Newspaper Page Text
) SOKE PRINT MISSING DISCOLORATION OK ORIGINAL oV'VKOl-KI .1 DAILY A i wotmsvAi toH or rum etxaoix dailt becord.) VOL.11 NO. 53 PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA., SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 23, lfi9. 2: CIS. V Kr.Ki.V THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JIECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sunday! excepted. ) l.ONGWELL & I'LL' MM MR, Proprietor W, C. n.t .'inEll, tidltor. Tf.unn. Per ysr raysble In adrtnoe, I DT OlOUIU. PKM E-I.IST OF ADVERTIRINM. (Ten Una of nonpars!! make on aqmra.) II CO Hu. Inserti.ns. Ml I Mil. ime dy, Two days, 'three eaye, Knur days, live days, fit Week, 1 wo wwVi, I lirea weeks, ('no iivnth. Two months. Tt'Twj mouths, SU monibe. Nino mouths, Que year, I 1' I m 1 Si o t.'i t ?A oi f III 7 IH 10 m l ft. !ll Or 27 ' . . iX 1 mi 1 00 I IIU I Bit 3 m x r-a Utf Ml ID 12 St IS 00 S! ll 8 ml IS IHI I Mr Oil 80 I U VI 4 S' T 50 10 l 12 00 15 00 H OH SO 00 di "0 M 00 H oli (HI f 90 7 00 00 8 90 14 HO u ou 20 00 kil no 40 no CO 00 in ou leu no Auecial notices 10 caulf per line, each tuaorti D. Advertisements payable quarterly in advamw HUSINESS CAKIS. J . fSL,I.IOTT,j ATTOKXEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PEThOLEOM CKKTBE, PA. Pesinesa In t!i Courta at Franklin promptly at- Ur? ICE In Bleeell A Co'a Brick Dank Baild Inf. (up stairs I. W aalilnrjiun St. . mci twif. IIUMU.V dc sMan, I ATTOENEYSiCJUXSELORS-ATLAW, aginv. nt Street, Fraoklla, tart Pstrntenm Can tra, I'a. Mayl-if. MMMMaimanamMHHuaauiMnj V. !UcAl.l'IIVU, RESIDENT SURGEON DEXTirtT. OFFICE Tl'-rrv'e new Bulld'op curnir of "'ash ia;n ond Secoud els., I'eiroUrmu (.outre. Pit. innylU tr. MBBBWBaiaawii i w i . u m. T.U. IIRIH. IU, ."I. U.s rnTKK'IAN AND SCKOK' IN-: OKlc opposite thMcKinny Houe, Pieaeantvllle, Pa. Persons from h lltoiii.c will imrally nd hint (I hia Ofllca un H:iti;in lr..m 10 a at., to 8 y.m anrtU IT HOTELS. c haie iiotsc,; S. DRAPEIl, Proprietor, 'etroleum CentroDaily Record. PLEAMAVrVIXLE, Hrrt5 3 n. PENVA M TETKOLECM CENTRE, PA. Tlila populai llolal, Huatcd Corner of Main WmthliiRtaH-nu., ha Da n kaa h"t rnfltied awl rnrnfahod thnmphont, and tbejirufirictor will ap.ira no aiaa to make it a FIRST-CLAS.S ITOVSE. ariMf W II. Proprietor. QfeiVritAL IIOL4E, n-'TKOLKCM CBSTHM. PA., Kaar OU ( raok k Allrhany Kirai Ba!lwnr Depot. Il.yl If. 0. J. CRmX. Proprllor. jocjuKaii'Uii iioi .m:, WMhingt" turn, fetr lfni Cen'rs. Pit. COM ii (iltlFn.t, . . . IVopri'itora Thia llmino ia centrally located, and the Rwril litmrifiaai'tura uf oil mm. l'tirolrum Ontra Pa.. Mar 10 r Col. J. U. IIKOnH V J.J. met! till IM. D alora in OIL UNP., LESE, ENGINES. . I'LEA!ANTTH.I.E, PA. Intuit ALIIKUT a. IIAVEU, ATTOKNEY A COUNSF.LOR-AT-LAW. 0KF1CK In the PrtHi Hank Bu'ldinir. tornai of Vtuidlugton anil M iin Suae a peTHOI.KiTM CRNTBE, PBNN'A. May 10. IKM tr. a. w. Wilkin n n vM,nii WILSON cV VAX V1XMIH, G AUGERS AND IXSl'ECTOtlS OF CIU'DE HTUOLECM, OFriCF.'t, Morcmtili! Uitlldiiis. oil City Pa . and with O'A-iion 1 S')vrr; Pa.rvU'iuu Vuotro. Pa. ' July tttti. U if. H. O. Jarvis. Donltr In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. IIOKIN'O OLASHRR I 1 bW varli-ty. I.ookinii Ulaa Pla'.aa ii'pla.'a 1 11 uiil F'tnm. l'letiirn Fraini' nmdu to ordtr. tariHts Oil (loths. Wull Pancr, Wiinhiw Hliiidt'S, A FINE STOCK. I'XMEIITAKIXG, COFFINS of all siz"9 on hmirl mul triramd to order on abort nutico. SASH, GLA2S AND DOORS, of all trfzaa. Alio, Putt, Vnrnitb, Stain. Ac. NO. H0 tVASHINO rON-ST. TOrolenm Omuro Pm., Jnly 44. lW18-f. A. J. CltlllSTY, U, S, DRUG STORE Gor. Flrtt V Holmdan Srt., tTTBUCB CITT, tA. wfTfU- alt:KIAN 1IOV4E, Wa.k'lis-a strati, Petrolmu '.r O. X. CHOVKKK t?ond tirciimnioilnilunfl for tr.i: "ilt . Day Iwv'd and Oonrd wOl, riOMi c lei'iim. The p -omiHor tvl'l i n- n -hi b'Hiiie .ttr'ctiv.i to jiinta. a .niiiticAS mi r:;i , PBTltOLEUM CKXTRr. ' 1. R. n.MlSKS. . . . . Thia 1I,iui. if 'n a pi.!"! ii"n; ' 1 art walk fivm I'ejiot Thi. r. -.r.'! (r-'.-ifiTlH' ls :'.ii'l iha table .: , -ai. 1 of the, Mi.tuti. iii-v-tr. ) : : it)T n OLE I' r--'.; Oils MTV, V. liaTlni.1 rrrai-l'y ta' 1 p ' ' H ea n r. aid mMt nut. ''t 1. tfling 1 11 tl!rr Hmi we p'-npo 1 t'i cottvinca tbni of ttio fact, w 1, . it , tiir rotiitorta a: huai.i, lu 9 : I n ' 1 .' fmod The Hotel of tin; nil ircfjinta. I'ei. Centre, Samrday, Jan. 23. Belt Inn on a Sure Tliluari A ltk itfHtner wa boinf repaired anil ro naintrd near nrtv of tha wliarroiot'a wealern city. A tingle imrroir .Kink tarred fur cumniiinleation witb tfeo aboro. A large quanliiy vt while lead wui providod fur the ialuter, and one nlgbt, lieforc Roing nh.r two of ttreni. whom wa will call Smith and Jonea, thonglit they would appropriate1 nome r it to tbelr own So tlieytied aatrong twine around tlieir overalls ttt t lis nnkloa and llllo'l in the "pica Iietween tlioir troiter. and overall" witu lorly pounds, innro orlef!. ol while lead. Going aaliora in ibo tins!: of the evening, nn-1 walking o.iuinily In cot.4 aequenca of the maiiial lond, Jotiea IV I j averbnard into the lake. Of cumtu bo ennk like a mill-alone. The alarm was given, ami immediately tlieru wero boa! got out, mi l every preparation loiulo lor the lvaouo. M"iiti:nt, Smith stood en aboro, loudly be wailing. ''Oh danr, dear! Junes in drowned! nia poor wfe and five Mill oin v-wliat will l.e cotne ol llierot Ainl'Jonea isatlvad! Ob, tleur, dear." ' ', Wtiai aie Toii lilnhNrinsr about?" said . w-ci'lu- don't yuisen that they arc 1 to hiilvh(pi mil? He's got , 1 iei. ran kiw?" tiinl'on say?" aaked 1 1 nin'l mwned he'll be , ! to com i" op three limes." ip tbree timef," repealed 1 i; ;.ut his mm ley and changlag "',' "neii oxoitod In'ereBt, ; -. 111 ' !!' Ii'n'couie up onee." 1 ' ' 1. " ! 'iitVM a Hleiimboat, Site if K gunner, and wan Iminclied . .1 .it, uli.iiii tifieen miles Irani i iic The river i fifty miles iu longlb, 1 Boiiiec in L'uh Lake. "3 iiiiN , I 1 .e Moiinon c ipitnl. L'tali lti:r i ..I'icilii! a:. eel ol lieeh tvaicr. ia about 1 ' :: hmi;, am roundeil liy niouataina : ' X! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .- (lie Jul. hill r ve:' will be ! i an that n i viil inn may ho opened 'out C'fth In Suit Luke. Too little steamer .. , 1 .ike p;, paniea up and dtiwn ' . v. I mtA.H to., nor anip'a i.ooiu i. tiippiii wi;. un u- e .1 Wine, 1,1 pw. nnd, and .irinhle vii: bo fua-d Uden with thi very bet the " aikot ff r.i hra is ciinnivt' d ntih tha llo-a fimr iii"t :i. I'llliard Talio A"), It r r "-hop ami ' 10 i Ci e 11 e 11, o'-l ovlnce jiiurnf.vfn if iho truih ulu.v. .if in- uxu'ti n. f 11 tit 1,1- . r.4 vrs. ortOtf JAJIDX li. WtllTf.1 IS Ol'ER.V HOUSE BUILDING, WASn. 1NGTON STltEET, i-i:r!ioi,Ein cfntiii:, pa., Keep cmitautly on hand a taio aaaortmint of Jilt ANK 1,1. HlI.'iU UII.LER FAUM TATIOM, On Oil Creifk aMi-.'itd.l THE HOUSE AND FUUNITURE NEW. W. TWIST. Proprietor. Juni-Jtf. VVATCilKH. ' Jtlll Ft tlV flSTUT , liKVOI.VSRS. i 'isiUNG TACKIH, wnrtr'dzea. Sic . and will aell . : eitfliern prlcea. Ah Catch work wa ranteJ lu give .aiitfiirtlOB. , I . TI-UNATIONAL, llx t i:!., MILI EU FARM, P. JtiUS E HOWK, Piopr. flood aeeom'io'l-uloua for Irftlii-l it customer. Day lluiril and Hanril wlili numi on re.i.mml.le teniia. The proiricior will )ure uo pain. 10 unika Ilia Uouae aiirwtive to snesia JinieS If J nTo.n iiortcaj. ri.K 8,i VTA'!' ! r, "A Thia WoiKe hsvliu! recen t I--en ui. arued and re ftimtahed. I am ww p'uri 10 a.e i iimodnia two hui'ilnil imiwia enm oroibly Sltlfe. Iwive thi" li"iio iliree tlinen a d:ly for T. tuaviliu There ia alao a line r Hiie:eio Pitliola. juK-tf THUS. MrKI.NNKV, l'rop'r. o. r. eiciio.vuiiOM, " Proprietor of tht Buffalo Bakery. Dralir in choice Vlotir, Rutter, Fgu and ChMM. Ai.o, ckoica Orocerlea, Petrnleunt Centre, I'a. Ordera left will he promptly atterded to sn flnori dellveml P.wioiltee Mux ;SCS. myio- tiCOUCil V UltOWA, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST-CLASS FORTES, JAMFKTOHN, N. Y. Wrroonifc-41 Main Bawl. . Bl!k, Sotl Jlaiu v awjl'.-rt. ERY $ FEED STA.BLES, Wasliinslon Street, Opos3to iliu Opera House, TErilOLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A, I hove put In a good stock of Riding and Driving Horses, which I will let oa reasonable tonus. Also, Cutter, Wuffon, Spring Wagona, etc. TJOHSKS boarded and fed and beet of cars guar anteed. Jao tf A. 85tAWI,EY. Rota'- Oil M Pipe Worb CHA. ItOBSON Ac CO., Corner of Seneca and Centre Sts, east sido of Oil Creek, Oil City, riavinc sdded s powerful Sieam Enitlna and three Isitjo L tTIIES, looiu- already etieuaive Munulac tilling E'lablli-liinent, ar now p'epnreit to do all tha ueceMary wyrk, ia Dttlrjg up, aud repairing, ENGINES, BOILERS, IKON TANKS. REFININU MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, : OIL WELL TOOLS AND I'iTTINGfiJ In txt do!aU Mitchlnarv JnN TV'ork antrnstad an at w ith XMMieaa and dnrstca ang 3lms T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES! At the Depot, opjMisitc till' C'i'Ktral House, PETROL K (T M CoNTKK PA. fpiIK heat -. ,,r DlilVINO AND SADDLE A HOKS' s , n tha t'revk. are te lie found at .ll'isoanlcla liivi-ry. CARRIAGES & GUTTERS TQ E LET AT ALL TIMES. lIOnSESI'El) aV HOARDED m Ken'onabls Terms. Te;;ntin of airkhnl. at tended to Proiuittiy. 5-Glvu me a call. Patrolonm Cia're, "ov. IT, Hill. T. M'DONAl. . VEWOOODS! NEW GOODS! J 1ST KECUIVCD si the Rtora of Kenneslay & Sae, a eholce stock of selected GROCEPJES, Cocafstlug of Tra, Cnff.-a, Spleen, plala and Fan cy huape, 1 nnned t'ruiiis OYSTFRS, MUTTER. EGGS, CHEESE. Alao. dcileiB In Corf..tionfl'-v, Kruita, and chelae hraxda of 'lOIIAi'CO Aud C'jUAKS. ( all and ex amine our .lock kt the Store lately- occupied by J. Mil ler' Jewely Hi ore, Ki:,Ml)tV & SAGE. Petro'erm Cenire, Sept 9, SJOS -tt. FISHER & X0RKIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealer la all kinda of WEliL TOOLS t riXTl HES Vaceaarv for putting down and epumtlne Oil fe'la. in aonnovtlon who onr MAClll.NE HIIOP, we have a lai-e sad conviralect BLACKSMITH SHOP. Oiirf.icSliiti'ofiirMANrFM-TiJK NQsranatsx ctllid bv any Shop in the Oil l:io::,. Shop Maiu-xt.oppuiiit Mi U'.inl.x-k Iluu'e. iayS7 tf rislIKK A XORRIH. E$TABMSI1ED, A. I).,1850 OI1RAT COMBINED TA1.EN 1 Dr. K. .1. KhV NOl.D-i, piopiiitor. V. :. i.isptSvAitit. M. i., 0oM..ulliit! P!i'ei':i:m and buraeon. Fl'teh'-Mer, N V 'I'lii. i. the imiv ndt'-e lu tt, ,.i.o ...:..,... ,, i.,..,,,,i.,.,nt 'W e,ln' of pi i ate dl-euita can l "Ji Jili be had without the use or i,,' ui.Tciirv or eliHnL'u of diet. orrha'il. (licet, hvnhlli. Iinpoienev, Noctimnl Bnil'imii", or beir Aimre. lit 111 mil Pmlaainns. Female Coiiiptniuta, in nhort, eve rv pmnlhle form and variety of Sexual Diaeaas ' Dr Kienoh:.' l'ment French Sr ta warranted a safe i,,i preventive against dleaa I'rice II, 0rl)riie'.,,ilc' rrent work, "THE PHIVATK" hi-tntifnlly illuitrated, with nenrly .SOU pases. Price 30 cent.. tr. H ran l anrcwfiiilv oonsiiltert en all dis eases wpli wlilch he hiioian hinilv ia afflicted, with euri-s warranted in all ounthle ca.ra. No lettors will he an.wuivd unless they oontain a rcinlttnne of one dollar, consultation fee. Consul '.ion m the olti'-e free of oh , (oiisiiltiiicoirii'on-idOper rtoonis, eornerof Mill nnd Marl et ti, -u. m i-.!is Persons oalllntf villi see 110 one hi:: t! -. J-cro,- I I. ; above concen tmtloB uf mediciil .. '.1 ensures tin, sick scien titte anil imnroiel :i:. e of treatment and a rapid and permanent cure. All U-tiers addressed to Dr. K. J. REYNOT.Da, n.Mhe.ler, N. Y., will inet with onimpt aiteutlor. All cures lvarrauted. Oilice hour, fruiu 7 A. M. to 7 1" . mrh!4 lv. IMenne ntnio Where you saw my atlTorliaement. Olio. II. UlSSEIili A; CO., 33 A. 1ST K E S , rKTiioi.ict.Ti c t:rni:, pa. Oeoruo If. Ilissell, James A. Willlamsen James 11 shop, M. C. Martin. We offer our senleol Tor the transaetiou off OKNKKAf. BANKINU, LICUASGH llad CUl. LKCTION BI'elNES.S. An busiuw-a entrusted to our care wtll resale prompt attention. ,1ul7 tf. rivHd! DAILY Bt:fUD, la Mis tsstt arhenlslrif l andim fit tk. od iemoa MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. A((.l:t for Gunrgl A Brum, Jaaieetowa, K. Y. X . l: . HKI.. K It . De.tler in FIANCS. ORGANS, MELODSCNS, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every dcocrlrfllon. PIANO STOOLS, tPREAB Ac., d e. Centre-!., Oil. CITY, Pa. on nty, sppt. 14, im.-u. VltWF. V TIIACKER, -131 nnlden Ione, N. Y. !()iILiO li;i!(iMTS, are noir prcpa-ed to ressU'11 oa Commission and. make Uimr.1l dvances te Katuera aud Diul.ra In both Crude and Keloid Oil. O IXj vitriol, CUA.VE, THACKEIt ate Co., PEHiOLWTM CBNTRE, TA , Keep on hand OIL VITRIOL. DLTE WHITE PAINT," CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are nrepured to liberal discount to Beflafssj ' lor CAttH. nnd will not he undersold La say of Ibe ahovoartlalea. jnnell tt f-RANH. TIIACSCCTt CO. F. J. .!AXA & CO., rPerataly Hurra 3k Unrpl y MACHINE &B0ILER SHOP WASIlIXtJTOX ST.,' PE-' TliOI.KIM CE.TUE, Pa. BuitiERS AND EN0INE8 REPAIRED 1 AT .-IiOHT NOTICE. All kinds of Moraine VTnrk l'tie promptly aud givo saifsatadon. mux utf. V. J HANNA a (?. New Boot Shops J. Ai PLANTE, FASHIONABLE BOOT HOt Yl'uslxiiifftoii Street, THREE DOORS WEST OK A. K 3IIL. LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETKOIsEUM CENTRE, Pa., Respectfully invil8 hia friends and Ibo pub lic gouoriilly to a trial ot bis sujio riortnnde. BOOTS-- The qnnllty of the miitoi-ial he nsts (a not to he" excelled, the style of worknittnsliip is nnexi option-' able, the latest ntlterus of I aals being used, while ' the prices chiv-pel are most rcasonuole, uunlity be lux the te-l of ch"apncss Having hal lunj; experi eceo himself, end einptovhi? none bnt ibe best wot knieu, be flnitei. hir:iseir he w ill be able to sup ply an article that will give sutlstueilou to all. H" will f JCociitu all onlois enirusteil ' 10 him promprly, and ut'th the tireniost eare; and has ureat coiuVlem e that the artii-les he nfukia will ' rei-ommerii titumseWcs, nfier a fair trial. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. J. . PLANTE. Petroleum Centre, Pa , July 2. Sin. O. Ctiy AIMtliole It ranch tt It TIME TABLE On sad after Mundav, Jnlv t'ltli. aartl Atrtbaf aotlce, trams ill arrive aud depeii troio l1tbola as follows . PMPART. S.OO n m, Coiinertirir at OleVK wlrb trains ' on the Oil Creek A Allegheny --Aver Rallwav ter lrvtneion, Tidioul., C.l City, Corry, and palate ' Fist and West S. 90 p m, i'ongeorn$' at Plthila wlrk Stee.o" rVora piaaKsntvillr, ahafthnrg a-id Millar Farm, and nt Oleopoiis with trail oa the OH Creek At Allegheny Htver rtrdlway, (or Oil Oily, Irvine tun, Corry, and points and Wast AKKIVK 10.4O a 111, ennneoiiiiir at Olsepnlls with Trains ' oai the oil Criek A Allf,env ItusrKailway trurn fn tiiM Eaat ai d tt sat, ai d at Piiho R with s-lasri ' or Plaasaotville, Shsiulmrg and Millar Ksiui. , 4.40 in, eoni eeilng st IT. r po'ja wlih Vr dna uo tho Oil Creek Ali.nhsiy U Kaiiwry fraei OU Oit. C.trry, Ir melon, Tldionie, wul po'irVS aaai ana wjt . w. inrCMSOW. aswMreevntVieii 'rilH R. Ilow.rd Co, PS. fW'lrt. Trenosrt 1 W.11.J1 Co s. and Nnrional Wateh Cu'a WaAA-' as. can be bed at laliAM A IK''. ,u4 op trttlj l "4 4 1. San ..; 1., r, '1 1