Newspaper Page Text
VI, A UK P1KRH0N, Kditor. I<AMBEJSTVTI-iLE, N. .1. WKDNESDAY. AUGUST 3,1«IK. I Ik* A/m / ii /fii Mnnffifi/ //* t it irs for August reviews the Santi ago campaign by land and sea from start, to finish. Winston Churchill, who wrote so acceptably on Admiral l>cwey for the June /.Vrb//', deseribes in this number tlu* wonderful battle with Cervera’s fleet, and his artiele is illustrated in part from llemment’s remarkable photographs of the Span ish ships taken tin* day after the fight. John A f 'hill eh, formerly of the Anna • tin/ A ’art/ .hmritnl, contributes a full account of the Santiago land fighting, and his artiele also is illustrated from new photographs, Park Uenjamin writes on the work out out for the littHtern H'piadron under Commodore Watson Altogether, the Utritir again shows its ability to keep well abreast of all important military and naval movements, and to exhibit a clean pair of heels to all its compcti tors in maguzinedom. VACATION Wilt NttllM Ul'll l)o Nol I lilt I I Ill'll!. T he < >rutipo ('Itrunirlc raises a pro tapainst a had practice which we believe in not entirely routined to all the Oranges. It says There are scores of people who go away to sum nier resorts every year, and spend the entire season in expensive re ereatioii, who leave liehind them hills the paviueiit of which would greatly curtail their summering by depriving them of the ready ra»h which they are obliged to produce when away from holm*. In ctVect, they form their cred itors at home to pay for their vara tions, while these same creditors are frequently deprived of [their own out mgs hy their inability to Hpare for their pleasure or recreation tin* money necessary, and at the same time ad vauce the funds for their debtors* en joyment. Those whocunnot pay their hills and take their vacations too, and choose the latter of the two courses, are not the only class of customers who ale a trial to the local dealers, who could settle all their accounts as well as not. hut who, never having ex perieneed the sensation of wondering just where needed funds arc to come from, see no necessity of paying their lulls until they feel just like it, and so postpone the pleasant function until their return from their nut in*.:', Whether it is inability or indispose tion that deprives the dealer of his money for weeks or months after it is dm*, the result is the same to him and he has to stay at home and hustle, and wish In* might have the privilege of spending some of his ow n money m an shall W i- 1.1*1 Spain SI in in ||i«* I * ll i 11 ppl III'n “ I herc must he involved in the con elusion of a treaty with Spain the .. 1 ,r" speciiii* que.-o,,,, whether or not, having extinguisheil the Spanish sovereignly in the Philip pines, we shall choose to reestablish it We shall then he obliged to con sidcr carefully the fact that out vie torioiiH position at Manila had from tlo- beginning been closely hound up w ith the cause of the Philippine in siirgciitM. We shall have to remember Admiral l>ewey's relations with (leu end Xguiuuldo. We shall have forced upon our attention the remarkable facts which will yet come out in far greater detail than they have hitherto been presented of (leiieral Xguiiial do s campaign in May, .lime, and.Inly against theSpauish troops in various parts of the Philippine Islands, and particularly in the vicinity of Manila XXY shall not find .Xguiuuldo and Ids ambitious fellow leaders to he the most tractable and delightful of allies, per haps, hut they have much to their ere iht ('impress and the Xmcricau peo pie will he likely to take the •■.round (which the President and the adniini stratum are also pretty certain to a - siiuieI that when the grand settlement is made at the conclusion of the war our vigorous allies, the Philippine in surpents undei \ • iiinaldo, have very much more title to our consideration than tin* Spaniards who have robbed and tyrannized over the Philippine population There is a pood deal too much of the spirit of liberty and of true chivalry in the \nierican people to allow the Philippine Islands to he handed hack to the Spaniards after all that has happened since the tirst day of May , when llewey and his men rose so* early hut breakfasted so late From The Prepress of the World 111 the I ,//* i-irtui tlonthllf <</ /,’* lit n s' I'm V Up IISt SUMMER OUTINGS. III.* Pennsylvania Kailioad Comp any uiilioniici's the follow in - I'oihihi all v ('oudueted I'lim s lor 111«* Summer Mini early \ ut it in it of IS* is I'o tlw \ortli i iiicliiiliiiK Watkins (ili'ii. Nnr.:arii Palls, I'housuml Islands, Montreal, (^iicluT. \u Kulde Chasm, Pukes ('liain|>lnin ami (leoroc, Sara to.pi, ami a daylight ride through (In* Highlands of tin* Hudson), duly Vd and August hi. Kato. $100 for tin* rouml trip Iriun Now York, Philadelphia, Haltimorc, ami Washington, coverin'.: all expenses of a two work's trip Proportionate rates from other points To Yellowstone Park amt the Trims Mississippi T \ posit ion on a special train of Pullman sleeping, compart incut, observation, ami dining oars, allowing oiuht days in "Wonderland' ami two day s at Omaha. September t llato. $V;i5 from Now York. Phihtdcl pliia. Haltimoro. ami Washington . $VdO from Pittsburg. To Niagara Tails, excursion tickets tfooil to roturn within ton ilavs will ho sudd on .I illy VI. Vn^ust 4 a ml IS, Sep temher I. 15, ami VO, at rate of $10 from Philadelphia, Haltimoro. ami Wash m^toii I’liesc tickets include trans por'tation oulv. and will permit of stop over w it Ii in limit at IhitVulo, lloehest ei ami Watkins on the return trip Two ton da vs tours to (lot t vshur^. liinax Caverns. Natural Hrnlue. Vii xinia Hot Springs, Itiohmoml. ami Washington. Soptomhor Vs and Octoh er 1!< Kate, $05 from Now York. Sil t from Philadelphia. Proportionate lutes from other points. For itineraries and further informn tiou apply to ticket agents, or address (*eo. W Boyd, \ssiatunt (ieiioral Pas seiieer A^ent, Phitadelpliia Heard >1 ii«'li Almut Them. *1 was taken with a had humor w hich appeared on different part* of ut) hod> and on tua> foe Prescriptions gave nio nub temporary relic I I heard so much about the euresby Hood's Sarsaparilla that 1 began tak ing it and in a short time the eruptions were all healed' Miss heart hi oak Wyoming, tinware Hood s Pills cure all liver ills L,i*y to take, easy to operate : reliable, sure. <J.v. I A Newark Barber Has Been Closely Confined to His Shop for Years The Result Was Dyspepsia Which Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured. “Owing to close confinement for many years, I suffered a severe siege of dys pepsia. I had a very bitter taste in my mouth i/i the morning. I took medi cine for a long time without benetit. Finally I decided to try Hood’s Sarsapa rilla, and it helped me from the start. Its continued use entirely cured me. Since then 1 have never been sick hut once and I again resorted to Hood’s Sar saparilla which did me as much good as before. I would not be w ithout it under any circumstances. I have recommended it to my friends and use it in my family whenever my wife or children have any Htomaeh trouble or need a blood purifier. ||AHllY I.. Mokkim, 100 Mulberry Street, Newark, New Jersev. Remember Hood’s SparHla Ih the best i/I fact the One True Blood 1‘urlfh r. All druggist*. $1; six for $' Oet only Hood’s. .. ,, f * •«« cuze l.iver ills; easy to llOOil S KlIIS take, easy to operate d. Then* r. a plant, it is said. that in never touched l/y insects, and that is tuns\. If vi*u mb it horse over with a ban.Ilul of it before taking him on the road, it ia claimed that Hies will not touch him .lust try it and see. The editor of the I,vims City, IV, (llohc, writes, “Olie Minute <'oll^ll (lure is rightly named. It cured inv children utter all other remedies tail ed. It cures coughs, colds and all tliroat and lunur troubles. S. \\ Coch ran A ( '<». 'The cartoons reproduced in the August !'• co tr nf /‘n it irs from Span ish journals serve to indicate the den sit v of popular ignorance in Spain as to the facts of the present war. For instance, one cartoon shows ( everii s fleet as successfully slipping past Sampson at Santiago; another re presents Cervera as having Schley bottled up ; while in a third Admiral Dewey figures as a rat caught in Spain's Fhilippinc trap. TilK MAKKKTS. liHiiihcrt v111* AiUfiiHt :t. 1H9H FISHT..H Ol OltAIS . ..rr. led . very Wed imHilny hv I I' I.F.AIi dealer m drum. 1’ltmi-■. Feed. A . ritiri'.S Ol 1*1(01 »t ( I A. t,y I ONUYKK A roNOM.t: dealers 111 I»r\ < i*and < in» I(oiler Fatent * Jol.l Medal holier Fnti-nt I>iano»n»l holler Fl o. e- It*>Mil holler Flour Ihirvent holler Flour- While I ..ul holler I lour Standard live Flour Fork wheat Flour Wheal T hn*diel Itiiekwlient live < 'ol ll. VV lute <>atM. new Flax Seed. Ili tt Fluster. UHi li.i < hdolii, v bushel Pol ii toes Shelll-urliM Winter I tea i Is. F In del I tried \ i»i»h•— v' !’■ 1 tut ter i wood' Hut t er (poor) Cheese llam Shoulder Flesh Veal I I e ll heel H|«|«■ > Small Fork (Hide' Flax New hard I tried Heel F.tfKH y do/en Oilmen Fuss, 1 y pllre <'luekens. dressed. r it Turkeys M ill Ion *1 10 a io 00 a". 40 to 40 I 10 •tr. i i«i SO * I Ml in 10 to h; IlM l I i 4m tr. it. 11 14 VIA II Kl At; MS. M 11 > I > A t (ill \\ III I I. VI I rent.m .turn t. 1SM> |»\ lie\ l> I! Foster Ml's Fluneis S N Middaueh. >>t Tivutoti. to ( harle- W hit.*. o| Fi enehtow n DKATI IS. l,»l 1.1.N \l lo l home al M.miiiI I'leasald.-lull Pt. isms, utter si\ months' illness, lavera An aur. wife o| John W (,‘ueen. Si and daimli lei .d ihe late Haul \|m;ai . of latlleVoik aue.l 7 1 years. 7 mouths and . days H<M tillNFH \r lor Imme iit FleuntuMon. hineisus, Mi - Mary .lane widow of the late .loseph Hoiufhm i a«ed about (is \ears II VICTFHNCI In Flenuindoii. March s. isos. Jonathan F Hai l pen. «• need '.', years and v.1 mold Its NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUSINESS EDUCATION A SURE INVESTMENT, \ 11< I oil** |»:«\ 1111 •• larger «li\ i »l« ml-* i lt:m :iu\ other invest iiii’iiI under (ln‘ nn It’s not an i*\ |m*list* in ai*\ sense Hut liow tlioroiu'li it ‘ li ill lie, lll jll’InU IIJXIII lll<’ ImI'IIH-’ college imparling it I In* great ilil1« ivuee lichurn tin* Hitler ami orilinarv lm-i in ss colleges i>. in tin* but that we’n* tbornugldv prat tieal, ami that our students " l.eatn to tin I»v doing ’ W t \ v no |it t t hroi v to ail - V anee. tbtr Prospect us, live tor the asking, tells more about us, ami what we’ve ilom*. Kail term begins Sept. 1 Rider Business College, it no i ii %\i> ritovr nix., THEN TON, N. J. Am; i. IS!** HOTEL FURNITURE FOR SALE! \t.i nn 11 ijni run i\ i m UNITED STATES HOTEL, TRENTON, N. J. uu'lutlnu: >• W It % 1C iiimI fr'IXll IIKN auU l»ooi TAitl.K, (toiie; ilrst-oho.* l.nsimss I liis Hotel cun Ik* Itsistsi o«i <>os\ terms \>Ult-fSS. nuiritiF/roit .lull ‘JT. Those having dead horses or cows ean have them removed at short not tee by leaving word at the Postal Tele graph Ortice, at the lTiiou House, tu this city. * FOR A AT NEWTOWN, PA. Buildei.s of tin- lii.fl ('ani;i"i' lor the money at which I hey are “old In Eastern I'eiiusvlviiniii. All styles on hand or hnilt to order. SEND eon CATALOGUE. Tlio Successful Remedy for | NASAL CATARRH must be non-irrituting. easy of application, and one that will l»y ith own action reach the inflamed and diseased surface FLYS (BEAM BALM combines the im portant requisites of quick action and speci tie-curative powers with perfect .safety to the patient This agreeable remedy him mastered chins and patients freely concede this fact All druggists cheerfully acknowledge that in this the acme of J'liarmacetirtcnl skill lias been reached The most distressing symptoms quickly \ ield to it In acute cases the Halm imparts instant relief By Absorption. ( atarrhal sufferers should remember that Ely Cream Balm is the only catarrh remedy which is ifnirh'lii nml i hnrinnthln ahsorhrd by the dis eased membrane It liven not dry n/tlhe .vecc< - hviis, but changes them to a limpid and odor less condition, and iinally to a natural and healthy character The Italin run be found at an.\ drug store, or by sending ’>n cents to Ely Brothers Warren St . New York, it will be mailed ( ream Halm opens and cleanses the nasal nssages, allays intlammatmn. thereby stop ping pain in the head. heals and protects the uieinhraneand restores the senses of taste and smell. The Halm is applied directly into the nostrils. For this Wrrli Three mid-Siimmcr specials that should he profitable to you It’s our house cleaning time; that's why the goods are reduced Underwear. Ypnilanti Summer Indenvear re " dileed to half price A real lisle low-neck vest trimmed with Scotch plaid ribbon at neck and Hcgular price, rale For this week, reduced to 8V A tine cotton vest almost like lisle, trimmed with sightly, durable linen lace. Hcgular price, 85c 1*1 lee for this week, .'<e Ladies’ combination suits that were Hediii’ed t his week to Muslin Skirts Keduced to SRfc. Our regular 41c. skill \ 1 so hhc , +1 mi +1 , i*q Ms and +1 as skirts reduced f <• He M»c , i. Sc . liUc ami K4t* They're carefully made, ul good mat era I and handsomely trimmed, hut are a tulle narrower than those most sought after now, that's all; that's w hy they’re reduced Fancy Ribbons, Some gros-grain, some tullcta. ami some fancy Weaves. both m lighter dark shades; some plaids, sonic stripes and some Persian etVect.s Hcgular prit'es, vfV to tine per yrd. rilis week's price, 17c per yard ^iir.iurrs SAM’ B\ virtue ul a w rit ot Fi Fa to me dire. ted. issued out of the Court ot (’haticerv ot New Jersey . will he exposed to sale at I'uhln \ ell MON I‘AY , Till. TWT.N I’Y-KKCONH l>\\ Ol VI’Ol'ST, NF.X I het W cell the hours ot twelve 1111,1 live ...lock iii the afternoon of said day, at the Court Mouse, in the township of Karitan, in the Coimtv of Hunterdon and state >d New .h r se>. all that certain tract or parrel of hind and nremises, situate in the Township of 1 ‘claw are, hounded ami described as follow s : Begin mug at a stone corner toJueoh liter's la ml in ,lohn Holcombe’s line, and running thcuce h along said line south sixty-three degrees and fifty one minutes west. so \ cut ecu chains to a stone corner to John (' Holcombe's land; thence along his line north twenty-six degrees and forty minutes west, forty-two chains and lift\-six links to a stone heap in William Wilsons line; thence P along Ins line north sixty-four degrees and fifteen minutes east, twenty-six chains and eighty one links, to a corner in John Lambert s line ; theme O' along the same and said .Jacob 11 ice’s laud, south fourteen degrees and three minutes east forty-three chains and titty links to the place of beginning, containing ninety-two acres and ninety three hundredths ot an acre, more or less. Being the mine premises eolivevcd to the said Jacob II Hol combe. h> Beniamin \ Holcombe ami wife, hv deed bearing date October eleventh. \ I’ IMSrt, and recorded in \..| •JSM ,q 1‘egds tor Hunterdon < 'ounty, page lrt Seized as the property of Jacob II Hol combe et u\ . and taken in execution at the suit >d Lambert T W.«rman. and to be sold by JOHN H \MsL\ H s Krui . Sol i Shentl hated hllv tmli. IMHs lees. #7 50 I y Authority as oums.i x('i: I'o niuke uppiopi iulious un«I levy a tsx 1..1 the I fit luhnhihiHli of the ('•/•/ uj i/» ut.huu: Sv 1 Tim I Hu1 follow mp appropriation* ho mad< ini the current year ls^s 1st. I'o pay ill' t t-iiity Tax I■•»• i.svm, '>00(k> Jd To pay tho State School Tu\ for IW»* i ,»m» oo :'*l. i'o pay lor t!%•* support of llif Pnhlu Schools of Hit* oily :‘.‘.oo o) fill. I'o pay flu* spooial lux lor I In' sup plv ol soliool IhhiIci ;i n mi Oh I'o pa v for I ho support of Ho poor fiHI mi Mli. I'o pay for Imliiuii: ilio si root • I ; . o ihi .ih lo pay for tho ropal s and improvo mom ol at reels V.oOo oo i 'III lo pay loi the support of I ho | i,o hoparliiiout an,l Water supply i,*r»o 0u ' 'ill Tor Police I' x|m*o'os I,|o0 ml loth For Salaries aii«l loos l.V«oo on llth l oi l'olilliinonl Fxpoosos 400 mi | S« »• Hint lo n»jse Ilio lovonuo necessary lo : provide lor ilio appro nnaLinu* mailo in soot ion ' lirst, tho lax 11»I*■ lor tin . urroiit yoar IS«)S shall | ho .it ilio i«! o oi ono ilollar a ml torlv-tlvo oonts upon oa> li oiio hundred dollars ol v iluatlin Ilio siaio poll lax shall ho ono ilollar. ami (ho lax ! upon ilo«s'hall ho I w o ilollai s «:u h amt all lax os In n-in levied shall ho»sM*ssi,t .uni ooihuint upon poisons amt ralatiloa as follows ! Isi !• or ili«* tonniy lax of four amt flvo lonths mills to ih<- dollar .1 l .-r Ih. Mate School l ax. Ilio appropi i tl ion i lo t|io puhln schools ol Ilio tliv an I lor ilio sp,>, a| i«x for Ilio supply ol school ho iks t•• iho - putiltos>diii«>ia.loiii and live tenth* mills lo tho dollai «l For iho siippo.i of th ■ poor ol i!|.> oily 1 two loulh.s ol ouo mill to the dot la I . fill Fo i iho liahliuir. repairs amt improve ment ol tho streets. three nulls to tin* dollar •Mh For Iho siip|mrt ol (ho flro department, pa> monI for the water-supply. for notice expense and lot iho payment of salaries an t loos. tw.. and ulHMoulhft mills to tho dollar •dh. For contingent expenses two tenths of one mill to th.- dollar, and for null sums ol nionoy a ho vo appiopriattwt as the rates horoin laid may . tail |o produce, and for doticioncios in tho col Icctton ol taxos, thore is horohy appropriated the 1 poll and do^ taxes of tho cut rent year, together . with yj| moneys a v rued or which may accrue to the treaspry .lumu tho ijuiucial jc,»r Iron) |Uf and ail tonrees whatever not U-lon,; iu* to auy othoy fuud S.v 1. Thai 11,is ordinate - »tk4if take effect immediately alter l{a j"|tdii -tion anurdiug to >'«*».<! .Iilit Itlli, |Xy?i. F. W FAHlM'N I’rMldfUl ol Fowuiull t oUUi'il. Attesi Jxvks II ItavNot.ns, » ity Clerk Approved July lfth tads William t. Waoo, Mayor. July 20, 1898. 0. C. HOLCOMBE, M.W.KU IN — PIANOS A NI» ORGANS, N„. r, ruUM i f. si I AMJiERTVILLE. N J. l'iaiio.i iiml € Tune-1 am! JtepuireJ b.v a nkiliriil workman June •-*!». Js'w-i \ AGENTS WANTED lii bury Comity to Supply the fin al Popular lieuiuml for AMERICA’S WAR FOR HUMANITY TOM) IN I‘I ('ll IKE AND STORY ( umpilcd and Written by SENATOR JOHN J. INGALL8, OF KANSAS. I In- in'>-i |.i iIliaiiily writ h n. most profusely and artistically illustrat< d. and most intense ly popular hook on tin* subject of tin* war with Spain Nearly 200 81111 Fill! 11,1.1 MOTIONS FROM I'llllTOGEAPIIS taken ,'pei tally for tlii?« Kreat work. Aucnts are making ♦•'*<» t«> *moa week Helling it A veritable ht.nan/.a lor live canvassers Apply for description, terms and territory at N. I>. THOMPSON IM Itl.lSHINO 4 O , St l.ouU, Mo. or M W YOltlt < I I V. •June 1, Hits Bank Stock for Sale, Fifty Shari*' lairnbertvdle National llank Stock for sule in lota t<> niiit purchasers. Address. \VM <i MOOItF Box am, Trenton. N. .1 .lime 1, 1M9H I,A l!< i K ASSORTMENT OK White Hats AND Leghorns. Children’s Hats —— of t lit* lalfil ami |>ivlliest Hlyli'S. Kvci'\ I liiiii' nl ivitsoiiiililft jirii i's. MISS HOFFMAN S, 14 N. UNION ST. $60 is t In* IMttH price of popular “19 year old" BIC'YLCES When i„. , . ■««l no oilier wheel of any sort is worth more ALSO IDEAL BICYCLES at #40 A. R. FILLEBROWN, Agt., hAMIIKIITVII.I.K, N. .1. CONSULTATION FKKK. lie. i > I a« Im ' I ■ i«“ v* nii'ii Sight llchlort'il WILSON (’UTTER, EYE SPECIALIST, Removed TR-ElSTTOISr, 1ST. J\ ULI'AIKIM. A Sl’KCI \l I V ni l || I: HOURS M A M t« a P M. March . ’SIS Webster’s > International i Dictionary Successor of the. “ Unabridged. The One if rent Standard Authority, So writes Hon. 1*. •>. H rower, • Justice l. m. Supremo court, 1 Mtnudnrd of tlie r. s. uov't printing ( Oftics, the l s. Supreme < Court, nil the state Mu fimne Court*. and of near y nil the Schoolbook*. | Warmly ’ Commended l*y Mute Superintendent* < or Schools. Ci>11«‘K** lTe*i- ( • IcntH.und • lher I' d neat or* , almost without number. lti\aluAb1e in Hu* household, ami to the teacher, scholar, pro tcMinnal man, mul self (THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. J It is easy to find the word wanted. % It Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation. It is easy to trace the grow th of a word. It is easy to learn w hat a w ord means, jt The iVcw York Tribune .Say*.—- * I he 11test cdiiton rouies from tin* press with n • lllpletel;. vs Implies till' lifst tllOlTUlKh edl- | . i i .t ..I lx li. ^ranhii ;»l suiH'iu isii.ii, * • • The , . " hh- 1 11 . I nmis.tlus'U v ! h to which it Is , . nn.<.1:1111 ly usetill to left'! Vprll8. It'S*. The l'hil.idclphim Press Says;— 4 . i ho i I to to-dftT, of nu tbi greater ] " :1 '' ‘- i *. by I n the ».i -o *i-r\i.i\-ihle. V* ft ] v rkinc lor the Student nml writer; ns all * » ii lit ho 111 at l \ e r. teriuee for s.hools, faint i lie*, o i hi mu. ss tin n, it otters superior advan- , , l ice 111 poti.l I I e. ; ,11.1 Mi. NS of *1/0 as well ft* . , rmiiv av.l a.. ti aev i f ihlliilUoii. 1'i lMeiit ln no : *•••*1** • ' I IS III I'll I V ess. itulpartl. ular the most * " m' 11« I i Itrustw 'itl. v shir le volume of r» teremv r that e.iu l«e pl.uv.hiione’sithrary. Inly 1?. 1WW. CHIT TML BLST."” Spi'i imen pages sent on application to f.'.A- i\ MERRIAM CO.. Ihihlishers, _ Springfield, Mass., tr.S.A. ~ ’'Mu, 1 I'uyelieapreprlnlsof RneleuteiUUoiiS. < REMOVED! Dr. Theo. D. Van Sickel, DENTIST, -To No 16 N. UNION ST SET, UHRliBTVlLlIt, V. J. "“«• **«“« = {? \o *e v. M1. I If You Want BOOH Flavored Vegetables you must sow good variety of seeds) which will produce them. They cost no more than common sorts. Don’t fail to plant our CALIFORNIA GREEN MAMMOIH LIMA BEANS—far superior in flavor to old variety, 26c. per quart; j also, our English 'I'riangle Sweet Peas, 20c. per quart. Plant during . ; the month of May. After you have eaten these peas, you will not plant i I any of the marrow kinds. Choice Variety of all kinds of Vegetable Seeds constantly in stock, at the very lowest of prices. RIBSAM’S LAWN 0RAS3 SEED at 15:. per quart. RIBSAM’S LAWN FETILIZER, 53:. p er 10 lb. bag. This Fertilizer is also good for Flowers. FLOWERS IN GREATER VARIETY AND QUANTITY then ever before. Prices 5c. and upwards. OARDEN AND FARMING TOOLS of all kinds ami hest makes. GALLON US WHEN IN TRENTON AND LOOK AROUND. € . ItlKWAim A NOi\, It road and Front Sts., Trenton, N. ,1. 1849 -VICK S FLORAL GUIDE ~ 1897 Standard Seed and Plant t'atalof/ne. 1’antainn all that’h New and Good. .Ua uua tit-liable. 15c Two packets *-£3c.» three packet 3 Or. l ull retail pi ice 45 cts. Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine which tells how to pi »w 1’hints, Flowers ami Vegetables, and is up to date oil these .uhjctls, for 3 month; , the Guide and One packet of Seeds < named above) fur 25 cents. Evory Tenth Fcrscn Bending an Order as above will receive a Coupon gcod for GO cents’ worth of Seeds, Wheu ortlc-ling stu'.e When* y..u saw this mlv. and we will »eud & pa< Let of < litiict* Mower s«>«*i1n JAMES VICK’S SONS, ROCHESTER, N. Y. VICKS ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY IN FRONT WITH SOMETHING NEW! RIDING CULTIVATOR! It is a Itigid-Axle Cultivator. It is a Pivot-Axle Cultivator. It is a Walking Cultivator. Controlled by a band lover. All the changing is done with one king-bolt. Its plows will not crowd or spread, which all other Cultivators will do. It is as plain as the plainest in construction. It is strong and durable. Price is right for such a superior machine. Call and see this Cultivator be fore buying one elsewhere. Our Farm Supplies § Unlimited. Hay carriers, tracks, forks, rope, rakes, mowers, binders, plows, harrows, dairy supplies, poultry supplies, fencing, &c. Grass and vegetable seeds in quantities, Hungarian and Millet grass seeds, Southern cow peas for soiling, seed corn, &c. C. RIBSAM & SON, Hroml mill Front Sts., TIIENTON, N. J. ['hat time tlisit tomes to stores like the 0]u i':i House Stores every summer—good buying time. Bought so big in the spring—do every spring— to be prepared for my l>ig trade that many broken |jHi-. are tlio result. Can’t lit everybody in all liu.s, but can lit everybody in some line. But there’s this about it; when you’re both fitted :uid -uitetl you have a bargain at from 25 to 50 per cent, oil regular prices. I hose suits must be cleaned out in .‘10 days and you can help. MEN’S SUITS That were $12.00 now $9.00. That were 9.00 now (1.50. That were 10.00 now 7.50. That were 7.50 now >.00. and manv lots of one and two suits of a kind that were $12’, $1.1.50, $15, $111.50 and $18 for $8.50 now. The same sort of reductions in broken lots ot bicvcle, youth’-, hoys’ and children’s suits. FAMOUS CLOTHIER, Successor to R, A. |)oN\ki.i v. Opera House Stores, Trenton, N,' J. Men’s; Shirts, Ladies’ Shirt Waists. FURNISHING GOODS, S. A. FINGER, Agt, Ladies’ and (jenlleinen’s Furnishings, 40 N. UNION ST., LAMBERTVJLLE, N. J. VICK’S SEEDS THREE RAMBLER * ROSES, ^ ......Only 40 Cent VI hi If.* Yellow, i rimson. »:!I i. Ae a man- dicent hedge, beautiful shade foi the piar/a. or charming bed Constant bloomers perfectly hardy. One plant will produce thousands ot flowers. 1 hose three Climbing Roses delivered FREE UPON APPLICATION. * VICK'S CARDEN AND FLORAL CUIDE w The Busy Man'a Catalogue and the Ladies' Hardener The only one containing full descriptions and Dire condensed, classified and indexed that i _an«t A dr her. ns for planting and culture; so conipiehensive, 'he who runs may read. r "‘ST < >-«r "f Sw„"' «*«»• Nasturtiums, Tuberous Begonias, JAMES VICK'S SONS, ROCHESTER, N. ■ V FREE! (J-SdE) Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine I The m f.ARPFMXO 1 t.aie and l.ii bidding 1 he pru *• of VICK g 1LLUHTRATED MONTHLY MAOAZIJfp'u rift *t,r|AC,lv‘>' I1*****”* ot .•vvrrT.v'iv«,vi;;tl“££HS¥ UCCE3? CAN BE ACHIEVED 111 Any Business bu fM' Untieing Industry, V Cai^eful Economy, — AND Judioious Advertising. Ji?<? I^oad to Opulence Ijes f^ee-Deep J^rou^ P*"ir?t^r’5 li>K “THE GLEANER ’TIS, THE COSIER ’TIS.” WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT SAPOLIO