Newspaper Page Text
T11K LAMBKKTVIU.K KF.(’0H1». A REPUBLICAN JOURNAL ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY — AT — lambrrtville, Hunterdon County . N i. k'.afrrtd at the I.awbertville k*ost Otter «. Second-Class Mattrr or hck, COK. I NI ON AM) (OHVMI. SlIiUTS, SUBSCRIPTION 1 Vmr in udiaue* . O .Mouths, in advaure.. J Months, in mlvmii c J. E. PIERSON, Adttur and i'uMtshrr ail. 50 . 7ft 40 JULY II. lOOGs After Bryan Las taken iu Australia and tlii* Antipodes lie will write a In k. it is said, on How Hie isartb .Suits Ale. * | Heard on tiie street: “Uhl you pet promoted?" J»o you remember when >on, too, r^ketl the same vital <jU6H tiou V Von t an t tell much from early ap pearances. Many u boy who wears his hair iu curia until he is seveu years old chew . tobacco before he is eleven l he Zionites are urpiup Keatorer Howie to restore that ‘idO.OOo he pot out of their bun 1.. A mail should nlv\.i\H inspect hie superiors, but some fellows act as tloon?It they didn’t have am h b to be hoped the weather buicju is not keeping that cool wave in t idd stoiapt* iu oitlei to save it I vtn the date on the can, will give us mi inhumation as to die ape of the rlu* ken. Incidentally, II airy I haw appears to j have shot the hd t»t1* a rather putrid t u olaltairsm New Vuik society, I"\v<» pints ol milk in ike one quart,” . i\ :m i \i luii(V‘. So d > one pint ol milk m l one pint ol water. \ New | «• i -»«* y >111!' swallow ail a wasp and immediately proceeded t»» do ground and lolly tumbling i In » i> imnirdiatt K aiose that he was mad He probably was l‘hiladelphia has dec ided that i>nl> b^titd mu it shall he played at the a« i d concerts on Sunday Looks like a scheme to aboli h the sacred concert. titdieve Auto law Unconstitutional New }eise\ Vutomohilists believe they ha\e tound a laid detect in the •Ira ti- I relir.i'huvsen mtotnohile law, w h. li w , id into ctUs l lull i. and m i onse ^ieni e ol this there is no little elit, mi im.mi. the owners md drivers ot hoi el *ss vehicles Hie discovery was nude tiiat the eetion ot the .u t win, h provides tor i -uinmari ievlew ot the convictions i*t auttiiiiobile otien lers w as copied dm t wrbutim Mom an act declared uncon'litutional by tin Supreme Court i lit a> t referred to w as the one pro \id111'. lor review ot commission pio* * > c dui i ■ oust ac« used policemen, j i d in it*v provisions ami lau^ua»;e it was dm,* u identic tl m this respect with tin "lev lew "section ot th<* lie hnvdiuvM ii bill I be presumption is tiiat lh l til, i bill it in this retpe* t equally i> dt tVc toe aswasthe police law. Tin* New Forest Fire taw Hi Forest hue 1 iw. which was pas'e»l at the last session ot the I ei;i latuie »t the instant e of the State For e>ti v i >uimussion, luv.iuu* operative on \\i Ine- lav the law piovides the tovvnship committee ot such t, vu hip' i t*e selected bv th • I » r, ti i Commission shall appoint tire wardens to seive tor the turn i t ne Nc.ii l he Foicstiy Commission, at * re« ei,t meeting, dec ided to require the ap;i intnieiit ot wardens m town ship- containini aU»ut tmir thousand acres ot woodland. IUdei that rule there are in this ccuntv some townships t» whu h the lew will lie applied Ihc ! i uiiiiiii". mi has had pruned tor pubin j d.sf it.uiiiui a number <•! copies ot rle File*! iw t e ther with an ap|veal to t’.e n oi ,-t Vw Jersey to work tvi the protection ot our last disappearing wood- liie-e pamphlets can tk* >e cuted aith ut ui't by applying to th secrct-iU, i. on H Chew, Camden — A Free Schelar>fli|). Any ,. ui, pun oi Momau »ho is a bona fide patron ot this paper mao secure nee mstiuction m Music cm 1 locution. I he Ilka, a Ccoscivatory ot Musk. with a itstie to n.iuulitc the stuJ, ot these aits. fitter l>,o s,h.iarships to up plicar.ts lioui the State ot Nevy Jeisej. \ allied at f i each and good for the tttiii of twenty Meeks beginning will, the often,i.; ot the s. hool year, Sep tetnber i ;. 1906, in any of the tollo* departments : \ imr, V mini, Piano. : Organ and Flocution t hese scholar ships are awarded u|»«i ,..n,pennon which t' . pen to anyone .tearing a musical ,.r hteraiy Anyone wishing to enter the aoarpetitiuri or desiring tutor mauon should yante to Mr tic C Williams, cieoeral Man ager ol tfte Ithaca Conservatory of Music, Ithaca, N. V, t*sto»e Septem ber t, 1906. — I tie Perfection of bnkiajg— Mac EaT's breai Twenty Year Battle. •’I was a loser in a tweuty year battle with chronic piles an.I malig nant sores, until I tried Bueklen’* Ar nica Salve; which nrued the tide. In curing both till not a trace remains," writes A. M. Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and Wounds, !i5c. at George M. Sham aim's, druggist. A 4 **rlMin Cum lor Aching I*-*-!. , Allens Foot-Ease, a powder; cures Tired Aching. .Sweating, Swollen Feet Sample sent I khF.F., also Sample of Foot-Ease Hanitary Cuh.v-Cal a new invention Address. Allen S Olmstead, Lefioy, N \ NEW MOPE ANU VICINITY. The bonds of New hope borough were Hold at public wale iu the town hall last week and brought f 6,007,60. The following recently elected officer** of Gelaware Castle, No. 106, K. G. !•!., were liiMtalletl by liistrict Grand t hief ( harden H. Fisher, of Upper Blacka Eddy. on Thursday evening: Pant Chief, George H. Naylor; Noble Chief, C I’. B. \ ooi hees; Vice (duel, lames McGowan; High Chief, Jefferson I ly; Venerable Hermit, Bamaey Wetter; Sir Herald. Charles Amey; Trustee, C. K. B. Voorheefi; Master of Kecords, Thom an Stintninan: Clerk of Exchequer, Cavis Cuuuinghatn, Keeper of exchequer, John Huuoii, Sr. Only 32 Years Old 11 f am only .V,* yearn old and don t expect even when I get to be leal old to feel that wav a* long an 1 can get Electric Bittern,” nays Airs. I. H Brunson, of Ihihliu, (fa. Surely them's nothing else keeps the old as young anti makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine Dys pepsia, torpid liver, inflamed kidneys, or chrome constipation ate unknown after taking Electric Bitters a reason aide time- Guaiahieed by Geo. Ai. hamalia, druggist. Brice 00c. Ask for the Best Bread Mac Kay’s. >l»»i»v tit-queai* from Catarrh sufferers who use atomizers haw resulted in Liquid ( ream Balm, a new and convenient form ot Kly's Cream Halm, the only remedy lor Catarrh which can always be depended on In (iowei to allay itiffa urination, to cleanse the clogged air pa*naych, to promote tree natural hreuth mg. the two forms of Cream Halm are alike Liquid ( ream Halm ih Hold at all druggists for ?.ri cents, including spray no; tube Mailed by Ely Bros •»* Warren Street New York H the “eyes die the windows of the houC then you should wash them carefully met v morning. Retains its moisture MacKay’h hredd. It doehh t pay to kick at a tlnug that can kick hack. \N hen words fail a woman she cites, when they fall a uiau, he sweats. Some people’s only idea of bappi UHin IN til ,lr*l UUIIM dtiilt 1 IJ ** 11 IUiii.m. m w orth. Worry kills more people than work, I automobiles and appeudicitts put to | getlior. Home meu aie always either drowu tug then soriows or celebrating then joy s. SN hen it comes to kisses few fellows aie too piuud to bee or too holiest to steal. Vlitlltrr UntC* s»«*rl 1‘uHilrn tort liltdreu Successfully lined l»y Mother Ura\ nurse in the Children - Home in N« York, cure Level ishuess. Had Stomach teething Disorders, move and regulate ttie Bowels and Destroy Worms Over fcCfciU testimonial* i'htyur^t, od \i all druggists ’Ac Sample IHE1, Addre*' A1 Iru s Ohuslead l.< lio> \ I. Luug V«o«Us Ul f Which sL .ii i pictYi hi speech und writing Vlmost everybody will Note for tin- slim i word. and almost every bed.* will »k* voting tor the host cuu aiduti The short wouis are usually tin- strou^ words they make up tu itius* ie and liveliness what they lav k tu •lie says the Muiidiestn t uiou And they aiv readily lu the eyes* of uieu who have thoughts that they wish to lodge iu other tuiuils v uiau who should ruu out into the street and yell ' routing!atton' i'outingratlou! i\m ttagidtiou' when his house was burn lug would t< thought to Ik* making a jest or tin aitair Ami so in all mat ters w ht re ideas ure to Ik* handed out quickly and clearly the short word has til *1 v hon e POI6GNS IN TOBACCO. i'olnu vih--ti\»ys the taste. smeii uud digestion Ivihaevo kills mental. urnral and physical vigor Iolutvo paralyses the mucous mem branes and giant!" iobdwos mo* dangerous jkjUou. uicotiue. u without antidote Tobacco % outuius prussic acid, urn mohia carbnuic c Aide and uicotiue lobacvv t mitaius -tiouger ikusous than opium alcofeoh absinth «.*r chloral A "iitg e leaf of tc*a. co or a "ingle vigur loutiiiio enough of this poisou to kill a ai.iu If applied proj*eriy Ni* otm«* 1" the u.O't deadly poisou known to the pharma opoea v. "ingle drop or a gram w .11 Li . a large auirnai. Nicotine rest mt*K " pru>"ic avid map pearunev effects .»ud activity Nico tines victims die iu violent couvul "ions New York tmtiusu '*> lui‘wi Uaad). Tins is ouiy worth tht temug. writes a corrtsponJent. because it v..nt*ius a letmt wh*cL. tUviUKU a tuiuitih c*f in couseviueuce xv*tU' to me v]Uite nuau S Wei able l happened to Ik* IcUdlLg some obvivU". newspaper pivots lu a traiu when the good natured man ue\t to me with the intention no doubt of makiug himself agreeable, asked Ah. are you coninvud with the press - l intimated biiedy and pet ha pa not over courteously that it was none of his business He persisted that it wad a vihtte civil inquiry which l met with (he remark that 1 had not *>ged him whether he was a cierfc or a shop as distant As he was obviously neither uus nettled nun if i knew he said, what newspaper you bemng to l wouid never buy it again.'—Louden Cfcronicl*. Lambertville A. C Schedule. July 14—At Trenton, American , Bridge Co. July 21 -At Trenton. Bowmans July 18 At Jenkintown, Jenkintown I July 28 At home Waldrons. July 25 —At Stroudsburg, Strouds ! burg. August 4 At Trenton, Wilburs August 1 Open, August 11 At borne, V. M C. A. August 8—Open. August 18—At Home, Currans August 15 At home, Doylestown. August 17—At home, Cuban X Giants. August 25- At Trenton, American Bridge Co. August 21 1 »pen August 2y At 1 >oylestown, I toy T September t At home Wilbur, town. September 8 At home, W ildrous. September 5 - Open. September 4 — (Labor Day), morn ing, at Hopewell, Hopewell; afternoon at home, Hopewell September 5— Open. September i5 \l I renton \- ''I C A September 1 2 Open. September »l \t home, Ameiu m Bridge Co PUBLIC SALE Ul Sawed Oak Spokes. No!ire is hereby given of the Fublie Sal* of a car load "I Hawed Oak Spokes ii lln* ( urpeiiter Shop of the I'ennsyl utina bulk riwti Company, lessee situate on t orvell and | aiubert streets, in the City of Lambert ville N .1 , on MONDAV the nth dav of AFULST next it tiie hour > t if o'clock. P M .of said day. I he haul ear load of spokes having been consigned to the lauiihertville Hpol.e Manu facturing Company, LamhertviUe, New .ler sey, and they having neglected or retuaeil to receive the same, or ia.V the freight charges and other charges thereon due ttie lennsi l vania Kailroad Company, together vs it it the expenses of sale By order of I l» HOWELL 1 i eight Claim Agent* VS H (iiBHs, f reiglil Agent LamhertviUe, N *1 , July Mb, lUOt NOTICE T lie Board of Taxation of Hunterdon County. Notice is hereby given that the above hoard will hold regular weekly meetings, on Mon day ot each week, in the Grand Jury Boom at Flemington. Neyv Jersey, at l<> o'clock a m for the piirpoae of hearing any matters Am taxpayer feeling aggrieved by the assessed valuation of Ids property in such county oi feeling that he is discriminated against by the aariessed valuation of any other property in such count v. or any taxing district which may feel discriminated against by the assess ed valuation of property within such taxing district, or bv the assessed valuation ot property in any other taxing district in such count v, may tile a petition of appeal to suck hoard, setting forth therein the cause of com plaint, the nature and location of hucIi uHaess cd property and the relief sought Blanks for appeal from the assessment of property may l>e had by applying to the Met retars Alex B Allen. Flemington, N I The board will hold meetings at convenient places thri Ugh out the county, on dates which will he announced later, for the purposeful hearing appeals ,, t’HAS. N BKA1HNU, President Ai ex B Allen, Secretary If so, U3e t AUKUHHONE lliustruled booklet sent on re..ue-t MKAKS EAU I'UONK CO.. 1 West !(4lh Ht , N«*« York Cit.. C C. d. JOHN & CO. l ire Insurance Agents With n year s experience. representing tirst class companies only Solicit a share of your patronage See them before placing your 69 DC LAW ARC AVCNUI. IAMBI NTVILLC, N J II you want baby to iirow up^wllh £3^ robust health and a strong constitution, use “ haby’s Staff of Life” IMPERIAL GRANUM The Unsweetened FOOD Indlspeusuble in summer 4 Hot weather is hard on babio, especially teething babies TVed them on Imperial Gramini. It stops U>wel troubles quickly ami carries the little vines comfortably ami serenely through theteelhiug period It i-. retained ami relished h\ feeble stomachs' Coauuoii* sum to ate lutpvrUl (iruiuui thus fortifying aguiust ami preventing tin* dreaded summer diseases. Babies fed on it have perfect digestion, uo t-owel irieg ulanties, plump, tirm tlc*di, ami strong bones and teeth. They are bright-eyed, rosy, and hearty all the year 'round Urudiitl't it4tu« «ti<i address bt-r* F. W. CLOSSON, 1111 ST. riAUACt. LAUBEKTVILLS, N. J. A lull line of Pure Ihratfs and Chemical* Telephone Notice. TH* MFKCHANTS AM> FARMF.ttS l fell. HHONK AM* ifcl.KGKAFH i’OMFANi have now built their line* into almost all part-* of Hunterdon County and are ready to receive subscription* for telephone? at the rate of $U M per year for unlimitevl service throughout the oountj The srateiu now reaches New Hope Laui bertnUe, Stockton I dell. KuiMwood. Ser aeaut*T\Ue. Kiuroes. Lock town, nrotoa, Flem mat on. Three erni*e* hapcisttovc tose uiont. Frenchtowu. Milford. Bloomsbury lattle\ork Ml Flew Saul Frenttstowu 1st teuburr. ^uakertown. Pittstoan. CUntv'c Annaudale, Lehancu. Pottervtowu White house and W hitehouse Station Application* for telephones should oe made to Charles N Beading. ITenchtown- N J or Fugme Wilson. Ser^eant*\nlle. N ) which • ill r revive prompt attention tii litciim in ritiits miriMi u» Ttiiain PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM IC trww Mb Mi |nMkMl_t HAwRU |k«ti W iMlcc* L>r*JT l - - -- . v.'. . . I C-Ai iUMkl A *s-* * m . L J ~ tvi /i -* >*. —1 / /.«...,' «■/>' - </-»' ->,'•¥Aj-y^sj-y ' i' i.\i 5/ i. •-'i'. r-iv.w L^. 7/ ixi 7/i\i 7/ - I THE NEW JERSEY State Normal and Model schools. I In- Normal School i-i a professional school devoted to the .,v | >i i juration of I cache is for the |iiihlic schools of New Jersey. Cost per year for board, $154 00 The Model School offers a thorough academic course and prepares for the leading college and technical schools and for business. Total co t in the Model School, including board and tuition, $'2lHI,00 per year. Itorinitoiic, with modern, home life equipment. for further information, address y/s V'JSo Sly. J. M. GREEN, Principal, Trenton, New Jersey \'y,vj.\i;/l i/ii |tfe tty -T# 'y7y Ic^ m • '' - /• >''•; / K ;?/• S' ,/i 5/ : l\7\ 7/i'^ /L'' 7'1'V t I G. A. R. COMMANDER Jus. S. Dean, Gfo. (il'aiil Post. Hondoul, N. V. CURED of DYSPEPSIA CommanderDeanwrites: ‘•AM!ii»fl S. Mliil Agent of the H. *V D K K • ! health is iioli^peiisabli*. f found m\ * ll. h.iwever all run down with !)ysj»**p-i». I . doctored and doctored, hut l grew ss>i^. 1 I suffered misery night and day, lor tully j two years. My case was pronounced iu» ur uhle. I chumod to meet l>r. David Kou- | nedy about that time, und told hitu of my condition and he .said, try ft bottle of OR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY take it morning, noon and night, anil it will cure you. I took the medicine a* directed, bid had no confidence in a cure, I as my case had been tried by so many. After using it a week I began to feel letter, and in a short while after that l waseutin Iv cured. That terrible distress, everything I ate breaking up sour in my throat, had all gone and I have not had a moment’s di* t- *!ufort since. To-day there isn’t a healthier in iu and mv appetite is excellent.” Write to Dr David Kennedy’* Hon*, Konaout, N. Y , lor a tree sample bottle of Dr David Kennedy a Favorite, the great Kidney, LIvpthiuI Blood medic'ine, and free medical booklet, c bottle* $1.00. All drilggiats. Carriages and Wagons of all kinds. li he i) IN lilts pa i: i in ini roi- N i ID Ai;I MAM 1 \l 1THF.D H, AND % (.HI AT V.4ItII.TV are kept m onr wardrooms ready for .1 • ut heimi\4iii.r. rim r J. V. & C. KANDALL Nrwrov*N, PA. FIRE INSURANCE. JOHN Ci. N100RB, Atj.-vr, 64 UHlOOe S THU l . TMF UNION INSURANCE COMPANY 0> f*Mll .DflPMI. l.M'Oi rnli i rl i> is 04 The (ompnio Ima the -ott infection “I an Houndin'the .. nmptiwii of its entire liahili ty in the di*a*u» i at Hau I'rniidico b> i s mil . ate of stockholders cial oiiditfon a before the iirt with ASBfcTS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS INTACT Hates i*. low t *-m be written by any reh.i hie company Anyone tin a Piano from hscher PIANOS d* I Down ami 4> 1 .U\F Per Week 225 J 50 PIANOS Not an 1111 kuiuvu tuako, hut the well kuown a ml ilepeiulnhle Singer Pianos v*ah makers' r ntee tor 25 Sears, look then rata ...p in Dun. Rraditreet or any bank FCK SALE Chas. H. Fischer Co. 1710 Chestnut Street Everything from the <ood cheap Kano to the best Piano made. for additional details call or send for application blank to FISCHER'S. 17^ Chestnut Street. Phil A.. PA. JOHN K. LABAW, FUNERAL DIRECTOR uml I EllOl.S'lEKEK, All kitiiln of furniture repaired. Work uml prices guaranteed to give uitisfation. No'lit Bell on office iloor. .I K. l.ABAW, No. till North Union Afreet, I.auibortville, N. .1. IN T Rif sTINCi INSTRUCTIVE “Correct Fnglish, How to use it.” THLY MAGAZINE EOTfcD TO THE USE OF ENGLISH JoareniNt Torch Uahch. fooun I'urtlul Contents for this Month Course in Knglish for the Eegiimer. Couise in Knglish lor the Advanced I’upil. How to Increase One’s Vocabulary. 1 he Ait of Conversation. Should and Would: How to use Them Pronuni iations (Century I >it tionuryd Coned Knglish in the Home. Coned Knglish in the School. What to Say and Wh it Not to Say. Course m l.ettei Writing and I’uii. Ill ation. Alphalietic list of Abbreviations. Business Knglsh for the Business Man Compound Words; How to Write I'hein andn- . in Knglish I.iterature, $1 lUK.lH. SKMI Hlirrs. rOKMIPLI COPI CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, III. PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAI*. ( til hi I t IN FFFFCT Jl M JJ, Tluitlft I.CR14* l uiubcit\illt* Fi.r Trenton, Philadelphia, Baltimore. N\ .f'liiiHiton. itu.l principal intermediate ata lt >nti t. is, H:»C. » 45, 11:45. a in., V»«, •» ?:*> p iii week-daya Sundays 8.45 a. m . 7 p m Fur Phillipnburg, Stroudsburg. Scranton. RiiigViampton.Hutfaio and principal interuied iate station* 10.til a in. H ST, p. in week lays Pm chum pi on amt intermediate stations, s 14, u in . 1 t.i. p iu . week days For I’iiiijipMbni’K. Stroudsburg, Scranton mii I principal intermediate station- 4 4? p in , w eek days I ■ *r Phillipsburg amt intermediate station^ > *•*> i- m , week days t -r Fleiuingtons l. a in V.1U ami 4 week day s. NS SN \ l 1 FKkU il\ .1 R WOOD. Ot ii* ial Manager PassTTrai Mf,r l*t O \\ BOYD. Gen Pass, Agent Nasal CATARRH ll> till lid •taft-d. Lin's Cream Balm4 • 4, ftootlireand ht*&ld lue membrane 11 • i « 4k.-it.arrh ami drives «\ a witi lit llir brail i ream It,tint is i tace.i into the inn*hiK»*Aa o\i r tne membrane amt is abaotbeO. Benefit im mediate and A cure ful .ns, U it uol drying—doe* i it ' Vi-. 1 nr .e S,. e, (<| cfOll liDruf £•»!* or i>> mail; Trial Sue, lOceuu. Lit BKui HERS, ixi Warreu Street New Vofk In Chancery of New Jersey. I’o AhKAHaM S BRFWFR IK virtue of .ill order of the Court of Cnau o» i > »*t N« w Jersey. made on the Jay of the date hereof, m a cause wherein Cornelia S M» rii- ami FI 1a B Brewer executrices of Peter Brewer, deceased, are complainants aud you .itnl others are defeinlauts y ou are require*! to appear, plead. answer or demur to tin till ..t - *i l complainant on or before the twentv tifth day of April next, nr nuiI bill will te taken as confessed. against you The said bill is filed to foreclose a certain mortgage made by you ami other* t«> Peter Brewer Mated Julv sixth, eighteen huudred and eight* seven. ui>on lands in the village of Fleiuniglou, county of Hunterdon and state ot New Jersey and you. Abraham S Brewer are made a defendant lecause you *i«ned and executed the *ani mortgage and are one of the owners of the premises described in the same as set forth in the complainants billot . complaint Bated February t weuty-third. Nineteen hundred aud six \\ si v* r F H ay hi kst. Solicitor of Complainant* l aud ertville N J 1 5 T ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE BELL STUDIO We util tularge auv photo of yours or auyoue iu the family to life sice ».th frame tor f-4.(X> and up, payable at 2Sc. per week. This is Your Great Opportunity to get a life ' ie photo with so low a price aud pavoieut It you bare uo photo of yourself, call at the studio and we will make you ou free of charge. If uot couteuient to call at the studio, drop us a postal aud we will call at your home. BELL STUDIO 306 E. Stats Street, TRENTON, N. J. .rt'TT.TTT *'J THE SPOT TO BUY Folkner’s VV1TV VTTTVVVWTTTTTVTTT KVEHYTHIHO 3 j IN rDRY GOODS 3 Mi UNION SI’., LAMHKItTVILiliK. JULY CLEARANCE SALE Begins Wednesday, July 11, And Will ( oiillinin the Entira Month. [JJgf* See Circulars for particulars. SAVE VOUR PREMIUM CARDS. Don't destroy your old Premium Cards, l«ut save them. We will not punch or redeem any Premium Cards during July, hut on August ist we will issue a new kind of card. Then, if you like, you can have the amount on the old card transferred to the new one. j^y-Moire Motto “ RKi.iABit.rrv.” JOHN II. FOLKNEK. Et'Jv.k as. > A A AiiJi Ji X A Jt ar AA Alii -fc Jt H An Opening Display - UK — Spring i Summer Styles We begin thi* season with one t«t the most comprehensive assort nients of strict I v high class clothing ever otfereiI. Fashion’s foremost features are perfectly reflected in the cut and iinish of our clothes, ami their ta hrics include the most exclusive shade ami pattern effects in large variety. Smart Sack Suits for Men and Young Men. Single and double-breasted models m a number <d most styliab designs, ibr tit faultless, workmanship un excelled. $6 to $15. The latest shapes in the cele brated Hawe’s Hats and everything tliat’d new and attractive in Spring Hulierdasherv—at most reasonable i prices. NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION the new Spring ami Snnimei Models for Buys and Juveniles. For beautiful, serviceable fabrics, coupled with grace of modeling mul liest character tailoring lor boys, and in no other will you find the same splendid values lor the same moderate prices. We have Just received a spendid line of the W. L. DOUG LAS SHOE, for which we are sole agents in this vicinity CHARLES F. MARTINDELL, CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER Cor. Union and Coryell Sts., Lambertville, N. J. BVHRYFARM1R SHOULD PLANT HIS CORN WITH TH2 BLACK HAWK CORN PLANTER It tor no other reason than tor its accuracy of planting the corn. No ban.I or other device tor plautiug corn is as true A mis* drop of a kernel, or too many at a time i* a loss, and -ome times it means a loss of a couple of dollars an acre. CALL amt SEE PLANTER IN OPERATION A I A lit i i: STOCK ON HAND. $9.00 for two-horse plows, your choice of 4 kinds. $11.00 for Double-Spike Lever Harrow. Field Rollers, Grain Drills, Sleds, Wheel barrows, &c., at way down prices. Mn LllHNti PLOW proved a winner—-you will have one tie tore lone At vour neighbor who has one how he like— it. A money linker, nun, horse and money saver. Call and see it. NOW PLANT ALL KINDS OF VEGETABLE SEEDS. SEEDS LhOW . and prices are always ri^ht. LAW N MOW EllS by the hundred—have them at all prices, according to quality you may want or need to have from $2.50 to $14.00. Sow mv I.awu Seed and Fertilizer. Everything tor the Garden and Farm. MARTIN C. RIBSAM, BROAD AND FRONT STS., TPvENTON, IT. J. | NATIONAL HANK. (JAIMTAJ., SURPLUS. * 100,000 (10,000 Till* * til l‘B v i •» #*-r • 1*11 l*(IH» ntm* of I»pj(I *»• ' »<* t i'« r rnf i'» r nnnnm ||i»» i jim rnil l>* * »rmurn * nil **; I on foiiuf i im Hrt^ ini: *l*#i*«rtrn**r»t Hnf*' I(*'i*i* i» Inn*' f t r» n» in rt«* -unit from t|*r»• il**ll*»» ni* For rortliH inf«»riMnli >n in*»•:•» t fl»*> f *1 lowiriK olll* *r <A I. I /A .*//// II l> 1 ) /**. > jons i/ imi t n urn i, /-. / IHAIAII r :■ Mil // r. ./■ **, / hasK a run /.//' 1 < JAMAi ' 1 I I HJt/f/>/</> / ■ i*i»i i « l oil v 4'tilvlu H«i I |il H V, • Iutili O. Hol< oinlifi, William l-Hucr F (fur, •I. M . 4 rook I*. Mmil It, SMmu«*l %. Hun**, U'ilumt QoUibf, I- rank A. Phillip*. i*filler W. Ma*>>rv KlillH, >1. I». FOLEYS !fONEY«™>£AR Uuld*i •*i,*um«ala . REAL ESTATE AGENCY O. I. BLACKWELL. A O. ROBBINS. LamtierlyiKe Naiional Ediik Baildiflg, I 4 HHKK I \ N .1 FOR SALE. i wo Large Mauufa. tunnk t'Uut- with i-,wri Seven-room House, *>n lvlevan strcc; »-■ tween George an I Union -treet Three seven-room H »u-.e .,n Elm street Two new, »veliu« All iiu provements. Seven-room House, York Seven-room house Lambert -tr Six-room Hioi^ I mon street l arge Double Brick House. Coryell street 1 wo Brick Houses *.n Main -treet bet ,«?*•’ Church an.1 Coryell -treet Large Brick Hou-e an t Lot adjoining " , Main street Seven -room Brick House Ferr- -tr - t Large Brick House Cottar.- Mill Small Farm, 40 t.. w) tore-. ju -i ms; i ■ y limits Terma e*3> larm, hWacre- ju-t otitsi i- the ;ttj t*n*:; terms easy. Farm let*acre-*, < tout . h. the >*:ylim;r lerms easy Other farm-; in Delaware, t*-t au 1 \Y a-., well, at reasonable price MONEY WANTED. *i *»V tiU>, tall i and desirable Money to loan tn proved Heal E-rate All tir-t mortgages Urge amount' on mi OFFICE HOUKS : Day- - « to 15 M 1 jd to « P M Fvexiwn — Monday Wednesday and Fr lay from to s o'clock I.A W OFFICE OI OLIVER I. BLACKWELL, Estates, Loaus, Heal E-tate, I'ul 1 actions, Conveyancing. Coknfk Union* and Hkiduf .Sts., NEW BANK BUILDING LAMBERTVILLE, X. J. BEST MADE T Catarrh Cannot be Cured with IaX'AL AFFLU AlloNS t> tin-** m not reach the sear of the di'ea-e < itarrh i> a blood 'r i.• an i in or i»-x to cure it vou must take internal remedies Hail > (.'atari ft » are - taken internally, an > Acts directly on the Flood and uhl uous »m - facee Hail'katarrh Cure 1- not a uua«-i. medicine It was prescribed 1 v one c»t the t>e>t physicians m tnt' ■unti. !••’ «- o - an l »s a regular prescription. It i' ..imposed < i the best tonus Known, combined with the be^t blood purifier' «. tun due r'i • - n the mucous surtacf' Ti verb t . mbmaiion Ol the two ingredient? w liat pr ;«» > • such wonderful results m car;;., i atarrh “ nd tor testimonials fre K J CHENEY A i v» l. O Sold t»v all Pru. lake flail ' Fa mil • l ... :. r . ••U'tipatior.. KILL T«e COUCH mo CURE fn. LUNCS Dr. King’s New Discovery for C 'ONSUMPrilM OUiHS a»J /OILS Price 50c 4$1 00 fre* Trial. Sureat aiui Huitireitt Cure for ail THROAT a-a LUNG TROUB LES. or MORET RACE. Hoh *■* This * We offer One Hnndre i Dollar* Kevrard ear va?e of catarrh that ' e cared Hall * Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY d CO lVied 0 We the undersigned, have kn. t Cheuey for the last IS year* and believe L:.. perfectly honorable iu all btwne?* traiua lions and financially able to carry out any ' gallons made by his arm Waimso. Kinm* A Msivrv, W holesale Druggrists, Foledo. O Hall s Catarrh t'ure ie taken internally a. - tug directly upon the blood and mucous sur face* of the *> >iem IVstimonials sent rrv; Price cent? per bottle bold by all -irug fiste. lake Hall •* Family PilDfor constipation* Always ask your grocer for Hill’s Bread. It is always Fresh. Sweet and Pure. It has pleased many and it will please you. Save the labels and get PREMIUMS. kkiyskuhtcycure - *•*»• B4a*r» tm4 StaMw Blflht