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thereof, and notice of appeal shall ho given to the opposite party or parties within ten days thereafter, and said court shall there upon have full power to hear and determine t he same, and to direct a proper issue for the trial thereof, and to order a jury to be st ruck nml a view of the premises to be had; said issue shall be tried at the next term of said court, or at any subsequent term to which the same may be?1adjourned, upon like notice and in the same manner as other issues in said court are tried, and the costs of said ap peal shall be taxed and paid as said comt may direct. •1. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for such township committee to issue prom issory notes or certificates of indebtedness of tin* township in order to raise money to pay for any land or other propertv required for the construction of such sewer system, and j to pay the cost of constructing tin* same; provided, that no such not e or certificate of indebtedness shall bear interest at a higher ] rate than six per centum per annum, nor l»o disposed of for less than its pat* or lace value, ami all such no*es or certificates of indebted ness shall be made pry.ible within two years from and after tne beginning of t he work ; that at. the maturity of said notes or cert iti cates ol indebtedness, said township commit tee shall issue either registered or coupon bonds of tne township tor so much of the cost of such sewer or drainage system as shall not at that time have been collected by • ■■i w. BBiuniif iui iii’iii'iiiK, stn-h bonds shall be authenticated by the cor porate seal of the township, and thesignu t tire of the chairman of the township com mittee, and flu* coupons thereto annexed, if any. shall be authenticated by the autograph or engraved signature in fac simile of the treasurer of the township committee ; said bonds shall be made payable within thirtv years from their date, but paid of the issue may be made payable at different times : ami no bond shall be sold for less than par. ami shall not bear interest at a higher rate than six per centum per annum. r>. And be it enacted, That as soon as said sower system shall ho constructed the town ship committee shall enure public notice to be given in one or more newspapers of the county circulating in the township where such system is located, and by posting notices in live of the most public places m said town ship of an application to be tnadeon a certain day and place therein named, at least ten days subsequent to the publication and post ing of said notice, to said circuit court for the appointment of three discreet and disin terested freeholders as commissioners to make an assessment of the cost and expenses of such improvement, and such circuit court, on due proof t hat such notice has been given, shall appoint Three commissioners as afore said, by order entered in the minutes there of, and may appoint one or more persons to till a vacancy or vacancies in case of neces sity upon like notice and theccmnnissiotiers so appointed shall, before entering upon tin? duties of t heir office, take, subscribe ami tile in t lie office of the clerk ot the county an oat h faithfully to discharge their duties as such commissioners, and shall thereupon give ten days* notice, t»y publication in one or mom newspapers published or circulating in tin* township, and by notices posted in at least five of t he most public places therein, that the> will meet at aconvenient t irneand place hi said township, named in said notice, for the purpose of discharging their duties, and at the t ime and place so appointed the said commissioners shall meet and proceed to examine the matters referred to them, and may adjourn from time to time, and shall give a hearing to all parties interested and an opportunity to produce evidence heiorc them in suporr of objections, and any of said commissioners ma\ administer oaths and take deposit ions of witnesses who shall lie offered io give testimony in regard to the matter; and thereupon they shall forthwith proceed to ascertain the total cost and ex ponses incurred b> the const ruction of such sewer system, including also ail interest or discounts pa it] on any notes, certificates or obligations issued on account thereof, anti alter ascertaining t lie total amoun of such cost and expenses, they shall proceed to make a just and equitable assessment t hereof, orof part 1 hereof, on the lands and real estate specially benefitod by such improvement, in proportion to tin* special benefits actualh conferred thereby : provided, that in no case shall t he assessment upon any lands exceed the special benefit conferred by such im provement to the land so assessed, ami in case the siid commissioners shall deter mine that the lands specially benefit tod by said improvement, have not been so bene fit ted to the full oxient of the cost and ex ponses t hereof, the surplus ot such cost and expenses shall he paid taxat ion. <i. Ami be it enacted, That t lie commission era, upon cmnplct ing their assessments, shall cause a map to he made showing the lots so assessed, and snail designate the same fay numbers, and the names of the owners so far as t hey may be known to tilt* commissioners ; and t hey shall make a cert ideal cshowing t he whole amount ol Hitch assessments, with the amount assessed against each, of said lots by reference to the numbers thereat on said map. with the names of I he owners set op posite thereto, as lar as they may be Known to said commissioners, ami within thirty days thereafter they shall make a report of their proceedings and assessments to the cir cuit court. or within such further time t< said court may grant, and upon the coming in of said report signed by said commission ers, or any two of them, said court shall di rce1 notice to be given in the manner pre scribed in t lie fift h sect ion of this act, of t h * time and place of hearing any objections that maybe made to such assessments, and after hearing any malted hat may be alleged against the same the said court shall either confinu the said report or refer it to the same or ot her commissioners, to be appoint ed by thecouri, to consider the subject mat ter thereof ; the said commissioner to whom the said report shall be so referred shall re turn the same report, corrected and revised, or a new report t<* be by them made in the premises, to the -aid court within such time as the said court shall by order direct, and the same, on being so returned, shall be confirmed or again referred by said court In manner aforesaid, as right and Justice shall require, and so from time to t ime tint il a report shall be made or ret timed in the premises which tin* said court shall confirm; ami such report whoi. so confirmed shall be final and conclusive, as well as upon t he said 1 ownsbip as upon t tie owner of any laud and ?vaI estate effected thereby; which said map and report when finally confirmed bv said court, shall be filed in the office of t he clerk of the count ,\ wherein said improve ment is sit nutc, and a copy certified by tin* said clerk shall be given to the collector of 1 lie lowiisliip.atid such report, map ami copy shall at all reasonable and proper time be subjected to t In* exaniitmt Ion ami inspect ion of all parties interested In the same; and from and after tin* tiling of said map ami report in tin* office of said clerk, and assess ments shall be and remain a first and para mount It’eti upon fft*4 lots so assessed for the amounts thereof, respectively, with interest at six pei centum from the time of such filing, and all costs and fees thereon, unt il the same shall be paid and satisfied, notwith standing aiqt devise, descent or alienation thereof, or auv judgment, mortgage or en cumbrance 1 hereon, and notwithstanding au> mistake in the name or names of tin* owners, or omission to name the owner or owners thereof, and any assessment in which such mistake or omission occurs shall, nevertheless be a valid and effectual lien upon tin* lands assessed. 7. And be it enacted. That the assessments so imposed shall be collected by the same offi cer or officer-, and at the same time and in the same manner that taxes are or may be collected in the township where such im provement is made; provided, that the owner ol any lot or tract of land so assessed may pay*tin* assessment thereon, with interest, in equal yearly payments, not exceeding ten. as the township committee may determine, in case such owner shall file with the clerk of f iu* township an agreement in writing, to be approved by the township conimiiiec. stat ing t lie number of installments fay which he will pay t he same, and each installment shall be collected at the same time and in the manner and by the same officer or officers that taxes are or may be collected in the township, Imt any person may pay the whole of such assessment, with Interest, at onetime; ail moneys collected for or on account ot such assessments, and interest thereon, shall be set apart and used exclusively for t in* pay incut or purchase of notes, certificates or obligations that may have been made, issued or inclined bv the township committee to raise money to pay the cost of said improve ment • h. And bo it enacted, That in any proceed ing'll nder Ibis act necessary or prop r to be had or taken by any township committee. It snail be lawful tor un-li committee to act or proceed by resolution, ami said committee may fix and prescribe tin* terms and manner by which connections with said sewer system may lie made, and shall maintain said system in ‘good order, and may make extensions thereof from time to tunc when necessary; provided, that in case any extensions arc made commissioners shall In* appointed to make assessments of 1 lie cost, or part of the cost, thereof in tin* manner herein provided, and any such assessments shall be collected in the manner herein provided; the com pen sal ion ol all commissioners appointed in pur suance of this act shall be Axed fay the court in which they shall be appointed and paid by t he township committee. W. AIKI Ilf ii ...... ..... . townships, by their commit tees, may enter into a contract to obtain plans, surveys and c*s1 i mates of the cost of, and to const rued an outlet or trunk sower, or to provide a plant or works for collecting or disposing or sew age for their respective townships, or lor any towns or villages therein, and any township or townships may fn the same manner uc qnite the right to use any outlet or trunk sewer or se*ver system ihat may lie or may have been eon si 1 ucted in any municipality on such terms as may be agreed upon; pro viding the assent in wilting to the making of any such contract shall be given by the own ers of at least one-third in value of the real estate in each of such townships subject to taxat ion by 1 ho township officers in t lie year then next preceding, according to the tax du plicates of such year. and in ease any such outlet or trunk, sower or sewer system shall he constructed jointly by two or more town ships, t he part ol t he cost thereof that shall lie paid by each I owns! ip or assessments 011 lands in each township shad be determined in a manner to lie provided in such contract, or If not so provided, then by the commis sioner- appointed to make assessments of the cost thereof, and any proceeding necessary to be taken to acquire property or to con st ruct. such sewer or sewer system shall tie taken bv the township committees of each township acting in joint meeting, and In the corporate names of the townships repre sented by them; but all obligations for money borrowed to construct such sewer or system shall be made by the township committees of the respective townships, par ties to such contract., and all proceedings to raise money ami to impose and collect assess ments for the cost ol such sewer or system, or pails t hereof, in the respective townships, shall betaken as if each township had con structed the part of the sewer or system therein under this act as an independent sewer or system. 10. And be it enact ed. That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved May 9, CHAPTER CLXVIII. A Supplement to an act entitled “An act 1 «> regulate the practice of courts of law" [Revision], approved March twenty-sev enth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. i. Re it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of Now Jersev. That whenever it shall appear by the affidavit of any person that he is a creditor of anv testa tor or intestate. and that he has a claim or demand, arising on contract, against the estate of such te stator or intestate, and that, after diligent and careful Inquiry therefor, made as required in case of absent defend ants in chancery, he has been unable to as certain who are all the heirs and devisees of such testator or intestate, whether the heirs, devisees or personal representatives of such festal or or intestate, or any one or more of them, is still alive, or, if known or believed to be dead, has been unable to ascertain the names and residences of hisor thoii heirs, de visees or personal representatives, or of such of them as are proper parties defendant in an in t ion ro De orougnt against the lielrs and devisees of such testator or intestate, it shall be lawful for the supreme court, or a jus tice thereof, in term time or vacation, to make an order permitting such creditor to bring an notion at law against all such par tics as. are known and against the unknown hell’s, devisees or personal repres*. ntat ives of such testator or intestate as defendants, naming such of them as are known and dcsig natinginthe summons and other proceed ingssuohof them as are unknown ns un known heirs, devisees or personal representa t ives of such testator or intestate, or of any heir or heirs, devisee or devisees or personal representatives of an heir or heirs, devisee or devisees or personal representative of the oi iginal debtor; anil upon tiling such affidavit and order it shall be lawful for such creditor to cans'* a writ or writs ol' summons to issue against such of the heirs, devisees or person al representatives of the original debtor as are known, and against such of them as aio unknown, or agairst the heirs, devisees or personal representatives oi such of them as are dead, or believed to be dead, and whose names are unknown, by the designation of unknown heirs devisees or personal repre sent at ives of such original debtor, or of such of his heirs, devisees or personal represent a 1 ives as are unknown or believed to be dead. 2. And be it enacted. That section one of the aet entitled “ A supplement to an act en titled ‘An act to regulate the practice of the courts ol law.'’’which suppit uient was ap proved March third, one thousand eight him tired and fifty three, bean the same Is here by amended to read as follows : 1. licit enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, Thai when the heirs or devisees of land situated within this state, or any of them, whether known or unknown, or, il any one or more of them arc known or believed to be dead, i their heirs, devisees or personal representa tives, whether known or unknown, against whom a summons shall issue in any suit against such heirs or devisees, whether known or unknown, or the heirs, dev isees or personal representatives of such of them as arc known or believed to be dead, shall reside out of this state, or cannot be found within the same in order to be served wl i h such writ the sheriff of ilie county in which the said land, or any part t hereof, may lie shall so return, and up on an affidavit being made to 1 lie sat .sfuetion el t he court, out of which said summons is sued, or i f any judge thereof in vacation, showing the residence, as nearly as maybe, of any such defendants as may Ii:1 known, q rule of court shall he ma le, signed by t lie judge if done in vacation, and tiled, that the defendants not served with process., whethet in such summons designated by name or as heirs, devisees or personal representatives of the original debtor, or of such ol his heirs, devisees or personal represent at i ves as are unknown or believed to be dead, do appear to l he said writ on or before a certain day . to be prescribed by said court or judge, not less lhail one nor more than three months from the time oi making such rule, a copy of wnieh rule shall, within ten days thereafter, b • served on each of such defendants not served with process or published within the same time in some newspaper published in i he county wherein the said land lies, and continued therein for four weeks succes sively. at least once In eaeli week ; if t here lie no such newspaper, or if such laud lies in i wo or more count ies. such publieation shall lie in such newspaper as mn\ bcgdirected by said court or judge in such rule. :i. And be U enacted. That section two of I he aforesaid act be and t he same is hereby amended to read as follows: x!. And be it enacted. That if the defendant i»r defendants not served with process, or line or more of them, do not appear within the time limited by ttie rule aforesaid, upon lut* proof of the service of publication of such rule being tiled, judgment bv default shall he rendered against him, her or t hem. ptovide I a declaration shall have been duly died in such suit, which said judgment mav he entered in term time or vacation, and if I tie said defendant or defendants, heirs, devisees m personal representatives ol'such Didginai debtor, or of such of his heirs, de vises or personal representatives as arc unknown or believed to be dead, or one or more of t hem, do appear and cuter an up [leiirauee in person, or by attorney, m the •lerk’s book, lie, she or they shall plead to i lie dcclaral ion of the plaint iff within thirty lays from I In- expiration of i in- t ime limited [»y the said rule, or within sueh.f urt her i ime i is may bo granted for that purpose by the ■ourt or a judge thereof, and on failure i hereof judgment by default mav be entered In term-time or in vacation, and a writ or writs of execution issued thereon. I. And be il enacted. That this aet shall lake effect Immediately. Approved May ft, 1894. CHAPTER CLXIX. An Ai t authorizing courts in this state to give the same foioe and effect to deposi tions taken steuographically by officers of such courts as it ilie same were signed by t lie wit nesses. 1. He it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That where testimony is taken before a supreme •mill commissioner, examiner In chancerj >r notary public for use hi any of the courts if this state, it shall be lawful for said su preme court commissioner, examiner in •hancery or notary public to take the said lestimony Btenogruphieally, transcribe the mine ami return it 10 the court with a cert l - Iteate slating that the same was correctly taken and transcribed, and on such corf 111 •atc the court shall receive such transcript as i true statement of the evidence with the same force and effect as if t lie aaiiie had been written in longhand and signed by the wit nesses. 2. And l»* it enacted, That this n« t s’lall lake effect immediately. .Approved May it, 1894. CHAPTER CLXX. An Act concerning the school libraries of the -tf e. 1. He it enacted by the Semite and General Assembly of the State ol New Jersey, That the governor, the slate comptroller and the state superintendent of public instruction he and they are hereby authorized, upon its pub licatioii, to purchase and pay for out of any funds not otherwise appropriated, as many copies of a political and legislative history of tin- state; for the last twenty five years, now being prepared by William Edgar Saekett, as they may deem proper for distribution among the public school libraries of this state. •j. And be it enacted. That this act shall take effect immedialely. Approved May 9, 1894. CHAPTER CLXXI A Supplement to an aet entitled “A further supplement to an aet entitled ‘All uet to provide addit ional accommodal ions for t he the insane of this state, ’ approved March tbirty-llrst. anno domiiii one thousand eight hundred und seventy one,” which said supplemental act wosappioved Maieh third, anno domini, one thousand eight hundred and eighty. E He it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly ol the State of New Jersey, That it shall lie lawful for the board of chosen freeholders of any county in this state to givclo any county insane asylum within the Emits of such county, established or to tie es tablished by it, an appropriate name to lie selected by it. by which name 11 shall be thercaft cr called. 2. And be ii enacted. That every insane per son supported in any county insane asylum shall be personally liable for hisnmiritenanec therein, and all flu* necessary expenses In curred by I he insi 11 ut ion in his behalf, and the committee, guardian or relative that would have been bound by law to provide for and support him if lie ha l not been sent to such asylum shall be liable to pay the ex penses of Ins clothing and maintenance in the asylum and actual necessary expenses to and fiom t In* same. And lie it enacted, That this act shall take eff ect immedial ely. Approved May 9, 1891. CHAPTER CLXXII. An Act to re-organisse the l*oard of riparian commission**!*of 11»is stale. I He it enacted by the senate and General Assembly of the State ol New Jersey. That lie- board of riparian commissioners Khali hereafter cousin of the governor and tour other commissions, to be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent ot the senate, who shall hold their office for a term of live >ears and until their suc cessors are qualified. 2. And be if enacted, That not more than 1 wo of the appointees shall be mo niters ol the game political party, and in all subse quent appointments the same political stains shall be maintained, and in eases oI vacancy t he appointment shall be for t lie mi expired term only. a. And lie it enacted. Thai the term of oliicc, of the members ol the present board ot ri parian commissioners shall expire ipon the passuge of this acf. 4. And be it enacted, That the* compen sation of the new commissioners and the powers and duties of the new boaid shall be i he same as now provided by law. 5. And be it enacted, That all arts or parts •f acta by which any different number, tmn of office or inode of appointment ol sain commissioner, is provided for, or which are in any way inconsistent with any of the pro visions of tliis act, lie ami the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall lake effect tmined iately. Approved May SI, 1*1*4. CHAPTER CLXX1II. A Further Supplement to an act entitled • An act to provide for the drainage of lands,” approved March eighth, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ami seventy-one. 1. He it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That section two of an act ei.titled “An act to pro vide for the drainage of lands.” approved March eighth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 2. And be it enacted. That the said commis sioners. before entering upon their duties, shall take an oath before the chancellor or a justice of the supreme court, faithfully to perform the duties of their office, and shall cause the same to be tiled in tin* clerk’s oilier of the supreme court, and shall thereupon have full power to causo the said tract of land, for the drainage of which they shall have been appointed commissioners, to be drained in accordance with the general plan of the said board of managers; and for that purpose the said commissioners and all eon tractors or other persons employed by them or under their authority shall have power to enter upon any lands for the purpose of exe cuting the requisite work or procuring ma terials therefore; and after trio completion of said work, the expense thereof and of all materials used therefor, including the com pensation of said commissioners (esti mated at the rate of five dollars der day for every day actually em ployed) and also the expenses of the Bum iiunru ui muuuKin? nim iiiuvumrnum ui assessments, shall be made up l>y said com missioners and returned to the supreme court in a report to be made by them, to got h or willi a general outline, description or delineation of tie* lands and territory which. In their judgment, ought to contribute to thesaid expense, not ice of which report shall be given in some newspaper or newspapers circulating in the vicinity of said lands for the space of four weeks, at least once in eacli week, in order that any persons interested may examine said report, and, if they see lit, tile objections to the same; if any such ob jections. duly verified on oath, be tiled within said period of four weeks, the supreme court shall determine upon the same in a summary manner and with as little delay as possible, and shall thereupon, without further notice, make a rule or order directing the said com missioners to distribute and assess the amount of said expense and Interest upon the lands contained within the territory re ported by them originally or as corrected by t he supreme court, in proportion, as near as thev can judge, lo the benefit derived from said drainage by the several parcels of land to 1 assessed ; and in making said assess ment, tin* several parcels of land assessed may be designated by t he name of the owner or the occupier, or in such other manner ns may be most convenient in each ease, and the assessment may be made either upon each separate parcel in gross or at a rate per acre; and the assessment made upon each parcel of land, with law ful interest thereon, shall be a first and paramount lien upon thesaid parcel of land, without regard to whom the owner or own eis of said lands may be; and when the said assessment shall bo completed, tin* same shall be deposited in some convenient place for the inspection of the parties interested; and notice of the completion of said assesses** ment and of the place where tin* same shall be so deposited, shall be given in at least two newspapers eirciilat lug in 1 he vicinity of Ha id binds, and published at least once a week for six weeks, which notice shall designate a time and place, when and where thesaid commissioners will meet to hour objections to said assessments; and the commissioners, having heard and decided upon such objee tian**as shall lie made to them, they shall proceed 1 o complete their assessments and shall file t he same in the clerk’s office of the supreme court. and a copy i hereof, or of so much of i he same as shall he made on lands in anv one county shall he tiled in t heolcrk’s office of said county, and notice of tin? tiling thereof shall bo given in at least two news papei s, eirciilat ing as before ment ioned. once a week lor at least four weeks, after which, if no objections he made to said assessment 1 be same shall la? confirmed and made abso lute by the supreme court; if any object ions to said assessment bellied in the said period of four weeks, the supreme court shall hear and determine said object tons in a summary manner and with as fit tie delay as possible; but they shut! not reverse said assessment, or any part thereof, except forsome error in t he law, or in the principles of assessment made or committed by said commissioners, If for any such cause the said assessment or any part thereof, shall be reversed, it shall be again referred to the said commissioners to be corrected in accordance with the deeis ion of 1 lie court in that behalf, and when cor rected and tiled as before, four weeks’ notice as aforesaid shall hr given thereof, after which if no further objections are made, the said assessment as corrected, shall be con firmed; but If any further objections be made, the same shall, from 1 line to time, be considered ami determined as bet ore, until the court shall finally confirm the assess ment as dulwuioditlcd nud corrected; and when said assessment shall be finally con firmed, the said commissioners shall forth with make, under their hands and seals, a copy ot so much thereof as shall have been levied on lands within t he boundaries of any township or townships, respectively, and de liver the same to the township committee wherein such lands tire sit nine; and as soon as any such township committee shall receive such copy of said report, or part thereof, they shall give not ice by publical ion in two or more newspapers circulating In tin* vi cinity of said lands, such not ice to bo pub lished it least once a week for four weeks, requiring the several owners, or other par pa rt ies interested in the lauds so assessed, to pay t he assessments thereon to the collector ol tlie township, in ten equal annual Install ments. at such times and places in said town ship as shall be designated by said township com at it lee. *4. And be it enacted. That section three of tin act cut it led "An act to provide t lie drain age of lands," approved March eighth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, be and the same h hereby amended to read ns follows: :i. And be it enacted, That if any install ment of such assessment on any lot or par cel of land in tiny such township shall not be paid within thirty days after 1 he time mon t ioned in t he said not Ice calling for pay ment thereo'. the collector ol the township is is hereby authorized and empowered to ad vertise such lot or pa retd of land for sale by advertiSMuement, signed bv him and pub lished in t wo or more newspapers eirciilat ing in the vicinity thereof, for the period of four weeks next lief ore the time fixed for such sale, and by post ing five or more similar not ices in different public places in i lie town ship; and at thotime and place? fixed iti said notice, or at a subsequent t line lo be fixed by adjournment, the said collector shall offer to sell such lot or parcel ot land for 1 he least number of years that any person will take the same and pay tin* whole assessment thereon witti interest, at the rate of ten per cent uni per annum from and after thetlme fixed by said notice for 1 he payment thereof, toget her with I he costs and expenses of such sale, and on receiving from the purchaser the amount of the whole assessment with in terest. costs and expenses of stile the suld col lector shttll give him or her a deed of convey ance for said land for a period or term for which t lie same wasst ruck off, and t hereupon such purchaser shall be entitled to imme diate possession of saitl land, and to take retiis. issue's and profits thereof for the period or term for which the same was sold; and if at thetlme when said collector shall offer such lot or parcel of land for sale as aforesaid no person shall agree to take the same lor any term of years and pay such as HcMsmeut, Interests, costs and expenses, tin* said collector shall fort hwith offer such lot or parcel of land for sale in fee simple abso lute for the highest price that any person will bid for the same, ami upon receiving the amount so hid tin* said collector shall exe cute, under his hand and seal, and deliver to such purchaser a deed for said lot or parcel of laud, and such purchaser, his heirs and as sigiiH, shall thereby acquire and take a good and sufficient tit It* to t he same in fee simple absolute, tree of all incumbrances (except taxes, assessments nr water rates levied ttttev the continual Ion of the said report), of which t lie said deed shall be presumptive evidence in all courts and places; and in any proceed ings or actions by the said purchaser, his legal representative or assigns, taken, prose cuted or defended for I tie recovery of pos session of the property so sold or ill the establishment or defense of Ins t it lo thereto, the said title shall not fail or la? defeated by reason of any irregulaiity or formal de fect in any proceeding had or taken under lhis act ; provided, it does not appear that any subsl antial Injury was done to t he owner ol the property by reason of any such ii regu larity or formal defect; the township where in any such lot of land may be situate may be a purchaser m any sale of stu b lands, and thereby obtain the same title and estate therein as any other purchaser, and the deed t herefor shall be doliveied by such collector to the township com in it fee lor the benefit of the township; and if possession of any lot or parcel ot land sold in pursuance Ol I II In ill.l. I'll IMT MM U Ml III III yelli'H or ill foe, lie denied or resisted by any person or persons, t tie supreme courts ol this state, on application made thereto, and t lie fact of such sale being shown by allidavit and a copy of the deed, shall make an order direct lug the sheriff of t lie county in which said land may be situate lo put Hindi pur chaser in possession; and within one year from and after the i line when such copy of said report or part thereof shall have been served on the lownsiiip committee of any township, such township shall pay to ,-aid commissioners the whole amount of the as sessment levied on land therein as shown by such copy, with interest collected or collecti ble t hereon, less t hree per centum thereof, which may he retained by such collector for services in making collect ions, together with a charge ol live dollars, which shall be made to cover costs and expenses ol advert isingor making sale of eacl lot or parcel of land sold: and in case any lot *or parcel of laud snail be sold tor ti greater sum than tin amount of t he assessment thereon wiili inter est and costs, and any question or doubt shall arise as to ihe person entitled to such sur plus, fthc same shall be forth with paid into t ne supreme court to be paid out to the per son ordlst ributed among the persons or par t ten cut it led thereto. In pursuance of an or der or orders to he made by said court for Ilia' purpose, upon application and notice to all parties Interested. a. And be it enacted, That the word "town ship," as used in this supplement, shall be construed to Include town, village, borough or such other municipal division ol any county in which such lands so assessed may be situate, and that the legislative or gov erutng body of any such town, village, bor ough or such other municipal subdivision, shall perform the duties in respect t o suMi assessment and proceedings thereon within their respective municipalities as are hereby required ol the township committe, in ease such land lies in a township; and i he treas urer of any town, village, liorough or othei municipal subdivision, or such other officei as shall Ik; charged with the duty of collect ing therein, shall perform the duties in re siiect to such assessment and proceedings thereon within such municipalities as an hereby required of the township collector In case such land lies In a township. 4. And bo it enacted. That t hisaet. shall take effect, i in mediately. Approved May 9. 1894. CHAPTER CLXXIV. An Act concerning the fire department of cities of the first class in the state of New Jersey. „ ... . 1. lie it enacted bv the Senate and (Jcneral Assembly of the State of New Jersey. I hat the board of Jttre commissioners, or board iiaving charge of 1 in* department tor t lie ex tinguishment. ol fires in any city of the Hist class in i his st at e,shall have t hoent ire con! rol j and management ol all the flrocnglne houses ! and Are bell or tire alarm towers or structures i in any such city, and of all engines, hose wagons, trucks,' tire alarm telegraph, tire bells and other apparatus of every deserip ; tiye connected with or appertaining to the tire department of any sueh city, j And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of said board to keep and maintain in j good order and repair hII the houses and ap ‘ pa rat us of said tire department, and to make ! such alterations and additions thereto as may be necessary for the better efficiency of j t he department ; provided, that the expendi tures by said board for any purpose shall comply'with the provisions of law now or ! hereafter in force fixing and limiting appro j print ions and their disposition. 3. And be It enacted, That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed, and this act I shall take effect immediat ely. | Approved May 9, 1894. CHAPTER CLXXV. A Supplement to an act entitled “An aet for the relief of creditors against absconding and absent debtors*' lRevision], approval .Man'll twenty-seventh, anno (loinmi one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. 1. Re it. enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That in every distribution made in any suit here after commenced under the act to which tills is a supplement of any moneys attached or arising from the saleof goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the defendant or de fendants, and in any assignment made of ehoses in action, rights and credits of such defendant or defendants, there shall first be paid to the plaintiff or plaintiffs in attach ment the whole amount of his or their judg ! ment against the defendant or defendants, and the balance of t he moneys shall he dis tributed and the ehoses in action, rights and credits assigned among the rest of 1 lie ap plying creditors as now provided by law. 2. And l>e it enacted. That all acts and parts of acts m so far a*, they may be inconsistent with this aet are hereby repealed. :t. And be it enacted. That this act shall take i effect immediately. I Approved May 9, 1894. CHAPTER CLXXVI. A Further Supplement to an act on titled “An act for the formation of b trough govern ments.' approved April tilth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Whereas. Doubts have arisen whether the provisions of t he above-ment ioned act per mit the organ*/.at ion ol boroughs embrac ing within their territory pans ol more than one township; now, therefore. 1. Re it enacted bv the Senate and General Assembly of tin* State of New Jersey, That the provisions of tin* aet to which this is a further supplement lx* and the same are hereby declared to be applicable to the for ■ nation of boroughs embracing within their territory parts of more than one township, and that all boroughs heretofore or here after formed by virt m* of this aet, embrac ing within their territory parts of more than one township, shall be as valid as if the same included part of one township only; provided, that tin* provisions for the for mation of such boroughs arc otherwise regular and in conformity to said act. 2. And be it enacted. That at the election for borough ollieers tin* legal voters of such borough shall be entitled to vote lor a chosen freeholder who shall repiesont such borough in t-he board of chosen freeholders of tin* county in which such borough is situ uted. and be' a member of such hoard, but that such voters shall not be entitled to vote lot chosen freeholder for any ot the several townships in winch such borough is situated, and of which it forms a part. 3. And be it enacted. That all acts and parts of acts Inconsistent with t in* provisions ot this act lie and t lie same are hereby repealed, and i hat this act shall lake effect inline dint el v. Approved May 9. 1894. CHAPTER CLXXVII. An Art authorizing tin* issuance of tax ar rearages bonds in townships. I. Ih*"it enacted by t in* Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey. That in any township in tiiis stale which new has. or which umy hereafter have tax arrearages due and unpaid, and which are a lien unen real estate In said townships, which shall in tin* ggregato equal or exceed the sum of one hundred t liousand dollars, it shall be lawful lor liie township committee of any such township to direct by resolution, which shall recite 1 lie amount ol such unpaid tax arrear ages. that “tax arrearage bonds*’ shall he issued to mi amount not exceeding eighty per cent uni of the original assessment of t axes so remaining unpaid, mid ;t shall be lawful for 1 lie township committee to issue its corporate bonds for swell an ainuonl, pledging t lie whole property of 1 he township for tin* payment thereof, and especially pledging nil receipts from such arrearages of taxes so funded thereby, and such bonds shall be signed by I he chairman ol i lie town ship committee and attested by tlie township clerk under t lie corporate seal of tin* town ship, and shall bear interest at a rate not greater than five per centum pei annum, payable semi-annually, and shall not. lie sold at less than pur. and said bonds may bcelthei registered or coupon, as tin* sail! township committee may direct. ‘2. And be it enacted, That all moneys re ceived as principal mid in I crest oil account of said taxes In arrears, forthe arrearage of which hoods shall be issued by virtue of the provisions of lliis act, are hereby pledged ami appropriated to commissioners ol the sinking fund of such townships heretofore upnolutcd or hereafter to lx* appointed by ordinance of such townships for t he payment of the principal and interest of Hindi bonds Issued under tiiis aet. and it slutll lx* tin* (inly of swell commissioners of Die sinking tun'd to nay the interest on swell bonds as thc same falls due. and all surplus money com Ing into their hands above 1 lie amount need ed to pay the Interest shall be safely Invested by 1 hem and applied to tlie payment of said bonds us t hey fall due. •'I. And be It enacted, That it shall be the duty of the collector, receiver of taxes or township treasurer, as the case may be, to [keep a separate account of all moneys re ceived on account of tuxes in arrears, fortln* arrearage of which bonds have been Issued under the provisions of tiiis act, and pay the same as received to or deposit the same in a designated depository t<> tin* credit of tin* commissioners of the shifting fund of such township as he may be directed by the town slip commit t ee by resol ill Ion. I And licit enacted. That t.iie bonds issued under t lie provisions of 1 his act shall be pay able within not more than t wenty years from their date, and may be made payable in equal annual Installments, ill the option of the townshii' committor. 5. And lx* it enacted, That tills net shall take effect immediately. Approved May 9, 1H94. CHAPTER CLXXVII!. An Aet in relation to savings I am Us. 1. Ro it enHeted by the Semite and General Assemby of I lie Stale of New Jersey, That whore ii is provided by any special net incor porating any savings bank in this state (and which ad is st ill in force) that, additional or new managers may be elected by receiving tin* votes of a certain number of the man agers of said back, and it appears that by drill Ii or resignation the number ol man agers of swell bank has been reduced to less t han the number required by their said act ol incorporation to elect anew member, it shall ana may lx* lawful to elect a new mem her or members by t ho votes of a less number of managers; provided, they be the votes of the nt ire number of Die present managers; and provided f urther, that after the number of managers lias been Increased to Die num ber originally required to elect a new malin ger, Dull then no new manager shall be elec ted unless he receives Die number of votes originally required by t-heir charter to elect a new manager. 2. And lx- it enacted. That tiiis net shall take effect Immediately. Appro ed May 9, 1*94. CHAPTER CLXX1X. All AH to prescribe Hie mode of Oiling vu eaneies in municipal oliiees in cities of ibis state when such \ aeancies have heretofore occurred or hIiiiII hereafter occur by reason oi 1 lie ialiure of municipal officers to take and subscribe t lie oath of oliice wit bin the time prescribed. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That whenever any vacancy has heretofore occur red, or shall hereafter occur, in auv munici pal oliice in any city of t his state, by reason «»* tlic failure of tiie person elected or an poitiled to fill such oliice to take and sub scrib<‘ the oath of oliice required by law. within tiie time prescribed such vacancy shall j cease, and such office sliall lie filled, by the person so failing to qualify, upon Ins luking and subscribing t he oat li required by law. be fore any olllcer of this state authorised to a iminster oaths; provided, such out li shall be taken and subscribed by such person wuh in thirty days after the expiration of the t line wh liln which such officer was required by law to so qualify Into oliice. 2. And be ll enact ed, That all acta and parts of acts, general or special, public or local, in consistent with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed, and this act Shull take effect immediately. Approved May 9, 1891. CHAPTER CEXXX. An Act respecting conveyances. I. He it enacte I by tiie Senate and General Assembly of t he Stale of New Jersey, That whenever any deed or conveyance lor lands or real estate in this state shall purport to have been executed by virtue of any letter or letters of attorney, and said deed sliall have been properly acknowledged and recorded, that the recital of letter or letters ot attor ney in said deed shall be prlma fade proof of the existence thereof, notwithstanding the same may not be recorded; provided, how ever, such deed or deeds shall have been re corded at least ten years; and the person or persons claiming under said deed hiuiII take and subscribe an oat li or allii mat ion t hat he, she or t.hey lias or have seen such letter or letters of attorney so recited, which shall be recorded in the register of deeds or the county clerk’s office, us the case may be, in the county where such lauds are situate, in the book therein provided for the recording of powers of attorney to convey lands. 2. And Ik* it enacted. That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved May it, 18*.»4. CHAPTER CLXXXI. An Act relating to tin* unsealing and record ing of bids for public work or supplies by managers of state institutions and by gov erning bodies of counties or cities of this state and providing penalties for neglect of same. l. Do if enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey. That when bids or proposals for supplies or for public works or buildings or other public purposes are ask (Hi for by boards of man agers having charge of any of the public In st it ut ions of the stnt e, or by Itoaras of free holders. common councils, boards of works or ot her bodies having coni rol of counties or eitiosot the state, or any department of the same, or any properly appointed committees representing such noards or bodies, such boards or bodies or committees shall pro ceed in the manner following, to wit. : said boards or governing bodies shall give public not ice at t in* t inn* such bids or proposals are advertised, of the time and place when such bids shall he received, and at such time and place the said Inmrd or governing laxly or committee, being in session, shall receive such bids and thereupon immediately pro creed to unseal 1lie same and publicly an nouneethe contents in the presence of 11n* parties bidding or their agent, provided said parties or agents choose to be then and there present, and also make proper record of t he prices and terms upon tin* minute's of tin* body : no bids shall lie received previous to tin* hour designated in the public notice and none shall lx* received thereat ter. *d. And l»e it enacted. That any failure to comply with tIn* provisions of thisact shall lie deemed a misdemeanor ; for the lirst of fense any person neglecting to conform to t Ik* provisions of this act shall lie subject to a tine of t wo hundred and lift y dollars; for any repetition of the olfen&e the person con victed shall be subject to a line of nol less t liau t wo hundred and fitly dollars and not more t Inin live hundred dollars or to impris omnent in the county Jail not less than three mout hs and not more than one year, or both such tine and imprisonment, ut tin* disere t ion of t he court. 8. And ho it enacted. That all acts incon sistent with thisact are hereby re'pea led. 4 And lie it enacted. That this act shall lake effect immediately. Approved May 14. 1MM CHAPTER CLXXXII. A further supplement to the net entitled •' An art for t heformattoil am! government of villageH. ’ approved February twenty tliinl, one thousand eight hundred and uinet y-oiie. 1. lie "it enactoil by t he Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the legal voters of any village organized tin der the Ret to which tills is a t ort her supple ment. shall, at the annual elect ion for villagc trustees. « I eel an assessor for said village, to serve for the term of three years, who shall lie a member of 1 ho county board of asses sors. and shall possess the same powers and perforin the same dut ies wit hin t he limits of said village, as assessors within the several townships of i his state, and reeel\ e like oom peusat ion. “ And be it enacted. 'That all taxes to be assessed and raised within said village shall hereafter be assessed bv the village assessor an ! not by the township assessor, as hereto fore (except us hereinafter provided), and that there shall be apportioned to 1 he village by the proper olllcers in t he manner provided by the act concerning taxes, approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty six. and the various suppleim-ntH t ht-ri to, tlie just proport ton of the state, county and township or other taxes to be raised from the proper!\ and p Twins liable to tax uttoil within tlie limits of said village. d. And be it enueted, That said village as sessor shall, on or before the third Tuesday of August in each year, deliver l lie duplicat e of such assessment to the said villain- trus tees, to be by them examined, levised and correct (Ml. and shall attend the meet ingot the county board of assessors and take part therein, and shall, as required by law for as sessors of townships, deliver a duplicate of said assessment In 1 he township collector of the township wherein said villiaire shall he located ; provided, that in ease said village lies In more than one township, t he said as sessor shall make a separate duplicate for each township tunning n part ot said village, whereon shall be shown the assessment ol taxes for the property and persons within llm limits of each township separately and respectively, and shall deliver said duplicates to the collector of said township or ol each township wherein said village lies, in the manner now provided bv law. I. And be It enacted. Thill all proceedings in the nature of appeal from an assessment shall be heard and determined by the com missioners of appeal in and for ihe proper towiishlp in the same manner as appeals from assessments by township assesso.-s arc heard and detenuinod, and tlml all further proeeediugs for the collection of said taxes shall belli accordance with flic general law regulating the collect ion ol tuxes in town ships. 5. And be it enacted. That it shall be law fill for the village trustees in any village heretofore organized or hereafter to be or ganized undei said act, to appoint an assess or. who shall hold Ills office lint II t he next an nual duet lou, mid tlie assessor so appointed shall have all the powers and discharge «ll dut lea of I he olliee of assessor in said village as herein provided, and in ease any vacancy shall hereafter arise in tin-olliee .»r assessor in said village, it shall be lawful for the aid village trustees to till said vacancy by ap pointment until the annual election next succeeding t he occurrence of said vacancy. <i. And be it cmieted. That In ease t lie t il lage t rustees in any villagein this state shall tail to make an appoint ment of a village as sessor as herein authorized then it shall be law! ill for the township assessor ol the proper township to assess I he taxes for the y ear one thousand eight hundred and ninety - four in accordance wit li t lie provisions of t he net to wliieli tills is a supplement. 7. And lie it enacted. That so much of the act to which this is a supplement as Is Incon sistent with the provisions of this suiude ment be and the same is hereby repealed, and f lint Ibis act shall lukcelled Immedi ately. Approved May 14, 181 >4. CHAPTER CLXXXII1. An Art tn amend an net entitled “An net to amend an aet entitled'An ael ia relation to tin- tempo rary custody ol dangerous limiilie*,' approved March twenty-third, one thousand rigid hundred and eighty-eight." wliieli amendatory aet was ap proved Marrli ninth, one th •iisaml eight hundred ami ninety-one. I. Ik-it enacted hy the Henate and ficticrnl Assem bly of lla- State of New Jersey, flint seel ion one of'an ael entitled “An ael to animal an ael eMitleil .An aet in relation to tin- temporary eustody ol dangerous huiaties,’ approved March i»i-nty-lhiid. om- thousand eight hundred and eightv-eigld.” wliieli amendatory aid was appro (id March ninth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, lie and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. lie it enacted hy the Senate and < u ncial Assembly of the State of New Jersey. That >»e• lion live of the said aet of which this net is amen datory Im* and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ,r>. And licit enacted, That the expense of confin ing such lunatic lemjM’rarily v Idle making the ap plication for his or her admission to a lunatic nsy ■ him, or removing him or her thereto, or to Hie place of ilia or her legal settlement, shall he chargeable to and borne by the city, borough, township or other municipality in wliieli such dangerous liiiiu iic may liavi been found at the lime oi his or her temporary confinement ; provided, however, dial if in any ease mich eoiitinemenl is continued beyond Ihe term or period of Icii days, then and in every -iicli ease, ihe expense incurred after tin- termina tion ol said period, shall be charged to and paid by •lie eon lit v in wliieli such city, borough, township or other municipality is situated, unless the city at torney or ottieer acting in Ihal capacity in cities boroughs or other iiiuuieipalilies, or the chairman of the township committee hi townships in which. Mich dangerous In nut i<- may In- apprehended ncglcot to apply to the court or a judge Hien-ol for Hie admission ol such lunatic into Hu- state or county lunatic asylum, as llm ease may he, in the manlier prescribed hy law, and in ease I such eity, borough, township or other mu nicipality shnlt Im-cha« gealde hi the same manner in wliieli it is chargeable during tin- said term or period ol ten days; and provided further, that noth ing in this act shall prevent Hie Iraiisler of such dangerous III lint it- to III-* or her legal settlement ill ease tin- same shall he stihsi-ipicutly ascertained. 2. And !'•' it enacted, That this act shall I a k • elfeel immediately. Approved May I I, 1894. CHAPTER CEXXXIV. j All Art t<> nut ho rise the boards of chosen freeholder-sol the* respective counties of tills slate to make appropriations for » Im* payment of rent ol armories and drill rooms. 1. |{e it enacted hy the Semite and (lennral Assembly of 'he State of New Jersey. That I he hoards of elioscn freeholders of t he re spective counties of this slut e. and in which counties there are or hereafter may he any regularly organised and enrolled rcjrimriit or eoui|iany comprising a part of t lie until la or national iruurd ol this state, under i In eontrol of and subject to the orders of tin proper military ant horit les ol l lie si at o, are hereby authorised to Inelude in tlielr re spedive annual appropriations for county purposes a sum not less than two hundred and not to exceed five hundred dollars for each such company, dosltrnaf lug t ho amount appropriated to each company separately for the purpose ol paying the rent of such armory or drill room as may be from I line to t line net tinlly occupied, used by and in the possession of such company tor the purposes of such armory or drill room. And be it cuoe'e.d, That the amount no appropriated shall lie included in the annual tax levy and shall be assessed and colleded in the siinie manner and subjed to the same provisions as oi her t axes ordered to be as sensed by such board of chosen (freeholders for county purposes. 8. And be it enacted. That 1hc amount so aforesaid appropriated, assessed and oolleel i d shall be paid by i lie several collectors of l axes in t In- municipalities ot the county in which such appropriat Ion shall have been made to t lie county cellector or treasurer, who shall upon rec-ipi ot'the same pay such sum as may have been appropriated to each of tin respective companies tor the purport * pro vided by thirtiict to t he commandant of such company, whose receipt for t he same shall be a sutllciciit voucher for such payment. i. And be it enacted. That this act shall not aifoc' any of the cit ies of this slate. ft. And be it enacted. That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved May 14. 1H01. CHAPTER CLXXXV A Kurt her Supplement to an act entitled "An act to revise and amend‘An act. I'oi the taxation of railroad and canal property,’ approved April tenth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four.” approved .March twenty seventh, one thousand eight hun dred and eighty-eight. 1. Ik* it. enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State cf Now Jersey. That hereafter all appointments to be made by the governor, of members of the state board of assessors, established under t he provisions ol the act to which tins is a supplement, whether by reason of the expirat ion of the term of otllee of any member of the said board, or to till any vaeuneles in said board caused by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be so made that not more than two • iiembers ol t he said board at any time shall in* members of t he same polttiea! party. 2. And b.* it enacted, that ibis act shall takceiVect immediately. Approved May 14,185)4. CHAPTER CLXXXVl An Act relative t*» bond', undertakings, recogniz ances, guarantees and other obligations required or |H*rmiltcd to be made, given, tendered or tiled with surety or sureties and to the acceptance as surety or guarantor thereupon of companies qualified to act as such. 1. lie il enacted by tbe Senate and General Assembly of flic Stale of New Jersey, That whenever any bond, uudcrlakiug, recognizance or other obligation is bv law, or the charier ordi nances, rules or regulations of any municipality, board, laxly, organization, or public officer, re quired or perinilied to be made, given, tendered or tiled with surety or sureties; and whenever the |H*r!briuauee of any act, duly or obligation, or the refraining from any act is required or permitted to be guaranteed, such ImiihI, undertaking, obligation, recognizance or g tiara nice may lx* executed by a surely company qualified to ad surety or guaran tor and approved as hereinafter nrovlded; in d such execution by such company ol such bond, under taking, obligation, recognizance or guarantee shall be in all res pee is a lull and complete compliance with cverv r» qiiiivmeiil of every law, charter, prdi naiice, rule or regulation that such bond, under taking, obligation, recognizance or guarantee shall be executed by one surety or by one or mote Nine ties or Unit Mich sureties shall lie residents or householders, or freeholders, nr either, or both, or any oilier qualification; and all courts, judges, beads ol departments, boards, bodies, muni cipalities and public officers of every character sliull accept and treat according such Ixtiid, undertaking, obligation, recognizance, or guarantee when so executed by such company, as conforming to and fully ami completely complying with evey such requirement of every such law, charier, ordinance, rule or regulation. 2. And In- it enacted. That such company to lx* qualified to mi act as surety or guarantor must lx nuthoM/cd under the laws of any state where incor porated and its charter, to guarantee tbe fidelity of (HTHons bolding nlaces of public or private irust, and to guarantee l be performance of contracts other Ilian insurance policies, and to execute bonds and undertakings required or permitted in actions or proceedings or by law allowed j must comply with the requirements ol every law ol this stale applica ble to such company, m doing business therein, ami also with such rtquiiements as the chancellor shall make for tbe purpose of a Hording greater security for those whose benefit stu b bomis, undertakings obligations, recognizances or guarantees may tie given, and said company lie approved by the chan cellor generally as a company qualified under this act, and ol siitheicut credit and standing to war rant its acceptance as surety or guarantor on such bonds, iiudcitakings, obligations and guarantees, tbe liabilities ol such company must not exceed its available assets, anil which liabililies shall be taken, in lie its capital slock, its outstanding debts and a premium reserve equal to fill > percent ^m ol the annual premiums on all outstanding risks then in force. •*. nr ii enucini, i i*.ii an inas ami pans oi acts inconsistent willi this art In* ami the >anm are hereby repealed, except ilint the provision* til' this net shall noi repeal, alter, abrogate or iiitcrlcrc wit Ii any of 1 lie piovi*>ious oi die net. of the legislature of this slate entitled \ further supplement to an act cut ii led'An act lor incorporation of sale de posit and I nisi companies.' " approved Npril twen tieth, one tlioiiMind ciglii iiumlenl and elghty-fivc wliicli furllirr- Mipplcint'iil was approved April I went y sixth, one thousand eighl hundred and uiuet y-loiir. I. Ami licit enacted, That this act shall lake clfeel Ininiediulelv. Approved May 11, IS'.II. CHAPTER CLXXXVII. An Act to provide* that school t rosters mid hoards of education in every school district of tills stale sluill fur nisi) free text-hooks and all necessary supplies to all scholars unending the public schools. I. lie it enacted by I lie Senate and General Assembly of the State ol New Jersey, Thai school f rust ces and boards of cducat ion shall purchase text-hooks and other necessary school supplies for use in the public schools of their respective school districts, as such new text books and supplies arc required in addition to those at present in use In the hands of pupils or owned by t In* school dis Iricts, out of a lice text, book fund of the district to be raised by special school tax, which shall be assessed and collected In the same manner as moneys lor public hcIiooI purposes arc now raised by law. and when so procured the necessary books and school sup plies shall be furnished free of cost for use in t lie public schools of said dist ricts, subject to I lie orders of'1 he school trustees and boards of education thereof, whose duty it shall be to provide for I he ret urn of and for t he safe keeping and can of flic books, which shall lie ret limed at t lie close of I he annua! school term In each year, or as the board limy direct. •?. And be It enacted. That the board shall keep an account of nil moneys expended under t lie above seed ion, and report II under separate items m the annual ttnauciul ac counts as aut horized by law. d And he it enacted, Thai il shall not he lawful fur t he e sinly superintendents, school trustees or hoard* of education, nr any other person olllctidly rollueeted with the common-school system, to he eonie agent* lor I lie sale, or in any way iinlawlally promote the sale, of any school hook*, map*, chart*, school apparatus nr siulioiicry, or to receive unlaw ful compensation for such sale, or promotion of sale, in any manner whatsoever, and any violation of Hie provisions of this section shall he deemed 11 misdemeanor, and punishable with removal Irom ofllcc. I. And he il enacted. Thai il shall not lie law ful for any director or president ol any school hoard in this state to he interested in the furnishing of hooks or any oilier supplies for said schools. r>. And he il enacted, That I hi* act shall lake I'Hcel Immediately. Approved May I I, I8JI4. CHAPTER CLXXXVII!. A I'll rtlie r Supplement loan act ciilillcd "A sup plement to an act entitled'An act lo regulate lull ing w il It seine* in Mnrucgnt hay, pussed l-'ettruaiy seventeenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.’ which supplement was unproved April twenty first, one thousand eight hundred and sev eiily-six.” I. lie li enacted by Ihc Senate ami General As sembly id'the ''tale of New Jersey, 'that section one of ail act entitled "A siippleuieut to ail act entitled An act to ic. nlaic with seines in ltaruegiil hay, passed I chruury seventeenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two,' which supplement was approved April tweiily-lirst, one llionsaml eight hundred and seventy-six," he amende I so as to read us follow*: I licit enacted by the Senate and General Asscmblv of (lie State of New Jersey, That from and lift cr 1 lie passage of t Ills net it shall not le* la wful for any person or persons to set, haul or use within the tide-waters of llnrnegiit bay, or any of the rivers, coves or ot licit ribut ary waters thereof, any net or nets, tike or tikes, pound or pounds, weir ot weirs for the purpose of Inking fish there t runi, during Hie iiiouths of May. June. July. August, September and Octoborol each year; provided, that nothing licrefn contained shall prevent the setting or using of likes during the inonthsof Noveinbei. December. January, I'ebruary, March and April of each year hereafter; provided, further, tluil it shall not be lavvl ill for any person or persons to set or use w It bin t lie t Ido-wafers of llnrnc gut bay or any of t he rivers, coves*or other tributary wat’orn as aforesaid, any pound, pounds weir or weirs for t lie purpose of tak jug ttsli there! rom; and provided, further, that it shall lie unlawful for any person or person to use for fishing a net or nets of less than three inch mesh. .' And he il enacted. Thai il shall nut he lawful for any person or |»ci>oii* lo lituil or use any seim or oilier moving m*t for lln* purpose ol taking lisli Irom the water* ol said Ituriicgat hay during the moulhs of May, June, .Inly, August, Kcpicmlier hihI i idols r ol tinyyear; imr shall il he lawful louse anv seine or oilier net tor felling in the will r ol said buy. composed in any its parts, ol meshes ol less size iliaii three inches; provided, fliul if shall and may he law fill to haul wines ill the several h Unitary livers, creeks, streams and coves of said hay. iiinf in that portion of the hay proper which In -- within the present limits ot ilie township of brick, for tie- purpose id taking herring therelroiu, during the mouths ol March, April, May and June, yearly and every year, the *iiiiillo*l meshes of which shall ind he le** Ilian 1 wo inches in size. And lie il enacted, That all act* or part* of acts inconsistent herewith he and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall lake clfeel iinnie dialcly. Approved May II, 181M. CHAPTER CLXXXJX. A Hupplement loan act cut Hied. "An act to cmimIiiIhIi asyslein oi public Just ruction ” | Itc vision I. approved March twenty sev cuth. one tliousaud eight hiindrel und sev ent y four. 1. lie it enacted by Hie Senate and tjenera1 Asseiubly of flu- Stale of New Jersey. That when the term of olfiee of any township or borough collector Hhnll expire before the i close of the school vear, such township or borough collector shall remain and continue to lie i lie custodian of the sehool moneys. him! Hhnll pti\ t he orders legally issued in ac cordance with the provisions of ihcuctto which this is a supplement, until the close of t he school year, and Ins bondsmen shall re main and lie legally hound for Hie faithful periormniiec of Ills dot les until the tbial set t lenient of his accounts M. And be 11 enacted. That In any borough In this state having a hoiough collector, said I to rough collector shall be I he legal custodian of t he school moneys belonging to t he Helmut ,list riel in which such borough is situated, and such borough collector shall be entitled Id the same compensation as is now paid township collectors for receiving and nay lug out school moneys; provided, that If such borough collector is paid a stated salary by I be borough for f he performance of his dut ies as borough collector, then and m tlial case he shall not be paid any additional com pensation for receiving and paying out the school moneys. . , .. :t And be it enacted,.That this act shall ap ply only to boroughs in which are located all seined buildings belonging to the school dis tricts in which such boroughs are situated, ami t mil the township collector shall he the custodian ot the school moneys belonging to any school district composed of ti borough and a portion ot an adjoining township and which sehool district has sehool houses lo cated both in tin-borough and the township. 4. And he it enacted. That this act shall take effect Immediately. Approved May 14, 18#4. CHAPTER CXC. Supplement to an act entitled “An act for the organization ot the national guard ot the state of New Jersey.” approved March ninth, oiic thou sand eight hundred and sixty-nine. 1. Be ii enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State ol New Jersey, That to each troop ot cavalry there shall be one surgeon with tin* rank of first lieutenant of cavalry, and one J assistant surgeon with the rank of second lieu tenant of cavalry, and one hospital steward, who shall he staff officer, commissioned and warranted respectively, of the said tr »op of cavalry. 2. And hi* it enacted, That the governor and com- i maudcr-in-chicl is hereby authorized to ap|n>int ! and commission one pay master, with the rank of I captain, to be attached to the paymaster-general's department. 2. And he it enacted. That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved May 14,1H94. CHAPTER CXCI. A Supplement to an act entitled ‘ An act concern ing the settlement and collection of arrearages of unpaid taxes, assessments ami water rates or water rents in cities ol this state, and imposing ! and levying a tax, assessment and lien in lieu j and instead of sucli arrearages, and to enforce | the payment thereof, amt to provide for the sale ol lauds subjected to future taxation and assess ment.” passed March thirtieth, one thousand eight hundrcdlaud eightv-six. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assem bly of tin State of New Jersey, That where any Mue shall have Ihvii made or shall hereafter he made lor unpaid t.*xes under the provisions of the Ihirteenth section oi (lie net to which this is a sup jdeiueiit, or any supplements thereto or any amend ments thereof, and the city shall have Invoice or diall hereafter become the purchaser at such sales, lie amount ol taxes lor *hieh such sales have Ihvii made, whether such sales are invalid or not. diall lie decimal to he in arrears within the mean- • ing or the second section of the act to which this is ! i supplement; and the supplements thereto, and to bave Ihvii so in arrears from the date when said taxes were assessed, levied or confirmed, or at tempted to he assessed, levied or confirmed, and In* mhjeet to adjustment as arreages under said act and the supplements thereto. 2. And ho it enacted, That where any sales have been made or shall hereafter he made under the pro visions of tlu* sunt Ihirieenth section of the act to which this is u supplement, or any supplement thereto oi any amendment thereof, and the city diall have become or shall become Hie purchaser at such sales, and shall hold said lands so purchased, and the proceeds thereof, if any are redeemed, as security for any bonds issued hy said city, ami said taxes shall he adjusted under the pro visions of the first seel ion of this act, then all moneys realized hy said city from such adjustment for the years for which land.* shall have Ihvii sod lor such taxes shall In* and remain a sinking fund for the redemption and payment of all bonds which may have been issued upon the pledge of such lands or the proceeds thereof, for the payment of the same. J. And he it enacted, That this act shall takcefftvt immediately. Approved May 14, 1S5M. CHAPTER CXC11. \ Further Supplement loan net entitled •' An net lo provide for tin* more permanent improvement of the public roads of this state," approved April I on riven I h, anno doiniui one thousand eight liuu iIrwI and ninety-one. I. lie it enacted hv the Senate and Oeueral As sembly ot t lie SI ale ul New Jersey, I'bal lorty per centum of the cost of all roads constructed in Inis slate miller tile a t to which tills is a supplement and the supplements thereto, shall he paid for out of the slate t reasury ; and that Iwcnty-live per cun tiiin of the cost of roads hereafter petitioned for and constructed in any county shall he paid by the townships in which said roads are situated, and the balance of the cost thereof shall he paid by the county and the petitioners, as heretofore provided in the net to which this is a supplement ; the iiuioniit to he paid by the townships shall In* certi fied l.\ the Imurd of chosen freeholders to the town ship assessors, and such amount shall lie assessed, collected and paid over to the county collector in (lie same manner that other cuni ly taxes are as sessed. collected and paid over; and where said road lies in more thnti one township the share of •ueh township shall lie in proportion to the length if the road in such township; provided, that the •sibilated cost of all improvement* matte under lliis act for constructing and repairing roads in any •oiiuty in any one year shall not exceed one-fourth »f one per centum ol the ratable* of such county lor I he last preceding year; and provided, that said lioard of chosen freeholders shnll*nnt contract for more roads in any one year, the estimated cost of which, with repairs upon roads already const nich'd, will exceed said per centum ol ratufdos, nor shall lie president of the slate lioard of ugrieoltUfe ap prove more eoiitraels and siieellleulions Ilian can lie met by the state appropriation lor the year; and where ’more roads an applied for than ean lie eon *1 meted under this act and Hie supplements tliere 0, the said hoards ol chosen freeholders shall have he power and authority to select from (lie roads •etiiioned for the ones In lie enlist meted, having re tard to Hie must iinporlanl roads and the disti llat ion of iIn* lienell! of said act to all parts ot their •on u ties. 2. And lie it enacted, .lull this act shall takeellhci to mediately. Approved May 14. IM1I4* CHAPTER CXC1II. \ Kurt her Supplement to an act. entitled "An act to provide for the more permanent iinproveni nt of the public roads of the state,’ approved \pril fourteenth, anno donitnl one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. 1. lie it emu led by the Senate and (ieneral Assembly of the Slate of New .leisey, That whenever a pel it ion shall he presented to the hoard f rhoscii freeholder: of any county signed by the .iwttcr* of nt least two-thirds ol the lands and real 1. stale fronting or liorderlng on any piihlie road or eel ion ot road in such county, not being less Ilian me mile in length, praying the hoard to cause oich road or section to he Improved under the net i,) which this is a supplement, and setting forth lhat they are willing that the peculiar benellts •oiifcired on the lands fronting or liorderlng on •.aid road or seel ion, shall he assessed thereon hi Iooportloll lo the lieiielil* conferred to an amoiiiil not exceeding ten per centum of the entire cost of ihe improvement, and requesting that said im |iidvenieiit he made by the use of oyster shells, snivel nr hog iron ore. it shall he flu* duty of Hie Imurd of chosen freeholders, before causing such improvement to he made hv the use of oyster shells, gravel,<>r hog-iron ore,to ascertain the location ofllie road or section so lo lie Improved, the amount >d travel!hereon, the nearnesN of such material to said road and tin quality thereof; and if said hoard shall determine t litil the location of said road, the union ul of travel thereon and the nearness of the material to he used and the quality of the same are such, hi their judgment, ai to justify the use thereof upon said road or section, said petition, wit li the results of the investigation of the hoard nt chosen freeholders and their decision thereupon, -hall lie presented to the jlllesldenl ol the state hoard of agriculture, and it said material shall tie approved by a competent engineer and said presl i|, ni of (lie state Imard ol agriculture us suitable for I he proposed road, then said president of t he slate lioard of ugiiciilturc shall indorse his approval l hereon, w hereupon the said hoard of chosen Ircc jioldcrs shall pm red in the Mime manner as i« provided in the act to which this is a supplement and cause such Improvements to he made by the use of gravel, oyster shells or hog-iron ore. 2. And lie it enacted, That thh act shall ho I deemed a public act lilid shall lake cllivl imme diately. Approved May li, I KIM. CHAPTER CXCIV. A .Supplement, ton ii ml entilli d “An ml to provide l.o I In- extinguishment ol loresl tires in the third mid funrlli class counties ol this stale, and to pro vide for Hie payment ol Hie expense thereof," approved March i wenly-thlrd, one Ihmisauii eight hundred and ninety-two. Whereas, I oust lire-*, very destructive in their ill., is, are ol Ireqiicut oceiirrrnee in the H in tiered portions of this slate ; and, wlieieas, owing in a greatmeasure lo a lack ol legal aiitlmritv in llie premises, no intelligently 01 eauized system of lighting and extinguishing HMeli tin s prevails; In remedy whereof, I. lie it enacted by I lie Senate and Heneral Assem bly nf the Slate of’New Jersey, That in any town ship in counties ol Hie third and luiirth clu*s In this slate, where any sum <»l money shall lie raised no ter llie act lu wliieh this is a Mipplcinenl, to defray the expenses of lighting and extinguishing forest li res, it shall ne the duty ol tin- township commit lee of siii'li township at its next meeting after such sum -hah have Imvii ordered raised, to appoint a suitable person, being a resident of said township, to act as tire marshal thereof, and at the same lime In determine Hie amount of compensation per diem lie paid such ire marshal when in the active per foimnuee of his duties; upon notice from tin per mi so appointed ol the acceptance id the said otliee the said township committee shall immediately i-sue to him a eeiiitieale of his ..lent, under their hand' and the seal of the township. J. And lie it • muted. 'I hat alter receiving his I certificate ol appointment as aforesaid, lie-hall have | Hie power to designate and empower a proper per min to act as his deputy In ease of his absence or disability from any legitimate cause, and the said deputy shall, while engaged in llie active duties ol Hie said otliee, receive I tie same compcnsat ion |ht diem as liis duel. And la* it enacted, That it shall he the duly ol said uiai-hal. on being apprised of the existence ol anv lores! lire, either in Ids lowiiship or any ad joining township, hy which the safely of any prop erty in his own township may he imperiled, to ino eeeil fori li with to Hie location of such lire, and a— hiimc absolute direction and control of all one ra tions to he undertaken lor Hie • xling ilshiug there of within the iHiiiuds of Ins own township ; he shall have power during the continuance of such lire to appoint as many persons to ad as aids in carrying out Ids instructions as lie may deem necessary, and al! persons employed hy the township commit tee, and all other persons present who may lie ue Iivetv engaged in subduing such tire, shall act in Ihe premises -oh ly according to Ids orders and those of his authorized aids; lie shall keep us nearly as possible a eoneri account Ol the names of all persons actively engaged u lighting such tires, to gelhcr with tile time in which they are ho em ployed, amt in a i ease u a hie time after Midi tire shall have been effectually extingul-hcd lie shall report a statement ol said account lo the township committee of his township. I. And l»e it enacted That the township commit tee of such township shall cause to lie made an ac curate map or maps of such portions of the forest lands of their tow nsldp as are tr» their opinion or dinarily subject to damage by tires, with all public high wavs, railroads and such private and by-roads running through the same as are deemed neeessarv accurately delineated thereon, together with such distances'’lidween any given points on said roadsor their intersections wit li other roads as may seem advisable, and shall cause to he made whatever sur veys and measurements are ncce-sary lortbeproper completion ol said mups; one copy thereof, when completed, shall be tiled witli the township records, and such copies or the same furnished lo the tire marshal as the said committee shall deem advisable. r, And Im* it enacted. Unit llie township commit tee ol such township shall audit the accounts ren dered tin in by Ihe tin marshal, and pay out ol anv Hinds of said township on hand and not other wise uppioprialed all just and reasonable lolls pre sented for the work and expenses ol fighting and extinguishing such li res, together with all expenses incurred in making and procuring the aforesaid maps and surveys. i;. And he It enacted. That the township commit tee shall at any time have the power of removal o1 said fire marshal for incompetent*} or neglect ol duty and the appointment ol another jHirson in hb V And he it enacted, That this act shall iak. effect im mediately. Approved May 14, 1894. CHAPTER CXCV. + An Act to authorize the cities of the second class of this state to fund their unfunded or floating in debtedness. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That it shall be lawful for any city of the second class of this state by and through its board of aldermen, common council or its board of finance in such cities where the hitter board now has power to is sue bonds, to issue bonds for the whole amount of the outstanding unfunded or floating indebtednes of the city or such part thereof gs theyjfrom times to time shall prescribe, and such indebtedness shall be and include all the temporary outstanding notes, scrip and other Indebtedness other than bonds, which shall be outstanding and unpaid at (lie time ot the issuing of such bonds; that said bonds shall be made payable as follows: ten per centum of each issue live years from the date there of, and ten per centum each successive year there after, each such payment to In* provided for in the annual tax levy ; such payments art* due and shall hear interest at a rate not* exceeding five per centum per annum and be issued in such sums and of such denomination as the board of aldermen, common council or board of finance shall by ordinance de termine; all of such bonds shall lx: signed by the mayor, countersigned by the comptroller, attested by the city clerk and have the corporate seal of ihe <yity affixed and shall have coupons attached for every half year’s interest until due, which coupons shall l)t* numbered to correspond with the bond to which they shall be respectively attached, ami a register of such numbers, the date of issuing and the time of payment shall be made by the comp troller or < ther officer directed by said board,in a honk to be provided for that purpose; provided, however, that no bonds shall l>e issued under this act to an amount which, with the other outstand ing (winds of any such city, shall exceed the amount if ten per centum of the gross valuation of taxable l»roperty of anv such city for the present fiscal year, nor shall any bonds f>c issued pursuant to tills id unless the same are issued within one year after t he passage hereof. l. Ami be it enacted, That such (winds shall be sold for n .t less than par and that the proceeds thereof shall be used to take up and pay off the said unfunded or floating indebtedness. :t. And he it enacted, That all acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, ami lids act shall take effect, immediately . Approved May 14, 1S'.)4. CHAPTER CXCVI. A Supplement to an act entitled u An act concern ing corporations," approved April seventh, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. I. He it enacted l»y the Senate and General As sembly ol’the State of New Jersey, That in all cases where any corporation organized under the laws of this stati? shall have heretofore executed or attempt ed to execute, or may hereafter execute or attempt to execute, any deed, mortgage or other conveyance or agreement requiring the action ofthe l>oard of directors of such corporation to give validity there to, such deed, mortgage or other conveyance so as aforesaid executed or attempted to la; executed, or hereafter to I.xecuted or attempted to tie execut ed, shall not he unlawful, invalid or inefficacious for any purpose because one or more of the directors of anv such corporation shell have absconded or shall abscond, or whose whereabouts have or shall not have been or shall not Im* known at the time of the meeting of the directors ot such corporation for the purpose ofthe consideration ofthe execution of any such ins rumont aforesaid ; provided, however, that any share or shares of stock ol such director shall, at the time of ihe meeting aforesaid, stand in the name of such director on the hooks of such corpor ation, iven though such director may have made or shall make an assignment lor the benefit of his creditors, or may have or shall in any way as sign or hviiuthccate his stock in such corporation ; and provided further, t hut a majority of the direct ors of any such company shall have been or shall lie present and participating in such meeting afore said; and this act shall lie so construed ns to excuse want of notice to any such director so absconding, nr whose whereabout* shall have tieen or may lie unknown, ot the time, place and object of any sue b aloicsaid meeting. And licit enacted, That this act shall take ef fect immediately. Approved May I t, 1894. CHAPTER CXCVII. An Act to provide for the election of members of the general assembly for each county of this state by the vote of the legal voters ot said counties respectively. 1. Itc it enneted by the Senate and General Assembly of the .State of New Jersey, That hereafter i lie member or members of the general assembly of this slate t- wi leh any county Is or may lie entitled by law shall all tie voted for by the legal voters of the counties rente etlvely, and the person or persons having Hie highest number or votes cast, for him or them in any county for such office, wherever therein said vote* shall lie cast, shall h<‘ e'ected such member or members. •2. And lie it enacted. That this act shall take effect Immediately. Passed May |ft. IH94. CHAPTER CXCV11I. An Act to repeal an act entitled “A supplement to an art entitled * Ail act to re apportion Ihe several assmub'y district* of I lie state of New Jersey,’approve April fourteenth, one thou sand fight hundred and ninety-one.-' which said supplement was approved March twenty third, nc thousand eight hundred and ninety 1 wo. 1. He It enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State ol New Jersey, That ibe act entitled “A supplement to an act entitled ‘An act to reapportion the several assembly districts of the state of New Jersey,’ approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety one,’’ which said supplement was approved March twenty third, one thousand eight hundred and ninely-two, lie and the same is her* by repealed. 2 And be It enacted. Rial this act shall take effect immediately Passed May 1ft, 1891. CHAPTER CXCIX. An Act to repeal an act entilled“A supplement to an uet entitled ‘An act to re-ap|Mirtfon the sev eral assembly districts of the state of New Jer sey,’ approved April fourteenth, one tlmusund eight hundred and ninety-one,” which said sup plement was approved March seventh, one thou sand eight hundred and ninety-two. 1. Ite it enacted by the Senate and General As cinbly ol the Htate of New Jersey, That the act en titled "A supplement to an act entitled ‘An aet to re-apporl mn I lie several assembly districts of the slate id New Jersey,' approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety one,” which said supplement was approved March seventh, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, Is; and i lie same is hereby repeated. 2. And be it rnactud, That this act shall take effect immediately. Passed May ff., 1894. CHAPTER CC. All AH to repeal an act entitled “An act to re apportion the several assembly districts of the state of New Jersey approved April fourteenth, one liiousiin I eight hundred and ninety-one. I. lie it enacted hy I lie Senate and General Assem bly of tin- .Stale of New Jersey, That I lie act en titled "An ai l to re-apportion the several assembly d|s|riels of the slate of New Jersey,” approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred ami ninety-one, Is* and the same is hereby refunded. And l.e it enacted, That this act sliull take efleet immediately. Passed May ir», 1891. CHAPTER CC1. An AH lo repeal an act entitled “ A further supple ment to an act entitled ‘ An net to reapportion the several assembly districts of the state of New Jersey,1 approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one,” which said fur ther supplement was approved March twonty lourth, one thousand eight hundred and niuety two. I lie it enacted by the Senate and tJeneral Assem bly ol the State of New Jersey, That the net en titled a further supplement to an act entitled ‘All aH lo re-apportion ilie several assembly districts of the state of New Jersey,’ approved April lourteetith, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one," which said further supplement was approved March twenty-fourth,our thousand eight hundred and nim ty-two lie and tin* same is hereby repealed. And lie it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Passed May 18, IH'J4. CHAPTER CCII. An Act concerning cities in this state, and regu lating official searches of municipal records of such cities reseeding municipal liens on real estate situate within the. same. I |te it enacted by the Honate ami General As sembly of the Stale of New Jersey, That in all cities in this stale wherein the records of the lieu of luxes and assessments and sales for the same are kept in one department and under the custody of a (.ingle ollieer of said city all searches tor taxes and assesHiimuls and sales tor the sume on real estate within such city shall Ik- furnished, on application of any iktsoii interested therein, by the officer of such city having the custody of tin* records in wi,i« 11 tlii- same are recorded, and all such searches sliull pe deemed and taken to tie the declaration of *nHi city, and shall be binding and conclusive against such citv, and Ileus not shown uuon any mii'Ii search shall not lie enforceable against the property on widen such search is made; provided, ihut in every such ease the person who sliull require Mich search shall indicate distinctly, in writing, the property on which such search fur Ileus for taxes and assessments is desired and shall pay into the treasury ol such city, for the use thereof, the sum of throe dollars at the time such application is made. , •2. And lie it enacted, I hut ull acts or parts of nets inconsistent witli this act, be and the sumo are hereby repealed. :t. And he it enacted, That this act shall take ef 1'ccP Immediately. Approved May 18,1894. CHAPTER CCHI. An Act to prohibit the riparian commissioners from granting any 8|»eeial oyster rights or privi leges in Delaware hnv. 1 He it enacted by the Senate and General Assem bly ol the State of New Jersey, That the riparian eoiumjssioners shall not have the right or power, iu tiie name ol the state or otherwise, by deed, grant or lease, to give, grant or eonvey to any person or corporation the exclusive right or privilege to plant or take oysters from any part of Delaware bay. *2 Be it enacted, That this act shall be a public act and lake effect Immediately. Approved May 15,1894.