Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 4, 189T. —G. W. Bowlby was on Saturday ap pointed Postmaster at New Hampton, in tLis county. — It is estimated that from 300,000 to 500,000 baskets of peaches will be ship ped from Pittstown tbi9 season; —Senator VV. I). Daly, of lludsou oouu ty, is announced to speak at the farmers' picnic on Packer lslaud on August 18th. —John Clawson, of Kingoes vicinity, has purchased the Lewis llagainan farm, in Raritan township, near Higgins' school house. —John Clawson, of Ringocs vicinity, has purchased the Lewis Hagaman farm, in Raritan township, near Higgins'school house. —Experience proves the merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It cures all forms of blood diseases, tones the stomach, builds up the nerves. —Among the list of prize winners in the Clark Brothers1 bicycle races in Trenton, last week, are the names of E. Wilson and J. Wilson, of this city. — Miss Ci aka Koons will resume the teaching of music (piano, singing ami theoretic branches) at her home, 1*2:2 N. Union street, the first of September. Aug. 4 4t. — Rev. B. U Van CJeve, formerly pas tor of the Milford Presbyterian Churcli, has received and accepted a call from Canaan, N. Y , ami will remove there about the first of September. — The V. 1*. 8. C. E of tlie Presbyte rian Church of this city, Mill hold ith prayer meeting next Friday evening, at 7.30 o'clock. Subject: The comfort that comes from the Bible. Isa. 12: 1 fi. Led by .1 <i. Petrie. Seven mote tows belonging to (Zap tain John Shields, were killed recently at his farm near Baptisttown, making a total loss of seventeen cattle on the farm since May 1st. All of the animals were afllicte I with tuberculosis. — Fred. Herr, the 10 year old son of Judge Herr, of Flemiugton, fell from a tree into which he was climbing, on Mon day a week, breaking his arm midway be tween the elbow and shoulder. Hr. Sproul rendered needed surgical aid. The Trustees of the Flemiugton Pres byterian Church will make some altera lions and improvements in that edifice during the vacation of its pastor, J. W. Bogan, iu August. This will necessarily close the church for the third and fourth Sundays of that month. Five cents worth of solid enjoyment iu “Lambertville Pulls”—Kline's popular segar Bridge street. The new iron railroad bridge at Flemiugton Junction is about completed. The entire structure contains between nine ami ten hundred tons of iron and has a capacity for an engine weighing one hundred and twenty live tons, ruu mug at the rale of eighty four miles per hour. Several <Jlcn Gardner men who are employed at High Bridge, have been at home for several days attending to hurts. AI vah Ingle had some hot metal poured on his foot, Oliver Cowell had his foot mashed, and a sand ear ran over Joseph i unison's foot without being thrown oil the track, however. A peach exchange has been organized at Juuction with the following eltlcers President, Abram Frills ; Secretary, K. P. Baylor; Treasurer, E. O. Smith; Direct tors, Abram Fiitts, Andrew Caslner, E. P. Baylor, E. O. Smith, William Sells. The building erected a few years ago near the railroad station by C. O. Smith will he used. A big black draft horse belonging to (Je >rge (’. Pedrick, of Flemington, picked up a nail- as they call it—while being driven through that place one day recent ly. The animal set to limping at once and the diiver got ( IT the wagon and removed the intruder. Lockjaw developed, how ever, as a result, thus ending the life of the animal. — E. V. Parry, of Clinton, undertook to cut nu eight acre field of rye, and after trying to mow It down with two self hind ing ham sters and a reaper he gave up the (ask. The rye was an thick and tall that he hail to resort to cradles to gather it. Not in many years has so heavy a piece of rye been seen in the vicinity. — E. \V. Opiiycke, of Frencblown, the popular and experienced horse dealer, will sell a car load of horses at public sale on Saturday, August 14lh, at his stabhs in that borough. These horses, Mr, Opiiycke avers, are as good as grow in the West- Particulars in next week’s issue. - Best of all — “Eambertvllle Puffs"— an up to-date segar. Kline’s, Bridge street. — i). V. L. Schenck, of Delaware town ship, was fortunate enough to harvest his oats without greater injury to it, notwith standing the rains, than a change of color. The oats cut by a great mauy farmers be gan to sprout and was rendered worth less. Mr. Schenck thinks Ihat it is best in wet times to cut oats with a cradle in stead of a mowing machine, as the mower lays the osts on the ground in thick layers that cause it to sprout. —The peach farmers of the Juuclion vicinity have organized a peach exchange under the name of the “Junction Fruit and Produce Exchange Association, Lim ited." The managers elected at the or ganization are A. B. Frills, Andrew C'»9t ner, Wm. Sells, C. O. Smith and E. P. Biylor. The following officers were elected : President, A. B. Frills; Sec’y, E. P. Baylor : Treasurer, C. O. Smith. The exchange will open on or about August 10th, in the building near the railroad station. — Buy your Ice of Larison & Mar jarum. _Vax Scum:, painter, paper banger and sign writer, 53 Ferry street. • HOOD’S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to oparattf. 26c. ! I —K. U. Nan Horn and w ife returned I home last Saturday from a ten days’ visit to Avalon, N. J. | —John Lilly, Esq , and son William leturucd home on Thursday last from au extended trip. — Mr. Oervas Ely and family are spend ing four weeks at Ogouquit, Maine; a very delightful summer resort. — Kev. F. II. Gates, of Saiigt-ilics, N. V., will preach in the Baptist church of this city, next Sunday morning and even ing. — Kev. F. II. Cooper, of Binghamton, N. V., preached eloquent sermons in the Baptist church last Sunday to large con gregations. — U. II. Van Horn A Sou have a special sale this week of seasonable, fashionable and “all right” goods at great reduc tions. See adv. —The Scientific Aititriciin of last week, contained a large engraving of the filter plaut of the Lambertvillu Water Works, and an article on tilt rat ion by Mr. Hungerford, the civil engineer who built the filters. —The last of the typhoid fever patients to get tv* work was councilman Augustus Blackwell, who went back to his employ ment at the Limbertville Rubber Works on Monday. Mr. Blackwell’s case was one of the worst. The Young Peoples1 Societies of the Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist (’lunches arc bolding out door services at the locks, below town, ou Sunday after noons, at 0 o’clock. Last Sunday Itev. Or. Roberts, conducted the services. The Eagle Steam Fire Co., of New Hope, will bold tbeir picnic ou Thursday of uexl week. Cellar’s Orchestra will furnish the music. The proceeds are to be used toward building a new engine bouse, which is needed badly. Give the Eagle boys a lift. What is tlu1 sense of our city building country turnpike roads on our streets when asphalt pavements can be contract cd for at |2. 10 per square yatd and brick pavements for about the same price t It costs about that for our so called inarad am streets, which are anything but that. Let the procession keep up with the mu sic of the times, or else not attempt to parade. The ladies and gentlemen of the Mt. Airy Church will hold their annual liar vest Home on I hurt-day, August 19th iust., in William F Holcombe’s grove, near the church. Come and spend the day wilh us. Speakers, Ac, will bean notmeed in due time. Committkk. l-:<|iial lii a IO per mil. A«lvao«-e In jiuir It is a fact that Mr. S. A. Finger is making a genuine reduction of 10 per cent, on (iff purchases made fn m his stock this month. It appears to ls that the manuer of his reduction is the most just of any we know of. There is no old stock hunted up for this reduction, but the most desirable up to-date goods, and the discount is given whether your pur chase amounts to 10c. cr $10.00. If you have goods to buy and the cash to pay for them, it seems to us a good way to make 10 per cent, on your money, which iu these times is a high rate of interest. — We gave ail account a week or two ago of the* killing of a line horse, belong ing to liveryman Sehenck, of this city, by overdriving. He entered suit against Pat tick Dully, of the First Ward, for damages, and the trial came olT before Justice Lyman last Friday, at (Jymnasium Hall. The case drew a large crowd, and the hearing was prolonged into the even ing. C. A. Skillruan, Esq , was counsel for Mr. Sehenck, and It. II. Kuhl, E-q., for DufTy. Several witnesses testified to the long distance the horse was driven in a very few hours, on an exceedingly hot day. The defence attempted to prove that the horse was driven a long distance in the morning and had the colic. The jury staid out until 5 o’clock Saturday morn ing without agreeing and were discharged The case will be re tried. ATLANTIC CITY. F.scurslon via l'eiinsyIvauia Itiillrnsd The IVnnsy 1 vauia Railroad Company has arranged for a popular one day excur sion from points on the Helvidere Divi sion to Atlantic City, Thursday, August 12, 1807. Hound-trip tickets, good only on special train in each direction, will be sold at rate of $2 00 from Phillipaburg and all stations south, and (2.25 from stations, Helvidere to Harmony inclusive. Special train will be run on the follow ing schedule: — on A M frt.i/r r «o« . .11.15 '* , f B. IH . .rt.JW f 6.88 • f *i U . f » m Leave Helvidere. Hutchinson Marlin's ('reek Harmony. I'hilliimhurg. Lehigh Junction. Carpenterville. Riegelsville. Holland. Milford. Krenchtown. King wood.. Tumble. Haven Rock. Htockton. I.aml)ertville. Titusyiiic. ' Washington Crossing Somerset. Heudders. Wilburtha. Asylum .... Arrive Atlantic City . “f” stops on signal Returning, special train will leave lantic City at 6.00 1*. M. satne day. ..f 7.18 f 7 JH .. f 7 tt f 7 ii7 ..f 7JH . . .7 45 . f 7 98 .. .7.56 . f 7 59 . f H.01 fM iti . f h m . f M 11 . 10 to At Try Allen's Foot-Case. 4 A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoeB, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures aud prevents swol len and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves cores and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package free. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. V. —Lapel Huttons for Secret Societies can be had by applying to Geo. K. Todd, Lambertville. Price 25c. To give you an opportunity of testing the great merit of Ely’s Cream Balm, the most reliable cure for catarrh and cold in | the head, a generous 10 cent trial size can be had of your druggist or we mail it for I 10 cents. Full size 50 cents. Ely Bros., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. It is the medicine above all others for j catarrh, and is worth its weight in gold- I can use Ely’s Cream Balm with safety and | it docs all that is claimed for it. —B. W. ! Sperry, Hartford, Conn. ..— *♦ -- Educate Your Bowels With Cases rets. ! .Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, j IQc, 25c. If G C. C. rail, druggists refund money. C ommon Council. The stated monthly meeting of the common council was held last Monday evening. All the members present except Mr. Silvers. A petition from residents of South Main and South Franklin streets, asking that Fiauklin sheet, below Swan, be graded to its proper width anil sewered, so as to prevent injury from water, Ac. Referred to the street committee. The monthly report of the city treas urer was presented, from which the fol lowing facts were gathered : MUNICIPAL FUND. (.'ash on hand last report, $232 90 Recta, during month from notes iu bank, Ac., 4,963 25 $5,190 15 Payments, 6,124 05 Bal. ou baud, 72 10 $5,190 15 PI B11C SCIIOOI FIND. t’ash on hand last report, $03 82 Receipts, 272 21 $330 03 Payments, 272 04 Uash on hand, 03 99 BOAKI* OF MKAI.TH. (.'ash on hand, No pnyments. Due from VV. H. Wilmot, tax receiver, Ou duplicate of 1894, “ “ “ 1S95, $240 29 Due on duplicate of 1890, $101 42 Uncollectable taxes remitted, 31 30 $130 00 Uily debt Notes in bank, $i0,000. The city tax receiver* report was pre sented, showing the following Amt. of 1890 Duplicate, $20,199 80 Interest collected, 6 07 Advertising real estate, 52 50 $20,257 97 Paid city tieabUiir, 26,901 65 Unpaid list, 81 81 i'asli on baud, 48 25 $330 03 $38 22 $121 28 125 01 The vlmT lights committee recoin nuntieil that an aro light tie placed at the cornei of Kerry and Union street*. Mr. iloppoek asked if it wtre not pos sible to transfer a lamp from some other place to this, without udding to the ex* pcnse to the city. While in some places there were lights every other block, in others tlieie were lights only a block apait, and on his motion the question of the feaaibility of doing this was referred back to the street lights committee. A bill of Samuel Stockton for if 10, for burying child, was referred to the com mittee on poor for investigation. The shows committee reported $10 re ceived for licenses. I he monthly report of chief Morse showed six arrests ami flues amounting to 110.75. (\ A. Skillman, Ksq , presented a pro test from the ITiion Fire Co., respecting the manner of appointing the fire patrol, claiming that the board of engineers and not the chief was the proper authority to appoint - and further that the foreman of the 1 i)ion company had not been notified for some time of the meetings of the board. President limber contended that it was uot the business of the council to settle a dispute between a lire company and the chief—that it was the business of the board of engineers. Mr. Bkillman thought that council ought to decide as to the intent of the or dinances hearing on the question in dis pute. Finally, Mr. Leary moved that the quesliou be referred to the Fire Depart* merit (ommiltee, with the assistance of the City Solicitor to report at the next meeting of council. Adopted. The chief engineer and assistants re ported the need of badges for the active firemen of the department, many of thoso given out having been lost or carried away by those removing from town. They reported that they had secured es timates at 40 cts. eacli in large quantities. Ou motion of Mr. Guillick, the tire committee was authorized to procure the badges and present them to the firemen. A communication was received from 8t. Andrew's church o flic era, accepting the gift of plumbing, etc., in Ht. Andrew’s Hall, and thanking council for tlie same. The police salaiies were ordered paid. Mr. uuilltck called attention to the un completed work on South Main street. Mr. HittenliouHe, chaiiman of street com mittee, said the work had stopped be cause the appropriation had been exhaust ed. He thought it would lake #125 to complete the job. Mr. Murray said Ibe crossing on South Franklin street wanted renewing, as it was in bad condition, and ino?ed that an ad ditional appropriation of #150 be made, with the understanding that tt was to be used for the woik above specified. Carried. Mr. I,"ary moved that an appropriation of #25 be in ado to aid in paying the ex penses of chief Van Sc'ver to the National Firemen’s Convention at New Haven. Adopted. The committee was authorized to bonow money to pay bills ordered paid at ibis meeting. The following bills were ordered paid: Hunt. Electric Light Co 75 < Pierson, advertising. 11% l> J. Bechtel, 12 patrol bftdtfe* 12 on Street pay roll for July.2H9 90 Ueo. Banchoff. Jr ., Belgian blocks, .. »» «5 A Wanamaker. stone for crusher. 49 90 P Bailey, stone. 22 05 Win. Murphy, stone,. 5 20 T. ltiordon, Jr , crossing stones.. ... 157 17 T. Biordon, Jr., dressing stone. I 20 J Jt. Wert A Son, lumber. 7 92 A. Green, repairs to scraper Ac . 11 M Adjourned. Don’t bolt your food, it irritates your ! stomach. Choose digestible food and chew jit. Indigestion is a dangerous sickness. Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive I Cordial cures it. That is the long and short of indigestion. Now, the question is: Have /you got indigestion? Yes, if you have pain or discomfort after eating, ! headache, dizziness, nausea, offensive breath, heartburn, langour, weakness, fever, jaudice, flatulence, loss of appetite, ; irritability, constipation, etc. Yes, you have indigestion. To cure it take Shaker Digestive Cordial. The medicinal herbs and plants of which Shaker Digestive Dordial is composed, help to digest the food in your stomach; help to strengthen your stomach. When your stomach ia strong, care will keep it so. Shaker Dig estive Cordial la for sale by druggists, price 10 ceuta to $1,00 per bottle. No-To-Mac for Fifty Cent*. Guaranteed tobacco tat)It cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, |1. All druggists. GOOD ROADS NEW JERSEY DJvisiON L. A, W. All communications lor this column that are I received by the Cycle Kditor before Monday noon will receive prompt attention for current issue. | Cyclists wishing to joiu the League of American Wheelmen will he furnished with application blauks at the office of Tint Kkcord. NEW JEHSEY DIVISION OFEICEKS. CllIKF COUNSEL, c. FRANK K1HKKKR. Hs Kllison Street, Paterson SK* RKTARY-TRKASI KKK. JAMKS C. TATTKR8AI.L. P O. Box 329, Trenton. 100 renewals of membership in the N. J. Division last week. Total renewals L. A W. 1,200. Membership July 30, League of Ameri can Wheelmen, new 1,512; total 00,051. New Jersey Division, new 74 ; total 5,919. Chairman Albert Mott, of the L. A. W., is entitled to credit for taking a pos itive stand upon the question of decen cy in bicycle racing. At the Clifton race track in this state the proprietor pcimit ted a series of bicycle races id which women participated. Mr. Mott immedi ately blacklisted the track, and refused to raise it until the proprietor gave full assurance that no more such racing would be permitted. There is no demaud for such exhibitions, and Chairman Mott is light in maintaining the high tone of the L A. W., and of all races under its sanction. Elizabeth Journal. Chicago has adopted a scheme to tax all vehicles. I'ndtr this achetue bicycles aie to be taxed #1 » year and all other vehicles from $5 to $12 each. The fuiTd thus raised would aggregate about $1, 090,000 annually. Some such scheme was suggested ill New Jeisey last year, but it was, of fouise, aimed only at bicy cles. Queer isn’t it, 11ml bicycles, which l au not possibly injuic or wear out a road, are to he laxid to repair roads which are worn out by carts, wagons, carriages etc.? And again, its queer that rveiy year there arises some scheme to tax ve» hides for repairing roads which are hand ed over to horse car lines and electric car lines for their undisputed use am! occu pancy forever. There’s a good deal of inconsistency, not to say political wire pulling, in these schemes to tax the com munity to build ilieels ami roads and then give them away to rich corporations. L i/ahi lh Journal. M(«t N«l«l. After six weeks of hard woik 8. Spen cer ('huptnan, chaiiman of the Transpor tation Committee of the eighteenth an nual meet of the 1 league of Ainciican Wheelmen, which will be hehl in IMiila* delphia, August 4ll» to 7th, inclusive, oMcially announces that a one fare for thu round trip iate had been secured from all points east of St. Louis to Phila delphia during the meet. Tickets are o be Mold and good, going August 3 and 4, and returning from Philadelphia to August 9, inclusive. I his is indeed good news to League members throughout the country, for the one fare concession will undoubtedly be allowed by all the passenger associa tions in the United States. 'I bis is the first instance in the history of the L. A. W. that such a favorable rate lias been made, and it argues well for a record breaking attendance of cy ders in Philadelphia during the Hist week of August. Through the ifforts oi the executive committee of the National L. A. W. meet, an arrangement has been made with the managers of the Old York Hoad (over which there is a Miff toll charge for the round trip lo Willow drove; whereby league members may pass through the gates free on presenta tion of tickets to be furnished them at league meet headquarters. Cycleia not members of the league will be c in* polled to “pony up” the usual larifT. Among the “Pertinent Pointers” the L. A. W. meet committee has issued is this one : “Ik sure to bring your wheels with you. The streets of Philadelphia are made for cycling, there being 050 miles of asphult in the city proper, not to speak of the beautiful pikes nod the world famous Falrmouut Park.” Send in your application for admission to the L. A. W. in time for the August meet. Your card will he your creden tials for the week’s festivities. G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT, BUFFALO. Ilnir Kntei via IVnnnyU ttnla Railroad. For tin* National Encampment of tl»e Grand Army of the Republic, at RulTalo, ! August 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Comp my will sell special tickets from all points on its system to Buffalo and return at rate of a single fate for the round trip. These tickets will be sold and will be good going on August 21 to 23, and good to return not earlier Ilian August 24 nor Int er than August 31, 1897. Carliuge Collecting. Notice is hereby given that the Garbage Collector will make his rounds twiceweek ly Tuesdays and Fridays commencing at once und continuing until October 1st. Housekeepers will please have their gar bage boxes ready cuily in the rn< ruing < f each day. liy order of Tint Stukki Committer. - Hill’s Trenton Bread, the finest made anywhere, sold in this city by Samuel Walker. * The camel is a beast of great strcoglh and endurance. Nothing hurts it until the proverbial “last straw” is added to its burden. The human digestive system is very much like a camel. It is really astonishing how much abuse it will stand, i Sometimes, however, something worse | than usual will be eaten, and will go through the stomach into the bowels, and there it will stick—-that’s constipation. Nine-tenths of all human sickness is due to constipation. Home of the simplest symptoms are coated tongue and foul breath, dizziness, heartburn, flatulence, sallowness, distress after eating, headaches and lassitude. A little thing will cause constipation, and a little thing will re lievc it. I)r. Fierce's Pleasant Pellets are a certain cure for constipation. They are tiny, sugar touted granules, mild and natural in their action. There h nothing injurious about them. Hold by druggists. Address with 21 cents in oue-cenl •tamps, to cover cost of mailing only, World's Dispensary Medical Association, BufTaio, N. Y., and get a free copy of the •‘People’s Common Sense Medical Advis er.” - -- Educate Your Bowels Wltft* f'*«rar«t*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c, 26c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. ■IRKS IN LAMDKKTVIIXB. »% 1.1st TiiU<-it From tli« Chlf[ Kitgineer'a Hooka During Scventy-iU Years, It may be interesting to the readers of the liKtVKD to look at the list of tires that h.svi occurred in the city ami surrounding mumry during the past seventy six years, a» takeu from the record book in the of fice of the Chief Engineer. The list in cludes the false alarms and it will be noticed that there were more of that na ture in the early history of the depart ment. Tuc list will be a good thing for the firemen to cut out and save, as it was through hunting for a date that the pres cut list was prepared. (Continuedfrom la#t ivcck.' 1370. Sept. 22 3 1*. AI., False alarm. Dee. 10 8 150 1*. M., False alarm. Dec. 17 7 1*. M., False alarm. 1871. Jan. 10 10.30 A. M., l)r. W. Wetherill, Ferry St., barn. March 0 7 1*. AI., False alarm. March 10 10 1*. M., “ May II 7.30 l\ M , “ Aug. 10 4.30 1*. AI , J. It. Brittain, George, North of ('lunch, barn. Aug. 10 7.30 I*. AI., False alarm. Aug 30 0 A. M., George Gaddis, York and Main, barn. Get. 20 0.45 I*. AI., Hooker’s Building, Union and Coryell, printing office. Oct. 1 6 1*. M., Country, barn. Nov. 1 7 1\ M., S. Main St , dwelling. Nov. 5 10 A. AI , Head of Coryell St., old foundry. Nov. 10 4 P. M., S. Alain St., False alarm. Nov. II 1.30 A AI., New Hope, Butler's paper mill. I Nov. 20. 0.30 I*. AI., False alarm. | Nov. 30 0 P. AI., Humphrey, Fulon and Bridge, stables. 1872. j Jan 0 f> IV AI., Alarm York St , brush Man'll 8 7 35 I*. M , l/villu Paper Mfg Co., Kerry St., hr irk house. April 12 11.30 I*. M., M. Van Hart, New Hope, stables. April 27 11.50 IV M., J. K. Boo/.er, York ami iMinion, grain mill. April 28 1.30 A. M., Joel Carver, Bridge ami Heorgo, liquor store. May 3 3 I*. M , 1*. It. It. Co., Kruneh town, wood yard. May 10 9.30 A. M., I/ville Spoke Mfg Co., Cnion and Kim, spoke woi ks. 1 ¥72. June 11 2.20 1*. M., |*. It. It Co., Mil ford, wood yard. July 4, 12 30 1*. M ., o I*. Thatcher, Main and Coryell, grocery store. Aug. 5 10 IV M , Joel Carver, ltridge and <leorge, frame building. Sept. 19 8.30 IV M. W in. lingers, Kiank lit) and Coryell, dwelling. Nov. 23 2.30 IV M., Atuwell Mill Co., S. Main Sr., cotton mill. Dec. 3 3 A. M., L. II. Wham, Clinton •St., dwelling. 1873. Keb. 8 12 IV M., (Jeorge BancliolT, Itork Itond, bam. Keb. II 9.30 IV M., Kalso alarm. Keb. 23 8 IV M., Kalse alarm. July 23 I IV M., Win. Cowitt, North of Coryell St., machine shops. May 2 3 IV M., Ilirnm Scarborough, New Hope, barn. Oct 27 12.30 A. M , <J«*o. M. Cook, New Hope, barn and lumber yard. Ncv. 14 10.45 A. M., Finley A Seblicb ter, south of depot, twine fur lory. Nov. 22 II IV M , New Hope, cotton mill. 1874. Apiil 29 10 30 IV M , Joel Carver, Bridge and (Jeorge, gin mill. July In 9 30 IV M., IV It It. Co , Bridge St., depot. July 20 8.15 A. M , John Bultcrfois, Coryell and Kranklin, ranning factory. Aug 19 8.10 IV M , IV It It. Co., round house. Dec. 8 I A. M , <>. IV I'hatcher, Main and Coryell, grocery store. Dec. 8 11.30 IV M., (lervaa Kly, York and Main, stable. Dec. 24 9.45 IV M., Black Belle, Bridge and Heoigc, dwelling. Jan. 13 II.30 A M., M (luillick, South Mult) St., dwelling. Aug 20 2 IV M , I* It. It Co., Frails ville, bridge. 1875. May 22 8 A. M. Mrs. Van Camp, Hook, dwelling. May zz r. j>i., r. it. it t o, reeuor and llridge, store house. June 1 2 30 I*. M., King, New Hope, flax mill. June .'l 2 I*. M., Gervus Ely, Holcombe Grove, house And platform. July SO 12 I*. M.p VV. K. Stryker, foot of Coryell St., lumber yard. July 31 I A. M , I*. It It. Co., Ilridgc Month of Feeder, freight depot. Sept, il 4.30 A. M., Henry Toneme*, New Hope, store. Oct. 10 10 1*. M., Wm McCready, Kerry below I nlon, paper mill. Dec*. [lib A. M., Henry Savage, Main anil York, wardrobe; Grivas Kly, Holcombe Hall, fSame lire 1870. Match 13 12 30 A. M., Vincent Mathews, H. Main St , dwelling. May 12 II I*. M., Frenchtown, Dept, there. May 17 U A. M , Amwell MillsCo., South Main St., factory. July 20 12 A. M , New Hope. July 20 8 1*. M., Luwshe, Pleasant Val ley, barns. Dec 4 7 l\ M., Stockton, Aquetong there. 1877. Jan. 15 2 A. M , Fahey, foot of Coryell Hi., smoke house. Feb 17 7 A. M , (1. K. Swallow, Muiu St., small frame. Feb. 20 12 30 A. M., l/ville Rubber Co., South Main St., boot dept. Feb. 21 8.30 1*. M., New Hope, False Feb. 20 8 A. M., Ralderson, New H ,pe, smoke house. April 4 1 P. M., J. & II. E. Smith* Rridgc and Union, clothing store. April 10 5.15 A. M., Stockton, spoke works. April 23 12.50 P. M., Lamberts, New Hope, tailor shop, May 18 0.80 1\ M., Stryker Estate, Union St., dwelling. May 80 12.15 P. M., A. J. Solomon, T« ( ur* on* 11 pit i ion Voraver. Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. lOc or 26c if C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.’ New Hope, boat yard. Oct. 14 4.05 I*. M., New Hope, school Oct. 23 11.45 1*. M., Mm. O'Donnell, New Hope, store. Nov. ' 9 30 1*. M., NV. Holcombe, Yoik ami Franklin, barn. 1878. Jan. 23 2.05 l\ M., O. Ely, Main ami Swan, dwelling. Ma*ch 20 5.30 1*. M., J. Sproat A Sons, South Main St., factory. April 2 12.45 A. M., T. Conners, Lime port, barn. April 4 0.80 A. M.t Johu German, York and Franklin, dwelling. May 7 9 I*. M., False alarm. May 10 10 1*. M., Carroll A Hilts, Main and JetTorson, bains. June 25 9.55 I*. M., False alarm. June 29 1.30 A. M., Frenchtown, Colon there. Aug. 20 8.30 1*. M., Wm. Carver, Bridge St., dwelling. Aug. 26 9 F. M., Hingoos, False alarm. Nov. 22 9.30 I*. M., New Hope, False alarm. Nov. 25 *1.30 1*. M., Mrs. King, Hook, Mrs. King burned to death. Dec, It 3.15 1‘. M., Geo. HanebotT, Hook Hoad, frame building. |To be continued.] i’erea-CoUVc llmni r! If you have been deceived ami tried one of the cheap bran substitutes now on (lie market, claiming to ho the original and to have great food value, and you got a pound of poorly roasted bran for your 25c. and a poor, weak, siekish drink what can you expect from bran), don’t be discouraged but try Guain o. It is made from solid grain, nicely browned and 2 pounds for 25c. Grain O takes the place of colToe at ’ the price. Get a pack age of your grocer to day. .turn* ?:t, ’i»7. Kliiicoet Kipplra. The minimi " Union Picnic ” has been postponed until August 26th. Every nr mngement is being made for a large gath eriug this year, as Kingoes is a euntral point. All Sabbath schools, of every de nomination, arc hereby invited, as far north as Flrmington Junction, to Lam bertville on the south ; Stockton on the west, taking in Proton, Locktown and Koscinont; Wcrtaville on the east, includ ing Amwell and Woodsvillc. Itev. W.C. Stinson, of Oliio, and other good speakers have been secured. Hood music will tie provided. Dinner and supper, with lee eream and other refreshments, will satis fy all who come. Don't frrgut the date, Aug 20th. Come and spend the day. Mr. Silas Nonainakcr, one of our oldert residents, departed this life on Saturday evening last, lie had been sick fot some tune. Kev. Mr. Potter, of the l*’irat Church, preached an interesting sermon last Sab bath, on “Willing workers; how they work and what they do.’’ Kev. Mr. Wcurick, of the Memorial church, preue.licd to a Urge audience last Sunday morning, after which he adminis tered the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Kev. Mi. Wells, of the Baptist church, preached very earnestly at the morning hour and afterward administered the sa eminent of the Lord’s supper to a goodly number of persons. Man Anon-Tows. DELP HTFUL VACATION TRIP. Tour lo tlir Noilli tin I'niiin) I vunln ItallroM'l, Visiting Watkins (lien, NinK.rn Kill., Thousand Ul.nrl., t^uebec, Montreal, Aii ,Sable Klnisni, I,.lie ('liamplaln .nil l.ake tleorgc, Haiatoga, nnil tIn- Highlands of the Hudson. Heave Philadelphia liy special train August 17. The tour will be In charge of ouu of compauy'a tourist agent.. An experienced chaperon will also accompany llie party, having especial charge of unescorted ladle. The rate of |I0II from New Yolk, Itrooklyu, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, llarrl.hiirg, llaltiuioru, and Waihiiigton covers railway and boat fare for the en tire round trip, parlor-ear .eat., ineala cn route, hotel unlorlainmcnt, transfer charges, carriage hire in fact, every Item of nece.aary expense. Kor detailed itinerary, tickets, or any additional Information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Itailroad Company, llllfi llroadway, New York; HOD Fulton Hlrcel, Itrooklyu; or lien. W. Hoyil, Assistant (icn.ral Passenger Agent, Itroad Htreet Station, Philadelphia. — List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Oillcc at Lambertville, N. J , for thirty days : John Itauner, Leon Poke. K. W. (’l.OHHON, P. M. Lammkiitviiik, N. J , July 31, 1807. After Typhoid Fever Did Not C^t Gv»:.-tii. .. , L«n l^uld Feoliii^ Tcrribiol. .t.ligand Burning on Limbs und liandu. “After I had typhoid t. .er, for a long time 1 could mil gi l ot.-r the wcuk and lunguid I eel in/. I imd no appi t i»c und wan taken wil h a terrible itching, burn ing heat 011 ni” liiubii ami hand*'. I v as treated f• »r a long time, bill I d not get any better. I e.uhl li"t cut or ... A fri. nd a lv <d me to t ry Horn. * S »rwi purllla, if d I eon «! a boillem.d began tHkfng it. If. 1 I vv • I f It la tter mid could < it and '-Ir- I 'omtn'M-d taking Hoo t Harvrijat-ilia 1 d I v.-fia ent irely cured.” Mkh. b A vrn v, Bergen, N. Y. “ My little girl vvi alir.od blind, owing to a He:-..f 1I0 is trouble. We resorted to Hood’s Kar a/arilla and I day her eyes are per feel ly well und kIm is I lie picture of health. ’ H. ('. Al.bK.N, 221 Wtat Slat Street, Ncv. York, N. Y. HOOd’S 8 parilla Is sold l»> all druggists. Price $!; six for . ,, l%.g| ur« the only pills to take 1100(1 S Kills with Hood s Sarsaparilla. —Arc you ruptured if Mr. tthamulia has had 20 years experience applying trusses. He will allow you to wiar the truss two weeks and then return the money if you are not satisfied. Lady at tendant. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. ft* mrj To Cure Constipation Kor«»*r# Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or%c. If C. t C. full to cure, druggists icfund mouey. THE STEWART BUSINESS COLLEGE affords tho very best facilities for acquiring tborough instruction in ENGLISH BRANCHES, BOOK K EEl’ING, BANKING, MATHEMATICS, BEN MANSI III’, BUSINESS PRACTICE, STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. Expert accountants and teachers as instructors. A highly practical course of training. Careful classification of students. Skillful, conscientious service guaranteed. Exceptionally excellent school appointments. BUSINESS PRACTICE. Has the most rational, practical, scientific course in Business Practice 'from start to finish' yet devised to bring the COUNTING-HOUSE INTO THE SCHOOL-ROOM. With this system, the student immediately on entrance, assumes the duties of the real book keeper, and is not required to “play at busi ness” to learn the science of accounts. Thi.s school’s claims to superiority arc full and substantially endorsed by the leading accountants of the city of Trenton. Why not patronize the best V SCHOOL TERM REGIS'S W EHSESUAY, SECT. 1, LSUT FOR ILLUSTRATEII CATALOGUE, Ail,Irens THOMAS J. STEWART, Principal, eoi.i.iau: Boons, 10 im,l I'i M. Hr,>ii<l Mired. Il,i\ .Vi), Trenlon, V J. Per Cent. DISCOUNT -FOR Month of August Only The ONLY way you get a genuine reduction. You buy new, fresh goods, just wliat you want, the latest styles. NOT “.IOB LOTS” bunted up for the occasion. YOUR DISCOUNT IS SURE every time you make a purchase. You know our prices as well as we do ourselves. All goods marked in plain figures. Wliat. can you buy ? Nearly every thing you need present wants. We will enumerate a few tilings: 10 PER CENT. OFF. for FURNISHING GOODS, DRESS SHIRTS. OUTING SHIRTS. NECKWEAR. COLLARS and CUFFS. GLOVES. VEILINGS, CORSETS, SHIRT WAISTS. HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, THIN UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS. RIBBONS. POCKET BOOKS, EMBROIDERIES and t acps DRESS LININGS, TRIMMINGS, BELTS, YARNS. TOILET ARTICLES, &c. 10 PER CENT. OFF._ loti will gel llii- illM-oiint nlirllirr you u«k lor l| or not. Don’t forget. Don’t say you did not know, lint lake :ul vantage at once while wtoek is full. S. A. FINGER, AGT. A HINT A good time to buy your Winter Underwear. \«-w .1 cr»«') Sii|ir<-IIK' * i KOK' • K Ml l.l,Kit ! VM. I HA I A II S. HaRIWM'K, l»< vh«'r of INaliili H. Har- I bour.'liMciwetl. I Ill Attill llllH'lll Notuic. Notice Im Inn city k i v. it I hat a will ol utlio htncitl. at Ihi- unit of (icorgc Miller n^uli»«t. tIn* right < and credits, moneys nmt effects, goodx uml ihutlch, In imIm and tenements nf Ifaiali H. Harbour, devisee of I mu lull H. Harbour, deemed. defendant, which In* hold* under devise from Isaiah S. Harbour, deceased, for Iht! mi in of twenty-eight thousand dollarx, the huiiio being a debt due by Isaiah H. Harbour (now deceased) and William II. Ireland, lately trading ux Ilaibour A Ireland, to said George Miller, Issued out of wild Court on the twenty third 'lay of June, eighteen hundred and nlnetv neven, returnable and returned into court duly executed by the Hheriff of the county of Hun terdon, in the Mate of New Jerxey.on the seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. Hated July l.itli, I8U7. ju;nj. I*. Ml, V. I). Jo link, Merle. Attorney, ||o Market si., Canideu, N. J. July 'il-'lt—Prs. fee &J.75, LAMBEBTVILLE m*. uj Having fitted up at tin: Cor. Union and Church Sts. a Steam Laundry ol all new Ma chinery of the best make and secured ex[»ert operators, I am now prepared to execute miMIMt mint Vttt. Work called for and delivered free. Also, work left at Adams’ lvxpress Office will receive prompt attention. Prices as low as the lowest. Your j atronage is solicited mid satisfaction guaranteed. M. O’LOUGIILIN, Laundry Office Second Floor. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES. It is conceded by all that the Fountain or gravity Syringe is the only perfect sy ringe made. Many syringes have the same appearanco, in fact you cannot tell the difference from the best, only by tho test of time. The first cost is about 25c. more. Tho di f feronce in durability is about a year. We have a new stock of pure soft rubber with throe pipes that will give satisfaction to all or money re funded. The price lor 2 qt. , $1. 25. E. W. CLOSSON’Si MAIN AND CHURCH STS., Lambortville, N. J. Chas. M. Williams, Manager, Graduate In Pharmacy, registered by examination iu Penua. and N. J.