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2 Stye SKtncs, Nctu 3BlootnficI&, Jn. " It is useless disguising facts. My husband had forged his employer's sig nature to a bill fur fifteen hundred dol lars J it had still some month's to run, and he had como home, hoping to raise the sum. He told me there wns no escape for him J they would search the world through to find him if it should bo dis covered. .. I do not know if the tale were truo or false. ,1 believed it then, and trembled for the unworthy li Co 1 had onco held so deaf.' T had saved five hundred dollars. I told him I would give him that. J lis father and brother both refused to see him or to allow him even a cent. They were tired of covering his delinquencies, and resolved to leave him to his fate. " When I left tho house to go to meet my husband, I did not open tho hall door. I unfastened tho drawing-room windows, aud passed out there. It was a dark night ; and, when I promised Allen to give him the money, ho walked with mo to the place of my egress, and .stood there, waiting against tho halfuloscd shutters, whilo I went to fetch him all I had. When I returned, ho was still standing where I left him. I thought even then ho seemed confused, and anx ious to bo gone. As ho was leaving mo, I suddenly remembered T was quite pen niless. " Allen," I said, " leavo mo a few dollars. 1 have no money left.,' "I saw him take from his pocket a largo black purse, from which he hastily drew the twonty dollar note, and, with out another word, went rapidly away. " I refastcned tho windw-shutters, and returned to my own room. I knew noth ing whatever of the bracelet or purse being left in tho drawing-room. Even when I heard they had disappeared, I never dreamed of Allen in connection with them, never for one moment. Could I think my baby's father a thief ' " When you asked mo on that miser able morning where that note camo from, for the first time it all flashed into my mind. Alien gave it to me; therefore lie must have taken it. I remembered his confusion, his haste to bo gone, nnd my heart died within me. 1 would not, to gave myself, betray him, for I loved him. "You will think it strange that I never looked at tho note ; but so it was. I had it in my posscssiou six weeks, and yet never once examined it. My mind was full of other things. "Last year poor Allen died in my arms. Ho confessed all to inc. how ho had taken both money and bracelet, and had by mistake given mo the stolen note instead of, as we both thought, returning oneofuiyown. He died in my arms, and begged of me now to clear myself. I will do so, as in a few days I shall be with my baby in heaven !" : A few more lines thanked us for our kindness, and bade us adieu. . Many memories live with us; but none mere beautiful, or held more dear, thau than thatofOuu Governess. A Chinese Will. .A Chinaman died, leaving his property by will to his three sons, as follows : To Jum-lIuni, his eldest, one-hulf thereof; Nu-l'in, his second son, one-third thereof, and to Ping-Hat, his youngest, one-ninth thereof. When the property was inven toried, it was found to consist of nothing more than seventeen elephants; and tho boys applied to a wise neighbor, Sani l'unk, for advice. Sam Punk had an ele phant of his own. Ho drove it into the yard with the seventeen and said : "Now we will suppose that your father left these eighteen elephants. Fum-llutn, tuke your half and depart." So Fuui Hum took nine elephants and went his way. " Now, Nu-Pin," said the wise mun, "tuke your third and git." So Nu-Pin took six elephants and traveled. "Now, Ding Bat," said the wise man, take your ninth and begone." So Ding-But took two ele phants and ' absquatulated. Then Sam Punk took his own elephant and drove home again. Query Was the property divided according to the terms of tho will '! Iu a Horn. One Christmas day, some years ogo, some rather fust young fellows hired horscB from a livery stable in the town of i , and determined to have a good time generally. One of the horses never recovered from the effects of the ride, and the livery-man sued the rider for the value of him. 1 The lawyer for the plain tiff wag an ex-judgo. He was a good law yer, but fond of his toddy. He was try ing to prove by one of the witnesses that all were druuk, and commenced by ask ing him " Where did you stop first after leaving the livery stable '(" , " We stopped at Michael 'g." " Did you take a horn there ?" asked the judge. " Yeg." "Where did you stop next?" " At the Gardens." " Did you take a horn there ?" " Yes' " Where did you stop next?" " At the Four-Mile House." " Did you take a horn there 1" . By this time the witnesg began to smell rat. "Horn!" says he; "I want to know what hag a horn got to do with this case. I suppose because you are a drink ing kind of fellow yourself, you think that every other body is drunk." You ought to have beard the explosion which shook the court room. The ex judge did not ask the witness BDy more questions. CAUGHT I A TRAP. " "ITrilENEVEK I scO a rat-trap," y V said Dick Wavcrloy to mo, as we passed a magniDcent hardware store iu Sixth avenuo, in the show-window of which was displayed among other things, a rat-trnp' " it reminds mo of an incident that occurred when I was a clerk in a llinghauipton dry goods store. Tho estab lishment had onco been successfully en tered by burglars, who mado the visit a very costly ono to the owner of the goods. To prevent a repetition of such visits, I was offered a slight increase in my salary if 1 would agree to sleep iu tho store at night. I was a bachelor then, and accept ed the offer, making my couch on a cot bed in a small compartment in tho rear of tho salesroom. " I had occupied this room as a sleep ing chamber for three months without ex periencing any incident worthy of note, when ono night, some two hours after I had retired, I was awakened by hearing a slight rasping sound. Rising quietly iu the bed, 1 listened attentively a few mo ments, and had no doubt that something unusual was about to occur. Noiselessly 1 arose from my bod, took my revolver from under my pillow, and in my bare feet crept in the direction whence the sound scorn ed to come. " On tip-tno I cautiously entered the salesroom, and there the rasping sound was loud enough to indicato at once the very spot whore the work was going on. It was tho door loading from tho storo to the cellar, which, by the way, was infest ed with rats. Sometimes tho rats would make their way to tho store, and to give them a fitting reception a steel trap, prop erly baited, was nightly placed near tho holo through which it was supposed they entered. The holo was at the jamb of the door at the head of tho cellar stairs, and the trap, with a chain about four feet long, was there deposited invitingly open, and to save the vermin tho trouble of rambling further in quest of food. The chain was fastened to a staple fixed in the surbase, so that when a rat was not instantly guillotined, and lingered long in the clutches of the spikes which im paled him, he could not wriggle off to a comer whero the trap might not readily be found. " As I approached tho dour, I could see by tho glare of the singlo gaslight which we always kept burning ut night, tho point of a saw about four iuches long, and not more thau two inches in width ut its broadest part. This saw was bciug rapidly worked by somo unseen power,and it was evident that tho object was to make a holo largo anouKU to admit a human hand, that it might withdraw tho strong bolt which prevented tho opening of tho door. " In a few moments I noticed the nar row blade bobbing in und out. My first idea was to wait until tho bolt was with drawn, then bodily confront tho burglar, with my revolver cocked for instant use. Then, fearing that the man who was saw ing might have accomplices who would not hesitato to commit murder to prevent capturo, I was about to hasten to the front door, pass out, and give the alarm, when I ecpicd the rat-trup on tho floor, and a novel idea at once suggested itself. " I was standing ut tho side of the door, having taken this position to screen my self, deeming it likely that the operator ou the other side of the door might place his eye to the aperture wag uiukiug, to seo if the coast were clear. " Cautiously lifting the trap, I held it in my left hand, with the revolver iu my right, both ready for use. " Hasp ! rasp 1 rasp ! The saw con tinued its movements, and as I peeped over tho side of the door-frame I could see that the instrument was rapidly mak ing a circle, about four inches in diame ter. When the circle was ncurly com pleted the saw was drawn in, and a kriilb blude chipped off a small strip of tho wood. " Then I saw ono finger enter. The object was to seize tho circular piece, and prevent it from falling to the floor on the outside. " The wood readily split, and the piece which was broken off was carefully taken inside. Then another piece, and so on tyitil the hole was perfect. 'Then I observed a human hand, the fingers of which began to grope for the bolt. " Now for the trick, I thought, as I nervously extended my left hund, which held the trap, toward the aperture, but a little below it to prevent its being seen. " Slowly the trap wag moved, ready for a favorable opportunity to give tho bur glar's hand a warm clusp. " The moment I saw tho fingers ex tended I plunged the trap at them, and the hand entered to the wrist. . ' Click I The spring was touched, the trap sprang, and a human hand was im paled 1 The burglar was caught caught id the act ! lie on one side of the door and his captor on the other. " A groan of agony followed as the spikes pierced the man's flesh, and he attempted to withdraw his hand ; but the hole be had made, although large enough to admit the entrance of a man's hand, wag not of sufficient dimensions to permit the passage of a rat-trap. "lie groaned, aud muttered terrible oaths, but his profanity and waitings were useless. All his efforts to withdraw hi band, proved unavailing. " Feeling assured that he wns securely held in this uncomfortablo position, I hastened to the street door,, unlocked it. and shouted for ossistnnce. An officer soon camo, and when I had conducted him to the cellar stairs, I withdrew the bolt, opened the door, and discovered tho culprit who had to follow tho door as it swung against tho wall. Ho was a man of about thirty seven, heavily built, with short-cropped red hair, a faco of villain ous aspect, nnd his features deeply inden ted with small pox. Before taking" the trap from his hand, which bled profuse ly from fivo different punctures, tho offi cer searched his pockets, arid found therein two Derringer pistols, a long dirk, and a number of burglar's tools. Hav ing disarmed him, his hand was rclcasod from tho trap, and ho was conducted to tho police station. " It was afterwards discovered that he had entered tho cellar from a window in tho rear, having opened tho shutters in tho same manner as ho was attempting to practice when caught. " A trial followed some weeks after, he was convicted and for fivo years be camo a pattern of propriety in a public institution, never leaving his own cham ber unless with the consent of his keep ers, and otherwise leading such an exem plary life that for tho tiuio mentioned, through compulsion,he became a reformed man. Whether his reformation continued after his release from prison I am unable to state. A Domestic Scene. A PARASOL tassel is a very small thiug to create a difficulty in a man's family, yet, insignificant as it is in itself, did cause much domestic trouble out in the west-end last summer. The night was warm, as ninny who were toss ing about in ineffectual efforts to sleep may remember. Taking a stroll on tho stroots about eleven o'clock, to seo what wo could see, we camo upon a discordant couple, man and wife evidently, who wcro so earnestly engaged in a family disputo between themselves that they didn't ob serve us; so wo stopped and observed them. They were of unmistakable Teutonic origin. Tho husband, stubborn and moroso, was seated on the door-step of a planing mill, nnd the wife was standing on tho side-walk iu front of him, emptying imaginary vials of wrath upon his head, varied with female lamen tations nnd pleadings used upon such oc casions, all of which ho received with occasional remonstrance. " Only two years married already," said the indignant wife, " and you running round mit do girls, pooty quick. You ought to be ashamed mit mine self. Unt hero is the lecdlo barasol tassel vot I found in your pocket. Yust sieh a loedle tassel vot Catrina von Trump's barasol don't have got all'e whilo. Yot you got to say to doso ?" " Vot 1 got to say ?" returned the husband, in a tone of injured inno cence. " Vot I tolo you already, vot I always tolo you, nnd vot I never tell you some what I live, and always will ! I tolo you I found tho lecdlo borasol tassel at the pase pall grounds, aud that's more's what's the matter." The wife would not accept the explan ation, but continued to aucuse him , of connubial dereliction, although the only evidence she seemed to have on hand was the parasol tassel. At length another ac tor appeared on the scene. He proved to bo a neighbor of theirs, ond although he came strolling along, whistling in an indifferent manner, as if on no purpose bent, it wag appurent that ho had sought them with tho view of effecting a recon ciliation and getting them home. " Hallo, Hans, vas this you?", said the new comer, acting ns though much sur prised at finding him there, " you are fiooty late out, ain't it? Why you no go mme?" . " I don't go home any more, that's why I ain't out pooty quick late," replied Hans, gloomily. The neighbor inquired the reason of their difficulty, which Mrs. Hans was not slow to give, exhibiting the suspicious tussel. " What !" said tho neighbor in astonishment, '' a leedle tassel dis does make nil dese difficulties ? . Vy, I picks up heaps of does leedle tassels at the pase pall grounds effry tay vot I don't go down there. Got tozzens tousands ef 'em at home, I guess not. Von leedle barasol tussel 1 Veil, you youst like to see my bureau drawers full of doso tassels vot I tells you, unt my fruu she likes urn, unt says it's bully. Von leedle tassel makes all dis troubles. Veil, if I hadn't ouf fclicved it I never would have seen it." le coutinued in this strain, and finally made out that every married mun in the neighborhood had bushels of "leedle bar asol tassels" which they picked up at the base ball grounds, conveying the idea that the air fairly rained tassels wherever there was a throng of ladies to witness a base ball mutch. The woman, ut length, be came moderately pacified, and consented ed to go home, forgetting and forgiving, if Hang would ; and Hang, after an amount of grumbling and hesitation, which injured feelings seemed to demand, consented, and they went home ; the well-uieuning, but somewhat extravagant neighbor still dwelling upon tho heap of parasol tassels he had himself accumula ted at the " pase pall grounts." Cincin nati Timet. , One of Niagara's Swindles. A CORRESPONDENT of a New York paper tells his back experience at the big catarnct ns follows : You can buy ten cents worth of any thing at Ningnra by just paying ono dol lar for it. This is the greatest pluco in tho world for bridal couples. Tlicy nro all very susceptible, and all green. I'll tell you something about n bridle couple, not a bri dal couple. A pair of hack horses are a bri dlo couple, nnd it's about a pair of hack horses I hnvo to write. A fellow who had ono of theso teams started a conver sation with mo thusly : "Tako n ride?" "No." "To Oont Island ?' " No." " Lunar Island ?' "No." " Suspension Bridge '" " No." ' Rapids?' "No." "Whirlpool?" "No." "Devil's Holo?" "No." "HorsoShnc Falls?" " No." " Clifton House ? " No." You see I'd been to all those places, nnd I didn't caro much to go to thoni somo more. 1 hadn't been to Lundy's Lane, and when he said " Lundy's Lane," says I, " Who is Lundy ?'' " Why," said ho, " there is where tho American eagle soared aloft, and with one fell swoop plucked a tuft from the mane of tho British lion." "No!" said I. " Yes," said he. " Have they preserved the tuft?'I asked. Ho said they had. " WThat has become of old Lundy ?" said I. " Alas," he replied. " he sleeps beneath the sod." Says I, " How much to do, Lundy ?" " Well," says he, " seeing it's you, I'll tako you there for a dollar, and you could not go for less than that in a wheelbar row." I got into his vehicle, and by and by we got to what he called Lundy's Lane. It was two or three patches of grass with rail fences around thorn, one brindle cow with a fence around her, and a coun try road. The driver said ho guessed I had better pay. So I gavo him a dollar bill, painted green on the back. " Why," said he, " wo are in Canada, and I want gold." Says I, " I hain't got no gold." He saw 1 was a sickly-looking cuss what had como to the Falls for my health. So ho squared himself and doubled up two fists that looked like lagcr-bcer kegs, and said : " You little withered cuss, you, if you don't come down with a quarter, I will punch your snoot." Sly snoot feels better when it ain't punched ; bo I camo down with the quar ter1. Then I said : " I guess I've got enough of Lundy," and I went to get in his wagon, when ho yelled out : " What in thunder are you doing?" I said " Getting in." . " Well," said he, " that is cool. You had better get out ngnin darned quick." Then he broke tho news to mo very gently that ho had agreed to bring me out for a dollar and tho prico for going back would bo five dollars. " No," said I. " Yes," said he. " Then I'll walk said I. " Walk and be darned," said he. lie got upon his old rattle-box, and commenced to move, and I commenced to move. I looked like a twelfth of a doz en mourners at a one-hack funeral. He talked to me thusly: " Hot, ain't it? Ever see so much dust before ? Going to shower soon." I'p came the clouds and down came the ruin. I had walked a mile, and I said, " I guess I'll get iu." I gave him five dollars. Said he, " give me another dollar." 1 told him ho ugreed to take mo for five dullurs. " Oh," said he, " it was pleasant then, but you seo it is raining now." I gave him the money, nnd finally reached the hotel, nnd I don't take no hacks uo more. A Shrewd Beggar. A gentlemun, while walking with two ladies through one of the principal streets of Liverpool, saw a beggar approach. One of the ladies, who had evidently seen the medicunt before, said " This is the man I have heard of. No matter how much money you give him, he always returns the change, and never keeps more than a penny." " Why, what a fool he must be !" remarked the geutloman. " But I'll try him, aud put him to little troub le." So saying, the gentleman drew from his pocket a sovereign, which he dropped into the beggar's hat. The modioant turned the coin over two or three ti mes, examined it closely, and then, raising his eyeg to the countenunce of the benevolent man, said" Well, I'll not adhere to my usual custom in this case. I'll keep it all this time ; but don't do it again." The donor opened his eyeg in astonishment and passed on while the ladies smiled with delight. A Medical Experiment. A curious experiment was tried in Russia with gome murderers. They were placed, without knowing it, in four beds where four persons had died of the chol era. They did not tuke the disease. They were then told that they were to sleep in beds where some persons had died of malignant cholera ; but the beds were, in fact. Dew and had not been used at all. Nevertheless three of them died of the disease within four hours. ITair llcstovatlve ! MP? Contains NO I.AC, Sri.PHrii No NUOAtt OF I.KAD No MTIIAIMiK No NITRATK OK Kll.V KK. nnd Is entirely free from the Poisonous nnd Health-destroying llrugs used In other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear ns crystal. It will not soil the llnest fabric pcifcellv HAl-'K, CI.KAN, and KI'I'H'IKNT destderatums J.ONCI SOUOHT 1011 AND.POIND AT LAST I It restores nnd prevents the. Hair from becom ing Cruv. Imparts a noft, glossy appearance, re moves llandrutr, is cool and ii'fii-ihliii? to tho head, checks t In' llalr from fallliiK oil, nnd restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, pre vents Headaches, cures all Humors, Crrtnncnus Urnpllons, and unnatural Ileal. AS A DltKSS 1NU Foil Till- IIAUtlT LST1II5 11KST AMICUS IN THE MAHKKT. Dr. l. Kmlth, Patentee, Gioton Junction, Mass. 1'repai'cd only by Procter Hnitlieis, (llouccster, Mass. The Genuine Is put tip In a panel bottle, made expressly for It. with the name of tho article blown In the glass. Ask yo ur Ji-u(ilst for Na ture's Hair liestorative, and take no other. Send a three cent stamp to Procter Bros, for a Treatise mi the If 11111:1 11 Hair. The information it contains is worth fWiO 00 to any person, Office) of J. B. DOBBINS,' 423 North Eighth St., Philnda. Dolobiiis JQUySI) VECETABLEiUl A color and dressing that will not burn the hair or injure the head. It docs not produce a color mechanically, as the poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores the hair to its original color and lustre, by supplying new life aud vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, fine hair. . The best and Bafcst article ever offered. Clean and Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. SPISLT & i:iiy, MAMFACTLUmiS OP DOORS, !51inI. BRACKETS Moulding s t U1 Balusters, Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing, CIUCULAK WOKK, Ac, Ac, Made and Warranted from itru material, anil all common sizes ut DOORS AND SASH, Kept on hand and for sale by the undersigned fiend for Ust of Prices to Sl'llOl'T Si KDDV, riCTl'HK HOCKS, 434. Lycoming county. Pa. Thomas Moohe. ti. ti. Weiiek. GKKATII' HIlltOVKI AND It E - F 1 T T E D I 'THE union; This line Hotel Is located ou Arch Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MOOKK Hi WKHKH Proprietors. January 1, lStiil. JAMES 33. CLARK, MAXUVACTL'UER AN I) DEALEU IN Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware New Itlooniflcld, Terry co., Pa., KKKPR constantly on hand every article usually kept in a first-class establishment. All the latest styles and most Improved 1'arloraiul Kitchen Ntovi'N, TO EU11N E1THK11 COALOK WOOD I HlHIIltlnir and lfiMiflnir nut iin In ilia most. dunihle milliner and ut reasonable prices. Cull and examine his stock. S 1 J 1 UltfiALiJ.V" PKUKIN8 & HOUSE'S PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE METALLIC KEROSENE LAMP. Is absolutely SAFE from explosion or breaking;, burns any Coal (ill. good or bud; gives MOHELiuiiT, no odor, and uses lesn oil. "It in perfectly nnn-etfioU'rw. The Unlit Is bet tor Hum Is produced by any other lump." If. . (terk, i'rtaident qf MuiuKictiutvUi Atiricullurul (JUUeoe. "It Is perfectly non-explosive, gives a better light nnd is more ecnnntnlcul tlutn uuy other lamp In use." If. H'. Writ, lute tiuperintentlent ejf JHiUte Bchoutt, Ctitcaio. The aiHXllina deaths and tires from glass lumps exploding and breaking create a great demand for this lump. It yufa to sell It, Holt by tunvamrr; AuKNTS wanted. KVEHYWMKHE. Mend for a circu lar and terms to Montgomery i Co. , Cleveland, O. 2 Barclay Ktreet. New York. Why Keep That Cough P When bottle ef Kohrer'i Long Buliam wilt cure It. It It pleasant to take, and more effec tive than any other cougb medicine. Try IU For iale by F. Mortimer A t'o.,"New Bloom fleld,and ruont other itoret In the county, tt