Newspaper Page Text
v ft 1 '1 : i5 5a wt :l !i V.t r.N v, ir " : . i.. 1 f : i - i-ra & I . V 11(0 ( -i t. : litre, i n, ;V.'tii('Ki!ay Oct . METIIOBIriT Kl'HOOP.YI. CHURCH services every snuontn at 1 1 A. Al. anu i '4 l M. S;ibbath School at P.M. cuts free. A cnnliul invitntlon extend. e l to nil. . Hkv. T. Graham, l'nstor. I'EKSBYTEIUAN CHURCH. rri'fichinK at 11 o'clock A. VI.. n,nl 7 o clock I . M.. by the Pastor, w. C. Rcitctr Alio. Subbntti School at 12.', directly utter lorenonn service. Prayer Meetlntc and Sabhuth School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol eacn weeK. Petroleum Centre JVo. 715, I. O. of O. I'. RoRiilar mooting nlgtita Friday, at 7 W. IS. MONTGOMERY, N. G, C. IT. Bailky, a Hec'v. lW"VUce of tneutitig, Uuia St., opposite .'.VUllUIUttt JIOIISO. A. O. of I. Liberty Loilyo No. 7, A. O. of U. meets every Moudtiy evening at 7J-g o'clock, I n Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. Jamks Wilso.v, 11. W. James S. Whctk, li. i. o. of it. in. Jtinnekauni'H Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening in Good Templar's Hall. 15?" Council DreB Huhled at 7 o'clock. II. HOWE, Suctieui. C. L. JUKES, Coief ol Records. Gold at 1 p. in. ;llla' For some luoutus.pust wu liuvo nut had a theatrical eiiterttiiuiijeut or public exhibi tion of any kind lu our town, Irora the lact that tlm ball agent, both in Tilusville and Oil Ctiy. persisted tly report to all advauce agents or troupes that tbere Is no use In tupping at the Centre, as tba nlaca played out and abandua.'d. T bey do this luinhing aou Hoping probably that our citi zob will be tools enouuh to charter ,i KO to their respectlva places and spend a tow uuimrs in order that they can muko ends meet a few months looker. Comrary to their advica given t0 Mr. James F. Sber ry, be billed the town and gave us a first class exhibition last night, when Ibe tliea tre was packed from "pit to dome," with one of Ibe largest and most attentive audi ences entertained tbis season. We saw Sherry at the door as we passed in, all smiles, and delighted tbat be bad given us call. The house was full of people, and as he shook our band, be requoated us to take a look at that crowd, remarking that it put him in mind of "old time's rocks. ' He in tends returning this way, add Bays this I8 (he greatest played out place be ever struck ank "long may she wave." Thus much lor the Titueville and Oil City ball ageuta. The Right Nuble Mart King, who return ed bere so suddeuly last month, has again left our midst, between the shadows of eve oiug aod Ibe breaking of day Mart re turned here, and tlndlnti that the partner of his joys and sorrows had taken up with an other, looked around him for s. me congen ial spirit into wboso ear be oould pour the Bad Btory of bis desertion; be found it! Oh! who could it be? Softly, now, It was Mad am Deems, wife of Deacon Ezekial Deeins, ioto her ear be poured Ibe aloriea of bis wrongs: "she loved bim, for the danrer be bad passed. lie loved her, lor she did pity bim." She fell, and on the steam cars the gay aud festive Samantha eloped with dear, dear, Mart. Before the former beloved Mart left Volcano, be threatened us, tbat it we published bim be wculd give us a dose tbrougb tbo Rucoita ol Petroleum Centre, do it Mart, tbis Is our dose. Volcano, West Virginia, Labricator. You need bave no fears, Brother Sargent, that we shall give you a "dose" lor show log up a Bcouudrei In his true light. We are not Mormon enough fur that. If this weet scented Mart puts in an appearanue bere the chances are be will get a lively blast, much worse thau thu Lubricator gave hi in. Send bim along tbis way and we will agree to see bim safely deposited in the nearest tank of B. S. oil. On Fiiday evening next, Oct. lOtb, Sig. Bonami, the world renowned venlriloqui-t und magician, will give otm entertainment at Sobei's Opera House. The purlbrmuuce will cooslst of teats of uiaslc.veutriloquisni, &is. Th Signor is said to be behind none in bis specialties. Give bim a full bouse Oot82t. As the Northern Pacitto baa sold less than 53,000 acres of its land grant, it would be . interesting to know how many years will vlapae belure it will have sold euotijjh to pay Jay Cooke & Co. A Western congregation recently dis charged their pastor because of lis ' inor diuu'.e tuueuuipliou ui beer." r ft mtfflt-jMI. m -rn wn MIlKTIXGr. li v u:; rowiKST r iiummukson Oh, the visions that I see As I drift along life's Bea, While the shadows of the twilight o'er t bend ; Ol the friendB of early childhood. And the days we in the wild wood Roiiiued Irum early dawn until tt.u eud. But (lie jo visioos pass away Like the suu at close ol day, And 1 drift and drift alone upon life's Be 1 Aud the Siiuiid ol buppy voices Never mure my heart r juices, And my soul but loiifielb to be Iree. i'lie Gi-aiiil Trunk Pipe 1-inu V t'ompsitiy. Tao Tilusville Courier bos the tollowing in regard to the proposed new pipe lino lrom the Butler oil Ueid to Titusviiie. It is understood that a relay station will bo established at this point. The liue will un doubtedly prove n success: This new Company, which, for the past week or two, has bten in the process ol or gunizitiou, has at length become a settled fact, and we ate now prepared to give to the public a comprehensive deccriptiuu of its character and purpose. t'l'bo capital stuck of the Company con sidts of 2,500 shares of $100 each, amount log to $250,U00. The whole amount bus been subscribed, except $13,000, and is held principally by the Tilusville refiueis The headquarters of the company will be iu ibis city. Surveys of the route are now going forward between Tilusville and the lower oil disiriat. Forty-Ova miles cf the three iucb pipe Tor Ibe main line bave al ready been contracted for, the delivery of which will commence lu a lew days. Start I iij; from Tilusville the Trunk Line will run diiectly to Oil City, thence to Fuxburg utid thence to the great nil fields ol Butler cotiu ty, and ol course lapping all the producing districts through which it paeses and branches of pipe will be laid directly to the wells everywhere for loading the main line. Relay stations will be established eight miles apart. Al each ol theso a pump oj ample capacity aud power will be used iu sending forward the ail. Sullicient tanks will also be built. The policy ol the com pany it will be seen ia to connect with all tbe best producing districts ol the region. W ben it is considered tbat tbeoil will be brought from the wells through a single continuous line and delivered to tbe re 11 tie ries, there cau bo little duubt that the BCheuiH.if properly managed,will yield large profits to the stckhoiders A yiiio Worth i 10,Ool :i Drop The cttyol Bremen possesses twelve bogs heals of what, according to cerlaiu calcula tions undertaken by the Nieue Freie Piesse must be the most expeusive beverage in tbe World. The towo ptuchased ill 1021 twelve hogsheads ol li.idusbeiuior al throe hundred gold thulcrs each. These weie placed in the muulcipal cellars, where they still re main. Al the eud of next year thest) bogs heads will be 230 years old, und will, reck oning iuterest on tbe original price at five per ciint. bave cost 700,780,000 Pruseian thaleis. The waste of wine from evapora tion is always estimated at five per cent, pur annum; there remains consequently, only 405 bottles of the original supply. This uunual loss bas been undo up by means of old wine lound In tbe cellar Calculating tba price of a bottle of tbis wine at one thaler only, the 210,000 bottles which will bave been tbua added by tit ondoflS74 will be worth 3,427,920.000 tbalers, granting tbe same rata of Interest, Ave per cent. At the end of next year the twelve hogsheads tbua replenished will bave cost 4,218,500,000 tbalera, giving an average of 244,232 tbalers per bottle. The housheads are not, however, all of tbe same value. Thoy are filled up on a system by wbicb tbe wine added must, in courso o1 lime, pass through all tbe eleven hogsheads be lore reaching Ibe last, wbicb coulains the Oldest and most precious liquid, each drop of which, reckooing a bottle at 1,000 drops, la now worth 5t!,000 tbalers. An agricultural lair in Ohio is tbua def- cribed by one who was there: "The whole show cousisted ol a jackass and a peck ol tomatoes. Tbe jickass broke bis bailer during the night and ate all tbe tomatoes. He was taken with the cholera morbus aud kicked bimselt to death before morning. The diredtorB then adjourned thu iair, prom isliu a more exteusive list ol premiums lor next year. " A cautious Western paper informs its readers that Johnson and Fillmore "are said to Iih" the only aurviviog ex-Presidents ol the Uuiled States. Over eighty Americans urn reported to be studying for the lyric stage in Mlan. Snow fell yesterday at Pottsvilie, Ta., and l'ouda, N. Y. i'V.SHlo.v'.t Kit. MM. The ' aganes O' D-mi- Faioiinti ire . n nijh to drive ine mi'd. est mannered mill In o Bid ui. Ju't look at the liiiiairMwiui!, growing, growiiu, till they bid tail to reach the magnitude ol a It.ealricil drop-curiuin. What the mascu liue portion ol an audience will do altera time is becoming a S"rlous question. Place a short man behiud a medium-tiz 'd worn in with the high hat and a huge fan, mi l his Chaticos for seeing auythin more lhau li e upper portion of the scenery very eta ill; and, if she happens to be tall, he might as well attempt to lo-k over one of the pyra mids U iwever, having nearly rocbed its height and nreadtii, It wilt probably be abated belure lung. Theu as lor the dainty little parasols and FUi.shnden, tbev are al most discarded, and we see in tbiir stead umbrellas, thriiBt through the bell In an awkward way, but so long as it is a oew idea, adopted by the Girl of fie Period, wby, tbere will be many who will anopl il. Then we read ol the Grasshopper dip, or jump, as tbe latest wriggle, and which must be about as charming us the various affected gaits which bave been a-"uiiu-d previously, under the u imea of Grecian Bend, Baboon dip, aud Montreal wiggle. "Go to a nuunery, go!" Fiats ON Cow Rts. About nine o'clock Tuesday evening, a fire broke out on Cow Run, at tbe Willow Well tanks, and for some time the prospect was ol a fearful re suit. By damming the run It waa finally checked, alter destroying tbe tanks and oil of the Willow Company. Big Hunter well was destroyed totally. Several others caught, but no other sericus damage was done. Tbe lo.-s will be about 400 barrels of oil, besides some machinery and der' ricks. Marietta Register. A Sioux City lady went Into a gallery for ber picture. Alter putting her in pos ition tbe avtist put the plate in the camera, and told ber to look at a certain spot on the wall. She wasn't certain of seeing It well from where she cat, and so git up and went over to it, but failed to discover any thing curious about it. Coletidge says there are lour kinds ol readers: the bonrglass, whoo reading runs in and out and leaves no Ince of gain; I he second like the sponge, takes everything; the third retains only refuse that some would throw away; but the lonrth like tbe miner among gems, keeps the pure uud Casts aside tbe clippings. Near Rochester there is an eccentric old fellow who lives alongside a gra re-yard. He waa asked if it was not an unpleasant location, ao," said he, "I nev r j'ined places in all my !tle with a set of iit-iuh borB that minded their o vu busiuest sj tidy as they do." A gentlemen who lakes a i.u.-ia.'ss view of moBt things, when recently inked repec ing a person of quite a poetic le tuperaAien', replied: Oh, Le is one of those men wno have soarings alter the infinite ml d;viin after , tbe uufalboiuable wtio Liv.r pay cash." Barton, Vt., sent to market tins year 3 tons of raspberries, 30 bushels of strawber ries aod a boat of blackberries. The Wadswortk oak, at Geneva, N. Y., is 27, feet in oircumlei ance at the base. Its age ia computed at 500 years. Tbe culture of rice is prohibited within one mile ol Savannah, the radious being known as tbe "dry culture limits." Zecli Chandler bought 100 acres ol Wis consin land, Iwo years ago, at a bargain. He has just discovered that tbe land ia at the bottom of a lake, and now be would like to bbI it to tbe government lor some publio purpose. We l-aru thai a big well was struck on the Mount Farm Oh Companies tract last week, aud is now pumping about 60 barn Is per day. John A Stedl, Sainea Smoot, and J as. Chambers are tbe lucky owoersr Vol cano Lubricator. Sberry'a Theatre will intoxicate you with delight. Tilusville Herald. A cheap way to get intoxicated. The freshmen Class at Colhy Uoiveisitj, Waterville, Me , row numbers twenty-four members, aud includes lour young ladies. When a cuuutry editor is J,exhaustcd for news be pots in a paragraph telling bow soma beautilul ladies bave called on bim and cheered his toilsome I path with sweet lluwerj.iTbeo bis contemporaries revile htm, and ho answers back, aud business becomes brisk again. Thus are our Greeleys and Raymonds trained. The wile ol Chanes Belts ol San Fran. Cisco, committed suicide yesterday by out ting ber throat with a rizar.uearly severing the head from ber body. Causa unknown . Tbe divers at wutk on tbe wreck ol tbo steamer Atlautic report that several bodies can. be eucu euUoglod in the wreck. Notwithstanding tbo numeioiiB strikes ol the past few duys in and around Modoc, where the great bulk of the wells now drill lug in the Butler District are located, this once proilic territory has undergone a must extraord inary decline iu Its aggregate daily production. It will be observed by the lol lowing telegram dated at a lute hour last evenitig, from mujt reliable authority, that the production is only 4,800 barrels per day including two new Bttikes, otio of 300 nuil the oilier ol 200 barrels. The fourth dry imle his also been struck on Hie Starr tarm. The old well seems to bold iia own uud its y i. dd lor the past twenty-four hours wa 2t0 barrels. Tbere are fllteen of the old Mowing wells now pumping aod tbe J. Seep well is preparing to pump. It the salt water should ever get possesslon of the Millerstown belt the porous strain would, It la thought, become UoodOil like Modoc in a very lew days, and one-balf I lie production of these two fields being cut off, tbe wells would gradually dwiudle down to tbe onlln ary avenue pumping capacity ol other ter ritors in the northeast. This would at once bring the total daily production of tbe re glou below 20,000 barrel per day. The new or second crop of wells in Modoc and Millerstown could hardly keep paee with the average tailing off during tbe coming period of ninety dnyi. With such a proba bility in the immediate future, the market notwithstanding the immense stock of oi above ground, hn" ralliel. from 55 caoia a, the nells tu S5 ci-nls, and Closed very firm al the latter Uguru. Moiioc October 79 p. m. Tbe Phillips Bros., struck a well on Gru der farm, doing 300 barrelf, Lady Sutton well in Modoc, 200 barren. The Giflord well on the Starr farm Is called dry. There are fitieen ol trio old flowing wells now pumping in lb a district. The J. Seep wel is being tubed to-day. Tbe old Troulmau is doing 200 barrels. Tbo t ltal production of Modoo to day is Including i-verything, 4 800 barrels. J. W. Pierce, Jr., cashier of Ibe Mer chants' Rank, af Lowell, Mass., has been fnuai) guilty of irregularities to tbo extent of $50,000. Ho ia also treasnrer of tbe Cen trul Savings Bank. The SjudemaniatiB died out in Boaton filly jeats ago They bave one society in Loudon, numbering abuut a buudrtd mem bers. Contributions are daily reported from all puiula lor the yellow fever Btill'."rers iu the South. Hose ,t Co.. ol Loud iu, buvo been np pointed liscal agentB of thu State Depart meut in Europe. " The C ioper-' International Union met in St. Louis yesterday. A largi number o' delegates were present The receipts of wheat at Milwaukee for Sunday and Mu'nday, Sept. 7 and 8, resent d tbe enormous amount ol 433,3S3 bushels. Georgia larmera bave been trying the ex periment this year of raulng their own corn, giving less land lo cottou. hstimates of toe product of the Calais, M , lumber market tbis year gives 102,500, 000 feet ol long lumber, 43.5110,000 staves. It is stated , that tbe publication of tbe niutb edition of "Knyclopedia Britanica" will involve an outlay of 200,000 McKinley & Gross, Machinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a Speciality, REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED C2T We wairant all work done by us to be nearly as iiood as new when repaired. -Good traterial furnished and pricea reason able. Having had long experience in ibe feuil news we are enabled to civs wtlnractlon. .I IKKPH McKINLKY. SEHAhl'UM GttOPH Petroleum Centre, Pa., Jan. il. tl g. t Kousrui:, " Flour & Feed Merrliant, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. TRICE L1T. XXX Wbito Wh't I'l, a,no I Mml, at 50 SiSP- 1 Who Bran, l, m Mates, in WiUtlot,,) To do general housework. Iihm.lJ don'a llardwarH Bi,,ru t 1 TO Tl) 15 C1TIZKNS nif oTTT:-ti Your nttontloti is Hpeeiailv iiivluai0 j the National IVtiiltA urn nn,u r v pnipsria fulwrlplloii! tn the ttanltl ? 1 .-".1.14 01 j( al Hoard of Finance. The fami, ... . this sourci sro to bo cmplojo I In t'le . Iho building for Iho Intern itional Ex I, J the expenses connertod wilh t10 Mnt' -lliioiiily tieliuvid tint the K...I, - . rcpi-esentid by the nun.Mf i.v,.ry citi2 patriotic dmiiiimi'jrntliin or Mie oik, ,u day of the notion. The sharea of,', for 1 10 eneii, ami S'ib'critn'iM w 11 twi sotiiflly steel engraved t'orlitli it,. ,,ry. for naming aad pronation u a nation! Interest at thu rat a of'alr tM.r . will be plld on nil payments of lVnt4 from date of pa men I,.irv j Slitiscriher who an; nut can remit a chock 01 poat olll. e orjii i'Jl FKKDK. F HALEY, Tl villi v jin 4 AMAIU Uf hlleri 1 recotiimi iHlH. hy mulnr M ml irwf WES ""'"' -'. -".. iniif. putl, ;: Mfal' tffiAi'l PUliipituil. nit 1 nil 1 UJilUMmry Cufllliliiji, JPE, 1 ern-imirbn-'. fioii-rn ind :ilf li v mini i5 (IHlltHS. l UIH' f 1 l!l "Infft HII J HI I R,. ftj "rhuil Orttiri! iKT'f rtlv I;:iiTiilf-nf.. ill I" I )ll Hindi or Alroli-illc pr'p.'rtt- pL-isjnt , nrri Minnit i 1 ni u 1 U I . r In ttt imrtk'u iu wilh nud'cil i-t niionv bj CJt(" H-'nt on np;thc it inn. a idn- t .K'rt. 1t'.K.vni Av..i, V..... v.'B ,ro KM Alii; Ni.U n ini 1:0 v '4 I BM1. ton l ft tv'V a moii lmpormit mentum. Soldhy tin I abilitui parpo let iIhv, ftt All t'iin'- tint undf-Hll cirniinKtaiiJSi ii, mi. vaiipnoM "".linn m 11,11 V (Tl-e. jU nyer be takfii ott'diiring timiihon time rete lni:i itwr 0 Jl. now 1 1 ui fin mill nit.f.Hl l. .. . . 1. a t.-c- iita j n IIIIUUI lllltlge FAIRY VOlCm Ain0'i : or W FAIItY V('WlMl c r 1 in i'io FAIItY Vi 10 FalliV V' Id FAIItY ViH BA. a ra u jthitu .il to b FAIItY YoK FAIKYYHOI 1IIK Ml TllRXtt MUSIC BOOK for schoo: jmrin $ it PR II no $11 1'KllM till CfS, KAOfl: flier t rOSTl'AI SONG ECHO cratct Foil si'Hiioll Ml. IH IIS .LI) MI.UiiOMlLII. MI.IHHI ,(lLl I I'll'K. 131 I'ns I F IU I i.-i lE.thl 1I''SKN I- utiii -lU'ill l-VI'iItM. Address, .1. L. I'ETBH, bull nro.iiiwi. a GRANCEST ECKtllllE EEP5IJ Ft) It TUE BENEFIT nF THE Public Libra OF KENTUCKY. $12,000 CASH tilt'lS $1,500,0 Mi $250,000 FOR $! The Fonrih (Irnnri (lift (Jonri'rt mithori special act of thn l.tNliiture for thiJ benefl'Wj I'uniic l iMinry of Kentucky, will mKOjiiacrii ncuinrury j inn, at i.nuisviiie. iw . OnlV dlxtV llinil;tnd tlrui-I .will lw The ticket.- are dividd Into ten ronpom or f At ttjift eoi.ecri. whieli will Iia the irriidet leal display eror vltuetred u this c uniry, tkll prececeiiiea cilia or SI 500.0 O, divided into 12 000 cn?h uiflu, w 11 be distributt tub nuiuui; tn iiCKei-iiumeij. LIST OK CIFTS. finn nnA fl, i If. ... 'M in nail ii. ft- iiinnn..u VtM m (VmIi (.If.- rVoii 1.1 MIlaBhOlftf l.UMlta tl, Jl UI n..t. l-i I IV, iliul 1. 1 ' ."irn turn tmni, 1(KI Clliill flHIa ACMt au. k l n.iU mit. nnri i. ' u , an is tw en til, .-n I IllE to fl.f'Wl The distribution will he pmttlve. whrthrrllj uu uib r inia ur ntit, nnu me iu.uuu ' iu pioponum to iiiu tickets mid. PRIOR OP TICKET?: Wlinlf.llnl.uta AIM,. II 'IVnlllH. lr t'ouicil, hlnvvn Whole' Tii'krl for 5 IICKI'tfnr Zl.OIII : IIH ,V ,. Tirki'lil HH " ) Whole 'ifckab for Siotico. No dfcoimt ' lee. iiiun o.ssi wortli ol Tickut nt n rime fOinnill.k'd bv tlia tiinnu im,i',,llv llll'it L1' tcrnm civeu to thorn wno lmv In ael I ilillil.. TIIO;.. K. IIHAMliE'I'TCl Atcnt I'nbl. Uhr. Kv., and Msnmor HiH I'unllc Llnrmy UuilOing, Louinvillc, -m JA AGENTS WANTED FOIt THE NbV BOO J wlik the newest and heit traitmint for H L The only ihorou.h work of the kind In ilw "JJ Embraces MumII-Hox, el ow Ki vor, ' '"''u1!;,,!, all aualoiroiis dUoiues. No family f" " It, nd nil buy it llii. 34 chr.nn 'tic lllii"""!? The highest rlmnce of the season fur ain. " rliliwi " ' ... ... V.UWJ.l.. t.I.L l Vf w. new York. THE LA CROIX MEBI3AL FENSARY. KmabllRlied lu 183T, J Is lie oldest and most succi Bufiil Institution In t cnnntr for the treiitmcnt of flminle stiu p -Diseases. For terms of treatment, f1";"!.. "nolt by mall with statement of osne, 8. H HI0'' .. 11 Maiden Lane, A!lu, 'v . i If r V