Newspaper Page Text
THE LAMBERTVILLE RECORD JESSIE E. PIERSON, Editor. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 11, 1906. Buy your coal of Geo. W. Massey Head Grand Depot Faster adv. Spring fevpr is about line. — Wear the Douglas shoe, lor -ale by Chas. F. MAKTi\riri.i.. —D. S. Williams is about to Imre his house lighted by electricity. —Retains its moisture MvKay's brenil. Save yonr coal for winter. Cool; with Gas. — Gypsies are eueninpp.l on the ohl Pair Grnnnil. —Buy tiro Hawes Hat, for sale by ( 'if AS. F. Mabtinpkli.. —Evergrowing in popular favoi Thomas' Cream of Wheat Flonr. The two houses, Nos. 19 anil 15 West Coryell street, have been neatly repainted and otherwise improved —For monumental work, go to Harry’ K. Kramer, Corner Bridge and Franklin streets. —A mother lien and her chicks are ■ inite an Faster attraction in ( lesson's drug store window . —A new concrete house which is being erected by Joseph Pinkie on Coryell street is attracting attention. — 15. II Van Horn A Sons' Faster Millinery sounds enticing, it is worth calling to look at. —Folkuer’s Faster goods are new, attractive and reasonable in price. See the adv. Rend the new adv of (’. C. It. John and Co. in this issue. Now is a good time to get insured. - RnmbeitvilleThill's" arc still going up in smoke. Kline Son sells them. William (1. Bayard lias secured a tine position in Trenton as stationary engineer in the Pennsylvania I! II. shops. The residence on Coi veil street occupie ! by W. t). II i 11 pot and Thom as Wall lias been improved In a coat of paint. The railroad men who a week since were ordered to work throe days a week have been put on six days, nine hours a day. The Armstrong property, south west comer Main and Coryell streets, w as sold at Slid ill s sale Monday nf ternonn to Harry Groginskv for —The last saner kraut feed of the season was given by the members of I.eni Renape T.odge, No. 15, I. G. O. F., at the close of their meeting last Tuesday evening. •Coutiaetor George W. Vi nott lias received a contract to erect a cook house and wash mill at the New h i sey Rubber Works. — Extra good organ suitable for lodge, church or school as well as a parlor for sale. Inquire at the Rec ord i fllee. Channcev [toiler, a young man employed at the Lninbertvillc spoke works, lmil his Ion badly Ionised mid otherwise injured n foxv days ago l>v a heavy keg of holts fulling upon it. First claan Fire Insurance only, in tlio lending companies of the world at the old established ngonev in the _ Solliday Rnilding. I'. II. 11 oi.i oil nr.. I.M-.i week Supervising Prineipnl Kerr ottered an illustrated eop.r of "Iiongfellow'M Evangeline" a-i a prize in a voluntary spelling inateli. Miss Muriel S' bank seenred the prize. WAsrEi. A ‘Hid team driver, able to drive four horses. Apply at the Recorp oftiee. — Ruth,the ten-months oid daughter of Mr. and Mis. Harry R. dustier, died from spasms on Wednesday morn ing Inst at R o'clock Funeral sorviees and interment were held on Friday —Word has been received at the depot that the railroad division head quarters, which were to he removed to Trenton by May t, w ill still re main in Lambertville until Heptem tier. I ton t forget the supper In be given by the ladies of the First Rap tist chin eh tonight and tomorrow night, April 11 and V.‘. This supper promises to excel, if possible, all past efforts in this direction. Tickets, A', cents. There is strong talk of a number of citizens forming a company to man ufacture wagons, furniture, agricul tural implements, etc., in this city. A committee has been appointed to ascertain what support can lie secured toward the enterprise. The next meeting of the New (Yntiii v Club, of Newtown, Pa., will lie belli April IS, when Miss r.illie A. Williams, of Trenton, will deliver a lecture oil ‘‘A Woman s Reason. This meeting w ill be public and an admission will ho charged all non members. The Woinaii's.C’hi ist inn Temper nneo Fnion of Hunterdon Comity, will hold its spring institute, at .Tnuction on Wednesday, May And, 1900. Mrs. E. Oeldiardl, presid ing. An Interesting program is being arranged for both ninruing nud afternoon sessions commencing at 10:30. A mass meeting will he held in tlio evening to be addressed by Rev. C. H. Mend, who is one of the best speakers on Temperance Reform. All are invited. ('o. Poems Sppt. —A largely attended meeting of business men and other interested citizens was held at Holcombe Hall Wednesday evening to take action to prevent if poosible, the removal ol the offices of the Belvidere Pivisiou from this city to Trenton. William H. Laner was ehairmnu and .Tames D. MacKay, secretary. Remarks wore made b}’ several citizens, nftei which a committee was appointed t. wait on the president of the Pennsyl vania Railroad and lay the matter he fore him, making request that the offices remain in Lambertville. Tilt committee consists of Warren A Greene, John A. Anderson, Mallei F. Hay hurst, James D- MacKay, Thomas Crowley, Edward H Hoi combe. i - Head Opdyekes horse sale news. — Fish will take a drop in price aftcr this week. Smith x Son’s Hair Pin Mauu I'aejory, of this city, is working nights this week to till the increased orders —The financial report of the hertville National Hank will he found i in this issue. —-Tfleoh S. Holcombe, of Cottage Hill, tins installed an inonhator in his j cellar, which nipans lols of ehielcens. —S. A, Finger has an advertisement this week that is worth roadiug—wise buyers arc always looking for these money-saving chances. —The soloists eugaged for the Am j well Orchestra concert are Miss Eliz i ahetli II. Olommer, of Trenton, so prano; Mr. William Sibley Dowdell, Philadelphia, basso and Mr. Fred V. Balderman, clarinet. The concert will be given in Lyceum Hall, Wed nesday evening the 1$th. —The St. Cecelia Harmony Club, comprised of young pnpils, held a “Toy Symphony” Saturday after noon ai the home of Miss Clara Komis ] in honor of the birthday anniversary | of Hayden, the noted composer. The j affair was a highly pleasing one. Mrs. Levi Brown and Miss Koons as sisted tlic juvenile musicians. St. Andrew's Fpiscopal Church. oil Friday- There will lie services j at - ;{0 a. m, and 9:30. fn the nf tci noon from'l SO to 3 there will be devotions mid meditations commem orative ol iiiii Saviour's agony on the cross. Faster Day Holy Communion at 0 30 and s v. m. Choral Celebration of the Holy Eucharist and sermon 10:30. Children's Faster festival scr vice and presentation of Lenten offer ing 7:30 r. m. On Faster Monday at ! ,:I0 i vi. will bo held the ainin. I Parish Meeting for the election of Wardens amt Yes trvmen for the ensuing year Annual Mi cling at Presbyterian Church The annual meeting of the emigre gat ion of the Pirsl Presbyterian | Church nf this city was held in the lecture room of that edifice on Tues day evening of la'll week, when the reports of various hoards were rend. The summing up of the business found Ihis year to be one of prosper itv both spiritually and financially. Trustees were elected as follows, tine year, Dr. Leon T. Salmon, Clins. M. Dilts: two years, Newton I' Slack, Dr. I. Hibson Petrie; three years, Ed ward H. Holcombe, Frederick F. Lear. The auditing committee is comprised of the following gentlemen: Harry M. Dilts, William Wilson ami Raymond Stout. OBITUARY Mi: .. M m:i k I,. Wii.i.iam.non. Mrs. Marin 1.. Williamson a sister of l>. V. li. Hchrliok anil vvlio died at his residence nil Sunday will ho Inn ioil at Now Brunswick, on Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Williamson was eighty one years old. M Its. lfr.TTir Al.T.INSON. Mm. ITetlie Allinsnn. who for a long time dwelt in an old tumble down lionso nil Cemetery Hill, and who a few years ago was removed to the poor farm, died Monday morning at the residenee of the late fsrael W. Phillips, in W. Amwell township. Her age w as not known, but if her claims were correct she was 101 years old. Burial took place (tliisj Wednes day morning at lOo’oloek in Mt. Hope Cemetery, l.altnu, Funeral Director, Wir.i.iAM Ser.o.vr. William S'pront, a former resident of this city, died at the Mercer llns pilal, Trenton, Sunday morning, from Bright's disease and dropsy, aged ltd years. Ilis wife died about four years ago, and he is survived by five chil dren. Funeral services were held at the Centenary M. K. Church (this) Wednesday afternoon, at " o’clock, conducted by the pastor, the llev. F. .1 KuIp. Interment at Mt. Hope Cem terv, nuder direction of .1, K., Hi; .T. Bp mono. |ir. A. .1. Beading, editor and pro prietor of the Ilatboro Jonrual, died at bis late home, Ilatboro, Pa , on Saturday, Mnreli M, 190(1. He bad been ill with lieart trouble and other complications for some months and becoming despondent put an end to his life by shooting himself while Ids attendant was absent. Deceased was a Civil War veteran, veterinary sur genii, haring served during almost the entire four years. Coroner King, j <>f Montgomery County, gave a eer lifienteof death in accordance with the above. Church Notices. Fiiist Baptist CTii.'Rch Hi v. Phan cis Ij. CHt'Rf'H. Pastoi. Faster Sunday Services, lO.liO Easter concert by the Sunday Sehool in the auditorium, with speeial mnsie and short address In the Pss tor. | ?:15 No Sunday sehool session. T:llrt A special servieo for children and their parents and friends. The regular topic announced in the series on “Burning (.tiiestions" will he given briefly as a sermon-prelude. The feature of the evening w ill he a talk to children and grown lips il Instrated h.v beautiful vases and blackboard. Also there w ill be special mus.c by children and the ushering will bo in I their charge. At the conclusion as an Faster sou I yenir each child present, under 10 I years of age will he presented w ith a I potted plant. Those wlei remember the “Candle j Talk’’ given by Mr. Church, evpoct a large and enthusiastic audience Snu I day night. EambertvilleP. O. List of letters | remaining unclaimed in the Post j Office ending April 1th. Mrs. Wilrner Bryns Mrs. Ellen Jenninp I leorge Balias, Raftaele Crechma Terafina Pi Lallo. Chivaro Frencesco Richard Peakci Michele Pavlo. Jacob J Rooks. JamSs t>- MacBay, P. M. IN A PERSONAL WAY. I.nnis Cnllau, or Franklin street is sink with typhoid fever .Mrs. Clara Young is spending a wi't'U with lior aunt at Yardlev, Fa. Mrs. William Bowno is suffering from measles. Marie Began, of Pennington, is vi iling her parents in this pitv. Raymond Hammill was a Friday \ isitor in Trenton. Stanley Montgomery, of Cottage H ill, w ho has been seriously siel; for the past month is improving. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ooeniner, of Biehmond, Va , were entertained last week hv Mr. and Mrs, Alfred T. Miss F.iiuIj Fighter, of Salem, is the guest of Mr and Mrs F.dwnrd Van Horn. Jessie F. Pierson, of T’iik Bi i oho, is seriously ill at her home in Ilia Hooker apartments. Mrs. William Leary and daughter Mary, were vi-ilote m Trenton on Thursday la-1 Miss Mary Conover hits Inert s|iend in-- some time with Mi-s Clara Wlmr ton, Titusville, N. .1 Miss Mary tlrilllth has been spend mg a few dar s with friends in I'lriht delpltia Mi s. t ir-orge I'.mhler and eliildren, of Trenton, have heen visiting Mrs. Thomas Larisnn. Mis. \ mm Whitmore and s.m, nl \ew York State, spent Similar with M i “. Thomas Horn John Uainhle, papermaker, who lots heen work in,g in California, has returned to his home in this eitr Mis- Yda Beaumont, nurse in Me Kinlev Hospital, Trenton, visited in tliis eil v on Thnrsdar and Friday. Arthur limit lias aeeepted a posi tion with a pneking tlrnr in Pittshrrrg, I’a , and started on Ins new work on Mondar A fter an ia tended v isit union:', rel at i v es a tot ft lends in tins eit.v, l.evvis Smith loti returned to ttie (treat Lakes, where lie is engaged in heal ing freight. I il vital ions nave heen issued for the wedding of Miss Anna M. 1,arisen daughter of Mr. nu t Mis. Joint l>. Iiitrison, i.f Stockton, and F.dward T \'enable, of Sergeantsvtile, to take place at the home of the hride, Satnr dav, \ prill l Nf W HUPfc AND VICINITY. Mims Hi I i < > Hi nil Im nil t III' sick 11 *■«! . Miss Sitmli I*. them li;is accepted s position with Victor Talking Machine Co , in < 'amdeti. \ . I i! 1*01r I it*rnun Inis been ill for sev h.Ii\- witli iicuIp indigestion and is mnil'lr to work Or. -I I’ Scott is t In* i»ttending ph\ iiMiin. Miss N.*lli<* lotInnts iiinl Miss P.Uic Slaughter were busy shoppers in Philadelphia h«-t Prida v ft nil Mnt ii i till v. I nine Krai huroiigh was m Philndcl pliiu visitor lust Monthly and attend pit a s11nil dinner given hv thp Pnitod Fisherman's Soeiet \. which In* is nn honorary momhcr. Andrew Sear hototigli, proprietor of tin* upper hinl lishci \ at Newhope, wet thp new lid hi uuikir^g a haul last Wi ilm tiny iimriiin * Haul* will now In* iinnh* eieh day The Newhope Ihdiiwan* hndge was well tillcil with people Tuesday e\on ing watching tin* blaze from burning brush ou How mini's Kill tl looked as though tin* entire lull w is afire. While tames K.i tgeru, «• I the Tipii ton Y M. (' \ . who preaehptl here lust Situ.lay mi tin* M I’.. Church has neither 0. O «»r Ih*\. attached to his name, In* prea-'hes a far lie tier sermon than “null* ministers that have The leading .• •lore.I people of this lection liehl a .Innee in St intsiiinn’s i Hall Thursday night, which was largely at t in 11 «• t The atlair was given millet the ■lireelion of Itiehanl I*. Peaker, Alexander Wooil, I!. If. Woo.l. Tlieo.lore Case, William Mayo, an ! t h• nr:• i* II MntVett. Refresh nn nt* wen* serve.l amt about thirty eonples present Mis 4 *i>ii Scott, daughter of Oi I. I . Scott, received a hearty welcome when the arrived home last Frida v from Wilson Cnlle/e. where she is being eilneatpil Mis* Scott will remain in Newhope until after tin* Master holiday* ami il is under stooil she w ill he entertained by a numlier of her most intimate friends. It is now more than two months James MefJuigan first had his leg fi acini ed, the accident having taken place in tlu* upper rnhhcr mill of Lambert villc, where the unfortun ate man was employed For some reason or other it did not heal satis factorilv and Dr. Salmon, the attend ing physician in the ease, decided to take the patient to the Presbyterian Hospital, in Philadelphia, where lie was received last Thursday. The Pugh* Pire Company's fair and ha/aar begins next Monday evening and will continue during the entire week. This will undoubtedly be the greatest event of its kind ever given in Newhope. The public is manifest ing much interest and the firemen are “leaving no stone unturned to make the aflair the social and linaucial suc cess it desei ves to he. The supper will he given one night only,Tuesday April in, and the other nights will he devoted to the fair and Im/aar. Walter Sheerer, a brakeman on the Newhope branch of the Philadelphia and Heading Railroad, celebrated his **sth birthday last Monday evening by giving an oyster supper to the members of the train crew with whom he works. The supper was served at Miluor’s Cafe and attended by Louis Pc/**, llarrv Fisher,William Miller, William Van Kart, Harry Crimes and Fred Milimr. The beautiful chair presented to the Ragle Fire Company, of New hope, by , the ludies of the William Mann Com pany, of Lambertrille, will be shared off at the firemen’s bazaar and fair, which opened Monday and will con tinue throngh the entire week. Tuesday, April 10, the supper was held. The shares on the chair referr ‘ ed to are only 5 cents each. STOCKTON. Mr. mill Mrs. John TV. Smith were visitors in Lambertville Thnrsday. Miss Sno D. Slack spent last week at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Black. Pineville, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney and daughter l.aurn, of T.amhertville, were visitors in town Thursday. Miss 11. May Shaw, of Ttosemont, is visiting at tho home of Wilfred Asheroft and wife of P.aptisttowu. John Miller, of Sergeants'Mills, is visiting his native home at Frederiek. Md. Sergeantsville Council, No. dr O. r. A. ..lebrated its tenth an niversarv Tlinraday evening. Charles Rowlby and wife, of Centre Fridge, who have been seriously ill are slightly improved. Mrs. William WoodrnlV. of Head quarters, is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Mahlon Htronse, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Rambert Mathews has return ed to her home in lloseinont aftei spending a few days w ith her parents John Niron and wife of (Jnakcrtown. .ludson TlofV and wile, and dangh ter F.leanor, of Pennsylvania, reeent ly visited Mis. TTotT’s parents, Joseph 11. Case and wife, at Sandy llidge. Missl, Vietoria Diamond,teacher at Heading Academy, Flennngton, is spending sometime with tier mother, Mrs. Samuel Diamond, of llronkville. Flank V. )>. Fisher and wife, and ehildren, Fveritt and Arthur, of Her geants Mills, s|ient Hnnday at the home ot William I'.adev and wile of Prallavilln. The‘‘Willing Workers' of the Her ean llaptisl Chnreli, ol this idaee, helil a slipper and bazaar in the ehnreh parsonage, Thursday evening, whieh was well patronized. Vbont Soil w ere realized. Austin I,. Davison sold pail of his livery ontfit at pnldie sale Tuesday last, consisting of one surrey, three buggies, one big wagon, harness, rohes, Ac , also a horse, w hieh sold for $7ii. The Hev. and Mrs. ,l. II. Winner and three ehildren, of South Dakota, have lieen visiting Phillip F. Rooks fellow mid wife. Mr. Winner was a former pastor of (lie llospmont M. F„ ehnreh, hut has resided in the West for some time. After a sojourn with relatives here he intends to locate in the vicinity of Trenton BIHTMI1AV PAH TV In honor of the seventeenth hirllt day of Miss F.ntma I. Naylor a niim her of her friends gathered at tier home on Swan street and made merry the time in song, dancing and games. Refreshments were served. Included in the guests were Mahal Reid, Annie Petrie, Nettie (Ireene, Taylor, Nan Sharp, Mamie Kelley, Clara Par sons, Mrs. Theodore Holcombe, Tiunrn Heath, I’.mma Naylor, Florence Nay lor, Kolia Naylor, Mrs. Harry Heath and ehildren, Donald, Marion and Mildred, Andrew Case, Vincent Mat lock, William Koons, (lorahom (lam tile, F.dward Rlook, Charles Rcnn»t, of Trenton, and fteorge Navlor and .1 allies M urra v oft his cil i. Mou|iiitin*H Doom Sealed N« » .l< Ik t Will \ littl* Ini lit** M hi Imi * . \lclegi.ini from l'ii. N J., ii A u ii nl cxti iminatioii against tin* iii*i'iij111111, w tin 11 lus • • i\t*11 Now |ersev an Ii an iinenvi ible name in the pit .1, will In- waor.I imieuiitting for llu* m-Kt Inc in six years as there is eveiy iinlii ation that Si ile I ntninnlo (;ist Smilli will rerrive the $ \30,000 nhii h In I in , asked limn the Stale fur the |nir|iOse of In 1.1 i 111 i 111the 111 II lie-; whit ti ue the l>n r''.m:' mound . o! the pestiferous little insect. I'lnf .wr Smith |ilaiihe.l a .leinaln < ampaigri that ivoiih! eMenil to 1 \eiy part of the State 1111! iiijnito sevetil real, lor its e\ei ution anil u< cnidingl) icqiicslcd^ that the aid ot the State should lr offered in installment lie asked lor an appropriation ol $70,000 a ye:u I'oi a period ol five yeats ami after llirn niigh study of his plans the Slate Sen ate has passed the lull It gins to tin I louse this week null issiired ol pass age there. The entomologist has deset died on a map of the State 200,000 acres of marsh land where the mosquito lluives. lie has satisfied himself, in expel intents on tlie Newaik meadows that the draining of tlrr-se marshes will solve praetieallv the whole problem. I lie market value ol all the laud ill the Stale is upward of 1,000,000,000. I‘.vperts estimate that this value will he enhanced at least 10 per rent by ridding the Mosquito I tepartment, that was the jest of all the funny men. I he 1 ost of draining with the pro cesses devised by the Mosquito Depart merit is about $1 qo .111 acre Newark last year drained 3,500 acres at an ex pense of $5,000. The appropriation alxmt to he made will diy up all the 200,000 acres Mr Smith pioposcs to attack. The woik. it is < .ilrukited w ill take live years. As soon as the ai I is passed the dt paitmcnt will begin woik on the great meadows between Jersey City and kahway and another 20,000 acre tract 111 the southern part of the State. Every Town Committee and improvement c lull has established its mosquito committee to join bands with the State Department, I 11**1 si«»fte in ili«* Iftlmlitrr, Hint ury kidneys were affected. Nmie j ol the means taken for relief produced J any lasting benefit until I began the j nsa of Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy, of Rnndont, N. V. The pain ceased—the calculus or stone having been dissolved by the medicine. I am ready to testify that my recovery was due to Dr. Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy —E. D. W. Parsons, Roch ester. Lambertvillc Public School. Report of the I.umhortvillo Public Schools for the seventh month end in*: March *?*.», Ifiiiu .School ORAMMAR S«*nOOI.. “A” Griule “H” (Irade. “C” Grade. “DM Grade. riRST " ARP 1*111 M ARY. “A" Grade “IP* Grade “G” Grade. “ICGrado ...... niiRn warp rm M ARY “A” (trade “1." Grade. “C”’Grade “lV’Grade t»l R‘ ::r. ;o *m p.» i:t 1.5 :i:i :u •M \U) si so MS so MS OH o*» s<» so Totals . (Uhi Same month, 10(V*». ;i \ The follow!in* pupils have * oil nor tardy durian the month IIhill StiTO( >1. r»71 4tl‘J SO as; r»40 \Yt m il In r In i n ah* Senior (Mas* -Sidney It ll.r hnr-(, Mars I Oehan, Virginia, \V. Campb* Kmharin«* I Conway. I’ertlm Prolmseo. Rem- sleuthe Sub-Sr (Mas*.- Thomas I! Mum, Anni. R Rosser*. Anuiihel liov.le Mad. leino M ton way, Minion,- (| Pavis, Atldie V Johnson, Pert ru.ln M. I.eduer, I’, leu mu- M, l.m^nr, III I' ll Ser: i*nnt, I.idle Stiles. Middle (’lass. Ivan lthn*k, John M, hr, ver Irvin T. Randolph, William Mi-yil’ert, John Kelty, M.iry M ltulner, I'.thel PrntVm. Mar\ l.edi , i Jennie Spear, Mai \ Mnllns .1 ilni«t Clais John Foy, lhnihs Malloy Russell VutiCamp, Pmi A I, era, Ki oh Itrown Helen It I Mnireh. I'll h W l . .op« r Helen l.aKaw Maiiaiit It Rnher..ii Rannie H, h. n. I. (it: \ M M \ H Si lh Mil ' 'ha h Olive lbtekeiihiu* , Sura I. l lsio Scott, Fannie Pro.dusky, Mae Jones, Hoksi, Ueha Sine 1.. Ha /cl I Imruc, I'U. aheth Heller, Nellie Poe, lh*l , Ralderstnn, rthel Smith. Howard Smith “H" Cecelia Atwood, Miriam I inn • tier trude M. Quillfin. Itradles Akers, Allied lto dine, Horace l'arlee, Frank Kramer, lln hnrd Nan Horn. Ponovan NVilniot, Aliee (iuriimn. ‘ C" (1 lade Avis Pluck, l.oielta Hllhier, Mur\ Itrown. Anna l.odor. I’.li/aheth Meehan lieha Hose, Maude SI nil, Vml, i Williamson, I eon Ahoti. Alexander Pill *. O. iij-las Pilts, Fnrle l ishei l.eroy Priee, litrI •si.nit, Rrad lord l horin P’ (Irud. 11 n • I Dyiia, lay (loodhll.»w, Florence II. Pel, Charles Heines, Albert Hoi com he, (Jraee Malloy, Marion Kcadimr, J'arle Swallow , Albert M’nmsnn, timer I'onison, I ni ih Wi in i. Nellie Williunis, Harold WiPmi lilts i- \\ A111» lit I M \ it V. A Prude Hoy Abbott, Hurlon Rnrh.i Russell Hel»el, Robert Holcombe, Meyer Ra l'hael, Joseph Stockton, Raymond Wesm r I h.*o,lore Vnuonej.Mi v. Helen ( lark. M.m Monti:oiiiei \, llentriee Taylor. R ('Tilde Rlaneln* Helsel, (ieiievievi byiieli, Harry l.ereh, Cyril Newman Howard Stoekion, Watson Nan Horn. ( (trade Edna I>raflin, It*me II* m y Marcaret Hunt, Stella Old. .'Matilda /eh I Hie (’omtilo, R, ( iunld \\ illu i 1 P" tirade Marv Trainrer. Sarah (lo,|**wu Pai-v Naylor, John Me(,hiillan Raymond Helsel. Robert McNamara Til I UP WARP l KIM A It V, A" (trade lh i thn Serceant, Ida I,ell. ver bilian Readin::, Mad- line llolenmhe, .Marion Ciimmiiu:*, .l, |,' Refill, Andrew SeylVert, Flossie Haves, R\a Roberta, lalitli llilhy, Charlotte Mason, Helen Milimr, (lertnide Skillman, Father Purlin**, Idly Mettler, l ied I near. Rai l Van Horn, llarriaon Rose, (ieorih Abraham, Manraret Pyns, I .eon Hawk, liar. <1*1 Parker, Rail Rareroli, Hur.h Mnlaiwiphv "It” Crude Katharine Rhi.h, Itaehael Heath, Mary Hortman, Mildred Risler, Rllen Haves, l arle (Tom* « Hft• *n Pdi *. Arthur Roy, l.est. r Ran »n Paid Ra*|. r. Fvan ( (trade l.e Irl < * . Rl\ il l < illbell Hrndl. \ Keephart Herbert Roherln Mirn Pills. Nnii * Pean, Porot h.v Skillman I* (ira*le liiinia Haves. Ilnri'v In ilarrs Rook Rdwaid Seheincrhorii NftinoH of thorn* wlmflp lovitnl ioiin ami I hport inont huvo Pitch nvorn^fttl HO per cent. or moii men Kriiooi, Hriiior < 1.1 •»:. pet •mi nil-1 .o. i. i \ 11 I: inia < 'ii in | • I m*1 I, ■ Kathrnm Ci.nwav ‘.hi per rent. hut undrr '• •. Iram* HIi'hlIt. lii'i i h i Pro haMi'o, Mary I• • )i iii. Kfllii* O'ltom K, Nuli-St'iiior Cla*n or. j.i-r f mi l mor: I I-’.l#*iihi»r I.n ar mi l l.iOii' l iii ' X.l.ln Johnson <h-rtrmir Fodt.'rj* on pn •.nt I in llllOtT'• MH'|i,I|III' < ’oflWlI v IP ill ' •1IV • Ml) t Min imi.' Davis, Ann.On I I'.oil. Muriel HohanrK, \unit- Rowers Middle < I i 'i', |»«r •‘•-hi .111• i ... i i I iliti) 11rnUin I\.-in Rlarl,. Moi \ I «’•!■ ’>■i '»,i pur rent Ittil uihlit Mai \ I• 1111’• i M.iv Mn\ Well, •Ifiinif Sp. ;ir, I i.miiK 4 jivnu .•• I . Irvin Uumh'lph Mm v .Malloy .l..|.n K. .1 i*iio• i i Im- o . p. i .ml .iml •* • • i i II. I. n LltRuW, l.iiillio Srhrml. III. it I >. lit 4 ....per M.ii'iiii. i l!..l..-r*iiin. Mildirl Mai!<.i,un Ifrlrli Plllllrh. lolin 1-0. Krill. P.|oll|| I in Alu i <. Flnreiir. . NavKn Pit rl \| U. a.ling lll.liltrlli Mrn.|.|'..|i I'l |r I •*- W .loll fillf‘11» II.>1 I..11 «11:a m \i ai: a ip.i ii. V Ura.I. (i. r .ml an l ..\.i I II . al I hi a 11»- Fannie (Iroifintl. \ m.llilo. Ho,*|. • iiKury. Minnio 1’ivl/, Nrlli.- Rv. .la. .Pmon lialdernon I'.r* HIhcI 'lain Hoi • oinlas Wilbur Conover, FI lit II.Her, ila/rl lirmon, l.ulii lliivsko, I i Smith W» I•**i' '‘riil l.tit inrlrrAi'rllu I , Vr. I lnu r Smilli, •IttHi'ph SKarpr. Howard mitIi Mil lion Wriaprii llarrv Harlpmr. .lolm llo| • "iniir, Slrlla Cooper. Selina McDonald R” tirade ar. pt*r c. iiP nml ovi i; i. Alln-d. !'• »tliin*, *.* Ut-i ti ii.l. McQuillnn llorar. Mninio OronriitHl.v. Donovan Wilinoi. Uirh aid Van Horn, FPie Rowmnn, Dorothy M i * «t*y, Helen Urmm. Mnniarst Howell, Miriam i nniii. '.mi peict'iil Imt iimlri Alice <l..i man. Cecelia Alwoml, Rclm Camp, Rradh-y Al.t-rn, Louis Voiin;:, Mary Hunt John Stork lon. (Irnce Reid, Minnir Duiiinr Fthel Smith. Flizubct h Smilli. Foi -I \;iii • i . I rank Kra hut. I |.i I Tom •• “I tirade ar. per rent ami «o.-r: 1 Vvi. Rlaek, Mary I’.rmvn ami Alexander Inin Mary Kelley and Domda* Pm- Minnie Moor* Helm Rose I'.arh* Imhei Violet Wil liamson, Maude Stull, Florence Lewis. Mabel Cook, Ftlml Srln iiiii I'horn. I . U.o I'm, . Anna l.oilor, Mm io Mr'iimir , Walli-r kn r, l'.li/a hfttll l.UOIIM, I’.li/ahrl h Fnt. '*o p.r r.nt Put iinM<*ra.v FlilV«»r<l Cool., Htaiil. > ll<il.-onil»o. Aiulrovv lloh-omh. Fon tta Ihilpri Fli/ahrth Mrohan llvnun 11 a pliar I. IF.mhi.I Swift Until Famon. llarrv Mrrhan. Martrarit |; MaHteraon. Marnarot M Mastor*.on, M.'olrlint* O’Nrill. Fro <'Niiipholl, l lorrnrr I r.nvhy, William N»\ lor l>"tlra«lr ar* par .rut mill nv. r: I N.llir Williann !ia prr r. nt. hut un.h i • ■ linn Foy. Kniily Wr-nai Alhart JloJ. ..min- lla/. I Py;i», tia.triro Parnon Camh on. Min l.\ Ill'll I loi rii.-a Ilelnal. F IRST WARD PltlMA R V. A" tirinh - an p« r aant anl uinh i '*. j Naomi Winltuholtom,MihlrrM Mt>ntc'>i*'* i y, Raatrioo Taylor. Thamlora Friyon -arj . RtiHNell llaPal, (Jraro Stout, .lannio h| v. Arrhii r.M.l, MiKIra.l Thtttahar, Mary M«*ntyoriiri\ “J*. <irnila-<irortn In.itlin, l.'i.moii.l P.n MOn. Uiuliaril ilolromhr. Jilunahr llalnal l-'roij Kaija r, (lanavirvr I.yiiah, Harry*h. Wat -on Van ll«*ni, Mar/piret Mat/, .lamas Monti - varilf? AllraM Muntaril, I.u.-v Naylor, Muhal Winters, l.illian Winter * Lillian Nohlo. Willia l.awin, Cyril Newman, Ah. •• Mont 11. • vva r<l Mtnc’Lton, DayiO Traft/ Tlllltli WARD PRIM \ Ii V. A 'Drath* a*, p. r aant ami i.u r: 1 Amir, w Seyflfert, I’thrl iJilhy, Anna ’luryaii, Han nah Larison, Lla la flovfr. 'hi p.» cent. Put itndar Of.: Martha SeytV.-it, 1 i.osio Jfayea Madalirta Holminla , Mar»/iii. i Willlatnsuri Stella Youne, Catharine Can . "IV'tirade Mildred Dialer. \iuy t.’onover'ar Ilenderaon, Mary Hortmnn, Ftha h»vn, Katharine iilaek, I'anl Holcomhe Harvey Johnson, liaetio) Heath Fll. n Have l arle Cronre Ai.EX. i‘ P ’ HR, Super. P;~i. Prlr.clpal. Tile old reliable M e K ai "s bread. Faster bonnets are nearlv ripe Ask for the Host Itrend \Ia. S i. k< loth will soon get the s.n k The lVrfeetinn of baking Me K w's brea.l. lie good in season and out ol'sea si'it. regardless of lent. Sixteen foot walnut table for sale. Impure al the lleeord olllee. It is .[iiite an ait to know how to engage a eook without losing voin self respeet. Wasteo Man to plow small lot on nehonl hill. \pply at the Itpeonn I wilt ends with Faster and so will some temperance pledges Htidur lirnj'ttSnfH rmv«l« i'H lor 4 lillilren. Su.vesstully used hy Mother ilmv. imr;.' in 1 11n* I’hildren’H Home in Now York, euro fevoi ■ i Mimes*. had stonnii’li, teothini: disorders. | move and renulntn tin* bowels and destro\ ttiTiiH Over.'lo.iMOtestininuml*. The\ uevi i I l:ul At all drnnuisis. Humph' I'll I* I' Ahires*. Alien S Olm*U‘ud. I.ollm \ N The serrel of perpetual voiitli is to look \otmgei than you me m.l art votingei than von look. I.anihertville I’till'. An lion eat cigar. The favorite brand of fan lidions smokers. .1. 15. Kline A Son, Mi. ", Itrnlge St., I.ainbertville, N .1, I 1 itti i v i anipU ptan.e ol i it la l people. Home, Foil I!i:ni li.'airableapait ment in the Hooker Ituildiiig; lias water and toilet aeeommoilations. I luplire of W VI,IT. It I . II Will WO' , It's when a man is a bigamist that one la-ttei ball doesn't know bow the nthei hall lives What would a grocery Him e In' that didn't well sugar.' About the aame grade hm a eigar store that deean'l sell “I.nnilirrtville 1’ulV-c" A polilieal in.ic bine is a great la bm saving device. It saves mam a lieeler from working. Ul. tor I Urn’s I'ool I imr, \ I'nuilri. It make* walk inn easy (’urns t’orni,Bunions, Inurowiuj; Nails, Swollen and Sweatim; feel Al all l>nuri:is|s and Shoe Stores, Vie Pon’t aeeepf any substitute. Sample I'm i Ad dress. Alien s, Olmsted, l.elloy. N \. Wln'n .» m.m is loll In* ilorsn’t j»el nuu It l oiisnl.ilioit 11oili tin* I n t tli it lir. < onsi ioiu r tolls him ho is i i;;lil Siunk e “I .n ml* or I villi* Putts," take none olher on the statement Mini they Hl«‘ jllHt !»M good. Some people believe everything1 ihev lie n in.I take tin* rest I’m gianlcd A Lucky Pontini stress im Mi \ lex(HhleI', of (’iirv, Ale., u ho I him foil in I Di. King'* Now Li In Pills lo ho the host remedy she ever trieil lor keeping tlm Stomach, Inver and Itowcls mi perfect order. You'll agree wdIi her if yon try these pain less purillers dial infuse new life. Guaranteed by Gen M Slianmh.i, «trn •rv* ihI. Price ‘.'V. < )ld tll<‘ eve lull}', ol lilt . hlit i « olid « llildliootl i i ll.e lu st looinm Mail} suit.■m,< l imn iim-.hI t alai i li mm \ lh«*y i:>i .pirn.lid rcMiilH I»v »isi11.f mi iilnini/fr loiflnir Itt'iiHil w prepnii* l.'sI.imiiM i nam 15m I in r.vrrpl Him! it i-< li*pnd it. i. in m!1 Tf-pretH lil.f tin* lion I i in: lii'lpful, piiiie lillayiiti- ( it m in 15.i I in I lint tin- | mi I il i • - liM 1 I • i ■ * • 11 IandUnr with fur year* Noenenine ie»r other • lulu'll- iih driii: in K The Moot hi ua Mpriiy u lit vri at oiiee Mini cure ii rerfaiit. All dniif idHts.'v . irirludiiu' tprayini'tnI.*• nr niMilt'd l.v Illy lino '•*; Whit* ii Kir***»t N- v» \«*rL Shad. loin.I organs ami the- nest, Devil's ltd a ml Torture. im no worse than the terrible case of Piles that attlieted mo lit year'•«. Then I was advised to apply P.iieklen's Ai nica Salve, and less than a bn\ per manently cured me, writes L S. Nu pier, of tingles, K v Heals all wounds, r.iirns and Sores like magic ‘Tie at Goo. M Sliamnlia’s drn gist It is just as kind l«» live up lo i pood reputation is lo live ,i bad one dow ii. Is The Muon Inhabited? Science has proven that the moon ItftH an HtniOHpliere, which makes life hi Home form poHHihle on that sat* 1 lito; hut not lor human beings, who I have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who don’t know that Kleetrie hitters euro Head aelie, biliousness, Malana, (’hills an I 1 r«*ver, .laumliee, Dyspepsia, l)i//i ness, 'I'orpid Liver, Kidnev com plaints, General Debility and Female weaknesses. ('n*‘.|uallo<l as a general Tonie and Appetizer for weak porsoiiH mid especially for the need. It in iIiicch souu*l sleep. Fully guaranteed by Geo. M Slianialm. Druggist. Price only *0e. Ilavitf Matthews Practical Painters. You paint, by the s<|iiare yard. I.. A M. Paint is a full npinre gallon. I.. A M. Zinc hardens I.. A M. White Lead and makes L. a M Paint \ wear like iron. 4 gallons L. a M. mixed with d gal lons Linseed Oil w ill paint a Hinder ate sized house. Actual costs L A M. about $t.?D per gallon. Any Church will he given a liberal • timidity free whenever ttiey paint. William linker, Ilammmiton, N. L, Writes, “Have handled thousands of gallons of the I., a M. Paint hast paint in America; probably in the world.” Sold by A. H Landis Estate, Lin goes, N. J. EASTER MILLINERY. Becoming Styles T hat arc the Vogue At Popular Prices. Parisian Mats, Mats a'"' American Or as You Desire. Kvavthiug up-to-date, new and bright. An opportune time to visit our stores. -A-ISE COIRIDI^ILJirsr I3STVrITE3Z'. flic least expensive of our I (A I’S arc made anisti< ally rorrect ami pretty $1.08, $2.08, $3.98 $'1,08, Dut six dollar li lts will cost $7 50 in the > ity- Match our . i doll.11 h it . lor less than $10. \VF.’\ Is A FINK DIS I’l W NEW COATS 01 t'oveil Cloth. gotten up by tailor artists. Tiny slum their preference at a glance Will hold their shape as long as the garment lasts, ( oats cut lay the inexperienced show the difference and deteriorate soon We’ve'stylish Coats at $3.75. $5, $0, $7.50, $10. NEW WAISTS ''I ind silk, Feautifully made, at popular pi ice, $1 up. NEW DRESS SKIRTS of pretn m'liual, till- ven latest tut' with a i oi reel hang, $1.50 up DRESS GOODS 1,1 new, l Split!. Weight woi te.l ., new weaves, desira ble < oh ns, 25c. to $1.25. \\ \S11 DRI'SS I \ Ills ICS, beautiful S pm o ■ ell,a t latest weaves and w askable, 5c, up. An outfit is inenmplete nowadays without a new pail ot STYLISH SHOES. ‘‘Queen Quality” Dress Shoes need no reeominendation. t hey lie doubtless the liest and tno.l shoe worn at $3. We've a halt dozen other stylish dependable makes lot women w ill surely please at the .. $1.50. $2. $2.50 MEN’S DRESS SHOES nc h.t. ieai v.uiety oi N) W Sl'VLKS, at low e a popular pi ice ilnl will nil ill pur . ,$1,50. $2. $2.50, $3 $3.50. MEN S DRESS SHIRTS. WORK SHIRTS, HOSIERY AND ALL UP TO DATE HABERDASHERY. R. H. VAN HORN & SONS. I Give Clothing' Satisfaction I'rotni e it; guarantee it. It’s really no great lliing to do, with a superb stock of clothing right hero at my ellmw. I voitr price foe a suit oe over coat There’s an unbeatable value here to meet it. Will you pav $*25'.* Then there arc garment worth $35 according to Nme York •-laiid.'irds foe your mini. I ’oint i : I lere are the chit lies yon want at the price you want to pay, Sprint; llal- for Man or llov. Lrctl’K \V. Donnelly 1 aylon opera housl srORt r, AND ACSr MLiLY ROOM c.oNNtCTiRa with ft a. notvw>Lu « PENNSYLVANIA RaILUOAD TOUI<S PwrIVct Plenmirt) Travel LOS ANGELES ..I MeetiiiK JljaUc shrine \pril •VluM.iy-y. Vi ilmi: 'I I.• *i»i» < iiloia.l.i Spline , l^ruvH', (Irntiil Canyon i.l Ai i/ona, l.os Anr* l> , IM Mmiir n»ii I ram i •• I*• *rlluiul ainl <'itnuiliaii llockies >• v • l;t\lii.-Ill Hprt'inl riillin ui Train RATE ' 'll in ' • -arv »-\pen - • \i i pi liolrl a< ->nmn• I HI-nr- hi I <•. \n• I• an I Sun»*i • >•) WASHINGTON \pni r»nn>l .M»\ r. NATE 11 "in I.XMJil i: I VI f I.l. $11 JO $13 at) Aro'l-lun: Pi II.ill I ' .1. rl< il OLD POINT COMFORT. RICHMOND. WASHINGTON April li Si\ diiv Irip Iliroitplr Old Vireiiiei HATE Ironi I.AMIII ltTVU,l.i: $36.30 Oi l) POINT COMFORT ntllv (smile .lilt. , $16 30 GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD AND WASHINGTON .MhV '.**'* An nlflwlivi* ami int• rostm ; *i\-<la\ otllimr. RATE in.n. I.AMI' VII.U $21.HO I ..i lllip initial ainl I>. -1*11 pii\»* Ifii»» r:ii.• <, i iviip; lull iiil'm'inalmu, npl*ly In Ticket \ .ni .»i lil.ii W r.OVh I icin-nil I'a amiu-i i \ --.> ill I * r* »a • I Si Stal n 'll, Philu ADDITIONAL TOURS hi n \ .1 idv \. i iiimi I- I* i» I .II.m I ISAM l ■'I il. .1 it I v \<-<-oimt M • • ■ l in National I • an at iona.1 ion II \ IT *1 j nr l»i:i'!.‘.*.'» from Ni'H im k, \ I I l.ou > I ON l l‘ \ ICIv. .1 ill v. An: ii-i Si pit-ill Ih*I I fa to lo In* nnnmiurisl. j I l: WOOD Pax ill I| Tialiir .M .11 I.l;; • r til'O W I'.llVM, ('ninral PuHHrip.'rr V'DIlt. WIIAT(IAN WK SHOW YOU? is it wmu: (iooDsy The very In i f TYrneli ami Persian l.awns I IK in. wide) arc rjitite I In* |ii'(i|)it things Inr wai-ts ami dresses, 22 In •'! he. a yard. Alsu exclusive illsigns in waNl pattern-'. $1 ."S In S:!. Tin- desirable Inops arc lii-rc too. IS IT 1 {11»11(>NS? We wish \vi- mold describe ilii- m u lililwms. I'luv must lieseen. Vmi rail save monev Inn inn rihlmn.s here. IS IT IIOSIKRY Oli (iM)VKSy As wi* write, wo liavr fIn* long silk cloves in Mark and white hi 7 hr. I In- “ I lurry Up f^«-t these. The new Spring shades in kid gloves, guaranteed, ?1. Ask In e llie ‘‘ Bed ('mss" Storking tor I Inldirii, sizes .r» lii 9.'., 2tie. We have jn-1 received the finest assort ment nl' ini|iorted ' hose I'roin nne of the most famous importers in New Vink, 25c , "He. and ftOe. IS IT SIIIUTS OI! irNDKinVKAn? The line of “ I,inn Brand ” ean’i lie liellered. Stork al its best now. Plain nr jilailed linsoin, separate ends, C'oat shirts with attached ends, til guaranteed,?! and $1.5(1. Bun lions Drench Ballniggan I Inderwear, long nr short sleeves, Beg. and “Stout" Drawers, reinforced -eat al 5(le. These goods eamint he replaeed at the price, t'nion Soils fur men, long or shni-l sleeve. IS IT NKCKWKAli? The silks arc exclusive, the shapes correct ; also wash 1 in-hamls, im mense variety. The season is lieie to make changes. We only a k that you do vinnsell justice by seeing what we have to offer. This is an invitation In visit ip, S. A. FINGER, Agt., 40 N. UNION ST., tAMBEBTVIUE, N. J.