Newspaper Page Text
Ol.ARK 1‘IKROON, Kditor. LAMIlKRTVILLE, N. J. WEDNESDAY. JULY 30, 1002. FOURTH DISTRICT REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Tho Republican voterK of the Fourth Congressional district of Now Jursey, comprising the counties of Hunterdon, Mercer mid SomerHot, are requested to select delegates to tho district conven tion lo ho hold at Flcmingtou, in the count v of Hunterdon, on TUESDAY, THE'FIFTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1902, at II o’clock a. in., for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for congress. The basis of representation under this call will he one delegate for each one hundred votes, and one for each fraction of the same above fifty, cast in each township and ward for the Repub lican candidate for congress at the election of 1900, provided that each township and ward shall Vie entitled to at least one delegate. JOHN FOKAN, STEPHEN K. LARGE, Hunterdon eonutv. CHARLES PLACE, J. C. KENYON, Somerset county WM. H. SKIRM, Mercer county. Congressional Committee. “THE SPIRIT OF TILDEN An article from the New Orleans Time*-Democrat is being published by the Democratic papers, which calls upon the Democracy to “follow the spirit of Tilden.** That sounds very pretty, Imt it wont be of any use. The Democracy has been following dead men too long. Both Mr. Cleve land and Mr. Bryan urge the party to remember Jeffersonian principles, but they*- is a wide difference between these men as to what are Jeffersonian principles The fact is, Jefferson is dead, his “principles’ are dead issues and Cleveland and Bryan are dead politicaly. if the party in going to follow dead men much longer, it will a’so be dead. The trouble with the Democracy is that it is always looking backward instead of forward. It keeps about twenty five years behind the age, and as the Republican party throws aside an issue, it having served its day and generation, the Democracy takes it up. It was opposed to the green backs when their issue was a war ne cessity ; it opposed their retirement when they served no purpose but to uiisuttlo flounce. It was in favor of slavery when it was an issue, and now' it is terribly afraid that slavery exists in the Philippines. It forced a war with Mexico to extend slavery, and took a large slice of Mexicau territory in the Anal settlement without refer enee to the “consent of the governed,” hut now it is terrilied for Republican institutions because the great mass of half civilized inhabitants of the Phil ippines are not asked to assent to our control of a territory wrested from Spain in war. When silver was scarc er relatively than gold, the Democrats were anti flat Topi Ronton hard-money men ; when silver, because of its over production. became worth one half of its former value, the Democracy went into the flat business. Rut why con tinue' The Democracy suggests slavery and rebellion, free trade, soup houses and desolation . poor money and poorer peop’e. The Hunterdon Democrat sug gests Paul A Queeu, I\s<p, as the Democratic nominee for the Fourth District. This would be an excellent nomination. Mr. Queen is a man of ability, and, what is better still, a man whose integrity and moral character are ui)<|iiestioninl. A rli linuttnllnU'l) . folds are sometimes more trouble some in summer than in winter, it’s so hard to keep from adding to them w hile cooling otV after exercise. One Minute Tough (’ure cures at once. Absolutely safe. Vets immediately. Suit* cure for coughs, colds, croup, throat and lung troubles. Ueo. M. Shamalia. Ml* kill |{ liitltf lllott*. Congressman (iritis says the load trust charges four cent*a pound here aud sells lead abroad at two rents a pound. This country imported fiO.OOO, 000 pounds of lead last year and paid lM,800,tKW for it and it exported only S'.’tS.OOO worth. He says that tin plate is sold for a dollar a hundred cheaper abroad than it is sold here w here it is made. The Tnited States imported worth of tin last year and exported SoOO.OOO worth. If the lead miners aud tin plate makers were selling their products abroad at such low rates, how is it that they allowed foreigners to come here and sell such quantities at high rates? Mr. Griggs should take some sub ject w ith which he is familiar, lie is making himself ridiculous. Th«* lit «i Uulwrnt lor Strain*. Mr. K. II Wells, the merchant at Heor Park. Long Island. N. V.. says ; "1 always reccomend Chamberlain's Pain ltalm as the ts'st liniment for strains 1 used it last whiter for a severe lameness in the side, resulting from a straiu. aud was greatly pleased w itli the quick relief and cure it effect ed.” For sale by S W Cochran A Co. -Vice Chancellor Heed, last Thurs day, at Trenton, issued a restraining order iu the case of Charles E. l.argt against Th unas K. Uauh aud others tc proveut the prosecutiou of a suit of at tachmeut in the West Virginia courts against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the |>ayineut of a debl uw iug Haul' by Long, who is an ern ploje of the railroad company. It is said that present indication! poiut to a large peach crop in South Jersey this scasou aud the fruit will lie cheap euongh to t>e within the reach of all. Kodol Dyspepsia Care Dlgntt wkat you ML Rheumatism Wlint Is the use of telling the rheumatic | that he feels as If his Joints were being dis located ? He knows that his sufferings are very much like the tortures of the rack. What hr wants to know Is what will per manently cure his disease. That, according to thousands of grateful testimonials, Is Hood's Sarsaparilla It promptly neutralizes the acid In the blood on which the disease depends, com pletely eliminates It, and strengthens the system against Its return. Try Hood's. "The New Rice-Farming in the Month" ia the title of an article h.y Day Allen Willey in the Auguat /'< - view of Ifeviewi which is likely to prove an eye-opener to many readers who have underestimated the recent remarkable developments in Southern agricnltnre. That rice on the prairies of Louisiana and Texas is now seeded, harvested, and threshed by machinery like that employed for wheat on the prairies of Kansas is only one of the facts brought out in this article ( by text and pictures) which are likely to cause a ripple o f surprise among Northern and Western readers. f’olMinlng t>i<* It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities. Con stipation keeps the poisoning in the system, causing headache, dullness, and melancholia at first, then unsight !y eruptions and finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt’s Little Larly Risers prevent this trou ble by stimulating the liver and pro mote easy,healthy action of the bowels. These little pills do not act violently, but by strengthening the bowels ena ble them to perform their own work. Never gripe or distress. Geo. M. Sha rnalia — The New York aldermen Lave held I up the greatly needed tunnel into ! that city, projiosed by the Penna R. R. Co. That their objections are without force is plain to an unbiased person. The New York papers, with out an exception so far as we have seen, condemn their action. Uelow are the comments of two of them : (New York Telegram, duly &d. lsosl I THE AI.PEIIMKN AND THE PENNSYLVANIA TINNKL. ft seems strange, to Hay the least, that, when the public has hailed the Pennsylvania tunnel project ns a boon to New York and the interests of the city have been well looked nfter by its oflicial representatives, a majority of the Hoard of Aldermen should vote to defeat or “hold tip” the undertaking. This remarkable action is rendered all the more inexplicable bv the rea sons ottered to justify it. Those tvero duly considered by the Rapid Transit Commission, Mayor and Controller, and rightly hold to present no objec tion to the contract made betweeu the city and the company. To what straits the Aldermen were put to make out a plausible ease are shown by the ridic ulous pretence that the tunnel would or might mean the trnusfor of New York’s commercial supremacy to Mon tuuk Point “the throwing of half our commerce into the sea,” as Alderman McCall said There need he no fear that this un fortunate vote will, or the Aldormou who east it cat), defeat a public im provement of Hitch far reaching value to New York. Its importance and de sirability rtWi'ReheAlVv itUragttiT.ed and it is bound to come. It cun only be delayed by the obstructive course which the Aldermen have seeu fit to take, to their own discredit aud the surprise of the public. iNrw York Kvniing World, July V3d, Ukitf.1 WORSE THAN HIPPY. Every one of the reasons put for ward by the Alderiuauie combine in defense of their “hold-up" of the Pennsylvania Railroad tunnel con tract is silly and worse than silly. It is silly to otijeet that the contract con tains no eight-hour clause or union labor clause, or thut the franchise is perpetual, or that the compensation is inadequate, or that it creates n monop oly, or that its effect will be to build up Montauk Point at the expense of New York, or that the contract was made by the Rapid Transit Commis sion. The real aud only objection in the Aldermanie mind was that the con tract contained no provision whereby any Alderman could see anything in it tor him. Rotter things were expect ed from Borough President Cantor. It is now evident that this great im provement must wait until the city gets either ueiv legislation or a uexv Hoard of Aldermen. (• munior complaint is unusually pre valent ihuouk children this scasou. A well developed ease in the writer's family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera aud lHarrhoeu Remedy —one of the best patent medicines manufac tured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This is not intended as n free puff for the company, who do not advertise with ns, but to bene tit little sufferers who may not be within easy access of a phy sician. No family should be without a bottle of this medicine in the house, especially in summer-time.—Lansiug, Iowa, Journal. For sale by S.W.Coch ran ,v Co. itorxa. Bail lk« fhgBMan of lid kind lottHiwAiwis Bought fcJuU si VI M Hi Till II TO Vlir NOHTH. \ acati«m Trl|» to i'AitittU via IViiiiMlt* ilia lUilruitii. The lVuu<grlvitnM Railroad iH*rsavnally-con ducted lour lo Northern New York and Cana da. leaving August IS, covers tunny prouittmt point* of iutereM to the Summer tourist —Ni. AgAraFatl*. Thousand laUnd*. Rapi»l* of the St Lawrence. Quel tec. TV he Saguenay. Moat real. Au8«UeOhMiu. iAkM Ciutmi'Uin and George, and Saratoga The tour covers a pernvai of hfteen days:; MBQtktrip rate. $l£V | The party will he in charge of one of the j Company’* tourist Agents. assisted by au ev I prheuced lady as chaperon, whoso especial j charge will be unescorted tetlitvy I The rwte covers rwtlway and boat fart* for ; the entire round-trip, parhvrvar seats, meal* ■ r * hotel entertainuteut. transfer charges and carriage hire. For detailed itinerary. tickets or any addi j Itonal information address Tourist Ageut. j lVunsylvama Railroad Company. ttW Uroad way.New York: !*** Fulton Street. Brooklyn: Rritad street, Newark. N J : or Geo \V Itoyd. Assistant Ueueral lNk>seiiger Agent. Broad Street Station. 1‘hiladelplua C l *e A lieu** ItMil-KuM1. A powder to W shaken into the shoes 1 out feet feel swollen, nervous ami hot, amt get i ureal easily, try Allen's Foot-Fju** It coob : the feet, au<t makes walking easy 1 hires swob leu. sweating feel, ingrowing nails. blisters ami callous spots Relieves corns ami bn mom *»f all pain ami gives rest anal comfort Try it to-day Molal by all druggist* and shave store* i fair *W* iV'Di accept any substitute Trial f i sick age JFliFK A. i dress, Allen S- Olmstedui. : Le Roy, N Y >< w Congrensiuiml Districts. There Mtira to be considerable dif ference of oi iiiiou o« to how tho new Congressional districts of New Jersey are constituted. The districts are as follows: First— The counties of Camden, Gloucester and Balem. Becond— Cape May, Cumberland, Atlantic and Burlington. Third —Middlesex, Monmouth aud Oceau. Fourth —Hunterdon, Homerset and Mercer. Fifth—Union, Morris and Warren. | Hixth- Bergen, Passaic and Bnssex. Seventh The 1st, 4th, Oth, 7th, 8th, Uth and 17th wards of Newark, the city of Orange, the towns of Bloom field, Montclair and West Orange, the boroughs of Olen Ridge, Caldwell and North Caldwell and the townships of Franklin, Belleville, Livingston, Ver ona and Caldwell. Eighth—The 2d, 3d, 5th, Uth, 10th, 12th, 13th and 11th wards of Newark, the city of East Orange, town of Irv ington, borough of Yailsbnrg. village aud township of South Orange, and townships of Clinton and Milburn. Ninth—The city of Bayonne, the 7th, 6tb, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th wards of Jersey City, the 6th ward of Jersey City excepting that portion north of the Morris Canal and east of Summit avenue, the towns of Kearney and Harrison, and the borough of East | Newark. Tenth—The 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th wards of Jersey City, that of the fith ward north of the Morris Cana! and east of Summit avenue, the city of Ho boken, the towns of West Hoboken, j Union, West New York and Gutten j bnrg, the townships of North Bergen i and Weehawken and the borough of I Secaucns. Mother Alu at* Keep* It Handy. “My mother suffered a loDg time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," says L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo. “Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy-six, eats anything she wants, remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy.” Don’t waste time doc toring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your stomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stom ach and strengthens the body by di gesting your food. It is nature’s own tonic. Geo. M. Shamalia. —The Postmaster-General at Wash ington, 1). C., lias sent out orders re garding the redemption of uneaneellod and unsorvienable postal cards. The order provides for the redemption of all enrds, iu stamps or stamped paper, when presented by the original pur chaser, at a discount of ‘Xi per cent, off their face value. Bronzed, enam elled or mutilated cards will not be redeemed. The order goes into effect on August 1st. _*Dr. David Kennedy)? Favorite Remedy CURES AIL KIDNEtL, STOMACH , ~1 - ANDitlVlB - TROUBLES.i The lodges of the Knights of l’ythias in this Htata uuuxbov Ut,f,i-l. Liu Labor Day they will celebrate at Long Branch, where they will be reviewed in n parade by the Governor and staff at which time 2,000 uniformed knights and 8,000 nou-umformed members will be in lino. To obtain ooutrol of tho next House, the Democrats must gain not less than forty seats. With family quarrels of largo proportions ou hand in Ohio nuil New York State aud not a single issue ns vet in sight, their chances of success are slight. OASTOnXA. Boars the /f The Kind You Haw Always Bought MARRIAGES. HOLCOMBE 1>IM'S In Elizabeth. July 16, 19(W, by Rev Thomas E. Yassnr, Albert V Holoomlw, of Trenton, ami Mias I-aura, •laughter of Mr. ami Mrs William M Dills, of Fleuiington. DEATHS. ROCKAFEI.l.OW On July *«?l, 180*,’. at her home two miles east of Fleuiington. Mrs Ann Kliaaheth Roekafellow. wife of Joseph R. Roekafellow. nge«l 64 years ami 10months OllEGG —At his borne in l-ambertville, July 14, 1905t. Janies UTegg. age»l SI years ami 1 month WOLVERTON At his home in Trenton, July 16th, 1902, Oahnel Wolverton, formeny of Stockton, age»i ahout 66 years BREWER.—In Trenton. July 14th. wov\ Mrs. Sarah C Brewer, wife of Wm J Brewer, for merly of Ringoes. In the YUli \ ear of her age. HOFFMAN At his home in East Am well Township, July 18th, UWf. Martin HotYman. agetl about 68 years NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Common Council. The monthly meeting of the Common (Yum* oil of the City of Lambertville. will 1h» heM in the Council Room. Masonic Hall, on MONDAY EVENING, AI UVST 4. I90u\ at s o'clock JAMES H REYNOLDS, Citv Clerk July bk 19tif. FOR SALE - A rilWTCUhiS IN V CAT it 1C AT. 1 dumber! fill* School Boml Interest per cent Inquire of l HAS A SKILLMAN LAmbertviUe. N. J , July Ak isue Our usual Midsummer Public Sale of Carriages uill net be held this year. m r \vk invite voi K ATTENTION TO Oi l: Market Wagons, HEAVY. MEDIA M AND I.1UBT WEIGHT. With Platform Springs, »ome of which we have in st.vk ; some we are huihlmg The«e we claim are the easiest running, best iuniIo. neatest mi l best tlntshevl wagon* offered to farmer* t.w,l*y |»RU Es ARE REASONABLE We aleo noils you t*> come ami see onr stock ‘'f CARRIAGES on hand. »- we will sell nny ; thing we have at rea**vitab!e prunes ami term# All I its il Carriage Rrsunai tone. J. V. & C. RANDALL. Xtwlawa, Pa. CASTORIA ANtgetable Preparationfor As similating UicFoodandRegufa' ting (he Stomachs and Bowels of lM VN IS /( HtlDKhN Fromolcs l)igeslion.Cheerful ress and Rest .Contains neiilic r Snum,Morphine nor Minora I ot Nam c otic. /tovttfounrswvn.mcaui Scut' Jlx StHJUl • - /tfiurniwt* - - t i risfatutbSul* * Hirm SrmJ - Panful .lupv Ubdrjr—" foi'ar A perfect Remedy forConstipa Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep FarSimile Signature of NEW-YORK. Alb monlhs old )5 Dosis- t yC f NIS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. M OASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I \ Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THf CINTftUN *** TO«« WTV. J.ACE HOSE. threa (M pairs, OI> If you want to bee what iu undoubtedly the finest hosiery value Trenton ever of fered it« shoppers, see these. They’re lino lisle, fast black, fancy lace fronts and dropstitched backs, double reels, soles and toes, and in two patterns, rhey are as fine as many which sell for jOc. pair, and you’ll find them so on ex amination They are bound to Bell rapidly. 35c. pr.; 3 prs. $1. Other lace hosier)/: 25c ones Mala thread, black, two styles of clustered laee striper; designs all around. 50c • Fancy Hobo II»lf “ 1>"Z en patterns; more elaborate. Fancy fronts —dropstitch blacks. Onyx dye.J Two fancy designs, luce boots; plain tops. Illack. Olliers white, giey, hlue and tan. White with black polka dots—latest fad. MONEY WANTED. $5000 #IH00-#1500— secured by tirst mortga ges on improved property : i* per cent, inter est ; insurance as collateral $3000 wanted on city property worth •«»*’■»• Oo«hI iis gold run aAiiiu. IN COUNTRY. Butcher Shop at Ringoes—House and Lot. Slaughter House, Refrigerator. Butcher \N a gous, Tools, Etc., oil easy terms. Immediate possession given Only butcher establish ment in town A splendid opportunity 45 Farms located m Raritan, Delaware, East Amwell and West Amwell Townships, contain ing from '& to UiXi acres each, will be sold on easy terms They are located in the famous Amwell Valley noted for its fertile soil, natur al drainage, healthfnlness. ami it* adaptabili ty to the raising of all Kinds of grain, fruit amt grass Some of the large farms are especially sui table for stock farms, having running streams If you want to buy a farm, 1 can suit you. as 1 can offer you some of the most desirable ones in this region Come and examine my list. If you want to sell your farm, call on or address me IN l.AMUKKIVlt.LK House and lot, Kim Street; 8 rooms and kitchen Cheap House and lot Delevan St —lot 70x149 feet brick house. 8 rooms ami in excellent repair Cheap Apply to 0. I. BLACKWELL, I'or. Coryell anti In Ion Sts » I.AMIIKKTVILI.K, N. J. r.O. Box U9S. UATKS TO SAN F HAN CISCO AND LOS ANOKI.KS. Via IVnuiylviniiii Railroad, Account lUen liial Meeting, Kuiglits of Pythias. On account of the Biennial Meeting, Knights of 1‘ythias, at San Francisco, Cal , August 11 to *4, the Fennsylvania Railroad Com pany " ill sell excursion tickets to San Francis co or LoaAngeles from all stations on its lines, from August 1 to 9. inclusive, at greatly re duced rates. These tickets will be good for return passage until September SO,- inclusive, w hen executed by Joint Agent at Los Angeles or San Francisco and payment of 50 cents made for this service. For specific informa tion regarding rates ami routes, apply to Ticket Agents LAW OFFICE OF OLIVER I. BLACKWELL. MP*Kstatea, Loans. Keal Estate, Collection* Conveyancing. Insurance. t OH. UNION AND COKTKLL STS., npptidlr Putt OMcr, LAMBKIITVILLK. N J Nasal CATARRH CATARR In all its stages there should be clean-] Ill'S I'UAI BALI cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased luruibrane It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly t rrtm lialtu placed into the nos trils. -oreads over the membrane and is COLD'. HEAD absorbed Belief is immediate and a cure follows It is not 1*—:“~ :t is not drying-doe* not produce sneeauur uw 8»*e. 30 cents at Druggiats or by mail; Trial sue. W cents by mail ELY BHOTHERS, St Warren Street, S \\ BIG REDUCTION IN WALL PAPERS 3c. papers reduced to 4c. 5c. 0c. 7c. So. lt)c. 12o. 15o. 20c. 25c. 50c. 21c. 3c. 3$c. 4c. 4Je. 5c. 5Je. Oc. 8c. 10c. 13c. 15c. 8 yds. Holder some prioe as paper. Cor responding reduction on Mould ings at A. A. AICHER’S, 102 S. 3d St.. R ASTON, PA. July 8S, tan*. Amendments to the constitution OF NEW JERSEY. PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1MW. Re it resolved by the Senate (the House of Assembly concurring). That the following amendments to the constitution of this state be and the same are hereby proposed, ami when the same shall be agreed to by a major ity of members elected to the Senate and House of Assembly, the said amendmente shall be entered on their journals, with the yens and nays taken thereon, and referred to the legislature next to be chosen, and shall be published for three months previous to the tirst Tuesday after the tirst Monday of November next (being the fourth day of said mouth) in at least one newspaper of each county, if any Ive published therein, the said newspapers to be designated by the president of the Senate, the speaker of the House of Assembly and the secretary of state: ARTICLE V. EXECUTIVE. l Insert in lieu of Paragraph 10, a new para graph as follows: 10. The Governor, or person Administering the government, the Chancellor and the At torney-General, or two of them of whom the Governor or person administering the govern ment shall be one, may remit flues and for feitures and grant pardons after conviction, in all cases except impeachment ARTICLE VI JUDICIARY. l Insert in lieu of Section II, a new section as follows: 1 The Court of Errors and Appeals shall consist of n Chief Judge and four Associate Judges or any four of them. if. In case auy Judge of said Court shall be disqualifled to sit in any cause, or shall be un able for the time being to discharge the duties of his office, whereby the whole number of Judges callable of sitting shall be reduced below four, the Governor shall designate a Justice of the Supreme Court, the Chancellor or a Vice Chancellor, to discharge such duties until the disqualification or inability shall cease A The Secretary of State shall be the Clerk of this Court. 4 When a writ of error shall be brought, any judicial opinion in the cause, in favor of or Against any error complained of, shall be assigned to the Court in writing When an appeal sliall be tAkeu from an order or de cree of the Court of Chancery, the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor making such decree or order shall inform the Court in writing of his reasons therefor. 5. The jurisdiction heretofore exercised by the Supreme Court by writ of error shall be exclusively vested in the Court of Errors and Appeals; but any writ of error pending in the Supreme Court at the time of the adopt ion of this amendment shall be proceeded upon as if no change hail taken place Nrcfion IV. 1. Insert in lieu of Paragraph 1, a new para graph as follows: 1. The Court of Chancery shall consist of a Chancellor and such number of Vice Chan cellors as sliall lie provided by law, each of whom may exercise the jurisdiction of the Court The Court sliall make rules govern ing the hearing of causes and the practice of the Court, where the same is not regulAted by statute 1. At the etui of Paragraph the follow ing: The Court may sit in divisions at the same or different times and places Strike out Paragraph S. Section VI V Insert in lieu of Paragraphs 1 and *, the follow ing: The Court of Common Pleas shall be con stituted and held in each county in such manner as may be provided by law ARTICLE VII CIVIL OFFICERS Section //. 1. Insert in lieu of Paragraph l. a new para graph as follow*: \ Judges of the Court of Errors and Ap peals, Justices of the Supreme Court, the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellors and the Judges of the Circuit Court and of the Court of Common Pleas shall be nominated by the Oovcrnor and appointed by him with the ad vice and consent of the Seuate All parsons now holding any office in this paragraph ted, except the Judges of the Court of >rs and Appeals as heretofore existing, 1 continue in the exercise of the duties of r respective offices according to their re spective commissions or appointments The Judges of the Court of Errors and Appeals, except those first appointed; the Justices of the Supreme Court, the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellors shall hold their offices for the term of seven years, and shall at stated times receive for their services a compensa tion which shall not be diminished during the term of their appointment; and they shall hold no other office under the government of this State or the United States The Judges of the Court of Errors and Ap peals first appointed shall be appointed one for three years, two for five years and two seven years. Judges of the Court of Com Pleas shall hold their offices for the for term of five rears Strike out Paragraph i We are offering an exclusive line of Men’s Shirt Waists! Would you like comfort? Ask the man who is wearing a shirt waist what he thinks of them. Good dressers are buying them, why not yon ? Our line of shirts is unsurpassed. 50c, 75c , $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Ladies’ Shirt Waists. ^ An unusual line—50c. to $2.50 each. 'VON BRAND'’ TRADE MARK Everything in Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings. Quali ty and styles first considerations. Have you seen the Tape Girdle R. & G. Corset ? Something new. S. A. FINGER, agt., LADIES’ AND GENT’S FURNISHINGS. 40 N. UNION ST., LAMBERTVILLE, N. J The Voorheeee Stores Close at 5 o'clock, except Saturday. Every Item of this Announcement Reduced Precisely as Advertised and what’s more, we do not knowingly permit any salesperson in on r employ to say that an article has been reduced unless it’s true. HE;* INI *‘»r » oven ui«n arm iiuck j inner Jackets, reduced from $5.98 and ttfk 00 f°r Taffeta ami Moire Etons, this Henson’s styles, reduced from $8.97 and $10.95. fkO f°r Covert and Broadcloth Jackets, I reduced from $10.00 ami $10.95. $7.50. : and dress skirts, re $5.98 and $7 r>0. : ane dress Hkirts, re $8 98 and $5.00 tiw lor xaueia aim i eau-ue-cygim waists, reduced from $3.98 and $4.50. ()Cn for long Kimonas in plain blue and pink xjftwn with polka dot facing and cuffs, reduced from $1 :i5. for Cambric Wrappers, reduced from 1(b) for women’s Maco Lisle Hosiery, in black ami royal blue ; lace open-work patterns—redueed from ST**. 1ft. M. Voorhees ii lftro.9 10 SOUTH BROAD STREET. 10!) EAST STATE STREET, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY. DAUCHY’S ADVERTISEMENTS rAKIkbK o HAIR BALSAM t ud beautifies the hair. . L ., t laiunenl fTOWtll. Haver Falla to BMtor* Gray Bair to lt« Youthful Color. (bim scalp die***** * Hair tailing, ^gtte.aad tiOOel Dninlets July so, \m. B. H. JOINER, JUSTICE OE THE PEACE, Notary Public, Agent for Trenton Times, No. 3 Nohth Union 8t. i second door), liotti's Building. HOT! Well, let us cool you off. Sit down at our Soda Fountain. Wbat will you hare ? Chocolate ? Strawberry ? Pineapple? Vani|la?—or shall it be Lemon, Orange, Peacb, Nectar, Sar saparilla a Claut ? Perhaps you would prefer au Egg Phosphate or drape Juice—they are IOe., but are both meat atid drink; or shall it be an Ice Cream da or a Glace? We have 'em all. ■'hall wo start the fan? We esu certainly cool you off at E. W. CLOSSON’S Main Street Pharmacy, Corner Main ami Church Streets, Lambertville, N. J. A full line of sponges and cha mois always on hand. Two Tours to the I'arlflc ( hum via Penn sylvania Railroad. Leave New \ork August i, visiting Chicago, Deuver, Colorado Snnugs. Salt Lake City, San Francisco. IVlMontc (Monteray). Santa Barbara. Lew Angeles. San Jose. and Portland on the going trip Returning. Tour No. 1 will run northward from Portland and eastward through the mag nificent Canadian Rockies by leisurely dav hght trip*, with stop® at Glacier, Banff Hot Spring*, and other point*, reaching New York and the Last via St Paul and Chicago on Aug SI. Tour No. * will run eastbound from Portland over the Northern Pacific Railway to Cinna bar, where the special train a ill he sidetracked while the passengers make the usual six-dav trip of the Yellowstone National Park. From the Park the rout* homeward will l>e via St, 1 am and Chicago, arriving New York Septem ber 4. Special trains will be provided Rates from New York. Philadelphia. Wash mg ton, or any point on the Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg, including trans portation Pullman berth, and all meals on the tour except during the five days spent iu San FranMAco, when Pullman aoaomodation, And mead* An? not proridad Tour" ' - , For Tour No l, WM1 Two pereona occupy ing ona barth. «1S0 aach. _ror Tour No. A, WOO, inclodini; All r\iH*nso> lclIowMnna J*Ark Two parson, oc '•uprinjon* barth. WW aach .-nuuAry announoawent outlining ttu* various dalaal. furuuhad as aoob a, n«dy “l™ appboauon to Cbsv W Boyd, Assistant ctftwr,Ii,.w,ij« Aiant Pennsylvania Rail road, Broad Rtrval Statiou, Philadelphia Many trkml Children are -tiakiy. Mothar Oray's Swart Powdar* for Childrau, nsad by Mothar Urey a nnrsa in Children'. Houa. Saw York. Break up CoKl. in At houre. core Favarishnass. Haadaoha Stomach Trouble*. Taathiu* Disorder,, ami Da,troy Worn.- At all druwrists. «.■ Sample mailed FRF.F. Addraaa, Allan S. Olmsted, La Roy, SY. COOMB II GAS. HOUSEKEEPERS SHOULD USE A GAS RANGE aud be happy ; lessens labor, no ! dust, no ashes, and always ready. Meats boiled by gas are juicy and delicious. Excellent bakers. Many in Use. Give it aTrial. Gas Itunges with single and ! double ovens. Water Heaters and Radiators at reduced rate-. Place your order early to enable | us to get range in before the hot weather. Catalogues Now Ready For terms and conditions apply to Laiertville Gas Li® Company, Otliee of Collector S. W. Corner Bridge and Union Streets, Lamliert ville, N. J. [By Authority ] ORDINANCE To make appropriations and lew a tux for the year 190?: The inhabitants of the City of Lauibertville do ordain : Section l. That the following appropriations be made for the current year. 1902: 1st To pay the County Tax for 190? #io,s2b 4S 2«l. To pay the State School Tax for 1902. Sd. To n»r for the support of the Public Schools of the City.. 4th. To pay for the support of the Poor. 5th. To pay for Lighting the Streets **th To pay for the Repairs and Im provements of the Streets. Tth To Day for the Support of the Fire lVpartiuent ami Water Supply. Sth. To pay for Police|Evt*enses 9th To pay Salaries and Fees . lrtth. To pay for School Bond and Interest for 190?. Uth To pay for Contingent Kx^n 8,309 4*5 6.040 56 725 00 4.500 oo 2,200 00 2.000 00 1 .5<X) (X» 2,000 (XI 657 .50 1,241 Oft •35,1100 00 Siv-TION 1 Thai to rnise the revenue neces ~ ‘-' H' mnr Lilt n'lenatf Provide for the appropriations mail.' in £H5P-W!V f»«e ?or the current year. ‘v, ■ ■ *«s ratr lor me current Tear. **■*• shall In* at the rate of one .iollar and fifty rents upon each one hundred .lollara of vain*, tion: the state poll tax shall be one dollar an.l the tax npoudogs shall be two dollars each, and all taxes herein levied shall be assessed follows . ni'"r P*r»ona and ratables as the didlar,h° <*>nn»y tax of me. live mills to . the State school tax. the appropria tion to the public schools of the city an.l for fa 'hv»iH'iy,of as: to the public school*, four nubs to the dollar. Ssl For the support of the poor of the citv. three-tenths of one mill to the dollar *V/r. I.*10 ^'chtinc. repairs an.l improve menta of the streets, tTir.*e mills to the .Iollar IJi.^a£*ra£*.!i?ppo3 of lhe lire department. £*£**•“* fw ,lu, 'v*u‘r *"l>ply. for police ex penses and for the imynient of salaries and fees, two mills to the dollar . «th. For the payment of School Bond an.l dcdlar** ^°r ,Wl>tenlks of on.* niili to the «*P«3»***- live-tenth- of “*£““}£ “® and for such sums of money above appropriated as the rales herein nih^f.ii*'/" l‘r;'')u''C'and (or deficiencies m the loUoction of ta\e*. there is hereby an* ihe in.II and doe taxes of theVur h>gaih*r with all money* accrued. * h ****2* to iht‘ treasury during wKst^r"'?.*1 W fr°m *"•' *» svimves whatever. not belonging to any other fund Section 1 That this ordinance shall take ef fact immesliateh after its publication aoea£|. 'fasaedJuly list, lWtt .. ‘.'ALVIN SOUJUAV, At teat:- l™*Weul "f I'ommon CkuineU. Jxmxs H Kxxxouia. Approved July *hl. iiw *l<"rt I* M. SKItllKANT. Mayor House for rout. Iu.mire ol Mas. A. H. Bt TTKRtMss, Lemberttille N. J, HOFFMAN, REDUCED PRICES for both Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Bon nets and Toques, during the month of July. Trimmed Hats being sold at less than half their value. HOFFMAN, No. I N. UNION STREET. LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. GEO. M. HOLCOMBE, PEAt ESTATE —AND— INSURANCE, COR. BRIDGE AND UNION 8T8., LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Fire, Tornado, l’late Glass, Steam Boiler, Life and Accident 1 nsuranee. Ft B8T- CL A 88 COM PA XIF8. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. KENTS COLLECTED. MONEY LOANED. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Two ami a half story brick ten room dwelling house, four rooms on first floor, open pantry and hall, five lied rooms and attic, large lot, No. 14 Church street. No. 15Douglas street. Cottage Hill, frame house and l>aru with large lot; house has ie rooms. No. 9 Douglas street, Cottage llill, frame house an<l large lot; house has 10 rooms No. 93 Douglas street. Cottage Hill, brick house (ft rooms) with large lot. No. 93 Franklin street, frame house with large lot. Hot water heating system. No. 80 York street—large 3-story brick dwell ing with large lot—hot water heat. Terms easj*. Nos. 47-49 South Franklin street- Frame dwelling houses. Easy terms No. 79 South Main street, three-story brick dwelling; 7 rooms and cellar No. Ml South Main street, brick dwelling, three stories, 7 rooms. No. 83 South Main street, 7 rooms, three story brick dwelling. Nos. 2S-90-32 Wilson street, three frame houses, easy terms, Franklin street, vacant lot near Swan street Nos. 233-SIS North Union street, double frame dwelling with large lots. Always rent ami pay good interest on investment Dec. 13. 1899. Stylish Spring Jacket To any one who will mention THF. LAMBERTV1LLE RECORD and send ns 23 cents we will forward immediately the pattern of an advance l'aris style for a Spring Jacket Address MORSE-BROUGHTON CO., Publishers of LArt de la Mode. 3 EAST 19TH ST.. NEW YORK. Single copies of L'Art de la Mode, 33c 0. C. HOLCOMBE, PIANOS AND ORGANS Weber, Mathnsliek. Jacob Bros. F. UaJol. Estey and Carpenter Organs. Several bargains in second-hand organs—Mason it Hamlin, Estev, Needham, Etc. Mnsic and Musical Merciiaudise. Taaing and Repairing a Specialty. (t^* Edison Phonograph and Supplies. 36 N. Union St.. Lambertville, N. J. NEW DEPARTMENTS - Theo. S. Denson’s NEWS STAND, No. 9J N. Uuion Street. I have just added a full line of SPORTING GOODS. Such as Gloves, Hats, Halls, etc. Envelopes and Writing Papers at very reasonable prices. A fine stock of ... . Tobacco and Segars. A'all in and look at the new goods. They will recommend tlum aelves. In addition, von will always find here AH the leading Dally News papers, Murium: «i»l Ermin*'. All the leading Magazines, A big stock of popular Stories, ana all the general publica tions of the say.