Newspaper Page Text
J J. A h Y IH RECORD. tcoirrixvATioy or tujc pitiiqle vaily uecokd.) fir i i hfiij S ; VOL. II. NO. Gi THE X'ETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. rUBLlSITED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) LONG WELL & I'LUMMER, Proprietors. W, C. I'HJ.IUIEK, Editor. terms. Per year peyahle In advance, - 8 no i'rr 'iiioniu,' ... 7- 1'itit of AUVEtirssfNu. (Ton lines of nonpareil make one sqttAre.) No. hieitili.-. i il. H rf. .1 Mt. V Col. I me d.iy. Two days, '1 liree cnya: I'' our days, Hre days. 'no kwH, Two tf(U 'J lireo weeks, One 111. tlttll. Two mom lis. Three tnouib, M montes, l.lue months, tine year, " 1 no. 1 l I l 1 2 il' t If 5 in! 8 M it Oiu. 1 5.1, 3 HO !f ii.'.' I'll 8 9 r I a .mi 4 b I 61 II M, 1 .VI II III I (. Oil; 10 CI 7 iii I in mil 1 ! mi 1(1 III ! li Ml 15 IM 14 in 15 Oil 1 1 00 31 (II tit (HI .Ml (10 (4 6" ft .Ml fill 7 Oil 8 i 8 ,Vi 14 (' lil IK) SI! (Kl l (10 4l Kl f.o im Ki IHI n i ! ha on -r u'l : IK ! mi mi 'm inn ID (Special notices 20 cent. per line, each inuurtioD. Advertisements payable ipl.trieny lu atlvnce BUSINESS CARDS. J ;. ELLIOTT,' A T T OKXEY-A T - I, A W , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PETHOLECJI CENTKE, PA. Ruslncsa in the Couita nt I'lnnkllu promptly at Jcnri.'.l to. OF. ICE InJ'.s.elt ft Co's Brick Hank Pnl'd 1nv'. Inp Finti.-!, v7.0.lijitri-M. net sw-if. U11MU.H n ant t, I ATTORNEYS&COUNSKl.OUS ATLAW, tUBee nitrh Strou!, Vmuklin, and t'e'rolenm Cen tre, Pa. JlnyW-if. V. McALPIXi:, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Horry', ro w liiiHdlnj?. emnr of Wash ington and Fecoud els., Petroleum Centra, Pa. tnuyltl tf. """"" ljy, JIIKJSTI E,"3Im PHYSICIAN AND BtTllfiKIX; Ollco opposite the JIcKinney House, l'.casautviile. Pa. Persons fitim Uistnut e will eenernltv Hid tilm n hit tliUco ou Sattinlny from lu a. i , to !l 114 If Cut. J. U. t: It OWN &.J.J. ,ticl) ASLS.N, Dalcrs in OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES. Ac, PLF.AaASTTIT.j:, PA. JnSSIf. Al.ntlltr H, HAVE2C, ATTORNEY & C0UN5ELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE Jnthe nrick Hank Hiilldinj, cornoi of Wushiugtou and 3I.iln btroeis, PKTIiOLErM CENTRE, PENN'A. Ma; 19, 1808. tf f. VIIJJON. H B ViN VEtOR WJI.HOJI Or VAN VELHOU, CAUGER3 AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, omcKS. Mercantile II11IUII112, Oil City Pa., and wi'U Owaion . Nnvoiai Pe.roleiun Centro, Pa. Julyilfitli, 18 18 tf. H. O. Jarvia, Dealer la CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. L00KINO. GI.VSSES lj CreV vart-tv. I ool.ina Olasi Plaj replacoi 111 old i'n'nnca. Picture Frames made to orti C'arprts, OlI.ClntlH, Wall Paper, Window Sliadi'K, A PINE KTOi'K. VNOISUTAKEA'C., COFFINS of all sizes on hand nnd trimmed to order 011 blun t notice. SASH, ' GLASS . AW3 IDUIiS, f nil iri468. . Also, Piittv, Yain!li, Stain, c. . " ' NO. 1 WASrilNfJTO.V.ST. JjgTOlrniM 'ciitre. i' July m. istin-f. A. J. CtllilaTvj' li. S, 2 RUG STORE Cor. Firtst Ac 1 st., PITnoL'E CITV, PA. mylO tf. PETROLEUM CENTRE. HOTELS. QHASE IIOl'SE,) S. OKAPEIl, Proprietor, PI.EASANTVII.LE, Dcel53m. PENN'A . M prnioi.r.rM centue, i a. i'i'f p',it iintii, i'lifiij t'ur.'tfr l MiiSii Ai V.'filii;3Jn.?.in., Niarilin Po oi, bn li en i-..fiteil rn.l f iinis!:i-d l.'ii'.niL-lmiil, ntid tiu j.r.), riotor w.ll ainro lu tulks to tnakd it a iT.iST-ci.Ass norsi. wf V. II. OAIILT:. IVoprVCr. rKTuoLECM cnr;T::n, r&., Near Oil Tredt 4 A!I-s;!:c-y lt'vor P.:il-.vny Dcrot. rrnylO tf. !. ,r. criOSS, Prr.prlctor. Vra.-hlnRt.m trett, Pc-trnl?nm Centra. Pa. COLS & (JRlia-IN, . . . Proprietor. ThU i:,nna it centrally located, and the ccneral hcniin:irtcr. nf oil nu n. Pcuuluuin I'eniiB. Pa.. Vny I!) lHiinif O Wa.-liiiil-roii Stwt, lVlrnhum Centre, Ta. D. E. CliOCKER, . i'R0IE. flood fcccmmnilaCnR for tran!' ci"tomcr. Day hori1-.! mul boiud v.-iHi rooms on r.-iijionii'e ltri'n. Th j p ..prtt-ti.r wt i i.:it-e uo pniim to mitlfe hi hon-e iiMmt'live to ,;ne-t. uiil-if A' .n i. tit can t:u rt;t., rETPOl.Et'VI i SXTliE, PA. J. It. 11AIJSIW, . . . Prvuh tor Tlili I'iuhc is in a pl.T.-unt l enl'tv, a. a hn: fimrt Mill'; from il.e lirpot Tliv momi an" In.i.'n an.l com fort t lc, Mid t lie tiihhi Fiipplii d w ith tin.. dcMC-tcii fl ut' tllo roiwoll. J'tvo-tf- J. I!. T-AKVc.R.. B. iuH i t tj fij 5.1 .11 I Pl SZ'j , oil rsTv PA. Mavis? r.rcnt'y ta'.en pinricjiiii of tli.i above Home, vewculd most rcsptct Hillv Info-m the trar- Im? .iihl:c thit we pvopo-o to "ke-po Hotel," niol to convince lliem of the fact, we invite all who i-e,i the eonifoin o. a home, to call upon U4. Ir l.e f tl-.ul Tlie flntvl of tiieOil lUglc'As. Out' Sanip'.o Pooiu is Btiiiplii d with t lie choVtvt AVi uv, Lirjimrsand Cit'i.iK, ami our t Ui'.j ill bo found lilien with the very bent the limlii't nil .rds. Tliiiro Is coiineftvd with il 10 II011-0 fair nr--t e:ui,8 !"l'inril T.ili'.'. A!so, Jlirl, r M,,,;, noil llulh lloolim Cv u a c-iil, iimi ennvlncc yoiiiee.ves of the trutlilulnLiF of em .'..'.ll.ui. fEI.41ll.EX W. rilTAATS, JA.IiulM J.. V ill i t;. IIC19 tf '(UA.MiLIN (i44I.!.l-:. JllI.LEIt FA KM 'ATIi)JJ, ton 01! Creek Puilrnad.l THE HOL'SE AND ITRNITl RE NEW. C. W TWIST. . I roprletor. Jnne'Mf. I P M. .IW I HI." H I.W imiMI.. II.II.IIB aii JHLLEU FAni!, IM. JOIIV E. HOW 13, - . Piopr. Cond arroni'i'ivlfitlont for tnnait'i t cutonu(t'. Day Itu'ii'd hwI lioiinl wilh room on riMuonuth1 tariim. The pr-priottr will ay.two no pahis nt nvike im llni8t! titlr it ilve tn ;iutri jmu-if PI E VSANTVII.T-!-:. PA This Mouse Imvlnu rociiTly ln't-n en'Hrpcl nnd re fi:iitihil, I tun now"'utl to uuciuiiiuii:iiu two hipiilml LMH'r! rom'oritilily. yt'iirui, 1 tve liii.- Iioii-o ihrnft tiiiit'i a tiny for Tl tumiho Tuuio ia ;il-o ;i line tif Si ;i . To t'itliolt. JuS-tf '1'iUtS. icLvlM-:V, I'Mu'r. HM Oil CM Pips orh CHAS. ItOETON A; CO., Coiner of Reneca and Com re. Sis, east sidu of Oil Creek, Oil City, l'u. Ibivine niiilid n powerful Pteaui Enalne nnd three Irtruo L THKS. to our atreaoy exlnimivn Manulae lloiilU irtnliii?liinent, ftr. now pi.-jureil to do all the wyrk, ill lining up, and rtpilJu ENGINES. LOILKRS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLP, ; OIL WLLL TOOLS AXI) FITTINGS? Im frt't dod Marhinorv. Job Work ci)1nit.T tout PA.t FflSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 5, 1669. Petroleum Centro Daily Record. JJ'pt. CeiiC'i', I'rlilay, Erb. 5. CiOOU-ltYE. The cilltor of tbo Albany, N. Y., Reginlcr commen's upon those sitniilo wottla. to com mon, anil yet so full ol solemn tender incuu- ln?, as lullowe: How many emotions clttsler nround tfant word! How full of Bu-'.nesF, and to us how full ol sorrow it 8oiir,u. It is to us a con tour itcj word. V,'e hoard it onco within t'i year its wo hope never lo hear it again. It was in the chamber of death, in tbu siiil hour of ni'Dt noon. The curtains of the windows wore all clofed, the lights went all shaded, and we s'ood In the dim, solemn twilight, wilh others around tliu bed of the dring. Thn dumps of death wore on her ia!o youns brow, and coldn s.4 was on her lips as we kirsod her lor the last time while ii villi;, ituou-iiye, my dauhlor," wu whispered, and Good-bye, father," came from her dying lips. We know not that she spake more, but "Good-byo"' was l!-o last we ever heard ol' her STveet voice. We hear that sorrowful word often and cfduj os wo sit alone, busied with the memories of the past. We hear it in the silence of the night, in the licmts of silent wakefulness, as we lie upon our bed thinking of the loved and lost to us. We bear it in our dreams, when hor sweet face conies back to tis, us it wns, in loveliness and beauly. Wo it when we sit beside her crave in the cemetery, whero she sleeps alono, with none of her kindred by her side. She was the hope of our life.t'ie prop to lodivon when age should come upon us, and liie hnn!d be running to its dregs. The hope and rop is gone and we cure net how soon we go down to sleep In side our darling, tenoath the ehad- ous in the cily of the (lead. The Pujtt' Mailt id correspondent wriles I.... il... i,...:.i. ..i .i.. -i i at lhe s ile of Bibles and tracts daily taking place nt I'ueilo del Sol, and at the idea of lliespieud of Protestantism. They have ' ol'ijuiiii'.ed an nssociiition ol Cut ho lies, whose ol,.i '''' ' r,!,", every obstacle in the way j "'' otl"'r P''Mdes Cieed'. A niimlier of refugfes.iirriveil in Memphis, Tm sdny, from Cr'ltenden county, Arkansas. They mid they were Hoeing from a potty of in cnies who re resented themselves as militia. "General Corona's success. r in western .'.t '.ico is a tn in of dissolute habits. Ho glvi s universal ilissatisl jeiiou. and red iv.'i' lillle fynipaihy in case ol' an overthrow. i-f-irmn.'ii irim mi. iimiw .i.iwm Proprittor of tl.e Butialo Bakery. Pi!ilT ht p'-not?, Uuttcr, Fir: and CUctsu. AUo, t ho'.co '.ii'iim itM, I'tlvclcjin rntn'. P.i. Orirs left will lo p-t m'ly ntt"t iVd 1o. in; Comw t:-iivfi'i'.l. r..--itHUv lit..: ti 9- N"irrn .iit. Aceummml'iioTi lraTn .)itv S !H p. i ; riymff 4, 6; J'.T.fiir. t 4.1ft; Sl.crniaii Hnnmiit 'u.t o V. h ;;MI(! ft.riii HrHvi'ijx :it llro ion 7. no p. in Kxiris trr.'.n Uvivcm furry H..i.i a. m ; Clvmnr ft 55 Piiiii' nlo.lf; M.cnnitn Ht.;h: lv vi'i.', an 1 nprivps at Ituwtoti 0 si. Mull leiivfa t 'orry 1,15 v. i , Kinjuln; ttt all sta llinis, ttirii! ;; nt ll-O' ?.Mi. m f'rT!WAUl. Mall f ruin l'-nvpj lir.K Uni at I'.ooa M..t.toit')iu"at .li tttntiiii.o. :nr!vtn nt Torrv nt p. ;t. ' M,wiiw liKi tt Hro.'tnri at a ;I5 y. h.; Mnyvitle 3..'. ; riMiniiii ...4.1; S criimn 4. on: I'lnaniti 4,i; ClyiniT 4.oS. mii.'iiite nt Cony nt 6.oa p. m. Arc-onr''mii llntcl tn 7.oo v. M;v- villftH.10, Stiiiimit s.4. lii'iiii in K,55. I'minma !i,aO: Clvmui- Jl. Ij, ar.i'.int:at Corry nt lu.lo r. i. Cl'XMX'TIilNf PnMC'cr- lenY' Pufl ilo on 1hs Toledo ETnro"1 or 1v r.N.f HHin cM iik nt Hrrton with ni f-r Maw Uf. Hn-inum, I'aii.unn, Clvnn r and Cntrv; cniiTK-'ilrii; nt irrv win I mint on th Oil ( 'j'pi-k It li. rr 'li'ii'vi'' . Mi'lrr, IMom-or and Vt fVttn. OP T!'y tut I I'ilf'l'U tJi. Also, ci!icriif: nt Con v with tm'iM on thnpnii. adlpliii A Kiif IU n J. fr I'liilad-lpi: mid Ilnrri-- our::; tia ui: tlio .Nt'ti'iri' an'i ti'-tui i'tst-ni Ifull wttv tnr I iiion. Mn'tvl'i. OnTiivtlin, pn., jtid Wnrrcn. Olmt. :iimI Vim-sui n t no .(find Iph.N.V TmiiiH lf;i' ii dl Oi'y 1 1 i ifi n m., Unrv m 0,in . tn., i'inwl:r;f m Hioctoi v't. ham on 11 c K. U H.. lirrvinLT In 1 i" "i to n ui Tm'nn It-aiiiif Oil City nt i'.-Vl ti in will i.unert with Mail Tr.iin havirr,' CiTiy ut l.lo p. m.t run tiK tinwirh'r-M Kn t oi 11. & K It V , n1v. inn in JlnrTil i at .W p. lit. Iiiyli DulTilo at 4,oo t. m , nrrhiic'iit Cony al 1o,tu : in. Alan, Of?rmTi at ,:ayiup wun ritf amimnt ah Iwutiuinii IjikPldnrmi; -iaio ot ii-i igHtionj, fr A. I(. ri Rf.W. Fnpt., TRKW. fnpt.. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE TABLES ! At the Urpt, opposite the Central 22nse, PETROL ECU CENTRE PA. 'piIF lpt s-nck of TIRIVINO AMI SADDLE A rililthLS oa tlu Crjtk, are to bo found at M'Ioiialtt's Livery. GiBSIAnSS CUTTSES TO 2 LET AT ALL TIMES. rZZ) A; HOARDED o:i lUn-'ftnable Tenns. Ti-'aaiiiii- f all Sitniis at tQvAt'd Ui Prc:2.tly. rGive nic a call. T. K DOXAl. . rotrolcom Ccn ro, Kov. ir, 1S68. i- s iiit-ji-A t auam at tue ft lor of Iic::;!C(lay & Sage, a choice itock of fr.lccteil GEOCEHIES, Coiislit:u ot Tpr. CofiVv. Pplr-d. piain and Fan- cy roapj. t..auit-a i ruits, OYSTERS, I'UTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Also. ,lefir. In Cnr-fertlonnry. Fruits, nnd choice no,, .hoi iii.i.ii i iuna CiOAtis. call and ex amine our siok ut the Store lately .teem pied ;y J. Mil lei .Tcwoly Si ore, Kt .rnv .v saoe. retrnlriiKi Centre, Sopi. ill, IStis -tt. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Pcuk'rii ia all kinji of VEIijTOlIiS V FIXTl'XJES Vot'es-ary fr iut;in down nnd op.rtir(r Oil ells, in cotu.eclioii wiiii our MACIU.SE SilHI', we have a l.ue ami eoliveuienl BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our ficillllrs for 'ANT'F4rTiJ!t Till nrcnot er ct.!.-. 'ov any Si;op in '.he Oil lienor's. Sitop Main-st.oiijmsitu MrVUnloch Ilouxe. no;: If FISH EH A :.Kl!IS. ITA;jSii5CI02, A. 11., 1S50 -p- f HE AT rOMlUVFD jTr- TS TAI.KN i Dr. K. .1. lih.Y -.:- ;o i-isi'ivXAKo. m. i M'A Onnnlilrni I'lrniciau ? Vv i.' y:; W lEoc!u-tor, N. Y 'I'tiis lit I ho only ulllci in e el v v!iiTi' a Ht'i-mancnl n of itTi--aH c'i ti rati fl I' In-had witl.'nit th no of ; ..Vy 'i'u ?1 tn- ri-:iry nr cliaii'.i iT diet. 'i.':!l)tf,vfi'c-'': Kiiarrr.tiMf to cure Oon- v W 5 'mi ".':, (itM-t, Syphilis !inp"triifV' N'M'ltirtnii r.tni-inii'-, fir 1' W Alii-(i, IM nnirtl Kni'ssh-tir, Kunui'e Ooinphilnt-, In nh-nt, uvu ry inibio form ai'd Tarii'ty if Si-xual Jisiano Or. l.fynoli!B' ruti-iit I'n-iitrh S.t. U wiirninicd a pufc and fun-' l-twontivu ntriint ili.Hease Price ?l, or thw iV.r Ur. ItpMM.Mii trrnat wor!c. '-THR PIfTVATK MKIUC.VLOL iOK," brnuttfnlly Mut rated, with nearly !00 pa-j""!. PrU-c? :w ct'iits. Or. tf. run h ti,.tM-riiilv rnu-nltcd nn nil din rtW(" wi h wtih !i h Iniriinn f uiiily i afflicted, wilh cn-t-t w.'irviiMt'tl in all o-uah'e ran--i. No 1-ttor-t will he iinttwurcJ iriU' they contnln a roiriittnii" nf dm dollar. ontoi'Mthm fua. Con Mil "hm Ut the olflre free of cV , i oncnltiiiL' ctiif" and op r rjltonnis, mrnro( Mill and Mnri.'ot circet-i. up u..r. PorrtonH cahtni wdl ci no oiim hm tin dc,or. 'i'lu; n't.ive'ii tniHon of m d:r-il t llpnt tnnrffj tho nh-U ft wieti titic ni.d iinpmwd rtnir.-e of tteutmuiit and a rapid and !'crmnneiit rv:. AlHrtterHuddrrn-c! to Or. VI .1. HRYNOMW, l..r!ie!er, N. Y., will nn-ft wilii prompt ntutnlior. Al! cured w:uranti d. Olltee tioura from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. "irhl t lv. t lo jr' ht ;iio 1 litro j oti suw in y ndrcrii'iRrnrnt. gi:o. 13 -A. nisnriii A; co., vs.riznz.SA Ti lem ise, pa, fleore II I'-mU1, Janiei it s.iop, .T unes A. Wlllianin M. I!. !a;lin. ."i. olfer our servl-c. for th. tri!tiaetion of a nuRIHi, liWh'iNii, 1..V('I1AN(.13 aim t.ul,. LECTION Iii 1S. An lui.!u-'i. - eulrusti-d to our care will ri eeive proiept nllention. mI7 If. 'I1HF. DAILY IIT(l!'l. I, tin r. adr.iliiiue i niediutii In -fco ".i rviioi. 25 CHS. WEEKLY MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agent for Gcorg! A Blown, Jamestown, M. T. A . E . S K I , . E R , Dealer in PIAKCS, 0RDAN3, HElSBiaNS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO 8T00I.S, SPPiEABS' Ac, tie. f fiitre-St., OIL CITV, Pa. Oil City; Spt. U, ISBS.-tf. Clt.l.'VE A; TIIACItEM, 131 maiden lane, N. V., I'OlOllSSIflS MERCHANTS, a-o row prenirl to reee'vo on Commlasion ami iniiKe i.iiienu Aciv.incen in itcniicis nad Haulers iu botu Ci udo and lbliued Oil. OIL VITRIOL, C.IA.VE, TIIACKEK A: Co., PEHIOLEriM CENTRE, PA , ... I..,- 1 V OIL VITRIOL. BLUE & WHITE PAINT. ' CAUSTIC. S(MJA and GLUE. Are mepnrod to mik llheial discount to KcflntM tor ('AMI, and will not ho iindeiiold in onv of tl.. ahove artielea. iulieiatl CHAMR. TI1ACKEH CO. F. .1. MASS A & CO., fForKftrly Itannn & Murphy MACHINE &B0ILER SHOP' VASHIOTO ST., W DONERS AM) E.VGJXES' HEPArnED' AT tsiIOUT NOTICE. AU Wnd of Mjirhino Work doue i.romptly anl witrrnnif 1 to t.iv huiihtiictlun. K--0-tf. K. .7 II ANN A A 0-. Nev Eoot Shop. J. A. FLAfOTE, mm UEBt' VasIiinston Street, THREE POORS WEST OF A. I. MIL. LEU CO.'S DRUG STORE, 1 ET It O Ii I U M CESTRE, Ia., Respectfully lnvils his friends nnd the piitW" lie generally tn a trial ol his rtipe rior made BOOTS. The qunillv of the mnte'liil he n.e. I. nn tn VV CXI ell. I. the hl vle of wo-kllllli:j.lon la iiiiF. ui.ti..h. nh'e, tiie hili-at iiRlleriiF of I h.,im heini; used, 'while the n.-ires clinrt'ed are most roasonulile. ipialily 1k. "in o,; Lno.iiiii- iitivin" nat mail export. -' liim.eir, nnd eioployiry none hut ihu best wotkmen, ho llntlns hiniselr lie will ho able lo up ply nn aniele t tint will irive satialaciion to all. H will etecuto nil ordeis iMiirusted' to him proippilv, and viihihn erentivt carui nnd Iiih ai'mit coiiiHuuee Hint, the m il . lea h inakes will rei"oM'iii.Mi. tliiMiiaelveH. nl'ier a fair trial. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. Petroleum Centre, Pa., July 2 tin. O. Ctiy A-JMthole IlrancU B 11 T I .M K T A II I. K On nnd nflcr .Mi.n lay. Jnlv STth, antil furth.r notice, tram, w iii arm e and Jepait from Pitboie aa follows. DKPAItT. 8.110 o m, Conneetanr nt otenoolu with trnina ou Hip oil Cnli fc Allee'imy Klver Hnllivav for Irvini'ion, Ti.lioate, Oil t'iiy, Cony, and points Kil mill H'e-t. li.lltl (i m, (,'onniicllm; nt Pltholo with Ftnewi from I'ledsniitville, Sl.amlnu v ami Mlief I'nnn, nnd nt uleopolla with trnlns on the oil CrFelc At Alleoneiiv Kiw Halfway, for Oil I 'ity, Irvino ton, Curry, and point-. lV,i nj WaH AIIK1VE 10, 1) n connecili o al Ole .pella wilh Trnlna on lhe OH Crcfe a- . leirv.env liner Pmlwny IVoin p im. f'tFt n il v- er.:. ui.d at Piiho'e v;t:i rHe,on lor 1'lrfli.iliiirille, i..tini:rir.fc' anil VKIrr I'mtn. 4. -10 ! IM, iMlilli rfhi;r at o..po'l ilh Hrlin. on tin- Oil (YftFls .S: All. irhnv l.ivcr Kailwny loan oil Cny, Corry, Ir.'iiu-tou, 'i'ldiollle, ai.d pOiuAU Eaat and U'ct W. V. BRtwoos. SirHTOtunilenr. '111 K K Howard A Co, P 9. Ilsrile't. JTreeim-n 1 W.iich i o n. and Netloral Watch Co". IVntelv' i. run he laid ut lilAM A: f'tl'S. UAI.,1. '.I('KHI gi up lr'1 il.S i if lIKiJuttl) lVl'Ji.