Newspaper Page Text
ULAHK I'IK 118ON, Kdilor I, Ambertville, n. j. WEDNESDAY. MAY 20, 1901. The /,’rrit ir of l'i l irii'ii for .Tune hftM two important articlcH on tbo linll'nlo fair “The I'an-American on Dedication Day," l»y William H. Hotchkiss, and “Artistic Kffects of the I'an American Imposition,” liy f hinu-at K nail lit. Jlolli articles are illuat■ alcil from the moat repent photo graphs, mol m connection with Mr. Krianll't’a ill 1 icle, especially, the won del-fill electrical ell'ectH at night are reproduced try the photographer, Mr. (' I). Arnold, with striking accuracy. Ten of these remarkable night views, tiilien especially for the AVeioie liy Mr. Arnold, accompany Mr. Knangt’a text. 'I In I’llinury S«‘lio«»l 1 * h« her “l.ift your hat reverently when yon meet a teacher of the primary achool,” HayH an exchange. “She takes the little bantling from the home nest, full of In pouts and passions an ungov ernable little wretch, whoso own mother honestly admits that aho (tends him to school to get rid of him. This young Indy who knows her business takes a whole carload of the anarchists, half of whom, single handed and alone, are more than a match for both their parents, and at once puts them in the way of usefulness and patience, toi* and weariness! Nereis the most responsible position in the whole .1 udge Ycrkes, <»f 11h» Burks county coiul, recently refused u license for u hotel at Wycombe. In his remark* concerning the application, he said “It lias been testified here that in creased travel at Wycombe is a good reason for a licensed house there. Now the old modes of travel have changed. The stage coach has departed and with it has gone those conditions and habits of travel which made certain public accommodations necessary in the days when men went about alto gether in carriages or on horse back. As has been stated here today, many of the hotels have outlived their use fulness If the people in the com munity about such places would take the initiative these licenses would fail. Those places, oueea necessity to the traveling public, area necessity no longer. "When the trolleys began reaching out through the country district* they revolutionized travel. It is a notice aide fact that the electric cars are very largely used by women. Before the advent of the trolley women in tin* rural districts traveled little; now they go about the country a great deal, as the men have always done ‘‘.Much of the increase travel at Wy combe comes from the Newtown trolley, and it is largely composed of women. Is this a good reason for es tablishing a licensed hotel there? We might as well say there should be a hotel at Noble station because hund reds of people change from electric to steam ears at that point. And a million people travel to Willow drove every yea; by trolley. Is this a reason for an additional hotel there? On the contrary, it is a known fact that the business of tin* two hotels at Willow drove is decreasing every year; and I am frank t > say that they are tin* worst conducted hotels in this section. If they were in Bucks county they would speedily In* without licenses. “It is c1 aimed here that a licensed hotel at Wycombe would boom the village and be of great advantage to tin* business interests of tin* place. I mice believed in tins theory myself, but I find from experience that it is a mistake. A license was granted at Blooming dlon when that village was booming; now the boom lias trans ferred itself to Silverdnle. Are the hotels at Jamison, Hartsville and Breadysville booming those places'? Is the Buck, w itli its licensed hotel, to be compared in prosperity to South umptonville, which lias none? No, tluit idea is a mistake. “A portion of tin* traveling public referred to in this case is composed of commercial “drummers. We are well acquainted with this class. It is woll known they prefer licensed houses, and it is often because they want at tractions not tolerated by law. Licen sed houses cannot he placed at every niilwav station to accommodate them. If this was done many such places w ould become veritable pest bonnes. “As to licensed hotels in the country furnishing better accommodations be cause of their licenses, I do not believe that anv slimly patronized place would be much improved by the addition of two or three gallons of rum in the cellar.” ‘*1 )ui\e been sniveling from l>vs pepsin for flu* past twenty years ftiul have Imm'ii unable after trying all pre parations ami physieiana t«* get any relief. After taking one bottle of Kotlol Dyspepsia Cure, I louml relief and am now in better health than 1 have been for twenty years. I eannot praise kodol I dyspepsia Cure too high lv." thus write Mrs. C. \V. Huberts, North Creek, \rk. On a nasty day it is easy t*» make even the most eonseientiouH person prevarieate. .lust say to them “nine weather we are having" or “beautiful day" and nine out of every ten of them will thoughtlessly reply "Yen," I lit* Uliliii'y* itml llu< skin. In t In* spring, tin* kidney a lmve mneh to do ll they are weak or torpid, they will not do it well, and the skin will he pimply or blotchy That in tellim; the story in a few words Hood'* Sarsaparilla strengthens and stiinu lates the kidneys. enr« • and prevent*pimples, blotehe* ami all eutaneons eruptions l>on’t fail to take it Btiv a hot tie today AT rilll l IIOKHK "lion \\ r ' \ll MUON III IOII IN. Njh'iI.i I I. vc1» it TlcUct* \ in IVnusj I van In Kallroail. I hr tenth annual open-air exhibition of tin* riuladelphia lini'M* Show will ho lielM on St Martin ^ •in mi, Wissnhickon Heights Station, riuladelphia. May V7 to Juno 1, inclusive l he announcement »»! an exhibition uuder tin* auspice- «it this organization, which is composed of leading citizens of riuladelphia. is in itself an assurance of perfection The pn/e list is liberal. ami representatives of the best sm< iet\ riiilaiielphui New \ork. Kalti moi e. Waslmmton an.I other Kastern « ities will « liter their horses and equipages in the competition tor the premiums The . rounds, \\ hi. h are loeated immediately on the i i. rmautownuud Chestnut Hill Branch of the lViiusvIvanja ltailroad. eleven miles from Broad street station, are ample tor all purposes of the show, and the accommoda tions |<»r visitors are complete I he I’, nnsylvania railroad t'ontpAiiy will sell special excursion tickets, including cupon of admission, from New York. riuladelphia. Jtelvilere. lauicnster. WiliuiUtfton. West Chester. I homiwilh , and principal inter mediate stations >as well as the t hestnut 11 ill Branch to Wissahiokon Heights Statiou. May *•? to June 1. good to return until June 8, lyui, inclu-p e Among the topics editorially rcated in the June //' rh //• of /*> rirwn re “Parties in tlie South,” “The ’resident an l His Journey,” “The Cubans at Washington,” “The New Uate of Mind at Havana,” “Notes on ndustrial War and Peace,” The New mig ish Taxes,” “Port] Salisbury and reland,” “The New Pritish Army till,” “China and the Indemnity,” j mprovement in Philippine Condi ions,” “Hawaii’s Political Deadlock,” md “The Exposition Season.” Thomas A. Edison has just perfected i new storage battery upon which lie ms been experimenting for a long imo in his laboratory. It is claimed hat weight for weight, size and cost icing equal, the new storage battery tvill do about two and one-ha'f times is much work as the present battery ol :ommorco. Where an automobile will now run llfty miles, with the new Edi son batteries the same vehicle will run ihout one hundred and twenty live miles. As regards cost, Mr. Edison believes that after factory facilities now in course of preparation have been completed, he w ill he able to fur nish the cells at a price per kilowatt hour, not greater than the prevailing price of lead cells. Should this stor age battery prove such a success it w ill be of wonderful value fur commercial purposes. New Jersey has done more than any state of the Union and more than any country on the globe in liar nessing the electrical forces of nature into practical uses. Our great trolley systems, the annihilation of distances by telephonic communication, the lighting of city streets and stores by electricity, are fill the products of a New Jersey laboratory. The storage battery will be another great step in advance if it can be, at the same time, cheapened. Ex. Ilou iludgl'lt IHrti-r Justice (lummere of tilt* Supreme Court, does not agree with his associ ate, Justice I>ixou, on thi- question of a policeman's right to shoot At the opening circnit, Judge Dix : - ' > charge to the grand . .-.rr xhrx 'U 1 * : l: an indl t®6l I ; 9 • homicide l*e found ag*’.*. »T ' an Erie watchman. « : *_ . i. Joseph Orstowsk:. * > r _ ui: r tected by the watchman : :..n. j Erie freight cars, and wh refused ? stop when ordered t dv * by the j watchman. Judge Dixon told the grand r..-.neat that a peace officer had a right U *l.«: t under snob circnEnstance*. Int l ; rate citi/en had : «nel p-,.> Justice liarnsnere Leld i.Lid * :• o* officer Las no r.g'n : : - *** as in this case. He can: * v i 4 ri i to overtake a | t:* * v ~* : a I>eath is jQgtiSe I ss * . „ • v : j : force is used and the we*;- . * i sary to protect the office: “There is an idea preraion/ magistrate went n. "that |>dkces^et have more privileges than citizens, r ut such is not the cafte. He carries a re volver for his own protection.' B«*rtu* * ^ * J H3,ni ^ “■r Whitt HintII IV«- lla\«- tor This liUcHtion arises in the family every day Let Ms anstver it to-day Try Jell-O.u delicious ami healthful deitsert Prepared in two min utes No linking! add hut water ami set to cool Havors Lem<m, Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry At your grocers to-day lOcts The idea that a wound iu the heart is necessarily immediately fatal is no longer held by up-to-date Burgeons. A man with a knife stub in the heart, who had three stitches taken iu that organ, is alive in a St. Louis hospital. — Skin alVections will readily dis appear by using DeWitt’s Witch Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt’s you will get good results. It is the quick and punitive cure for piles. \r«* Vnu I ttlng Allen'* l-’oot-Kwae? Shake into your shoes Allen's foot-Rase, a powder It cures Poms, llunions. Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollen feet At u|l druggists and shoe store*, Uric Sample l-’RKIv Address, Allen S Olmnted, l.e Roy, N N All kinds of Hegars worth keeping are for sale at Kline’s bridge street store ItlnitittrrL mi I lie Throne of I'rnnee. Pdsmarek on I he throne of rranee! Ittsmurck was otiee spoken of In that .Miineetlon And by Napoleon too! It was (luting the detention of the de throned emperor at Willtelmsliohe In 1S71, when Napoleon and some mem hers of Ills stafT were discussing the probability of Napoleon reaseending the French throne and news of the do ings of the commune was brought in “Horrible—too horrible!" exclaimed le petit empereur. And then, after a long silence, he re sumed, “l know u utnn who, If on the French throne, would t»e master of Herniany In six months." “Ills name, sire?" asked his uephew, Prince Murat. “HlsmareU," replied the emperor as he turned on Ids heel \\ \MI.I» ACTIVE. MAN OK 0.OOl> ohuraott-r t<> \< r un< 1 onlloot in Now Joraoy for an obt rstuhliMiofl luuntifacturim; whole snlo house $H00 t year, sure pay, Honesty m- iv than experience ro»juiii M Our refor t iKO. any I>ank in any oily Knoloft* self uflfln stamped envelope Manufacturer* Third Floor, 3.t4 Hoar horn St . Chicago .ll'llu tt, The Now Ul'HMMt, pW c.m •* all tho tmmly• Four flavor*: Lemon, Orniuv, Hanpherry ami 8trawherrv At your grocers 10ota rry it to-flay DEATHS. NEWBl’HV At Bakersfield. Cal . May ‘AM, looi. Mis* Florence A New hury, daughter or I' s 1 and Margaret sprout Newbury, aged to years. 7 mouths and irt flays In terment in M->unt Hope Ceiueterv. Iaiu* hortville CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ’ Bears tho Signature of MEMORIAL DAY lli.Aiigi Major C. A. Anof.i. Post, No. 20, O. A. It. IjAMBlsitTvn.LH, May 20, 1!*0i. Special Orders No. 1. I. C'omrndes, we are reminded that another year lias again called ns to gether for the purpose of doing honor to our fallen comrades lty strewing their graves with the choicest flower:, of Springtime. II. Comrades will assemble at Post headquarters at 2:1 • p. m. on Sunday, May 20th, and at 8:30 w ill march, w ith Drum Corps, to Iliverview Cemetery, where, after prayer, an address will be delivered by Dr. .1. K. Scott, of New Hope. After the graves are strewn with llowers the Post will return to headquarters and be dismissed. III. The members will also assem ble at headquarters on Sunday even ing, May 20th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of attending Divine service at the Centenary M. K. Church. IV. On Memorial Day, Thursday, May 30th, comrades will assemble at headquarters at 1 o'clock, p. in., when the lino will ho formed on Union street, right resting on Perry street, in the follow ing order: Pioneers. M usic. Company P, 2d liegiment, N. <1. N. .T. Marshal Marry S. lvroeson. Post 20, <1. A. 11., Commander John Malloy. Civic Societies and Firemen. fasiqii.ruu uqili I I ■ V i ♦ <> I I ( 1 I If«M i M hint' will niovo out Forry street to Main, to Swuii, to Franklin, to Mount Hope and St. John's CemeterieH, and iftor dt»coratin«; the graven will re form and inarch to Itridgo .street, to Mam. to York, to the Soldiers’ Monn t. where the following order of . t •.will he carried out: l. IVaver. . Mbmo. ; «.f President Lincoln'w - \ddress, hv Marshal If. - 4 Music. A hy the Rev. C. S Law <( the Centenary M. E. Church. $. IWuciUrtsoc. • :. York streot to F i. i-eit.* itr * autl dismiss. : . t powers for ■ , left at a : Saturday even ir '■•1.1 .i * n : .v i . 1 those in •• John’s mi’ -•* t .1 im the samo .i.iee i i.i* no r* ' - ‘' e morning ** K on»:c'Uii . a ’ * r: -a: i: • •1 i1 rs of the • ;;» i.i • e’.i ■ i ■ • * t invited , v u.i -..ii* IP on ^ attending i Sunday a:. : M- • ,l. VII A the eemo * t the ahove occasioiia • s l av o 1 walking on the plots. Hy order of John Malloy, Vost ('omniander. H a it it v S. Khokhkn, Adjutant. The Memorial I >ny Committee John Malloy. Harry S. Kroesen, John H. Chidister, .lames McConnell and Henry Duhs have made the following details: To visit cemeteries at Rosemont and vicinity Quartermaster Cyreuas Slin k and one other comrade. Mount Airy and Rock Church Com rude William T. I'owell and one other comrade. New Hope and vicinity Jos. l’eaker and comrades. To mark the graves with Hags in the city cemeteries H. H. Joiner, 1>. S. Williams and Joseph 1’eakor. Chaps, Chutes, Rough Shin, r Instantly and pleasantly cured at one applica tion by /.aurelle Oii Palm. The effect is in stuntaneous, no oil, no grease, no muss, in soiling of anything. Can be used any time. While you are at work if your hands feel rough chapped, apply it. it dries in instantly and yout hands are smooth and soft, need not be covered up nor washed off. and not soil the finest silks or satins. Absolutely harmless, pure, non-in jurious and simple, Elegant after shaving and splendid for chafes of children. jJ5c., Me. and $ 1.00 bottles. Gray Hair; Wells' Hitir Balsam. If gray, Wells’ Hair Balsam (not a dye) grad ually restores to original color, black or brown, rav-., $l. Druggists, or sent by express prepaid. E- S. WELLS, Chemist. Jersey City, N. J. Wells’ Hair Tone. Hope for the Buhl. The (Mite toilet requisite. A superb, high class preparation. A new, delightful, wonder ful and tailv successful preparation in the pres ervation and itivigorutinn of shaggy, brittle, dry, lifeless, uneven, sickly growth hair. Stops hair coming out in one application. Puts new life and gives a vigorous, growthv, healthy look to hair, whiskers and moustache. Frees head from dandruff. Dries quickly so that women mav use it as well as men; 'keeps the lmir glossy and clean, and the scalp free from disease Cleanly, cooling and refreshing in use; nooil. no grease, harmless. Indispensable on anv well equipped toilet stand. fiOe. and $1 bottles at Druggists, or large size prepaid by express on receipt of $1.00. K. £>. WELLS, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. Woman's Suffering and Misery. 1C women suffering from uterine or ovarian disturbance; from painful, irregular, distress ing periods, knew of the great comfort and prompt relief that may bo had by the use of Wells’ Stomach Klixir, existence for them would Ik* more tolerable. The serious perma nent dangers that may come front these trou bles if not corrected is hardly fully realized by most women. This remedy was originally de signed not exactly for Dyspepsia, but for a most miserable stomach condition which no drug or combination of drugs seemed to re lieve, an acrid, irritable, distressing, condition caused likolv by a bad Liver. After many trials and experiments the combination known as Wells' Stomach Klixir was happily hit upon. Words cannot express the degree of relief, ease and comfort, this remedy has given the sub scribcr. The inestimable value of this rem edy in such troubles is beyond computation. From the hour of the compounding of the first bottle ot Wells' Stomach Klixir it has been a valued and indispensable family medicine, and it has been found by the women of the house hold to Ik* a most elective anil comforting remedy at painful, distressing periods. For Stomach, bowel and Abdominal distress and misery. Wells’ Stomach Klixir gives prompt anil salutary relief, comforting, sooth ing. and gently invlgornnt to a weak, feeble, debilitated stomach. To an acrid, raw, tender, inflamed, feverish, irritated stomach gives most benign atul happy relief, Relieves pain, dis tress and fiatulcta e after eating Corrects and aids digestion, regulates bilious irritability and bilious diarrhoea. At painful periods in female life, and during change of life, it will be found a most grateful relict and support. #In 50c. and $1.00 Unties at retail or wholesale druggists, or the large size prepaid by express on receipt ol price, ft.00. As an ablution, a pinch of Wells' Miracle of Healing l’owder t being antiseptic, disinfectant and germicide! in one or two pints of warm water and used as a vaginal injection, daiiv. will b« found corrective, eleansing, heal Inc, cur.divo *f».- bottles at druggists or by mad L. S W'KLl.S, v'heiuist. Jersey Citv, N J. To Mothers in thin Town, t hildren who are delicate, fe> erish and cross will get immediate relief from Mother Oiwy n Sweet Tow-dors for Children They cleanse the stoma h, act on the liver, making a sickly child stron;; and healthy A certain cure for worm** Sold by all druggists, sJJk* Sample FHF.F Address. Allen F Olmsted, ladioy, N. V A Remedy for the Grippe, A remedy recommended for patient* afllict with the Grippe i.-* KEMF’s BALSAM, which i especi&lly-adapted for tlie throat and lung* Don’t wait for the first symptoms of the dis ease, get a bottle to-day and keep it for use the moment it i.s needed. If neglected the grippe has a tendency to bring on pneumonia. KEMP'S BALSAM prevents this by keeping the cough loose and the lungs free from in humation. All druggists sell KEMP’S BAL SAM at 2jc. and f»0c. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. BOl' to learn the carnage baairn s. A'so a Carriage Wood Worker. J. V. A C. RANDALL, 2f. Newtown, Pa. Common Council. The monthly meeting of the Common Coun cil of the City of Lambert viUe, will bo held in the Council Boom, Masonic Hall, on MONDAY EVENING, JUNK 3,1901, at 8 00 o’clock JAMES II IlEYNOLBS City Clerk May 20,1901. A BEAUTIFUL MAGAZINE FREE. We "ill send absolutely fret t<> every I woman who will send us her name and a stamp to pay postage, a specimen ropy of E’Aht hk i.a Mope, tin- fin eat fashion journal ever published. We do this be eause we believe that if you see a copy you will send $3.50 for a year's subscription Beautiful costumes in many colors with full descriptions how they are to be made; hundreds of designs in black and white, and page after page of rending matter of greatest interest to every woman, will be round m this beautiful magazine Send at once before they are all gone Single numbers 85c. each at all newsdealers MORSE-BROUGHTON CO., 3 CAST 19TH ST., NEW YORK PUBLIC SALE -OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The subscribers will sell at Public Sale at the late residenc e of Amos Smith, on Bridi e street. LAMBKRTYTLLK, N J ., on Friday, May 31, 1901, commencing at ONE O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, u lot of household goods and furniture, including hat rack, bureaus, walnut extension table 1C feet long, oak extension table, walnut bedroom suit. Brussels carpet, rugs, feather beds, bedding, napkins, tables, chairs, window screens, sewing machine, bronze figure for gas, knives, fork*', dishes, cups, saucers, glassware, tinware, scales, ladders, garden tools, hammers, saws anu other tools, whet-stones, drawing instru ments, trunks, chests, clothes rack, carving set, lawn mower and other articles All goods will be sold for cash, and must be removed within three days after sale, and paid for before removal JACOBS. MICHENER .1 AH S HTI DPIKOKD, A I> ANDERSON Executors of Amos Smith, dee d May w 5 Per Cent. Guaranteed. WV are oilering tin* safest and most profitable investment stork in the market—live per cent, cash interest, clear of all tax and ex pense. If interested write or call on our special agent Mr. R. II. Johnston, in care of “ The Record,’’ and he will he pleased to explain the details. New Jersey Building; anil Loan invest ment Company. TKENTON, NEW JEII4EY. Trenton. N .1 . May 1901 Select Bits of Buying With Money-Saving in them. From our regular stock of high quality goods. Shirt Waist Hints. A i Shirt Waists of woven 9 # * Chambray. plain color, in ox-blood, blue and pink, bishop sleeve, pearl buttons. Kcaliy worth 75c. At ^1 k*"i White Waiata made with *" *~9 * hemstitched sailor collar and bow, tucked back and cuffs and stock collar. 4 4 Cjf •{<} (trass Linen Waists * * * * with hemstitched sailor collar and bow. Very attractive. • tlrass Linen Waists with 9 * entire front of fine tucks and lace insertion to m itch At $1 Summer Vests. At 10c., 12ic. & 15c. F.x tra ordinary values in ribbed vests with and armholes trimmed with lace and fancy tapes. Af |4)(» Extra size Swiss libbed * '* vests, the kind yon usually pay a ‘’quarter*’ for. At Mercerized cotton and lisle **9 * thread libbed vests, cut full and \ory elastic. AI "lOl* “Columbia Silk” ribbed 9 * vests in blue and pink shades. ( hildreu’s Vests, 10c. to 50c. Suit Rednctiona. At $7.50, SIO & $12, regular $10.05 to $50 styles 109 East State Street, TRKKTOY.IV. J. WALL PAPEE 1-2-3 (’cuts and upwards per roll of eight yards. Borders $e. per yard and upwards. Pic in re Moulding lc per foot and upwards, (treat leduction in prices of all grades of Wall Papers and Borders over last year's prices, at A. A. AIUHEK H, 100 8 31 S(., EASTON, 1'A. March 13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Ana H. Hf.ath, Deceased Pursuant to the order of Paul A Queen, Surrogate of the t'ounty of Hunterdon. made on tin* Twenty-tlrst day of May, A D one thousand nine hundred and one, notice is hereby given to all persons ha vim: claims against the estate of Asa 11 Heath, late of the County of Hunterdon, deceased, to present the name, under oath or affirmation. to the subscriber, Executor of said deceased, with in nine months from the date of said order: ami any creditor neglecting to brim; in and exhibit his or her claim (under oath or affirm ation.) within the time so limited, will be for ever barred of his or her action therefor against the said Kxeeutor Iiated May Hist. A 1' n«! PHILANDER H HARTWELL. May 'A’, 1901. Kxeeutor NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Jonkfii H Titus, Deceased. Pursuant to the order of Paul A Queen, Surrogate of the county of Hunterdon, made on the Twenty-first day of May, A D , one thousand nine hundred and one. notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Joseph H Titus, late of the county of Hunterdon, deceased, to present tlie same, under oath or affirmation, to the I subscriber. Executrix of said deceased, j within nine months from the date of said order: and any creditor neglecting to bring I in and exhibit his or her claim (under oath or | affirmation), within the time so limited, will I be forever barred of his or her action therefor against the said Executrix. Dated May <lst, A D. 1901 ANNA M TITUS, Executrix. May «, 1901. When You Wan! White Wear ot'ti.f thoroughly reliable sorts— I|ji_* kinds in which you can place tlioroiicrli eonhd- nee, it s at least wise to see what Yard’s have to offer. In §kiils 20c. to $5.10. I Itemise*. 29c. to $3 75. Corset rover* ir,c. to 31 50. Drawer*. Children's 12c. to 50c. Women’s, 25c. to ft.SB. Night Rohe*. $G. Women's Dressing Snc«|iie*. 75c. to 37.50. Children's Dresses. 50c. to f7.50. Children's Knimpes 50c. to $1.75. Soda Water I-i the beverage par excellence. When properly served there is no drink so hcalthfnl and re freshing. A good deal of trouble to make, but that is what we are here for. Pure carbonated water, genuine fruit syrups with plenty of ice, are the es. enl ials, and if daintily and cleanly served you have the 20th century article. A delicious CHOCOLATE and the ORANGE PHOSPHATE are our most popularspecialties. E. W. CLOSSON’S, Main Street Pharmacy, Corner Main and Church Streets, I.iimbeilville, N. t. A full line of Drugs, Chemicals and Toilet Articles that are always found in a first-class drug store. Greatly Improved Machinery. A. F. Hillpot I las put into the on P.R1DGE STREET, some up to-date machinery, and is EAR BETTER PREPARED THAN BEFORE to give satisfaction to his patrons. He has in operation the latest improved machines, among them a collar and ruff machine and an edg ing machine, which were awarded first pri/e at the National Export Exposition held in Philadelphia last year. These machines are perfect and prevent a lay down collar from breaking and puts it in the same shape as the wearer’s neck, while it prevents a standing collar from being rough. Give us a Trial. We shall endeavor to do the very best work and at reasonable prices. Besides, we give attention to sanitary requirements in all our work. Gocds Called for and Delivered A Postal Card will bring our Wagon. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS BUILT BY J. V. & C. RANDALL NEWTOWN, PA., Are made for the home trade, are git a rail teed to he just as represented. and au pertor to most ot tltoae Hold In Itnrku mimI Montgomery countl»*a. A I ARRF RTHfiK generally on hand We LHnOCOlUUlY imv.. all the LATEST ” NOVELTIES, i n, lull ing RCBBEKTIRE RO.\l> WAGONS. A. A, Also, an entirely new style NEWTOW N IIALF CUT-UNBEU CARRIAGE. the lightest eut uniler yet made, suitable for one horse We also have added to our complete line of Carriages PLATFORM WAGONS FARMERS* MARKET WAGONS FARM WAGONS. FARM TARTS, HAY WAGONS. ICE WAGONS. and are prepared to furnish any kind of a vehicle that is required. Send for our large IllvLstra.ted. Catalogue containing a large number of Carriages and Wagons. Carriage Repairing IN All, ITS BRANCHES ATTENDED TO AT MODERATE PRICES April til, ltKM DAUCBY’S ADVERTISEMENTS. PARKER'S I HAIR BALSAM C1mh«n ami bran title* the hair. Promote* a luxuriant (rrowth Haver Paila to Heftore Oray H&ir to its Youthful Color. Cure* *caip diteaee* * hair laUing. mmm• '"if1' CATARRH COLD ‘N HEAD Allays Inflammation Heals ami Protectsthe Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste ami Smell No Mercury. No Injurious drug lleenlar Size. 50 cents Family Size. *1 at Llruis'ists or by mail eiv BROTHERS,5« Warren St., New York. lambertvillb. line Grand and Glorious Holiday! SATURDAY, JUNE 8. COMING BY SPECIAL TPAIN WELSH BROTHERS NEWEST GREAT R.R. SHOWS. ROYAL IMPERIAL JAPANESE CIRCUS, GOLIATHIC MUSEUM AND COMBINED TRAINED ANIMAL* EXPOSITION. THB MOST 8TUPBNDOUS AWESIC REVIEW EVER OHPEHBD 1^ OINB RUNG. 500-EXTRAORDINARY FEATURES AND STRANGE SIGHTS-500 HUUR VVATER-I'ROOM TENTS. SEATS! BOR POUR THOUSAND PERSONS. NO BETTER SHOW WIL.U VISIT HERE THIS SEASON. Don't fail to see CAP!'. CHARLES LEWIS in his daring ioo ft. high dive for life, on Show Grounds, i and 7 P M. Tlio Price of Admission lias been reduced to At the* afternoon performance, all children under io years of age. will be admitted for 10c., but, at night the price will be li.Uc. for everybody. Grand Free Spectacular Street Parade 11 A. M. VETTER BROTHERS’ SPUING ANNOUNCEMENT. * Health I OATS ■ HY6IENICALLY MILLED V PURINA MIL!.‘0 V1 fc*WHCRE HJ9ITYIS PARAk ST.LOUIS MO. ‘ ; £ We keep a thoroughly equipped Grocery, with as good stock as the best, tor \v<> keep the best,) and at tho lowest prices, catch-penny announcements to the contrary notwithstanding. Every thing worth Inlying in a grocery will lie found here, including all kinds of canned goods, excepting the stale kind that needs to be worked oil' by special great reductions! ” Come to us for your Groceries and Provisions. We will treat you fairly and sell at price* tlmt are low for ihe class of goods sold. We arc now receiving EARlY VEGETABLES ai FRUITS, which are very reasonable iu price, con sidering the long distance they come. FRESH SHAD AND OTHER FISH ‘UDUS.Ho RIN AW ILLS' Call ami look «wrour stock. We can please you. Goods de livered to any part of the city. VETTER It ROT II IS RM, South West Corner Main and Coryell Streets, Lambertville, N. J. UNDERWEAR AND SHIRTS. \ oars sale of lionbon s 1* reach llalbriggau Under woar, convinces n< ..f the superiority in urar and tit over others. Shirts come in long and short sleeves. Drawers in long and short leg. PRICE 50c. AND UP. IS \\ <* l»avo the exclusive agency for the celebrated Lira Brand SHIRTS AND COLLARS. There i« more value for less money in tlu-se goods than in any other brand on the market. Complete stock of sizes and prices. LADIES' AND GENT’S FURNISHINGS^ 40 N. UNION ST., LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Pennsylvania Railroad. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF AMERICA PROTECTED THROUGHOUT By THE Interlocking Switch and Black Signal SjsteB BEL VlDETtE DIVISION. Trains /or Xew Tori: ana Philadelphia. On and after December 3, 1900 Crave Manunka Chunk 7.22 and 9 ss , „ 12.27,2.45and #.30p in. Sunday,7.22am m' heave Retvldere 7.30 and 10.05 am 12 33 „ and 5 25 p ui. Sunday, 7.80 a m. ’■ Ml heave Pbillipiburg 7.12, and 10-a.. 1.00, 3 23 and 5 55 p m. 8undav. 8 Ofl , „ “5 * heave Erenihtown 7.47 and 11.10 am’ 1 as . e. hh<h>.:(0 p ui. Sunday, 18.22 a. ni. ’ *>'8-58 .ee^ya'""1'1"81"" 1M “ 'ui S1° “ '-28 *“d 4.21 p m unui'TimiU! I.UW, •*;. on,» 11 a ui.. 3 4.80 and 7.00 p. in. Sundav 8 4', H m Arrive Trenton 7.35. 8 58 9.09, a m p* i 5.08 find 7.2* |> m. Sun.lav, 9.09 a w ’ *’ / ,i0* Arrive Philadelphia (Kensington) 9 it . . 3.11, 4 '.-I and 6.25 p. ui. vuuday, lu.wj a ^ Arrive Philadelphia (Broad Street Station) « «, 10.00. 10.01. a m,. 1.06,3.23,6.00 and 3 2 ' pT^ 7 day, 10.01 am. 1 IU Bun* Arrive New York, via Trenton. 9 23 in a in*:*'.- «*• 7w ««* »*p«. Train* from fhluidelphia and a*«. yorli *'e*ip Vorlt, De.broHen Si via Tt«ii , S.WI, 11.00 a III., 1.110, :t oo, 4.30, an,I o .hi „ ,u s "“ ,1 i’.llri n in * OUU 1.00, 3.00. ila/6.00 p in ■ ' ....“ Suu «‘nilIan U Street 8 00, 11 00 pinl 6 *«» p io Sundays. 6 no p m. Twenty-third Street Station, 7/-5 a-id in « a in. 12 £.',2.ft;., 4 25 and 5 55 pm. Sundays 55s 00 Leave Philadelphia ( Kensington) 6. • y 7 ,, 1 12.10, a m, 2 40, 4.25 aud 6 14 p in. Week-<].i< , l eave Philadelphia (Broad Street m.uiuU,. , and 9.0*i h iu. 12.00 noon, 2.30, 3 52, .1 .0 auj : > p iu. Sunday, 7.02 p iu. Leave ITeiiloti 7.52, 9 55 a IU, 1.00, 3._; | j - 5 - , and 7.53 p 1:1 Sunday, 7.53 p m ’’ ,v* ArriVi- I :ninert vilie 8.33, in.22 a m i.j; , „g s H 7 P ri» Sunday, 8.27 p m.*' Laiui rl vilie I*.r K leiul ngtoti 8 0. a u. p 111, wick-days. 5 * rive Kbmfugton 9 15 a in, 2 52 and 533. days. 06 ■ “** Liiiuln rtvjlle Mauunka • 1. ,nk ► < 1 .7. 5.07 and *.27 p m Sundav, s.27 , ru Poi Ptiiliipsluirif and KuhIou only, i» vs p m w, h Leave Freiiohtowu 9 0.7, 10 49 a m, f, ;•,) „ , s m p m week-days, 8 t p m Sunday> Fur p.. , lipslmm and Lanon only. 7.02 p tu. Arrive at I’hillipshurg 9.1') and 11.23 h. iu i \i .38, 7.30 and 9.26 p. in. Sunday 9.26 p.m, Leave I’hillipaburg 7.25, 9 45 and 11 .1 A ,u v p •; 03 and 9 ;!'• p in. Sunday, 9.30 p m. Arrive Belvidere 7.77, 10.23 and 11,5u n iu 3 19 p m. Sunday, 9.57 pm. Arrive MHiiuiika Chunk 8.08,10.30aud 11 ^ a ui 3.25,6.86 and 10 *>l p tu. Sunday, 10.04 p m. Additional trains leave Belvidere for Mauuuka Chunk 7.00 and 9 M0 a in, and 2 20 pm. Sunday 7 00 a ui liet urn in u, leave Mununka * hunk lor Belvidere 8 19. 10.48 a in., 1 ?o,6 40 and 10.06 p ui Sunday, 10 06 p in. Freight or inlxel trains havlug Mauunka Chunk at Coo a ui, Belvidere 6.14 am, Martin’s Creek 6.31 a in, arriving Lehigh .Junction 6.48 a ui, will can v passengers and make stops at flag sta tions north of rhilllpaburg. Passengers for Broad Street Station, Philadel phia, »>v t ruins leaving Manunka chunk 7.22 a in dailv an! 5*20 p m week-days, and leaving Phillips!.11 rt 8 * • a III daily, and 5.55 p ui week days go through without change at Tren ton A I hlough ear lor Mauunk a Chunk is at taeln-d to IruiuM leaving Broad Street Station at C.t»9, 9."6 a in, 12.00 noon, and 3 62 pm. By ail otjo r trains passengers to or from Broad Street Station < hange ears at Trenton. Connection is made at Munuuka Chunk wiib Delaware, Lackawanna A Western Bail road L» high Junction with Lehigh Valley, Lehigh A Su» <|iiehauua. Morris A Kssex.and New Jersey Cen tral ltailronda. At Lambert v illa with Fleming tou Railroad. At Trenton with trains to and fr«»ui New York. Camden, Ac. For further information, see time tables, which can he obtained at the ticket offices. J J. It. WOOD. General Passenger Agent. B. HUTCHINSON, General Manager Philadelphia & Reading Railway Engines Bum Hard Coal—No Smote TIM TABLE IN LFFilT MAT IS, 1901. TU VINS LEAVE NEW HOPE. For (Henside, Jenkintown and Philadelphia, weekdays, .V 10, 7-12,10.00 n in.. !2.45, 1.3*), 6.05 P in. Hu lid ays, 6.15 a- m . 4.05, 6.15 p 111 TRAINS FOR NEW HOPE. Leave Philadelphia, ReadiiigTermiiial.week •lays, 7.04, 10.04 H. Ill , 2.01, 4 19,6.02, 11.04 p 111 Sundays, 9 31 a. 111 . 1.19, 7.19 p 111 (’lose connection at Jenkintown with fust ex press trains to and from New York, Baltimore, Washington, the South and West. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf and South street wharf, for Atlantic City: Weekdays—Express, 9.00, 10.45 a.m., (Satur days only 1 00). 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 55.40. 7 15, P 111 Accommodation o.ooa. 111.. 15.40, 6.80 p ni Sundays—Express. 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 a in, 7.15 p m. Accommodation 6.00a. ui.,5.00p in Leave Atlantic City Depot—Weekdays Ex press, 7.00, 7 45, 8.15, 9.00. 10.15 a 111 . 2.50,5 30, 6.00 p 111. Accommodation 5.25, 7.06 a- ni , 4.oft p 111. Sundays Express, 10.15. a. in.. 4.80, 5 30, 8.00 p. tn Accommodation, 7.15 a. 111., 4 05 p. 111 Parlor Cars on all Express Trains. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Cape May—Weekdays—8.80, 8 45 a 111 , (Saturdays only 51 10) *1.10,15.40 i>. in Sunday n —8.45, 9 15 a ill., 5.00 p. ni. For Ocean City—Weekdays—8.15a 111 (Sat urdays only 51.40) M.20, 15.40 p. m Sundays 8.45, 9.15 a. Ill ,5.00 p. m. For Sea Ihi.e City—Weekdays—8.45 a 111 . (Saturdays only 51.40) M.20,15.40 p. m Sundays 8 45 ft 111, 5.00 p ill. 'South St . 4.00 p 111. tSoiltllSt . 4.15 p ill :South St , 5.30 p til 5South St., 1.30 p. in. New York and Atlantic City Express Leaves New York (Liberty Street) 3.10 p.111 Leaves Atlantic City, 8.30 a. in. Detailed time tables at ticket offices. For further information, apply to nearest Philadelphia A Heading Railway ticket agent or address, W G BESLER, EDSON .1 WEEKS. Gen’l Supt. Gen’l Pass’r Agt Heading Terminal, Philadelphia QANDEY’S— BRIDGE ST. HARDWARE HOUSE. Special attention given to heating CHI KCIIKS, HALLS AM) PRIVATE BOUSES on the most approved plans by either HOT WATER or STEAM HBAT PLUMBER, Gas and Steam Fitter. A general line of THE BEST HARDWARE reliable goods—such as Pocket and Table Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Agricultural Implements, Lamps, Housekeepers’ Goods in endless variety. Cement, Calcine Plaster and Plastering Hair Brass and Iron Fittings for Gas, Water or Steam, Iron, Lead and Terra Cotta Pipe. Vases, Chimney Tops and Flues, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Iron Wash Stands, Plain or Enameled, Robber Hose, Bar and Sheet Lead, Hydrants. Pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Ac ALL WORK QUARAklBBD. ADMINISTRATOR OF A. C- GANDEY, 31 IIRIDOG STREET, LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Kept. IS, 11100. W^ISTTEID! Car-abb*, reliable person in every county to i represent large company of solid financial re j nutation; $936 Salary per year• payable weekly; 93 per day absolutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona-fide, definite salary, no commission; salary paid each Satur day and expense money advanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE, i 981 Dearborn 81., Chicago.