN ROINEHS. Any liuaiiters entrusted to our care u-fll reeolre prompt attention. lull if. eaaaMMMMaMaaMMenaaeBVt9mwibBwa,MKaraaauani 'IMTK li A, utedt', hi in die "ft iei MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agsnt for Gintgl A Brown, Jaaaestawa, N. Y. JV e E . S K I iV N E R , Dealer lu PIANOS. 0RBAN3, ME10IE0N9.. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every dracripUon. PIANO STOOLS, SPREAD ae., Ac. rrntre-St., Off. CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. It, W.a.-if. CR4.1i: te Til ACKER, 131 Maiden Lalir.N. T., tmtm JiERCiLOTs, are now preoared to reset -o on Cotnntlaaion and . ttisk,' Lli'eral Advam-n to Kenneri and Dealer tt, la,ui Crade and Ketusd Oil. OIL VITRIOL. CRA.VE, TIIACKER At Co., VF.1 ItOLKHM CKVTIIK, PA , Keep oa hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE A WHITE PAINT,. CAUSTIC. SODA aad GLUE. Are nrepn.-ed to make lliieral discount to Keanaea lor CASH, and wiil net he naJor.uld la any of lh aiinvaartielee. June! tf CH INK. Trf ACARTT A (Vt. rVoimatly llama A Warphy ) MACHINE &B0ILER SHOP1 WASHINGTON ST., PE TUOKaEUai CE.TKK, Pa. BotLiCRS AND" ENGINES REPAIRED AT PHORT NOTICE. All kinds af Machine Work dose promptly eal. warranteil to Klve uVSkaUoti. ang.-d tf. F. a. ITAKTf A C. girrAEO. COHBY PrrTBtfVHU RAILROAD TIME TAUT.1?. Take effect Mondav, Novrtnter 2 t, Uttk noKTUWAKU, Aeeotnmo4tlon leaves Corry S.&a r. m i Clyaraf' 4, a ; Panama 4. 11, filierniaa 4.'2oi Summit A,eo p. u ; Mayville (.So arriving nt Brooton T.oe p. ra Rxpreas train leaves Corrv 1).3o a. at ; Clyroer 9 M, Pana,i a lo.lo ; Sherutan lODO; gummlt lw,iO; May ville It.lo. and arrives at lirncloti lit, 0 Mail leaves Corry 1,15 p. v., atopplag at all sta tions, airiritig at ilroi'ton 4,t p. u-. srit'THWAKn. Mall train leaves Drocton at 9,nn A us.. stopping-at .,11 eiatious. arrives at Corrv at 19,26 t. at. Ex(ea. lenves Hrocton at t !U . St.; Marvllie S.SS ; Mtnimit 3.45t H erman 4.on; Ctytner 4.3. and arriving: at Corry at a.oA p. m. AcotKti'iMKlatton le::va IrtMSon 7,ta p. at.. May vidr a.ltl, fnniuiit X 4o, rhertuan, Panama 9,0( l.'ivtaer V.ib, arriving at CotTy at lo.lo r. at. cosjitcTiors.. Paaaa.'uers leave Hnffiilo on tho Toledo Express or lay Rxp,va, efino eiing at Broetrai with trains for Mavv lie, Mist-man. Panama. Ovnier and Corrvt. connecriiifT at Corrv wiih u-alna en the thl Crvaik R. It. tor 'I, Vi ler, jlonoer and Pes. Ovenac, Oil t'dtyand PlitehuiEb.. Alao, roiinii'tli'p nt forrv with trains on the PhU adelphla A F.rla Hoad, for Phllndnlohla and Harris, hnrj;; aud on the At 'antic and Western Kail way lor ' iron,'llle, Greenville, ra., awd W.irren, Ut,o, and atnnnnnd Kand'dpn.H.y. 'I raiiil, leavint; oil City at 15 a. ns., Corrv a a.So a. m., eom.octlr at Droct,ai wltnrrsui ost B- e)i E. H- K.. urrivinjr in TttitTilo at x.lo p. m- Train, leaving Oil City nt U.33 a m will saaaset. with Mall Train leaving t.'orrv nt 1.11 u. m.. coa. nectltiy wltli Fxpreaa Kaaton It & E 1 K , arriv. Itig in riutralo at A M) p. m. Leasleg BuflUo at 4e?o -p. in , arrlvine at Cotry at In, 10 p. lu- Also. cent, act at Mayville with itiamhnats en Chautauqua 1 jik I during aeaeoa of atvigauon, Air Jameeuiwn and t,audt Iph a. n- -iTcitvv. taarr., .Tanl. . Mayrllle, N. T. O. Ctiy APitliole Uranob R U T I M K T ABU I hi and after Moa lav, Jn'y S7th. aatll furthsa nolle-. iros m li! arrive and depart trcna PI tho la ae follows. DKPAttT. S.OOat m, ronnectirij: at Oleonoll with tralna nn the Oil Cretk A lief hi ay Fiver Railway (or Irvinetuti. Tidloute, O.l City. Coiry, aad polate KiitwilWait t.X a in, O.-inerrtne at Pithe'e with Ftngee Soto P evaantville, nhambar; aad Miller Faim,. and a' uleopc'la with trails no tha Oil Creek at A'lazoeay Truer Kallway, for Oil City, Irvine, tor, Coir , add ptdnis Ra o and VsN AHFIVE lO.I'l a m, eonnecile? at Otaepolts wlfk Train' or tha oil Crk Ailcghenv Ittmrtinilway front p tots Ka.t and vt wt. i d at PI i bo e with, for rir.snorvil;, Snaiiihur and Miliar Ks m. 4,4tl m, e,'0t'celna at irjr.ei'ia with Iraisa on toe Oil Creak Js AiPirheny Tl- r ta'luay trum U Oluv, Corry, lr.Uietuu, I'idlolIM, aiJ peloto' Kaal and Wit ,V. W. TJFaKSfnr, fiiM'erve.pfol. 'TU E. Row id Co, P Tr'e t Ttemon I W itcn Co'a. tr-4 Na'iivsi Waioh C'.'s "otch- ra. ran raj Hid at lHJ ,v ' "y'iT.lLW l&'S t i" g'U" f ill. 't. 4