Newspaper Page Text
THE LAMBERTVILLE RECORD JESSIE E. PIEKSON, Editor. wfiDXKsnA v. sept, 37, 1905. —Buy your coal of Geo. W. Massey. Typewriter papers all grades at moderate prices at this office. —The Graud Depot will remaiu open all evening after this week. —The last open-air gospel meeting was held last Sunday evening. — Counterpanes, excellent quality, 9*,\, on sale Saturday at the Grand Depot. The Hunterdon County Republi can convention will be held on Thurs day, October ■>. —Lambeitvilleruffs" are still going up in smoko. Kline Jk Son sells them. -For monumental work, go to Harry K. Kramer, Corner of Bridge and Franklin streets. The Dorcas Society of the Ceii tenary M. K. Church will hold their annual sale on Wednesday and Thurs day November 15 and Hi. Mrs. Ann F.lizabeth Allen,mother of F.dward Allen, celebrated the 83d anniversary of her birth at her home on South Main street on Friday last. The Damhertville Rubber Com pany will close down on Thursday to allow their employes to nttond the Inter-State Fair. Lambertville Puff. 5c. An hon est cigar. The favorite brand of fas tidious smokers. .1. It. Kline Ar Son, No. 37 Bridge St.,Rambert ville, N.J, Miss Rose E. Roberts and Reuben Silverthorn, of this city, were united in marriage at Atlantic City, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. S. G. Pitt. The Lambeitville Athlotie Club will hold a big fair on the evenings of November 22, 23, 24 ami 25, to help pay the standing debt. A number of amusements will be offered. Thomas H. Lugar has completed a concrete arch at the beginning of Arnett Ave., where Contractor Arnett lias commenced the erection of a number of houses. Young Peoples Society of Christ ian Endeavor of the First baptist Church,on Sunday evening. Subject, The Christian's Trials and Triumphs. Leader, Elsie Cook. Common Council meets next Monday night, Hoard of Excise Com missioners Tuesday night, Hoard of Education Wednesday night ami the Hoard of Health Thursday night. The people of Hopewell, at a special election, have decided by a vote of KM to 4‘» to bond the borough for the purchase ami improvements of the water company at that place. The company is now owned by a stock company. A life si/..* photo of the Kev. II. S. Smith, late rector of S. Andrew’s P. E. Church, this city, has been framed and hung in the parlor of Union Fire Company’, No. 1, of which organiza tion the Hev. Mr. Smith was an active member for several years. —The Town Improvement Associa tion will resume its meetings on Mon day afternoon, October the 2nd at four o’clock in the Friends Meeting House on York street. This will bo the first meeting of the Fall, and ev ery member is urged to be preseut. At the Hepublicau city conven tion, held in the council room Friday evening, Alfred T. Fly was nominated for mayor and Abram Trauger for ex cise commissioner. No one was named for overseer of the poor or superintendent of public schools. Miss Torbert, of this city, is the owner of a number of rare and curious plants. This week a variety of night blooming eereus bore a perfectly formed bloom of unusually large size in the day time and lasting much long er than when it op mis at night. —The Democratic convention Mon day evening nominated the following ticket. Mayor,Lambert H. Sergeant, Hoard of Excise, William F. Colligau, Superintendent of Public Schools, Thomas S. Callan, Overseer of the Poor,Cyrenas Slack. A new time table went into effect on the Helvidere Division Sunday. The only changes iu time for Lam bert ville are the Suuday trains. The northbound morning express leaves at 9.48 instead of 9:19; the south bound evening train at 7.25 instead of 7.40. The “Pocono Spocia.” has been eliminated for the season. I.amliert vine 1. IJ. lost of letters remaining nnelaimeil in tliu Post Office at Lambertville, N. J fur thirty days ending Sept, lfi, 1U05: Miss Helen C. Martherson, Mrs. 10. Stack linns. Miss Louisa Smith, W. O. McOinnes, Jas. Melon, C. Smith, Mr. Sntpber, Chester Hhnrtz. Last Thursday morning at ahont olio o’clock an attempt was made to enter the homo of Fred Ilarhonrt in West Atnwell township. Mr. Har hoiirt, was wakened by the noise and found two mon looking in nt him through the window. Ticking up a pistol ho started out doors in pursuit of the robbers and shot twice at them. They returned the fire but did not in jure Mr. Ifarbourt. — A very pretty wedding took place at St. John’s Rornau Catho'ic Church last Wednesday evening at 0 o’clock when Miss Genevieve Xavier Hurley became the bride of William Cunning ham. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of the wedding march. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Lynch assisted by Rev. Murray of Flemington. The maid of honor was Miss Ida Lucas and the best man was Thomas Cun ningham brother of the groom. Messrs. J. D. Archibald, of Jersey City, F. F. Rums, of Philadelphia, Charles Cun ningham, Frank Butler, and William Conway of this city were ushers. The bride was attired in an imported robe of lace over white satiu and carried white roses, her veil being draped with lillies of the valley. Miss Lucas wore a princess gown of white Silician the waist being made of Mechlin lace. She w'ore a white velvet bat and car ried pink roses. —Cook with gas. Begin now. —Smoke “Lambertville Puffs,” take none other on the statement that they are just as good. IN A PERSONAL WAY. Horace Pew, of Belmar, has been visiting his parents in this city. Miss Lucy McDermott,of Bayonne, spent Wednesday in this oity. Miss Lilliau Carr has been visiting friends at Centre Bridge. George W. Johnson spent Sunday in Flemington. Uev. Frederick B. Harris is suffer ing from a sprained ankle. Dr. Robert Gick, of l.audsdale, Pa , spent Snuday with frieuds in this city. Mrs. William Bayard is slowly im proving and there is hope of her re covery. Harry E. Scott and wife have re turned home from a trip to Washing ton, D. C. Miss Daisy Cooley, of Flemington, spent Sunday with C. A. Rittenhouse and family. Mrs. Robert Benson, of Doyles town, has been the guest of friends in this city. Egbert Price, Fred Massey aud Percy Melliek have eutered Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. Yltss Marie llegau, of Peunington, spent Sunday with her parents iu this city. Miss Etuily Swallow, of Philadel phia, is the guest of friends iu this city. Watson Harrison and wife, of Phil adelphia, have been visiting relatives here. Mrs. ,1. V. l oon, of * lemiugton, has been the guest of Mrs. A. If. Hol combe. John H. Folk nor and wife will go to housekeeping this month on Del evan street. Abraham Tranger attended the re nnion of his old regiment, the Fif teenth New Jersey, at Flomington, Thursday. Mrs, Maria Williamson, of New Brunswick, is makiug an extended visit with her brother, 1), V. L. Hcheuck. Invitations are issued for the mar riage of Miss Katheriue llaudey and l>r. J. (iitisou Petrie on Wednesday, October 4 at the home of the bride. Aunouncemeet is made of the eu gageineut of Miss Lillie Whyte, of this eitv, to Robert Richardson of Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace P. Thornton have returned from their honeymoon trip to Atlantic City, and are residing with Mr. Thornton's mother on But tonwood street. Miss Olive Phillips is taking u week's vacation and is visiting friends at Camden and Wilmington, Del. Miss Stiutsman, of Now Hope, is sub stituting in her absence. Michael Parsons, an employe for several years at the New Jersey rub ber works in this city, has takeu a position ns engineer at the ttoektou rubber mill. Invitations are issued for the mar riageof Miss Bertha Beading,daughter of Colonel K. 15. Reading to Mr. William Lloyd Itronks, of New York, on Thursday eveniug, October 5, at !) o'clock, at Ht. Andrews Church. I nvitations aro issued for the mar riage of Miss Elizabeth Lake Law rence and Mr. Joseph Watt Cooper, the ceremony to take place at the home of the bride on Coryell street, Wednesday afternoon, October 11th, atfi:JO o’clock, by the Rev. H. A. MucKnbbin, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. STOCKTON. Mrs. Margaret Bowno is ill at tlie homo of hor rod, ex-Ereoholder .lorry E. Itowne, Handy Ridge. K. Ij. Higgins and wife, of Her geantsville, are enterlainiug A. h. Gibbs and wife, of Eli/.ahetli. l.omuol Hoffman and wife, of Uose mont, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Williams, at Hcrgoantsvllle. Mrs. Joseph Wilson and son Emmett linve returned homo after spending some time with the former’s sister, Mrs. Thomas Fisher, of Newark. Mrs. Wilrnot Quiuby, of Ceutre Kill, was a recent gnost of her sister, Mrs. Eden It. Hunt, of South Maiu street. Wilson H. Itowne, of Sandy itidge, entered Poddie Institute, at IlightR town, N. I., us a student at the open ing of the term. Daniel I). Sperling and wife are en tertaining Garret Hagaman, of Kan sas. H. D Price, and wife of Mauch Chunk, were recent guests at the home of Jonathan Hoppock, of Oak Dale. NEW HOPE AND VICINITY. Tbe M. E. Church will give a cou cert (luring October. The Bret meeting of the Citizens' Literary Society, of New Hope will be held in Stiutsinau’H Hall, Friday ev ening, October 0. The New Hope postoffice has been raised to a third class office, to take effect October 1. Professor O. I. Underwood has re signed as principal of the New Hope High School and will remove to Penn Argyl, Pa., and engage in the cloth ing business. A. H, Underwood, of Millersville, a brother of the retiring principal, has been appointed by tbe Hoard of Education to Hll the vacau oy. m Always Liberal to Churches. Every church will be given a liberal rpiantity of L. A M paint. Call for it. 4 gallons Longman & Martinez L Sc M. Paint mired with three gallons linseed oil, will paint a bouse. W. B. Barr, Charleston, W. Va., writes, “Painted Frankenburg block with L. & M. stands out as though varnished.” Wears and covers like gold. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which yon do in ready-for-nse paint. Buy fresh from the barrel at 60 ceuts per gallon and mix it with L. Sc M. Estate of A. H. Landis—ltingoes. Church Notices. Centenary M. E. Church—Rev. Frederick B. Harris, Faster. Sunday, October 1st, will be ob served as “Rally Day” all members of the congregation are urged to make a special effort to be present at the services throughout the day. 10:30 Special Rally Day seimon by the pastor. Subject, “Forward March.” At 2:15 Rally Day session of the Sabbath School. A special program has been arranged. Music by the or chestra 0:45 Devotional meeting of the Ep wortli League led bv the l’resident, John Folkner. 7:80 Short Song Service followed by sermon by the pastor, subject “A new creature.” This is the first in a series on “New Things” to be deliv ered during October. There will be the choir at this service. All wel come. SERGEANTSVIUE. A. I,, (libbsnud wife, of Elizabeth, are visiting E. E. Higgins and wife. Miss Ethel Eut has keen spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Ent. Dr. and Mis. .). L. Chamberlin have been visiting relatives at Bap tisttown. William H. Brower and wife have been entertaiuiug Lemuel Hoffman and wife, of Raven Rock. Macadamizing York Street. The following is published in some of our City papers by authority of Common Council. We republish the same tor the in formation ol the public, ami the record shows that the Council have evidently done all they could to secure the State and County aid for the extension of this road within this City. And the reason that it is not so extended is the simple refusal of the Board ol free holders to act. This is nothing new however for a Democratic Board in this County for while Lambertville pays 1-9 of the whole tax of the County it never has a fair consideration, or its share of ex penditure of the County funds. It having boon publicly stated by the *,rt“ Meat Board of Freeholder** that the city of Idtuihertville had taken no action to have the macadamized road along the York road from Kingoes to Idtmbertville extended within the city limits, the following resolution, petition and action by the Common Council ' pub lished for information, viz; 190ft. January 5id, Mayor lloleomhe. in his annual message to Council, Haiti: 1 learn upon what seeiuM K«>od authority that our city is entitled to State aid in building that portion of the proposed macadam road which is or-' dered built between Lambertville ami Kin goes, which is in our city, and l would sug gest that Counrii take proper steps to ascer tain our rights in the matter, and that appli cation he made to the proper autliotities for improving York street from Main street to the city line or the York road. At an adjourned meeting held January 3d, 190ft. the following resolution was adopted; Whereat*, The owner s of real estate along the York road, extending from Lambertville to Uingoes, have petitioned that the same he improved by macadamizing, ami the Board of OhoeenFreeholder*have decided, with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Itoad* of tliis Hlatc, to macadamize the sam«<; there for, he it Uesolved. That the President of this Coun cil be authorized to present to the Board of < JhoMn Freeholders of this county a petition requesting the extension of said road from the terminus thereof at tin* city line, along York street to tin* west side of Main street, and that this laxly hereby pledges itself to the payment of ten per cent- of tin* cost of macadamizing the same, ami to assume the charge ami care thereof, after it has been macadamized, in accordance with the sta tutes in such case made and provided, and that the City Clerk furnish tin* President with a certified copy of these resolutions. The above resolution was offered by Hurry K. Kramer, a member of Council, and moved its adoption. After the adoption of the above resolution the following petition was prepared : “To the Jktartl of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Hunterdon : “By direction of the Common Connell of the City of l4imhertville. petition is hereby math* to you for an extension of the macada mized road in this counry as now proposed from ltingoes to Lambert ville. along the old York road, so that tint Haiti macadamized road shall continue along tin* said York road, knowu as York street within tin* city limits, from said liinitH to the east side of Main street, a distance of twenty-three hundred ami twenty-three feet, fr»m whence tin* said street is now macadamized “Amlin case you grant this petition and build the extension of tin* said road, the city of 1 .ambert ville, by the said Common Coun cil, has pledged itself to pay ten per cent, "f the cost of the same and to assume the care ami charge of the said road within its city limits, without further expense to tin* county, in accordance with the statutes in such case made ami provided. “ A copy of the resolutions of the said Com mon Council to that effect, duly certified, be ing hereto attached, together with tin* map of said proponed extension “ Hate*l Jan. Ith, 190ft “CIIAS F HOLCOMBK. “ President of Common Council.” The above mdition was presented to the B*»ard of Freeholders in session at Fleming ton January Mil. 190ft, by Walter F. Ilayhurst. Bated 1 gimbertville. Hept n», lMOft. JAH. II BKYNOLB8, City Clerk We are also in position to state pos itively that the late Commissioner of Public Roads, Mr. Budd stated in writing, that he would approve of the extension and thus insure the aid from the State appropriation. And Mr. Hutchinson has stated that he will approve of the extension but that the appropriation for the present year is exhausted. Although on ac count of the revision of the Road law last winter the Board cannot probably be compelled to build the road within the City limits. In Behalf of the “Hello Girl." The Jersoy City Journal contained the following a few days ago, which all of us should remember: We have all felt at times that the telephone still lacks a great deal to be a perfect machine, that there in in attention, poor connections, needless delay ami sometimes almost impu dence in the telephone service, but how few ever feel that it is not an automatic machine that they are using, that the voice they hear an swering their impatieuce is not a part of the machine, that there is a per sonal equation to be considered, a woman away off somewhere in the unidentified "Central” who has feel ings aud self-respect, just as other women have; a woman who will re cognize a cross tone just as quickly as if she were visibly present, aud a woman entitled to respectful treat ment, just as much as if she were in her own home. The fact that you can stand miles away and talk into her ear does not detract from her right to the kind word and civil treatment. That I.title Pain in Your Hack threatens your Kidneys. If allowed to go on a little while yon will suffer throughout the entire system. Take at once Dr. David Kenuody’B Favor ite Remedy, It is the most certain cure known for the treatment of all diseases of the Kidneys, Diver and Blood. Write Dr. David Kennedy’s Hons, Rondont, N. Y., for free sam ple bottle and medical booklet. All druggists f 1.00. Annual Convention of the W. C. T. U, The twentieth aunual convention of the Hunterdon County Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was held in the Methodist Church at Flemington, Tuesday, September 12, l'.IOo. The morning session opeued at 10:15 with a fair audience. The devotions were led by Mrs. ,T. A. Powell who took for her subject, “Christ as a Remarkable Teacher.” The convention was then called to order for business, Mrs. Eva E. tleb hardt in t...• chair. Reports of de partments of organization occupied the greater part of the morning son siou. Mis. Itourne, the State Presi dent, gave a very instructive parlia mentary drill. Mrs. Powell nil,no.I : the noontide prayer. Mis Untune conducted the afternoon devotions ] commanding the closest attention, ; after which Mrs. M. (1. Hunt cones i ponding secretary, M tss Eleanor Ueb liardt, recording secretary and Mrs ! T. 1!. .1. Hurd, treasurer, guv • their annual reports. These reports sli nv ed a gain over last year both in mem bership and good work done The President's address was next in order it was very carefully prepared and fall of practical suggestions. She thought uo woman could well suv "I would work but there is nothing I can do.’ In the many departments of work there surely was something for everyone to do. The motto for the year to come, “What 1 can do, 1 ought to do: what 1 ought to do I w ill do. The election of olllcers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Eva E. Gebhnrdt, corresponding secretary, Mrs. M. U, Hunt; recording secre tary, Miss Elinor R, Gebhardt; treas urer, Mrs. T. B. G. Hurd; “Y” secre tary, Mrs. ,T. A. Powell. mi|»uiauieuuuuiH were ro oieoiud with few changes. Mrs. A. ]{. Fish or, president of Middlesex County wns then introduced, who rend n paper entitled “Why We includo Ci der in Our Pledge,” followed with a discussion which showed very plainly that it was necessary that eider should he included. l>r. Kogan and the pas tor of tho Baptist Church were both present during the entire day's ses sion lending every assistance possible to make the meeting a success. The evening mass meeting wns well at tended, Mrs. (Ichhardt presiding and conducting the devotions. Prayer by Or. Kogan, and Mr. Kaymond Kril tain sang a beautiful solo, ltev.deorgo 1‘ ■ Wilding, 0. I)., of Paterson, gave the address of the evening, taking Isaiah vVi, “Wherefore do 5 o Spend Money for that which is not Bread?" proving how well the Bible is adapted to our age, and show ing how lunch land, labor and wealth is wasted by this terrible drink traffic and proved very' dearly that men and boys are rapidly degenerating by the use of strong drink and tobacco said the time was coming when none but clear brained sober men could obtain a sit nation and it was now a fact that women are very largely doing the work of the country. All through it was a very able, intellectual and scholarly address that should have been heard by ..iltitndo. Kune diction by pastor of the Baptist Church, .1. A. Powki.i,, Hunterdon Co. Press Hilpt, Kept. 21st, 1(105. MOUNT AIRY. The hurtling of the barn of llcorgo (nut', ii far Koavillc, Iiuh ii‘hii I loti in the arrest ttf tine (icorge Clossou, 11 y°nni{ man from nonr Tlireo Fridges, wlio liatl lieen working fur Mr. Cano «» Hie guilty party. HiifHoioiit proof linn lieen foiiinl against him for coii vietion, 1 he work tin the mueutiuiii roatl in now progressing linely. A reinforce ment ttf uhtiut lifty 11 u I inns came on Hat unlay Inst mol hii*utetl at. the (ieorge Kveritt mill, near this village, anti commenced wm k on Mtnolay at tlie Fair Grounds near Iinnibortville. Contractor Montgomery now haa two Hteam rollers at work anti expects to pnsli the work iih rapidly iih possible. The tletectivea have atruok a clew to the peraoua who bnrnetl the Imma t f ChurloH Johnson and Jordan Matthews anti the robbery of Hubert If, Fisher’s home on the Ktth inst. Also of Mr. Croastlale’s house the night of the Mathews fire, and hopa soon to bring the guilty ones to justice. They were seen to coinn tin a lute trolley to Lain bertville ami depart on an early trol ley in the morning from below New Hope, Fa., after the lire uud robbery. They were persons who once worked for Messrs. Fisher and Johnson and knew of their whereabouts. It is believed also, on good au thority, that thoy are the same gang that stole Theodore Hmith’s horse uud Jordan Matthews’ wagon and harness over a year ago. Wo hope to hear of their urrost soon and brought to speedy justice. This community was shocked 011 Friday evening of last week to hear of the sud mishap of the wife of John Q. Holcombe who went to Mount Airy Ht ation to meet her daughter Alice, on her return from Trenton school, and us the train neared the depot the dense smoke from the engine settled down upon the horse and caused him to become frightened and to run nway, upsetting Mrs. Holcombe near the bridge wall at the station and bruising her unite badly. She was carried to the house of J. V. M. Fegg, at the station, unconscious and re mained so a short time. She was later conveyed to her home. She is now rapidly recovering from her in juries. Where Angels Fear to Tread. “Fooln riiHh in where angels foar to tread" in an olil (imitation often ex eni|ilitiod, but the wise newspaper man turns a deaf ear to many Imp penial's in bin borne town. Kditor Rush, of the “Glen Gardner Aval ancbe” in thin wcek'H iasne i>ives the reason therefore: “No we don’t print all the news. We have a family depending upon n» for snpport and don’t see our way clear to print all tho happonmi'H in this locality. If we did, wouldn’t it make spicy readin«? Hut it would bo for one week only. The next week you would read our obituary and there would be a strange face in heaven.’’ RALLY WEEK si :ivr. 20 (>< t. i. r> *v i first Baptist Cburcb of lambcrtvillc, Hi. 3. F. L. CHURCH, Pastor. WKUOOMK TO ALT, THURSDAY, 7 30 RALLY SOCIAL AND RECEPTION Light refreshments and a splendid programme. Come and meel the Pastor and wife and all the old friends. MUSIC FURNISHED BY THE AMWELI. ORCHESTRA. FRIDAY RALLY SUNDAY SCHOOL AND JUNIOR SOCIAL tor the boys and girls. (tames. refreshments and a jolly good time for the young folks. RALLY SUNDAY, OCT. 1. KUO RALLY OF ME MBERS LOR WORSHIP Address by Pastor •• Jesus Only." Matthew 17 : H IMollo Toil l..t lli<< Vi'iir. Responsive Reading Psa. 103. All bring Bibles. 2.30 (.RANI) SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY Special Programme by the Children. 7 30 EVERYBODY’S RALLY SERVICE Friends of the church and strangers especially invited. Special music and address by the Pastor. Subject i The Speech that Changed the Judge on the Bench to a Prisoner at the Bar." Alter meeting. I'iihI reward in duly. Tliori! in no gold euro foi (In* back l»ito. A mail who doeH liin level hist docH'nt go down hill. Don’t put oil more airw Mum you (*Hii conveiiiently get awu\ with. I*ulionco is a virtue, and it’s about the only virtue Home people pohhchh. The trouble about forgetting an in jury i« that we keep forfeiting we have forgotten it. Learn to throw oil* ovei \ cure and to relax every miiHcle; then you can compier iiiHoiuiiia. There ia a certain brand f charity that will give a man a crust and then nteal hia coat. Probably the rcaHon that onioiiH are HUppoHcd to be good nerve food iH be caiiHc it t a lies nerve to cat an onion. The bright faceH of the Rchool children are panning along the HtreetH. They lire the hope of our nation The rough experience of the roar ing, toiling, Htormy world may blot out all other tliingH from the mind, but the picture of our early hoineH muHt hang forever on the wuIIh of memory, until the “ailvi i cord bo looHoned or the golden bowl be brok en. Girin, don’t say u word about it, but wo want to put you wiho, it you con template marriugo. In Hindi an event by alt ineuna choose tin* Methodist form of oeremouy.for in that the word “obey" does not ii|'|ieur. Von merely promise to “love and honor" your li usbaud. Itiaa great thing to lie young. Those who are old have panned over their course of life. If they have lived well, they oau rejoice in their attainments. If they have failed through neglect, carelessness indo lence or sin, it is too late to retrieve their losses. Hut young people stand at the beginning of life, with all its magnificent opportunities yet within their reach. It should till young hearts with enthusiasm to look for ward into years which hold so much of possibility for them. Ex|»o*ur« to a Huddeu climatic » haiitfe pro ducen eoM in the head and catarrh i* apt to follow. Provided with EIt’h Crtiam Palm you are armed agaiiiHt Naiial catarrh. Price at Driiutfintn or Ely Jirothorn, 56 Warren Ht , New York, will mail it. The Palm cure* without pain, does not irritate or cause sneez ing. It spreads itself over an irritatetl and angry surface, relieving immediately the painful inflammation, cleanses and cures (’ream Palm quickly cures the cold. RINGOES. Charles Phillips, of Newark, lias boen spending soveral days with rel atives here. Mth. Charles Holcombe ami daugh ter have been spending two weeks with friends in New York. — William Roberts, milkman, has purchased the grocery business of Harry W. O’Daniels on Cornell streot. In a Pinch, use AIXKN’M FOOT-EASK. Shake Into your shoes Allen'M Knot-Ease, a powder, it cures Cornu, l)>i|il<uh Smarting, Hot, Swollen feet At all liruggi fs and Shoe Stores, £r>c. inti:h st.itt. nnt at tkknton. ScpIi inlM'l- 1!A. Ml. !7, ‘!H mid Tlii> groat Intor-Htiito Hair will lie hold mi Hoptomlior i5f>, till, 27, 2H ami 2!i, oil tln> Fair (IroiinilH, huhr Tron ton, N. .1., mi tho Now York I>ivi» ioii of tlio Houiiaylvatiiu Hu 11 road. 'I'lii* IViiiihv I vuniu Itailroad Com pany will Hoi I o xoii I'hioii tiokota to tlio I'm it (Irnunda, including ooii|ion of adiiiiimion, al greatly rodnood ratos, from Htutiona within a wide radiun, and Hpooial traiiiH over tlio Now York, Itelvidoro and Amboy DiviHioim will ho run through to tlio groundu, tlniH avoiding Ht root car traiiafor. Ah in provioiiH yearn, every depart inont will Ii*i roploto with auporior and instructive diHpla.vH. Tho Idood od Htook oxliibil will bo particularly lino, and tho daily programme of raooH contaiiiH tho Hpoodioat oIiihhoi olitainalilo. Tho manngomout of tho I'air Iiiih put forth extraordinary of fortH to niakn thiayoar’H rocord break ini' diHplay. Th* ll«*nrlM of IIm* IlnpHlmriiN. In tin- 1 in|><trial Imrtui vault In tin1 Church of flu' ( 'niiiii-IiIns In Vli'inm 1" a row uf iiinri' tlmn 15<) cryHtill viihck tuouiitcil In gold nml toppisl liy u crown. Kin'll of theso vases contnlm tlio heart uf n tli'iiil Ilnpshurg, it iiii'in tier of tlic Imperial family. In tin thirteenth century the Duke Krnmli (lied In Bwltzerlund ami directed thin hla lihnrt alioiilil lio removed mill Hell to Vienna. Kver since this cuHtom Inn been observed In the Ilnpshurg fiunlly On the death of « member the heart li removed nml preserved In a cryHta vase. In the vault there are now lft! Huch vlines and 113 Imperial coflliia The surplus of thirty-nine vases con tain tho hearts of Itapsburgs whoa< bodies nre burled elsewhere. The hoI exception to this Ilnpshurg custon was that of the lute Archduke I.udwlii whose will forbade the removal of hi heart. toBtiprniinl. Little Corlna hud In her extrem youth been passionately fond of doth albeit a trltlo destructive of then There came u day. a “strange, su day," when sawdust nml false hair n longer fascinated her. She deinunile n real baby. Her parents protest!' that the realization of her deman would Involve them In finaiiclal ruin. “I don't believe real babies nre so (•> pensive ns you think they nre," ei claimed Corlnn. “I sen every iluy Jin lots mid lots of ever so poor peopl with them.” I'rnvldenttnl. Teacher—Now, I have explained wlm “providential" means, and I want Bonn of you to give me an Illustration. Bright Boy -Please, nia'uin, I can. “Very well. What Is It?" "Tho holes In n porous plaster." "Hum! Why?" “When yell pull th' plaster off th holes don't hurt." I'oo r Food. Bcrlbbleton—Don’t you think my nev novel contulns much food for thought Crltlcus Yes, but It Is wrctcliedlj cooked. Krror of opinion may be tolerutei where renson Is left free to combat lt. Jsffcrsoix * Why One 5 Storekeeper \ or Store ! is Better t Than Another. Figure As You Will It's All In The Buying. \\ here to buy ami how io buy is an art requiring much lalmr, care ami t y i onseieme. l'o lmy of reliable concerns means standard goods, but not ^ ^ the greatest profit. I o buy of unreliable makers means a lower grade ofk , inert handise and more profit to the merchant \ ( 4 1,1 : Underwear at 25c.. is far better for having been bought ^ ol a maker using good quality, dean material, at an extra cost of a pe.myj 1} m,,v ‘■•l,',|i or an extra p:. on a 50c. garment, or fie. extra on a del V I " article ()ur Underwear was carefully Imught. It i, right up-to-date a 14 standard e ve a great stock Irom which to choose £ 4 \ 4 i 4 4 ) (till new Dross Skirls will show the care alluded toon eximina lion in material and make; they are most lundsom ■ an 1 have the lung ♦2.98. ♦3.98 $4 98, #5 48, 86.48. 87 48 Dross Goods in the new desirable weaves iml colors. Reliable Black Goods our specialty. Sicillians and Mohairs II the war, i make and elass ol I tress labries tliat wear and are worthy < Hits are 1 ( inches, because we pay for the extra width. One price, how ever, is the popular 50' We’ve the highest grades if wanted. Panama Dross Goods are a heavier weave for Winter, excellent tor worthiness and wear, yet dressy. 50' ■ 76' . $1. Broad Cloths of a superior make and of fine material, the right goods for warmth and wear, they are here at ♦!, 81.25. ♦1.60. f >9 t * 5 It Millinery, jjj Velvets, Silks, L Women’s Suits, J Women’s Coats. r Shirt Waists, ks . 1 louse Wrappers, Dressing Saeques, Itlankets, Quilts, Counterpanes, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Gloves, Suit Cases, Trunks, Umbrellas. Ucve almost every description of Women’s Latest Lingerie, f Gents' Fashionable Furnishings. Complete stork just arrived. f L Reliable Footwear All the latest styles, the windows reflex our. ysio,k- ! t Furniture of every description, also Carpets. Mattings and t 4 Linoleum, all delivered. V Carpets sold at popular prices, sew . laid without charge. ^ 5 THE (HtANT) DEPOT. |j ) R. H. VAN HORN & SONS. { “ U-TZNO W-TJS ” THE ™"l FAIR TRENTON, NEW JERSEY, September 25,26,27,28,29 The Famous Lewis Air Ship 2-Mile Flights Every Day. Ituciw ovary <lav for prizes amounting to ft),000 200 noted horses entered. A dog show in nfllliiktinn with the Ainerioau Kennel will lie hold. Tin' Poultry Show and Agricultural Exhibition will Surpass all Records. FREE VAUDEVILLE DAILY Im hiding 111ini.u> Skyrocket, Fancy dancers, Acrobats, Tumblers, and I rained Animals. The famous Igerettc, (wild men) oil exhibition. this fait is looked forward to by hundreds of thousands with plea sure. It is the greatest out-door carnival of the season. A greater number ol attractions will be presented this year than ever before. Best Horses in the Country have been entered for the Races. Special rates and trains on all roads and trolleys. Pennsylvania Railroad trains run direct to the grounds. I l * I I 1 I t 0 Kxamine our Clothing Just as carefully as you know linw to do it. The more you know of values, ami the more closely you study Donnelly's selections the quick er you'll arrive at the fart that no other clothing in town QUI TK equals ours. And it’s no accident that it IS such it's so because we won’t have any other sort. Fall Hats Men or Hoys. »3 FOR A BOOKPULL. Hiiown Cahii IfisoocNT .Stamps, $.'l Poll A ItnOKPIX. I:red’k W. Donnelly TAYLOR OPERA HOUSE STORES AND ASSEMBLY ROOM COMMKCTIMa WITH R A. DONNMLLY R EYE STRAIN a Causes Headache'1* CONSULT OUR ^ Eye Specialists I I’rojxjrly proscribed louses assure east' ami comfort of vision, prevent supposed headaches, neuralgia and kindred diseases. When you suspect eye trouble, consult the sjieeialists of the SUN OPTICAL MF’G CO. Established 1880. UKO. /•'. APPLKUATK, Pr* ndl* at. Incorporated 1899. K c. LK AMINO, Treasurer. /""/^**.*-> ^ thrr* 7 r T W '*' » • /» L U Uk» W W ^ ^ tok> V — *• *■ ^ L *K? • f mL L OFFICE HOTIES, 9 wft.. 2v£. to 5 3F. 3s^. CONSULTATION FREE.