Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY. DEC. 19. 1894. M* Administrator* mid executors of estates who »i«h th«|r notice* to appear In this paper will please instruct the Sur rogate to that effect, as the law gives them full control of tl'e htisiiies*, mid he can act only with their consent or through their neglect. — Hand’s calendars at Shamulln’s. — F<*r coughs and colds, Seneka Balsam. —Wise youngsters are stretching their stockings. —The “lock up ” requites a new heat ing apparatus. —Friday, December 21st, is the short est day in the year. —Sleds for the boys and girls, at Qi dey’s. 31 Bridge street. —Skates in variety for everybody, at G mdey’s, 31 Bridge street. —See S S. Van Horn’s Christmas ml vcrtisemtul ou fouith page. —A large stock of children’s books at J. Gardner’s, Masonic. Hall. —A fine line of cutlery at Gtndey’s Hardware House, 31 II idge street. —Seymour & Stratton at II* le< tube Hall one week, commencing Dee. 31st. —A fine display of trie trimming**, new beauties, tit T. B. Naylor’s, Coryell street. —Something useful is what you want and wlmt ought to be given for Christmas presents. — Be sure and hear the grand concert of Deming’s Minstrel B ind at noon, next Monday. * — Pine work baskets, scrap baskets, flower, candy and lunch baskets at .T. Gat'di ci’s. —Trew in & Co. ate showing the finest line of Youtnau’s style stiff hats for Fall and Winter wear. — People often biirg < n trouble to themselves, which they blame everybody else for afterwards. —G II. Carr, of West Amwill town ship, hud lost thirty-ore hogs by cholera up to Saturday last. — Beautiful presents that meet all de murids and Satisfy all want**, at A II Titus’, 33 North Union stree t. — Useful Christmas gift:*—suggestions ns to what cun be hud at The Grand De pot-may be found in another column. —Christmas Mh.usbut — All the latest novelties pertaining thereto can be hud at The Grand Depot, at very moderate prices —Arthur Dtmitm’s Minstrels, in tie successful minstrel farce comedy the new nA Stranger,” at Holcombe Hull, Ctnist III i* eve. —The only way to cure ca'arrh is io purify the blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla pur lies the blood and tones up the whole system. —Ill-manners and ill breeding show themselves at a public gathering mure quickly that at any other place or any other time. — IIo.v gome people’s ideas do change ! To-day they are in favor of no drink, t«> morrow want license and the next d») something else. —New opt in houses are biirg built each week in this city in the minds ol some persons who are financially *tdi *rt ” to start such a project. —Epworth League prayer meeting at the M. E. Chinch next Sunday evening, at G:30 I*. M., led by Mrs. A E. Smith. Topic— *' Spirituality. ” — There was enough paper In one copy of last Sunday’s Philadelphia Inquirer i<» paper a brut clafi9 kitchen, could it onl) be used for such a purpose. —The repoti that the hogs belonging tr j Al. Bu-roughs, of West A in well township, j had the cholera is a mistnke, us his hogs ; are well and hearty as yet. —Prince Flotow, the European Flexible Monarch, and the highest salaried aunt in America to-day, is with I) ming’s Min «trels, next Monday evening. —There are some people who Imagine they are awfully smart, tint wheu liny find that the people don’t think s >, then they are awfully down on the people. —A few liajs ago Hie infant chil l of Mr. and Mrs. Datis Reed, residing on 0 la warp avenue, in t Uia city, fell fio;n a high-chair and fractured Its left collar hour. —Clifton Lumbeit, of West Ain welt township, buried another horse ou Satur day. This makes the third horse owned by him which has died within the past month. _The next issue of The Recoup w ill be one day after Cbtistmas. We there fore take the present opportuni y to wish our friends and patrons 11A Merry, Merry Christmas.” —Fite escapes are nd uKvays orna ments to a public building nr lintel, hut very ofii ti they are of great importance, especially in case of 11 e, with ail other sources id exit cut off. —A Great Scheme ! Bring your pic tures to A. H. Titus and have thin, framed for a Christmas gilt. We have the finest line of mouldings that liras evei been offered iu this city. —Miss El Isbell) Smith, of Huguenot, Va., lakes this method of informing her friends that her w. dding will not lake place D.ccmher 20lh, as announced by the cards lately sent out. —About forty conversions have taken place at the Seigeantaliille M. E. Church during the past few weeks, the great mu jorily of the converts being grown meu iiud ecvcral well along In life. —Attention is called to the holiday an nounccment of Watt & Cl'., the well known bakers and confectioners of this City. They nre prepared as usual to sup ply nil orders for the holidays. —Tlic phenomenal child wonder, Miss Nellie O'Neil, America’s owd and greatest contortion dancer, proclaimed by two con tinents I lie Queen of Terpaichoreun Ar tists, is with Den Tag’s Minstrels, at Hol combs Hal!, Christmas eve. * . —Fine Cbiislinas stationery, iu boxes j aiul by tbe quire, at J. U miner's. —Tbe Unique Quartette (Yaeger, Gates, ! Cole anil Jordan) are wills Dcming’s Rc ; fined .Minstrels, next Mooday. * —We have tbe largest and truest assort i ment of holiday books that we have ever > ffered to the public. Prices to suit tbe times. A. II. Titus. —Turkeys are uot always lire best Christmas gift oue can give. A ton of roai, 100 lbs. of flour or a selection of groceries, clothing or 6bocs, is often sug gested, if one looks around a little before | extending his or her generosity. —The Christmas sermon will he preach ed in the Baptist Church of this city next j Sunday morning. In Ibo evening the | subject Will be, “That liny; or, Club and Church Life a3 a Social Problem.” All are welcome. —A mad dog passed through Delaware romshipto day and hit n large number of dogs, among them John Spirling’s, Cor ■■•-litis Undine's, Miss Lucy Lutison's and John D Larison’s. Mr. Larison followed the dog and killed him. Mrs. Susan Slater, wife of Captain Wil liam ft Slater, formerly of Frencbtown, died at her home in Washington, D. (’., on Tuesday of last week. Her remains were buried in the cemetery at French, lown on Friday afternoon. In ilie obituary column of this week's is.-lie the death of Mrs Chnilcs G. Imlay i■ announced. Mrs. Imlay was a sister if Mrs. Martin Coryell, of this city, and both she and her husband, many years ago, were residents of this town. —Some managers t f shows have an idea that nil they have In do is lo an nounce that they have “ the greatest show on earth " and the people will believe it, and some malingers get fooled desperately when the crowd don’t roll in on ttie night of the ‘•haw. — Have yen sicn the Brooklyn Budge! If you have not, rail .at TheGraml Depot, where a very ntliactlvc moiUlof it, ahout sixty felt lung and six or eight feel high, wi'h the cats in motion, electric lights. &t\, may he seen. It is attracting con siderable attention. — Deter S. Parker tV Sun are creeling a building in the rear of the saloon formerly kept by Mrs David Miller, on Coryell street, in this city, which will he over CO ft el in depth, and will tear away the rear partition of the saloon, C inverting the whole into a howling alley, to be conduct ed, it is said, by a New Yolk gentleman. —Miss Ollic J. Silvers, who is attend ing the female department of the Buck nell University at Lewisburg, l’a., is now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Silvers, in this city, and will spend the holiday vacation among her I-datives and friends. Miss Silvers speaks in tlie highest praise of Buckmll Univer sity. —The residents of Forty street are con tinually bored by the boys fiom other stneis who play foot bull there. O.i Tuesday afternoon of this week the street was covered from one end to the other witli small pieces of paper that had been made by teanug up Warner's Safe Cure almanacs. And there seems to he no redress. — Harry J Slone's Dramatic Company played “Ten Nights in a Bar-Room ’’ in ibis city last Friday and Saturday even ings and pleased all who attended. It was well-played and Mr. Stone showed uim-elf In be an actor of niitcli more Ilian ivernge ability. The compnny is to be c-smnii nded also for its gentlemanly do p-irlment. — Prof. C. A. Young, of P-Incolon, has been engaged to deliver in this oily a course of five lectures on astronomy, c-m mrucing on Thursday evening, January loth, ISOli, ami i i.iX.i-j Frhtu try 7th. Hie reputation of Prof. Young as master .-f his subject and ns an entertaining lcc Hirer, promises In the people of Lambert ville a rare treat. —The “ Phunity Pliellows ” have rent id rooms on I lie fouttli floor of the build ing on the southeast corner of Union and C -ry ell streets (over Tiie Recoup oflicc), and are furnishing Hie same in a neat and comfortable style. They arc now bolding rehearsals in their rooms for their pro posed public entertainment, in Holcombe Hall, on the evening of January 9th, 1895 —Toilet cases, manicure sets, card cases, music tolls nod writing desks, in piu-h, leather and beautiful wood, at J. Gardner’s, Masonic Hall. —The *• Brownies,” a club of young men of this city, have rented rooms on tin- second lloorof the brick building next door to tlie Union Engine Co.’s house, on Coryell street, and have furnished the same in good shape—a pretty carpet, cur tains, easy and other chairs, tables, pic tures, stove, .fcc. Here the members spend the evenings in reading, social games an ! conversation. —January 4th is (Lie dale of the yearly meeting of tlie Fleet Wing Hook and Ladder Company. At this meeting tLc accounts of tlie year arc audited, officers a e elected and installed, and I lie com pany sit down to a first c!bss repast of some nature. The members are aiwuys present on that night, unless sick or out of town. The Secretary has Vtry few floes of 25 cents to charge up. —Miss Flossie Moore, iatc leading con tralto of tfie Iliurlcb’s Opera Company, is with Diming’s Minstrels, next Monday. * —It is u little amusing to see how anxious people are to he fleeced. A traveling spectacle vender comes to town, professing to he uo oculist, and people pay him $10 and $12 for a pair of gold »pi ctaelcs and an examination. The same examination and a belter pair of spec tacles is furnished by one of our Lambert vdlc epectacic dealers for from $4 In $.0. But it wouldn’t do to patronize borne dealers. —The seventh anniversary of Franklin Castle, No. 33, K. U. E., of this city, was celebrated at the Castle Hail, southwest corner of Union and Coryell streets, last Thursday evening. There were present, besides the members, about 150 invited guests, and all had an enjoyable time. During the evening refreshments were served, and addresses were made by Frank Farley, Past Grand Commander, of Tren ton, and Ilcv. E. M. Ligbtfoot, pastor of i the First Piaptist Church of this city. —Our boys’ and children’s school suits j nre worthy of ycuir attention. | • - - —.1 Tnrwrs & Co. Sttud:ty School Christinas Exercise*. The Baptist Sunday School of this city will hold its Christmas exercises on Fri day evening, which will consist of recita tions, singing, brass ipisulelty music, Welsh quartette, Ac. Ail who attend aie expected to bring a silver ottering or some useful gift for the poor. The entire re ceipts, both money, food, tic., will be given to the worthy poor of our city as a I Christmas ottering. Exercisis begin at 7:30. The Presbyterian and Methodist Sunday Schools of this city will holt their Christ mas exercises on Christmas night. Both schools have prepare d attractive programs. —When Wats, llarrieon wanted to go to the Fleet Wing house and eet a fire i xtln guishcr, last Saturday night, for Police man Cummings’ benefit in subduing the Arc at the “jug,’" the officer said. "No; I rlou’t think we need ore,’’ not realty knowing what lie meant to tiring or how it worked. But when ex Chief Van Sciver, assisted by Eouis William-,brought one there and turned on the stream with such good results, he exclaimed, " Well, I'll be switched if that don’t beat anything I ever saw before ! How spiteful the lit tle thing spits out its soda water, and it gets there nil the same! " —The grenl tailor strike is oiT. We aie now able to procure splendid coals for ladles at a third less than a fortnight ago. Nine dollar coats for $li. Twelve dollar coats for 49. Fifteen dollar coats for $!0 oO. Do not miss the opportunity, at The Grand Depot. R. II. Van 1 lojtN A Son. — Dr. O. II. Spron), Surrogate of this county, n et witli a serious accident on last Saturday evening. In returning lo liis home in Flemington from a profes sional visit in Delaware township, his car riage was run into on one of the streets in that town, with the result of breaking the shafts of liis carriage and causing tile horse tic was driving lo make a plunge forwetJ, dragging the doctor i u'. into tin road lie fell heavily upon ids breast and face, bruising hint considerably ami sp! t ling liis nose. The accident resulted from the daikness and from one of the two oai riages turning to the left instead of to the right. — William Dodd, nil old colored man, living witli Joseph Carter, at Mount Airy Station, engaged la n dispute with ('lias Meddie, on Friday last, as to the relative riglds of eacli to have charge of Mr. (Dr ier's horses. As the debate progressed it waved wnrm and the “Colonel “ expiess cd a desire lo knock Charley down, and Charley till him to “cut away." Tin words were scarcely out of Ins mouth when the “ Colonel ” complied with hi> riquest by hitting him on the head with a pitch fork, knocking him senseless and cutting quite a severe gash on the right side of his head. The “ Colonel’s " blood was now up and he w ished to contimn the work to a finish, and it required con siderable ((Tort on the part of Mr. Carter to prevent him from doing it. Charles had the old man arrested and he was taken to Flemington on Saturday. “Col onel ” Dodd is a veteran of the war and bears honorable sears receive I w hile do ing battle for Hie Union, an I it is n pin that Lie should allow his passions to gel Hie heller of his judgment in his eld d ijs • » • - —Representatives of the vaiioiis fire companies id this city met at the Fleet Wing Hook mu] Ladder (loinpany's Iruise, on Monday evening, the 17lh ilist., m l took put in olu osJng Hie Firemen's Relief Association ofilci is t >r the ensuing year. The business ef the ol 1 I! >ard was Inins acted first and leports Idem Ihevnlieus officers were received. The following were tl e rcpresenlaH ve« fi"in each com piny : Union Waller II William- m, .1 dm L. Coryell. Hibernia--John K. Kilroy, William I1’. Mongon, Jr. Fleet Wing- Wnl'cr F. II ivluirst, Tims. Thorne. Columbia—Maurice O'Lmgldin, Lewis (Iodine Board of Kngincers — Chief W. Scott Roberson; Newton K Slack The following odlccrs were eh Cod : President—Chief W. Scott Roberson. Vice President—Mautice O’Loughlin. Treasurer—Walter F. Hiyhurst. Secretary—Thomas Thorne. 1! mrd of Visitors- Jonas .1. Warmim, Louis Guillick, George W. Trauger, Geo. M. Liwyei, Michael Murray. Finance Committee—John L. t.'oiyill, John K Kil oy, Lewis Bodinc. The finances of the Board are in an ex cellent condition and splendidly managed. As the report will he published by the Secretary, it is unnecessary lo give them at Hie present time. —Lust Saturday night, about half-past nine! o’clock, tire was discovered in our city jail by a passer-by, who hastened m the entertainment being held in Holcombe Hull and notified Policeman Cummings of the fact. That officer went to the j ill and was immediately followed by cx-Clfcf Van Stiver, who was also on duly at the hall and who, it is said, “scented smoke from afar.” After Inking in the situation the ex Clin f hurtled to the Intise of the Fleet Wing Hook nod Ladder Company, procured a lire extinguisher and 'chimed to the jail, accompanied by Lewis Wil liams, and by the aid of the cxtingulshci and an axe wielded by Officer Cummings the flames were subdued. It was thee, discovered that the thick oak boards coy e'ing the exterior of what is known as tlie “iron cell,” on lire inside of the build ing, had caught fire from on over-heated pipe running from an ol I, dilapidated, miseiable healer, in which Chief Morse had started a fresh fire early in the even ing. If a prisoner hud been confin' d io the “ iron cell " that night be certainly would have been either smothered or roas eel to death. On Sunday morning ex Cbitf Vun Seivtr and a reporter of Tim Record visited the j dl, and, making an inroillgalion of tlie entire place, found it in a miserable condition—a condition loo mean to compel a human being to en dure, even if he he a ceimionl. The old beater it ready to tumble eleve n uml is Certainly a disgrace to lie called the prop, city of the city. —Twenty paving cutters wanted — steady work all Winter. S. S. Johnson, Lambcrtville, N. J. —Card eases, pockcthooks aael leathe r goods, suitable for holiday gifts, at J. Gardner’s, Masonic Hall. OUR CHURCH COLUMN. 1'hurch Services. At Sr. Andrew's, corner of York uud Main streets : All Sundays, 10.30 a. in., 7.30 p. m. , Second and fourth Sundays of the mouth, 7 30 a. in. (Holy Communion ) Wednesday ami Friday; 10 a m. Tuesday, 7.30 p m. ; Thursday, 7, p m. All the seats are free. The church is open daily, between 9 a. m. and sunset, for quiet thought amt prayer. Calendar, according to the Christian year : December 21 —S. Thomas’ Day. 23—Fourth Sunday in Advent. 23— Chrl-tmas Day. 2'*—8. Stephen’s. '.*7—S. John the EvangeHjt’s js— (I >lv Innocents' ;m— First b'umlay after Cliristnns. S. TUOMA?. Doubling Thomas,” a term often heard, is not fairly descriptive of this Apos'ie. Il is true Hint lie was doubtful of the Lord’s resurrection, when bis bro ther Ap>'sties told him, after Lister night, We have seen the Lord.” Hut ho was ns f tr as possilrlc from that unhappy char ncter which we cal! infidel, or unbeliever, ilis sec mi to have been a desponding na ture, tasily depressed, prone to look on the dark side of thi. gs. The crucifixion and Imria! of hii dear Master had appear ed to ilia sensitive heart an end of all hope ; and to revive it, something more than the words of his companions was necessary. Jesus understood and made generous allowance for litis natural weak ness. lie eiTerrtl Thomas flic very proof he demanded : “ Hen, it hither thy finger, and beheld my hands ; • and reafclt hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side : and ho not,faithless, but believing. Then came that glorious confession clearest, strong est, as to Christ’s Divinity, tlint had yet been uttered by mortal lips, “ My Lord and mv Don” And Ida life, afterwards, was one of unsparing devotion t<* the l.ard, for whom lie had before expressed sneh lender love, when, ns Jewish violence threatened the life of Jesus, Thomas said unto his fellow disciples, “ I, t us also go, that \vc may die with him.” Ilis missionary travels were scarce exceeded by those of S. Paul. Beginning at Paitbia, he traversed Media, Persia, Chaldea, and on, eastward, as far us Hindustan and the island of Su matra. He long labored in India, con vened great numbers of the Hindoos, and il l ist suffered martyrdom at tire hands of some Brahmin ptiesfs nod a hand of armed men, who fi ll upon him while lie was engaged in prayer. rllttlSTMAS DAY. The holy Church throughout the world oelebratis tins day as the Nativity or Birth day of our Lord and Savinur, Jesus Christ. No other day in all the yeai has such glad and univei: al recognition; such reverent Honors from Art and Music; such inllii ouro upon the hearts and conduct of men, m the home and in public affairs. In the fiercest ages of l’.iiropean wars the sword w»8 sheathed and a “ truce i f Gon ” dc larcd, when Christmas dawned. “On earth peace ” wa- tlie Angels’ message, which men have been slowly hut surely learning ever since. “Good-wili” lias us beautiful cxpiession in (he home feasts mil ll.i love-gifts. “Glory to Gon ill the highest," which i the stalling point for i 1 la-tin.: peace and sincere good will, is also the n-sult of such love towards men is produce these. -The tin. i day a immediately' following Chi i.-ttn i are like a procession of Christian martyrs, w aiting on the Prince of Peace, in add to the glioycf His coming. S. ■Stephen, S. John and Ihe Innocents arc type-, of the thin- classes of those who near highest witness unto Him—Martyrs, in will and deed; Martyrs in will; Mar yrs in deed, though with no voluntary e.uisclonsncs.i of the part they act. The cluMiri-f Christian saint i is as splendid jewelry in the Crown of (he Saviour King. ai anwirw's ( Itnitcii I n:-: Cmn-TMAS litivn i s will he : l-’irst i.’i-li Imuion. 7:30 A. M. ; Matins, Sermon, Second (Vlohrution, ltl:3u A. M. : Keen Song - plain -7:30 1 *. M. Tun Chii.tikkn’s IT -th at,, Carols and Chri-lm; Tree will lie on l-’iklay, I>e m-in!ui 2s11, Holy Innocents' l>iy—at 7:30 p. M. I r< < lmMnV The regular ision' moling if llio Bottl'd of Chosen Freeholders wns held in 'lie ('null House, Flcmington, last. Wed nesday, Tin* report of. the Fiuunco Commitiee shows on :r tual I alanee on Inn ! of $17, 163 OH The total appropriation is $110, 000, and up to I liq prist A lime $72,837.02 has been expended. Among the most important items are $30,876.54 for bridges, $8,603.00 for cutitt expenses, $7,706.10 for As)linn bills, $5,358 40 for Freehold era’services, $4.42(5 42 miscellaneous ex penscs and $5,125.27 ns election expenses. A bill of $56.00, pn Mailed by W. M. Banning, Assistant C"iiii.‘rl to 1’aul A. Queen, Hie Hoard's Allorney, in arguing the ease of IT ■ ieriek A. Dalryniple, Col lector, A vs. Tin Warren Manufactur ing Company, before the Court of Errors and Appeals, w i ■ refused, as tins same was impropeily cert,Had. A niotiou lo pay about $2,000 of out standing notes against the county with the Sinking Fund, earned over Iruin last year, was unanimously carried, the Finance Committee being empowered lo (tse its discretion in so doing. The Finance (' unmilteu was authorized to borrow $5,500 one two noli s, one Of $5,000 and one of $300, the latter being ■irci ,ary to meet an i.xira freshet fund. $3,400 of the first mite is due on (he last quaiterly Asylum bill. An agreement was made that all the Standing Committees which have hereto fore met on tin- second Tuesday of each month should hereafter meet on the second Wednesday r f the month, which is the regular m 'ting day. This saves the enmity the expense of Hie per diem of the members and U a move in, the right di j rection. An agent of the Specialty Manufactur ing Company, of New York, appeared, be lore the Board, offering to place n sample | of its metallic fireproof shelving, Ac., in ( the County Clerk’s oil ice.” 'The Hoard re i fused the offer, ns the system was not j needed. j After the passing of election and service bills (the others being put over until the next meeting), the B aid adjourned lo meet next month as usual. —'i'. fl. Naylor, at. the Coryell street wall paper store, has an entirely new stock of goods suitable for Christmas presents for adults as well as the children. The prices are away down. Come and 1 look at them. CHRISTMAS, 1894. What a ltcjiortcr <»I "The ltecurct" Jiaw Wlill# Making • Melt About Town. | t'lirisln is is clove u! band ami the buJ : , ucss mtu of I. mlurivillc have completed : arrargeiin-tits fur the coiling event and laid iu liuisif go'iiN that wIII compute , favorably with those lound in the larger cities and al prices just as low. Never before lias a brighter display been made ) in our city every window, shelf, sliow : case and counter beiug filled with goods tbajafiil gladden the heart—goods useful, | faney, plain, comfortable and needful. A reporter cf The Hecoud has made [ a visit about town and this is wliat he reports : Our first visit was at the beautiful store of Miss J. Gardnrr, in Masonic Hall, Bridge street, where a large assortment of books, games, toys, fancy goods, wil low-work, lunch and oilier baskets, Ac., are offered for sale al such extremely low prices Hint everybody can buy. You can not fail to find a suitable holiday gift here. Next door to Miss Gardner's is the to bacco and cigar store of A. J. Scarborough, where tiro finest brand* of the “ weed " may bo found, its well as a full assort ment of pipes, pouches, canes, Ac , suit able gifts for a gentleman. .Iscob B. Kline, the popular and well known tobacconist, 20 Biiilge street, is prepared as usual to meet Id* many pa trons. He lias everything that is to bo | found in a well stocked tobacco and cigar store, at piiees that are “just right." To please your husband, brother, friend or lover, present him with a box of Kline’s celebrated “ Lnmbcrlville Puffs,” which will give him a contented mind and bring i him Imppy dreams. At 31 Bridge street you will find A. C. ; Gamlet, the hardware dealer, plumber I and gas litter, well supplied with lumps, cutlery, skates, sleds, jumpers, guns, Ac., Ac., in ver before displaying a larger and mon varied assort men*. Any of these articles n*r- suitable fur holiday gifts and the pi iris ue so low that you me sure of buying on making an ox unlualion. (’ailing at Gjorgc M. Shamalia’a ding store, 43 Bridge street, we find a full as sortment of useful and fancy articles suit ab|e for gifts An especial feature is the new pel fume, •* Mystic Shiinc " It it lovefy tiivtf lasting Take a' look iu his windows. The propiietu is icady to meet bis many friends mid extends an iti> to everybody to call and examine, whether they purchase nr not. O.i the uorthwci.1 corner of Hi'ulgc and I'uion streets is .1. B. Sluifer’s “Cash Grocery and Meat Maikot." Here may be found everything ton can think of that is good to eat, and all at prices lower than anywhere else in the city. Me makes a specialty of line Imported goods, aud if be lias net got just what you want be will get at foi you at short notice. He also delivers goods, day or night, all over the city, free of charge. At Stockton's popular restaurant, No 11 Cburoh street, a bill of fate may be found daily that will appease the appe tite and furuish refreshment for ricli or poor. OyatcrB in all styles, steaks, but coffee, milk, fried potatoes, bam and eggs, terrapin, baked bean*, ice crehm, milk, choice ooufectionery, host brands of cigars, Ac., may befouud here at nil hours, served by polite clerks. A rich and varied bill of fare is promised for the holiday week. On Church street, near Main, we found George Yerkcs well supplied with meals of all kinds—roasts, stews, stenks, chops, sausage, scrapple and poultry. George is ready to take your order now for a Christ mas turkey or chicken. Orders will bo delivered to any part of the elly without extra charge. Charles M. Police, 22 Church street, in addition to giving prompt attention to steam heating, plumbing, As., lias for sale lamp3, door bells, electric bells, bur glar alarms, speaking tubes, etc., and lie ia selling al prices lower than any oilier dealer dare offer. A hungry man is sure lo h- salt, tied on making a visit lo Hie restaurant of A. W. Smith, corner of Church anil George streets, at Christmas time or any other time, flic daily trill of fare constats of oysters in nil styles, soups, desserts, pies, milk, baked beans, puddings, soft drinks, A '. A full line of choice cigars may also lie found here. Stockton, Hie uudertakei, 58 Coryell street, does not desire to bury any one during I lie happy holiday season, hut ivhat he does want to do is to sell everybody a bottle of bis celebrated “ I,. (). A." fur niture Polish, said to be the best pelisli in the country, making your furniture look like new every time. If Ids services ns undertaker are required at any time, you will tied bim equal to Hie best in Ibis broal land of ours. At Hie sanio place Harry Stockton tins now on sulc a line lot pf Christmas trees, at reasonable prices. On tbe northeast corner of Coryell and Union streets you can do nothing wiser or better than lo call in and give A. IS. Holcombe an order for a Ion or more of c'oul, a load of wood, a ton of hay, au Oriole feed mill or any other article iu his line, aud he will deliver the saute with promptnesses well as assuring you of satisfaction every time. Going from slieet lo street, no matter where wc looked, wo could see John Latnbetl, tbe carter, d liverieg goods. He is always busy, and at (bis season is more than busy; still, In- has made ar rangements to wait upon everybody, and an order left at his residsuce, No. 40 Kim street, or given to him ns you catch him on the street, will receive prompt atten tion. Down at the brass and iron foundry of Cooiubc and IJrolber, Uniou and Mount Hope streets, we found Fred, with his sleeves rolled up above his elbows, busy as he could fee. In answer lo our inquiry whether he intended to “ keep the holi days ” ^replied ,that it was impossible to tell of"this time, as the tlrrn had many orders for castings and repairs that must he filled in time to ccnblo the patrons of the foundry to enjoy Hie “ happy, festive time.'’ Orders are tilled here for ma chinery of all kinds, and Fred, has given such perfect satisfaction in making re pairs to stone-crushers that Hie firm lias secured the patronage of all the stone quarries in this city and vicinity Next we reaeli the general store of G. .1. Fisher, corner of l.’uion and Ferry streets, and making our visit known to “Codger,” that polite cletk showed us • around. Oa the counters, shelves aod tables, here, there and everywhere, is found dry goods, uotions, lamps, crock ery ware, glassware, stoneware, cliioawnre, faucy goods, Ac., Ac. In nddilion to these there is co.islautly kept on hand a , full line of groceries, meats, lish, poultry, Ac. You nre sure of making a selection here suitable for gifts anil to supply a “ square meal." As pretty a display us you will fiud in the whole city is at Pew’a, on the south east corucr of L'uiou aud Church streets The large windows are tilled with ladies', gents’ aud children’s slices, slippers, Ac., ! while the interior of the store is tilled to overllowiug with boots, shoes, rubber ' goods, Ac., for Kail and VViulcr wear. He carries tbc largest slock of any dealer j in the city and claims to sell lower lliau i elsewhere. A good place to scle*cl u Christmas gift. The two mechanical toys, the “Shoemaker” and the “Stump Speaker,” now on exhibition in one of the windows, attract a great deal of attention. Stop and see them. At Paul Vetter's, S8 N. Union street, you can make a first-class selection for a suit of clothing, which lie will make up to order in a manner that will give satis faction every time. A useful present would he a “New Home” sewing ma ctilne, fnr which Mr. Vetter is agent. Perhaps you want a beautiful set of teeth—teeth that will give you the very best satisfaction. If so, you cannot do better in tile whole State than by leaving an order at the deutal parlors of l)r. L. A. Heading, corner ®f Union aud Coryell streets (second floor). The Doctor is a regular graduate and tils long experience enables him to give satisfaction in every case. At (lie northeast corner of Union find Buttonwood streets is found llmt experi enced and well-known salesman, A. W. Cooper, with n slock of goods to make a merry Christmas for every household in the city. The store is (Vied with ti full line of grocctles, canned goods, meats, fish, lamps, crcckery, glass, china slid stoneware, all to tie sold nt the very low est prices. Uor your Christmas cake he is prepared lo furnish you with the Ingrc dients, ami can also furnish you with u good plum pudding, lie U always Loppy himself and Is going to make everybody else happy during the holidays by supply ing them with the lies! goods the market affords. Maijwutn At Unison, corner of Elm aid Clinton 8'rcels, are prepared to gtad dcu the household by furnishing the very beat grades of coal, sure to make borne happy and cheerful by burning fricly—nil coal, no dirt. Christmas will tie all the happier by having a lou or more of llielr cmd in your bin. A load of wood will also add to yom cheerfulness. If you want ice, let them know it, and your order will receive prompt attention. A full supply of groceilcs, canned goods, meats, fish, tobacco and cigar-, lumps, crockery mill eui thcnwaie, shirt«, furnish lugs, ice., " ill he found at S. M. Wol finger’s, on the northwest coruer of Union and Butt- ntvoud streets. Also, confec tionery and idillr good things for Christ mas. An elder left at Wolliugci's "ill receive prompt attention and goods deliv ered wlien desired. If you want a nice, big, fat turkey or a pair of tender chickens, a goose, a duck, n fine roast of beef, lamb or veal for your Christmas dinner, you must leave an early order at (I. Kichards' meat market, corner of Union and Delcvan streets. Ho can also supply you with choice steaks, chops, sausage, Are , at the very lowest market prices. William K Ely has opened a restau rant at No. 4!) N. Union street, where the public may lie regaled with the choicest of oyster stews, filed oysters, raw oysters, oysters in any style, baked beans, codfish halls, pies, puddings, broad mid butter, lint coffee, milk anil everything else good to eat. He also delivers orders to any part el the city and is establishing a imite, by which he will call on our iraidcnls twice a week. A full supply of every thing during the holidays. At the noitbwest corner of Union and Coryell streets Is Cnehrnn'a drug store and here you will find a full and varied supply of everything kept in a well stocked drug house. Many useful aitides can lie Imd here suitable for holiday glfls. At the New York 5 and 10 cent store of L. Brody, 41 North Union street, will he found a large stock of holiday goods, from w hich you may selict numerous bar gains. You will find here fancy goods, lamps, toys, express wagons, dolls, doll coaches, rocking horses, china" are, glass ware, linwiire and hundreds of other arti cles. Every customer purchasing oue dollar’s worth of goods will receive a handsome Japanese vase, and for every fifty cents additional w ill receive a chanco on n deci ruled tea and dinner tel, con sisting of one hundred pieces, to lie chanced off on January Hlh, 18115. We found at John Heath's Jewelry store, 17 N. Union street, a complete stock of watches, clocks, silvci plated ware, watch chains, finger-rings, ear-rings, lockets, cult bullous, plus, Ac., Ac. I! you con l Hod what you want at Heath’s, Ihon it is useless to go elsewhere, for he can supply you with anything aud eve rything known to the trade. Ho gives special attention to furuishiug spectacles aud eye glasses. Ho also does all kinds '.f repairing. A call is sure to plcnse. Tliorc will he a “ Merry Christmas " at Domiuick llotti's, on Union street, near liridge, where you can secure first-class goods at bottom prides—confectionery, oranges, lemons, grapes, dales, peanuts, cigars, Ac. He Ima been in business for twenty years and knows bow to select goods and give his customers the benefit. Talk about finding a place where you cau get the bent confectionery—here you arc, at John IteincrtV, southeast corner of Main and Coryell streets. All kinds of choice confections, made light at home, arc to be found in abundance and at fsir prices. Candies from 10 to 00 cents per pound, homemade. Mr. Kelnert is lire original baker of the “New England” bread. It will make your “mouth water ” to even look at the display in the windows. He does a big Christmas trade every year. And then, too, be famishes everybody with bread, rolls, rakes (plain or fancy), doughnuts, Ac. Calling at the paiut shojj of Uervey 8. ; Holcombe, on Main street, near York, we ! found that gentleman busy raising colors, ' and he informed us that he had many or ; ders that must tic completed by the holi days. He makes a specialty of Winter ; work and never fails to give the very best ' satisfaction, while his prices are made to suit the times. After catcriug to lh« pub lic for sevcu years, be still guarantees sat isfaction as iu the past. If you do uot 1'tnd him at the shop, call at liis residence, Nr. 00 North Main street. At the northeast comer of Maiu and Dclcvau streets is Dr. J. \V. Darrell's liv ery, sate aud exchange stables, where you are always sure of a barguiu. The pro prietor gives personal attention to bis business and is always ready to meet you. If you intcud enjoying a carriage ride— Or perhaps a sleigh ride—dutiug the holi days, you will flud “ Doc " prepared to accommodate you with the best of “ rigs.” The Doctor is also a veterinary surgeou of many ycats' experience and gives prompt Attention to all calls. Candy by the barrel and box, hundreds of pounds of grapes and other choice fruits, nuts by the bushel or pouud, raisins, oranges, lemons, cakes, &c., ore on sale at J. W. Carroll’s grocery, southwest cor ner of Main and York streets, all to be sold at prices lower than elsewhere in the city. A full line of choice groceries, fee., will also he found here at prices that will allow everybody to buy. The reliable firm of Uyan, Akers & Smith, North Mam street, above Coryell, arc ''on deck" with a full supply of dry goods, notions, fancy articles, groceries, meats, canned goods, fruits, &c., to sup ply the bouse, pantry and table plenti fully during the holidays. When they haven't got what you want, mention it, and they will get the article for you nt once. They deliver goods free of charge. The Main Street Market, now conduct ed by that well-known salesman, George W. Cdy, was nevrr before supplied with such a targe and varied stock of goods. Fruit of all kinds, including apples, ba nanas, oranges, lemons and grapes, to gether with vegetables, canned goods, <t-e., form only a portion of the many good tilings on sale, and your Chiistmns nrdi-r will it,reive hi* hr»t allitilh n. I’herr i* a grow! holiday Block ut Trnti git’a Combination Hlor**, northwr-l cor net of Main ami Uorycll HtrciM*—a great varlrly, too numerous to mention. Five uml ten cent orli a specialty. No t»cc onda ; ull arc new goods; tin hold over •lock from hint year, and you will liud Ihis the tight |daee to huy. Don't think of hard times or miss your chance, but go at once to Ti auger'*. Toy*, liookg, novelties, Jin*. We visited u untutu r •( other htuiue#® places, the proprietor of which tell their own Btories in other columns of Tub Hecouo. - ■■ NEW HOPE A Nil 1IUCKN COUNTY, PA. —Thieves cuiurud tlic krieudtbip school liuuse in Buckingham ami stole the tenth, pi's clock. -The Hiilct Mill lie lot out ol the Dela Male Division (amid, at lliislol, te-mir row (Thursday). —Tlic next meeting o( the Sulcbury Kiiruicrs’Club will lie held at the resi dence at William \V. Hurley, on Salur. dny, January Olh. Hubert Kill Kobl, of Nciv Hope, was released from the oouuty jail a few day* ago. Brittain ,1. Hurley, of New Hope, and Edwiml Deemcr, of Doylestown, he cniiie IBs bandsmen. —The will of Mary A. Chapman, de ceased, lute of New Hope, direct* that all llie income of her estale ahull he paid to the nurse, as lung as she lives, ivlm cared for her during her fluall Illness. —The Cross Keys Hotel properly, in Buckingham lofvnshlp, containing I) acres and 24 perches of land, the building be ing «f stone, 00x21 feet, with frame addi tion and e invrnlencos, has been sold at Sheriff's sale to William t'. Wilkinson for $1 mo. —John Waoamaker, of Philadelphia, will present lo the 104lli lteglmcnt Sur vivors’ Association a fac simile of the old regimental llap, which some lime ago was turned over to the counly and Is now pic served In a handsome ease In llie court room at Doylestown. — While Edward I-ivizoy, a commission merchant near New Hope, was eating supper, on the Olb inst., a tldef entered his house and stole $900 from Ids snfe. Kinney suspected Elmer Hampton, a neighbor, and tracked him lo Ms home nnd recovered llie stolen money. Hamp ton M ils arrested nnd is under Imil for ap pearance at court. The Winter meeting of llie Ducks Counly llistoilcul Society will he held In Doylestown on Hie evening of Tuesday, January I O h, and uu Interesting program Is being at ranged f r the occasion. The IUv, 1). K Turner, of Hart,villr, will read a paper, nnd Ucnersl W. W. H. Davis will speak on “The Ureal K ill (irnnts of the Country.” —Among llie lut of Juiors drawn lo serve for Hie January term of Hie Bucks County Points, which begins .on Mouilsy, the 14ili, we liutl Hie following: Grand Jurors—Michael A. Van Hurt, New Hope; Matthew Ely, Upper Buckingham ; New ton K. Worthiugton, Lower Buckiugbani. Traverse. Jurors—Allen Updyke, New Hope; Hugh B. Ely, George W. Had cliffe, Lower Buckingham; John S. Ash, Middle Buckingham. • Family Bibles, teachers’ Bihles, pho tograph albums, autograph albums aud UhiUlmas books for old, middle-aged at d young people, at J. Gardner's. —Arthur Doming, “the Aiisdne of .Min strelsy,” will bo berc next Mouday cvcu lug, at Holcombe Hull. Ouce you sen him, all nthers fade iulo iusigoitlcauco. * —List of letters remaining un.luimed lu tbe Post Olllce at Lxmberlvtllc, N. J., for thirty days: Mary Masterson (3j, Henry Phillips. E. W. Ci-oeso.N, P. M. Uasiiiektviu.k, N. J., Pec. 15, 189V —Diamond-back terrapin arc becoming extinct, and uuless something shall be done lo propagnte them they will pass away. There is not one-third as many ! terrapin to be Imd this year as last year. Fifteen years ago a terrapin-hunter ceuld catch fifty or sixty a day ; now lie is sat isfied if lie secures three or four. --— —For some time past Hie Pennsylvania Railroad Company has hcen using an im proved whistle on some of its passenger engines. It is not as shrill as the old ones, hut very much like those on steam boats. It has been adopted lu order to distinguish passenger engines from those of freight trains, and orery passenger engine will be equipped in a short time. Beyond Description The Misery Before Taking AND The Happiness AfterTakfng HOOD’S. Mr. ft. ft. fit shop Hamtuonion. N. .1. mC. I. Hood & r *. I.owell, Mas?.: “ l^u'SiN: I have been In poor health tot to or lt* year <, ond hr," been taking doctor** medicines r r I-\m Ml the time, i did ad get much r. •/. My :! icnl was In a had sliapa an l ir.y *>«'•:: • : s Ml run down. I thought 1 mu** dte. but n*ut?ing several testimonials t® the papers in Motif of Hood's Sarsaparilla I bought three ’.m»!t found that It did ma »o iMii -li jf.»od i . • 1 - Miiiuued taking it. 1 ««• without . -tl »tlifullv sleepy, and had a headache i . -t Ml tlm time. In fact 1 oanaoi describe mv t - !.. *< After using opa bottle «>f Hood's S:\. 1 found it was doing m« Hood's^Cures much good iv I . v | enitttot Lratst *i*e nueU clnetoofi'. ‘ -r >i it tiai dr* * >f t«it ( am % lisrild i <• yiMM ! and arts *f I filetsd v i tilmeo' < '.'.chldlr g ktiosy, hronchUiv • i i «rrli. x •* ,j*'rg s V "Ui% of llor.r! « > ' . |. rWI t J ito |)k«s am-ik*t ,-n*:«. In la« ' » f1 • If • ! « SarsapuIlH anted >«/ life. ' I 11 i■. J • ■ i a-*' tf iMur.ontor., iS, 4. Hood H Pt.Jt »»e J ' I-U-* “«,t rllhr-lit, yog •asy tn aoliou. i ..i by a tr WE HAVE A8 FINE A SELECTION OF CtTRIBXMAB is here; Winds whistle shrill, Icy nnd chill. Little care we; Little wo fear Weather With out, sheltered about The mahogany tree. -Thackeray. • - - ■ .. V"..;v. CANDIES AND CAKES AS YOU CAN FIND ANYWHERE, At Prices to Suit, the Times. CANDIES From 10c. to 60c. a It). Wc give speeinl at tention to Sunday Schools and other Festivals, at re duced prices, and have hern highly com mended in this particular line for the quality and assortment of our candies, &c. WATT & CO., Mo. S4 UAMRERTYILLE, N. .1. DIRECTIONS r\,_ . _ _ wATAR H H la quickly absorbed mid gives relief at once I’rice 80 cents el Druggists or by tunll. XiLY n HOT It F. Its, 50 Warren 81., Near York. Dec. 8,1891. Them<*•»■**•( ap»l parent Lyn tna-in. I nilke other Lye. ft being :t hue powder and k a In n can with n movable Hu. the content* ere always ready for u*e. Will make the bant perfumed Hard B> ap In 20 minutes wilhont ball lag. It In t be bant for cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, Closet* gashing bottle* paints, tree* eua | rXKHA- (ALT ITS CO. » On. Atfts.. ruu., p*. I June 0,1691-1 y. Dr. C. C. ARCHES, DENTIST, MASONIC HAIL BUILDING, IIBIDUE STREET, l.AXUKttTVXM.K, N. J. Hours—8 A. M. to 12 M. 1 l’ M. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday,. Aug. 13,1994.—ly