Newspaper Page Text
Huy your coal of (loo. W. Massey. Cigars at all juices, and the beat in each grade, at Kline’s. A camp of the I*. O. S. of A. is 1 b -iii”: organized at Fiemiugtou. S. H. Opdyko. of Little York, has a pumpkin which weighs lit) poll mis. A tine stock of Christmas goods has already been received by S. A. Finger. Too Hlootiisbury canning factory Ini - canned about 50,000 cans of apples this season. The -If. Mechanics of Scrgeants xillo me making arrangements to Imil.fli hull. (Icrvas Kly is quitting down a flag stone pavement in front of Holcombe Mull, on York street. The ladies of St. Andrew’s Church at their Into sale of fancy goods made a net profit of $174.41. Sometimes it isn’t a man’s fault that ho hasn't any money. It iasome times due to other people. Governor Voorhees has issued a proclamation designating November :Wth as Thanksgiving Day. Kdwin N. Strong, of Hingoes vi eimty, has recently lost four horses i all that he had) with spinal meningitis. Do not forgot the lecture of Rev. Dr. Cordo, in the Baptist Church, j next Monday evening. Tickets, 25 cts. Sun’s Rising Minstrels made a wr\ good parade lust Saturday, and gave a poor show in the evening, so xve are told. “lie plays well that wins.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla wins the victory over dis ch'-c because it possesses genuine eurati»c power. (>n account of the Teachers’ In stitute at Flemingtoii, the public schools were closed on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday of this week. The flint mill at Frenchtown is crowded with orders and is running day and night. There is tulk of in creasing the capacity of the plant. I woiil(tii t be without DeWitt h Wit* It Hazel Salvr f.»r any fonsi Juration," art.■•Tims It lthmle*. (Vnt’erfleld.O Infal lible for piles, cuts, burns nml nki 11 diseases I to ware of counter f#it*. U. M Hhamalift, Tusearoia nml Red Jacket Tribes of lie.I Men of this city uttouded ser vices in a body at the Now Hope M. I’. Church oil Sunday eveningdast. Forty new lawyers wore added to the I>nr of New Jersey last week by the Supreme Court, nml fourteen at torneys received counselor degrees. I lev. H. B. Lyman-Wheaton has sent in liis resignation as pastor <»f the 1C* riued Church at Wliitehouse. It is t > take effect in six months or sooner. before purchasingyour wall paper a i*l paints, rull at Hervey S. Hoi c uube's, No. (>l N. Main street. Largo stock. Low prices House painting a specialty. Andrew k. llowan, of Trenton, has given a building and lot, worth $**»,Oik), to the N. J. M. L. Conference for a home for old ladies of the Mctho * 1 ist Church. The Second Regiment, N.G.N.J., h n been ordered to assemble at Tren t »n oil Tuesday next for instruction. C >. F., of this city, is now attached to this regiment. Crange M. Owens, a member «f Orion Lodge, No. 56, F. and A. M., Fi eiichtown, New Jersey, has been admitted to the Masonic Home at Bur lington, N. .1. Lieutenant Colonel Win. A. Raf fertv, C. S. A., lias been promoted to Bngudicr General. Oeneral Hafferty i • a Min of the late John C. Rafferty, Fs«j , of Flemington Wanted, to complete u collection, an old claw foot sofa or chair, #7 paid; and §1 .‘>0 for old dark-blue plates, American scenery on them. Address R»\ Bristol, Pa. You never know what form of 1 | will follow ronstii»atmn Keep Hi. liv» r« lonn by usina ReWitt'x Little Early Iti“* rs an 1 you will avoid trouble They are famous little pills for constipation un*t liver .•m l Im.wi 1 troubles (i M. Slmtimlia U. if. Liverlon has rented John Sproat’H house, corner of Church ami 41oorge streets, ami will conduct it a.4' ji hoarding houne. He expects to oc cupy it next Monday. The ITiiou . ‘earn Fire Engino Co., No. 1, luia again erected tlio flag pole on their new Iiouhc ami purchased a new flag to be displayed on all special occasions and on holidays. The lust official act performed by rilieriff linmsey was the drawing of the petit jurors for the December term of (.hun t. This act was performed before Judge Herr in open Court. Kev 1*. S. Sailer, pastor of the Christian church, at Fronchtown, N. J., will move his family to Melroy, Fa., about the first of December, where he will enter a new field of labor. — flic “Milford (S. J.) Reporter” unde it* initial how to the public last \V« dnc>d.»v William ('. Toiusou. former editor of the ‘ Leader*’ of lint place, is Ho* edit or and publisher of the new paper. The farm and wood lot belonging to the estate of the late Jeremiah Hit teahouse, situated near Frenchtowu, was sold on November 4th for $46 per acre. The farm aud lot contain about D acres. ruscaroiu j.rine, iso. u, jiup. >/. il. M., will hold a memorial ceremony commemorative of the death of George Washington, on the 14th Sleep of Hunting Moon, G. S. I>. 4l)8, common era Dec. 11th, 1S9U. Ni,» is the time to got your cloth ing cleaned and dyed, ltoughtou, the S. Union street dyer, can make old goods look like new, and faded colors, or goods that need to he changed in color, can he so dyed as to make them stylish and beautiful. CABTOHIA. Bear, the y? I* You Haw At*ays Boujht %nr —Buy your Coal of Larisou & Mar joram. “Lambert ville Puffs” arc still go in*r up iu smoke. Kline sells them. —When you want good oysters aiul terrapin, go to Liverton’s, 10 Chnrcli street. Union Thanksgiving services will he held in the M F. Church on Thurs day, the doth inst.,»at 10.30 a. m. Rev. Mr. MacKubhiu, of the First Presby terian Church, will preach the sermon. Charles M. Pilts, of this city, has resigned his position in the Relief De partment of the Penna. R. K., and has accepted a position in the office of the New Jersey Rubber Co., in this citv. He entered upon his new duties on Monday last. A young lady living up town lias a great fashion of putting pins in her mouth, earryiug them in that manner while eating and even going to bed with at least a dozen in her mouth. Occasionally she swallows one, which apparently does not seeiu to bother her in the least. Special attention in called to some special prices in Van Horn A Son's ad vertisement in this issue. Prices of all kinds of goods are steadily ad vancing, hut Van Horn »V Son are giving their patrons the benefit of early purchases at lower prices. Now is the time to buy. You will pay more later on. I'lie Court of Errors and Appeals is in session this week at Trenton. Among the decisions given on Monday was the following: The Hunterdon Circuit Court is reversed and a now trial ordered in the case of Henry P. Cullen against Maurice Wool vert on, administrator of Asher Woolvertou, deceased. Elias Mader, formerly clerk in Clossoifs drug store, has left here to accept a position in Philadelphia. C. 11. Middleton lias succeeded him ut Cloison’s, while Uus. Heading, for merly with Hhumalia's drug store, has succeeded Mr. Middleton, who has been for some time connected with Cochran's drug store. Patrick Haley, ail old resident of this city, was found dead in bod on Thursday morning of last week. Cause of death was heart trouble, deceased was 58 years of age. He w as a charter member of the Hibernia Fire Com pany. His funeral occurred on Satur day morning last from St. John's Church. Interment in St. John's (V.nioterv. Paul A. Queen, the newly-elected Surrogate of Hunterdon, was sworn into office Monday of this week. The following gentlemen signed the new Surrogate’s bond : A. II., Win. E. Trewin, A. (1. Savins, Henry M. Vonrhees, Anthony Killgore, Win. J. PouIson. The first act of Surrogat** Queen was the appointing of Oeorge F. Hanson as his deputy. Evening Star Castle, No. 1“, A. (). K. of the M. of this city, pro seated a lively appearance at its head pouters on Thursday evening last. Tho castle hall was filled with Sir Knights. Four candidates were ini tinted into the mysteries of the order; imp other Sir Knight renewed his membership in the castle, and two propositions for membership were pre sented. The degree team is rapidly getting into working order, and this Winter will see it doing good work. On Tuesday last, Judge Herr ad ministered the oath re«piircdby law to the new Sheriff, George M. Freeh. Tho bond which Sheriff Freeh presented to the Court, which was for $20,000, was signed by George M. Freeh, James N. Pidcoek, Jr., Elisha W. Opdyeke, J. V. F. Schomp, II. E Park, Edward Hum phrey, John VV. DeHart, W. Howard Lake, Win. S. (Mossou, George (Mark, O. P. Chamberlin and George H. Cramer. Mr. Freeh Ht once entered upon his duties as Sheriff of Hunter don county. On Monday of last week, Mr. Ja cob White, coal and lumber dealer in Frenclitown, was painfully injured while attempting to hold a horse be longing to a Mr. Fisher, at his coal yard. The horse became frightened at a passing engine and Mr. White at tempted to hold him by' the head. The horse reared up, lifting Mr. White from his feet and throwing him to the ground under its feet, stepping on his body. He is severely bruised, but it is hoped that he will soon be able to attend to bis busiuess again. Hnutcr don hut* /nndtuf. — A musical and literary entertainment Hill tx* given in the m.iiti audience room •»f C'eiiit-nary M. K Church on Thanks giving evening, he assisted by Miss Miriam Lee Kaiiey. elocutionist, Mr. K C. Hall violinist, and Prof. A I. Man* Chester baritone. 1 hoe aitists are known to many in our city, and the an nouncemcnt of their coming slioud fill Hie house Mh« Earley in a giaduate of the Northwestern University and iq\ one of the faculty in the I Yop'o’* <'ollegr, Philadelphia She is a young loly of late tal. ut and libeial culture Piof Manchester and Mr. Hall have been heard hereon previous « evasions to the great delight of the people Ad ini ft ion 25 ct« All seatft te eived If you want a segar that in just the thing, buy “Lamhertville Puffs.” J. 13. Kline, Bridge street. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Lamhertville, N. J. William Bray Jones Jones Jam. A. Kilbride Wilson Price Miss Emma Newhouser C. A. SUILLMAN, P. M. Lamhertville, N. J., Nov. in, 1H99. There ure some women who «eem to l»e perennially youthful. The* grown (laughters art* companions a* well a* children, and the color in the mother's cheeks, the brightness in her eyes, the roundnens of her form, all speak of abounding health. What ia her S€H*ret? She in at the middle age of life when ho many women are worn, wasted and faded, and yet time has only ripened her charms. The secret of this matronly health and Wauty may he told in the brief phrase, l>r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The gen eral health of woman is so intimately related to the local health of the delicate womanly organs, that where these are diseased, the whole body must suffer. “Favorite Prescrip tion" dries the debilitating draius, heals ul_ ccration and inflammation, cures female weak ness and imparts to the delicate female or. gans natural vigor and vitality. Women who have lost their health and their beauty have been made “robust and rosy cheeked** by the use of this marvelous medicine. Srif' Your dues in the American Sav inos and Loan Company are payable on Saturday of this week to (leorgo M. Holcouihe, Treasurer. PROCLAMATION. Owing to thedeath of the Vice Presi dent of the United States, it is re quested that the flags of the city be hoisted at half-mast and that the belts be tolled on Saturday afternoon, No- : vember 25th, from 2 o’clock until 2.30. j L. H. Skkueant, Mayor. I.nmbevtvtilc vh. N« «to\vii. A team from Newtowu, Pa., played an interesting game of football itti ; ! the Rambertville A. A. on the coin inons tin Saturday afternoon last. The former toam was defeated by the score of Idtofi. Tho line-up: i.Awnr ui\ n i.k ('Imrnkcr Allen Soott Bliss Wert Sharp K roeseii Jlnahi-s Hoffman Tonchdow n touchdow a Iteferees minute halve left end. . left tackle . left iruard riu'lit u'liard riaht taekle right end — . ijuarter-l*aek. left half-back right halt-hack full imck — Hoffman, Seott ’hnrnker Safety and Smith T M W l ow N. Satterwaite .Smith MaticUI .Mien .(hlkinson .. .llihlis Jackson Hutchinson 11 oh l from (Jilkinson line I'wo 'H' PERSONAL. —Mrs. 11. H. Joiner is visiting in Philadelphia. Mrs. Albert Reading visited in Philadelphia Tuesday. Klisha Stout, of Allenhurst, N. J,, is visiting relatives here. U R. Reading returned on Satur day last from a gunning trip through Ohio. Miss Maud Summers, of Philudol phis, is the guest of Mrs. t\ IT. Do hilinski. John McConnell, of Kverittstown, visited hts parents hero on Saturday and Sunday last. Daniel McLaughlin, of Doyles town, Pa., was a visitor here oil Thursday of last week. .1. I>. Bridges, editor /Vmocraf, N II , sny.s: "Uni' Minute I'mudi Cure in the benl renieily for croup I ever used.” latino • liatrly rriu'Ms uml euros coughs, colds, croup, asthma. pneumonia, grippe ami all throat ami lung troubles. It prevents consumption <5 M Shanialia. Thomas S. Cullan, a Lambcrtville contractor, is considering plant for tho building of a trolley rotul from Lambertvillo to Hopewell ami then to connect with tho Trenton road at Law renceville lie also desires to connect with tin* Trenton road at Lawrence villo. He alto desires to connect with the Somerville road and thus make a route from Trenton to that place. ('a)lan it hacked by hit brother, .lumen II ('ulhtn, and a number of Philadel phia and New Brunswick capitalists. The above Lambert villo news comet via Philadelphia K» cord. We under stand that .lames II. Cullen is inter osted in the proposed line, hut “Toni my” denies that he is going to build it. He would rather first gain a little experience b\ building tho Lambert ville City Trolley route, rubber mill to spoke factory and return. On Tuesday «»f last week, Shorin' Kamsey drew the petit jury for the* 1 t «»! Ill, SIM follows Ahrum It. 11 ope, Km ilan. Itol.ert liihhoiis, Delaware John Mooiv. 11 full Ih ill ye. Samuel II. lto», I nion. II. \l Iiiirelow , Jimelion. Noah 11 oil'll tan, lli«?h Ihid^e. Nathaniel K. 0|Klyeke, Alexalidi ia. Thomas T. 11 a w ley, l>olti\\are. John Stem. I lollmnl. Augustus K. Hawk, Kiugwood. John Lancaster, Kremhtow n. < 'hallos Toiuson, Itendington. \V. T. Hixson, Hast Ainwell. John \Y. N'oi11i>r. Last \mwell. Henry A. Sthvs, I nlon. William T. Warinaii, Lebanon. (ionic U . Weller, Alexandria. K<1\V ur< I Wesner, Wot A in well. < 'alvin Van Dorhelt, Holland. Lemuel Hoffman, Delaware. Willard Sheets, Clinton t|». M i11on < ’urtis, Alexandria. Charles A. Hen/.ler, Itaritan. Isaiah W. 1‘hilhower, Tew ksleiry. William W. Klitt, Kethlehein. Asher L. Thateher, Karitan. John M. Wilson, Stockton. Davis Knt, Delaware. Henry llishnp, Iteadingtoii. Lew^s Mason, Alexamlria. Mahlon <». Kinney. Clinton tp. Lamhert K. Alpaugh, Lehanon. John S. Trimmer, Lehanon. Samuel W Coehran, Lamhertville. John Kveily. I uion. Kllsha W. Ojalyi ke, I- renehtow n. Wo jjive no rownnlH. An olFor of tins kin<l is the meanest of th-eeptioiifl lest the eiirativc powers of Kljr’s < ream Itulili for the euro of Catarrh. Huy Fever ami CoM in the Heu«l ami you nr* surf to continue the treatment itelirf is iiiiuie<liate ami a cure folloHM It is not ilryititfi ‘lots not protluee Him/.into It soothes nvt< 1 heals the mem. hrane I'riee .MieentH «t ilriiicsflst* or hy mail Jtrothi rs Mi Warren Street. New Vork NATION II. FXrnitT I- VI'OMIl ION. Speilal l.ow rate I Excursion viil I'emihjl vani.i Itailrnad. The Pennsylvania Kail I < >a<l < I*m I .any has arranged to run a series of low-rate excursions to Pliilatlalphia on account of the National Export Ex position, on November 10 and i44. Excursion tickets to Philadelphia, inelmtino admission to Exposition ami •rood only on day of issue, will lie sold ill the follonino rates: (’ it list ween fi and IV years of ngc. f, Adit Its Trenton (Warren Mr<«t> ♦" H,» Wilhurtlm Washington CroHMii.r I <►:. Ti tils \ ill** .M-' l.HUih«*rt\ ill** ... 1 1* Itiiitfoe* ... I 83 1 ts Stockton.1 ‘A! Haven Hock.13* Hyrani . \ ‘R French! own • l '•'* Milford l m Hiegelsville i Carpentorville . \ sfi 1’liillipHbiirK. l •/. Marlins Creek . -'IS Belvidcr** -l» i; TH HI HI !» Hli 91 •M 1 nr. i 10 l At i M 1 *4 1 u 1 4 ft The T, nolle.h’ Retirement Fund, which W.IH hl.ll (etl ll'liler di*C Mir.IJ'ilitf c!i cum**,!' ers, iscHtubli liing itsc’f in pop ul.iiity *%i*h tin* Uai.her* of Iho State. Km il.e ) ending June MO the icceipts of the fund HKitreguted $37,553 03, includ ing a balance. of $24 200 earned over, while the annuities amounted tof2,003 85. j Up to November 1 tins year the total paid in anuuil ien wan ♦‘>,090.00 per annum Retirement:* bdoii to be made will increase this amount to about $8,000 pci annum. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ilia, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Sasy to take, easy to operate, 25c. Aimlvrruary of Post 30. Never in vho history of Major C. A. Angel Post, No. ‘JO, G. A It., of this city, lms a more pleasant occasion been celebrated than that on Inst Monday evening, the twenty-tirst an niversary of the post. There was a goodly attendance of the comrades and guests and all enjoyed the exer cises, the feast, the sociability and the fun. Supper was ready at 5 o'clock, and from that hour until midnight the committee served the feast to all who answered to roll-call. The bill of fare consisted of Hakcd Himuis bolls Pickles IVlery Apples Coffee. As each one left the table ho was of fered tobacco and pipe, which was de clined by only a few. Card tables were occupied by a num ber of the vets for awhile, while others grouped together iu dilVerent parts of the room and engaged in spinning camp yarns, relating war experiences and social conversation. During the evening Harry S. Kroeseu. Chairman of the Committee on Anniversary, rapped the assemblage to order and made a few brief remarks, closing by introducing ltov. Adolphus Kissner, pastor of tin* New Hope Presbyterian Church, who gave a short but inter esting address. This was followed by another very interesting and patriotic address by Dr. . E. Scott, burgess of New Hope. Among the contributing members iiml other guosta wo noticed 0. It. John, Samuel Matthews, l,ewin l’ezo, Casper Kauffman, Kdwaril rarsons, (leorge Carlin ami Charles Huberts, of New Hope; Henry liering, Charles tbelown, S. ,!. Pickering, Councilman M illinm i.onrv, James Dempsey, Chus. ltair, John Colton, Charles Matthews, (leorge W. Traugor, Ohas, A. Strauss, Dr. Charles II. Fallon, Then. II. Stev enson, (leorge K. Todd, A. K, Cassidy, Harm Williams and William Joiner, of this eitv. To make it apparent to thousands who think themselves ill, that they m o not atllictcd with any disease, hut tlmt tin* system simply needs cleansing, in to In in‘S comfort homo to their hearts, hm n costive condition is easily cured hy lining Syrup of flga. Manufactured l»y the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and Hold hy all druggists. I'iisi llu|»ti*l Cliurtli. Hev. II. A. CuiiiM), l). |)., Pastor. Preaching at 10.MO A. M., and 7.80 P. M. ‘•i. 15 P. M. Sunday School. Prayer ami conference meet i ng, Tues lav evening, at 7.45. V P. S. C. 10. on Friday evening of this week, at T.SO o'clock. Subject “Our ltd urn for the Lord's Benefits. ” Led by Harry V. Swallow. < nai> >1. I'.. ( Imi rli. W. W. Mokfrtt, I). I>., Pastor. Sunday, Nov. *»<{, 015 A. M (’lass Meeting. 10.MO A. M. Public Worship and Preaching. Subject * The Brother • f the Prodigal Son.’’ *•15 PM. Sunday School and Men’s Bible ( ’Iuhh. h. I * P. M. Kpworth League Devo lional Service. Topic “Our Itcturil lor 1 lie I en d's Benefits. ’’ ‘•M0 i’. M. Public Worship and Preaching Tlieuie “The Church and llie Saloon.’’ ('lass Meeting on Monday evoliiug. The Public Prayer Meeting will lake p ace on Tuesday evening instead • f Thursday next week. Literary ( irele Friday evening this a eek. This Sabbutli is observed as the Worhl’a Temperance Day. I irsl I’lenliyleiiai! ( liim li. Hev. II. A. Ma<'KritttlN, Pastor. Services on Sunday at IO.M0 A. M. iud at 7.M0 P. M. Sunday School, 8:15 P. M. Men's Prayer Meeting at 7 P. M. Prayer and Lecture, Tuesday even ing at 7 :*V Sewing School Thursday afternoon nt M o'clock. Monthly meeting of the Ogilvie Mission Band Thursday evening at 7.80 o'clock. V. P. S. ('. K. Prayer Meeting, Fri day evening, at 7.80. Subject “Our Hetiirn for the Lord’s Benefits " There will be special serviees every evening next week except Thursday. Hev. I S. Madge, of Trenton, will speak Tuesday evening ami Hev. I. N. Patterson, of Trenton, on Friday evening. All are cordially invited to attend. “I 1114*1 dyspepsia fffty-HOVCU ycilIH mill ii»-\i r found permanent relief till I used Kodol liyspcpsia (’urn Now 1 mu well un<l feel like a in*w niaii," writes H J. Fleming, Murray. Neb It in 1»«*nt dig.-stant known Cures all forniH of in«1 i>m Physicians everywhere prescribe it <1 M Hlminalia r«M>t|»oiifui«nit of Medication of l-amtou Sol dicin' Monument. Withdrawal of llc dilccd KhIi n iIii I'ciina. Itullroiiil. On account of the postponement of tlie date for the unveiling of the Sol diers’ ami Sailors’ Monument at Kas ton, l*u., which nvuh to have taken place on November 21, the Pennsylvania K. It Co. will not sell reduced rate tick ets from Trenton and stutions on the Belvidern Division to Kaston and re turn on November 24, as previously ad vertisod. The supierue c ui t of New Jersey decided on Monday of last week that ex Secretary of State Henry G\ Kelsey is not entitled to hold the $58,1)00 fees wh ch lie ro ceivtd from the pmogative Court while in office. Under the act of 181)1 the fee system was abolished and the Secretary of State given a salary of $0,000 a year. The question aiose whether the $58,000 in fees came under this act or not. The Court decides that they do, and the money is to be paid over to the State. \\ liat llo tli«* Children Jleiiik Y I>«»n*t give them ti*a or coffee Have you trie.I the m*w food drink called OltAlN-O? It i* delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee The more Orain-O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems (Iratn-O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, hut costs about 1 j as much. All grocers sell it IV and SSJc. Bear*the Bignatur* of OASTOniA. th, _jj The Kind You Haw Always Bought — II you w*ut tlie vory IiomI coal get it ol Geo. W. Mnnsey. FROM THE FIRST WARD. | Tho iron bridge at tho gas house being found weak in several places, it was fouml necessary to immediately make some repairs upon it for its safety. The bridge was built in lSiio by Win. Cowiii, now deceased, and has stood the wear and tear of thirty live years with little or no repair. No doubt when it lias a thorough over hauling it will be good for another thirty-five years. The flagstone walk on S. Main street, after ten years of good service, is beginning to show some of the hard usage which it has been subjected to. Of course no impression is made upon the stone itself, but some of them have become loose and out of place. One man for one day could attend to all the little defects and make them as good as new again. \nd now per haps since the Centennial mill has changed hands, the little connecting link between the Mann paper mill and the Water Power Company's property may receive some attention from the former, as this is one of the places that has been sadly neglected for the past ten years. There is also another place on S. Main street, but as wo have spoken so often concerning this place, we think it unnecessary to go into details concerning it. There fore wo will pass it by and prepare ourselves to wade through it when tho snow and slush come. nevornl small robberies have been committed of lalo in our city, ami it is to tho interest of everyone to look after the looking of doors ami win dows. Homombor that it is too Into to lock tlio barn door after tlio liorso lias been stolen. Christmas w ill soon bo here again, and the liberal man w ill soon lm tax ing his brain in making up bis list of presents. This giving of presents has become unite burdensome of late years. \ person is hardly satisfied any more at tin* receipt of a gold watch or diamond ring and tho liberal donor is supposed to give out a few brick houses or an upright piano. In a recent communication from our friend and late comrade in arms, John Burns, ho wished, me to correct the statement made some time ago in this column concerning himself and two others who tried to silence the whole rebel army at Hpottsylvnnin Court House. It was only Jackson's I>t vision they engaged, and after both his comrades mot instant death, John erased firing and fell back in disorder. This lie was compelled to do, as he was being flanked and a continual cross lire was kept up on him. Some time ago wo said in this col umn that the Democrats could not stand prosperity, and now we can ox tend this same assertion to a few Be publicans as well. A certain Kcpiib liean in the Second Ward refused to vote owing to rush of business. The same individual can easily look back three or four years, when In* could have found time enough to vote a ball’ dozen times. Ami it is just such nog ligeuce as this individual is practicing that may throw the haliinc* of power hack again into tlm hands of I hat -put ty which will set him to thinkin again nf the past. When I was out in Minksville, (iov ernor Abbott appointed one of my !ici,,hbois to an honorary position on bis st a IT and bestowed upon him the dignified title of colonel. I was with him at the time when his title came up from Trillion by freight, and I watched him closely to note the trails figuration that was toclmngo him from ii corner groecryimui into a skinful of sweet blue pomposity, with wind galls of compound glory grow ing all over him like wenson a bald-headed deacon. But nary a change could I sec. Dressed in his blue overalls and jumper mid Inst, year’s straw hat, this new title had no more ellcrt on him than a gnat bite would have on a side of smoked bacon, lie was still plain Larry O’ltiley, with eczema scabs on Ins head and his shoes run down at the heel and cracker crumbs in Iiih lovely red whiskers. Time rolled uloug and extended out into tin* future like the tail of a seared mule backing away from a traction engine, and the big Fourth of •) uly parade came around oil date with the exactness of a judg ment note, and riding at the head of that parade in all the swelled up glory of a peacock with a brand new tail wasf’oloncl Tjiivvrenee <> Be lay in a gundy new suit of military blue and wearing a cocked hat with great white plumes nodding in the zephyrs like a corkiHlr mi till* hrott o| ll pfllC I >1111 I fromsdoiT' in h eiieiis |mi ik 1 <*. Tlml t run nforunit ion ami metamorphosis absolutely took iiwuy i«*y hreath breath tlml wiik laden with the fra franco of hard tobacco ami root beer and I stood rooted to the spot for more than two minutes, with about two poiindH of my heart wedded in m\ throat and tin* perspiration oozing out of every pore of my feet, and I wanted to die and go straight up to heaven while my soul was hi*' enough to he Keen with the naked eye. The bomocrats have been success ful in electing the last two HhcrifVs in Hunterdon couuty by very small mn joritics. both of these Slier ills should have been Republicans had any special effort been made in the Republican ranks We will venture to say that fifty more votes for Johnson eoiild have been polled in the First Ward if any endeavor had been made with this end in view, as the election was very quiet and no one seemed to take any interest in getting out the vote. Out sold it* i» in Luzon will notice I hat no hie in the real was opened by last Tuenlay n ehvtion* St bonis * Ml lobe Demon at ’ U»p.) Sta'I • or (Olio. < i i v or Toi l i«i » l A * ah * «*i;n i i. i FitANK .1 < iir .sr.Y make* oath that In- i tin* Heiiior partner of the llrin of I .1 < nr-o.v A Co dointf bindne*** hi the < ity of Toledo, County and State that haid fir in will pay the urn of ONK III NI>KKI> 1)01. I.AIW ft-r each and every case of Catauuii that eamiot he mred hy the un- of Hai.i.’h Caiauhk Cesr FitANK .1 C1IKNKV Sworn to hefore me and Miihserihed in my presence, thin lit It day of I>ee«-mber A 1> issii ! <-•.-) AW (ibKASON • - *-vf XoUtnj I’nhlir. ilall’M Catarrh Cur*- is taken internally, and acts direetly on the tdood and mueoiiH Kiir faeen of tlie *y*tem Send f-<r testimonial*, free F .1 CHKNFV A CO Toledo, <> j Solti hy Drugifiiitic 7Th*. I Hall’ll Family Fill* are tie* he t OVER IN BUCKS COUNTY. »ori!V Irvin Aaron on Monday .1 portion of the personal property of the Lumberville Cranite Company when 100,000 grauite blocks were sold at public sale. Eight or nine execu tions Imcl been issued and judgments allowed by suit for labor. The 100, 000 blocks sold brought but $850, al though the cost of manufacturing them is $*20 a thousand. All the other property brought good prices and the whole amount realized from the sale was $1084.50. I.ime dealers at I’hlortown have sold to e\ President (trover.Cleveland, Princeton, N. J., 1,000 bushels of lime for his New Jersey farm, near Prince ton. Marr\ Kilos, of Doylestowu, has ’,’000 barrels of apples and 000 barrels of KeitVer pears stored in the cold storage rooms of P. \ Ha/.er’s ice manufacturing plant at Lansdale It is said ho will ship them to London about the first of the year. John \Y. Kooker, of New Hope, has opened the pork season and is do ling a rushing business. In the last week he out up and sold in Now Hope, Lumbertv i 11o and Philadelphia, 10,000 pounds of pork, including 5,500 pounds of sausage. .Navigation on llio l/ciawuro I *1 vision Canal dosed for the season on Monday last, November 'JOtli. The season lias not boon a profitable ono to boat men. Alfred II. Worthington, proprie tor of il\o W r ig lit stow n roller mills, had his hand badly mangled by the bite of a vicious horse. The largest output of pig iron cast in a day in the history of Durham fur nace was made on November (I, when over 150 tons wore cast. In a single run made on November S, IJ tons were cast. \t theannual meeting of the Pum berville bridge Company otlicers were elected as follows: President, Wat son F. I’axson; treasurer, K. It. bead ing; secretary, li. W. Stover; direct ors, Albert Johnson, of Stockton; Henry Johnson, of Haven Kook; John b. Johnson, II. W. bice, Daniel Tins man, of Lnmbcrville, and A. W. liicli, of llolicong. Over $t(K) were added to the sinking fund, making it about $1800 and an annual dividend of H per cent, was declared payable on and after November lf»th. Samuel Preston was continued as toll collector. There is mm h excitement among some of the colored inhabitants of New Hope occasioned by a dream of one of the female population. A few nights ago Mis. Mary Steele, an old colored lady, had a dream that years ago Indiaus buried an immense quan tity of gold in her back yard. When she aw oke the next morning the dream made such an impression oil her that she consulted a fortune teller, who told her that the dream was iindoubl edly true und advised her to dig for hidden treasure, admonishing In i to dig only in the night time and only on certain nights. The instruct ions were followed and -onto rolorcd men from a distal) have been digging, for the gold ever since. Crowds of people have been to see them digging, but cannot, engage them in eonversatioii while at work. An iminen e hole has been made, so that the hack yard of Mis, Sti I«• : home r* entitles more tko appearance of a large ipiarry. Il the Mt II IT is in I 'Mill located, M IS. St ele will run out of ground to dig. mbs Them m great rejoicing in the Tieruan family in New Hope. Ixarly in Mav of lad. year, Oenrgn Tier nail bade good bye to his father and mother and went to Philadelphia, where he enlisted in the Twelfth D.^ S. Infantry, Company M. They were ordered to Culm, hut only reached us far as Tampa, Florida, owing to the close of the Spanish war. Prom there they were transferred to Moiitailk Point and on February I'Jlli of this year emharknd for Manila. Tinman was later promoted to sergeant. While his regiment were charging the Pili pines in their trenches near San Isjdor on June IMtli, Sergeant Tinman re eeived a Mauser bullet in the right leg which passed through his hip, shatter ing the bone mid leaving an ugly wound, lie was removed to a Held hospital and afterwards transferred to Manila, where lie lay until the middle of October, w hen he was sent to San Francisco on the transport Warren, which arrived there on October 8th. lie was there diseharged from the Her vice and came directly home His relatives saw by the newspaper reports that lie had been wounded, and hear mg nothing further from him con eluded he had died. On Wednesday evening last he arrived here on the 5 e. M. train, and with the aid of a crutch walked to his home. When asked w hy lie did not send word of bis homecoming he replied that he did not care to have any demonstration in his honor. ACTS GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels (•■eanses the System „ ,"575 effectually Co*1'"”* WIIUML PFRMANENTLY IKI*«»&«cre Buy THE GtNV/lNE - MANT O f*>y (3l!R’KNIA|TG,SYKVr(S. V< nv. CAL. JCq N-V«. foa 5*11 bY All 0HU6GC' ‘“'Ll &0< HKKrtUL The Grand Depot. The Grand Depot. THANKSGIVING IS NEAR! Fverybody has reason to he thank fill. We are thankful for a good year’s busines l^vervbody should make a good appearance and he good on Thanks giving day (as well as every other dav). For garments to make a good appearance, come to our stores, kor goodness, adopt “ I he (tolden Rule,’ and go to ehiireh. W e are hu>v in M I Lid NLK\ , hut could add a tew more Hats to oui daily output. 1 here are good reasons lor being busy: We make only troni good material, which lends lasting freshness, and of latest be coming effects. 0\ Khl» A lvM LN 1 S—M be latest cuts m (’oats, (Jolf and other ( apes, are her** in a variety ol styles, and the price-. on which are fixed. W e defy city competition : Children's Coats and .tuckets.$3.50 $0.00 and $4.50 Misses’ (’oats, .Tuckets and Capes.0.50 5.00 and S.00 Women's Cents und Jackets. Tailor imnle, 5.00 ti.OO 7.50and $0 Womeu's (Monks and Cu*lf Capes..a..“»o 5.00 7.00 up. S SIM PS The old way of big profits on this class of goods has been done away w i111. Hoys* l ester Suit# Three pieces, mixtures of leading shades, well made, trimmed with braid, J to S years,. $1.35 Hoys9 Hester Suits Three pieces of lino quality cloth, tailor made, fancy braid trimmed, II to 8 yearn,. $3.75 Hoys* Suits Hood material, nicely trimmed, the suit for school, 8 to 15 years,..$1.50 and $1,75 Hoys* Suits Strictly all-wool, good lining, well-made, must ho seen to be appreciated,. $3.50 Hoys9 Hine Suits Complete Wo are displaying a much hand somcr lino, a full range of hp/ch, great baits for the money, at $4 and $5 HOYS' OVEHt OATS - We hardly think will ho matched at the prices we are selling: Hood Kersey Overcoat, ft surprise.. at $3.00 Overcoat still better $JIand$11.50 Overcoat of fine Cheviot,.soiling at $4, worth $5.00 FOOT WEAR. HOYS’ Sled-Slmd Shoos havo^ood reputation lor wear, ^ neatness of stylo and comfort of lit, which makes them t\ • Xyv desirable above many other makes for school wear, "w"1 * $80e., $!,$!.25, $1.60 At #3.00 (HINT’S “Dewey Calf” or l>o\ Kalf Shoes, really 50c. iimlor value. \t #l3.50 (IK NT’S Fine Hox (’ill f, riff lit up to date in style. At #13.50 (HIN T’S Winter HuMset, also viei kid Ianther lined extra, easy to w ear. At #0.00 (ll’.NT’S Kussot, also line l»o\ calf, e<|Ual to higher coat nhoes. Men’s Work Shoes are not usually equaled when ipiality is considered. OSc., #1.15, #1.135. Soo our hijjh cut for winter wear. “Q,XJEJB]Sr Q.TJ-A.LIT'Y"!” THE FAMOUS DRESS SHOE FOR WOMEN. I'\>r style, emu fort, durnlulilv, perfeel lit, they are unsurpassed nt the price fixed lor everyl>ody, $.‘l. We huvc also ;i very popular Dress Hlioe for women, the “(iood vear Well,” made and re wed as l>y hand, of Yiri Kid, a real baigain and should he appreeiuli'd, at $1.50 and Dress Shoes as low as $1.25 (;ood wear I'uaranleed heeause of (heir solid soles inner In outer—no substitute for leather where leather should he used. R. H. VAN HORN & SON. The Effect (IJooil or Ii:i«l) of n woiiinii’ri appearance <I< |11 -1111 .s Inrgdv on I ll<* Ivillll III llllt sIlC H'l'IU'H. A plainly ilriv si il wo nail wrntinjr a slylmli ami Ixm<miin<r lull, will iiiipn . mu' ns lii im; a tvlili woman, nml visa versa I e iilcaviir in iiiaItlor cadi ami every one of inv ensloim rs I lie mo I sly 1 i li 11 a I pnssiltle IV11SS HOFFIYIAN, 14 N. UNION ST . i,\,mi!Ki:tvim,k, n. .1. Aiivoiio a mU«»I• li mill dofU’rljiMnn nmy ri 111 < * It I y iisfuriiiln our opinion froo wliothor un iiivonllou I* prnluildy |»ulo»*tut»l«- Cnniinunloii 111 • 11 >« 1,11 loll V <01,11,trill till. 11 mill h< ink nil I’litont* uriii iron. n|i|f*t nuniiry for Hortirltitf put mil h. I'nlmlM liiUrn tiirntiuh Muiili X <.O. rOCOIVI notin', Without. rlmrtfO, III tllO Scientific American. A li.nnl ionir|v IHimtrntod wookly. I.iirttont. dr. rulalloli of niiy Hi lriillllr Joiiriiul. 'rrrniH.f l H vi "ir • four montliH, f I. Hold by all nowmlnnlOTH. WUNN &Co.:,f"n™d^New York i• • ,, hMi* . , , i K Ht., Wiuilitntftuii, 1*. C. □ Free Trip to Paris! Ki'iliihiii prrHoim of n nu’rlmnlcal nr 'nveutlvn mind li .ilrliiu n trip In lho I’nrl* IOvpuNit l„n, with Koud inlnrv mid rxitrnfli n paid, Hhniild wrllo Hi. IWf'KJNT 1(1.4 OKl>, ■ lulliniorr. Mil. >> V.! (or ■Clothing Announcement Greater Oak Hall, 6th and Market Sts., Pliila. WAN AMAKER & BROWN. All in \ iliil ion In my many T r i<ui tin uml all who nuiy favor mo with their I ini mnii'p'. WouM ask you |u a^aiu viait nit* at (Iuf <>ak II am,, The pre pnrationa for thin Kail ami Winter eclipse all par i efforts in my twenty* 1 one years of Mollies aellin^, wuh never , lietler pre| nred lo submit to you ami ' iiHHiht hi your selection ua this season. Six lloors of clnlhin;;, lar^e \ariety of 1 shapely, hI,\ liali, well lit! in^r, dependa ble carmen I at lie* loasl possible mat, I Inlying tlm elojh in ^reat 'piantifiea 1 direct from reliable milla. Sponging ami employing akilleil cutters, trim mei'H ami makers umler our own super viaion, under one roof, watchin#every stitch, ia a Kiiaruntce stamped on every i carmen I with only the W. «V II. factory 'profit added. The facilities of iliia 14real plant places it heyond competi tion of mere clolhea dealers. I tell you with more confidence than ever that your best intorosta will ho nerved. Tim now additions of Ijiidins’and M i om’ idol Imt". suits, coats, wraps, furs, silks, trimmed nnllinory and underwear, eie. ; also men's ami hoys' lulls, shoes and fitrnisliin^K I am apeeially identified with, and w ill j'ivo you my host attention. Kospcrffully, Hinhhnre, llilik Sorth SUi Hlreet. I*'. 1 FUIjMER. SHERMAN BROTHERS, DKAUiKrt IN Fresh and Salt Meats, Produce, Fruits, Canned Goods, Groceries, Green Goods, «Sc. New Store, New ( JooiI.m, sew lTieen. r Until linim* * HUil WoHtorn Monts, •Sonin tnmlm*, 1 Hoinn tough. •J; f--^ I'll»•«•<> \\ iti'Olifl * j used lor | Meal I )t livery. J! It •/ j^-CALI, AND \VK WIIJ. TRY II A li I» To I’LK ASK YOU. Kat, StiM’k, Hill™ and SkinH al\v:i}s wanli'il. Also, Knsli Kjjgs lor munis or cusll. ONIiY M10AT STORK IM> TOWN. SHERMAN BROS., Ferry St, Near Union, Ljiinherlville, i\. ,J. Nov i. 1 HUM "A FAIR FACE CANNOT ATONE UNTIDY HOUSE.” USE FOR A