Newspaper Page Text
Petrclou-n Centre Daily Record. Pvt. Outre, "Ion 4 ay, Jan. 8S. Tlatie At Cloelna Malta. K O., rimoi.iti CNs-rns, 11., I Jui.t ttsr, 108. J TaMl fnrflinr notice the mull will rf 1t at nd psn to m :M ofilos w follow!: orr. Hratk and But, Tin. lrriortoa. 10 Ji A. M. ftoath and Wast. - Mandrill t It P. M. Hen aad Serf, Corey, 1 3 " HSMTf. awn West, MS A. M. North, ifesl an Watt, 10.09 A. at. R. . BLACKUON, P.M. , Blvlna SerYlcee. PRESBYTERIAN CnURCH. Pre-aehlnr. at 11 o'oloek A. M., and 7 o'olocfc F. M. Kkv. J. T. Oxtobv, Castor. M. E. CHUROH. !erYlcs erery Sibbsta at 1 1 A. H. ano" 7X P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock H. Beiti Free. A cordial invitation eiteodee to all. Kit. C. M. Heard. Paitor. ST8. TKTIR AND PAUL'S (CATnOLIC) CHURCH. Haas at 10 a. in. Vespers and Benediitioa of the Clewed Sacrament at f . m. Cateebiim at 1 p. in. J AUKS DUNN, Paitor. A t.oso statement appear in the Mew York Time of Wednesday morning about tbe eirly campaign! ef Gm. Grant, which are itated tu have (siren dissatisfaction it headquarters at Washington; tbnt bo wm severul times to be superceded, but tfaii wai prevented by cirentnslanres. When be began the investment or Vlcksburg the inoreejent wa condemned at headquarters, and gnally after the successful assault on Yickiburn la May, an order wai vent to Gen. Bank, tben Investing Port Iliidson, directing blm lu ge and take the commaud from Gen. Grant, and assume it himself. The order waa as imperative one, neverlne Ipm Gea. Bauki did not obey the order. ' repPed and expostulated. Tbe coniid rallen on which that elfloer bawd bii ex postulations, will appear wbeo tbii remark able correspondence reel tbe liibt. Tbii ronch, however, may be raid. .He pointed out that for him to. abandon bit position at Port hudeon would give up the key or tbe Mississippi, . imperiling not only the tenure uf New Orleani but jeopardizing onr poaltlon of any point of vantage on that vital water-line. . v . To tbii rejoinder there came from Wash ington a lecoud command t Miperiede Giant and wbeo tbe impolicy or the nep wai again pointed out by Hanks, be wai severely cen sured for'diaobedieuco of orders. Tbe cor respondence between Gee. Banks and tbe authorities at Washington continued till the lull or Vicktlmrg, wben every scrap of pa per bearing on tbe snhject wm spirited away from the archives or tbe departments, while Banks putting tbo writings salely by, kept bis own counsel. Tbe sooret or this critical passage in bii li(e was, until a month, un known to blui it so closely touches. P. S. Charles A. Pans, who was assistant Sec retary of war prouenneei Hi' above stste roeut utterly false. Wa give the above sto ry and tke contndiitioo for what tbey are worth. M't ire pleased to notice in Iowa, our Id. Mend Burr Speneer, Jr., furmerly of tbe Drug House or bencer & Bullymore, Buffalo, N. Y.. who ii now; with John D. Park, wholesale, patent medioina and fanoy goods bouse, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Spvncer ii well and favorably known throughout tbe oil region. He is a young men or sterling worth, and' is very highly esteemed by nil who know him. As the agent of an en lerprisiag westeru' bouse, heshuuld receive the attention or our reloil dealers in drugs. Wo don't know now long Mr. Spencer Is to top in the oil region, but as an old friond wo give him loo benefit of this notice. 11 ran be seen at the Dm? Store of A. D. Miller t Co., aod will Uo anske call on all our druggist! and fancy goods dealers. r ynu wunt a roast nr a steuk extra good go to Bloomer's, next dor to Schonhloin's. lie ha just nut on bis hooks t M that dressed one thousand pound?. Young, fat, sweet, teuilor. juicy, tint roast and etesks are incomparable. j Inphhasi;. K well on thn Niagara Pelto leu HI pompstiy s properly, near the Piemm parin, which wu doing only 7 bands, whs torpedoed a day i.r ttva since, and has in. creased to .Ml barrels per day. Ii is uned by Mr; Go. Roytes. Skvkk.i, new buildings are a, urn to be put up l ibis point, residences, l y men with Isiuiiiki, n iu lu'.ini.l tu tu. ke Ibis Hieir iii.lnu lilac fr Mine lime tu e n. Th: is but f t(i ,.riLU'iiti of llie proip-T'ty Rvlltfll'iim t'elitliv Tbe Hapelal View. Dr. Johnson was sccustouied to lay fre fluently, by way of reproof or Instruction to friends, that the habit of looking at tbe belt ide ol ivory event wss worth more to any person than a thoiiiand pounds a year. And Dr. Johnson wai right, tor cheerful nees is man's normal condition, and despon dency and melancholy, the inevitable re- j sulti of dwelling on the dark tide, lead to dyspepsia and hypocondria, tbo most terri ble afflictioo man can have visited upon biin. If misrortnnri come, don't fold your bands in despair, but face tbo blow at onee ' aod seek to repair injnry. There are but few reverses that might not bavo beea worse. Think of that,ind tben try and find something in tbo evont to cheer you or make you reconciled. Will moping and mourning over your troubles mike them take wings? Will the constant contempla tion or your sorrow! and tbo enumeration or your woei, to yourself or your friends iniki them lesi grievous to bo borne Tbink about them jnit as little si possible, and endeavor to find some aheering circum stances, aome ray of light, some ground for hope in tbo ifflictiobi that bavo come upon yoit. Tbo pool bas laid that "Hope ipringi eternal la the hitman breast;" and so it will with any encouragement. Bnt if you per sistently crush tbe bright-winged spirit, and make your bean as gloomy as your counte nance, tben it will ia time seek a more con genial abiding place. Look upward always tbe suoshiao is there, and if yoa leek Its cheering influence you will find it. Tbe man who ii continually cranking about iiis ill-luck, who goes about bemoaning bii mis fortune and piteoueiy complaining that he hits no friends.. aad that fate is agaiusl him, will soon be without my one to sympathize with bim indeed. The gods help tbem who help themselves, sml those only who work ia the light, work cheerfully. The whist ling laborer accomplish'! twice as much as hit desponding companion, who stops to groan, and whose vital energies have been stifled by the gloom be carries ab&r.t bim. Yes, Dr. Johnson was right. Tuie Rochester Chronicle of a Into dat says i,t the Arlington mlnitrvls: "The Arlingtons met with an ovation last even ing that was ghtlifying in the . extreme, Tbo bell was crowded in every part, ei'rn stools being necessary to accommodate Ibo rush. There is nothing like a fuy heme to place the audience wnd the erfurmer in full sympathy, and it Is far easier to "081011' a hoHSo" when tbo benches are full. As a eonseqnea:e tbe performance passed off with eclat, and the roan ol langbter that suc ceeded every burlesque were evidence suffi cient ot the merit of the pluce. Among the gems of the peifortnsnee ol last evening were tbo 'Old Man's Songs' (original), by D. W. Collins, and the banjo eccentricities by Mr. William Arlington. Collins de serves great credit tor Lis fine iinperrna lion of ao eighty year eld vet., end tbe voice, notion aid dress could not be sur passes. Arlington was exceedingly funny, and kept the bouse iu a roar with the drol lories for which be Is so famous. The com pany is a very strong one. There will be another performance this evening, with a Complete clisuge of programme. " This celebrated coinpsny will perform at the Opera House In this place, on Wednes day evening aext. Til Titusvillo Herald publishes in a late number whit purport to lie a private letter from tbe South, whish is as full or lies as an egg ii full of meat, and the editors of that journal ought to know it. Th writer says: "I don't llko anything; at the Uoiitb but climate. Any Northern who has lived what we call barely comfortably would be absolutely shocked at Ibe way they live down here. Nasty in their person (the very best of them) box and oorn constitute their Chief diet; tneir tables are filthy, and tneir guests are hogs." Tbe writor must have been herding with low down whites er nogroei during bii slay South. In that ease bo has a perfect right to lay their "gneeti are hogs." He knows himself probably. Peoplb are very careless ot their bogs about here. Tbey leave tbo animals to take care of tbomsvivei during tbe winter months, and they rosru around at pleasure devouring wbiit tbey can- get. Is tbero no law aguinst cruelty to auiuiuls? Tbero cor tsinly ought to bo. We loam tht on Friday last Messrs. lUfkell & Kern struck a hundred barrel wo'.l at l'loasantville. Thoy own the laud in fee. Tu weather is decitleilly uiild and spring like. We shall prohably have it cold eiougli to make up tor this, alcng in Feb ruary auj March. IAkt Saturday il reaohntl i ner barrel at ibis ptiint. Two hundred barn-Is sold at tlinl limine. I'nn one nifchi nt Ii i il:n:.. will hare a kmi ilu'.ilre. st, ll.e people of this fi-iin chiuim'IS nd THE HEW Chicago has 170 Are ilirm telegraph boxes. The word "hall" oicuri but onpo in the Bible. 60 Daniel, 3rd chsp", and 21st vene. Chicago need 6,000,000,000 gsllons or water last year, mixed with whiskey. A bov of fourteen wai recently married at Holly Springe. Miss., to woman of thirty-two. A Christmas goose, sent by a kind triend to two prisoner! in a Canada jail, waiiluffed with flies and steel ssws. A late theatre-meeting in Cincinnati no der Ibe auspices of tbe Young Men'! Chris tian Association, was condneted wholly by men connected with tbe press. All right; lor editor! and printers ought to be good, and even be abla to preach, wben called upon. Tne lire Commissioner! or Brooklyn, on Wednesday disbanded three engine com panies, lour bone compaoies and one book and Udder company, representing an aggre gate of two hundred and leveaty-six volun leer firemen. Tbey were disbanded for dis orderly conduct and fighting. Gen. Sherman has been quite ill at St. Louis for several dayi past. E. W. Wis, a photographer, of Itannibal Missouri, was arretted a day or two ago for manufacturing counterfeits oa postal 'cur rency. Lake Arizona advices ssy : Sickness of malignant type prevailed at Tuscon, and almost every person in the placu wns attack ed, and many had died. Tbs latest ueus from J.ipvi is to t'iw fol lowing effect: The M;kdo of Japan has irsiicl a pruchma'inn Mnvoimcinc. tliut peace reigns ihroughtut thn lunJ. Aidses jnsti ged his opposition lo Sanmina aid iho South, ern Princes. All seemed progressing favor ably for the Southern cause. Tim Normern Princes openly dioavss' tbe comluct of A"t mii'rivnueonalto's storming H tkudtdi snd soiling thn MikneVs veii-;s of wtr. No Northern army ii now in thu tield. The Southerners are disbumling their troops 1 he attack aod capture of Hakodadi was under the supervision of Eumpesn officers. The Southerners offered but little opposition. Admiral Enneotnatto issued sningint orders to seize and confiscate all foreign vessels conveying troops snd stores. Theru Were many brvaches ot neutrality by foreign ships. The Tycoon's brother, Neibuloyo. arrived frem l'arisou the lnth ol December snd soon after bid an interview wilb tbe Mikado. It is reported that ho is entrusted with a mission of pence to bis brother. The (inane. al troubles of tbe government of Japan are great. liRtiiHiU Yoi no has beea favored with in important revelation. The Lord bas or dered him to try irrigation and cotton grow ing. Krigham proposes Iodic a cmal from Suit Lake Citv to Salt Lake Valley. This command tuierfereswitb Brichsm's contract to build a portion of the Pacific !iilrual. Brigham said at firs' that the Lord informed hitn that thn railroad should never be made. When the hills lor Hie contracts were of fered, behold. Briehstn's lead all the rest, and It was thought that 'ho ' a good thing by flying in the lace of bis imperative command. Brighata's contract begins at Ogden. The Superintendent, Duranl, thinks the time has arrived fur Brigham to muster his men and barrows. The prnphot pleads further delay on the ecoro of mid-winter. Tbe grading is heavy, Iho mow ii deep, and tbe ground frozen bard. One who bus wit nessed the preliminary struggle, predict! that notwithstanding all these objections the railroad man will prove tbe true propb ot, and Brigham's list revelation a failure, East India papers publish, the confession of Hindoo, nstned Ramadheen, not quite twenry-ooe year of age, who for tho last twenty months has followed the calling of a puisoaer. He does not pretend to scruples or remorse of any kind. He calls his vic firas 'ihikar' (game), and alleges no other excuse for bii practice than that it was very dull at borne in bis village. The per sons be poisoned in tbe year aod a half are about twenty-seven; but ho is very cirelesi in figures, aod talks of a family whom be may murder with a lordly negligence as to the number or in members. Most of his victims were either Brahmins or fakirs, and his favorite hunting grounds were what he calls "holy places." New York lias 2.',000 teuetneat houses. The population resident in these tenement houses is estimtted ut 3G0.00II. Tim cellar population alone nun bers opwardnof St), 000 The bulk ot these wretched Hh'olea of tbe poor I'jvini; been built in o ert violalioit of the plainest Uim of besltb. One would think tte goruinnieat of New Ytirk would jirefer Inn. rather llun twenty occupants Iu h nj with the number of cubio toet of air Hvsi-iitial to tho health of four. Unless tbe eit.V f4lii'i- pay Hlteslinit to Hi is matter at a.i eaily New Yek will pro a iivfuv I spot. Cpti Timothy C. Spaulding, ol the bsrk KHzaWth, of Now Bedford, while com ing southwest or Madagascar, struck a very large sperm whale. Otj opening the whalo he bad the good luck to discover two hun dred and eighty -five pounds of ambergris worth over twenty thousand dollars. Thil article is toiiad only la small quantities. Tbe old price wai on pouod of ambsrgrli for on pound of gold. ' Local NotlMt. GREAT BAR-GAINS! OPFBR1D TO mE Citizens of Petroleum Centre ! In tbs way ot Blank Book, " Stationery, Fancy Good, Worsteds, , . Bird Cage, . School Books, Ac, c at 1 miMl'S VARIETY Store, 35 SPRING STREET, riTVSTiLLC, r. Jarilll lm. 1'fork. A splendid assortment at Wham's. JinJl-lf. Mala, Car's Hoot and Mboee. A tains assortment at USYNOI.DS. RKADUEAU CO', No. II Centre Strset, oppoaile Uia. Tost Office, Oil City. Pa. Collar "Irlnss. lar-- I'.l of lbs best Guitar iSuiruta tho market adonis, jnat rereiroJ at lsbam'a. JattH-tf- Hardwaro A lare assortment ef which Is kellif closed ont at reducxl rales at KKYNOLD3, IlltonilEAD CO'!, No. It Centre fct., i.u.l; the PostOuVs. Oil City. V. Ai.isma. This Is a newly OismTon d artiels to I nseit for hair drexsins, which Is said tn lis superi or to anything of the kind jret placed rx fi rs the pub lic, ft renders the hair soft and cl"1?, and will, It is said, causa the hair to irro.v on scils uhira b ivo Iodk lacked such s envring- It la not properly a liair dve. and vet It w:ll so operate on the ret,t or the saine when applied ns tu restore it to Its origin al color nnd luxuriance in a f cry brief pwind of lime. It is bryond question, a crv Nap'riur thin?, nnd will more th:in All ttici xpsciatituis of miy oi.c ho mo? nun base 'i. Syracuse I'socr. Try Sew- ard's Conuii (11 e. It is the best V It. MII.I.RK . 'c., Vbol'iile and ltcull l)rno;its. Aifn's for ritrelsum Centre, fa. o13;Jin. Uisintlful S.lppor Patterns at A. S. Smith's Mt & Shoe Store. rievU-l. ty FANCY UOODS, all dsKripliona, whole Minand rauil, for Holiday I'resiuta, at A. I). Vll.LElt A CtV. Croeker, sil kinds co to KKTXOLDS. ItKOllIIRAI) ft XVS, No. II Ceutre otrssl, oppo site the Post ('into, OH City, IV DryiOooiU, a law st.-k st KYN'01,T), cnoDUEAD a CO S. No. It Csnire Ht, opposite the Post Offlce. Oil City, Pa. CJS"LAtIES wlshios to msks an aiiprmirlats present, will Dud beautiful SUPPER PA TTSUNS at A. a SMITH'S Uo.t A Shoj Rtore dociatf. ItlltD CAOKS, woolesale and retail. TUiny four ditbreut at) let to arrive this week, st A. I. CO.'S 1.500 rolls WALL PAPKH rscoived th day at A. I). MILLKH A CO S. cw Flour, Feed and Grocery More ! J. . PKATIIEK, AtthsOLD BANK BUII.TIINO, ON MslN-T. opposite the Mc('llutoclc House, has on hsnd a Uriro and list class stock of flour, Feed and Groceries which he Is sailing st a low figure. Don't forcct the placo where A, I Cottno A Company broke up. jen-if. PA. Call and examlae las as -laasvirtment or BnttKl aVMl dsclstit SMtTRK rATTKKNS at A. Hboe Store. CAN'AKY DtHDS, best Gernun imjiortsd, wbels ale and retail, at A. D. MILLKH CO.'S. A large assortment of FIVtC.SGW tU BODTS at A. B. eolith's Boot A Hhos Store. for tSCII at K. D MILI.P.K A C(S. Carpel of seery qnallty and ditacrlptlon, at REYNOLDS, rlKODUKAD A CO'K, No. 11 Centre Street, opposlto the P . O., Oil City, Pa. Excelsior Billiard Parlors. To enjoy a delightful and (inlet game ol Bllllaids, CO to A. O. Parnhan's Fasli1onuli!a Rlllla'd Par lors, on Washington Htreet, next dour to the Koch ester Uouss. Tho-e Parlors are within a short dis tance of most of tbe principal hotole lu Petroleum Csutro. limy 0 tf. PAPER AMU ENVELOPES st A. O. MILLER A CO 'S. , TUR best place ii town to get a pair of Boots made of the best Stock, that will wnar well, and warranted to fit, is at J. A. Planters Fafch tumble Boot 8hop, WoshinRton Strust, Petroleum Centre, ra. Give hi in a trial. ecpllMf. ClfSAUS AND TOIIAIWat A. IV Mll.l.JJK A Cit.'S. Attraction! EXTRAORDINARY. OPERA HOUSE ! PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.r For One Night Only ! Wednesday Evp., .Ian. 27th, Great Arlington FROM ARLINGTON HALL, CHICAGO, , . i. Dndsr the Immediate direction of William Arlington The Western Comet ! SAM. PRICE! Eccentric Comedian, ID- Is- MORRIS, Tbe Great Dutch Comedian, D. W. COLLINS, The Original ' Happy Old r Man," FOSTELLE ! The Charming Prim Donna nasi UanwDM, THE SALKEIil) BROS.. 7 he Talented English Mnsiciani, L'ESTRANGE ! Tho Great Tenor, ROSENTHAL, The Pfenning Vocalist, I'PPORTKI) BY FIFTEEN' OK TUB HOST TALENTED PERFORMERS IN THE PROFESSION I,""" Admission 5J cents. Keserred Seats, Tlcts. ITT Ilea's o- sn at T e'cleolt dh aces at s o'clock. rerfriaanca ea. MAKI.E II. DAY, Business Assnt- Jsd23-11. S. S. Griswold, Dealer In COIL Ii. tW Ordeis l.y li e Car or Ton promt (re filled - - . Also, A;Bl for the velebiatea uiixiK OKFICB oa ftneuad ftnet, near R. It. Track, PETROLEUM f'KNTRE, PA. JssoSif, A. T. LEGGEIT, Mann'acturar and Psalor la hArnbss. Seed Bags, Valve Cups?, &c. r!ipnr'sr,ccd wotkmea are emptuyed, and liar-' iik-h if nil kinds kil coasiantly on band and lunue to nn'.s:' P. C. Ili'inx's Pats Seed -ling ' For Sale. Rair!ug Done at all Times I Call snd sismlae anr stock and prices, Main-St., below he Mct'liii' lock llonae. rrtroleuw Csstre, Ps., Jan. Tth. l-lf. 'iilolHtlon. 1MIE co-psrtnershlu heretnrhrs exrstlnr eetwear W H Klininsiriltli. II Kliouln.mllh snd N B Uoff ird, is ibis day dissulsrd by mutual eon seat N It Hoffnnl retires irom Ihe Arm snd W R KHnit lnsiutth aiel II Klinirinsmlth eulillniis in the ftusi-' ness, sua awuuie all bills or nr ssinst the lste nrtu. , ltKUNtilNSMl'llIi - N BHOFPOItO. , Petrolsnra Centre, Jan. It, ir0. gw t. Wanted. . A FIRST f'LAS! PASTRY- COOK Is wanted at the Petrolenia llonse, Oil City, Pa. Apply liuuiallaiste. jMlti lu HTAATM A WHITE. I'ropf". Wanted. fO HUNT OR FtTROHASR a Pwolling House L la. Petroleum Ceutie. Apply to JauM 3t. . " 't. T. MAPRL BUY the K Howard American Walcb, tbe best muds. f IHHAM A t ti. SOLID (told Jcerr, Lubes' Cets. Far KisM Pins, Mce. Iluitona, Ac, at WHAM COV- l 1-kl.tMHMJ I'lNHsii'i ItlNCH. U ... . stUHAM A CO t i '