Newspaper Page Text
l'lIK L.\MHKHTV1LLE RECORD I.STA TK of I I.AIM 1‘tKHSOX. VV I.DNESPA V, AlU. I!*, 1908. A SAILOR’S MASCOTS. RtliM'«‘llnn€*«»iin i ollfcllon That Taken From the shore. Jack ’I'mr is notoriously Improvident, ami most of our naval seamen when they get ashore spend their money, he it more or less, with a lavish hand. Shore leave is limited to twenty four hours, lint in that brief time the unre strained sailor munnges to run through about ail the rash he carries with him. He plunges into a whirl of dissipation and Is oftentimes eheuted or robbed of a good share of his ready assets, but a percentage of the latter is also apt to go for anything that happens to strike Ids almost childish fancy. Mascots are the seafarer's delight, and whatever he may oome across which seems to him to have a talismanie property be is hound to buy It if he can; hence when the ‘ pier jumpers," as those on shore leave are technically called, return ill well tilled barges to the ship and under direction of the master a4 arms climb up to the deck they are likely to bring with them a miscellaneous collection of Louts, dogs, parrots, monkeys, roost er . etc. one sailor on the Kearsarge. either in or out of his senses at the time, went so far as to purehase ns a mascot a colored baby from Its mother for the sum of |o cents and came aboard with It in his arms He was not allowed t«» retain it. however, and ihc child was eventually restored to its lepeiitant and hysterical parent How many of the mascots may ho kept on hoard lies within the discretion of the e.iptaiu V liberal policy is pur sued in this matter hut manifestly ti re Is a limit to the number of those tli t can l*e accommodated. The sur plus is sent ashore without delay When the returned “pier jumpers" are lined up while the ship's writer calls the roll to discover tin* laggards, it is one of the most perplexing duties of the otliccr of the deck to decide what dumb creatures may or may not b« added to the vessel's menagerie If the vc-sel is on her way homeward from the tropics, she usually carries a large variety of living presents for the home friends of the sailors Itut these are o’ v temporary tenants of the hold and would not he permitted to remain oil board long Leslie's Weekly FACTS ABOUT FOLKS. In intimation of measurement men are more accurate than women Moral action In child Ilf** Is more n matter of imitation than Intellect I Mill children arc tin* most unruly, atal unruly children an* tin* dullest. Swivt In tasted la st on tin* tip of the tongue, sour on tin* edge ami t»itt«*r at tin- base. Mental linnpN themselves constitute tin* motive, the springs of action for (lirls slum less interest in material things than hoys ami admire tin- as thetlc more Those who have emllll'ed the most hardsliip In life aft* usually the least sensitive to pain Phishing fouii's from shyness ami fear, is unnatural and morhhl and Is urea nr in women than in men kaput readers do their work hotter, as well as In less time, and retain more of the substance of what Is read than slow readers \\ nli li four Mtoulilcr*. When standing before a looking class, notice it your shoulders are the same height Generally the right Is higher than the left The reason for this tm evenness lies in the way one sits You net into a eomfortahlo chair at your t’e-'k, and at onee you rest your right eP «w on the arm of your chair or your d 1' thus throw in- one shoulder high r than the other This is especially the . ase where out* writes a great deal. When you not let* that one shoulder Is h*cher than the other, the thing to do I.- t* fiance y our way of sitting at your d *sk Two simple exercises will tie b neildal The arm of the lower shoul dor should he extended upward, the ’•and grasping a dumbbell. That of the higher shouhh i should he lowered and made «o support a heavy weight r'liullnli limn The composition of h'liglisli brass la chout seventy parts of copper ami tlitr ty of 'Inc "Prince Uupcrt's metal" i*onta;ns To to so per cent of copper and on account of Its golden color is employed to some extent in Jewelry. The kind of brass called tombac con tains still more copper, nearly eighty five parts In a hundred It Is the alloy used for the manufacture of what is railed I hitch metal an Imitation of gold leaf. It can be rolled Into sheets, and these can be beaten out till they an* c dy tilt\ three thousandths of an Inch m thickness, ('handlers* Journal Too Nltlew to It. \v u'e It's hateful of you not to give me the Unmet I want Ah. me! If vo i only Knew how much 1 have to put up with' Husband liuh! If you only knew how little I have to put Up with, you wouldn't ask me to put up for a bonnet Philadelphia Press V Vrniilti* r. Scribbler Would you call yourself n pod or simply a versiUer7 S» raw ler \\ ell. when the editor lights his pipe vvitli my stud It's a case of verse afire Philadelphia Itecord llun* lt««'l( “Hot a talking machine at home*!" "Yes’* "What did you pay for it?" Nothing maim'd It London Ti\ Hits Mosquitoes are so numerous near the twist of llorueo that the streams of that region are in summer oftcu up ‘ navigable Jni«llff 1» Hltnri. *’lt ain’t no tigger of speech." com mentod the philosopher, "that just lot 1 is blind Nothin* bap,ms to the man that makes the toy pistol, the feller that sells it or the guy that buys It for 1 s little U»y . but the kid. vv ho don’t hr vv • N iter gits the punishment that s eon a to all the others" Old* go Tribune. Hnuh I or t!»r Kmrrifnry. * If you ttml it imjKvssdde to k»vp open your line of retreat." said the in strmtor in the military school, "what ought you to doT* *T>i»en up the line of advance,*’’ vm the tiron*io reply - ICxchange. lift*'* S«rprUf*. •*IJfe.*' aaid the tobacconist to tho «ro»vdcn Indian, "is for most people n continuous piwces* of getting used to things that they haven’t been expect* lag Syracuse Herald. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS Their 1.1 r«- In an Cicillnff «-ie and < airrlon Mnny ie*. Amerhau visitors in Paris Berlin cr Vienna often wonder how and where coiT68|H»ndeiits do tlielr work. The truth is a large part of their work is done at these verj social gatherings where you have met them. Important news Is usually there obtainable only. ; Statesmen and diplomats, generals and admirals, leaders of thought and netlon, the foremost men of business and the indefatigable promoters of orient new I ventures all tin* men and women, in tn«t. who make the news and who a* the fountain head of it the correspoin 1 eiit will meet there It depends on his Individual exertions and on his tact and gift persuasion vvliat use he j makes of ids opportunities. Being treated as a him da I equal, it devolves of ' course on the correspondent to reel pro- J j rate favors shown, not In quantity per haps. blit at least In quality. The lead ; Ini; correspondents must have homes of comfort and must throw them open to . the official and umdth ia! world at stat ! ed intervals, say three or four times, , per season. Their private fortunes or j their ineomes must he large enough to admit that Their annual expenditures j j raniiot be less than $.',<* *» and may ex j reed Tlie London Times, for , lnstanee, pays its correspondents on a liberal seale, salaries of $a*».tNM) to $10, ihni being the rule. Yet the majority of t!»em find It neressary to make up regular deficiencies in their exchequer out of their own private funds. The life of the American correspond ent on the continent of Puropc Is a life interesting and fascinating enough in Its way. and it broadens tin* mental hori/.on as perhaps no other oeeiipa tiou does But It In a nerve destroying life, a life In which there Is scarcely a minute he ran call his very own. Kv er\ day in the year It spurs its slave on t»» utmost exertion. It barely pays ex ponses, and it necessitates constant outlays in time and money which can not he put down in the expense ac count and which are a drain on health and purse alike Lven under the most favorable circumstances the game is hardly worth the candle To go to bed at 2 or ;t. fagged out with never end lug excitement and toll; to lie waked out of a sound sleep an hour later by a ring at the telephone or by Inoppor tune cable Inquiries from the home of flee; to dress hurriedly, take a cab to the nearest telegraph olllce and there wire a hasty reply; then to return and seek a few hours of titftll sleep and to rise morning after morning unre freshed, with never repose for body and soul all this is neither conducive to longevity nor to a quiet and con tented mind W orld's Work. Nome \ Umil Meii*ur«>im*nf». "Wlirn 1 wateli it now 1 mi 1 li 1111^ going up dn.x l»v dux from foundation to flagstufl\" said tin* tity salesman, “I get so muddled by tin* titin* it is com pleted that 1 I'annot toll for tin* life of nn* whether it Is tifty foot wlilo or r»O0 foot So far as tnoro visual inonsuro iiionts go, tin* size varlos so much in tin* oourso of construction that confu sion Is unavoidable When the ex cuvation for the foundation is in order, tin* hole in the ground seems so onor moils that 1 could take oath it «*overs a on acre lot After the steel frame work p»es up the building shrinks nmnzitiglx. and 1 say to myself Well, that Isn't pi In** to he such a ldg affair after all Mow could my eyes have do celved me so when looking at the ex cavationV Hut when the walls are lluislnsl and the windows in and the decorations all stuck In place the w hole huilditur swells .»n« •• -ito prodigious lx " New York Times Some I'oreluu Coho. The franc was formerly called llvre (pound). though the conueetiou with any spcelal weight is not evident The name of the Merman coin. mark, mean in*: a weight of eight ounces, was for merly in general use in Kurope. The name of tin* Italian «*oln that corn* spends with the franc (lira) also means pound Ihe coins in present use in Spain haxe their names from other souives. The live peseta piece, which corn* spends with the American dollar, is calk'd escudo (shield) ' Peseta," the name of the small coin representing the monetary standard, means simply “little piece." “Ruble" is from the word meaning “to cut." and was so called because originally the coin was made with an ornamental edge llluliest ' fonm In 'tie Worlil. The highest cross In the world Is said to he that which caps the loftiest peak of the liar/ mountains The cross is In reality a tower, and It commands a mugultlccnt v lew of tin* country uround. The height of the tower Is 1*20 feet, and it stands on a mountain 1.7.M feet above the sea level V stall* of *200 steps leads to the top of the cross, 1 mit there is all elevator, of which the peo pie mail themselves who for any r»*u son w ish to avoid the long climb The I «i! it m ii nn'«* of tin* Turf. "tVtlldn’t you get your money down on that ra« c “ “No " “W hat w as the trouble.” “I pronounced the name of the horse correcth and the bookmaker out Id n't tmderstaud me " \\ ashlngtoii Star l'ri*H) Diei* ill IIiimImiihI. Hut .ion sa.\ her marriage to young Mlghrollcr turned out better than was expected ‘ “.Milch hcttci Me hadu‘1 spent more than half her money xxlu*n they sep mated ” Itronklyu l ife Tin* % i*t ImI *m \liii. Friend Hut cr xx hat s the Idea of the work? I don't unite grasp it Artist The idea is to sell U Chica go News. luTi* Indention l« »«*f«knrr. “Have you made any imprixvcinents lu your Invention?" “I haxe." aitsxxcrcd the enterprising scientist “One of nix assistants has just xliseovcred a uexx xx ax to put stin k on the market Washington Star The long a waited test of Prof. S. IV ! Laugeley's $70,000 "Pm ins Preen*' machine was made at Wide Water, on , Vugust S. Prof. Fangeley wassoeer tain as the result of the venture that he was not even present to xx at eh his precious machine tail to its destine tion To s« « oil) mo*l.-ill* Ik,*'* xx lie »ro ixarttal to thv use of ato*ui*cr> m Applying mto the hanaI ixAs>.Hge> for -> i. ' .the proprietor* prepare I'rvani Halm in h*pnd farm, xxlueh will Is- known as Klx - l i*iui«! t ream UhIiu Trie** iincluding the spraying tube m V.x * t> Druggists or b> mail The Inpud form emlsshes the medicinal proper tie* of the *olid preparation lYiNam Halm i quick I .v nh>orls*d 1>> the iiiend»ram* and d*v-> not dry up the secretions hut chaugi > thr-m - t*x a natural and healthy character Hy j brothers ** Warren Si N \ RECOMMENDS I)R. DAVID KEN NEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY. In a recent issue of the New York Magazine of Sanitation and Hygiene, the recognized authority on all matter* pertaining t<» health, James II. Mont goinery, M. D , says editorially: * After a careful investigation of Dr David Kennedy s Favorite Remedy, a H|H*eiti<- for kidney, liver and bladder troubles, rheumatism, dysjiepsia and constipation with its attendant ills, we are free to confess that a mure meritori Otis medicine has never coine under the examination of the chemical ami medical experts of the New’ York Magazine of Sanitation and Hygiene In fact, after the most searching tests and rigid in quiry into the record of Dr David Keu Hedy's Favorite Remedy, it becomes a duty to recommend its use in unequivo cal term to every reader of this journal Whoso complaint comes within the list of ailments which this remedy isadver tised to cure We have obtained such overwhelnining proof of the efficacy of this specific have so satisfactorily demonstrated its curative powert through personal ex]>eriments—that care for the interest of our readers leads us to call attention to its great value " James H. Montgomery, M D Druggists sell it in New 5o Cent Size ami the regular $1 00 size bottles. Samflo b^tlie—enough tor trial, tree by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N Y Dr. David Kennedy’* Cherry Balsam best loi Cold*. Cuu^hv, Cunftuirptiuu. asc, joc, Si.uo. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS CONSTITUTION. ^ i ut: nt skw jKi:si;\ 0 I»K1,* UTMl N I or S l ATl As required hy an act entitled” An act to provide for submitting proposed amendments to the Constitution of this State to the peo ple thereof, appro vet I April s. psi’t. notice is hereh\ given that oil Tuesday, the twenty second day of September, PXW. a Sl’K.t I At. El KiTloN will he held in the several election district* or precincts of this State, at such places a-the clerks of the several townships, cities and municipalities of the State shall provide, to enable the electors qualified to vote for mem bers of the Legislature to vote for or against each of the following proposed amendments to the Constitution s l> DICKINSON. Secretary of State ARTICLE \ 1 Insert in lieu of paragraph 10 a m u para graph. as follow s ; in The governor, or person administering the government, the chancellor and the at torney-general, or two of them, of whom the governor, or person administering the gov ernment, ahull he one. may remit fines and forfeitures and grant pardons, after convic tion, in all cases except impeachment Aimru: vi ■1!' 1»1« I ARY 1 Insert in lieu of Section II a m u st ns follows: 1 Tin* court of error* ami appeals shall enn d*t of a chief jtnltfe ami four associate unices, or any four of them •J In ease any indue of sanl court shall he listiualiiled to »it in any cause, or shall he tin ible f»>r the time bcum t«> discharge the dll lies of his office, whereby the whole number d judges capable of sitting shall be reduced •elow four, the governor shall designate a iiistiee of the supreme court, the chancellor *r a vice-chancellor. to discharge such duties until the disqualitication or inability shall ■\ The secretary of state shall be the clerk of t his court I When a writ "l »•»■»•' o shall be broncht, any judicial opinion in tin* cause, in favor of or against anv error complained of, rliall be assigned to the court in wriling; when an ap peal shall be taken front an order or decree of the court of chancery, the chancellor or \ ice-chancellor making such decree or order shall inform the court in writing of his rea sons t herefor l lie jurisdicion heretofore exercised by I he supreme court by writ of error shall be I'xclusixel\ xested in the court of errors and ippeals ; but any writ of error pemlimr in the supreme court at the tune of the adoption of Ins amendment shall be proceeded upon as il no change had taken place 1 Insert in lieu of paragraph t a new para* i:raph, as follows : 1 I’lie court of chancei x shall consist of a I'ham'ellor ami such number of \ iec-cliuticcl lors as shall be provnled b> law , each of wlioni may exercise the iurisdiction of the court; I lie court shall make rules govt'miug t he heal inn ol causes and the practice of the court where the same is not regulated by statute I At the end of paragraph l add the bil low nut The court may sit m divisions at the same or ditleient tunes and places St l ike out imrauraph 'i Sri lion I / 1 llisell ill lieu of paragraphs 1 and .' the follow mu I be court of common pleas shall be consli luted and held in each county m ‘inch manm i as max be nroxnled by law \lti h i.i \ ii I IXII Ol l l, KIIS St'rKou II 1 Insert in lieu of paragraph l a new para urapli, as follows l Judges of the court of errors and appeals, ilist n es of the -uprenie court. t he chancellor'. the x ic« « hancellol's and the jlldgeHof the i ir emt court and of the court of common pleas shall he nominated bx the governor and ap pointed bx him w ith t he adx n e and consent of the Senate . all persons now holding IIUV otllee in this is-irugraph named, except tin judge* of the com t ot errors and appeal* as heretofore existing, shall continue III the evelclse of the duties of their respective olhce* according to their respeetixe commissions or appointments, tIn* judges ot the court of errors amt appeals, i xt t pt t lit —t til 'd appointed .(hi jitsi ices of thu supreme court, the ehancellor ami the xn < chancellors shall hold their others for tin* term ot sexeii years, nml shall, at stated tunes, it ceixe for 1 lo ii serxicx** a . •unpeiisatnni xxhit'll shall not be diminished during the term ttf I heir ap|H)intnients; ami lln'X shall hold no other t'lllce mult i the Rxxxermnent of this state oi the l lilted Stall's , the nidge* o! the eourt t>f errors and Hpp«*als first npinnutetl shall be ap|Hxiiitet| one tor three x»«ar>. twix for live x t ars ami t wo for sex en x ears . indues ,,j the court of common pleas shall hold their oth. es for the term of fixe years Strike out panic laph v? Our Public Sale of CARRIAGESa"11 WAGONS w ill not Ite hehi this summer, but we haxe a xjood assortment of carriages ami xxagou* x>n hand that we will s,>|| al very reasonable prices to reduce oiir sf.H'k t ome and see them TO 1ARMLRV W « are noxx i lidding sox« ral of out’ nexx si x l, t lallto ni >|>i loK Vlaiktl U Hifxun, xx right pounds NV knoxx that these are «u)H*nor in methods of »vu si ruction. durability. ease of running and gxwvd «t«iH*nrsiUY to most otliers ottered m ibis mar ket tt~ » AH 1U Kt'.l m all branches KHAlklNn Catalogue on appln at ion | J. V. & C. Randall NEWTOWN. PA. L NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Amwell National Bank, LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Capital Stock. - ■ • J72.000. Surplus and Undivided Profits. ibO.OOO Safe Deposit Boxes for rent to Customers. f om.mkntim; skitemhkI! i. i « ■ ^ Interest will Ih* paid on < « rtiti<•titi of Deposit lit the rate «*f three per cent per annum from date of is*ue of eertilieate. provided the money is left in the Huuk at least three month W A GREENE. President F W VAN HART. Cashier Big needs for little people. Short itcMTi|>lioiis of some of the very pretty white dresses we’re show ing this summer. Russian Effects. %t ft*. Om*, fasten* over on the aide.- t • <r boys and tfirls ' nle box plaits at hack : collar and cutis, tucked, buttoned at side. Tuck- 1 he It *t Has embroidery in place of tucking Finer material and handsomer tini-ii The French Dresses One at 41 He Marvel of value. with duster of small tucks each aide the center, front and hack Ruffles at neck and wrists Atlll. Hack ami front with broad tucks and hemstitching Deep hem on skirt. « r"«s of hemsf itchinu' Val lace at neck and w ri-ts .%t •I.fto. Three styles. Prettier up to *? *>n. all Persian law u The Mother Hubbards. r»Oc. Three style- One has yoke of tine I licks hack and front ; heiustit«died ruffle- at neck and sleeves. Deep hem on skirt Finer, of course, *1. $1 -VV fl *•.’ '*< * :. # t .'*0, #l With an exceptionally tine \arn-ty at ♦ l NOTIFF is hereby given that tin* BoarJs of l;. *gistry iukI Flection in ami tor each a in I every Flection Uistrift or Noting lTocni.t m flu* county of Hunter.Ion w ill liohl their first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. - I, 11H>3, at 10 o'clock in flie morning. at the following places in tin* respective townships of >ani Ale\an<lria BonncH's Store. Mf I’leasant ltdlilelu in. 1 Asbury .station B.thlehcm, W Bloomsbury Clinton Borough OratiJini.ibrary, Clinton Clinton low n slop l.c ha non, An nan tali* Pelaware .• K Wilson's House. Sergeants, v ille. l ast Atuwcll Holcombe's Hall. Hingors Franklin Town Hall, Quiikertown Frenchtown lownllafl. Frenchtown Hi^li BriJge Apgur Building. High BriJ <• Holland Culisou House Hall. Siilfor«l Junction Bor City Hall. Junction Kingwood llrunge Hall, Barhertown Lebanon. F (leorge C Apgar’s. Wood (Hen Lebanon.W Townahip Boom, (Hen (hirdner Itlll'ItHIK K I 11 !•>*•>» Ili)l|>t(>. kU'IHIlIHloll Bantam NN Hook A Ladder Truck House, Flemiligton Uradingtoii. N Cook s Buildim,'. Wlntihouse Station. Uendmgton. S Hilts’ Hall. Tlir«*«* Bridges Stockton IW llo.-kenluirv s Hall. Stockton Tewksbury. I! A pear's Hail, New ti«inian Tewksbury. NN l’hilliower s Hall. Califon Fuioii Beach Fvchange, Jutland Lambert ville. 1st Want Hilicruia Fire Com pany Building, Lanibcr; idle Lambert ville, ».l Want Fleet Winn Hook A l.mbler Co< Building. I .uinbeit v illc Lambert vilie.-M Wartl Columbia Hose Com pany 1 In 1 If 11 nir. I.ainbi rtville West Am well Holcombe's Hall, Mt Airy Such Bf»ar«ls shall organize according t«> law ami t lieu proceed to ascertain the names ami ivsiib no's ot all tlie legal vavters in their re spective ilistricts. by making actual inquiry at every dwelling house or habitation, or of the lieail of every family residing therein, ami shall continue such enumeration of voters from «In> to day. on successive «, until the same be conipletetl (Sec. \JH. Flection Law ) SECOND MEETING. Sai'l Boards of Itegistry ami Flection will alsti meet fin I’u sday, Sept, s, 1003, at the same places, from I F M until 9 F M . tor tlie purpose fit milking up such Uegtstcr Lists, front the canvassing books,ns the law niav ref|uirc, ami for tIm» further purpose of holding the I'riltiai v FJectiou, in nccurilance with an act entitled "An Act to Ucgiilalr Flee t it ms t lie vision ot iHMhc anpro\e< I April fourth, one llioiHaml eight hundred ami ninety right appi ov e.l April 11. HUM THIRD MEETING. Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1903, at tin- same places, from l F M ton I* M . for tin* purpose i.t revising and collecting the original to be l|sei| at (be Flection to be hebl oil September '*%. 1903. for tile pur pose of voting on the proposeil amendment* to till 1 '« 'list It lit Ion ol III!-, state FOURTH MEETING. Sai'l Boar*Is of lo;;|.tl\ ami Flecliou will also meet on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1903, at tin' same places ami betwei li the bouts ot ! F M ami •• I' M for tbe purpose of i e\ising ami cone. Him t lie Original t<egi*ti i> ami bn a.bluta tbcti'lo t be muiles of all persons en title.I to tin- i mill ot suttiaue hi sii.'b Flection I bst i let at t be m \ t election, vv la * shall appear in person before Ibtuu or shall be shown bv tb. vv i illi u altl.lavit of solin' voter ill slicb 1.lection Ibstlict to lit n baa I voter therein nmt ot erasiiia tin refroui the name of anv p«i sou vv ho. a ft et a fair opportuutl v to he In an l. shall be allow ll ||Ot to be i lit Ille. I to vole tin 1. in l*v reason o| non residence or other wise Not If e Is hereby g i v ell to all Boal'fIs of Ih'Kta lly ami Flection in tin count v of lluutcr.Ion that they ale rispiil'e.i to atrtclly observe Sec t loll* .'I and <•' ot An A. I to lletfllllltf Flee lions vlit \ isioii of is**« approve*I April 4. !**'** amt I bait he Count v Bottl'd of Flections will be in session in Fleiiiingtou oil Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1903, to! I he purpose of ret ell lug the registers and receipting tor nth.lav its. etc. General Election, Nov 3,1903. V p. i son will be allow e.l t.v vote at sai.l Flection unless his name appear* upon the Itegistry last of his Flection Plstrict JOHN H Nl NN Chairman. J I i ll AMBFUl.lN, s. cr. lai * .1 J HOliN JOHNSON W A UFO 111' Hunterdon County boat Jot Flection* Aim r». Only a Mask. Matty arc not l»eiug lH>ut<lilfst t.v the sum mer vacation as they shnuM la* Not. with standing much outflow life, they are little if any stronger than they The tan ou their faces in darker an.l makes them look healthier. hut it n only a mask They are still nervous. easily tired. upset hy trifles, an.l they Jo not eat nor sleep well What they noel is a hat tones the nervous, perfect* diges fton. creates appetite. ant makes sleep re freshing. anJ that is Hovds SarwitariUa. INipils an.l teachers generally mill finJ the chief porpes* of the vacation best observed by this groat meJtctne which, as we know. " builds tip the whole system —Oar advertising terms are reason- i able Inquire at the office. t USE ALLENS FOOT-EASE. A jH.w-ler to be shaken into the shots Your fe»*t feel swollen, nervous ami hot. and get tired easily. If you have aching feet, try Allen's Foot-Ease Jt rests the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures aching, swol len, sweating feet blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort Try it today. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Dealers. 25c. Don't accept any substitute Trial package FHEF. Addr.Allen S Olmsted, Le Iloy, N V DeWitt Is the Name. When you go to buv Witch Hazel Salve look for the name DeWITT on every box. The pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel is used in making De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worthless counter feits to be placed on the market. The genuine bears tlie liam * of E. C. De Witt .V Co., Chicago. Sold by all druggists. In the good o 1 <1 days the sexton amiouuc ed a death in the community by a stroke on the church bell for every year of the life that was gone. People expected, then, to live to old age, and speculation at the first tap of the bell took a narrow range including only those who had lived the al lotted time. There is no rea son why people should not have the same expectancy of age to-day, except for the neglect and abuse of the one organ on which all the other organs depend the stomach. I)r. Pierce’s Golden Med ical Discovery enables men and women to Ik* strong and healthy, by curing diseases of the stomach (and other <>r gans of digestion and nutri tion ), which prevent the proper nourishment of the body. "1 ha«l been sick fot two yean* with indigestion and nervous d • nllitv, anq ft .id lik. n medicine from my f.irn ily doctor for .t Ioiih time without much ticnetit " writes Mrs \V H Pet hies of Lucknow. S C ” Was induced by my husUtixi to v .nsuit In PUrcc by letter You advised m#- t-> take ‘Golden Medical Discov ery’ and Favorite Pre scription. which 1 did, and. to my ureal sur prise after taking -a* Dottles I was cured ” The Medical Ad viser, in paper cov ers, is sent /Vfv for 2i otic cent stamps to pay expense of tii.til inp only Address I)r. R. V Pic tee, Buffalo, N V —Pon’t forget we carry tlie latent shades of bond paper both in envelopes note heads and letter heads. The Farmers Foes arc weeds. Unless they are kept down, they divert the nu trition which the soil provides from the growing crops and ruin their pro ductiveness. l>isoases are to the body what weeds are to the soil. They divert the nutri tion which is necessary to sound health, and the body, instead of being strong and hardy, drags out a sickly existence. When the stomach is diseased, and the other organs of digestion and nutrition are involved with it, there is a constant loss of nutrition by the body. The stom ache and its allied organs are not able to convert the foods into nourishment, and hence the body and its several organs are deptived of the necVssnry elements of vitality. What i* known as "weak” heart or "weak” lungs, " weak ” nerves and other forms of so-called weakness, are generally caused by "weak” stomach. \\ hen the stomach and the other organs of digestion and nutrition are cured, then the other discuses are cured with it. Dis eases which arc caused by a diseased condition of the stomach are cured through the stomach. Dr. Tierce’s ('.olden Medical Discovery cures diseases of tin* stomach ami its associated organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures through the stomach diseases of heart, lungs, liver and other organs. It in creases the activity of the Fdood making glands, so that the whole IhhIv is nour ished by an abundant supply of pure blood, mdi in tlu* blight lid corpuscles of health. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discovery” ami it contains neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. It is strictly a teinjicraiice medicine. l'ctsous sutlciing ft out chronic forms I of disease uie invited to consult Dr. Tierce by letter fret. All correspondence at Hotly piivate. Addii-sa Dr K V. Tierce, liuilalo, N. Y. Suf farad for Yours. ■Mv gratitude to you mot your '(.olden Med leal Iu>«. vn v 1 l* so great *' write* Mi Martin, at Ai lee, Mason Co West Virginia, "that 1 .iin at u loMloliiut to express my true let lmg 1 had sufhied hr a mimtver of year* with Inns and throat tumbles, and doctoied with specialist*, hut got no l letter Then 1 decided tf» try l»i Pierce's Holden Medical hiacvimy, amt after lining U I was greatly relieved. 1 have all faith that II lias »uved my tile "l have one of youi uicdlcal Umks aud think It a inland work * Torpid liver Cured. ••I will a sufferer from torpid liver for over a \rcai •’ write* Mis. Nora \Vlilts, of Wheat held. Jasper Co. Ind . rand could n* t sleep, m«r rut nut very little and then it would cause me gtrat distress l iiied several doctors but git no ir tref Was advised by a fiiend It' nine to I'i Pierce, which 1 did. and in a few days t received a letter advising me to take his * Holden Med leal l'i'uwvery ’ aud also his • Tteasant Pellets 1 Alter 1 had taken only hall a Katie 1 u it greatly improved. I only took three Katies of the • i.olden Medical lHaonvery * and two vuU ot the • Pellets ’ nnd. thanks to I»t. I ietvt aud his wonderful medicine. I am as well ss ever iu mv life, and feel that life is worth living After all "Last winter l took a sevete cold which re suited in pleurisy. Tongue can not tell whsi l ■uttered. For two nights and two days l could not move without it nearly killed ms. I t. l t mv hudvand l could not endute another night ot ■uttering. The weather wav uo cold and st«u mv that it was almost too bad fv»r any one to go si* mites to town. Kit he went, and got a Kuile of ltr Pierce’s Kstmct of Smart-Weed, which gave me instant relief. I esn say that for all pain* that l have tried it for it hd* worked like magic We keep a bottle of the ’ Smart-Weed * In the bouse all the tirue I cannot thauk l>r Tierce enough for w hat he ha* done tor me ** Constipation has almost countless con - sequences. I>r. l'lence'* Pleasant Pellets cure constipation and cure its conse quences. Thov should always he used with "Golden Medical DisooTery,*- when the use of a laxative is indicated. One Minute Gough Cure Foe Coughs, Colds and Croup. LAMBERTVILLE NATIONAL BANK Capital, §100,000. Surplus, §60,000. Commencing SEPTEMBER I. 1903. HIS BANK will pay interest on Certificates of t .... j Deposit at 2 to 3 per cent, per annum according to length of time. Three per cent, per annum interest allowed on accounts in Savings department, not subject to check. Safe Deposits boxes for rent in new vault from three dollars up. For further information inquire of the following officers CALVIN SO L LI DA V, President. JOHN O. HOLCOMBE, Vice-President. ISAIAH P. SMITH, Cashier. FRANK A. PHILLIPS, Asst. Cashier. JAMES S. ST LI DIM FORD, Teller. DinECTOBS : I AI.VIN SOLLIBAY, ISAIAH 1*. SMITH JollN q. HOLCOMBE, CHARLES PHILLIES, WILLIAM FACER, WlI.MoTQl IMB\, (.- |. LEAK, FRANK A. PHILLIP", J. W. ('KOOK, OEOROF \\ MAssl-A , C FORCE I.. ROM INF. Interesting Prices from now on. . - . See the goods and prices together. . . Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Furnishings. S. A. FINCiKK, Agf., ID N. I n ion St .. LAMHKRTVILLK, .1. II. .1. K I I l.\ . KvchIkIiI S|»«*»-ImII**|. Wo will he in I.ainliertvillo every Thursday at Mrs. S. M. Nikok’s, \n. II Union St., to examine the oyos of t lioso who can not con veniently roach onr Trenton office. Consultation and examination free. Wo do not use drops. Hours ** * m to tir m riturstlays Old Eyes Made Young ami young eves that arc all’eoted or diseased ean l>e corrected hv our ( r > |kt titling glasses. IF YOU IIAVK headaches, a feeling of sand or .-ticks in the eves, drowsino's when reading, nervous headaches, a blurring mist Iteforo the eves, ami the print running together when reading,you should consult u> at once before it gets too late. We make a specialty of the follow ing eases : IIy pt*i‘tiii'lro|>itl. Mtu|iU, \ sthenopla. I*re<* ItyoplM. simple atul I oitipoun«l A*t igntittiMii ami Muscular Incoordination. Come and have your eyes treated Nime*—Oar nsw Optical Piu-ton tnat lio U». K State st Wt» have left >t.'lie unturn ed I•> have the finest equipped Opth-al Parlor' in the country and. ne will U- pleased to ha'«• our friends and patients visit ik and examine our line «>f Optical iloods NY S H MlllINliTON A ( O Kycsi^ht Speciali-t lIoui«‘ Oflhv lit-T State St .Trenton. N .1 \ TISTIMOMAI I'" \N h.>m 11 May Ton, khn After trying optieian* Krll> . Kvesitfht Spiviallst yyo lire Kltitl to *a> that the) It Wo i lum to Ih» a KKO'I ONI: OF Ol K MAW SA1lSfr'lFI> V.\ 1 11 N I's I \ I YMHKllTY I l .l K. I.AXttl HTVU.I.K, JtllV, lb. for if'- \\itIt hut fair suooeas no were a<li isnl to ^o to l>r H ,1 Alt' • ||||{ to Inill mul liHMia; our te*t«nl m>i<I k’lns>o> fitt.^i, Iwin. proven very satisfactory, ami lie i> all that he eiamieil t master of hi* profession MK ami MliS C H \ Wl.Oi: Hnntcrdoo Comity Orphans’ Court of June ttrtccntli, L D„ iinifitecu linndred and three. I‘r» -i III >loi|N I. I'tiNNKI . lii iIm- iiiHlicr <>( flu* H|i|>li«'Htion «>f Kim.' ihirkt\ n. Inmost rut or of ilt oro l.orr itiVl'nm'il for onh*r l** wit Iu'hI L*tnl«• to i\ A,U> litilr to Show Inmi. lUirkc. lolumu-'tmtor of iirorur Lon* ilri i-HM'ii, liHvinir irntilt4 unit rxhihiitMi to this < mitt, un-ln oh I li i h ju>i mut trim n.vounf of I In1 f»rr*0|lHl t'slutt* iiiul lirhtd »• f I hr Mill! ilo* i i'etlriit n* f«r its «nn itisoovrr flu* ahiiuv |.v U hit'll ll Jll'tHstrn flint flu* }>< I*oum1 tiolHtr of i ||||- Mtiil ili-ri'itfllt |!> illMllPi'li'lil til 1»I»> .trhts . whrmi|M>u on H|i|»h(*nlton »»f flu* unlit Iaah.' 1 Iturkr, nilaitiiitirHtor of thr aho! th'oryr l,orr ilivniM .1, M’llliiij forth llwit fhr itnid OiHirifr l.oro. iflttl M'in'.l of limit K.strttr situate III lh« I onw>hi|i i»t ItoUitiul. lii thr i omit) of Hun it ntoii. utiil |iiii)iiiK tho hi*! of t lii» t'ourt in I hr lirrtlll^i*!*. If 1* or.lrrr.l hi flu I'oiirt flint nil 1m iMiiis interest mt in thr hunts. Irlirlllrlit * III rrilltHUirllth Hlltllh nl I aIaIi-wIm I'rof flu- vn|.| tiroryr Lon* ttir.l in i.-r«h tto ni'inur h« fore Ihint oun "U Tu**»iIh> fhr ttr**l tfi*> of h«i|k> ftinhrr, I*.*vi, m flu it no of A|.rtl, i*»vl to show i itl»**r. If nil) they liHtr wh) so mu. h of flu lit*nl r.i'tHfr whereof thr sHl.t tleorwe l«on illr.t nrl/r.l in nfon ahI.I. A llOil hi not In sohl its Ullllii1 HllPii Ifllt fO |IH) llih |||>|||!I or HlO Mil till, thoroof ha the . n>r mn\ hMUiM. Hint II is forthrr oritorotl I hit I this llofl«*« hr lUthhsho.i in Thr UiuWrtvitk ILvor.t for >i\ Hreknin. i I'l nUel) , mil) dim) tnir * • »|*lt■> thrfrof ll|> ha t hr Ia w .lire* I a Ihtiir in o|K*n l oort Hint -t.itt-t >urr.i*/Hir'A Other Join is uAt I At i. A Ijl I I \ SiiiltitiHlr nlnl I l« l k of fh< lltiiiii r.h'U t oiioi> Ori'lino* « otiri O t III At'HVI tl i I r.KlOl fill A.IlllilllAllHlOi .him* tT llMt »>» LAW (UHi k dh Ol.l \' Kll 1 HI.At K U I I I |lrl •<l*tt * l.«ObllA lu«l t.'l»lr ( oth klloilM I '.HU e) Min Hit. IllBiirHO. r (Hit. II If 11 M> I A NII I MON Nl> . LAMULIU VII.l h , N .1 OASTORIA. Bmm Uw *»• W*>fS rr G&tffnZu DswiH’s r.r.r s»i*« For PNm. Bum. Hero*. CLOSSON’S Soda W ater Oin fountain is now open for tin* season, anti we art pit paietl t*> furnish as i-orreel an uttnle as « an Ik* loun.l W t use i *nl\ tlu puri st ami | < lust tnaUtiak obtainable. ami thspense them with neatness ami thsput* h Ice Cream Soda 5c. E W CI.OSSON. t'oi Maid an,I l'!uu« h Siu-n-.. 1 .AMumn n i r, N I l i < ru n. u. , «i. lull. . .»mi»>uii.U..t .Dr. David :eni( SldVi > hltiinl for the season ami ri*i'«u<*‘1 it tnv«le«l. |i\ hotikKh A SriNYsMiv 1 ulcphouo ewll, 3. Now Hope p* “ta.u * Early Risara Thu Umout littt*. iHU. tczema How it reddens the skin, itches, oozes, dries and scales! Some people call it tetter, milk crust or salt rheum. The suffering from it is sometimes in tense; local applications are resorted to— they mitigate, hut cannot cure. It proceeds from humors inherited or ac quired and j**rsists until these have been removed. Hood’s Sarsaparilla I .“itively removes them, ha* radically and j**riua»ently cured the w-.r-t cases, and is without an equal for a:I cutaneous eruptions.___ ilooi- - Pills are the best caibartu i*. u-e. cduu THE MARKETS. Earn t>ertviUe. Aug is, l**e. TRICES OF GRAIN corrected every Wed nesday l»y F F REAR, dealer in Grain, Flour, Feed, Ac. PRICES OF PRODUCE. Ac , by CONOVER A CONOVER, dealers in Dry Goods and Gro Roller Patent -Gold Medal . .$■! Roller Patent Diamond. iw Roller Flour White Satin. *50 Rye Flour. * Ruck wheat Flour. * (-» Wheat * bushel Buckwheat... 1- ■ Corn. White Oat-* new Flax Seed new. 1 *11 Plaster. 100 n>s . **> Onions. V bushel. ■Potatoes. s** Shellbarks *5 Winter Beans V bushel . 1 Dried Apples R>.. . 5 Butter (good) Butter (poor).. i* Cheese . >3 11am. lo Shoulder . * Pickled Pork. t> Beeswax ^ Fresh Veal. .. * Fresh Beef (side). **§» H Small Pork (side). *j Honey. ua« 14 Flax. I«ai5 New Lard . 1* Dried Beef . *4 Eggs %J dozen. « Chickens, dressed, * . — H Turkey* .......... *4 HOLCOMBE'S MUSIC HOUSE, HU X. VXIOX STREET, I,AMBERTVII.LE, X. J. Mathnslick aiul Trowbridge Pianos. Mason \ Hamlin, Estey and Car penter Organa. Edison Phonographs ami Records HAIU.AINS IN St( IIMl IIAMlUi I'll MIS AMI ORGANS: J 1 Frw» Bridge Piano, cost new, ♦•***. now i-' 1 E-tey Organ, 1M, 3J» 1 Baker Organ. " * -**. Sterling Organ. " U*>. “ 1 Beethoven Organ, ” “ 90. " ‘A> ! Prince Organ, “ “ These Organs havi good condition. l*et-n rebuilt an i are in Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. By xiriue of an Order of tbe Court of Chan* eery, dated the J»*ih day of May. Itatf.made in a certain cause wherein Walter F Hayburst Guardian of Bridget Cunningham. a lunatic l- Complainant and Sarah Sweeney, et al ar.- defendant-, tlie anBacriWr will -ell at Public Sale on the Premises# along Brunswick \ venue ill the City .*f lamWrtwlB-. N J .on Saturday. Augu.-t J,*n 1 l.«H,at * > .-hvkin tt»e afternoon the follow mg descriWi property d Bridget Cunningham, lunatic : No I facaat lot on south side of Swan (’reek and extending aero-- the same to the B k Rood being the how tw.. lots conveyed to Michael Cunningham By .Ioanna Cannod> Bv deed recorded in Book IV. .»f Peed*. J*age -VT for Hunterdon County No Vacant l.- ? •**>feet fr nt on Bran.— wick Avenue extending !*ack uW.ut IT*, feet Wing same lot conveye«l to Michael Cunning ham By Executor • >! l •meliu- Arnett By Peed dated Starch is. isss and recorded in Bo.-k >r. of Peed. l«age {-*|. A c No f'rann Pwt iling and Lot feet front "U Brunswick Avenue and about !> feet deep. Wing part "f lot conveyed t Michael Cunning ham B. the Vhuini'trat.'i .f < harles s. Nay lor. By deed duly recorded in Book 140of Peed l«ge >1. Ac N<» \ stom Pw. liiiig and i.-t %S feet front on Brunswick Avenue and about l!<0 feet deep Wing also a part lot conveyedto Michael Cun ningham By the Administrator of Charle- s Naylor By deed rec* -rd*-d in t-*- • k ’ lOof Peed l»age ?st. A All of said land Wing the same premises . on ' eyed and intended to Be conveyed to Bridget Cunningham By Sarah Sweeney and buskii t By de.-d duly re. r led in the Clerk's Office of the County ..f Hunterdon in Book ■„*«: of Deeds on page for said County Hi. Pot- Will Be sold together or sej^rale ns may W found Wst WALTER F HAY HURST Guardian 0. I. BLACKWELL. Law- and Real Estate, 04 Fit I in New lUnk ltuildiug. Bl tlo**r . 1 \ >1 111 KT> 1I.1.K. N J For Rent or Sale Honse and I*m -l a. re sale price. *-• Por Sale Farm-, from £5 to *19 acres—Wat ed m Raritan. Antvell. Kinguood and Dela ware township-. Hunter Ion Co Priors right and on easy terms For Sale in UuiB rn die - ' • Clinton St . frame house. T N Union St . Brick house T r.ew Mail, sr Brick house - r.»ui- cheap Buttonwood st . Brick house. #. room- cheap For Sale in Stockton — - frame house—one having Bakery aita^ L. 1 Fixtures will In* sold also to right thirty For Sale. Hotel properties N desirable stand*. on msv term- located in Hunterdon County. N J and bucks and Nortlianii ton i ...m. - Pa.. Alwav- have c.xxl mortgages ,.n hand for parties seeking mx esiuieut Rate of Interest »• per cent on mount- f IkiVasi! ie For Trade Farm for i'ity property :-v*ux. DAUCET’S ADTEBflSMEITS PATENTS Protect your Ideas Con sultation free Fee de pendent on success L>: Mu H Stivers A <*' ** *ihst Washington. P 1 PARKER'S _ HAIR BALSAM OoAHm.-* *Th1 Sri>V « u« *mJt lv!v«Ck.«M I f~. TtL yv. • W virxy lUir to its T.'uli^. Oojot CWt* MT j <r**> A * k • fcv. A.C • . v « 1 v »k««hca™r"h In *11 Us MAtfv'* kn s cm a i «u IhvaK it)«* un in Ur* nr h r uivs .*t*rrh *«•. .InHr* ***\ * »*\'hl in tho «m*.i *m». kh » *•'»»»» > UUm*! into ihr i»As lriK, »\***a« ow u»v ui«<inlM*nr *i«a i lirlirt t» tuinu .liAic *»a * c-utv , . B mmm 11 1* n.'i drjciitt .kw j\r\x^u.v sn*-< c»h». \ AT^.'Sisr V \yi »i lVu»£ >!' '*r «'H (NhiI l>v*l nUn>, !«* «v»n hy msI *'*' iuuu ti* l;> v .\«rrrusi v» COLD'S HEAD CAATpnt. Wntw *1* * *n« Ki« 5a«N >* I* l« *« vs»ts