Newspaper Page Text
**:' ■. m i JULY 20. 1904. J Ml: ri.T.slhl.M O'l M W V *FIK I mi; YJ< I l*i:i >11 'I N l • >| I S 111 l \ A Expediting Criminal Justice lud c (ins,.ill. in call in ■ a -special session id tin* court in litirlin^ton < ’.*!iiit \ in try tin* uo^roes who cum in it ted a nameless crime in tlmt county, falls under the censure of (loveriior iVimy packer, of Pennsylvania, who - i\ - tlmt tlic New Jersey jud«p* erred rind compromised tee dmuit\ of lie court. .1 u d :rc (i.iskill's action was n-d prompted 1»v a i:nd» inspiration. The diiMiit v nf tin* law is more cn d inhere I l»v tin* law’s d avs than hy any extra judicial course tlmt an ciicrectic court can take. The fault of the operation i f our criminal law lies in delay. It is that tlmt provokes lynching-'. The pu n ishinent • Inmld lit the crime and it should also follow swiftly upon the heels of crime to have it a di- di e I deterrent ell'* ’t. II i« proper also that tin.nit • I»• • • 11• 1 re i is I public sentiment in eases of <*i ini* of a ii it lire so outrage oils ami revolting Hi it w'.i do canities an* aroused to feelings of vengeance It is the business of the e .nits to at tend to siieh eases with promptness in order to satisfy the demands of justie * mi I allay tin* public anger. It is not uncommon for judges in civil eases to hold special sessions in order t > get early decisions. Why not. the Maim* diligence in criminal Cases that are of a heinous nature and that threatenthe public pence? Newark Advertiser. It should not be forgotten that the llepublh in pl.itloiin I enougb loi all the people of the I nited States to stand on and strong enough to hold them up President Roosevelt and the Coal Strike M i I ion < \ ell . i m ol d ol j»• • itl\ • achievement i astonishing, and the people rmngni/eit. I lies held their Im itli when he summoned to his pics mu r the waling ro il magnates and laboi magnates, whose si llish lighting had brought gieat mmmtinities t. the verge ol want ami prepared i series o| sot i il and polite al explosions .1 elianre spaik would set oil lie told tin public enetnti s th it. limlei thf (’on .I itulion and the I iws, lie « mild n< >t n t i .III, i 111 \ toward them. Init that, aimed with his moral respi *n .ihilitv a > tin tec- li*i the pnhlii it l.nge, he had a light to insist that they must not goad innocent people to madness b\ depriv hi:1, them i*l a necessity ol hi**, but must go and mine coal and submit then dill* lent« -• to an impartial, it mi • Ih* id ti I he\ both crumbled, but tlx \ boll i \ ie It lei I. I hat event in n I i t I i tin nine, | H >lnt in i nil hlstoi y, ant I we * * \ i il to N11 Km>se\ ellN « < mi iv.f and 111 o.t lli slmess 11 was i Cleat ami li: one sense ill mine* essaI \. ii*.k lo I do- lint he took it, art otn phshe.l his end, demolish.'ted the l.n I th il the inoi d i ights ol the wlittle people are not Ibrevei to be held ill abeyance while oigani/ed capital ami m mi. 1 .1 labor go through one of llieii |" i lows, c uising widespread loss, damage, and sniffling. of which l.ut both pallies to the tjiiariel appeal it* hf utiei|\ oblivious t hose petson^ who an loud ol contrasting President (’lev eland's action in refnence to flu t 'lu< ago -ti ikes ami riots ol i S<> | w ith Pic .idenl Koosevelt's U lion in lefeleiu t to the coal stl ikes and I iots of might like It* know what Mi (' thought "I Mi kot>st*velt's at lion and what lie said to him about u l ion I Ik <*<I*»i. ko.*.fVt It as a I*ii sidfnli t ( 'mdldatt I*\ i 1 )elegate to the .Nat uni il kepublii an ('oiiwnti*»n, in tlu “Aninit ,m Monthly Kev iew ol kev ic\v It >i 1111 \ till- Ki- is mm h slid in tin' I him * fi lth iihl independent papeis about tin Ih >|i es|\ »>1 Judge I \ll kei, tin 1 >fin*»• i rli* nominee lor the presi • I* ih \. I* *. in . • ol his tlisp it* h to the I > III *1 * III* • t It lltllll: his nitiih v view- Pul it would seem that tli h >n< l\ i .mu' Lilt*, I It* lus been importune.I loi months to speak on the siihj-a t Imt preserved a sphinx hk • silcm until through tin* repre - lit uioi. ol I > ivnl I’ Mill In* remises tin’ nomination Then hr speaks anil pine; tin* convention in a position where it « an do nothin ■„ else hut en dorse Imn ami secures i reputation loi honesty It verv mm h lesemhles a huneo game. It Win. I I try an wouhl not “stand f"i a gold plunk,” how ran he stand for a candidate who comes out flat feted fur gold? It cost the people of Imgluinl the pretty penny of two millions of dol lars to |• iit their present king and queen on the throne, when there was no op position. IxnetIy wluit it costs to elect a President of the I’nited States no fellow knows. A Robin's Queer Trick. While the wash of Mrs. M. Hoov er, of Xewville, near Carlisle, l*u., wus tlrving on the lawn on Friday n iohm picked up u handkerchief and curried it into its nest, nearly a mill1 uwav. The woman’s husband recov ered tin- I * 11 of linen ami placed it again on the lawn. An hour later the bird again stole the handkerchief and hid it so effectually that it eauuot be found. OASTOniA. Bears the Kind Yutl Haw Always Bought BALTIMORE AGAIN AFIRE? l icit Killing foullugralion IJoproiliirril In >Iin ill nr* Mo*l («rn|iliif‘iill> W mil ml. < mu \ l-l:iml. \ SOX I I I X IS X Ml M ill S is. N<• w Voik, July 11*. I’ll.* -rout l»al timoic* tin* \v11ii■ 11 laid to wadi* acres of city blocks, destroying inillioiiH <d | dollarn of valuable |»r*y and tlirowino out of work thousands of people, has been ma il* the - uIof a theatrical production and i a new feature of entertainment at Dream land. Coney Island. No eatastrophy since the Chicago fire of years u;o> aroused public in terest and sympathy to the extent that did tin* Hall iuiorc lire. In two days! the entire business section was hud bale by the M imes and to prevent the lire from entirely x\ ipin" out the eit x dynamite was used to ra/.e buildim.** and day tin* pro^ri*; s of the flames. 1 lie Ihillimore lire is reproduced jit Dreamland mo d graphically. I In* city is seen in peaceful slumber tin* ii 1:;111 prior to tin* breaking out of the Maine and tie* identical buildm r m which the tiro started is shown. Plumes rise from lids building in the heart of the city and the alarm is sounded. PilLpto rush to the ceiie of the tire and as the eontlaurati.m in creases the lire departments from Washington, Philadelphia and nearbv cities arrive to aid the local depot nient. The New Y t k tire de: ntnnoit is called upon for assistance and its arrival by train at the P*altitiiora* au«l Ohio depot is shown ns tin- eontPi -ration reaches its height I; be history of tin4 lire is t * * l * l i n ■ * -1 interestingly and all points of interest are pointed out at evorv stave of the lire. The submarine boat “Moccasin" has been making many voyages with passeii^'iu s to the delight «»t those fond of veiiturinv into unexplored places. Timid people have no fear when they find the opening at tin* top has been screwed down, for they are assure 1 before entering of the perfect sab-t v of tin* boat and of the oxperi once of tho men who handle it. On lookers follow its course bv keepiu r their eye- on the llavp“le on top of the boat w hich remains above water. bathing bv niu'ht is soon to be a new fontu re at I beamhunl ami to that end ariaiioemout- have been made to open tli" beach this week. JYom each of tin* stakes in the water stream era of electric lights will run making the bat hill"' section as bright as da v. I tun K«'i n> '« . In a Hole mi Samuel I smvn e’s pnr | t,ait nf I !. i lo ray 1 hut represent ill# ; til.* novelist's hi full tin* lihis |rated I .ni,doll News of net. Id, Is.m. sax s •It is not. we must confess, alto gether true to his present appearance, for it wants a recent and becoming j addition to tfio upper lip in the shape of a blink m list a el ie that eontrasts uiosi admirably with a lead of silver gray, hut il is like the man and wid he weleouio to his many admirers." M ho reforeneo here to tin* nmsiaeho is interesting for the reason that every portrait of Thaekoray, with one oxeep lion, represents him with a oloan shaven upper lip, the exception being M i' Use's peiieil draw ing of the famous " l ilmar Mi." wliieli, however, belongs to a mueh earlier dale viz, about IS |o and in w liieli there Is just a Hiispjeion of a imistaehe. Presumably the hif iile appendage of IV,., was merely a passing fan .,, wliieli Iho ra fir * poedily disposed of Notes and (pieces. A f IRLLfc SS WORKER. 'I hr tin r\elotiN guriui llml Wiin n I’m »•! «>l Xliietl II In y . No life was ever lived at higher pros sine than th..t of .\la*aulay lb* was not only ' like a book in biveehos," as Sidney Smith aid ol him; lie was also like an intclleotual steam engine. 11 is thirst lor knowledge was only equaled hy liis ama/.im eapaeily for retaining know led: e and b\ Ins | ■ ioiiale inter est iii all the aspiels of life. "I wish 1 knew as mueh of anything as M.i ealtla.x know m| everything. said Mel bourne, and. though the epigram may ha \ e been ilitemh d is a gibe, it up proximal* d |o the liulh. To the aver age < I it 11:11 * 1 "i the world il must have seemed that this tempe luoiis mail was j literally omniseieiil. lie plunged into Italian like a boy rejoicing. Ill a new toy; he took up Spanish with an appe tite glowing by wlial il led on, and then lie returned to «I reek w ith a joy whieh lie found indeserlhable. He timused Idmself in going to India by learning Herman and mitigated the dis tress of a voyage aeross to Ireland by eomtnitting "Paradise boM" to mem ory. claiming. doubtless with truth, that if by any imvuceix able mischance the great epic were to he utterly de stroyed he eoiild from the tablets of Ids memory give it hack lo the world. I oialoii N w s Kill'll* I I 1*1 \ «*t M *• | li | t I I. I I < i > .i 111 Halm is of I" mclil t«» th.v.o sul I« i - from nasal . atari h who ramml tnh:ih* 11111r>>11 li the ii'isi*. Hut must IivjiI tli«*m I'hi'i li> spruyim; l.uiuM t i.\tm Halm <111 t< r- m form. I»ut not alh I'rom tin* (• am Halm that has stoo.l lor years at tin* in .'iil oi rrmoihos |nr catarrh. It mas use.I mi am nasal atomi . r I'lm prieo. in. lu.lm ; a spr.ivuu; till*.*, is 7 » * ts Soi l l.y .Ini : isfs amI mai'f'l *»> I*I> Hroih«*is. t. Warron sir«-. t Now \ oi l*. W lu»n a in nil paints I lie tow n rod tin* tlio color is all polio the next niorninp except the dark drow n taste in his nioiit It. \>. il* ll. :n i ... are enlist'd h\ iudipestion. It you oat i little too much, or if you are subject to attacks of iudipestion, the stomach • x | finals swells, and pull’s up apninst the heart This crowds the heart and shortens tin* breath. liiipid heart heats and heart disease is the Until re suit kodol bvspopsiu (hire dipests what von eat, taken the strain oil’ the heart, cures iudipestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, and contributes nour ishment, strength to every orpnn id the liody. Sold by all drup pints. Sometimes the most expensive thinps are those that are presented to us children, for instance. CASTOR IA For Infants ami Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Get Rid Oa Scrofula Hunches, eruptions, inflammation-, -re ness of the eyelids and ear-. 1. • ■ • of the bones, ticket , <!;. pep ia < rrh, wa ting, are only some of the trouble , it causes. It i a very a* tive evil, making havoc of the whole system. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Kradicai- - it, cures all its manifestations, and builds up the whole system. Accept no substitute. The freight engine ami ears etieiii' (si in tlie frnflie of Ihis roimtrv wmilil make a si i in. mile Ion - I he nil! that \\ ill. .rill till tie hUI Wit limit ;i .:ri |'e. 1 • • 1. 11 • i he !i\ ■ i -a il limit a • jinvi-r Tii Ue mn* a I nia ht I >e\Vitt Little I irly l!i ei are mall easy to Like, e.i-v ami entle in ell'cet. \ et they are <> e -rLiin in nnits that IIn one wil l il < them i di- a|Miiuteil. For <|tnek relief jrim Lillion-ness, nick headache, torpid livei, jaundice, d i/./iiiessand all tmuhles arising from an inactive. ■ hm i h liver, Far l \ llisei a i e Uliei|iia lied. Sold l>\ all drtiu'LriHh . /// ■/'/ rr/> i:.\ l / .v Z'n .1 i l I X l ie r/ry I'in l\ / rnttrf, A mminf Imp i ’ > ■ i U i Shrim , < III .11 1 i ".III 'I til' Imp: I i.ll ( 'lllllll il. Onlei Myslic i ii" . at Ail intic (.'tty, July i ; r * i lii - I’ennsyU inia Kail road (.'nmp tny w ill il round trip t n I. eta from st iti<ms up",t of I t.nvninglowii and Avmid lie. nnltli ■ 0 Parker l ord, south nl N v uk, Ml, and Porter. I tel., and no! ill and i 1 ! ol I ietilon, Windsor, and l oins Kirn, ,\ J . to Atlantic ( its . |ul\ i I and Igood returning until lull ■ inc lusive, at rate ol .in I fare l a the round tup. plus $i,o . I . a stop ovei privilege; and furtliel paltieul n i ■ Hi lilt tic hel agents. what The Earth Produces. The earth ha - muni -hid us through un known ages of human i \i-fence Is it not true that the e arth supplies ti with eveiy lllillg that we really leejuire l"t <\ jute. nr. ? Flavi you < vn thought that it is pn.liable that the earth supplie s us with tin in* aits to ke e p out bodily vigeir, out Ilealth. if we only km w it ‘ Tlte annuals know by in stinct what is good fen them and will search until they Find in some plant what they ner«l f.a com ctiug itulige stion or constipa tion, dr. I- it. the refore, not possible- that thene- are root*, aid herbs supplied by nature which will e lite tile ill •' asi i that alilie t human kind ■* T hut r- why 1 >r 1‘ieic* . <>t Hu Halo N A- has such faith in his Med ical I)isco\cry." Y< tts age> n hen li • \\as in gcm-ial and active pineticr, lie found that a combination >*f entain lieihs and roots made int<> ,ni alleiative extract. with out the use .'i alcohol, won I j put the- slotu.ieh into a In altliy eonclitiou, nour ish Hu tissue • feed tl b »d md nervea and pul healthy tom- into the whole system. In. 1'ietvr's ('.olden Medical I>i->ce*vcry restores Hie b**‘t It' * ti bv euring disease s of tin stomach ami olhe-i organs of digestion ami nutrition and enabling the p'ltVct di gestion and assimilation oi lood fiom which lie sh ami die ngtli an made ”1 we. nil nm down, vnv in r* ni•; and suf ie-icel 11• 11111!y from -immu h Io iiM. which the elortois pronounced imihm—t i<*n " v uu • Mrs. Will Morey, i I Matshull, Mi- li I - -ctnteel foi i \ in wit he ni pe i mntii nt relied H as ad vised f>v a fricilel to tl \ l r I'l.ici ' . ■! li 11 Med h at Iiisi ovci v. and *rv tin u • 1 tun.- t>ottles 1 WHS cure-el I can lu-mlil) rn a imcnd the e'.olditi Medical Miscovfiv I . m\ a utter ing from stomach tiembh My husband whs also gicallv benefited by its use " To gain knowledge of yoiit own body—in sickue-'. and health se nd bn the- IYonlt-’a Common Sense Meelical Advise i A book of ioo8 pages Semi 21 cents in stamps for napci - covered, m, p stamps foi cloth oomid copy. A del less lb k \’ Pierce, 66.1 Main Slice t. ihill.tlo A A' Carriages (Complete Assortmerit Yet mi 1 land. w II.I. i l.i si \ l Moderate Triers Hoi; rnis shakos ; stock M VHIilir \\ AMINS ON HAM'. Ill I Nor MAW ' ''in- i ii. I . ii - •mi " we i m I in \ r ru"i > l ea.Is \s lien vou \\ anl i liem noni: nrm:i.\ HA NDA A AYS', si ivron v i*» NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I’.S mi .1 I v \ u ('msi- ip i' r i \si it 1*111U: i III I.' tile •‘1-1.1 I * 1111 A (,Ille< II Sun -":ate "I On < ii m \ . - I 11 uni. i, I - ■)). ina-l • mi I h<- t \\ .'III Ii -io . d dills. \ I ‘ mir thousand niii*- hundred an.I tour, lustier i» herein- pis in f.i all i». • r "ti- has um rlaim* auaunt the . (ale ..i W t‘les.•m:.,r. Int.• i»I the (’.'iiufs <d Hunter.ion. 'In. .a-, i. i>> l»l*f''fHt tho s'iiih'. un*l. r «iafh or aItirmalion. fo the sul'seriher, - \. , 1.1 i o| * ■ I den i - ■ - i within mil'- month. I'rmii lie- <lalr “I aid order : ami anv m-p leet iin: to hniur in and e\h11'iI In • or It. i . lain, uuid.-r .»alti or aiVmiialion\ within the Him- limited, ssill I*f tores, r I'.iir. d <>: In- . i ln-r aetion therefor a-aiiid the '■aid e\rellt<*r Hated .Inis iv. \ I» i-ni rn\N \i;i» W ( I.I'SM >\. I \- < utor I I nl-el f s die \ I \ 1 » \ N I • 1 -V l‘l • I .inis r:. l'.\ s nl nr ol an - i lei I t! Orphan I’ouri .•t the (.Minis ->t 1111UT • 1'lotl. made oil lei S. tool. the siihserih* r will <11 at I ul-lie Sale on the Dri ini'-'at tli>- eoriu i- .1 ( liui. h SI reel and (i.irJ.ii \ ' \ nlaiid.rtsdle \e\S .1. I" X r Friday, July 29. 190-1, at t w o o'.-lot'k in ill. a 111'Vii- >. 111. ill.- tallow ill-; ll.Ttl 1' !ai.-oi wlu.-li Martha Mali. ■•on. lat. o| I atnhorf \ ill.-, -ln-.l -a .-.l to wn I In- I’.n. K l'w.-lhn I Ion -«•a ml I..-: >■! I.aml tronim aliotit i-nt•m-h l.-.-t nim- im-ln • on i Imii'li Sir.rt. m l I'Muidiir; -oiiilu-rl' alon lioi'l-.n Vil- \ hi ia ht\-tw>. I. . t to thr north ^t lo oi a i. n loot .,11. \. .ml Known ,• i•• \• > i.i lint -Ii si i. . f ( '.unlition-, wol 1m in,. 1.• Known --n .la\ ■ ! salo I. v rour.r.i;i nu;\r.u.. ‘■'ill.-1 it nt ■ I V in a 11,. • -t • Mi'! i Mtti so||. .I, . ,| \ I* AM >1 list )\. I’lo-tor .In no 1 -M TAKK NOTICK! I'hat tlm tnan.i: • is oj Mount II j>. t'.-m.-t. iw A-'-n-iati.<n ufo -l.i.imim-l t • ptv\ ni tin stoalinn >»r s|.oilinp of tlo\\«-rs \ -. , ami ro .•••|>!ioh-s tor tlow.-fs, ami tin* lavaKim ot or naumnt . or am spoliation <>( tln> vroumis of tin* < .'tUi'trtw . tha! h:»\.• 1 • . n s* t a*i>h» for a sucro.l u • . all .<t wh. h i. tri.tly pro hihit«*<l Tlmy will :im a tv war* l i-T tin* ari. st ami , oonvutnui of au> op. tn 11y ot ihf violation j of tIn* .'.'tin tor\ ml. s ami r>- 'illation l’.\ or,h r ot tin* lahMilMM MAWi.lh. Lumhcrtvilh N I May l>» hum tt I Hot Weather Comfort. Ladies or (ient lemon will find our stock Ol I a ollilUo (roods ill top Ilf if ell. Hear in mind we have no old stock to v"i I' * 'll everyilung is new and up to date and our aim always is L* -it' liow la* | we can serve you in style and rpiality. Our Men’s Furnishings arc* offered in '•'"di'leneo to (In' tinist di-ci'imiii:itiiitr Imvcrs. We arc selling a many “LION I’.ltANI) ” COM.A ICS. Why? Localise •I" ' aio cut so they do not milock in fronl and arc treated in laim •l*'i i" ' "dli “anil aipia (patented) process. They do not will u In n new. Oin -hirl slock has no eipial in Hunterdon ('o. Oor i' 'I ihint; in Hosiery, and so all lliroiii'li the stock. Ladies’ Furnishings arc* on a par with m o \\ c cordially invite an inspection and comparison. Hemomhor ours is 1In* eoolc*st store* in f'ov n. mi Imp Imre in comfort regardless of the temperature. \\ r \\ mi -nine of voiii 1 r.ule. S. A. FINGER, Agt. THE GREAT JULY Clothing and Hat Sale IS IN FULL SWING. (in al value- air being nll'ered : in fuel, every Straw Mat and I line of ( lulliiii" i~ rrallv tendered vmi al prices ahnut half of wlial the ci hi ral run of store- usually ash. It’s a great chance fni mu In lr t our incl hod and goods. A n eflicient force of clerks will lie al vour -ervice. All we ask is if you arrive when all hands nrc so Inisv that immediate attention cannot he given you, kindly .make yourself al home and inspect our oll'erings while you’re waiting. During tho Sale Boys' Wash Knee Pants 10c. T ghi:i;n STAMPS 4.1 \ I N. Fred’k W. Donnelly OPTRA HOUSE STORES, S. BROAD STREET, M l MI’S TRFNTON.N. J ( ’.-iiihtI iiil' with II, A. I >•»i»nt* 11 \ I j Harvest Season is Almost Here We’re prepared for it, too, With a Full Line of harvesting Tools MV have a line labor and hay saving devitv this \ear, i died the "Ney” hay carrier. Works on a steel track, don’t cost much, gives no bother and is sure to give satisfaction. Harpoon and grappling links, pulley blocks and hay rope all go with it to complete the i Hit lit l or the cutting and curing in the field, we've the McCormick A Walter Wood mowers, Tiger cV Thomas ted der-., Ohio, Tiger ,Sr Mi .ml tikes,— all machines with a standard reputa tion loi c jri i 11 ly and good work. Scythes, snathes, sickles, machine nils, Manilla, sisal and cotton rope and hinder twine everything that is neces saiv iluring harvest season. A few Planet, Jr., Standard and Twentieth Century riding cultivators are still left, but will lie closed out at reduced prices. I i the plant and vegetable deslrovers we've insecticides and bug killers a plenty. 1 leu's a few i>l the best: Pans green, slug shot, hellebore, Persian powder, bug death. I’.ettei ow some ol the following seeds now ; it will pay big later: Mangel Wurt/el, lus ts, beans, peas, melons, squash, sweet corn, fodder corn, Millet tnd Hungarian crass Also, emv peas; they’re great for soil enriching and stock feeding. Kverything for tlu> Farm and Garden. C. RIBSAM & SON, Cornpr llrnud and Front Sts., tend lor Catalogue TRENTON, N. J. FOLKNER & RITTENHOuSE, 16 Union Street, Special Hourly Sales. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, July 20th. 21st and 22d. These g,««ls a, Ihese sgeeisl griees will only he sehl at .he I,ears advertised. Don’t blame us it you come too late to secure certain aitulcs at tin Ui 1UL I Wednesday, July 20. From 9 to 10 O’clock. A. M. Best 5c Spool Cotton, 2 spools tor sc, not more than 4 spool . to a buy 1. 51 ax>1 Percale or Mercerized Shepherd Plaid Shirt Waists tot 51 "■ cat ’■ 25c Ladies’ Fancy Collars for 10c each, toe washable Colored Lawns at 5c yard. 4c box Jet Head Mourning Pius, tc a box. From 3 to 4 O’clock. P. M. I2jjc Children’s Tan Hose, 7c pair. 12 1 c Rubber Grip Side Hose Supporters, all sizes, 7c pan. 50c Men’s French rndcrshirts or Drawers, 35c garment. Men’s Black Mercerized Socks, worth iSc pair, tor n>c pan. Best Pins, full count, worth Sc paper, tor 4c paper. Thursday, July 21. From 9 to 10 A. M. 4c Black or White Hat Llastie, ic yard. Lace Hose for women, worth 50c a pair, tor 25c a pair. 50c Silk or Leather Belts, 25c each. ye skeins of the best I Cm broidery Silk, 2 tor ye. One dozen Mohair five-quarter Tubulai Shoe Laces tor 4c dozen. From 3 to 4 O’clock, P. M. Three big rolls ye Toilet Paper for 10c. iSe Colored \\ ashable (ioods for n >e yank Best 7c .Standard Calicos for 4 He a yard. Men's 2yc Balbriggan Undershirts or Drawers, iSc garment. Palm Leaf Pans, good quality, ye a dozen. i2‘>c Russian Duck, for Skirts or Dresses, 7c yard. Friday, July 22. From <> to 10 O’clock, A. Tl. 4e s|mhm I »M1 lilliiT t «• 11 • • 11 h •'pool; not IllolV Hum four spools to « hil Vfl *1 ou I Julies’ \\ i'Mppel's foi t.7« t :u h » « 1 hi iniii .'I ii n i mi • * * i i j i ■« 1.n Special Press Shields I'm- 7c pail tiiHiil Turkish Wash Cloths, 2e each. Prom 3 to 4 O clock, P. M. Iluck Towels, w111"111 i . . sj/t '0\h», for Hu each Ladle .' («au «• h’ii'hed Vr^-ls f«»r V raeh. Men's or !iov.-’ ? *> Shu I- fur 1 • Wc for Mercerized Double Damask, on inehes \\ ide, for .'*>(• yard. I,men Damask Napkins, worth -I n dozen. lor fl.nn per dozen. UU- Cannot till Cclcpbonc Orbcta at Cbcoc Pricca. In order to ^et the tmoils at the Special Prices, it will be necessary I'm YOU to Visit the Store. Store Opens at 7.30 A. M. Store closes at 6 o'clock, P. M„ except Saturdays, or II MOTTO-" 11 KM AIM MTV.” EOLKNEk & RITTENHOUSE. STOCKTON’S | Quick Lunch Cafe No. 2 North Union St., i.amkkktviuj:, n. j. I^CRANE’S ICE CREAM ! '! * ! I' • S • * \' Vl • S«S * S» V ’ >\ Vi I) T’ C f A "I * I •V S ! i i I. i < < > \ i 11 11 IS M jiiiiAu I i . Steaks, ('Imps, Are., Oysters, ( lams, Clam Chowder, I hiked I lea ns, Ham, Tongue, Fish (lakes, Kgg and Fried Oyster Sandwiches, Hard, Soft and Deviled Crabs, Steamed Oysters, Pickled Tongue, ('lams, Pigs’ Feet, Pie and Milk. EYE STRAIN Causes Heariaelir CONSULT OUR *• Kyt* SpcM-iiilists Properly present ted lenses assure ease and mnifoil r>( vision, prevent supposed headaches, neuralgia and kindred dise.i . When you -u-per | eye trouble, consult (lie specialists of the SUN OPTICAL MFC CO. Established 1880. Incorporated i8c>n. OHO. /'. .1 /'/'/. I’ll A //. j 1 I.HAMIS'O 1‘riKiilt nl. TfUHurVr. — r- dtztc zizz -: a: : -:: C:r.. ~rcr.?:r., JP.J. OFFICE IIOTJnc, 3 Xv£. \z 2 X"\ X/C. CONSULTATION URKK LAMBERTVILLE NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000. Surplus, Commencing SEPTEMBER I, 1903. Ills HANK will pay inferr-a on Certificates of Deposit at 2 to 3 per cent, per annum according to length of time. Three per cent, per annum interest allowed on accounts in Saving- department not subject to check. Safe Depo .if boxe for rent i„ new vault from three dollars up. For further information inquire of the following officers: CALVIN SOLL1DAY, IVetadenl. JOHN O. HOl.COM HI-., Vice |*r< „le„t ISAIAH l\ SMITH, Cashiet. FRANK A. IM111.I.IFS, Ass!. Cashier JAMES S. STUDDIEORD. Telle, DmECTona: CALVIN SOLI,11> \\ JOHN Q. HOI.COMML WILLIAM LAI KM, F. F. LKAK, J W.CROOK, M AIA11 I' KM II11 AMI l.|, A. lit kmMi A II.M(.l i^i imuv* HiANK A >'lll|,|,i|*H, <iKOHl.»K W MAHMI.V I DlflVrent From 11 Mountain* A certain Philadelphian, who is at om o a minister of the gospel and a reg istered physician, laid an amusing ex pcricnce in Ids attempt to corner a Christian Scientist, according to the Philadelphia Ledger. Every time they met this scientist took occasion to scoff at medical sci ence and to dwell upon the wonders that could be performed through faith. “You are convinced that through faith you can do anything,” said the medical man one day. “Yes,” lie replied; "faith will move mountains.” A week later he was in the doctor's office with a swollen Jaw, due to tooth ache. "What! You here?” the doctor ex claimed, witli feigned nstonishmeut. “Oh, doctor,” he said, “1 have suf fered agony all through the night. I simply can't stand tills pain uny long er." "Have you tried faith?” the physi cian asked him. "You know you told me faith could move mountains." “But this is a cavity, doctor." A Worth) Man. When William E. Chandler was in the Inited States senate he was visit ed by a delegation from his home town. Concord, N. II. The object was to huve Mr. (‘handler assist in selecting a candidate for mayor of Concord. Name after name was offered to the senator only to be rejected. Finally a delegate who was not especially pleas lug to Mr. ('handler asked: "Well, who In thunder do you want, anyway How are we going to know when a man does jvimschs the qualities that will en title him to your approval?** “When you find a man who isn't m)ham<*d to show respect for women, love for children and animals and who will walk to the edge of the sidewalk at midnight when no one is watching to do Ids expectorating into the street 3’ou may he sure that he possesses all the civic virtues and is fully worthy of any office you may be able to give him, was the quiet response. W It 111 I HU t oil Nntni'd It. The question, "Who named the Em pire State?" is often asked, but seldom properly answered. General Washing ton Is the man to whom that and many other honors belong. In his reply to the "address of the common council of New y«»rk city" the great general said: I pray that heaven bestow its choicest blessings on your city; that a well reg ulated and beneficial commerce may your citizens, and that your stute, at present the seat of empire, may set such examples of wisdom and liberality ns shall have a tendency to "trcngthen and give a permanency to the Union at home and credit and re spectability abroad/* Thla la. of course, an inferential al UiHion, hut was the origin of New York a popular name nevertheless. Call For S> in pit thy. Hr«t Hachelor l wish 1 eouhl write • decent letter of condolence. Horond Hachelor Some one you ^now dead? 1* Irat Hachelor — No—engaged. — L>e trolt Free l’ress. A *«lur.| Ml..p„rh,,,loD v„i. audienee laughed when recited ‘Marco Itozzuris* In Cliiea .““wered Mr. Stormington lln / I 1'ou So0, when I came to the I ,? ll^n,,ln« ‘Strike!* the people Wa.n /* 'VnS n looal nlluslon." w uahlngton Star. A.k for All,.,-. ... A Powder. *''■ "link, lilt.) your iJioes. It rests the feet Hake, walking easy. Cures Corns, Bunions. Al^an^lJ'.lfn'iVl*’ Swollen nli.l Sweating feet ...e I Bll°» "'ere S-,0 Don't <li. „ AU s«mi.le EKEE A.i Allen M (JluiMead, c,. hoy, S i