Newspaper Page Text
CLARK riERSON, Editor. LAMBERTVILLE. N. J. WEDNESDAY. MAY 13. 1896. —The Doylestown Democrat saya: ‘‘Politics ate gelling hot. On Monday the at recta were full of it.” If politics are hot, we don’t see why the streets were not full of them. Will llie Demo crat explain ? —The 38th annual conclave of the Grand (’onunandery of Knights Templar of the Stale of New Jersey was held in A'a onlc Hall, Trenton, yesterday, when the followrg ofllcirs were elected for the ensuing year : It. E. Grand Commander, ltohert Ding well, Newark ; Deputy Grand Comman der, John E. Rowe, Newark ; Grand Geueraliasimo, W. H. Hehiing, Plainfield; Grand Captain General, Peter McGill, Lamhr rlviilc ; Grand Prelate, Rev. Geo. C. Maddock, Trenton ; Grand Senior Warden, William It. Pugh, Woodridge; Grand Junior Warden, J. 8. Davidson, Washington, Grand Treasurer, E. G. Wiese, Hordentown ; Grand itecorder, Chat lea Bechtel, Trenton ; Grand Stan daid Bearer, Daniel Demares', Pater son ; Grand Sword Bearer, D. C. Adams, Plainfield ; Grand Warder, It. A. Shir reffs, Elizabeth ; Grand Captain 11 Guards, A. T. Osmund, Trenton. •Sandy Itlrtge. The ‘'May Supper” held by the Ladies’ Aid Society was a success. About seven ty took supper, arid a good time generally was enjoyed. Ledge men about here are smiling over the ladings of a crauk who came to Ser genntsville some time ago to woik up an tagonism to sicrel societies. He may have confirmed those already prejudiced, lie certainly made no converts. Popular sympathy is with the Lodge men, and the chance for good influence which was en joyed by the Itev. promotor of the crank harangues, has largely been sacrificed. Lodge men say they can stand that if the ltev. gentleman and his supporters can. Wo have not heard that any society is likely to disband because of the attacks of a self confessed violator of a solemn obligalion. The speech of Rev. D. U Cobh, at 8er gevntsvilh: on Tuesday i veiling, drew n big crowd. Mr. Cobb is n grand olllcer in I lie K. <f P. He spoke for secret or ders in gi lurid, and gave enliro anlisfne tion lo nil, unless it be to the few who are going lo put down secret societies. Ttie Sunday School in tlie Itidge church opens wil1. The lit Ihe churrh service is above Ihe average. fruit prospects are good. Peaches are not likely to lie a unity heavy crop, hut fair. Apples pri inlse well and so do chen lea. Grass and grain are suffering from want of rail). We rarely have so long a drought just at this season. —Don’t wear any false hair while it is possible lo retain your own. Ayer’s lDir Vigor, Hie best dressing, nourishes and iuvignralea the hair-roots, cures scalp dis esses, pieventa Ihe hair from rondng out or ininiug gray, and promotes a new and luxnritnl growth. Memorial Day. The following order, issued l»y Post Commander I). S. William*, will explain itself : llKAngu'Hs Mij. V. A. A now. Pont, No. '20,) Dep't of New Jersey, G. A. It, > LaMIIKKI VII.LK, Mtty |:t, I MM*. j (leueral Order No. 1. Ooukai*V8 In compliance with General Orders from Depaitmmt Headquarters of Ihe Oiimd Army of ihe ttepublio, Saturday, May 80lh, being Memorial Day, lei us at (he time appointed gather around the sacred remains of our departed com rades and garland Ihe mounds above I Item with (he choicest (lowers of Springt ime. Let us raise above them the dear old dag they caved from dis honor. Let us in tlielr solemn presence renew our pledges to aid And aHsist those whom they have left among us n sacred chargo upon u nation's gratitude-the soldier's and sailor's widow and or phan- anti let its resolve lo honor the memory of our departed comrades, that we may receive new inspiration. Comrades will assemble at 1'osl Headquarters, with white gloves and canes, on Sunday morning, Muy 24tli, at 10 o’clock, to attend Divine service at the New Hope M. E. Church ; also meet at7:15 P. M. the same day to attend Dlviue service at the l.Minheitville M. E. Church. Will also assemble at Post Headquarters ou Me morial Day at 1 o’clock, P. M ,, sharp, for the pur pose of proceeding to the cemeteries in our city to decorate the graves of our fallen comrades. All ex-soldiers and sailors are cordially invited to take purl with us iu all these services We ask the ritlzeus to co-operate with us tn this our sacred duty. By order of D. S. WILLI AM 4, Post Commander Harry H, Khoksxn, Adjutant. NATIONAL 1‘ItOIIIIUTION CONVENTION single Fare fur flic lloiiml Trip ■•> Pills burn vl» I’runsylvaula Itailroail. For the* National Prohibition Conven tion, to be held at Pittsburg, Pa., May 27, 28, am) 29, Ihe Pennsylvania Kdl roud Company will sell from May 21 to 26, int'lusive, excursion tlrheta from all points on its system to Pittsburg anil re turn, at a single fare for the round trip (no b ee late than 26 cents). These tick ets will he good for return passage until May SO, inclusive. - «. USS -a —The Edwin Forrest, which lias run between Philadelphia und Ticnlon for forty-three years, will not resume its trips this season. Are Von One Of those unhappy people who are snlTer ing with weak nerves, starting at every slight sound, unable lo endure any unus ual disturbance, finding it impossible to sleep t Avoid opiate and nerve com pounds. Feed tne nerves Upon blood made pure and nourishing by the great blood puiltier ard true nerve tonic, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's I’ii.ijs are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa tion. 2Gc. —Larisnn & Marjarum hare takeu an office in the building lately occupied by Geo. V. Hunt, adjoining the post office, where ordeia for ice or coal may be left during the day and until 8 o’clock, P. M. The office at the head of Clinton street will also be open ns usual. *„* — People who want an entirely fresh and new slock of modem wall papers to ■elect from, —the largest stock in Earn berlville,—should visit Rird's new wall paper Blore, Union street, second door below Coryell. Prices the lowest. %• -•» ^s>- ■ • --— Try a can of Hopkins’Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). It is delicious. Full qt., 100. Apr. 29—vw. Sick Headache. "I regard your pills as a godsend to me. ... I could not make a business engagement without the proviso, " unless 1 have sick headache.” Now my health is excellent, and all from the use of Dr. Deane's Dyspepsia Pills." So writes Hon. \V. H. Beveridge, one of Richmond, Va.’s, prom inent lawyers. Dr. Deane's Dyspepsia Pills are a sure cure lor sick headache and indigestion. Why not try them? At druggists’, 25c., or a sample mailed free. White wrapper if oonjitipaled, yellow if bowela are loose. DR. J. A. DEANE CO., Kingston, N. Y —All the beat brands of smoking and chewing tobacco at Kune’s, 29 Bridge street. * —We rcc 'ivc fresh Irnck daily, at Cor yell street Market. Geo. W. Moore. —The only place in town to get fresh sturgeon is the Coryell street Market. Geo. W. Moore —Strawberries arc more plenty and cheaper, at Moore’s Coryell street Maiket. The Fourth Organ ltecltal At H. Andrew’s Church, conducted by the lit v. Mr. Dennison, will take place on the evening of Ascension Day, May 14, at 7.45. The orchestra will assist. All lovers of good sacred music are invited to he present. No entrance fee will be required, tint it is asked and expected that each person will contribute in the offertory, some silver piece, to aid the Choir Fund. The annual distribution of medals to the chor ister boys w ill be math*. • too Hew aril, *100. The readers of this paper will he pleas ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that Is Cu tarrli. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Cutarrh being a constitution al disease, rfquires a constitutional treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up llic constitution mid asslat icg nature in doing its w*rk. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonial-. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. fttia^Sold by druggists, 75c. — Lambert ville hits h fake reporter who ran lent it)most any oilier New Jersey ink slingcr. Oor up the river neighbor can heal the Stale, through his facile pen, on anything from a child with live heads in a whale alrandcd on Lambert* ville Imr. Nobody in Lamberlville ever hcuid about any of these things and no body up them believes in them. The latest yum is that immense coat deposits have been lecattd I Item through the dream of a fainter. The beautiful yarner, however, rattier spoils his story try saying that the farmer could not get anybody even to go look at ills famous coal fields. — Trenton Kveniny Times. After meals you should have simply a feeling of comfort and salisfaclion. You should not feel uny special Indications that digestion is going on. If you do, you have /ndigrslion, which means not digestion. Tills may bo the beginning of so many dangerous diseases, Hint it is best to luke it in band at once mid treat it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For you know that indignation makes poison, which causes pain and sickness. And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps digestion and cures indigestion. Shaker Digestive Cordial does this hy providing tho diges tive materials in which the sick stnmach is wauling. It ulsn tones up and strength ens tlie digestive organs anil makes them peifeclly healthy. This is the rationale i f its method of cure, hb tho doctors would say. Sold hy druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per liottlc. — An entertainment will lie given in tlie United First Church of Amwell hy a noted elocutionist, Miss Clara G. llrice, graduate of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary of N. Y. and the ltoslou School of Elocution, on Thursday, May 1-tilt, ut 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the V. I’. S. C. K. Admission 20 els. ; children 10 ets. The public arc cordially invited. If Thursday evening should prove stonily the entertainment will lie held on Friday evening. ♦< ^se. —The “Hex” Fire Extinguisher, for which Messrs. Stockton & Thorne, of this city, are agents, is Hireling with great success. The trials of it have convinced our manufacturers of its great value, and the following have recently introduced the extinguisher into their buildings, in addition to several heretofore published : Lamberlvillo Rubber On. Lamberlville Spoke Mfg. Co. Mr. C. Spangler Silica. New Jersey Rubber Co. ■ticli Diiroverin of Uolil At Cripple Creek, Colo., unci else where, arc being made daily, and the production for 189C will be the largest ever known, estimated at Two Hundred Million Dollars. Cripple Creek alone Is producing over One Million Dollars a month, and steadily increasing. Mining Storks me advancing in price more rap idly than any other Stocks, and many pay dividends of 35 to 50 per cent. They offer the brat opportunity to make a large profit on a small investment. John I. & Co., 45 Broadway, New York, are financial agents for the Prudential Gold Mining Co., and others in the famous Cripple Creek district. They will send you free, interesting par ticulars of llie Mining Companies they represent, also their book on speculation in Storks, drain and Cotton, containing many new and important features. Send for these trunks at once if you are interested in any form of speculation or investments. They may prove profit able to you. — “ Lambcrtvllln Puffs ” are still going up in smoke, and's Itridge street store keeps them exclusively. * —- - — Pure White Plymouth Rock Kggs for sale. $1.00 per setting. 13l E. RirrsNiioustt. REGINALD S. WALKER, is prepared to give LESSONS ON THE VIOLIN TO BEGINNERS, Apply at residence nearly opposite Laorbeit ville Spoke Factory. April 8,1696. THE MARKETS. I,am lit' rt v i] It1, .M ay 13, IHWi PRICES OFfiRAIN coricftrd ev-ry Wednesday by F. F. REAR, dealer in drain, Flour, Feed, Ac PRICES OF PRODUCE, AC., by CoKOV ER V CONOVER, dealers in Dry Goods and Oioi cries Holler Patent—Gold Medai Holler Patent—Diamond.. Holler Prcoess—Hoyal .... Holler Flour— Harvest. Holler Floor—White Loaf. Bailor Flour—Staudunl ... Kye Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Wheat, V bushel,. Buckwheat. Bye. Corn. White Oats, new. Flax Seed, now. Plaster, 100 lbs. Onions, V bushel. Potatoes. Shellbarks. Winter Beans, V bushel... Dried Apples, Y lb. Butter (good). Rutter (poor). Cheese. 11am. Shoulder. Pickled Pork. Beeswax. Fresh Veal.•.. Fresh Boef (side). Small Pork (side). Honey. Flax. New Lard. Dried Bepf. .*2 81 . 2 70 . 2 f.O . 2 40 . 2 40 . 2 20 . 2 00 . 2 00 . 73 r,o 35 35 25 . 1 40 . 40 . 00 . 35 . HO . 1 50 5 . 18 10 . 1# . 124 » 0 . 28 0 . 0(r«04 . 8 10(n)14 14(415 . ' 8 20 Eggs, V dozen. 10 Guinea Eggs, 4 price. Chickens, dressed, V lb. 12 Turkoys. 14 Mutton. 8 MARRIAGES. PETERS—HOFF—At tho Presbyterian Manse, No. j:iy. North Union street, on April 27th, ’90, l*y the Rev. James Roberta, H, I>., Joseph T. Peters amt Lizzie Hoff, both of Lausdaie, Pa. COLK—MILNOR—At tho Presbyterian Manse, by the Rev. James Roberts, D. I)., on May 0,1806, (leorgo A. Cole, of Princeton. N. J., and Tillle L. Milnor, of Lambertvllle. DEATHS. PIERSON.— In Lambertrille, N. J., Muy 11 Hi. 1896, Mri. Marv Pierson, wife of Oeorge Pier son, in her 681 h year. BI88EY—At Oak Dale, May 10, 1896, Reuben T. filssey, aged 61 years. Funeral service from bis late residence to mor row (Thursday) morning at 10.30 o'clock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC AUCTION —OF— HIGH CLASS STOCK! I will st*11 ul my stables it) French! own, New Jersey, on Saturday. May lGtli, 189(». 21 HIGH-CLASS IOWA HORSES and MARES. They consist of speedy roadsters; closely mated teams ; henry draft and farm animals. 1 They are all full age, Veil broken to all har ness, and of the usual col I ors, black, hay, chestnut, brown. This stock, gentlemen. I selected myself with the greatest of care. In order to please those who want first-class stock, and they will he sold if bid on, under my usual guarantee, that they must give satisfaction or return them to me and 1 will redeem them at the price paid. This stock will arrive at my stables on May 11th, when 1 Invite all to come who need horses, or like t«» see nice stock. They will bo cheerfully shown and driven lor all who wish to Bee them. After the a!*ovft car load la sold, I will sell SOME NATIVE STOCK. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp. If stormy, will sell under cover. A liberal credit given. E. W. OPDYOKK, W. 8. Ricky, Auctioneer Sole Owner. A. 1*. Kaciilink, Clerk. May 13, 18%. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Amwell national Bank, AT LAM BERT VILLE, In the State of New Jersey, at the dose of busi ness, May 7, 1890. KKSOURCKS. *97, Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. Bonds to seoure circulation U.H. Bonds on hand Premiums on IJ.8. Bonds, Stocks, securities, ete, Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures Taxes paid for non-resident Stockholders Due from National Banks not Reserve Agents Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash Items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels ami cents lawful Moan/ Reserve in Bunk, vis : Specie 10,940 50 Legal-tender notes 2,500 00— 13, Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 o-O of circulation) I ,527 82 88 42 ,UOO IK) ,000 00 ,000 00 ,933 55 ,939 14 217 00 671 62 ,885 05 530 41 310 00 57 31 440 50 ,260 00 Total *252,860 85 I.IAHII.ITIKS. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses tpxes paid National Bank notes outstanding Due to State Banks And Bankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding $72,000 00 15,000 00 9.836 15 25,200 00 8 90 41 00 128,395 38 2,377 00 2 42 Total, *252,860 85 State <{f New Jet set/, (Xninty of Hunterdon, ss: 1,1 IIANK W. Van Hart, Cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FRANK W. VAN HART, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of May, 1896 A. D Andkrson, Notary Public of N. J. Correct—Attest: W. A. U BEENE, ) ,1. P. SMITH, > Directors. WESLEY CASE, \ May 13, 1896. SECOND-HAND PIANOS WE WANT “mo KihSt awav!>Un0!‘ If you want to cxrhaugo for a new upright now is the lime to make lavorahlo terms. (}. A. BARLOW’S SONS, 134$ AND 138 SOUTH MIOAI) BTRKKT, April *•, 1890-4W Trknton, N. J. STOP AND READ! I ofler for hale at a very low figure, my UUK'K HOUSE and a I.AHOE LOT. on the south west corner of Main and Buttonwood at reels. I will sell the two for what the house alone is worth and give posaecslou on the first day of June. If the house alone is sold at that time, 1 oltVr two lots, 20 foet each, ou Main BtreeL If the purchas er desires, 50 per cent, can rcmian ou the proper ty. If not sold by June 1st, the house will be for rent. I also otter a Lot on York street, adjoining the wheelwright shop, 15 feet (or 18 if desired) iront ing on York.goiMt depth,or the whole property— the wheelwright shop, blacksmith shop and barn —all at low prices and 60 per cent, can remaiu A. T. HARDER. May G, 189G Holcombe Hall, Lambertville. ONF. NIGHT ONLY, SATURDAY EVENING, 4. It AND DRAMATIC AM) MUSICAL KNTKRTAINHKNT, TO UK U1VKN BY TIIK “TRENTON PLAYERS’ CLUB" A3SI9TKD BY Caroline Barber-Biddle and “The Orpheus Club.” Under the management of II.V. SMITH HAUNDh'RSON, Thai sterling comedy-drama “ Among the Breakers” WILL BE PRESENTED. Admission 16,25 and 60 cents. Reserved *‘ut» at the usual place. May 6, 189G. Everybody Interested! COMFORT AT HOME DURING WARM WEATHER. GAS STOVES now furnished at cost, NO ODOR, NO DIRT, NO DANGER, ALWAYS READY. Special rates given to consumers of gas for gas stoves. Quick heat at small cost. LAMBERTVILLE (IAS LIGHT CO. Apply lo A. V. GANDKY, Siipt., 31 UlMIXlE STHEKT. April 23, I89li. BICYCLES! LiJBOTtcS CORYELL ST, NEAR MAIN. New wheels from $19 to $100. Full line of sup plies. Wheels to hire. Repairing, neat ami cheap. April 22-3U1. TYPEW1UTER8. Am buy log. renting, selling Typewriters of a II kinds for business, family and private use. Also, selling new hooks, ami all late publications, on pnymeuts of about I cents per day. Also, buying job and odd lots of merchandise of any kind, rieisc advise wants and offerings. II. H. MANSFIELD, 245 Broadway, New York. April 15, ’1)0. JAMES P.CARMODY UNDERTAKER, HAS REMOVED from Hit* Cor. of Main and Ferry streets In BK/IDGKE ST., 1st door cast of the Baptist Church. All calls will ho answered at Iho now loe:itA*n.< I.amhertville, N. J., April 15,1890 -Cm .1 WANTED. ny fairly competent women, each with an in -13 fant or young child, situations in thetouu try (general housework, plain cooking, etc.) Small wages expected. Fare paid by Association. Apply State C harities Aid Association, United Charities Building, 105 Font Twenty-second Street, New York City. March 25,1890-3m. EYES EXAMINED FREE Headaches PreithIihI. Sight. Rp.storp<l. WILSON CUTTER, ]Jy0 13 S. Warren St, Specialist, Trenton, N. J. OFFICE HOURS: y a. m. to r» i*. M. REPAIRING A SPEClAI/rV. April l,’9G-ly JREMOVED. SAMUEL STOCKTON, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, liita removed his place of business to his residence No. 10 NORTH MAIN ST., where nil orders—day or night- will receive prompt attention. An experience of twenty-eight years in the un dertaking business enables me to guaranteed sat isfaction in every particular. ALSO, NOTARY PUBLIC. STOCKTON’S L. <>. A. FURNITURE POLISH i is still u leader in t lie Market. I.amhf rtvlllc, N. .1., April I, lS'Jti-.'tm GEO. M. HOLCOMBE, Real Estate l Insurance, COR. BRIDGE AND UNION STS., LAMBEUTVILLE, N. J. Fire, Tornado, Plato Glass, Steam Boiler, Life and Accident Insurance. FI ItS L-CLASS COM FA ,V1KS. CORRESPONDENCE SOI.ICITKD. KENTS COLLECTED. MONEY LOANED. FOR RENT OR SALE. Karin of 80 acres wllli gotnt dwelling and out buildings, within one mile of Lamhertville, FOR SALE—First Mortgage Bonis, bearing G per t ent, interest, in denominations ot IIIOO indfl.OUOracb. Offered at par ami accrued interest. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Quarter Acre Lot on Brunswick Turnpike, near ! city limits. it Acre Lot with small Frame House and Barn near Lamhertville. 1 Fight Room Brick Dwelling with cellar and 1 attic a ml large lot, on Pottage llill. It* acre lot with frame house and barn aud apple orchard, near Dtlta*Corner, in Delaware township. It Frame Houses, 7 rooms each, on North side of Fliu street, uear Main street. 2 Brick Houses,on South side of York street, near Franklin street. Ten Room Frame House and Raru, with large lot on Cottage Hill. 1 very desirable Lot. 8.r> feet front, on Delaware avenue. 3 Small Frame Houses, Wilson slreet, on In* atallmeuta. 2 Frame Houses, 7 rooms each, Franklin St., near Swau, terms easy. Vacant Lot, Franklin street, near Swan. 2 Small Houses, S. Main St., near Weeden. Desirable Brick Dwelling, Jefferson street, near Union. 2 Frame Houses, N. Union St., above Klui. Small Brick Dwelling, Brunswick avenue, Cot tage Hill. 7 Room Frame House and large lot, Brunswick avenue. Cottage Hill. 20 Acre Lit, In West Aiuwell township, between Rock Road and Turnpike. 9 Acre Lot. with House and Barn, iu Delaware township, near River Road, l‘£ miles from city. 78 Acre Farm along York Road in West Am well township, cheap Oct. 16, 1893. GRACEFUL DURABLE. BEAUTIFUL A. R. FILLEBROWN, AGENT, LAMDERTTIME, »• !• Call 01* write for circulars, etc. This week we will place on sale a line of Bon-Bons Celebrated French Balbriggan Underwear for men, at the uniform price of jj (uMHOIll. f Shirts, 34 to 42, long or short sleeve. Size*. | Drawers, 28 to 42. BS^*It’s the only lot we will have this season. H. A. FIMGKR, Agl., 40 N. UNION STREET, LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. If you will mention tliis paper in asking for these goods, you will oblige. J. C. MANNING, (NEW STORE*) Vo. § IV. Broad St. pre naving securea a larger store, we are pared to execute all oiders promptly. Novelties and attractions in the Styl6S in Millinery end Fancy Goods. J. C. MANNING No. 8. North Broad Street, Trenton, N. J. competition cuts no ICE WITH IISI We’re doing now just wlmt we have always done, selling IIigli-(j'i*a«le <*oods >" Low-grmlc Prices. Tim Mon’s Suits that wo soli always suit in quality and price ; iho Boys' Suits that wo soil always lit well, look well and wear well ; tbo Children’s Suits that we soli suit tho whole family. What moro can you ask ? Tliore aro no springs in onr Spring Overcoats for moil, but thoro is warmth, comfort and stylo in them. At this timo of the year, a Spring Overcoat is as essential to a man's respectable appoarance as is n cheerful faco or a round stomach. Oivo us a chance to put yon and your boys in good trim, MEN’S SUITS. I'vo got enough money to pay cash lor them, discounting my bills. Am thus enabled to take advantage of every snap that two or throo days a week in Now York brings to notice. l’-vo bought some stylish suits for men this year at less than the cost of manufacture. Folt sorry for the sellers, but they were holpod by tho purchases. I helped myself at tbo samo timo and was put in a position to holp you. I've got Mon’s Suits in Black and Grav Mix lures, in Oboviota and Cassimeres, al #5. They’ll he welcomed hy many who have little to spare for clothing. They’re I ho best I ever had foi Che money. in the $0.50 qualities I have Blues, Browns and Grays, all wool. They are just what you need for business. There Is an endless variety in tho $7.50 qual ity. There are Cassimeres. Blue and Black Cheviots, Homespuns and Tweeds. They arc all wool, well mauc and nicely trimmed. For $10 I have Clay Diagonals, Blacks, | Browns, Slates, Tans, in fact,all shades. They’re j in Unfinished Worsteds, Cassimeres, Home minim llluck mid Rlun nmi Iiiinorfoil Cheviots. From $12 to $20,1 lia?e beautifuI, dressy nulla* that are tlu* envy of the tailoi in style ami fin ish ami his discomfiture ill price. You eau put $T> in your pocket by buying one of these. Men’s Spring Overcoats I’m showing in all colors, the latest styles, an 1 at all prices. I've got twenty-five varieties of le Suits, from $5 to $12 ; separate Pants fi >.:»» to $5. Boys’ suits, from 14 to 19 year*. $1 . i to $13.50. Children’s Suits from $1 25 t<> Coutirma tion Suits. MONEY BACK WITHOUT ARGUMENT. mmm *« mmm FAMOUS CLOTHIER, (SUCCESSOR TO RICHARD A. DONNELLY,) Opera Ilonas Stores, THEN TON, N. J. f‘BETTER WORK WISELY THAN WORK HARD.” GREAT EFFORTS ARE UNNECESSARY IN HOUSE CLEANING IF YOU USE SAPOLIO HAULING! All Kinds of Hauling Such as Trunks ami Freight. Household Goods moved and carefully handled; ploughing of lots; Sand always on hnud, in large or small quanti ties; Rich Dirt on hand for Hour hods and hilling up yards. Tomato, Cahhagc and Celery Plants for sale in season. J. M. LAMBERT, Residence, No. 40 Buttonwood Street. 49-nnlera also left with THEO. II. LAMBERT, residence north ot Ryan, Akers A Smith's Store, wilt receive prompt attention. March 4,1896-Sin. The undersigned informs his old patrons an the public In general that he has opened a CUSTOM BOOT AND SHOE MAKING SHOP, —ON— Coryell Street, Two doors E. of Lyceum Hall. He Is prepared to make all kinds of Roots and Shoes of the very latest styles, BOTH LADIES AND GENTS, equal to any tint-class custom shop in the city and at much lower prices. A guaranteed perfect fit every time. All kinds of Repairing neatly and promptly done. Also Kip and Cowhide Working Hoots and Shoes, especially for farmers and stone workers. WILLIAM. J. SCOTT. p.8.—I make all kinds of Shoes for crippled feet. Perfect easo aud comfort guaranteed. give me a trial, Lambert?ille, Sept. 2d, 1895 Special Summer Rates for Electric Lights. At a special Hireling nf the Directors of tlio Hunterdon Electric Company, held March 2lilh, 1890, it was dreided to make a Special Summer Hate for electric light, for the Summer of 1890, commencing May 1st, ns follows : Meter Kate, 1 cent per Ampere 10C. I*. Lamps, burned until 8 P. M., 75 10 “ “ “ 10 •• 831 10 “ “ “ 12 “ 1 00 10 “ “ burned all night, 1 25 If paid on or before the 5lb of the month, 10 per cent, discount will be al lowed. Lamps of less than 10 C. I1, arc not changed by these Special Summer Hates. All rules will be enforced, especially Hides 8, 13 and 14. ft Our prescut subscribers are to have full benefits of these rales for the Summer. We beg to rail your notice to the fol lowing very low rates for domestic light lug: 10 Lamps in one bouse, $50.00 per yeai For each extra Lamp, 3 00 “ Yours very truly, 1IllNTKRDdN ElICTBIO COMPANY. Wm. B. Bratton, President. Lambertville, Apr. 8, lS9t>-8t The cause of our BIG SPRING TRADE is OUR LOW PRICES AND HIGH QUALITY OF GOODS. For two weeks only BARB WIRE Plow Castings, Farming Implements and Garden Tools of all kinds, at less prices than ever before. $9.50 Will buy a Good Reliable LAWN MOWER. Vegetable and Field Seeds in variety, and at prices that are surpris ingly low. $1.2£i per bus. for Sw eet Fodder Corn. $5.00 Will buy a BRASS-LINED ORCHARD SPRAYING PUMP, fully equipped, regular price $9.00. Walking or Riding Cultivators, Plows, Harrows, Land Rollers, Harvesting Machinery, &c. Ask for prices. We have a first-class Horse Rake for $14.00 Now is the time to put out Strawberry Plants, and you can get fine ones at FARMERS’ HEADQUARTERS, BROAD AND FRONT STS., TRENTON. N. J. 1890. 1890. JNO. R. TREWIN & CO., CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND FURNISHERS We do not want to say too much for tear you will think we are vain. Will content, ourselves by inviting you to drop in and ask to sec our splendid line of Spring Suits, eith er for men, young men, boys or children. Our friends have all pronounced these the cleanest line of Spring Clothing ever shown in the city of Lambertville. Our childrens dept, is especially stocked to suit every de sire of the mother to see her boys dresssed in the correct styles, and at the very lowest possible cost* Remember, any goods bought of us and not found as represented may be returned. We guarantee everything we sell. Heaped fatty, JNO. R. TREWIN & CO., COR. UNION AND CORYELL STS. IiAMBEKTVILLE, N. J. All Things Are New 1 To provo this to your own satisfaction, lot us take you through our departments. A thorough change and renovation has been wrought. IN DRESS GOODS. Plaids in all their beauty atevory price, from 12Jc to 59c, for tho handsomo silk mixed goods. Serges—Tho fine ones, all wool, at 25c, 39c and 49c, for 40-inch wide ones. Storm Serges, in black, navy and brown, at 25c, 39c and 49c, for 40-inch goods. Henriettas, every color and black, all wool goods, 25c, 39c and 49o, for 49-inch goods. Crepons—A line of novelty crepons in 49-inch widths at 59c that you will tbink should be 98c sure; all colors and black. Novolties—All the proper combinations of colors in fancy weaves. Imported stylos, pretty silk mixtures, at 39c; exact imita tions of tho dollar goods. A line of line weaves at 49c and 79c. Black Hoods Novelties—We are safo in saying that we have tho largest variety of fancy weaves in black goods shown in this city. Pure wool fouudatious with figures in mohair, look like silk, 49c a yard. Ex tra fine crape ground nr satin grounds, mohair figures, at 59 and 09c; regular dollar goods. Cheviots—Smooth and rough, 49c to G9o. Clay diagonals, wear like iron and always look nice, 59c to 98c yard. IN COAT DEPARTMENT. Opening all this week. Exclusive and choicest styles of Reefers, Jackets and Capes for ladies and misses nro shown at tho most attractive prices. Cur Capes of all desirable kinds of fur. Cbildreu's garments for every size child from one year old up. Our reputation for having the best line of Cloaks In Trentou will be kept up. DOMESTICS. Canton flannels, good anil heavy, 4c, 5c and Cc. Extra heavy canton at 8c, 9c and 10c— worth 10c to 15c. All wool medicated flannel, lCc. Sanitary gray and brown-mixed skirt iug, 12Jc. The heaviest sheeting at 5c. Pillow muslin, 8c and 10c. Full-width sheeting, 12Je. Blankets, white, gray and tan, 50c pair. Persian [stripe blankets, 70c pair. Crib blankets, pretty styles, 39o each. BAUMGARTNER’S DOUBLE STORES, 15 and 17 East State St., TRENTON, N. 1. October 2,1895. NEW STORE! Opening Announcement! Tim subscriber will open this week a new store in Larabertville, and solicits a call from all who want goods in his line. The prices will he right and the stock up to date and of best quality. It will consist of Wall Papers, all new and Latest Styles, at Lowest Casti Prices. Paper Hangings and Decorations, Window Shades, all prices, all styles, Floor, Step and Table Oil Cloths, Certain Poles, Poom Monldmgs, Brass Hoods, Paints, Oils| Varnishes. PAINTING, Paper Hanging and Decorating A SPECIALTY. ESTIMATES FREELY GIVEN WM. D. BIRD, 41 North Union Street, (Second Door below Coryell), _ o LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Jan. 8,1896. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate ok John Bloomer, deceased. ••■•order of O. H. Bproul, Surrogate of the County of Hunterdon, made on the eleventh nn3! £«fnJJ!!U?T,A,.P* °,ne thousand eight hundred :"d“L“e.trIX*,Il0tice ,s hereby giyt*n to all per sons having claims against the estate of John ate of lhe County of Hunterdon, de ceased, to present the same under oath or aftlr ?^°"’it0 dt,h,e8u^8Crlber' Administrator of said deceased, within nine months from the date of said i.ain? a®y.creditor neglecting to bring in and exhibit his or her claim under oath or affirma tion, within the time so limited, will be forever barred of his or her action therefor against the said Administrator. Dated January 11th, A. P. 189C. CHARLES M. BLOOMER, Administrator. January 15, 1896. AUCTIONEERING. Do you w.nt an Auctioneer to err your sales •• Then why not employ UvtN Ho»i, who will he glad to wwit upon yon, at moderate charges Large or small sales solicited. B 1 claim to sell, not give away. Br«“SetSrS““ °f L*mbcrt"ll-.o-> Now P. O. address, Lambert vllle, N. J. Dec. It, 189S-3m IRVIN HOFF. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. $ Practically new RfMlagtont, Call. Vnpka, HwItR.prrtuIrm, ||w ■ .r—iriw, iinni- j VoMS fully . , -• 1 wrawwn, lllliy / °.n,y •*** *° f&n— •iVwT 7 w — , fiUO. Good machines rent- ' ed |4 monthly. Fret Handsome < Colored Priet List, Also, list of ( Revised Aaerleaa HUadard PU ^ “*■ Shorthand Book*, arranged for salf-iaamiction 5 < ...OIMU.A Trp.wHt.-r Ei.kuf., Hi ». « V1-Ijpawmcr menange, saa ■'way, n. I. ^