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WJMUIIMIIUIMMWIMMV UKAI.KK W Mhmi tin 1I Lcwtlng, Engine!, r JfitnllBiZftf of Hiponud Uisin:; from '.. ( nlth t.lon.!it.. Nenrly 1. Koch. hu. vv.,,i:.V 11. ji. nii. ;(POL10 .1-iMit.l. for Snap fir ail lloiw- ' ,utpoacs, except ie. waahin U POLIO ibor ol oue clcauliy. Uivu It jl, ifA.-POT-.TO KlniMw i better tlmu v umi I ; ot WM. No renuiuir cur-. Ifl'.ind carpe's. fAPOLTO :9 tl' I'l ut and Wood, iu Mel t io a p n fi t o Lr.rVnlv... 1- H.tmr Awrtiuii Uatb Brick- Will not icb. i...-. .. Iwittuf thuti n:m. Tin kovoj luK ir 1 .ill riii t iniio be without it. A P 0 Tj T 0 WIvt tli mi Boap mid haml tor me Tinware, liriguions who-craidiing iP 0 LTO 3 1 HilliftTl(i I'omitT UWWlU ACLJeruu unu not .en IB P0LTO winitr aim itnist-wa .lutblu Clieapo than Soap. i a p o J i o Mm "-st-urn fr m Jlarhie '. TRliln. and Siainnrv. fnvu d Walla. ai:d lium Chi li:; Porcelain a p o 1 i o " S aim and Ure-wn Cirptts and other woven f ill- lit one nrtirle known Hint I" many kind ( work and Pillaa apolio. Try It SAP UIL new an I wnndrrfti. 'll c roil iSoip havliiz no equal iu this cointrv or abroad. 3. 8 A P S ! 1 0, nn aiiic c fir iim, 'n.-uchog tafoiuidatimi" orH dirt, open the p ire hmI ir vi-h a htntih no tion and brilliant tint totheskiu 3 A P D h 1 0 "Wiwand lKwul,liiith Skm. in HtoMy rt'inovinir tiny s'ninor bleni u irora iHiiti harm ana i;u:u s A p n h i n i wiHiout a rlai In world for tiring or prvoiuin: rminhntwi and I Chapping of tfltliw tiauds or 8 A P fl 1, 1 n ""mm rr, I'itph. Iron or Ink Hum tad Omn i ior workers ill cam. Shops. Mini's, c , i in Wnhle For nuklni the Skin "fiteand Sort, and uiviim lo it a WlXjlll Ofhnnntv It nnmnrt.Hm. Inyanyciwmetic known U p n i. 3 n "' to 15 own p. r enki,, nnd "wj'body nhoulL tinvi- it ou will der Lilil rE, L TO TRY THFSF GOODS. III?1' ""limit if If Ii.ih 1,' uru ii for you II , LM or Hum it li lot. "All and u M , bu mulled -B MOHGAN'S SONS. I ."? PLACE. N V oi .rii rsiiuitlill. Hi'"4, in II1 I'.niHl TlCIE ! MV. A. LOZiMt, TMiear It. n. track. BWf BEZIXE, dcliv lhe welh for $1,50 tel. NhlV MOCK DKY GOODS CARPETS, (Ml Cloth, .xiuisM, jtst n::ci:ivi ! at DRY GOODS STORE. Washitijtn Sir rf, i'l'tnilouu. tYnti'i'. Tlio Ijir;;i-8t and I'licajio-t slook ot 8 to 10 cl per y:u d. from 11 to 10 eta J.AWSDAI.i; IMSJ.K VI ti; .HL'SMX 10 to 15 CIS' BIST (;IUEIA.1I from IS' to 15 ct CLARK'S O N T I IE It I: A IS 4 spools for ' cts. Dress Uaoris, Slrawls, Hos iery, Corsets Domestic Piece GoihK Lad Ties, It;b'itt- ITonpttkfiti the very Ihm' tniilitv IMllinira nn'J Lin ens. I'iiirt nii'l Nectllc, & lIs pr ;ia,icr, .c'arpeid at tilt' lowest rates. Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOOES, And a complete stock of ladies Hats and bonnets, Also, a Coniiletu .Stock or BOOTS & 5 Wbich will bo told at ATJCTIOKT SALE tep flu tlie tat. Commencing August 1st, 1873. jfGlve me a call and examine goods and priceu. jr. SAMUELS. Pnt. Contre, July 17th, liVJ. i5 Ph P O z E ir si a a e ? a - J a a, q & r . S ? V O o B -"3 It z v . a ;u -5.2 a r n s 3 fell J f" The Post Office Noivuroom Soda FoiiDtaia is now ruunjii;: la lull blast. Call and try a glass of ica cool boda water WANTED quarNtorconOi'lCri-ok. OWEN BAFFNEY, PRDP'R, REMOVED To the Nw !-tr,iid in CIirMl'i' HM Stole, opi.osltc the .!aiiit..u-ii L'lotliinj tiloi-j, lvtioleuni Centre, New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty of Sunday Com fort left yet. I have rcfllted the ftnro f irrnerly occupied l-y J. II. I liristio, ein'nci' of Wn-liinton nnd Kirst St? , and laid in a new stock of the purest and uc.t of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TI1E MAKKET AFFOitDH. My stock consists in part of BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LA RYE 5 New England, Med ford and Jamaica Kurns,, HOLLAND GINS, I1EXNKSY, riN'F.T, CARTlLt UN CO.'S, AND MAKl'KLL BliAMtilES, Bl'FFAIiO, ISOt'UflSTElt & CA.A.OAIUt A ALKS Hole Agent for the lmOTIlEUHOOD WINES, of Prockton, N. Y, ANo Acent for Ihe CpMmited GIl'-'AT WKST FF.N ItltAM) of American I 'iianipnirne, nimle by the t'lcaciiijt Valley Wine Co , bteuben I'ounty, Now York, constantly oil nand the imported chinu pannes Jtc. My tsteck ofi,CIGAi:s is I ucxcllecd in this region. I KELP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, CUVI'J MK CALL. At my new etand owl.v c;ah'.m:v . Vet Cit;-o Dec. 17 Tllli Oil, .VJAItJilIS. I1Y V. V. T1.I,. LINK (il'lii-K l)F I'fthoi.krhm Oi:nti!k I'.itiv Humnn Oct. N, M7;; Tim oil mark, t I trill.: litiner to-day at 7jI,o'I. No sales I'ril'l", r l,viin..,tirt . Marki'i iinii't. Cl ' I' I' ;"; j . I.'' linen. 17. .Valkct Q'liot. l'iiiluUeljiiu, Oct. 8. N'.-w Vr!,-. Oct. :i. tiOl.a (,Ni:tH MttH. Nkw i owk. Ocl. 8. finlil 1101 Pioneer, Pa., Jilattiitartuycr f i t V' fry; ; -V -SOi t m3 rX-t5 OT Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description liepaired at Short Notice. Ageot for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATESTEfi of 11 1 lZ'SVA' 'Vmi Jt'ACKKK. I FPATF1VG i.rnll lii:d?dolo at notiec ami all work uummted. Orders ly raai. or lelee,ra. h premplly attended to r. c. in. Pionper, Pa., Pec. 21, 1.S72 tf. ocdio And buy your lloota and Mtcts at Mrs. M. HaaiiG's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I I kofp h vory I a r ire stock of nil kinii-i on lurni and f I'll ha cliM.p (ut any other l.ouse in tliu OIL hliUlUN, ConneciuU with my btorc i a Custom Eleparttiii'nt ! And 1 iruarauteo a perfect nt In all mv work rtepHinni; neuily done. Srxt door to "Woll, Jewelry felore. i'etiMtli'um Centre. Pa. dec4tf Darts From Tiis Kevilj OR CUPID AULSEO. A Hook just ii'i-iied, expohintr ilio "rn-is'isiM'' tlial li ive nppu:n-iMl in the .New York New-ii-ipeis. Ilu ir hi.torv aiiiM.-a,iiiS. STYLISH VI1.L1ANS KITLI.Y EXi'OShl) AdverlirfeTiieiitrt fi-oui d.MMfl nito men lo beannitil v.'o en; l'l:ndestiiie riieetinLi how fulrUau-il ; '1 tie lli-tory of Hie lio. drieti Tra'' cdy tim re-ull of a ''nerriouiiU." D.'-cntiou of I.'viiia lir.MUv y Statue. KXIMd-KS MiriAI, I'OHKl I'l'IDN Sent on receipt oi ."lUets. AddreM l'niiiiu 1'riutiui; llou-e, 2li Vm-uy St., N. Y. LIVEEY! boa :bz,jd mnsre Main Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. 8. 3IliD, Prop'r. Bugles, t'arrlits'es, ccc, always in readiness to hire, THE CSLEBKATEU FltEDONIA ROAD Wagon Always on hand for hire. BOARDING- SIOHSL'S I am preparod to furnish j'oardinu Ilotsed tun heht Accommodations to he found In Petioleum Cviilrx und thu c&eup est willu.l. TX The very best Sad PJkdlea and Bridles for li,iASrkKidii.K lloisea. To THE Tp.avkmng Puiujc. If desired travelei-s will be taken to any town in the oil region at reasonable charges. Boilers and 11111'; Tin- Hood wlili PV HurtHlilo l umlly Khh iii liui lit no, 011 :to lii) 4 Irlui; onini ao.aMtii'-- 0V1.1' all. Sati-fe lino .-uaraiiN ed, or T'i'J Sent eoniplelc, witn 1. ii d re,.-tion-. Ileclavith Sewing Macliinel.'3. Iirondway New Y'oi'k. Moved lo any il -ifd ..i.iii! with una dis patch. Give tii" a call, ' S. CANflEI.r. se ji t i -'!.