Newspaper Page Text
3TPAW HATS, I Or. to Xl. ,1. R. TREWIN & C0„ ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. ‘j;»c in 7>'»c. i [ W e (‘jin make you comfortable, 1 hat is, if 1 liin SUMMER CLOTHING iswhal yon waul. WC have laid in a stock 1 hat will meet all your wants, and we have placed swell prices on it as will convince you that you need t»o no lurther. BICYCLE SUITS, From to S7.~»0. Mi'ii’- .-iil’i (Vasli Suit-, S:i.V'i, 81.fin ami < liililnu'- \\ : i -11 Suits, .riOt!. ('liililien’- ('null Sailor Suils, 81 .(Ml. I ‘liililri-u’s Straw i I:its :imI < *a|is, dor. ami -r><>•■. < ’liildrni's Kiii-i' I’anls, (washable), do. ami I*iivs’ Shirt*, (collar'- attached), ‘doe. Itov-,’ Shirts, with cull's ('detached enllai-.), *iltc lluv*' Hells, in tail ami crash, l ie. Iivs' “ I lewev’’ ( )vel al Is, 2oe. WHITE DUCK PANTS, stl.on mill si. Men’s |,'anev Soft liosoin Shirts’, 5(h*., ine,, $1,00, Men’s Straw Utils, ‘2 n ., f»Oe., 7 »<\, !M)c., $1.00. .Mens ( Wire or ftvetiinsj ( Mats, Tjth* , 7/m\ JMh\, $1, I. !?•’>. Men’ I hin Unlined ISliie or t ira\ Flannel ('oats, $‘2!. Mi n (fnlinnl I >Ia«*k and lllne Seryn* ('oafs and \ e-ds, $ | »0. Men’s Separate Itievele Pants, oO. {I. Men’s Working Shirts, 1 !>r , 25i\, I if. and hOe. J. R. TREWIN CO., liAMRERTVIELlC, N. Good Sweaters. io si. i It is Impossible to promise particular features that will appear in the "AMERICAN MONTHLYH during the coming year, for it is* as the Bookman says* 4t a great monthly newspaper." As such, it prints for its readers an illustrated account of the notable things which make the history of " Wn know of n.> 5 it!. In this country or In I'tit ope, win hi n .» • u • . fully ** I hr A m. i t an M iniihv thr alert nun. timeliness, un i n,-r^v ot I miuh. in with the Buunti Jiuf^nuTit, carefully wrl^hr.l opini-m. exact knowledge, an.I wrll i h -irn F*»ijll:..h ul tho purely literary periodical."—-7 he Uu -h. the month, of the political, tne economic, and literary happenings which are of value to intelligent men and women. The Editor’s 4t Progress of the World” tells suc cinctly an illustrated story of the month. The ** Leading Articles” give the best thought and information of the current magazines in live conti nents! the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious import. The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the Information needed by intelligent people of “live” instincts is best gauged in the opinions which the readers of _ _ the AMERICAN MONTHLY have wen fit to express. These j are thinking business men, clergy- ] men# editors, lawyers# professors, j engineers, the widc-.iw.ike women of America. They write that the For., 25c. SPECIAL OFFER The current number nml the two preced ing issues. AMERICAN MONTHLY 44 «s indispensable”; “is simply invaluable ” ; 44 is a generous library in it^clt} ii 44 a historical cyclopedia of the world”: 44the best means of aid tor a busy man” ” the best periodical of the kind we have ever had”; 44 a triumph ot editoria genius ”; 44 the world under a field-glass,” etc., etc. SUHSCRIIM'ION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR') , ADDRI 55! American Monthly Review of Review 13 ASTOR PLACE. NEW YORK in Nuiitit'iil Ingenuity. A striking install* e <it nautical in genuity and trait rutty is furnished 11v a writer in the l.nudmi rdegraph A Nuilnr Innn her majesty*s ship (inures arrived in nun of tho side streets nf Walworth in search of a shipmate pussing a hall holiday w ith Ins parents, uliu had recently moved t > that neigh hi nhot id. lit- had l">t tin a«l«11■.•*.s his friend laid k’iven him and pr. ei nth l r«» usk police mm, po<tmen and shopkeepers it they know win ir a sailor i \ from In r ma jesty's tloei livi d Mono nt them could give tho lies*i'; • i information, tuid tho dwellers in private houses, whom he summoned ly knocks at the door, were equally . t knowledge on tho subject. 1 he gallant tar was somewhat non plused, but at length In* nu t a vender ol paper di orations for Christmas. These hawkers always carry a Ion# tin trumpet tinoimli which they announce their wares to the public The sailor Have the man a penny for the use of the instrument for one minute, and then sounded with all his force the (fauces dinner call, adding, “If that doesn't bring out Ji m ph. then h> ain't in this locality, that\s nil. ' Sure enough, in h-ss than halt a min ute n window was raisi il .0 yards tar ther down the stn , f. a nautical looking heud appean 1 at the aperture, uud from stroii#, h altliy Julies came the cheering response: “Ship ahoy! i'ull sp< ed. and here you ar« ' Why, the grog's been u wuitiu for you this halt hour." Thus the two friends found each oth er through a bugle call on a tin trumpet uud spent a jolly holiday together. UinVl'i'lit Itli'HH an to 4 lot Inn, If the native Women of Sumatra have their knees properly covered, the rest does not matter The natives of some islands off the must of t iuiuea wear clothes only when they are going on a journey. Some Indians of Venezuela are ashamed to wear clothed before stranger*, as it seems indecent to them to uppeur unpain toil If a man could veil as loud in propor tion to liis size as a baby cm, telephone companies would sonii be unable to tie claic dividends. Atlanta C onstitution. riuruU of Nouum l-.iuliiiu; In “O." In the foiiiiation of tlit* jilural of mums with this « inline tim pnorul rule* is that oh is added to tho singular, as in potatoes. eartfoes, bull; dors, yet tho following w*>rds add'only m: tlrotto. junto, ran to, reuto, ifuarto, portion, oi tavo, iluoih oiino, tyro, soldi tall, hy tin- bye, Ion ian wordst, and I also all nouns «■tiding in 10. as foCio, fuQios; or, in faot, whenever o*is immeiluuttdy pro oi ilod hy a vowel, as eauiro, onihryo, etc. A notable peeuluvritv *is to ho oh j sor\od with regard tOJiiomiHiMihstantivo ending with tho sound of o It they ho words of more than,one .-yDahle. they for tho most part end simply in o, hut ; if only of one syllable. tliov tako an o alter tho o, thus, eanU\ potato, quarto, horo. hut doo, for. roi\ sloe,, too, win.*, ot<. Yet ttthor uiouosylbthlos.inot nouns substantia . havo no tiaial e,,as so. lo, no.—•Litorat.iiro of Typography. t ost of? |.I««|ihant». It is sonu'what tintoavst 111^ to»o*iinparo ■. tin- wvi^hts ram oil hy elephants in tho j tm prodnoiiiK -distriets *>f tho Malay peninsula w ith those usedjiu tho lon^j joiirnoN s and 'mountainous l country of tho Luo statos., In tho \nifinsula tho distano. s aro siSldoni more than at most throo or four days’ inaivh. and tho ole pliant is exported to oarry as much as 000 or l.tH'O pounds, lvsidoshis.mahout and howilah. The ktfter is often a mere hraeo of paiuiu i s sluing together so as to rest one oii|eaeh side of tho huekboue and onwrod soimSimos with a light barrel root oiihark. A gt*ul tusker car rying . luuuln*l\\eiglit will fetch ahnutfi .O, and a.female wjueh ean boar eight hundreilw* ight is | worth about £4,5. In tho Laoistati s. wlioro journeys of ten days or tfluvo weitks are froqueut. tho average* wvight hardly exceeds H00 pounds, or oar--third of wine is usual in the pemuMila. The prices m various juirts of iju eountry vary cuitsideiably. When Wi•(wore on tho Mo , Ivuwng and in Muuiig^Xuu in 1N0H, a ^good,tusker eould he laid torii’il, and a\ female for JL'J4. At it'hi* ug.Mai, whero^good teak hauling elephants aiv in greift’ demand, a tusker tuny'fetch VI50 anu\ a female anything from V.O to .v LUO, ^according to her strength and ability. -Cl graph ical Joui ual. ^ CONTRASTS IN NAPLES. Oaly » ! ui Itoyal MaKiiidreDCu to Crowds of 11.»I f Naked Workers. Ono of tko strangest contrasts in Na ples is to walk from the royal palace, with its fine marble staircase, up the now (''.rM; lie il’ltaliu and to climb in to the Hteep streets around the Church of San Suvoriuo e Sosio. These streets arc tin- dwelling places of the dyers, and ono steps from regal magnificence into a crowd of seminuked people, who are husily dipping great hanks of cotton or wool into seething caldrons. As elsewhere, the work is car lied on in the street, and little streams of water—red, yellow, brown and black — pour over the rough stones and gath er m multicolored pools, while, on low hem-in against the walls women are washing clothes, standing in the dirty, soapy water that splashes over from their tubs. The passet shy walk heedlessly through the, dye and soapsuds, while the chil dren find pleasant occupation in throw ing mini of every variety of color at anybody who chances to be wearing light colored garments. It is a veritable feast of color from the merely spectacu lar point of view, but a visit to these ! streets leaves a bodily as well as a mental impression. V ery often in the depths of these sor did alleys one comes across a forgotten i old palace, built when carriages were unknown, its great court, of honor I crowded with booths, its vast halls Idl ed with a heterogeneous collection of nu n, women and children, fowls, goats, sheep and occasionally a donkey, all living together in Mm happiest proxim ity. The massive old walls are hidden ' beneath centuries of dirt; the wood work has, for the most part, disappear ed ; the rooms that once knew tlm revels of Angevin nobles now shelter the hap j hazard existence of la/./aroni.—Lud FUN IN THE FOOTNOTE. ! A l’o|»uliir Librettist Couldn't Withhold it Jokti on I'rotpecUvo lirlilo. \V. S. Hilbert does not retain all of his Jmmnr for uso 1 ti lias iibrottos. In tho early days of liis «uccess, when Gilbert. and Sullivan were considered by managers as tho “sure winners” in tho comic opera Hold, a young woman who was a member of one of tho “Pina fore” companies wrote to Gilbert tell ing him of her approaching marriage with a young man of good position and family. < ill hurt congratulated tho young wo* man and expressed tho liopo that hot* fu turn might lit* prosperous and happy. Only a littlo more than a month pass ed, and auofchor letter from tho sumo Kiri reached him, in which sho stated that. 1st engagement with tho young man had been broken and that sho had accepted another suitor. llo replied that ho had every conil denco in her judgment, and again ex pressed his hearty wishes l'or her wel fare. It was almost two months after that that Gilbert rcecivcdln third letter from tho same girl, who informed him that young Lord — had proposed and that she had accepted him albr breaking her engagement with No. (filbert's humor enuld no longer withstand tin* tempt :i»! ion, and he wrote, "I desire to congratulate you oil your approaching marringowith1 ’— Item he placed an astrii.k and ill a footnote added: “Hero insert, tho name of the happy man. ” This is prol ably us eharaioteristic a piece of humor as any that, appears in his “Hah ilallftds” or in his works lor tho stage.—New York Press. Woiidt-rful rumplng Ciif'lm**. The standard attained hv tho prr formuneo of modern pumping engines is pretty high, as was illustrated by an incident which occurred not long ago hero in New York, where some largo pumping engines that hud recently been set up and were win king at rather high speed and almost absolutely without noise wore inspected by an expert in such matters who hailed from an inte rior city, lie remarked, “Well, those engines work very nicely now, hut wait until you get to pumping water at that speed and then >nu will lu ar something from t hem probably. " His astonishment may perhaps be im agined when it was demonstrated to ' him that they wero at that moment pumping water and had been eontinu ously doing so for IS hours.—American Machinist. They 1 i«* 11* Oun Another. A singular custom prevails among the Tartars or Kurds, h a limn gets in to dilUcultic*—that is, loses his cattle or other movable property- ho pours a little brown sugar into a piece of col ored cloth, tics it up and carries one such parcel to each of his friends and acquaintances. In return ho is present ed, according to circumstances, with a cow or sheep or a sum of money, lie is thus at once set on His logs again. The same method is adopted when a young man wishes to marry, but is not in a position to satisfy tho parents of his intended bride in the matter of tho “bashlyg”—that is, marriage dower. Only in this ease he does not go round himself, but m aids a friend ora servant. ('iiurtint out. ]!»« v ti ll a story to tho otfoot that whi n tho Siu irtv Fur tho l’nvontion of IT’uoltx to Animals propos'd to o.-dal* lisli a lirain'li in a loading oity of Spain tlu* munioipal hudy muitomisly nocopt ml tlio proposal ami otl'i rod to hold a grand hnllllght at oiuv to furnish tho funds.—Troy Turn's. As » ally as It;l*j tho Fia noh hogan to ndvortiso in a papor oallod tho IVtitos Vttiohos, and ton yours lator tho first hoiia lido attoiupt at printing a nowspa por was mailo ia London. Among tho vory oarliost moivantilo advortisomonts to appi'ar in Fnghmd was ono advertis ing tlu* salt* of t< a. It appoarod ill TUo Moiourius I’oliticus. u oq Drops CASToria AYegetablc Preparation for As - slmilatirig the Food andHcg u!a l mg tlic sinmurhs andBowels of iNJt AN JES /CHILDRKN’ Proniolcs Digestion.Chcerful ncssaftciJtest.Conlains neither Opium;Morphine nor Mineral. Not Namcotic. /curjx: u.rmutui J\impkui Srrd * s fix. Senna * ito(A»V« -\nlli jfausc JStfti * JSp/H ruiuit - Jh Ow&uttott Soda • ftatm Seed - lanfud Sugar . iutfr/y/’fi't Haver. A perfect Remedy i'or Constipa tion, Sour,Stoinach. Diarrhoea, Worms',Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss or SLEtr. TacsimileJsigiiiilurc of f6/t£ l • NMV YORK. tXACT COPY1 OF WRAPPCB. S CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA THf CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. “TAKE FIVE”.,,., and read what follows. It may save you dollars and add materially to your com fort and pleasure: 1897 Crawford <*ntr«or- now $39.00 “ “ 2<i in , lto)V or 4*irl«' “ 30.50 “ “ 21 in.. ISojC or 4.ill.- “ 27.50 Hartford or M. and \V. Tires. Four colors. Any near. BIGGEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. 1897 Crawford Tandems, - - $70.50 1899—875.00 Crawford ) now $29.50 ( or'f.i'V:") “ 26.50 “ “ 23.50 < "inr -it ii \vr will tin all ill oni' Iiiiwi‘I* iii 1111 n-1• uni -ati-lv yoll. w. ikunnki^jl o*\i:8I,q . LAMBEIRTVILLiE BICYCLE AGENCY, No. 39 N. Union Street. URABCE’ mm APERh WHEEL' \ \ Sold Direct to 'Rider <\T h hCTOHY PH ICES. Sent C, O I). pi tvil. ..<> oi examination on receipt lit $n.OO Mon.ivituiiu.l losie oxprossage ir not accoplt J ATENTS 1 PROMPTLY SECURED] Write for our interesting books “ Invent or s Help ' and “How rou are swindled. * '• w\ us a rough sketch or model of your » invention or improvement and vve will tell ► >ou free our opinion as to whether it is i probably patentable. We make a specialty } of applications rejected in other hands, t Highest references furnished* MARION & MARION [ PATENT.'SOLICITORS & EXPERTS • vil It Mechanical Engineers, firadnateg of the „ olytwhnle School of Engineering. Hu« lirlors iu | Aj'jilii'd Si.aval t eiv- r-itv. Members I Pat- nt I. 'it i AriM-ri' an \V jt.-r W• i s , Association. New England Water \Vi.rk« A-s>e • V- Surveyors Association, Assoe, Member t all dcicty of Civil Engineers. Washington, 1). (’. Montkeai., Can. Thomas C. Hill & Son, BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY - LUNCH PARLOR. 11 BROAD STREET. TRENTON. N J. W•111<Ii11reception*. dinners and lunches a ^|m-4 ialty. Table ware to hire to responsible parties. I'ii si-i ia-i> wmk only. ()tit*ol‘-tuwn ord cis a specialty. Telephone connect ion. WHEN VISITING TRENTON, STOP AT CJeo. A. Hibbs* RESTAURANT, 245 N. Warren Street. (I list Euildiny •How tii Wdrreu Street Hall road Mat ion,) For a Si|ii!m' Mi ni or a l,mn*li. A GOOD DINNER FOR 25 CENTS. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Fruits, N ills, ('oolW-IioniM'v, Ac. A Fiii(‘St,N'k ol‘ Soyars ami Tolimvo. • «»- ErtnetnSiei it i, right at the station and is handy to trains. Not :s. IS'A.My Wl; MAki: V\ HOC Is, Quality Guaranteed t!;«‘ Too! STYLCJ: Ladies’, (icutkmu’s & landcui. 1 ho I ij'iiti ..I KuimiJu: Wheels ou harth. THE ELDREDGE .a.VD. . THE 8EIJIDERE, We always Maila Cl. >1 ttowiitg Machine*! Why Shouldn't .... Make Ct.ud Wheel* I National Sewing Machine Co., tii-.iuiiway. factory: New VurK Belvitlcre, Ills. DIETZ BUCKEYE DASH LAMP 11 IS ii a tn.t denruble corn!.nation lantern, eithet to ,u//v a>.-unJ in your hand m on i /<# cdinax* ulnn —-- - . dm irtf>,r,<p u hn h L:t hohten titr supplied. It ,1 6t 11 hi t i H huh i, kept 11 »/.i. the flood of light / . • f ./ «*• A' ‘ «. «i/ /#. •. , i< h . h tilm to. U b. lh globe />■•/ ner uhtft they be ton.,. It has a hull J '•' • ' - /••■» L pftia* tr th .*• v bn. Vri . j.M> | *i r t • •/<,• . .-r • I ^ < */*.•■*. - * >•' uhn-t lit. mail l --• ' •' I ; A'. . Du t/ Company • ) l. Street MW YORK j - - 'x . '.A-itfr'rrfssa BOYS Shoilhl sriitl at Olli* I'ltMiuuni last .lu*. NN * r» II KN, I'll INTI Nil I’ai.**•■ is, Am Km i s amt many N a Ilia Mi* \ it ar«* to la* •»lv*,n Aivn\ . \,.tt v..rli l .-lm r. latly N. w \«>rk «■ for Sv«*»‘ial GIRLS «r Knil.ii m,r. Nov IV. ’•? FROM FACTORY TO FAMILY Hi y prom tub Manufacturer ani> savk Middlemen's profits. Maniple* Mailed Free, with pi ll ixrictions uuw TO MEASCHB AND PAPER A ROOM. Piipct'M 3f, l»* $‘2.00 a Koll—s ynrtlN. Wk offer you an orrrtr.TrsiTY tomaltify tde Hom. at small cost wnu tub FINEST \%u 11 Paper. A^rUtH WANTED IN EVERY Town AND VlLLAUB, *'o whom Liukual Commissions will rk paid. AtioulN K.iiiks and Octpit, Onb Dollar. EDWARD LOVE, WALL PAPER MANUFACTURER, Plalultcld, New Jersey. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Inv.tnp a.-tldlntf a s!.»tnh and dyanrlidt.m may qul.’klv .ssecrtaDt our o|>tmon tree whether mi lllv lilt I I |S I «l « .»»»* t !v It 1*1 it Hllle t I'll II lit 111 H t inns St ru tlv . ..iiUil, llaiHtlwok on I*h tents Milt free. iM'test Iihreii.y for set ui tii|M*alei.t s. I'.iteins t.'ikett tliroiiL’h Muttlt \ Co. receive i»-.. till if*lt<«, iv it lit >ui I'liarwu, tu t in* Scientific American. A Hun.lsonielf Illustrate,! wo. klr I firmest «»r . itlttiloM . f nnv s.-iemitl.' - n i..o Terms. f-S a vi-4i : i-•'41 i .w SuLl by all » v wsUealeis. IMUNN iU’o.36,0'“id*a'-New York ■ . j I’* St., W**shlll,*toll. 1«. « THIS PAPER ESES Kowsnaper Advertising Bureau (Id sSpnani Md.whereiidvertis- fpm Uf Alll/ v. tuuv* M Kb HH V I lie I be made lor It in IIEbWW • 1 Ullllv iCoXoxrk Tift/,,: h\ _ KI.Y'S CREAM BAT.M I* n positivecure, i Apply into the nostriia. It ia quickly absorbed. M cent* at Drneglite or by mail; tamplea 10*-■. by mail. Kl.Y BROTHKltS, C4 Warren JSL. New York City. NOTICE TO C ItEDITOltS. Kstatk of Theodork Hoimkt., Dkcf.askp Pursuant to the order of O. H. SprOul. Surrogate of I be County of lluuterdon, made on thetwrnty seveutli day of Dee. A. 1>. one thousand eight hun dred and ninety-seven, notice is hereby given to all persons having Haims against the estate of Theodore House!, late of the County of Hunter dun, deceased. to present the same, under oath or alllrmatiou, to the subscriber, h'xeeutor of said deceased, with!n nine months from the dale of said order; and any creditor neglecting to bring lu and exhibit bis or her < laiui under oatb or affirmation, w it bin the time so limited, will be forever barred ol Ills or her acliou therefor against the said llxe« ulor. Hated Per. .7 .A P , IS4.'?. LI VI BROW N. Dec, 19 1897. Kxectilor. *5 E A G mr? Machine? Do not t»a deceived by alluring advertisements and think you i-au n> t tin- boat nimlo, due si flumh nml MOST POPULAR 8F.WINO MACHINC for a mere anuir. Huy from reliable manufacturers that have cmucd a reputation by honest amt atjua? dealing. Tin ro in nolle tn the world that ran equal tu iiitM-hanirul ronstructmu, durability or working parta, tlneiieMa of finish. beauty In appearance, or ha* tut many linproveiuontaaa the NEW HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The Hew Home Sewing Machine Co. Utttsiiii. Mash. Bostom, Maun. M I'nion Hqt uia. N V • lint no, I LI.. ST, laH'M, Mo. Dallam, Tu ah. Mas bUANi imco.Cal. Aidan FOR SALE BY PA PL VKTTEK, I.AMHKR1VIU.!:, N. I Sej.l. 21. I sv»»; -iitii GEO. M. HOLCOMBE, Real Estate! Insurance, COR. BRIDGE AND UNION 8T8., I,AM11EUTVII.I.K, N. .1. Tomailii, I Mat.* (ila>-, Steam liuiler, il’i* ami Aiviilent I nsiirame. FI ICST-tU.ASS COM I’A A IKS. niKKKSI'ONUKNl'i: SHI.It I I I I*. KKNTS ( OLLKOTKI) monks i.oankii. KOI. RENT OR SALE. Farm of ’a', aerea wilh good dwelling and oil I - till i Itl Ilia*, within mo* mi la ul Fain hel l v ilh hear IIIK 0 per eeiil. Interest, in deuuiuiuatinini ol #.'>oo un.l 91,1)00 u li. tillered ul pai and a..noil interest. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. IJnartei ,\. re l.oi oil Hrtuiswlrk Turnpike, near rlly limits. ;* A. re u nil small h r.tme House and I Ft in near Famhert ville. > I Fight Kuom Mi irk Fuelling with eellar and | at! it ami large Ini. mi t ullage Kill. 10 a. re lol *% illi frame Ionise and harn and apple oiT'ltatd, lieui I»11»' t oi lier, in lielaw.ire imviiNbip .! Frame Houses, 7 rooms e n li, on Nmlli side ut Klin slreel. near Main sireel. Kin k Houses, on .'stuiilt side of Vmk stn>i, near Franklin at reel Teu Kooui Frame House and Ham, with large Ini on ( ullage Hill. 1 veiy desirable lad A A feel Iroiit.ou HeluWare d Small Frame Houses. Wilson street, on in* si a lime u la. •J Frame Houses, 7 rooms eueh. FruukliuM. near Swan . terms easy. Vaeaut l.ot, Franklin slreel, near >wau '2 Small House*, S. Main Si , ueai Weedeu. 1 Frame Houses, N. Fuion St., above l.lm Small Krh k Fuelling. Krunswi. k avi-uue, Col tage Hill. 7 Kooni Frame House and large Ini, Kriinsw n k avenue. Collage Kill, ‘.Mi Acre l ol, in West Amwell township, betw. < u 1 Koek Koad uinl Turnpike. A« re l.oi. w ilIt House and Karu in llelawaie low nshlp, near Hivi*r Knud, |*.2 miles iroiu eilv. 7h Aeie Farm along York Hoad hi W • -1 Am* well low iishlp, « heap n. t Hi, i,sy'.. AT THE “Lambertville Record ” Office, \VK HAVE SUPERIOR FACILITIES FOR PRINTING ANl) ESPECIALLY WHERE LARUE QUANTITIES ARE WANTED ! A first-class Stereo typing Machine en ables us to duplicate forms, and large 01 ders may therefore be quickly printed. Fine Printing, Bronze Work, —AND— Work in Colored Ink is extensively done at this office Isjr SALK BILLS AND ALL OTHER WORK DONE IN A SATISFAC TORY MANNER. Write for Prices, &c*. Pennsylvania Railroad. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OE AMERICA PROTECTED THROrOIlOUT liY TUE Ir.tEiincklng S*.tcb and Block Signal Sjsltni n/;iaidkhe j>n isio.\. Train* /c*r I vrkanU t'hllait»lphia On :«n>1 after .lunt* *20, 189 v l.t-iiYP Manunka t’hunk **.*»<», T _!'* and • i m 12 22 45 a ii.I 5.20 p Til. Miliil:iy, 7 J2 a in. l.t-llVP Uelvidere '• 15 aud HUM H in. 12 88 2.51 and 5 25 I* m. Sunday, 7.5o a in. Leave PbillipsburK 7.15, 8.00 atid in :',4 am.l.Ou, 8.28 ami ■ .55 p m. Sunday. 8 no a m. Leave 1- re nrh town 7.4'.* and ] l.«*v* a in. 1 A. S and c.xo i'm. Sunday, K2I a. iu. Leave l''l. lAlingt'>n 7 45 a in, 12 and j* n week-days. Arrive Lamhertville 8.15 a ni, 1 28 and 4 2 p i.. week-days. Leave Uiulii'rliille 7.imi. s.25, m r. an.I 11.41 a ill.. 2.<Ui. -1 .'in ami 7 *mi p. hi. Simda) 8 4 ■ a in Arrive Treutnti 7.85,8 f»S ami 9.0*.* h hi 12 i' " .* 5.08 and 7.21 p in. Sunday. *u>9 a m Arrive Philadelphia Keiisiii«l*nik 91 a i.; and 8 82. 4.52. C.2'5, |> in. *-nuday, ion.* a m. Arrive Philadelphia (ftmad muti siiii.mii . Id em and a m, I.o6, ;;. is, r. oo nod s 2 2 p in Sunday, iu o| a hi. Arrive New Vnrk. 1»« ■ ri*"i s and i m i m. 11 ~t via Trenton. 9.2‘i, 10.88 ami n 88 a m 1 i • 7.28 ami 9.80 p in. Sunday 11.8H a m Wi'l I went y> third street statitnr 9 4‘. lu 4 mi 11.45 a. in.‘2.85, 5.05,7.85 and 9 45 p. in ' uudtp ■* 11.45 a iu. Train* /rant Philatlrlphia anil Nrw I on. l.eave New York, Peabrosses and « iilamit Si» vla Treutou, 8.00. 11.00 a in, 2 lu, 8 on, i no and i. > I in Sunday, O.oo p in. West Twenty-third Street Stalino 5n and In 5o a in, l ‘ o, 2.5o, ’ 5o a ml 5.50 p m : :wuda> • 5.50 p in. Leave Philadelphia . K elisilltftoU I 0.1 40. 111,! a in, 12 |l». 2 50. 4 80 and *■ 11 p in. week d .> ' Leave l’lliiadelplna 11 -1 ■■ad Street s|alNin ■ , and 9.00 a to. 12 oo iionii, 2 80. 8.52, 5 on and p ni. Sunday, 7.02 p iu. Leave Treutun 7 52,9.50 am, 1.00,8 4" i p: , and 7 .8 i» in Sunday, 7 58 p m. Arrive Luinberl ville S in m a in, I i! ■ 6.28 and 9 . 8 p in. Sunday. 8.28 p in Leave L.uuhei t villi* fur Kleiniu«;tuii s In a in. 2" ami 5Oo p iu. week-days Atrive I'leiuioglnii u l '■ a in, ’ 5 2 ami 5.40 pm week-day a. l.i-uvo l.amhurt villu lor Manuuk.t Chunk .*> • ]o.yn a in. I ::7, • o; ami ,** " ’• p m Sumlav > _■ ; i >n Km liiillipshur< ami I oimi only •• - |* m »*•-■ •. Lavi1 Freni'hlown ini', lo |. am * • Vii mi- 1 ft. 15* |i 111 wet'k-ilaya, 8 I ' |» m Sunday v I or I’h i Upshur# and Canton only , , p hi Ariivrul IMiilli|i>l>ou I ' uni II i in i 5.58, T.'.o uihI y.'.'i* p. hi mi ml .iy '.* .’•» p '•> l.iavi I'liillip.itmi < 7 ...I* 4 ■:unl li ' am i rt 01 anil y.25 p hi. Sunday .5* • p in. A rrivi* Hi*|v i<fl*»r** . |o ' ■ hi.I II .i m -J i S 51.51 p in. Sunday, *' pin. Arrlvi‘ Muiiunk.i < 'hunk ^ <* >. I" ■' and I1 • • iu 3.2*. •'* its ami 5* s p hi >iin.lay. 5* p in Ail >111 inmt I 11 :i i ii li'UV <■ I'..-I* ld.-i i* I o i .M 'link i Chuuk 7.00 and y.;so u m, ami . „‘n p m Mimla) 7.00a hi. Urluriiim', luavu M inimi..i • hunk Belviileru 8. <. I** A'' a in , i .'•*,*• in mnl n* <•" i ui Sunday, in no p m. I'rnixlil m in I Kid trains h-avine Maminka Chuuk at *-. iiOain. Bulvid.!.- ill;, am Mailin'-* Crunk tl .05 a in. m r i \ lux I ulnxli .Inin I Ion • ' a iu will carry pu>M«-u#ur.< and make slop-* at ilag *: a lions north of Philtlpnloirx PaitM'lijjiTM I'm Broad Slit-el >141101! I'liii.d pit la, liv Ira 1 iii Ii av me Mauiiiiku Chnnk " a iu daily, and I .'‘.hi p ni wivk-d ivh, and D-aviii# IMiiilipslilirx 8111 a in daily, I tin mid • ■■ p ui "I'll-ilais 1 ll.HM.-li 11 limit i han. 1 Inn tmi. A lliiiitiKlii .tr loi M a 111111 k .1 thunk 1 t.n lo'd to tniiii> li'iivilix Bload Slim-I >l.itl>*u ii 6,0y, y.iai a 10. J2.1HI noon, and ; p in By ail olln-r lrains p.tHsun#urs • ** or fiom 1 > 1 • •«<I >11 . Slat ion uhaiii'u uara at Tri llion Counni tion Is madn alMununku (bunt *itto Ur(aware, Lackawanna A Western Railroad , U» high J out linn with L.hgh V alloy . Lvh l#h A hue quit) so ua .Morris A Town x, mid Nfw I erne v Centra Railroads. At Lnuibcrt villo with Klt'iuiuguin R*ti rued AlTmutou with train* to tud fruui No' York, t'•uniun. Ac For furllmi l nloroiation »oo tliao-Ubln* whirl Mlt he wbimuud m me ticket nftcee .1 H \N * h * I * i ii in rnl I'U-isinxi * t u« nt J. B. Ill l'« IIIN'iiN. ftnuural Manager Philadelphia & Reading Railway Kiijjiucs Huii' Hard Coal No bin.'!.' TIM TABU IN IKI'r.i'T JIM \. IS5IS, TRAINS LEAVE NEW HOPE Cur lih'iibiui' .Ifiik intow 11 mu! IMiil.uMphia w > k days. 5 40. . I*.. II It* u n* , I" I. 4 »" *• | m Sundays 0.1 • a in., 4 U5. t; 1 . p in TRAINS FOR NEW HOPE l.i-uvu I’lt il.nli Ipliia, It. aim. Tuunin.! vm-k da>- 7.1*1. Hi 04 11 iii,2ui 1!'* *•.* II"-' p iu Sunday*, y ;i a in , 1 i *, . ot p iu. I.iavr Third and Burks street l .r New Hop** week days,*, in p. in. Sundays. I lu p 111 ('lose coiiiiuuiioii ai .lunkinlowu w111> t.*-i •* pruss trains to and from New Volk. I ini" ■ e Wushiueion. tin South mid Wi st A I I. A N I 1C CITY I *1 \ I • I»»N l.uavu I'lilladulpliia. CIiinI nut at reel Wharf an I South Stin t Wharl lur All.min » il) Wuuk-days T \ pn -■>. '* • •* • lot- 1 ■" 1 ■" " ,! iit'lays .inI\ i, 2 no 1 in* li.5 iniiiutu Ii iln< ■ i (B5 iiitniilo (111111 . top in \ * • ••ui 'i ‘ 111 .-Mm. r. m p m siimlav-. Iw pi •-.■>. > «i •. «•»* 1 •• a in Auuoui , ' - t in . I t i> m tl I'.s* ms' '*1 tram. u . m. 1.1 AVI ATI.A NTH CITY 1*11*1*1 Wi .-k-.luys I upr.'SH 7 on I .BA miuule Ii uto '* 1.0 ,, i,t ' p i" A. to 4 "'1, 7 ! I* a III . I 1. ■ p III >**nd•»> s I <pl . ' 1 I on , . is*. 8.t»o, ',1 •to p m Ar»mu . < C'.h iu 5 " p Ul jl Ks. 11 rsioii 11 am l li-.ui h.ol "I M l" 1 >•.ppi a * > oh I v 1. • In p ui I ill i 11 AI It V . Sl II I lie ( 11 V I in I Oumi <’||> s i . a in 1 1 . |. m Simd iy- ’i*i m Km I ,p. May and >. a 1-1. « ity only 1 \ siou, 7 on 1 m hitudaya. Bailor Cars on all I. v pi • s I 1 ai ns Km lorilu r lull.1m.1l ion. apply lo 11.- =i.u-i Child dtlpli ia A It.a.liii-' Bail**.'* I iukil ;l. • 111 . 4l 1 A SNVI I * * A It I * I. list IN I NS II K' (iutl'l Sllpt '.nil I I 'll s>' l Aft 11.'u 11 ii.r I . iiuinal, Fhilitdt'iphi i. Peter S. Parker & Son, Cakpentkrs ‘ AM. glJILDEHS, SHOP N. FRANKLIN ST., l.AMItl.tti VII.I.K. N. J. Dealer iii Doors, Sa.sli, HlimD and Mouldings. Turned Poreli ('oluuins,('edar Fenee Piets, and Htiilding Stone. loHUlNU 1’HOM I'TI.Y ATTKNDFH TO ON sour N<>TI('K. I'l.ANS ann SI‘K( IK!CATIONS I*’T { NISII KI» WIIKN KKQUItKD Staihcasinu in am. it* Hran.'iika A 11x11 at 3, 1802. ftjLat&svs BRIDGE STREET HARDWAREHOUSE Special attention given to heating Churches, Halls ami 1'rivate House on the most approved plans hy cith er HOT WATER OR STEAM IIEAT. PLUMBBB Gas and Steam Fitter. ^burpen irat assortment af Hardware, and Table Culler y, _^enters' Tools, Agricultural Implements, I.ampe, Housekeeper** GobIi in endless tuMr Cement, Calcine Plaster and Plastering Hair Brass and Iron Fittings,for <»aa, Water i>r tu«a» Iren, Lead aud Terra Cotta Pipe, Vases, Chimney Tops aud Flues, Bath Tubs, Water Closets. Iron Wash Stands, Plain or Kuaioeled, Rubber liosa, Bar and Sheet Lead, Hydrants, Pumps Hydraulic Hams, Blast ing Powder and Fuse in large or auiul quantities. A large assortment of liuus, Pistols, Ammuni tion aud bporting Hoods. Kstimates Tor any work lu my ltne|wiii Le f< r Dished on application. AIL WORK QUARAK1KKD. A. C- GANDEY, 31 BRIDGE STREET. —Arte you matured ? Mr. Khamalia has had 80 years experience applying trusses. He will allow you to wear the truss two weeks aud then return the money if you are not satisfied. Lady attendant.