Newspaper Page Text
DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL DAILY J1' Mi' 1KV:-:S RECORD. VOL. II. NO. 70 THE PETROLEUM CENTRE )AILY JIECORD. PUBLISHED EVEUY EVENING, (Sundays excepted, 1 LUNGWELL 4 PLUMMER, Proprietors. W, C. n-U.M.MKit, Editor. TEMMS. Pur y enr payable In advni'.to, f 8 Ml i cr nionui, 1'ISllE-EIST OF ApVEUTSSINO (Ten Uses of nonpareil make one square.) It No. Insertion. 1 s-1. '2 H. H sj. L Oil Cm; day, Two days, Mhroe cays, Four day, t ive day, hie week. Two weeke, 'I hree wt'ekB One month. Two months, Tliree months, Fix months, Kino mouths, lli.e year, r. 1 ir 1 S" ti ti 1 E!l S IK' M 8 l .1 Ml 0 (SI 00 iu oo! u M, l.' m a- (KJ Sll 00 18 I hi r i Ol 3 Ml 8 Oil 8 4 611 7 flit 10 nit 11 Ml 15 UO H (Kl SO IO 41 HO e IHJ 4 CO & Ml i On S SSI 7 on Kim 8 M 14 IK) 10 OO JO 11(1 811 (Kl 40 00 no on HO (HI inn no a r. 4 a ? mi 10 (H lit IK a i ot, 27 I Imperial notices '20 cents tier line, each Insertion. Advertisements payable quarterly in BUSINESS CARDS. j eeeioxt, ATTOilXEYATIi A AV , AND NOT ART PUBLIC, PETliOLECXI CENTRE, PA. Fnslncss In the Courts at Franklin promptly at landed to. Ofr It R Tn BiiJ-1! & Co's Kriclr. Hank Tlnlld lag, flip malm), W asliingmnst. act IM.if. UU.M1A71 tV S.UIIU, I ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, Office ni?h Street, Franklin, nd Petroleum Cen tre, MllNllMf. MrALPINE, RESIDENT SUKGEON DENTIST. OFFJCE Berry's now Ttnlldlnir. cornir of Wath lotou and ?ucuni sta., lVtruieuiu Centre, Pa. niaylO If. x. ;. citKivrix, .ti. d. niYSICUN AND Sl'Hnii'.IN: omce opposite th!McKinnoy lloiie, PiciiKiutviite, Pa. lrron from a dl.inmc will onomlly Pnd him ct hia Ulticc on faliinlnv front lo a. m., to.'i p.m. n-pM-lf Ol. J. U. UliUlVa fi J. J.31cCA!M, Dialers In OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, &o., I'LEASANTTII.I.E, PA. JnUtC ALUIiliT B I1ATEU, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, 01'FICE In the rtrlck Hank nnlldin.j, cornel of Washington and M da bUuois, PBTR01.EUM CSNTRE, PENN'A. May 19, IRIS. tf. a. r. imun it a van miuou WILSON A VAN VDIAOfJ, GAUGEP.S AND INSPECTORS F CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICES. Mercantile Btilldin?, (ill City Pa., and wiih Omsioii t Mowers; Pe;roleitm (Vntre, Pa. July -i)th, 18 a tf. H. C. Jarvis, Der.lrr In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. IWKINO OLAStES In iirea' vnrlit. I.oohina (.las? Ptut-ea roplAcud in old Fwimra. Picture rrauiL'n ni:i-.I,? to order. tarpitS H C'liitlw, Wall lap?r, Wiiadi.w ShasStf , A FIN!-: STOCK. COFFINS of nil hIz,.s on hnml unJ Irimmi'ii to order on abort notico. SI ten. aAifl, GLA2S AN.U DOSHS. or H siisoa. atlso, Putlv, VarnMi, stain, ic. l'. i Kn' lm 'ASm'ro,.sr, A. J, C11JSISTV, U. S, DRUG STORE 'or. First A; llolmtiun SU., nnioL'E citv, pa. mviy if PETROLEUM CENTSPA.. 3?SIi)AY EVEHSiit. FEBRUARY 12, 169. HOTELS. JOX HOTEL, FItEIK C. IIVSE, Proprietor, PLEASAXTVIi.I.E, PA., oppoalia the- Prcsbvterian Cburcli. Fl,0lf. HOlai:,! S. IK.4PiiH, Proprietor, 1'I.EASANTVIl.LE, Ucci33.n. PENX'A . M 1CII rov'lu. UUtsE. PETHOLErM CENTKF, PA. Tlil populat llo'.il, itnatoil Corner or MhIu A. '.Vnn!i,liisi.M., Ninrthn Peioi, linn hnen rellticd Hiid funilslii'l Ihmiiirhnnt. iind the nroprietor will spnro no pains to muktf it u FIRST-CLA3.9 HOVoE. o tf W II. GAItLIJ. Proprietor. I KTUOLECM CuXTKL, PA. , Near Oil Crook 4 Allegheny ltivoi Depot, niayio if. o. J. CPis, I'mpriotor. 2oci4;yri;t hum, Washington (treot. rstr.ileiim Ccntro, P. COLB & Oitirnx, . . . Proprietors. Thia TTotiiia ia epntmllv lnrji,f..l. .mill,. ni...i beiiitqn'irters of oil m"n. retroienm Centra, ra.. May 10 lsoj tf. gMKH.MAJI Wahln?ton Street, Petrulenm Centre. Pa. D. E. CROCK T.R, .... l-ROrit. iCIood nec.'immo'lutlons for triinsient rnlomcr. Day bond ami hoard vlih lunnia on reasoiinhle tern's. The ii)rloior tvi:l cpure no pains to mako hi hou.-o nttnictive to t'KittH. nrl-if MEllit'AN Uttl:i., PirniOLEUM CKNTltS, PA. J. R. BAHXKS, . . . proprietor. ThTs lion-!' Ii In a nlenennt locntitv. and hut a short waW from the llenot The rooi'n ara larce and eomioria h, iind Iho tbu aiipplicd with tho d'.'icaciiT of the reason. Ju-JO-tf- J. R. DAUVES.. OIL CITY, 1A. ITavlng r.'eeritly talien pn.'eslon rf lha alviTo TIoiisc, we would miwt ios;itet''ully inform the trav olinp pnlitlc riiat we propose to "ke'p a Hotel," and to convince them of the fact, we Invite all who wish tluwomforts ol n home, to call upon na. It will be f.mtid TIio Iloii-I of the Oil Kegionn. Our Sample Koom Is supplied with th ehoie(-t Wines, Lienor.- and Ci-rars, and our table vill bo fom;d laden with ti;a vi-ry I'eat the jrsiket aff irilM. There ir coimcou-d with Iho iloiitie four first dais lliiliiii'l Tah'p. AIho, llir'o r Shop and Hath Uuonit (live n a r'll, and convince yourselves of tlio trullilnln . of our kHS'tion. ocl9 tf;s vviiitk. i' 5III.I.KR FARM IfTATION, On Oil Creek liailroad 1 THE IIOU?E AND FURNITURE NEW. c. XT. TWIST. . . Ih-oprletor. Tune'i-tf. J 1 : It MA TI W.N A 1 4 k I ui i: L.a JOHN R, i(nVK, . IVopr. Onod arctijirv.nil'tMoTis f.iv irmni'Mit ruMtumor! l!iy H.nnl and Iicuril wiili lomns mi r-MHonaMa l"r:)H. The p.-cnritiiur will n;jar uo lnin lo m iUe HtMifJf uilr itihn to H JIIIICY II ri.GASAX'i viu.i:, i'A fi;rii:ln'(J, 1 ;ini tunr p'ttpttvij la acooinunidiite two Sinpfrt l.-nv title ii'ni-t tlnw Hntcsi h tl:iy for Ti tu-a i'H! There in ttlno a Hue ol h:hh to li t hole. .IuK-tf THOS. McKlNNKi. I mpY. ti. l SCISOXHIiOW, Pioprictor of the BulTalo IBakery. Dcnlrr lit dilutee Flour, IInHr, Vji nl Cheese. Aloo, hot (jo (irocL'iitH,; (Vntre, Pa. i.fnleri left will lie ir. iii'ilv :ii:n.(Vd lo nn Co h! (ieMvepil 11 ".!" klAMONO PINS Kiid iUNt iCOKtlSVATlOtr or TUB PITIIOT.E DAILY SECOND.) Petroleum Centre Daily Record let. Centre, Friday, Feb. 14. rAlTULESs, We swung at nnclnr, wbbre the wave Showed Kteat seii-bannoi'4 far below; The water rippled up to lave Hor Imnd, that with Its bracelet's glow, Iltii'.jj toying with the tremblina tldo, That j i.yod lo khs fair it wrist; In (he u i til distKtico, wusto and wide. The whito euila glimuicrt'd tbroujli the mist. There n silence on Hie sea, A silence that I would not break; So -wee! that e'en it Foemcd tn me To (lout, and for my 'ady'a sake To weavn my liincies into rhyme, Tbal nhe tviinlil praise iuiii happy day; For l hen no fateful til'ter-liraai Had come to siveep inj dreams away. 'Twere well it bad been but a dream, And yet I Irusled In hor Irtilti; Her soli eyes bud an evil alt-am That slew ute, and alio Unsw uo ruth. m still the white sails pass the shore. Ana men into the ptupie air; Rut she will watch them never more, An fitilhlrfts as her fare was fair. TboNewYoik Democrat savt: Rr'olls's Uomeo has set all tbe fair rtanjcls or Gotham wild, and the pretty Miss lie VicUetH Juliet has eimll.rly elT.'oted tho young bliiodif. Both eeem to think there is consl cvublu common noiise about the way they nmhii love. They t. It's boiler than hemming and hawing, and running to p and ina. There's sncb an originality about It; so much pluie, unsophisticated earnealnoM and devotion. Bofb tbe artists throw so mncb life, and vigor, and spirit Into the character;., -that-itey nave come lo be "deab, delightful creat yaws." The town of'Pembroko.N. II., was grant ed lo Captain John Lovewell and sixty others in 1727, in consideration ol their ser vices against tho Indians. Forty-six of the number accompanied Captain Lovwell iti his lust march to Preqtiatpiett. Tbo first s:irvey was mado in 1728, and tbe Hist set tlement commenced in 1726. The Eettlo ment inereesed slowly, in consequence ol the frequency of alarms of al lurks from In dians, who committed many depred itions tipou the property of the settlers. Pembroke is the ancient Suncook of the Judinns, frim which the villnao derives its nume. Tbe population id nbmil 2,0011, "PiiintkksCax Usad Axvtiii.mi."--This remark is ol'len made by coirespoiulcnls and advertisers as nn excuse for half spelling words, unreadable writing generally. There is no doubt that printers ate belter deciph erers nf bad mauscript than nny other clnts of persons but when, for, instance, a mcr- chunt writes that he has received five Ills.. ten lbs., CIs., It is somewhat ilifliciilt In tell whether the merchant really means bools. biscuits, or butternuts; chalk, cheese or chum; clock, or clnms. B1 T?AlMIOAn TIME TATtr.K. Tala' effect Muntlnv, Nov i&d, 1V0 nohth .. Altl. Accommodation hnw ( on y S.Jll i. m ; nm"r 1. ft ; Ffin'iniH 4.1ft; Shi'rmaii 4.'Jr; Summit 6,00 i. m ; Mayvtlle 6.5 arrivhip; !it Hroeton 7,fM p. in KKprcfs train h-avi Curry a. m. : i'lyniMr 0.55 I'iUin't lo.lo ; hheriiwii Sum.nit 10,5J;May villcll.lo, and arrive-, nt Hretnjiiv, 11 m. Villi leivea Corrv 1.15 I1. M.. riTmiiiiiiif nt nil (. tin nst aiming ttt liroctf.n I..V) i. . worTiiivAfin. Mall truin leave HroWon at 9. no a M.,Atopplni;at ;dl fiatmiH. nrrlvpK at Corrv at l'.',5 i. 11. KxpU!- U'H.'tn litoefop at p. . ; Mnyvllle S.W ; summit :W5; Si-enuati "tjj l'unniiia 4!5; Llyiner -l.. and nrrlvuir nt Corry nt 6,06 p. m. Aet.'.ri"Hid-Ulon leaven Urocton 7,oo p. w., May villo H.l. Siiiunilt H.4o, fherni'in ri..V, I'aiuimn UktK); Clyi-c :' 11-15, arrivhitf nt Curry tl lo,lo V. M. UONNKCTION9 rnFvjr, !-,, lciivfl Iiifrulo uii tin Tohtd.i K-fpFf.nn or Imv ..pi"S K'Miu cMiiut Kreptnn m II It trains for M:iw Hi-, hfiiiian, f'nntinia. 'ynnT and Corrv; eonncciirir a: Corry with iraiiin on ifu: IHl Creek U. It. ftr '! i'lHvMe, Vi'ler, Pioneer uiui X'vt, Centre. Oil City a::d I''h. AN( o't-iiiriinir nt t orn with tram on thn Piiii ad'!piii; A li'- lo'id. for Philtid-Iilti:i tmd Hairi-'-hni;,'; and on .ho Ailanlle and (ire-it U'oMern Kail wiy fur T'lil iii, Mtailvjlle, (.ieenvillt, I'a., and Wnrren. Ohio, and ntimwttrvn nnd KaiHh'lph.N. V. Trafrn luavhiuMiU'hy at rt 15 a. m., Corrv at 0.aa. m., eoni.eriM. :o Mroctt.n with train on II & K. U. li.. tirnvfiii in MtiiVilo at .,! m. 'I'l'i'tn l. ."viiic Oil City nt a in will connect with Mail IVain leitviu' Corry at 1,16 p. m., eo;i necthiwitli Kxpiftrt lia-t. on IV A; K H. K , nrriv hiix i:i lliill.iio :i! vV in. Tvarii K Kull ilo at l.oo p. nt , arrn iiiL'ut Coi i y at 1,1U p. n. Aim. t-'Ninyei at .Viiyvillo with Kl. mhIoik on rHniHihtua Tfil-Le iduroiti jitairoii of navigation j, r Juniutown anJ Uauiiihh A. it. TitKW. Sin 4 . .Tnnl. N:iyviHu. N- Y. 1I.!- TtrKKTM gf;t ut InV'TVr.K l f the ur;'oiti. op.''i(Ju- 1 ti i' in- I n-,.-l.l.- K II.inr 1 Am.i-i'-n ..f I' HAM CO. .itrli. t i! be.-1 T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES I At the Bi'iMtf, (ippositc llii; tnttiitl, PETROL HUM CENTRE PA. rnilB best R'ock of DRIVIXO AND SADDLE X UOHSES on the I 'n-fk, are In be fund at I'lOiiitIi liivcry. GLRRIAS2S & GUTTE5S 73 U LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FED Sc KOAKDEO on Reasonable Terms. of all at- l"3P"Givo uie a call. T. MTtONAI. Patroleum Cen're, Nov. II, 19iiS. j'VST KECEIVI-.'U r.t the Store uf Rcim?.ilny & Sap'. a choice stock of selected GEOCEHIES, Consl.tlng of Ten. Coffees. Pplren. plain arid Fau cy Soaps, Caitn-ai Fruits, OYSTERS, LUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Also, dealers In Confeettonarv, Fruits, snd ebniro brands or TOBACCO and Clu'AKS. Call and ax amine our stock at tlio Store lately occupied by ,T. sill ier? .ToTvely Slore, KIWEOAY SAGE. ' Petroleum Centro, Se"t. a-i, :sos -if. GENERAL MACHINISTS, aud Dlers la all kinds of WEIjEi TOOIjS Ac FIXTl'IlES Vo.-e.ary for iintliiiij down and operating Oil Wells, in onueui.m Miih our JlAClllNE SHOP. we have a li.rro aud convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our facilities for MANTKAfTljriiNO are not ei celled by any Shop in tbe Oil I.'enions. Wioj) 3Iain-sl,opposile MrL'lintnrk Jloutf. mjS7 tf FISIIKK A NORKI. ESTABLISHED, A. !., 1850 C.HKAT COMBINED TAI.HN 1 Dr. K. .1. KKV NOl.DS, pm,i,lor. V,'. C I.ISI'KXAHO. M 1). Con inltiiiy lhs:i-ian anil tiiiri;euii knelie.-lei-. N. V This Is the oniv .!W-e in t!ie ei y where a (. -rrnauent eui-e oi pi i-.. lie dt i-a-.K, t.iii itliottt the use or ,.- i:lltll)L'e of lii.-t. kiitvr.-tt?t.v - We Kiiaruntoe lo cure lion i'MrS: oirliusn. Cleet, vphilie Inipfiteney, Nocturnal Kniifions, or Self Atnie, III li runt Kinissions, Female Coniphints. in short, eie rv imssibte form and variety "f .Vexual lliseaso. ' nr. Heynolds' Patent French San, is wui-mnii-d a sate nnd sure preventive against diswiso. Price fl, or three for $'2. l)r. Iteynohis' rreal wortr. " TI1K PHIVATK WKOICAl, liCIDK." heantlfnlly Illustrated, with nearly Bun pat'is. Price :w cents. Or. H. can be snrccBsfullv consultod nn all dis eases with which liie human fuiiily is anllrtcd, with cures warranted In nil ouiable Mses. No letters will be answered unless they contain a renilttnne, of iie dollar. cnnult-llloll feo. Cousul '.i.m nt the olllee free of cir .- ( n.iBtiiiiiiL' office and Oper j!o"iis. corner of Mill ami Mar'icr streets, up sijrs. IViMons ciilliin; w ill see no one but the doctor. The shove, colieen trillion of mi die il taler.t ensures the siek a scion lilic an. I imiir.ive.l eour-e of treatment and a rapid and permanent cure. All letiei addressed to Pr. E .1 ,l.hA NOI.ns, Hoebester, N. V., will meet w ith prompt nttentior. All euros warranted, (nnce hours from 7 A. M. to 7 . M. nieliU iv. I'leusie utnte V lie re you miv my ml verilMe incut. p.eo. II. iiisEiiii A: :o., B A N K E RS, n 'I ui.s: Tl TNTIKK, !.. fi'wire !'. lt'ssi'll, .l ino s A. Williamson Janice llhop, M C. Martin. Ve etfrreiir si-rvif-s foe tiie lr.Ui-.ji-tion of a OI'.'.KUM. itAVHINU, KXCIIANl.B .bio i ll!. I,K THIN lll'rilNVeS A n v bi''-s eniriisti-l to our care Mill n-eove promnl H:tenlioll. iiil t If 1 i;p: liAII.V Ki'.i'firn, Is the he t aditilHiTii; medtiui: In 'bu ullTKi:ion. 25 Cm WEEKLY MKSC EI. I. A N EO US 0 1 1. C 1 T Y. Agciit for Gporgl A. nrown, Jnmofrtoun, W. Y. x . 1: . 8 It I W X E II , DoaUtr In PIAICCS, OEBANS, MELOBEONS,- AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of overy description. PIANO STOOLS, SPRKAB31 C., e. Centre.sit., Oil. CITY, Par Oil City, Supt. 14, Iir.S.-t(. ,. G'JiAJE Sc ', 131 Maiden r.uiir, N. Y, JalCHlV MP 11 ill nro Tif.w ppvmrcl to roro-vo on t-otnmHfftn mmt' both t'' nJ Oil. OIL VITRIOL, C::.I.E, TIIACKEIl At Co., pin cETnE,PA , Keep nn hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE WHITE PAINT, CAIVTJO, K)IA and GLUE. Are nreniii-ed to ni-'ko liberal discount, to Hrfltisra lor CASH, and will not lis undersold in nuy of lha Shove ;u-li'!es. jniiniait CltAN'E. THACKEU CO. iP. J. & CO., . fFonr-arlj Hanna A Murphy J MACHINE BOILER SHOP' TJtOJLEOI tEXTIlE, Pa. BOii.ERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED' AT SHORT NOTICE. All klrrJs of .Machin Work dona promptly anil warranted lo irive MHifaelion. aug.O if. f. J. IIANNA C5. NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATINO AND C00KINO STOVES! In large variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cut le r y ! SHELF HARDWARE. HO'JSS FURNISnnJH GOODS. LA U P?,L ANTERNS. A XD FANCY ARTICLES.' iiASLS mo IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For sale CHEAP 1 At the store formerly ocenpled by Uurchfle'd and' ClUerline, oil. CITY, PA. J.4IWF.8 It. (iEOCIE. Oil City. .Ian. 4, lbl if. O. COy A eUhole Uroneli li IS. T 1 M K T A It I. K On and 'fter Mon,l-iv, .luly 27th. unlll furthsr notiee, u'nas will arrive mid dejwi froie Pinhole aa follows. nKP.AHT. 8.00 il m, Cniirto'TtnL' at OleonnHs with train, on the Oil Creea ,t Allenheriy llifer Ritlsray for li vlneiou, Ti.lloute, Oil City, COrry, and jwlnta ' II isl .vnd West 2. Sll li Hi, Cinoeetlinr at Pithe-ln -with S.icea' from fet-antville, Snaniinri; and Vllln" Farm, mm! .ii ii'.copolis with Irnli.s on the oil Creak ,v AUemomv Hner Hallway, f. roil i'Iit, Iivlue tou, Corrv. iind poo.r l-Vo n-l West AIM.lVH 10. Hf a tit. eonne! liin; SI i il.s polis with Trslna on the i ni i'ie.k .t AM' ui" if Kir Kailway trom p .mi- Hi.d "st. -id at Piiho e iviln sta'M for I'leiisaiilTille. Meieiliun. a el Miller Kami, i. ltl i in, eotii-i-: in-.: mi ii : po'ls with on the Oil Crecs ,t Allerl"'iv M'sr Ha l-.vav fr.'iu nit I'ity. I oi i v. li . ineiii.i. 'I'l'hteiie, poo,t4 I'.s.n and Wei W w. PRONPOS. So;,, r-i -eil"'.''.' r-S ',.'a3 at isi:m i co-..