Newspaper Page Text
INTERESTING NEWS TO MOTHERS OF How Old are Your Boys? \\V an* inter, sloe I in their ages, bemuse our Boys’ mid Children’s Clothing Jl apartment I-, full iu overflowing with tilings good lo wear for boys—ages 4 to 20 years We mean no offense lo ilie older ones when we call them boys, for they very properly consider themselves young men. We con sider llieir wants and tastes ai care fully as we do the mothers who alone have to he pleaded iu the se lection of the garments for the little ones. are cut on manly lines and are fin ished carefully in every detail, dic tated by fashion. Von will find more Good Things in Hoys’ Outfitting!) to choose from here than iu any other store in this city, while our prices are as low as even the most economical person would wish to pay. An inspection of our stock car ries no obligation to buy. Every one is welcome. BOYS! Dunlaps, Youmans, «■<■< Special Derby AND Soft Hats are now ready. TREWIN & CO., Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. It Is Impossible to promise particular features that will appear In the "AMERICAN MONTHLY" during the coming year, for It la, as the lioohnmn cays, " a great monthly newspaper.” Aa such, It prints foe its readers an Illustrated account of the notable things which make the history ol " We know of no review published, In this country or In Europe, which combines so success fully as the Amkkk’AN Monimi v the alertness, timeliness, and energy of Journalism with the sound judgment, carefully weighed opinion, exact knowledge, and well-oh >sen English of the purely literary periodical."— Vie Outlook. the montn, of me political, me economic, and literary happenings which are of value to intelligent men and women. The Editor’s 4t Progress of the World ” tells suc cinctly an illustrated story of the month. The "Leading Articles" give the best thought and information of the current magazines in five conti nents! the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious import. The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the information needed by intelligent people of 44live" instincts is best gauged in the opinion* which the readers ot the AMERICAN MONTHLY have seen fit to express. These are thinking business men, clergy men, editors, lawyers, professors, engineers, the wide-awake women if America. They write that the For.. 25 c. I SPECIAL OFFER The current number and the two preced ing issues. AMbKICAJN IVHJINIULY "is indispensable'*! “is simply invaluable”; “is a generous library in itself” j ii “ a historical cyclopedia of the world ”* “the best means of aid for a busy man” “the best periodical of tlie kind we have ever had”f “a triumph of editorial genius “; “ the world under a field-glass,” etc., etc. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE;, $2.50 PER YEAR ADDRESS American Monthly Review of Reviews t! TOR PLACE. NEW YORK A MILLION MILLION. linn l.i.n >;k Vna, \Voiilcl It Take yon lo fount I* f Lruftt.-or Wugstaff. whose very name suggests a pleasing first enusinsbip to Shakenpeare, bes I itely been amusing himself nnl his uudieuce af fvresbuni college by Mieculatiuns aa to what might have happened if the father of our hn man race hud given up delving and taken to figures. Li t us suppose that Adam bad set himself to count a mil lion million, or, in flguri s, 1,000,000, 000,000. Wo will imagine tbat be could count three in a second, which, though not exactly rapid ciphering, will he found ample, if taken continuously. Now, if 0,000 years have elapsed since the gracious amenities of Eden formed the cradle of humanity, Adam would huvu been working for 189,1110,000,000 seconds and have reached a total of 667,0 18,000,000 figures. In other words, bis task of counting a million milliou would still have been unaccomplished by over four linndreil thousand millions digits All of which goes to prove what? There are many possible conclusions. The first is, of course, that Professor Wagstall is a very ingenious and by no means melancholy mathematician, but that, hardly needed proof. A second de duction, which wo advance with all humility, is that if Adam had only had habitual recourse to harmless dissipa tion of this arithmetical kind, instead of hetruying marital weakness and a fondness for fruit, his descendants would have been very much better off morally and spiritually, though not perhaps in material oomforts. And u third conclusion, eminently gratifying to those who refuse to believe that there iH any serious discord between religion and science, is that Professor Wngstaff, no doubt a man of distinction in scien tilio attainments, accopta without any demur ilishop Usshcr’s chronology. According to Iho divine, the world was created in 4004 13. C., und that added to I lie 1898 years which iiavo elapsed since the Christian era makes In round numbers the (1,000 years ou which the whole calculation depends. Some wayward “scientists" have dog matically affirmed that the world has been wagging along a good many moro centuries than Ussher supposed, al though there is a serious difference, it iH true, in this mutter between the us tronmuers and the geologists. So, after ull, perhaps if Adam laid beon reason ably industrious, ho would have had time to accomplish his task, unless his brain had given way under the strain. Most of us have such vague ideas as to the meaning of largo figures that it is ns well lo be reminded by so happy an illustration how many units go to iho making of a million. Che only other onnceivnblo fashion in which such in struction could ho acquired is to beoome a South African “boss” of mines and diamonds, and that process, much as wo may desire it, is, fortunately or un fortunately, not open to the majority of us.—London Telegraph. THE DOCTOR IN WAR. sIn„(ln Ull- Test ef I'ofirHue When «*\ «»r I nilt'r I ire*. Tli»' London Lancet has nil article about tho bravery of surgeons under lire. The I*oucet’H article is about Rrit i tub Burgeons. It applies in bo tar as its anecdotes go to thorn, hut In its general terms and its comments it applies to all. Wo have never read of a surgeon quailing under tiro or desortiug his post | in a panic, and what in a great deal more we have nevor heard of a sur goon quuiliug before a hospital or de serting his post, though yellow fever, smallpox, typhus or cholera threatened his life and surrounded him with its horrors. There are many well authen ticated stories of the courugo and devo tion of our army doctors in the field and hospital. Tho latter is the much more trying to courage and fidelity. Tho excitement of battlo goes far to keep a man at his work, oven should he bo disinclined for it. The long dreary watches of tho hospital, the hard and thankless round of duty, the hourly scones of horror and possibly the dis couraging absence of proper assistance and support from the administration of the army are what try a doctor’s nerve and test his fortitude and patriotism. Wo do not know why they stuiul tho test bo well—better apparently, on an average, than those whose trado it is supposed to be to fuco death and danger. Hut the fact remains that they do, all honor to them 1—Sun Francisco Report. A Type of 111. fin... "I sue you’ve still got your old office i hoy.” "Yes.” ‘‘Improves with age, does he?” | “Well, ho seoms to got fresher every day. -Philadelphia Record. Iho use of coal for house heuting is 1 ,10t nearly mi general in Europe us in this country. The Kind You Have Always nought, and which has been in use for over JiO years, has borne the signature of and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that triilo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Ilowcls, giving health}’ and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNI CCNTAUH COMPANY. TT WUSStV STBCtT, HCW VOBit CITY. 3FM*WG Minutes and read what follows. It may save you dollars and add materially to your com fort and pleasure: 1897 Crawford (Cent’* «r i.u«ne*’j - now $39.00 “ “ (30 In., Boys’or Dir I*’) “ 30.50 lt 41 (31 In., Boys’ or Dlrl»’) ** 27.50 [ Hartford or M. and W. Tires. Four colors. Any {,rear. BIGGEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. 1897 Crawford Tandems, - - $7050 1896—$75.00 Crawford (‘S^) now $2950 Cor u^r) “ 26.50 “ “ 23.50 Come see us, we will do all in our power to please and satisfy you. W. MISSIVE. O WIllIJh LAIMIIBEIIE^TV'ILLJS BICYCLE AGENCY, No. 39 N. Union Street. VICK’S THREE RAMBLER * Wtiite. Yrllow. Crimson, will make a m > i. r-,t hr.'jr-, beautiful *! for the (•:417a,or charming bed. Constant hi" perfectly hardy plant Will pit'dace thousand of jbwers. Tlu-».- il.ree l limbing Roses delivered ROSES. Only 40 Cents FREE UPON APPLICATION. 1 VTPTf ^ CARDEN AND FLORAL CUIDE. W X wAA 1CP Thv llusy Man’s ( alalmrue urn! the I.adiiV Gardener and Adilser. \ The only one containing full descriptions and Diiections for planting and culture ; so comprehensive* condensed, classified and indexed (hat HE WHO RUNS MAY READ. Many illustrations fi >m nature. Colored plates of Sweet Frit, Nasturtiums, Tuberous Begonia*, Golden Day I ily, Cactus Dahlias, Daybreak Vstrrs. Beautifully embossed cover iso large pages, completely filled with honest illustrations, t iek’n SrtulH .Yrrrr JAMES VICK'S SONS, ROCHESTER, N. V FREE! (» Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine KL/S, Is a veritable mine of Information about Flowers, Vegetables and I'nilts, nnd how to grow and care for them •ucce.sNfullv A farm house may be brightened at a adght expense ami the grounds nmue attractive. Insieud of hare a-i.l ho bidding 1 he price of VICK 8 I!.LUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE - Fifty tVi.ts per year, but if i you w III r el mu I his ('on poll x» llh %l \ t xs o-cent mIiiiii i>* the nu>»-•» on** w bl I <■ nub ie.| r.> you n . ulai ly foi Ml n... nil.s ful U ml. Wute at once to YI«K I’llll In|||M. 4 0- If .».• Iie.l er. N. Y. Woe to Tin*I DrfMiiiHLrr! You niuy (silk about naval heroes and rough riders till you like, but for super human in rvu and colossul during com mend me toav- umn 1 saw in a dry goods shop here in town only last Mon day morning. I had an excellent op portunity to < 1 s< rve her enrefully, for she stood pie. i>ely where 1 desired to stnud while slu—well, this is what she did: {She asked the salesman to show her a eertuiu pieee of red cashmere. Then she produced from her pocket the out paper pattern of a child's dress ami ealmy pinind the pieces to the cloth. The salesman stood politely bv, think iug, if a salesman ever had time to think, that she desired to ascertain the quantity required for the garment she intended to make, but she didn't intend to make any garment at all. After she had pinned the whole pattern carefully in place, she took it otY and rolled it up. There was a gleam of triumph in her eye. “Thank you,” she said. "That'a ull 1 wanted. I know it didn't take four yards. That dressmaker has just kept that extra yard and a half, that's what she’s done. ’' Hut luv, my ! Think of a dressmaker reckless enough to try to deceive a wo man like that'—Washington Post. Cm uk l> 1 • A clergyman recently, addressing those who < others while they themselves ire opt n to criticism, told this story: “Whin I was a boy, we had a schoolmaster who had odd ways of catching xlh boys. Says ho one day: ‘Boys, l niU't have closer attention to books. The tirst one of you that sues an other boy idle 1 waut you to inform me and 1 will attend to the case. ’ *Ah,’ thought 1 to myself, ‘there’s Joe Him moms, that 1 don't like. I’ll watch him, and if 1 see him look oil his book I’ll tell on him. ’ “it was tmt long before 1 saw Joe look off his Look, and immediately 1 iufnrimd tin* master. ‘Indeed,’ said ho. * How did you know he was idle?’ *1 saw him. was t he reply. * You did. And were your eyes on your book when you saw him? * was caught, hut I didn’t watch for the boy# again."—New York Tribune HEALTH FOR TEN CENTS! FOR THE FAMILY. " 1 take plrniur*' In untieing jour valuable remedy CAnCAKhTS. 1 And my whole family received relief from thi< drat small box we tried. I certainly recommendOAtU'ARKTM for llie cure* they make mid trust they w HI find a place In evei v home. Your* for success " Varan vUm.Jr , Valin tirove Ave.. McKeesport, 1’a. FOR CHILDREN. *•1 ah nil never be without CANCAKFIM. My children aio always delighted when 1 give them a portion of a tablet, and cry for more. They are the moat pleasant medicine 1 have ever tried. They have found a permanent place In my home " Mrs. Johv fi.aoxi.. Vox. MO, MichiganCltv, lnd. FOR PILES. **l aufTered the torturea of the damned with protruding piles brought on by constipation with which I waa afflicted for twenty years. 1 tan aeroae your CASCAKKTh in the town ..f Newell, la . and never found anything to equal them To day I mu entirely free from piles and feel like a new man " C II. Kkitz till Jones St , Sioux t Ity, la. FOR HEADACHE. “Both my wltV un«l myaelf have been using OASCAUKTS, and they are the best medicine we have ever had In the house Last week mv wife was frantic with headache foe two days; ahe tried some of your CASCARKTH and they relieved the i-alu in her head almost Immediately e both recommend C» sea rets ” 1*11 a* HTBDBroan Pittsburgh Sate A deposit Co.. I'ittsburgh. I'a FOR BAD BREATH. “ I have born uiltg (IfMI KKTN and as a mild and effective laxative they are simply wonderful. My daughter and l were bothered with sick stomach and our breath was verv bad After taking a few doses of Oaacarets wo have Improved wen derfully. They are a ft rat help iu the family.** Wit.HKi at* a N aUki . 1117 Hitteuhouae 8t., Cincinnati.Ohio FOR PIMPLES. ** My » ItV had plaiplfi on her luce. Tiut she has been taking CAB I’iRhrs and they have all dtsap peered. I had been troubled with constipation for some time, but after taking (he first Casesret i have had no trouble with this ailment W» &7W UrrmaBtcvn *»*•. .'«) Vhiladelphia. fa. CANDY CATHARTIC 25c. 50c. CURE CONSTIPATION. ~Mte the. GOLD i BON-BON BOX ! ANY ONE SJSJSi11 Olfwtloo »tli> ou* of » ««e bo* ot t'ABci; Wll i wl'iC KLIM, or |wo ilirvctk'ii llipt out of two BftetMxra to thn mann< CAN OBTAIN •*o‘V5*m£ 7lf.TJ-“«*5S.,h"3: . - “HI nl«rf Just like* the cut showu herewith. enameled bonbon THIS HANDSOME PRESENT )» especially fitted for n lady's dressing table, r- - .■•■V"1" ■ ideal* laxative. liver stimulant ltai YOU WILL BE DELI8NTED CANDV BOXBONKIEM PS EE. STMIIM not only with the bonbonntere, but with Its contents. C ASI A BETS are so tulld. so fragrant, so palatable, so pleasant, yet positive in their ac tion that they form the only proper laxative for ladies, children, and the household in general Anyone unable to obtain direction slips as above, by purchasing from their druggists, send us AOc in stamps, and receive a &•« box of CA8CAKST9 with BMK»Y to., rMU'AbO, AO.VrUUL, i'A*., IBV I0M. 1 t I i i i I < < I FOR CONSTIPATION. *• I have gone 14 days at a time without movement of the bowtU- Chronic constipation for tevrn years placed me in this terrible condition; 1 did everything I heard of but never found any relief until I began using CASCAKETS. I now have from one to three passagesu day. and if I was rich I would give 1100 00 for each movement; it is such a relief." aylukk L. Hwxt■ 1630 Russell St., Detroit Mich. FOR BILIOUSNESS. •‘I have used your valuable CA8CARCTN and find them per fect. Couldn't do without them. 1 have used them for some time for in digestion and biliousness and am now completely cured. Recommend them, to every one- Unco tried, you swill never be withoutthem in the family.’’ -Edw. A. Mass. Albany.N. Y. FOR WORMS. “A tape worm eighteen feet long at least came on the scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This 1 am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still tnk ing Cascarets, the only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible* people. Geo. W. Bowles, Baird. Miss. FOR DYSPEPSIA. “For six year* I wag a Tip* tlm nfdv«pvi>*!a in its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest evon thab Lust March 1 began taking CASCARF.TS and since then 1 have steadily ini proved, until 1 am a* well as l ever was in ucim, Newark, O. FOR LAZY LIVER. •*I have been t roubled n great deal with a torpid liver, which pro duces constipation. 1 found CAM A RETS to be all you claim for them, and secured such relief the first trial that 1 purchased another supply and was completely cured. 1 shall only be too glad to recommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity is pre sented.” i A. SMITH. ?M0 Susquehanna Are.. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR BAD BLOOD. “CASCARETS do all claimed for them ana aro a truly wonderful medicine. 1 have often wished for a medicine pleasant to take, and at laht have found it in CASCARETS. Since taking them my blood has been purified anu mv complexion has im proved wonderfttllv, and l feel much better in every way." Mrs. Salmi E. Ski pars Luttrell.Tenn. ATENTS Write for our interesting books “ Invent- t or'iHelp" and “How you are swindled.” t i Send us a rough sketch or model of your 1 i invention or improvement and we will tell t you free our opinion as to whether it is i probably patentable. \Yc make a specialty i i of applications rejected in other bauds. Highest references furnished. MARION Sc MARION PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS i Civil <t Mechanical Engineers. Graduates of the 1 Polytechnic School of Engineering. Bachelois In i Applied Sciences, Laval University, Members i , Patent Law Association, American v.’::t«*r Works , 'Association, New England Wat<-r Works 1 1 P. O. Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member « Society of Civil Engineers. flpiririra* ) Wash 1NGTO.V, D. (’. offices. { Montreal, Can. Thomas C. Hill & Son, BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY! LUNCH PARLOR. 11 BROAD STREET. TRENTON, N. J Wedding receptions, dinners and lunches a specialty. Table ware to hire to tesponsiblc parties. First-class work only. Out-of-town ord ers a specialty. Telephone connection. WHEN VISITING TRENTON, STOP AT Geo. A. Bibbs' RESTAURANT, 245 N. Warren Street, (First Building .ielow the Warren Street Railroad Station,) For a Square Meal or a Lunch. s«> A 600D DINNER FOR 25 CENT8. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Fruits, Nuts, Confectionery, &e. A Fine Stock of Segars and Tobacco. f^rReineinber that it is right at the station and is handy to trains. Nov. 3,1897-1 y —-Wheels, Qiaiitj Too! STYLES: Ladies’, Geallefflea’s & Tandem. Tlio Lightest Kunnlng Wheels on Earth. THE Bf:U/!0ERE. Wo always r'r.t'e C„ ■ j '.'aciilnesl Why ShouIJn't wo -ke GjoJ Wheels I National Sewing .• .whine Co., ^ 330 Broadway. Factory: New York. Belvidere. Ills. 1 BUBKr.JM.r’j • v-r: DIETZ BUCUriW DASH LAMP THIS is a most desirable combination tern, either to ca > > v a> in mi in you> hand «»» on your carnage uhen ter u ' < convenient holders ate supplied. It has a hup hi tin reflector, tchu h is kept steadily bus v distribu ting the flood of light furnished: has a handy device for oper ating globe (to light and trim), uhii h also locks both globe and burner where they be long. It has a bull's eye lent on the per Jorated plate tter’x distinct globe. perior to the orJinat v bub's-fy? . .-i.’.v a spring r , n • r,:/*r ( » . flu ftei •>* and / » /• > i'j ..» exteu *• cf which ue tn . Company S(ri\t A • VOAf/C Webster’s i International i Dictionary Succes$or of the “ Unabridged.” The One Great Standard Authority, Ho writes Hon. I>. .1. Brewer, Justice l . 8. Supreme Court. mamiara c of the 1'. S. Gov't Printing $ Office, the 1' S. Supremo Court, all the State Hu* A preme Courts, and of near- i Iy all the Schoolbooks. V Warmly j Commended 6 by State Superintendents Q or Schools. CoUetre i’rval a ; dents, and other Educators X almost without number. V i Invaluable ? In the household, and to 2 the toucher, scholar, pro- A i feaalonnl mail, and aelf- i j educator. V mtotM hUKFKAtliWAUJdt:. It la euy to find the word wanted. It la Miy to aacertain the pronunciation. It la easy to trace the growth ot a word. It la eaay to learn what a word means. The New York Tribune Says The latest edition comes from the press with a < » completeness that Implies the most thorough edl- i . torial and typographical supervision. • * * The j wide puhllc, too. finds thts*a work to which it 1* . constantly useful to refer.—April 8,1808. The Philadelphia Press Says , The International Is to-day, of all the greater [ dictionaries, by Tar the most serviceable. As a • > working tool for the student and writer; as an * t authoritative reference book for schools, faml- * . lies, and business men, It offers superior advan , utge in point of compactness of size as well as range and accuracy or definition. Deficient In no • ’ respect. tt is in every essential particular the most t » useful and trustworthy single volumeof reference ( i that can l>e placed in ono'sllbrary.—July IS, 1398. OET THE BEST. (^“Specimen pages sent on application to G. «fr C. HERRIAH CO., Publishers, , el Springfield, Hass., U.S.A. notbnychespreprlntsof andentedltions. < FOR SALE CHEAP! HOT AIR HEATER. Used in Fleet Wing House. No further use or it, as we are putting in steam heat. Apply to HARRY E- VAN HORN, or HARRY K KRAMER. Aug 10. lfcW A LOCAL DISEASE A CLIMATIC AFFECTION Noth ins hut a local remedy or change of climate will cure it Get a well-known It is quickly absorbed Ely’s Cream Balm Gives Relief at once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Inflammation. Heals and protects CATARRH COLD "t HEAD tm* Membrane Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. No Cocaine. No Mercury, No in jurious drug. Full Size 50c.; Trial Size 10c. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate ok Theodore Housed, Deceased Pursuant to the order of O. H. Sproul, Surrogate of the County of Hunterdon, made on the twenty seventh day of I ec. A. D. one thousand eight hun dred and ninety-seven, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Theodore House), late of the County of Hunter don, deceased, to present the same, under oath or affirmation. to the subscriber. Ex ecu or of said deceased, within nine months from the date of said order; and Hiiy creditor neglecting to bring in and exhibit bis or her claim under oath or affirmation, withiu the time so limited, will be forever barred ol his or her action therefor against the said Executor. Dated Dec.27, A. D., 181*7. LEVI BROWN. Dec, 29 1897. I MACHINE? Do not bo d 'reived by alluring advertisement* and think you ran get the Dost made, flrnwt finish and MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for a mere gong. Buy from reliable manufacturer* that have gain* d a reputation by honest and square dealing. Tin re is none In the world that ran equal in mechanleal eonRtrurtlon, durability of working part*, fineness of finish, beauty in ap|wnrrtnre,oi haa a# many Improvement*as the N£ W HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The Hew Home Sewing Machine Co. On amok. V \sa. Boston, Mass. 2H T* mton Sqit a re, N. Y. it li.u ST,Lot IS. MO.»,Tkiab. San HiAJtcisco.CAL. Ataanta.Ga. FOH SALE BY PAUL VETTER, Agent, LAMBERT VILLE, N. J. Sept. 23, l896.-6in If your wwpfr' lakes up more imp Ifwm ilirt, stop mmg Royal Blue Sweepers lake Hie dirl. not Ihr rarpet, ami oil themselves, Will send y ou « window clearer and "How In Sweep** for Oi l> im.slarr. •/I uKnlioimif'tlii^ i CjRAND KAPIDo ruKnl lUkt v,U. G H AND r« API D!». MICH.% AND BAYS MIDDLEMEN’S PROFITS. Sample* Mailed Free, with pull directions now TO MRARURB AND FAPKR A ROOM. Papers 3C. to $2.00 n Roll—8 yard*. W» orrKn you AN OPPORTUNITT TO BEAUTIPT TnB IIOIKC at small copt with TUB FINEST Wall Paper. Agent* wanted in evert Town and Village, To whom Liberal Commissions will be paid. Agent* Book* and Outfit, One Dollar. EDWARD LOVE, WALL PAPER MANUFACTURER, Plainfield* New Jersey* Should send at once 1 Ternium List. Just Watches, Printing Presses, Air Rifles and many Valuable Articles are to be CJlven Away. New York Ledger, Ledger Building, New York Nov. 17, ’97 > for Special issued. GIRLS AT THE "Lambertville Record” Olce, WE HAVE SUPERIOR FACILITIES FOR PRINTING AND ESPECIALLY WHERE LARGE QUANTITIES ARE WANTED ! A first-class Stereo typing Machine en ables us to duplicate forms, and large 01 ders may therefore be quickly printed. Fine Printing, Bronze Work, —AND— Work in Colored Ink is extensively done at this office SALE BILLS AND ALL OTHER WORK DONE IN A SATISFAC TORY MANNER. Write for Prices, &c. THIS PAPER Newspaper Advertising Bi St-),whereadvertia* AIR"Ilf VilM# NEW. YORK. may be found on tile at GKO. P. - Rowlll A Co'4 Bureau (10 Spruoa Pennsylvania Railroad. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF AMERICA. PROTECTED TRBOl'Ullol'T liV THE Ioterlacklag Switch ad Bis;1' Signal SjstEin BEL VIDE I! E uinsiox. Trmint for N«te * k ■> <** i h On and afu*r .Tun* ' \ Lfive Manunka Chunk fi.nn : m l ■ . . 12.2? 2.45 and 5.20 p m .-nnd.iy. 7 ."2 a ni. Leave Belvidere 6 15 T :0 aid IO.t'4 a in, U 2.51 and 5 25 p ui. Sunday, 7 ,i in. Leave Phlllipaburg 7.15, and 10 •’i n m. I «••*. 3.23 and .*>.55 p m. Sunday. 8.mi a m. Leave Frenchtown 7.49 and lu 9 a in. ! ' ’• : '-6 and 6.30 p in. Sunday, 8.21 a. in. Leave Flemiogton 7.45 a iu, 12 25 and 3.65 p m week-days. Arrive Lambcrtville 8.15 a in, 1 28 and 4. 2p m week-days. Leave Latnbertville 7.0«, 8.23, 8 45 and 11 II » m.. 2.06, 4.8(> and T oo p. in. Sunday 8 45 a in Arrive Trenton 7.85. 8 58 and 0.09 a in. 12.17, ‘I.’-'j 5.08 and 7.28 p m. Sunday. 9 09 a in Arrive Philadelphia (Kensington) 9.17 a in and 3 32,, n m. Sunday, 10.02 a in. Arrive Philadelphia (Broad Street station) 8.57 10.00 and 10.01 a in, 1.06, 3.48, 6.t-0 and 8 22 p in Sunday, 10 01 a iu. Arrive New York. Desbri ssesand Corllandt Sis via Trenton, 9.23, 10.33 and 11.33 a iu,- i *. 4 •> i 7.23 and 9.30 p ui. Sunday 11.38 a m West twenly-third Street Station 9 i>, 10 4'> and 11.45 a. in. 2.35, 5.05,7.85 and 9.45 p. in .'imdays 11.45 a. in. Train* from Phitadeljdtia ami Sett Tor A; Leave New York. Desbrosses and Corllandt sts via Trenton, 8.00, 11.00 a in, 2 10, 8.00. i.oo and 6.00 p in Sunday, fi.oO p m. West Twenty-third Street Station, 7.50 and 10 50 a in, 1 *0, 2.50, 3.50 and 5.50 p m. Sundays, 5.5o p in. Leave Philadelphia ( Kensington) 6.45. 7 40,10.00 a in, 12.10. 2.50. 4.30 and 6 14 p in. week-days Leave Philadelphia (Broad Street Station 5 i and 9.00 a iu. 12.00 noun, 2.30. 3.62, 5.00 and 7.«*2 p iu. Sunday, 7.02 p m. Leave Trenton 7.52, 9.50 a in, 1.00,3.40, 4 4i, fi.eo and 7.53 p iu. Sunday. 7.53 p. in. Arrive Latnbertville 8.33, lu/20 a in, 1.37,4.15, 5.07, 6.28 and 8.23 p in. Sunday, 8.23 p ui. Leave Lambert ville for Flemiugtou 8 46 a in, 2 • and 5 09 p m, week-days. Arrive Fleiniugtun 9 15 a m, 2.52 and 6.40 p in, week-days. Leave Lambert vide tor Manunka Chunk K 3i 10.20 a in. 1.87, 6.07 and 8.23 p ru. Sunday, ; >n For Phlllipaburg aud Easton only G.2» j> m *. • k days. Leave Frenchtown 9 05, 10.47 a m, 2 09 3 30 t - d 8.49 p m week-days, 8 49 p in Sundays For 1'h.s lipsburg aud Kastuu only, 7.02 p in. Arrive at Phillipshurg 9 40 and 11.22 m. in., 2.42, 5.58, 7.30 and 9.20 p. in. Sunday 9 20 p. in. Leave Phillipshurg 7.25, 9.46 and ll ’7 a in, 2 47 6.04 and 9.25 p in. Sunday, 9 25 p ni. Arrive Belvidere 7.58, 10.22 and 11.63 a tn, 3.19 6.32,9.51 p in. Sunday,9.51 pin. Arrive Manunka ('bunk 8.05,10.30and 11.59 a iu, 3.25, 6.38 aud 9.58 p iu. Sunday, 9.58 p in. Additional trains leave Belvidere fur Miiuuiika Chunk 7.00 and 9.30 a to, and 2.20pm. Sunday. 7.00 a m. Returning, leave Manunka t buuk for Belvidere 8.25, 10.48 a in., 4 20, 6.40 aud 10.00 p. in. Sunday, 10.00 p in. Freight or mixed trains leaving Manunka Chuuk at 6 00 aui, Belvidere K.15 am, Martin’s Creek 6.35 a in, arriving Lehigh Junetioii 6.53 a m. will carry passengers and make stops at tlag sta tions north of Phlllipsburg. Passengers fur Broad Street Station, Philadel phia, hv trains leaviug Manunka Chunk 7.22 a m daily, and 12.27, 5.20 p in week-days, and leaving Pbillipaborg 8(0 a in daily, 1.00 and 5.55 p m week-days go through without change at Tren ton. A through ear for Manunka Chuuk is at tached to trains leaving Broad Street Station ut 6.09, 9,00 a in, 12.00 noon, and 352, pm. By ail other trains passengers to or from Broad Street Station change cars at Trenton. Connection Is made at Manunka Chun* with Delaware, Lackawanna A Western Railroad; l**. high Junction with Lehigh Valley . Lehigh A Sua ouehauua .Morris A Essex, and New Jersey Centra Railroad*. At Lambertville with Fiemiugtou Rail road At Trenton with trains to and from No'. York, Camden, Ac. For further information see time-tables, whici HO be obtained ai me ticket offices . J. R W(M»D. General Passenger Agent. J. R HUTCHINSON, General Manager Philadelphia & Reading Railway Engines Burn Hard Coal—No Smoke TIMK TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1S3S. TRAINS LEAVE NEW HOPE For Glonside, Jenklntown and Philadelphia, week days, 5.40. 7.16, 11.10 a. in , 12.45 4.S0. 6.05 p in Sundays 6.15 a. in., 4 05, 6.15 p. in. TRAINS FOR NEW HOPE. Leavo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days. 7.04, 10.04 a. in . 204, 4 19, 0,02, 11.02 p iu Sundays, 9.34 a in , 1 49. 7.04 p. ni. Close connection at Jenklntown with last ex press trains to and from New York, Baltimore, Washington, the South and West. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street Wharf and South Street Wharf for Atlantic City Week-days—Express, a. in., 2 00, 4.00,5.00 p. id. Accom.S.oo a. in., 6.30 p in. Sunday*—-Lx press, 9.00, 10.00 a tu Accommodation, 8 10 a m. LEAVE ATLANTIC CITY DEPOT Week-days — Express 7,35,9.00, a. in , 3.30, 5.30 p.m. Accommodation, 8.15 a, m.,4.06 p m. Sun days—Express. 4 00, 7.30 p. iu. Aceom., 715, a. in., 4.15, p. in. For Cape May. Sea Isle City and Ocean City—Weekdays—9.00 a, iu . additional for Cape May, 4 15 p in., fo» Sea Isle City. 6.00 p. m . for Ocean City, 4 15, 5.00 p iu. Snudays-Cheatnut Street, 9.15 a. in.. South street, 9 00 a. ui. Parlor Cars on all Express Trains. For further in formation, apply to nearest Phila delphla A Heading Hailway tieket agent or ad I. A. 8WEIOARI), ED80N J. WEEKS 14or*’I Supt . Oen’l Pasa'r Agt Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. Peter S, Parker & Son, ipARPENTERS « and gUILDERS t SHOP N. FRANKLIN ST., LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Dealer in Doors, Sash, Blinds and Mouldings. Turned Porch Columns,Cedar Fence Posts, and Building Stone. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDFD TO ON SORT NOTICE. PLANS anu SPECIFICATIONS FUR NISHED WHEN REQUIRED. Staircasing in all its Rranchrb. August 8, 1892. BRIDGE STREET HARDWAREHOUSE Special attention given to heating Churches, Halls and Private Houses on the most approved plans by eith er HOT WATER OR STEAM HEAT. lE’X/CJIkiTBIEIRj Gas and Steam Fitter. _A assortment or Hardware, tot aud Tablo Cutlery, Corps liter*’ Tool*, Agricultural Implement#, Lam no, Housekeepers’ Goods In endleaa laiMy Cement, Calcine Plaster and Plastering Bair Brass and Iron Fitting* .forGaa,Water or H Iron, Lead and Terra Cotta Pipe, Vaaoa, Chimney Tops and Flues, Bath Tuba, Water Closets, Iron Wash Btanda, Plain or Enameled, Rubber Hose, Bar and 8beet Lead, Hydrants, Pumps Hydraulic Rauis,Ae,4 Blasting Powder and Fuse in largj or small quantities. A large assortment of Gun*, Plstoh, Ammuni tion and Sporting Good*. Eatimatesfor any work In my lino will b* fur nished on application. ALL WORK QUARAK2BED. A. C. GANDEY, 31 BRIDGE STREET. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke To«r Mfe A .ray. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To* Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Ail druggists, 50c or #1. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago cr New York.