Newspaper Page Text
DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL JAiiiTti D A I L Y :".,. -I'll ECORD. "V iCOSTiyVATlON or TIM rlXJiOJjH VAJ.LX HECOJID.) R If m VOL II NO. 58 THE I'ETROLEUM CENTRE )AILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted, i LONGWELL & I'LUMMER, rropriHtora. ' W, O. PIiV.lI.lIEU, Editor. TERM. Per year payable In advance, I'er month, 18 10 7f PRICE-LIST OF ADVERTISING, (Tot linn of nonpareil rank, one nquar. ) N't. In.ertion.v I :t i.i , ol One day. Two daye, 'I rays, 1'our day., t Im days. One week, Two weeks, 'J hreo weeks, One mnnth. Two months, Three month., Six months, Nine month., lt,e year, $ 7. 1 m 1 fl Mi 1 Sl m Sill a no 8 Till 8 la) S Oi)1 10 oo ! 11 SO 1.1 00 27 IU) SO 110 48 (XI 1 .HI I 'D 8 SO 3 Ml H Ml 4 til 7 SH 10 00 11 mi 15 IKI H HI) 0 141 4.1 (10 HO IKI 4 61 A .VI 1 Oil a us 1 1J 8 HO 00 14 IKI 1A 00 SO Oil a fx. 4 M 7 no 10 iJ an im 40 on eo no fry no InO no IS III ill 01 si ov K III ttnecfal notice. 20 cents per line, each insertion. Advertisements payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. J O. ELLIOTT,) ATTOUNEY-AT-Ii A W, AND NOTARY I'UBLIC, PETHOLEDM CENTRE, PA. Halluces lu the Courts at Franklin promptly at tended lu. UK ICR In IVssell SsCo'n Brlok Bank Build inc. up stairs), ashtngtmi-St. oct 30-if. UU.MlAill tV H.HI l'II, ATTORNEYS at COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Ofltce Tlizh Street, Franktia, and Petroleum Can , Ire,r. jlayltMf. V. ncALPINE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Tierry's new Building, comer of Wash ington ai'd Bccoud eu., Petroleum Centra, ra. - uiaylM tr. T. U. CIIUISTIE, III. D., PHYSICIAN AND FPHOKON: OMre oppoeite IheMcttinney limine, Pieaeautville, Pit. Person from a dl.lanic will p-nerally And hfra at ilia Ollico un batiirduy from 10 a. m-, to 3 p.m. eepU-tl Col. J. U. 11X41 U .N & J. J. McCASLIN, Oi alein in OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, Ao., VLEAHANTVILLE, PA. JuWtf. ALBEKT S. I1AVEK, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In the Prick Bank Bnlldlue, corner of aikiugton and Mala Suraeta, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. May 19, 18B8 tf. a. r. wii.snH. h a van velkob WILSON eV VAN TlXMIIt, GACGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE TETROLEUM, OFFlCF.St. Merrnntlle Biiildlntf. Oil Citv Pa. and with Ownton Howursi Pe.roleuiM Ceiitre, Pa. Julytoth. 18 8 tf. xx. kj u arvisi. Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING GLASSES In crca' varletv- Lookinc Glaaj Plarea replaced n old Kramos. Picture Franius) mil do to order. tarppts, Oil Cloths, Wall 1mt, W indow Shades, A FINE STOCK. UNDERTAKING, COFFINS of all sizes on hand and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH, BLA2S AND DOORS. of all sizes. Aleo, Putty, Varnl-h. Htnln. 4c. retroleum Centre Pa., July !M. lHiia-fr. A. J. CHRISTY, U. S. DRUG STORE Cor. First & lloliuden SU., FITHOEB CITY', PA. rl9-tf PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA., FRIDAV LVENiii'djANUAHY 29, 1669. HOTELS. QHASE HOL'SE,! S. IHUPER, Proprietor, 'LEASAXTVII,!,!?, Hi CIS 3.n. I'ENM'A CcLI.10Cti. UUVSi:. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Thisypnlai Hotel, lttinted Comer of Alain & Wnnhiinrtoii-sts., Xoar iha De .n', hn Ixira reMn i nml fitrnis ' thruiii'linnt, and the proprietor will spnre no nalm to make it a FIRST-CLASS IIObViB. oe'8 tf v. ii. i.AiU.E. I'rorrirtnr. riLVlHAL Hll& PETROLEUM CENTIIB, PA. , Near Oil Creek t llctfiony Hirer E!lw:iy Pc;,ot. n.aj'19-tf. O. J. C:tOSS, Proprietor. ItOCHIESllKK iimum:, a.a Washington street, Potroluna; Centre, P? COLB A ORIFFIN, . . . Proprietors. Thin Hone U rentnilly looted, aud the gnaural herdiinrtei uf oil m u. Petroh.'iun C'tuuo Pa.. M ly 10, 19118 tr. HKIt.llAX floi'SE, Wathinuton Sa'oet, Pctrolfuui Centre, Pa. D. g. CKOCKl:!!, . . Tl!OP'I!. Good arconimo.liitloi!H for tvnmk'nt enstornerj, Pay lioird anil born! with rioni- on remrtnii:'!.. terma. The p oprielor will upa.e no p.iil.a to make hit honealtrnctivetii viiestd. mvl-if ilILKICAN IIU'JTEI., PETROLEUM CKSTKK, PA. J. It. BARNES, - - - Proprl.tor. Tlile Home I in a plc-iiit P'cnlUy. ntid hut a inort wan irom ilie Pcpi'T 'I roo'ii- iir Hr:t and comfortti' te, nifl tl; deiiciicles uf the nconon tai)ic iuipu,lc4 isitti the jiiiO tl J. 1!. BAUXES.. PETKOLESHM HI 0 HISS-:, OMi CITV, IV. Harine recently taken p .s-e--iun of i.'ui n'o -vo Houee, wewiiuld most respect uilly iiifim the tin- eling public that we propose to "seep a II. .ti l." nl to convince them of the fart, wc Invite :! !,o w i .'.i the coniforlB ot a home, to call ucoa us. l:vi!l te found The Hotel of the Oil ICi'sion. Our Sample Room In nuppliod with tho c!iolo".t Wines, Lliptorannd Clnw, ai'd mi r tub'e w:il ! found laden with the very best the traikci art'iTd. There U connected uitlitho IUno four tirst cl.i"s Billiard Tables. Also, B r'l r 'Simp nvj Hath Hooma Give us a eil, ae l comiucu yourseivca of the Uuthiulns of our ussciiou. CirtE'I.S'S W. RTAATS, J aiss s (.. vi iini,. octd tf JUAKKLliU lU-l Sl., MILLER FARM STATIOII, Ou Oil Creek Railroad. I THE I1013E AND FURNITURE NEW. r. VT. TWIST, - Proprietor. itine-.' u. i ' I NTEItNA'H'JNAL tlii'SM., MILLER FAKM, PA. JOHN E ROW.K, Prop' flood 8'p:iriiorlntlnti t m t cutotiicr' T)iy Bonnl Hiid ISntml v it!i looms on r' imitiu! 1' ttTMisi. 'I'lit nmiiriruir vil I fttir.o no im'.ns 'it ni iUo hU !lot!i( atlrtctivc to ni":s jnm'' if NION BIWTablT, 1M.EASANTV.LM3. HA This Tlmiw li ivlni: rccontly lu't'n iMi1tirp"d mul rt fiirni-brd, n,,i i.-ivr jt e tit'il to iiccuiiimotl.ue two huiidicil ! r,'iiiMri,!ily. 8tK1 lfnvi' tin hoittf thrt' llmo a tiny fiirTi tUNviiio Tiu'ro u aWi a lino of Stu-.-un to rilhule. JiiB-tf TlHtS. ilcLvlNNLV, l nip'r. rroprk-tor of thn Buffalo Bakery. Denl'T In choice Flour, Butter. T- and Cheese. Also, choice Groeerief, Petrol; !!! i'-mi o; lt flrdera left will he itroiunily i ended to, nn Goods delivered Poslollleo Mux 'iitlU. ley Hi. GIJORGI Jt UUOIV.Y, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST-CLASS IMAA'O F 5 1 T E S , Factor? - rr)o!1fii UW, ft ol ol iUtu-r-t. etroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. iit;e, Friday, Jan. 2tf. Fobki'iv napt-ra ftaio thai a company hna ("en lormrd. ut St. PtttrabiirK for tbe Intrn- (iuction of steam for tho ti uclion of pleasure iikius i;u h:m. ii is pripnea to employ lo comotives liko those on I he railway, ot ahout titnty-Hr or thirty borxo-powi-r. with this ainjjlo (liffrrencf (but the wbeol inn ure to bo chiinneled in order to mako llii'in bilo upon the ice without aensibly in juriiiij it. The slipping of the wheels bcinir uToidei). a snow plourih attached ra front of llio i bi'iievi-d will bo found urncli cttble to make Idiij journeys inlo Finland. Lnpland, and aottio of tho Islands blocked up in winter by the ice. Tho plan is well supported, ami it is thought i lint such means o: cr.miminieaiion may giye life to countries which nre now shut out from In tercourse wilh other parts during the whole winler. Tho carriages, of comae, are to be pr .vided not only with all the necessaries mil but oil the conveniences of life, incluil- tti;! si'vpinx enrrmaoa, restaurants, and biiu. l.s: a cartini;? for Rallies of various kinds, a reaiim? saloon. ami a concert room When may n mnn be ronsidurort n poor vehicle for expression? When he is a littlo sulky. John Paul complains that bis landlady's hash in '-oatcasibly hirsute." Un that would have a wile without a fault, must remain a bachelor. II if considered cool to tako a man's bat with his name in it, simply becanso yon want bis autograph, A deceased millionaire, In a Western cily, has inscribed on his tombstone, "He altrays paid casli. ' When the trumpeter was desired to play louder, he replied : '-You say louder, louder, but var is do viiid?" ....... . . tv Jenkins ha (dwrved that the Grecian IVnd is not indulged in by ladies in strniuht enod circumstances. It dun't follow that a man dislikes his bed bemuse ho turns his back upon it. The only man not spoiled by l.eiug lion-Iz-l v,-ns t!;e prophet Piniel. ? iw dust calves anj tho ca.-ieit to witp ter. Efetfs Gil M Pfc3 forts i CSSAV. KOBSSS A: J., ' ! Corner (if pert-nn and rentre .t?. cast bido j cl' Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. j Ileviu? n l'.'e 1 a powurl'ul Steiim I'Tiiiiiie and threi in";; 1 L I'J'li Ks. to our tilieaoy i. x;i i.iv.- Mniiui'ic i i:iiit !-T-itiit., nr. no,v pii-Miri-iI t'i do al j 'he iit;Cos:uy wyrk, in tittins ttji, aed repairia ENGINES. liUlLICRS, IRON TANK?. ' REFINING MACtil"l-.Uy. COI'PETI WORMS AND STILL?. OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTING- t"i fiet do'nU Inchn;erv Job V(rk ent'ii.t'd ton with iieiU'icvs n:.d il;iinlcn an., loioa UAIUIOAH TIM1-: TAHLT-:, TsiUoh cfl'oct Mondrt'-. Novt m; .;r 2' d, Wi. K"tmi n'AP.n. Accommoditinn lfi tw Corry 3.!Dp. m riym'T 1, 6 ; l'jni;tn-M ' '", Mu'rutan 4.") ; Sumihi! i. m : V ..viiic i ," nn-lviiu' - t litwtoti 7.oo p. m F.Tr- tmin ltn vfM ('(irrv H :t-i a. m : ('I.viiimi- 0 55 r .iiB ' ii lu.ltf ; Mifniiaii 1'i.;i; Sumrr.U l',i0;M.iy villi' 1. to. uii'l fHTivrn :t Ii:ovt.n 0 . li-ii v .'orrv 1,15 p. m.. Htopp'ng at all alti tioi:, turning At llro' tuii i.i'i p. u (tiM'TMlVAKD. Mull train Ipiivu Kmnoii m .i,on a M.topplnfj tt ..ii Marioi.-i, tirnvcn in orrv :u i.',i p. m. Kspii'!! Wtxwn Hroiion nt UMb v. m.; Mfiyvilla ;i.'-IJ ; Miintriil ;Vtri : SI I'l rimn -Looj I'linninn 4,V."ij (J).vincr A.-'.s, imkJ aiTiviiiff m Cuitv nt S.oo p. y. Accuni'MoJatioti leavt's Htocton T,oo p. si., y:iy vtMf- s,10. Summit S.4o, J-!)ciiii:iii S.B5, ratinma 11,30; C'lymer arriving nt Cony ai lo,lo p. x. (I'VNIICTKlNS. I.ii(" cvr Ic:'.vo !nft'.iIo on llio Toledti Exiirtm or lmv Kx'.-oi. 'oiin 'diri at Hrorton with tmiiH for Minv lit!, Stifi'insm. I'linaniii. rynirr und Corrv; pninu-fiinir ;it Co'TV with trains on tho OH Creek It. H. tor I iin-ivT.'-t. MTinr, I iotutr and 1'ct. Cuntro. OH Cily mid ifil-!iL'h. Atfo, tunint-rio::: nt Corrv v;li tmms on thp Phil ndt'lpM.i Kr'n' lad, Tor PliilJiiipHitiln ninl Ilarri--ttun;; anil on tlri Ailnnlln and (tie't WuAU-rn l:nil wnv for Cn on. Mmd.'ille, ip'nvitu, I';.., rind WuiTn, Oino, ur.i lrm(itit-'n und Idr.idt'lpii.N. V. 'I rni-:rt l.M' iiii: oil Cily fi '3.if n ni., Corrv ui O.Vn n. i i., rein: trtir.rr at Mro 'Mi with tram oo JJ & f.. n. It., arriTiTi-: in iiinmua- p. m. Twin lenvii'K "i1 "i y f a iu will rMintt with Mnil Train k-avhnr ( tv at 1,15 u. m.. Mil- iifctiiv ni'h K'if--i 13.itf 'in li. K h K , iirriv- ins in itininin in -"J o- in- !"' on nuiruiu tti i,ki p. m , anivinz t Corry :it "n,h p- m. i A I (to. rniifft itt 1-iayvi In w ii li Sti atnliontH on Chniitftiioua in Itt diirrjr MJuon uf uaiR:itiou, f,r Ja.ino-ttivii $ul JtandtJoh ; A. K- TR R W, Pqpt . I Jnul. MhtvIII, X t. T. M'-Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central ilouse, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. rpHB heat Stock of nRIVINO AND SADDLE X HOUSES un tke Creek, are to be found at 91'Donald's Lilvcry. CARRIAGES & GUTTERS TO M LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FEW ic ROAR DER on reasonable Term. Teaming of all1 kinds at tended hi lmi)ty. EV Give mo a call. T. M'DONAl. . Petiolouro Centre, Nov. II, 1808. XEWtiOODil! A'EWOOODS! j X'SST ItrCElVED at tlie'Store of licnneday & Saa-e, a choice stock uf selected GROCERIES, ConsUCng of Teas. Coffees. Spices, plain aui Fan cy Soaps, Canned Fruits, OYSTERS, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Also, dealer in rVviftvtlnnirv. Frtitt.. nn,l rhninn bi.i'nU of TnUACCO nui CWAKS. Cull und ex amine our 3ioelt at the sitorc latrly orriipId by ,T. 311!- ler's JcwelySioro, FiflMJOAY A: SAfiE. Petroleum Centre, c.ot Z i, ISoS -tl. visum & Mnum, GENERAL MACHINISTS, 9 and lJca'.eM iu All kinds of Vc-e-nry for jmrfhit: down and nvrttipg OU AY" lit poun t'cf 'un wirh our MAl'ittNK MIOIf vh tmi en lnriiimt conwnYnt RLAOKcMII'II SHOP. 'I tl i any Simp iu ih- Oil Hfiridf.'s. Sup-Xrthi-.Ht,u)mosilc McCIinfock' Ilouse. I ' K A T COM I5IXE1 JW,- TAI.KN,--1V.K..1. iiK . .' V ;-- J) C. 1.I9PF...AKO. M. D J; ' ', A- rt s ;f Cii.ultitii 1'insiritn r.n V. ; -' k-V?? fcuru'en Rochester, N. Y Th.a is onlv itlBeft in th i i y where a iienuimenl rtii hi tntnjn i-i u ' ii V, be Im.l without thn u-o of h'liiL'o of diet. to cure (Jon- leiit. Svnldlia impotenpi. Noctm-Mi! Knit-ton-, or Annse, ui r.itidrifiMi- 't niiilp Couipltioiis, In rdiort, eve ry tiojisiliY form nnd vitriidy of Sexual DUeutin ' Jr. Ui-ynolutt" Patent French S"t' i wnrranleil a s.ife ntiil sure pn-veutlve nivatt di-usise. l'rire $1, or throe for t'i Dr. HeviioM' front wnrV. THB PR1VATS MK')U'.Vl, )i!IT)K." benutifijMy illmtrated, w:u nearly Joo puiti. lrJeeoO contt. Hi: W ran h nrf einfnllv consulted on all din rnen wi'h wh!rli he Iiikimii fitniiy id alllicted, with cures WiiiTAtited In till oiinililo e:nt-f- No letter.- will he muni-red tint". they crmtfiln n remitt:ui;: of ime -loilur. ofii'mouition feu. Cou.ul- "ion at ih ofl'i'-p free of ch' , i oinfiiltitii' find (i"i .-I (Jionnn, corner of Alill mitl Market tl reels, up wt-li'H. Porrtoiis enlllnt; will nee no oin' hut the doctor. The nliuve cnneeri tnitii.n of ined'cil tfilent et;Hiiri' tin lek n tHen tilic And improved ronri'e of trmtniwiit and th rapid ttnd ovrniiiie-nt ento. All letters nddre.H to Tr. 15. .1- irKYNOT.DS, ,?.ifhtjntc,r, N. V., will ne'ei with prompt uitentiur. All cure.- warran'ed. OiHce huurn from 7 A M. to 7 P. M. mrhU lv. Plnnvo Ktiitc Wluro you huw my nrt vcr Ueiuent. OKO. Jfl. nif!iKliIi A: CO., DB INj- K E R S , pi::Te:o3:rn cknti.;, ti. C.enre If. BIhi-i!, Jnmc A. WlHlainMn Jaiiitt-i Ii'fh AI. t'. .Martin. V.i ofiVronr ssi-rrj fop the tinnnut Ion cf a hank inc., i;xc;i.N(ji: miu col. lictiun hrMX)S Any ln'!itt- entniitcd to our cure vtll rct:.vo prompt allemion. jult tf. riillK DAILY RKf'OPn, tlic bo.l udrflrtiii,;r r.ifioiBi in h o! rcylon. 25 GTS. WEEKLY MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agent for Goorgi Brown, Jamestown, N. T. A' . E . SKIS.EU, Doalcr in FIANCS. 0R3ANS- MELOBEONSv AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO STOOLS, 8PREABS la, Ac. C'enlre-St., OIL CIVY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. 14, 18.U8.-U. CIS A A II &. TIIACKER, 13 t MaUcn Lane, N. Y tmwm mmmn, are now prepared to roe.cNn on Commission and matte Liberal Ailvjincea to Rcfinei'a auii Dealers ku both Crude and Helloed Oil. OIL VITRIOL CJUXE, TIIACKER Ac Co., PETKOLF.nM CENTRA, PA. Keep on hand OIL VITRIOL. ULl'E & WHITE PAINT,' CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are prepared to make liberal discount to ReCnerf (or CASH, and will not be undorald in anv r,r tha above nrtlcles. Jitnel3 tl CRAVE. TIIACeTF-R A CO. F. J. I1VW A & i i)., fForaLUrly Banna & Marphy ) MACHINE &B0ILERSH0P WASHIXGTON ST., PE Pa. TROIiEl.M CEXTItE. boilers and engines repaired' at short notice. All kinds of Machine Work dono j.romptly and' warruuioa to uivu caiintuctioii. aiiS-0 II'. If. i. T1AXXA M. New Boot Shop. J. A. PLANTE, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER- IVavhinsloii Street, THREE DOORS WEST OK A. D. MIX. LEU CO.'S DRUG STORE, P K T 1 5 0 1 1 E L' .11 C E N T It E , P a . , Respectfully Invites his friends and the pub lic generally to a trinl ol his supe rior niado BOOTS. Th quality or the mato"ial he use is not to e exix'ilci. the ptyle of workmanship is unexception able, the luteat natterna of inula befne; lt.ed. while' Hie prici eliiirL'eil aro most reasonable, quality be ins the to;-l of cheapness llavla had lone experi ence hiniaeit, and cmplnvltti; none lint ilia heat untktnen. ho H itlerH himself ho will ho able to slip, ply an article Hint will (,-ive satlstiicilcn to all. l'4f llo will uxt'otito all ordnrs utitrtiBtod . to him proini tly, and with tho; and haa Kreat eoliililoiice that the article, he lll.lkcs will reciMiimend tlieinaelre,, nfler a fair trial. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. J. A. PLANTK. retroleum Centre, Va , July li. thn. O. Ctly A Pitliole Braiieh 16 II T I M K 'J' AMI. 1'. On aid after Monday, .Inlv 21lh, antll further notice, ii ami will atrlvu and dfpart from l'itholc aa ' follows; DEPART. 8.00 a ni, Coinw tiiiL' at Oleonolls with train. on the oil I'r.H-k Allegheny R.rer Knilway for lrvineioi.. Tidlouie, oil Cisy, Corry, avd point Iviit and W'e.t 2.3tl i, c.mneeihi!.' at Plthnla with S'njee ' fruui 1'le.ininiville, Hhaniburi; and Millar Faun.' and at Oleojailia wi.h trair.a on the Oil free A; Alli'L'lieny Klvor Railway, for Oil lit)-, Irvbw. tai, Cot;y, and poinl-i nd Wast ARRIVE lO. Ht a !!, eoiitierlliii; ot Oloopolls with Trnina ' mi the Oil Crei-lE 4 Allecheliy River Railway from ' polnla H.wt and V est, and ut Pithnie with 'tMage. ' pir Pleiiiiaiitvillii, Sliambiir' i.n.l Miller Kuim. 4.40 ) ei, roniieelin :it Oi.i"io'ia with 'Brain. i the Oil Creek Alle-ftiriy Klvar Railway frem oil City, o.irry, lici'..',tuii, 'Piiltoule, and iolut. ' Eaat and Vust W. W. BRONStttT. Stipentti. 'Pllr: F. II.lWMld A Co. V 1 Willi h en's, ntid Nation R. Rar'l.'t. TreminS onal Vateh Co'. Watrh-' e. ca.i be hud al IslI AM ,v OO'S. Al.l, 'l'!if .KHI in oil n-l i1.3 .' the i;i.i;uj;d on lit.