Newspaper Page Text
THK LAMBKRTVUXK RKCOM). nov. a. 190s. TJIK HAYS AM) HOIKS ORIGIN OF OUR SYSTEM OF THE DIVISION OF TIME. 1C W;»m ix \iN< il b> fla«* II.-Il»yIonium*, Who W «*!*«» a \ fry (lever People, Wa* \«lo|i(c*l l»j I lie (ireeki* and JlaM Mirv i v e«l I hroiiKli Ml ( hungea. If \...i pull your watch out of your p.,rki f vo.! will have in your hand one of I lie* iun;t wonderful pieces of ma chinery i-vi.t constructed. Think how it works throughout the day and night and how il keeps it up year in, year out. Think lmw the second hand points to i’.ijdo divisions of time during every hour. 11 ne\ er sleeps. If it is like the average? watch, it will he built up of no fewer than 1 To ditter eiit pic i- These pieces will have jiassed through more than U.MH) sep nrate operaiions, eaeli being a distinct form uf inamifaet ure. The fourth jewel wheel screw is so very small that it is almost invisible. I o the naked c\ e it appears to be but a speck of dust. Whon examined under a magnifying glass it will be seem to be a perfect .-grew, having LMiu threads to the inch, each thread being well eft. Actually the diameter of this screw i little as the four one thou sandtli part of an inch, and it would take no less a number than 100,000 similar screws in order to till an or dinary thimble as used by the ladies. Kaeh screw has a double head and lias to be hardened. After the harden ing process the screws are arranged in frames, being placed in with the heads upward. This delicate operation is done by the sense of touch alone in stead of by sight, and great rapidity marks the skillful operator. Some wlier * about a hundred screw s are placed in each frame, and the frames are attached to a machine which pol Ishcs the heads of tin* screws 10,000 at a time It will be ecu how marvelous these screws are. yet one of them forms but one tiny piece of a watch. Still, this w ill show the remarkable nature of that everyday article. When special watches are considered there Is indeed room for wonder. tor instance, take the watch which was presented to ('ntherine I. on her coronation as empress of Russia. This watch was one of the most remarkably constructed instruments ever made. (Ml the opposite side of tile works of this extraordinary timekeeper there was an exael representation of the holy sepulcher, with a carved image of the Itoman guard stationed outside it. As soon ns the watch case was opened the imitation rocks would roll away from tin* mouth of the sepulcher, the soldier would Kmvl, angels would appear at opposite sides of the opening, it in I sweet strains of music would lie heard This remarkable watch took nine years’ unintemrpted labor In or der to construct I In* urst clock 111 liny way resem bling those in use nt present was made by llmry Vick in tin* year l.'tTn, and it was math* for Hilaries V. of Prance. This monarch was surnamed tin* Wist*, but bis education was imperfect lu many respects, and lie knew it well. As a result lie was very obstinate in his claim to know every tiling. lie showed this obstinaicy when Vick brought the new timepiece for 11is ap proval. Tin* king could not tlnd any fault with ils working, so he criticised the figures mi the dial. lie told lln* maker that In* had made a grievous error, as the figures to de note the hour of I should he four l's. Poor Vick ventured to tell tin* king that he was wrong T am never wrong!" tliundervd the irate monareh. "'lake the eloek away mistake a( mice upon pleasure!" \ i k had to i!*» as he was told, with the result that all our timepieces have the fourth hour labeled I 111 instead of 1\. as should l»e the case if■ the correct numeration were followed. Mow many people have tin* slightest notion why sixty seconds make a min ute and why the hour is divided into sixty minutes, and on? Why are there not ten hours to tin* day and ten to iIn* night Tin* reason is verv simple It Is be cause the people of Pahylou reckoned not only by a decimal I system of nota lion, but al o bv a sexagesimal sys and correct the pain of my ills is to tem. That reckoned 1>\ tens, but al Tin* P.abv Ioiiiaus w ei e v c pic, and tin *. i w that tem was 11\ no mean They knew that no many divisors as has tins not only hy sixties, very clever peo tIn* decimal sys the best, number li.ul so ixtv. How about the di\ ■ ion of the day Into hours' com par in;-. SUM "|| it.- <’ covered by done at lb • nst roiioiiii'i Into t Well!) hours The P.abv by tin* 1.': rentar!. IV stem lluillge 1 Ionia \YY tioni/ed ail lug so far Wei k * ! "I notation ing of the tl love; Suggest til 1 lid of I "' ko flu* P.alrv loitians began by • p; gress made by the ly journey to the distance i good walker, this being of the equinox. The led the sun’s Journey par angN. whence out tlivi It t!i i stent % was ml opted i one of the most f history that the ed through every the days of lhtby lie 1 'rem h rrvolll :bts and m»*asures, go* a Hi r the ilays of the left the old system of r* -g 11 died t lie reckon • t ' mi- 1 v en our own •antal notation do not old sexagesimal metli ■ 11"iiId he altered. •kb . lMner Hive me a plate o’ pork and beans ami Im . «ui up Walter (shouting i ' ii . • and Piston ex press’ t ’!e\. md I .i*adi*r. llowcw: ! . ii « .• e|e\a t«*d w e niny be. u nameless something is always want ing to our Imperfect f irtiine Horace. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Mu', ii* I!mi* a HUelrh Hint ctoncrlptIon mat quifiov uh.’im i mi «r opinion free whether hii mveiii ••ii is |T'>timiav i• 11ei11Hhle. ('nnuminlrn lii.MH 11,-I V . nlhliMit lii 1 HANDBOOK "II I’HlelitM K. Ml tree, nl.i.- t jiytMirv tor HccuriUK patentn. IV.I. > '•* tukeii through Muim A i «•. receive «•«/ uotur, without etiartre, lu the Scientific American. \ hand* • :v illustnife.l weekly. l.>»rce*t «*ir '■ii.-Hi . f .1 x s< toiitltli' journal. m >• ir : t.• 11r iiM ; .sola hy nil Tii‘wn<le/*li*rs. MUNN & Co.3c,Bro>d“*» New York Iti liiii'h Oillee. i .’:» K Sf., WublDittOii, )>. C. OASTOTIIA. Be«r» the _ /f IKe Kind You Have Always Bought , 1 Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris ings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Ko iol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a heal! y stomach, combined with the greatest know.; ton e and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures ail stoma h troubles by cleansing., sweeten!:.g and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Gives Health to the Rick and Strength to the Weak. Bottles only. J 1.00 Si/e holil-p 2f4 time* the trial size, which sei.s fur 50c. Prepared by R. C. DeWitt \ Co., Chicago. __ I ()R SAI.K MY AM, DRUGGISTS TRAFALGAR Tin* Sh illiM-ss ol \< lioti of 'i Itl* limit Natal lliilllc. The world will see other sea lights, hul never • IiUf* this, so close, so swill and wi ll <» mil'll in if of the per 'H11;11 i'li tiii• 111. And what may be railed ll * p i • "i flu* battle. Hie swift ness wiili \> 1111'|i incident follows inci dent, is alniosi without a parallel in the history of war The lir-l gun was tired at I: 1A; at I2;22, or only seven in in ill es aller the French guns opened on him, i 'ollingw ood, with the British ships nearest to him, was through the enemy's line <>nl\ one brief minute later, or at 12:2.‘? by the log of the Kuryalus, Nel son is in (lie light, and is pouring his first dreadful broadside into the stern of Villeneuve's flagship. 'Two minutes later the French and Spanish topmasts begin to fall. AI I :.”>2, or sixty seven minutes after the lirst gun was tired. Blackwood reports ' the renter and rear of enemy's line t•» be hard presseil in aelioli " The fair of the battle is prnc tieally settled. Already some of the enemy’s shipi have struek. 'I'he swift moments run on, and the pulses of the great light keep time with them. The advantage is not all on one side. At 2:."ai, for example, or less than two hours from the moment when, a shape of majestic pride, the Itoyal Sovereign moved into the /.one of the enemy’s tire, she lies a mast less and helpless hulk. She has done her work, but she has paid a terrible price for it There is at this moment a flutter of llags on the masthead nf the Victory, for Nel son has a great captain’s watchful vision, and a frigate it is tin* Kuryalus rune down with every inch of can vas >rt. groping her wn.v through the smoke, to take tin* battered bull of the Koyal Sovere ign in low. so that her broadside'- tin* mighty ship can still tight, though sin* cannot sail hear upon the enemy's rhlps w ithin her reach. Tills Is not a bailie spread through days. It I- compressed almost into minute The lirst shot was tired at 12 1 o; bef »re o'clock ting after Hag is going down; a areal fleet is crumbling into ruin l‘.\ do o'clock all is over.— ('ornhlll Mag-a nc FINGFRS AND FORKS. Never ti e a when taking a piece of bread. Avoid ii ag a spoon for anything that is not liquid. 1‘astrv should he eaten with a fork; also lee cream where the proper forks are served It is permissible to cat celery, corn, asparagus, water cress and undressed Kabul with the lingers. Olive-, should he lifted from tin* dish with the o|i\ c fork or spoon, but should be eaten from the lingers. I.etnou is often ser\cd with tish and pancakes. The lemon should be taken in the lingers and squeezed upon the viands. If cut sugar is served and there are no sugar t.»ug« in the bowl, lift the pieces out as delicately as possible with the tips of the lingers New York lTcss. l oin|H»«it«* Pronoun \\ inttetl. The want of a composite pronoun to express both “ho" and "she,” and, w hat is sometimes more important, to ex press neither he nor she, must have embarrassed every one at some time or another. There arc ungrammatical ways of shelving the difficulty, such as, for Instance, by translating the con venient French “on” as "they,” when we really mean one person who may be either masculine or feminine. 'The lack of a portmanteau word to express both sexes without specifying either did not. however, trouble the new maid who approached her mistress with the ingenious remark. "I’loase’m, a friend of mine has called and may 1 ask it to tea?" London Chronicle \ Point In Punctuation. For a century past, probably longer, the rule of the best printers ami pub lishers lias been. "Three words in tin* ! same construction are separated by ! commas.” Two examples will illus trate the rule "John, .lames and Thomas have come.” An s» punctuated the lirst name is vocative, the second and third nomina tive. Two persons have come. “John.James, and Thomas have e uue.* Am! now tin* three mimes arc all nominatives. Three persons have come. The two meanings can be indicated otherwise only In a footnote. — Now York Times PATENTS I PROCURED AND DEFENDED. I | dmwiiur lor «*\|h i ( m-hi. i. juul I nv u I Kiw W'uv, how to obi am |s.a • i.. tiu.i. | cU.. |N ALL COUNTRILS. IfHSint'XS t ; V Jl \j.\ ; I mousy and ofton ( '.<■ fot.-nt. Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. Writ** or come to us at | 623 Ninth Strut*, opp Unlt*4 SUt#i Patent Oflc«,| WASHINGTON, D C. GASNGW THE CHUKCHEES. Thc> l.i . v In SIImtIu iiihI Him* n >. .11.1 l or Halcidr. A Kn ' ini coiTi*-|n»mU*nl was talk ing annul Siberia. • “In that strange lain!,*’ he said, “the Ktrangcst thing is the suii-i«!:»1 teiul eiiey of tin* ChukelieVs. Among the < huki-l.ees, actually, suicide is one of tin* most common forms of death. “The < htikrhees live in northeastern Siberia. They are small and copper colored. They dress in skins and ride reindeer, tallow and raw kidney are their chief delicacies. In every < link thee house hangs a death < ... i “.V Chukchee doesn't kill himself by his own hand, lie appoint In - nearest relatives hi , wife, son or daughter to do tin- deed. And the delegate* never rebels, never decline's this sael and hor rible* task. “Innumerable are* tin* «\Ui-,e*s «»f sui dele* je*aloil >. mire*i|l|jt:*el love*, ail ill e'tirable dis. a <•, niedaiu holy. poverty, Ullel so oil • 1 knew a man who was prosperous and apparently happy. Suddenly a eie slre for death seized him. 'Ill three* moons,’ la* salel. ‘I will go home to my fathers.’ And la* calmly settled his af fairs and ai the* appointed time* bade bis wife* to knot a <• u*.l about bis throat and bis two s ms to pull upon the cord till l»«* should lie* strangled, lie* dieel, they I old me*, joking. “The death eoat whieh bangs in ov ary Chukchee house has a hood. II is for use* in suicide. The linoel hides the* facial contortions of the* flying. ''There* are Chukchee families where in siiie ide is hereditary. wherein it is a point of honor for the sons to kill them se-lvcs, a natural death being regarded in stall families as disgraceful mid scandalous, a sign of the* most unpar donable emwardiee*. “The Cliuke*lie*e*s, despite tliedr sui cidal tenelene'.v, are* a iiappy and healthy people*, moral, truthful, brave and tcmpe*rate*." St. I.emis (ilobe Dem ocrat. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. You can't spend any time hating peo ple if you want to go forward. After a m u has worked hard to ge*t a thing he* lias to light hard to keep it. No otic loves a crying baby, and the* same is true* of people who are grown up. While* your friends promise* you big tilings. Hie “if” the»y put in tile* promise* is bigger. Ail yemr tremble's are* exaggerated, ineliieling the* uneasiness that con science causes. \Y1ii*ii friends urge you to eottie ami se*e 111«*m “any time*’* it reejuircs some* figuring to l!in 1 out just when that time is. Divisions after mature refleetiona are so ofte n wrong that greater respect should Im* paiel tin* ele>eaisions of a pen ny coming elowii heads or tails. Atchi son I J lob * oil! 'I'I nit* I no) hull. Football luis never boon a very gen lb* Kami*, to judge from what Master Sttibbes says about It in bis "Anuto mie of Abuses." published in 158d: "For, as concerning football playing. I protest nnl > you it may rather be talli ed a friendly kimle of light than a play of reel-nation, a bloody and nuirther ing practice than a sport or pastime, for dooth not every one lye in waigbt for his advcrsarie, seeking to over throw him and to pieke him on his nose, though it be uii hard stones, so that by tliis ineanes sometimes their niH-ks are broken, sometimes their backs, sometimes their lens, some times their m ines, sometimes one part thrust out of joynt, sometimes anoth er; sometimes the noses gush out with blood; sometimes their eyes start out.” \ll \\ II•.!>!> Ill I heir Walk. "Nobody in New York w aiks straight,” said the gray headed citizen of tin* me tropolis. "Watch a ore <if pedes triaiis on the sidewalk, and not one of them sticks to a straight path. Those deviations are not always due to the crowded condition of the pavement ei ther. I Miring tlie rush hours a man is supposed to dodge this way and that In his efforts to make progress, but when given a clear road there is no excuse for so much sidetracking. Yet no mat ter bow favorable the conditions the New Yorker ig/ags ju d the same, lie | might have a stretch of sidewalk a I block long all t » himself and be per fectly sober. yet in that distance he l would veer l l oin curb to stoop line and 1 back again several times." V (JllOIT ltCCf|M*. In an old black letter translation of Albertus Magnus the d mkey tigures In tin* following extraordinary recipe: " lake an Adder’s . i. and Anri pig mentum. and grecke piteli of Ueupirl tleutn. and the waxe of newc I tees, and the fat or grease of an Asse, and bt-eake them all. and put them all in a dull seething pot full of water, and make it to seeth at a glowe tire, and after let it waxe cold, and make a taper, and ev ery man that shall see light of it shall scenic headlcsse." I'\cliinl\ i*. Clerk Now, this, ma'am. Is the nii>st popular book of the day. everybody is reading It. Mrs. Nuriteh I don’t want nothin' that everybody rends. Show i me sonu‘thin’ more exclusive. I'hila { dolphin ledger. Conil ItciiMon. "1*0 you ow e Bilker money V” I "W I "Why do you avoid meeting!him?” *i>on't want him to owo me money" (’leveland Leader. t;»«* lUuiii iniik. Mr. usher Darling! You refuse mo a kiss': lias not my avowal the ring of true love about itV Miss rule Y«s, dear, but my linger hasn’t. Ilow’s Tit Ik ? \Ye offer One Hundred Hollars Howard toi ; am ease of Catarrh that eaun he eared i*’ I Hall's Catarrh I’ure. k .1 niK.M \ ,\ co. <> NYe, the undersigned. have known l’ I J Cheney for the last t.'» years, and believe bin j perfectly honorable in all business trausne • tions and ihmneiaUy able to carry out any obli j gations made by his tirm. \Y At,PI NO, Kinnan A Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh t’nre is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mneous sur < faces of the system Testimonials sent fret Brice TIS cents per bottle. Sold by all drug I gists. lake Hall's l-'amily Bills f. r constipation. JOHN K. LABAW, FUNERAL DIRECTOR <im/ I I’ll OI.S TKKKH. All kinds of furniture repaired, Work ami prices guaranteed to ^iv< satisfation. Night Bell on offtee door. J. K. l.ABAW, Xo. 03 North I'nion street, Lambertville, X. J I WHEN YOU CATCH COLD I Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. Foleys HoneyTar I not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Contains no opiates. Be Sure You Get Foley's There are substitutes made to sell on the good name of Foley*a Honey and Tar. Beware of them. You should have confidence in a cough cure that has been sold with universal satisfaction for thirty-five years. The genuine Foley9s Honey and Tar is in a yellow Package. See t you get it. n muiiiui I09UIIO9 This is to certify that my daughter was down for almost one year with a cold. The doctors finally pronounced it consumption. We had given up hope for her recovery. I was given a sample bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar. I gave it all to her in about three hours. It stopped the cough, and gave her rest. I sent next day and bought a 50c. bottle and began giving it. In three month’s time she was well. There can not be too much said in favor of Foley's Honey and Tar. It saved my child’s life. Mrs. George Batson, Fountain Grove, Mo. The SO-cent size contains two and one-half tunes as ruucn as me sraau s.ze and the $1.U0 bottle almost six times as much. SOLO MID RECOMMENDED BY S. W. COCHRAN Sc CO. jQjur business is Fine Printing. It you are planning a catalogue, booklet, announcement, circular or anv matter designed to pro mote your business, our services will be of value to you. Samples and estimates furnished on any work worthy of special attention The Lambertville Record, Cor Union and Coryell St a., LAMUHUTYrnTiE, n. .1. THE tITTEE THINGS " To-day's liiMiiies arc In morrow s necessities. Not original of course, 1ml it’s lint* anti truth is a shat It* lielltT Ilian originaliH . A few years ago Millitniaires went lirnke using KI<W TKIC LIGHTS. Today even tin* poorest eun all'nrd I hem, why '.’ ■ i 11 ■ i f I | * 1 t A I II I I I I /V > !“v ! in i*> «' i * (<' A »i '' s'• j' * j « • } J 15' • i i i, i i i i 11 1 \ i i 11 s i iiiiiiil. LsmbsrtvillG Heat, Light and Power Co. MIHUNEAUX'S NEWS AGENCY, 27 Bridge Street, Lambertville. I''slnItliulKil OcliitH r I, /.V i?. Agcnev lor New York, Philadelphia ami rrenton Daily Papers. \ 11 lie* I .eat I inn Magazines as soon as issued. In Fashion Magazines we have the Delineator, Designer, New Idea lionlon, Koval, Art de la Mode, Vogue, Toilette and the Klite. A lull line of in cent Novels and 5 eent Libraries. We keen a large stock of Bos Paper, also Legal <’a|i, Fools ('up and I’ell Paper. Envelopes by tin* paek or thousand. We have a line assortment of Toys, suitable tor all seasons. Rubber Goods in variety. In Sporting (hauls we keep a full lino of Spalding, lieaoh, Standard, Stall A* Dean Manufacturing Co.’s Balls, Gloves, Mitts anti Bats. Bats from nets, to §1.50 Gloves from 25els, to If LOO Mitts from 25ets. to fti.OO Balls from 5ets. to $1.50 A largo lot ol‘ Flags lor decorative purposes :»i*t* kept ill stock. Anything not in stock will he secured on short not its*. JOHN H. MULLINEAUX. EYK ST HA IN . Causes Headache' CONSULT OUR Eye Specialists Properly pivsrrilieil lenses assure ease ami eoinfort of vision, prevent supposed headaehes, neuralgia and kindred diseases. When you suspeet eve troulde, consult the specialists of the SUN OPTICAL MF’G CO. Established 1880. Incorporated 1S99, OEO. /•’. APPLEGATE, E. C. LEAMIXU, J'n niUi ut. IVetuurer. ~f~~ '-— C3"' ~—^J~ OFFICE X3rO"CT2X3. S IwT. to 5 X\ Iv£. CONSULTATION FREE. CASTORS AVcgclable Preparation lor As similating lltcFoodaiulllegula Imp; the Stomachs atul 1 towels of Promotes Digestion Clieoiful ness anti Rost I'onlains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Not NahciiTic /<*r//r a/ fdd Dr.'*iMl ’ELPtTCHKli S&d' . d!x , S'f/msi - iiorkfUf S< /ls - I Anixr .S'rs-d * Jhyjrnninf - f iti Tarbohu tr. i'ufa * | Hotm Seed C/anhtd. \iujflf hfhteryr+m Flavor. / A period lleniedy I'orConstipa lion, Sour Stomach. Iliarrhoea Worms .(Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or Si.EEP. FacSunilc Signature of KKWVOIIK [tXACT COPY OF WKAPPtR. 1st-e2Sl! CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature oi in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE OENTAUN COMPANY. NfW »OR« CITY P 1*250 Year I /YE Am URIC AN Monthly REVIEWofREVIEWS The more Magazines there are, the more Indispensable is The Review of Reviews * “Indispensable.”** cone magazine I feel I must take.” “The world under a fic* ' ss.” “An education in public affairs and current literature.' sc are some of the phrases one hears from noted people who read the Review of Reviews. 1 he more magazines there are, the more necessary is the Review of Reviews, because it brings together the best that is in all the most important monthlies of the world. Such is the flood of jieriodical literature that nowadays people say that the only way to keep up with it is to read the Review of Reviews. Entirely over and above this review ing section, it has more original matter and illustrations than most magazines, and the most timely and important articles printed in any monthly. Probably the most useful section of all is Dr. Albert Shaw s illustrated " Prog ress of the World," where public events and issues are authoritatively and lucidly explained in every issur*. Many a subscriber writes, “ This department alone is worth more than the price of the magazine.’* ~ I he unique cartoon department, depicting current history in caricature, is another favorite. The Review o! Reviews covers live continents, and yet is American, first and foremost. Men in public life, the members of Congress, professional men, and the great captains of inJuAry who must keep *' up with the times, intelligent men and women ell over Arr i i. h ve decided mat it is “ indispensable. ruii S : W OF REVIEWS COMPANY 1 3 Astor Place, New York THE SMART SET A MAGAZINE OF CLEVERNESS. Magazines should have a well-defined purpose. Genuine entertainment, amusements and mental recreation are the motives of I hr Smart Set, the MOST SUCCESSFUL OF MAGAZINES. Its novels (a complete one in each number) are by the most bril liant authors of both hemispheres. Its shout STORIES are matchless—clean and full of human interest. Its poetry covering the entire Held of verse—pathos, love, humor, tenderness—is by the most popular poets, men and women, of the day. Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking. 160 PAGES DELIGHTFUL READING. No pages are wasted on cheap illustratrains, editorial vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm and refresh you. Subserilie now—$2.50 per year. Remit in cheque, 1*. O. or express order, or registered letter to THE SMART SET, 4.r)2 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. B. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE ON APPLICATION Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to taKe QRINQ Laxative Fruit Syrnj Amwell National Bank, LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Capital Stock, - - - 1.72.000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, JfiO.OOO Safe Deposit Boxes for rent to Customers. roMMI V iv. M 111.mi:i.i. .... ^ Inr. r.-st will !„• |.;ii.| ,,,i. ,1111 ,t,-. of Ireposit at the ran*.>1 t In-..- j..-j ••rut per annum from • of i->-»i«- of certificate, provided the mom*' |,.jt in flu- 1 Jit it U iif least flir**** month w a :<;hi:isf, rr—ni.nt .1 AMI’S P .SMITH, Vi,-, -I i. I . W VAN HAHT, Ca*hi. i 1. P BOD1NK, .Teller .1. w < i«*rk I * I II I C I Mil's A. IV Asm?iison •I«• iin K. I’.Aiti r u. Wll I.IAM M I I , \V. A (lliKKM F. w II. A Mo\ li.tiMi IIV. Hi* II A HI* I*.. It K AI • 1 \ • I, .1 OIKS 1’. SMI 1 11, Hit 11 A It 1» II Y AN* II.'I.N Y W II MtT. I’KNNSYliYANI A IIA11.1> AI >. The Standard Railway • »F Xmeiicn Protected throughout I v tin* INTERLOCKING SWITCH AND BL0(> SIGNAL SYSTEM. i;r.i,Yiin:i:r. i>ivision TRAIXH KoR NKW VtiKK AND I till yI>1 l.l'illA On ami after (tetober If. i « Leave Stroudsburg (I> I. A \Y Hit « 5o 9.4*,.*, 11 57, a. m. •-M 1 ami 5 os p m Mindiy 6.50 a. in. an 1 5 ns p in Leave Vanunka Chunk . an I U* ••■; a m 1S.H0, U.45 ami5 H in. Sunday, 7 .' a m.am1 r>.4i p. in Leave Belvideiv 7.30 mi l !■> . i in. ' x! r»l amlfi lii p. m. Sunday, 7 3U a m ami Pi Leave Phillip*bui . 7.oti, s c ui.I i‘ ■ i ni 1.68, 3.:J8 ami ri l*i p in Sunday mhi a m ami P P> p in. Leave Frriiflilown 7 -"".m I ’ll i m 1 3.56 ami 6.53 p. m. Sunday*, ts a ni ami 6.50 p in ltfiivr Fleniington 7 30 a m, I 1 m l p 111 , \vrt‘k*(ltt\ s Leave Lambert \ i Ho «'■-.ii. . * r ,(nl It I a in, -OH. 4 ami 7 *A5 p in Sunday. h i a in. ami 7 -5p in. Arrive Trenton 7’ ’ r:. •• n** i m • i t>8 ami 7" 57 p ni Sunday. ** o** a in himI s.ip Arrivt* at West Pliilad. iphia i**> !•■ i po 57 a. in.. lO.u'i, pH I'*. i>.'> <i. ami i*** f; pin Sumlay. pm 57 a. in ami i>'.» 01 p ni Arrive Philadelphia Hr. .i1 street st-ilion m Jt». M ill, lo.ul. a in. 1 13 : 6 on ami S 17 p in Sunday, lo.Ol a. m. and m »•** p m Arrive New York if. 1133a m , -.03. 1 53, 7 .ns ami lo.v ; i» ni Min • lay, 11 .38 a in ami 10AM p m TIIAISS KltuM SI » \t»HK AM' 111 11 A I »l‘ I I'll IA West Twentyt bird Street .Station, 1.05,7 55 10.55 a m. l Jf» (l.uuil't*rt\ill** only n». i • I'liillipaliurr. ••lily), ami p m .Sunday 6 05 a in ami 5 55 p m Leave New Yolk. I>. -hr-•--••* am! t *rflan if Streets, via Trenton, •• h>. mm*. non a ni , ! 3n Lambert ville only i i *11ii 11p-1 >i11 e on ly), and 6.00 p. m Sunday. 6.15 a in ami non p. in. Leave Philadelphia (Broad Street Station'1 ?.oo ami M no a in. 1- *>i noon. - f Lambert' ill< only). 3 81, 5.00 tPhiiUp*hurg only . ami Tint p. in Sumlay * -5 a in ami 7 m p hi Leave West l’lula.lelphia * 7 m, • o I a in » P.'.oT noon, t 'J 'Jl iLambertville only • Phillipaburir only). . •: ! . m p in weel • lavs SumlaV. « * 5"' a in ami • 7 i • p in Leave Trenton, 7 .. *• tin. : na, Lam bertville only . l^'l. ,m1 I'liillipslnir only and H.0*Jp. m. Sumlay. ■« ia in, an-l ^.o.' p m Arrive Lambert \ ill** s 81. U> Jl a in 1 \ i 1.4S O.'lX and s 37 p in Sunday, Ml am and Leave I ambertville for Fleiniimton ** am « lo ami l.fiO p m week day**. Arrive Fleininittou 1 b..» in. and f p m yvt*ek days. Leave Lambertville for Mauunka Chunk ami StromlsburLT s ti. lO.iMani. i it Is and 8.37 p in. Sundays I* a m, s.T p ni I >r PliilfipsburK and Fastononly, i. b p in week days. Leave Frenelitown M "s pi. |5, am ' 17. 5 if and 0.05 pm weekda vs; pi pi n m. m n.5 p in. Sun • lav- For IMiillipslnii L'ami Faston only. '< U P m week-davs. Arrive l'hillipsbunt it. 10 ami 11 18 a in. ’ 5.40, 7.48 and 0.37 p m Sunday, lo '•! a in. Leave Phillipsl.ur».r 7 m i and n..’.' a in 3.03, 5.45 and M Pf p m Sunday 10 ’ a in, 9.4tJ p ill Arrive I.elvidere 7 57, in 17 and 11 10 a in. t '• 0 IS and 10.08 P III Sumlay, : 1 ‘A*. ;t in, In ns p m Arrive Mauunka Chunk 8 u'; lo •.■•. ml !• a ni.i I-.', 0.-5 and loll p in Sunday Ilf.’ a m lo 14 p m Arriy *• Stromlsburp ; h L A \\ HIHlbo.'am. lii 18, 4.17. «• 57 ami lo. 15 p in Sunday s. I .'.u .1 noon and lo 15 p m Passengers for I»roa*l Street Station. Phila delphia. by t rains b ay nuc stroiidsbiuv af • ••' 9.4ii and 11.57 a m and 5 ns p in daily, i;o through without ehaiitfe at Trenton A throuu'h ear tor romlsbur i at taehed to trains leaviuu lhoad M r. et Station at *1.06 a in, 1».03 noon, and 3.'it p ni wek • lays; 7 r*o a m an l • tu pm Sunday P»\ all other trains passengers to or Iroiu Hr ad Street ehatiue ears at 1 reiiton Coimeetion is made at Stroud Inna,' with Delaware, Laekawauua A \Y• -i« in Hailr>*ad Leliitfh •lunetion \y ith Lehiuli Valh Lehinli A Sus*piehatum. Nb»rris A I -*e\. and N- a Jersey Central l.’ailtoad*. A' I mnberty il 1** with rleminfftoii Hailroad \f rreiiton yvith trains to ami from Neyy York. «’amdeii A For further information, .<•••■ time tallies, which can be obtained at the tieket otii. e f Stops only on signal or n. • • t. • A: .*ut •■! Conductor t-o receive or dmcharue pas-mi * i i» lieRiilnr stop to dis«*harne pas.-eni •■«■ <• llegular stop to receive pu eiitiers. W. VV. ATTFlUirUY. I li WOOD Oeneral Manager Pa - r I rat .M i UFO W P.OYD, Dell P:,-v \ nt Telephone Notice. T1IF MKIUTIANTS AND FAHMFHs lit FPU ON F AND IT.LId iHAPII Co.MPAW have now built their lines into almost all parts of Hunterdon County and are i.-ady t • receive subscriptions for telephone* at the rate of iM-ik) per year for unlimited m y - throughout the county. The system now reaches Neyy Hope. Lam bertville, Stockton, Jdell, Kingyvo>»d. Ser geantsville, llingoes. T.oektoyvn. ( i ■ don. Fh*in ington, Three liridge*. Haptisttown, R«-*' niont, Frenchtoyvn, Milford. Bloomsbury Little York, Mt. Pleasant. I’.veritt-t-oy n I’at tenburg, Quakertown, Pittstoyvn. Cbni ui Annanuale, Lebanon, Potter'stow n, Wbit. house and Wliitehouse Station Applications for telet'lione* should be made to Charles N. Heading, Frem litoyy n N •• n Eugene Wilson. Sorgeantsville, N .1 "hi. h will receive prompt attention TIIK HEBCIIANTS’ AMI FAUMKIIS’ TKLKPIIONK AM) TKI.KGRAP1I COll'AM. A Po=Lt’vc CATARRH HWITVEa «'a ^ CURE Ely's Cream Balm | is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes | heals and protects the diseased mem brane. It cures Co- I tarrh and d r i v e s I awav a Cold in the I_ Head quickly. He- II A V FFVCI stores the Senses of 1 • w fcl Taate and Smell. Full size 50rts., at Drug gists or by mail: Trial Size lOcts. by mail. Ely Brothers, 5«J Warren Street. New York. Catarrh and Hay Fever. Liquid Cream Balm is becoming unite n popular in many localities as Ely’s Cream Balm solid. It is prepared for use in atom izers, and is highly prized by those who have been accustomed to call upon physicians f..r suelCa treatment. Many physicians are usinr and prescribing it. All the medicinal proper ties of the celebrated Cream Balm are contain ed in the Liquid form, which is 75cts. includ ing a spraying tube. All druggists, or by mail Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St.. New Y nrk Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed