Newspaper Page Text
■: LAMBERTVILL5 RECORD JESSIE E. PIERSON, Cditor. U77».V/'v/M >; JA V. uiUT. I■1 ■ \onr -• il of C«eo. \V. Massey, i ii** old reliable—MacKay’s bread. •I h! for breakfast, dinner, sup >"' d made frotn Thomas’ Flour. Ask fur and insist on having Lain* itvi i* I’utV- Host cigar made any* w her’» for the money. Can yon use u rubber stamp in \ «*nr luisim s- Let us know. I' * * "union, I* Buttonwood street. 1 '• monumental w >rk, go i » iv. Kraim . Comer Ibid, e • *n i 1 i anklin streets. - ii i* contentment throng ii the •M-i •■"‘diuni of i “I umbel tvil e I'nll. Insist on having tlie genuine. '' ! i.11i to see M rs. ' arley 111 b W ax I k - l.i I lie I 'll si CSi ui eh, Li:,' mu t \ e. Liuu v ■ ii Admission, 1e.uits. ! »! ■ t t lass Li: > l nsu .tin t* on! , 1 • • it i ncompanies t ‘ ilie \voi i . i e -: : 1 >1! I let! ;e e V la t • 'Ui lav Bin id in.1. 11 II. Iiouc omki:. 1 he members of Washrgb i ' N *. 1, I’, i >. S o \ a e mal in., p; eparaS nuis to ct?|eb ;'e \'"asl inu ton's Ibi t Inhi \ m their Lull, I niiu v ■1. . i ' I .i I. I • ill \ Ctl llllilt te l t : date 1 ’• is,hi fi 11in i!i s i* j u u t v i 'j a etiawe i i ‘filing inpior Wltll'nl! il lie-vise hi', in*;* l assign d t i the Making of shirts. Ah*1 it t \v. ! ve litiij'li1 ! j»c*<*|»i«• were . r \ • d at t h. t hdumbia Pi: o Co. i nil | . I'<T held' hist Wednesday and 1 lull's • v \ **iii!i: -. The company » Xpert to Hear about YhMk Mis ai • v will exhibit her fuiu- 1 oils wux wo; us in the Fust Puptist j • »'i! . I eon vrtvi!ie, oil Wriiiesdav imi .1 an\ i! ii. |) » not full ' i i .umbeli\ til* i‘. l >. - 1 h.Mt of letters j t ••mamii..’ iim hiimnl in tin- Post Office bn lie- w . ek endup.; .Ian. P‘, l'.'O?. Hem v \\ niton, Melville \\ I» M \> K \ . I M i ...nk !; .'>iout and Mi . Mai;. Alo,. \\eie united m mnrnuue at the j in uue o! th-- t ! i er of ( \>t yei I and !*’ i it 11 k i 111 tio.ts ,oj Priday eve* nil*;-, i to- loo I i. \ M lelvibbin, pastor of the !*'11 ! Presbyterian ehiindi. ot1i>,iuMu*f. I ni body ot Mrs. M,n\ A Henkes, a former resident of tins eitv, was btu ulit here Jr* in 1 a 1 Isin*41mi, Pa., Monday mom in if. Funeral services with ii'iuiem lip; ii mass wort* lodd at M. .> ■ bin's P t ’ < 'inn Hi, I ai her Wno-iiii FynHi, effietatill". Inter tuent in *S't dohli’s o, inetei V. |)e oea- -■ I \\ us ! > eai ■■ • f ujfe. \braiiam S. Had died at his home in MontHuir. P.sses <■ unity, on Monday a. 1.• 1 ’ti 11! 1:> . .I s, vsfal days, at the : P Moo I lo‘ l • Ilia! Us \vt»! e ' -iii • i , . mot inn . and n 1 i 1 ■ t nM a: P.1 vei vo w eeuietei y . Mr. Had w • born . ■ 1 a farm about three mile Poll) this eitv, and altervvai l m »\ i d t " Monielau . Mr. and Mis. Prank V Phillips, <•: N*n t It I 11 ion 11 • • t, eelebra ted t ich t!\er wedding anniversary on ■ « 1 ot Pi id a \, daiiii ir v 1 “h A ' 1 • i iniber of their fi lends weie pi- the 100111s of their home \\ .i 1 1 ettily deeorat I w itii e it tlow er *, and a bonutifn! i-o was sei v e I. Mi. Phillips js , -i-'t.. • easiiier of ! *1 I umbel t Mile 1 ink an 1 oue ot t ■e:t \ 1 5 . -1 - know nil i! ( -s men . \ prop v weddlllvr too:-. pine • Weili" elav nmi nine at 10 •••* 1 .Martin ■ P t• luirHi, \ Ii..p. when Mi 1.1!»* 11 Monnliu.:. daiiuiP' of Mr. and Mis. Miehuel Monahan lot ,line the bride • f Delini (lavill, 1.1 ; in oite M1* a Miirv M . i * -1 *' \, t»t ( 'ei.tie Hrid:fe, was the brddesmaid. and Thomas MiiPullan, ot this city . a . I •. t 1 I ■ • • -i 1 • ■ v .s at 111 <*d 111 white soli Ians io a u • ail » 1 • brine-maid in rn at 1 moioiir. The bride and hi blesinnid eaeli earned a r bower bouquet it ) ink mid wlute v u nation Mm-, K. u • I iouahile play' i He • ■ • I P11 z ma. Hi . A re eept ion foil. 1 a ,1 Mr. mid Mr-* < i 1 . m will i e i d »* in Pumbei t vtlle. I ". , i. wnt my vei vices attended 11 v 1 m r.. • *■ •eyatioi;’, in id.* Sunday Im l a iiiH! i • .i i.;i \ in 11;i* |-i.-ross <d tin* h|h•.•; 11 s.-i vices im» lii*ni_r held in t lie )lH hodr-d ('hurtdi. 'I lie eveniny M-I \ ICC \s ; i - 11 i c I irajil 1-ssl VH, tlic I IV t-ii' cohm U-; iiu: tin* theme: “Sin’s I; ••com pen se I u the attern mi at t o'clock, about eighty men gathered to listen l.i an addiens on “tiain blillg.” \li pic-eiit pledged them s -Ivi'H t > exert every intliieiice to check the growth of tins iusiduous vice. Meetings will in* held every my lit this week at '> do. One hour a nd a <|imrt( r of inspiring hi , point c i ad.In- s .. i ! pi n\ er. V' omen iVpwin i imy* will be held <*n Tii'-s day and J hursdav id this week. Mrs. .1. II. Jlohersoii, of Patterson, a noted c vauy **• . j!! address the Thursda\ ineetiu. lb>. \\ (ioldoll .lollCH I'in, * - .1 i I .Mush* m 1 li«• 1 mlam*l 11ljin lJibll I 118111U(H Will hill*; lit tilt Mrh's n.- ••tin:: ii*‘\t Siiijiluv al 4 r. M An ii.i l.*"1- at ihe same medium will In- i»iven I * v 11»f * pastor on “('hunt ity." All men are welcome |)-. Charles II. Dilts, supervisin'' .i-.j.-i'v _rt in I recent of the Koval Ar , .inuri., .• 11e l Alexaukcii Council, \u, 1 pm. an11 installed the newl v elected olifcer?-, hh follows: Kepent. I!iram Scarboroughj vice recent, Watson K . Ki eder, sitting past re 0, lit, I’rank A. Phillips; treasurer, .1, 1 li W. Cooper, collector, Harr\ M . |)ilts; secretary, Herbert i>. Van Sciver: orator. William J*. Lodor; t-li.i [ilrm. W. Scott Orem; Ktiide, Harry W. Davis; sentinel, Willium A. lily "hard, Jacob I.. liorvdeu; trns* (iftor"c M. Sbauialiu, frank \\. ^ an’ li art,",1 nines T. Petrie. After the installation till present visited bam Port's restaurant, where lunnheon was nerved. Unriua the evening a beautiful Past Regent's jewel was |.re sented to tlie retiring Jti-geut, Mr. Prank A. Phillips, by tbe 1 isitin ■ deputy oil behalf of Alexsaukeu Council. Tbe jewel is of gold and 1. enrs an inscription commemorative of tbe event. Brotherhood of An*ire^ a».; Mi Ele cts Officers I’lio llrotherhood of Andrew and Philip, of the First Presbyterian ' Church, tni* city, have elected tin* lollowiiiix officers ami committees f >i 1 tlii* ensuing year: President X. K. Slack Vice President \V. K. (iriffith Secretary Frank Cox Treasurer Samuel Percy Devotional Committee Walter WiI liamson, !>. \V. Hoppoek, William i Skillman. Social Committee — Kev. II A. Mac K ibhin, A. F. Pierson, \V. II. (ribb Hospitality Committee — F. F. Feat, Hebert O Ciiffiths, Harry \. IP . combe. Lookout Committee \V. II Gibbs, Samuel Holcombe, George Webber. Visitiui; Committee —Asher Stout, J. F Petrie, lolm Vannatta Kxeentive Conn. I \. F. .Slack, W . K. Griffiths, Frank C<>\, Saiuu Percy, W alter W illiams. .11, Kov. H. A MacK ubbiu, F. P Lit. \sh. Stout, Stephen Titus, \ I, Pi.-rsoi, 1’iank Know les. Brother's Death Hastened Fatal Attack Mi". .Murv T\voui<*\, a^ed >, wiiluw of Cornelius Twuuii'v, died It. Ih'i lnnm*. 4'J lb id*»o reet, Friday in«>rniiiLr. Heart trouble was the can't* Hi ileat 11. II»t brother iTnli i K lot da n, ilu*.I at Hi'ii It i*lo, Turns * lay inoi ’iiu and u is thought tin U HOW Ifil^t* iij Ilf : hrol hoi's lluilllf't1 caused in.1 at lack which result** i lalally. Sin* was tin* oldest of a fam ily ul seven children, the first deuth in which wus that ot > ,-r brothei . Mis I v\ o in t* \ leaves till re children Cornelius A . Mora ami ('atheiiue — all ul tins oily. I iuiut11\ Htordnn, of tillltlUlWlKHl i» II briuin-r. .Mrs I yvomey hu<l a wide eirele «>t | hieuds, lii* r atleet innate nature eu ; dealing lit** tn ail wlii* knew h»*r , Sht* was I* devout member of S. ■•‘•Ini's II. ('. Church, b. m- tin* • •. le.-t pcwdiobler in tin* ehurr.t. was a | mi'iiilii'r nf tlin II-'su* \ society*. L'he ! funeral was held in St John’s It C | Church at 1' -i't 1 n<*sdu\ inmuiuj with j a rt'ijuieiu lii^h mass j itermmit in ! St. John's f«*meti*rv. Death Follows Loss of Mr. Smith’s tye As a 11 suit of injuries sustained it his eve hist Mareli, which. eventually resulted m Id'iod poisoninM.itthi-w Snntli. h;_*«*• I t: years, of Lambert 'bii*, dul at ^ o’clork last i*\ ■ mio: at 1 St Fiunci', hospital. lie w a employed 11 \ a telephone company m*ar Pittsburg and had bi ryi* kii'iiiieil out by a chain bteukiiin II o w as t aki n to a hospital in Pitts bill‘d aud had Ins injuries treated. Soon after the opeialioii hi* went to! Trenton and stayed at the home i * f Ins sinter, Mrs Hnd-rt Caul held, l uluU street. Later lie re ailined Ins woik with the telepliom company, but was forced to »ive it \ Up abollt I'll* weeks a 1*0 because lie I ■ared that blood poison had set in II •• hchiii i. t timed to Trenton t..; treatment His condition became ciJtcnl lliuisday and lie was removed to the hospital, wheie he gradually r i ew worse until death came. besides Ins sister, he is survived b\ a In ot her, I’elei Smith, of Perth Amboy. Inteimeiit will be at Lam ber l\ 111 e 11 li dei the dm etioii of Car mody A Muslin e today Wediiesila v The iteat II of M I III : i il w ill be i sad blow to Mis. Caulfield, us die oniv buried iiei husband Friday mum inn Charles B Hi ndiny C:iarh* • P li u lilt • died early Sat u mIii v no nin after a short tilt e ■ • ii-ed lii vein Fnueial services, < »u no ted by the li. ..II \ Miiekutdun i*i ' 1 ot the F 11 - f I *resb\ t el la * * ' 11 U i e 11 hi i«- held Monday afleriiooi t r« 'Ul the I * idenee • f Mi \ >|t hi n ie A^in. Coryell street, wlp re he hoard ed. Interim nt in IJivcryiew eeme t *»v. Mr. Pending was a iniichinist 1» trade and had be. n employed at id of (mom he A Massey for iiiriiv %**m• Me was a brother of j Mi F.dwind li Soilnti'Y, of Trenton, and Mr** Wilhaui (' Mel’ieady, of COURT PiiMpiala I aie mini, the Italian who was . ohete I, chained with shooting atiotlei Italian diirn . a tame of ear Is at Lamb-'it ville, ieti acted his plea of m.i guilty and plead guilty. Me. received a sentence of four .Veins in SI a t e's Pri- on. I !1'1 i i " > ■ a !i i i1 •* i « 'ii. 11 iin* 11 r i uni Il.ii r\ I p Ids lor assaultiii*' Fred Cl jclv I ' I HO I i I I'nttel H \ll)c I ••'-III I I in nil a fi | *1111 it I. .lolm Srllill \ till 111 • I »€•*••« 1 fol nil il H sault ami iiattei \ on MuiiclieH Ap;rai at tlo* lint i* I in < ‘iil i ton in I'.MM, i emitt ed in u vt rdier of not guilty. In the indictment against Michael .1. (ii iftin of I «jitnii(‘i t vilio i ii an al lowed assault upon Mm v A A^aiJ, Prosecutor I at rye entered a nolle. Frank Holmes, who was indicted I <i an assault upon John I’. Mills at Aslmi v, plead guilty ami was fined Sl<». I lie ibuntrated lociin c on Egypt, ; I>v (\»ionel Lewis J . l’frriiK*, before jlli** Kalmia Club uii<i a lew of tli*•»r j friends, Monday evening was purtic ! ulariy pleasing. The informal mun j nor of tin- add i orb and the <*1 «*hr j»i<** i tur**** ou l ho screen, taken l»v himself added a personal touch extremely 1 attractive. The audience fully ap ! piooi.iteil the treat giveu them. The Jiev. W. Cordon Jones, who has t i 11 e«1 the pulpit of the First Bap 1 list church an acceptably for two weeks "ill preach next Snuduy. .Morning hci vice HUM), subject, “Lot.” Evening service at 7.JO, subject, “Day of Days.” Mr. .Jones will sing a bnritone solo, entitled, ‘‘Till lie Coines’’ and the choir will render “Diadem." Kverybody cordially in vited to ,*)1 services. At the annual meeting of St. Agues Bund, in the parish building of S. Andrew’s Church, Friday eve ning, the following officera were elected; Director, Mrs. Lambert Heading; assistant director, Mr John M. Snowden; Measurer, Kale Buck man; secretary, Agnes Cooper; treasurer of flower fund, Mrs. John Snowden; collectors, Airs. Snowden, Mis. William J.Scbanck, Miss Muriel Scbanck, Miss Elizabeth W. Sprout, Miss Agnes W. Cooper. IN A PERSONAL WAY. Harold Ennis, of Coatesville, bus been visiting Walter Ennis anil family. Herbert Van Seivt'r spent Friday in New Yoik. Flunk lintler visited N. w York on Friday last. The Misses Elizabeth and Sara Ely aie at Atlautie (Niv for a week. Miss Florence Bninbrid^e spent Tuesday in Philadelphia. Lambert Heed spent Sunday with his family in this city. e.lnhn, of \ew York, visited relatives m this eitv over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ashbel Welch, -f I’hihidelphia, nre spending a few da s in t his eit v. INI ward Parker and wife, of Freneh •""ii, spent Sunday with relatives in this eitv. Isaac S. Heberts and wife, of \ , w bnk cit\, recently visited ri-mlcs Kobei ts, and wife, of \..»tii Fuion Street. Mi^s Lillie Salter, ot l icnton, was the i »‘cent visitor of lelatives in this ci t v. Mi Caroline lewell, of Taulau, Conn . im visitm*' relatives in t h»" cat - . Yi>I1II£, ft M till] U'tow It, Fa , is visit Hi l h«*i sister, Mrs. Feiw Joseph (I. Lear, of Lufuyette Col Kaston, visited F. F. Lear anil family. pint of Inst week Miss .lean Kichurdsou, of Trenton, visited relatives in tins city on Thurs day mol Friday. Miss Klnuehe Finder visited rein ! lues in Newark and New York on | Saturday and Sunday. Mis .Mary Baldwin and daughter. Mai in ie, of Tail Ian, t ’ mu .. a -e visit mu i elat i vos in t Ins city . do'm 11 iiii11es and William Anderson of I - im!mm i \ 11lo, wore leeoiit visitors in Mon isviile, l*a. .Mis. (ioor^o Linsley is entertain ill}* lier aunt Mrs. .Margaret Smith of Titusville. Miss Bessie Smith of Kosemout is spending a wi ck al the home of her hi ot hoi in Lambert ville. S.uuii"l S. Van Horn sailed trom New York on Saturday for Summit, Fioi ida, when* he will spend several moiiths f(u Ins hoallh. I i el I iu^er will have this city on .Monday for Houston, Texas, to enter the oHiee of I he Houston Fire and Murine Insuruiiee Compilin'. STOCKTON Next holiday Fob. ‘22 F.-ms dropped to two cents npiece and liens on a st l ike. Miss Fditli I Mils was a visitor in Trenton last week. Miss Adi lo ad in*; is spending some | time with relatives at Frenelitow u . Mis Clark I limit has been visit in „ i • hit I \ es in 1 .ambei t ville. Miss I .ilium \S o.i| y ei ton was a re ••-■lit \ isitoi in Iiiunbertville. Mi- Minnie .!oilnsoli, who has been ill the p r t two weeks, is impiovm^. Fdward .lohuson spoilt Sunday with Ins mother, Mis. Sara Johnson. Mi mid Mrs. Wm Lines wore vim tors to I juinhoi t \ ille. Ft iday. M iss Coin Snyder, of Kosenioiit, has boon yi*itiu:r hoi sister, Mis. John S. Wilson. Mis Fhilip I, Kook afel low reewnt ly oiitoi tamed her sister, Miss Nellie Si!\ ert borne. M• \udrew L itison and children, of Fliillipsluusr, are visiting at the hone of Mr. and Mis James Moore. Mi s A la llendrioKs was a recent \ i otor at the ue of tier i arents, at . ’elitre Ii id Haw lev Cm ii, d Sandy Kid^ovi eiuitv has boon <1 iite ill the past few Mrs. Harry Van Cleve, of Milford, was a looent truest of her sister, Mrs. Win. F. Mason. It is lepnrtod that Horace Todd w ill move Horn the Buchanan farm to Wm ll«i lier’s at Sandy Kidgc. Mr and Mis Frank Whitlock, of tiroyor, yvere visitors at the home of Mrs. Catln l ine Johnson last yveek. The K v. and Mrs. William J. lione are entertaining tin* lattei’s mother, Mrs. Hunt, of Stony Krook. Mrs. (ieor^o Moore, of the Sandy Kidtre vicinity, is apendintj several yvooks at the home of her son, Halt Mom o, in West A uiwell. Mr. and Mim. \\ 1111tiin Wurman hihi • -!iiI<tit-m w<*i"• * oiionts lit the homo of 'Wr. Mini Mrs IM^iir Mellick, of Lose moilt, Kunduy ■ Mr. iiml Mih. Judnoii 11 off, of Con trbridge, and daughter, Eleanor, were recent visitors at Mr. and .Mi h. Joseph Cases, (11 Sandy Itidijc. .Mins Clara Ent Iiuh been visiting her mother, Mih. Elizabeth Ent, of S»*i}o»antsvilie. Miss Anna M. lbirber, of Philadel phia ind Miss Lizzie K. Hurber, of Liiinbertville have been visiting their -inter, Mrs. John \V. Smith. Mih. Sarah Johnson, of Centre bridge Iiuh been visiting at tlie homo of her hum, Itavid Johnson, at Lam bert ville. The hijow storm, although not hh Imil iih in some sections, rendered the roads ului'i-t until for travel in Homo Many cunt-x of grippe are imported in 11*im place uiul vicinity, ami the doc tors aie all kept busy. The weather the pant week has boon moat unfavor able f >r the nick, ami If it continues damp and foggy no doubt the grippo will spread. The special meetings conducted in the Presbyteriau Church during the i»ast week were well attended consid ering the inclement weather. At the Sunday morning service Hpecial music was rendered by .students from Prince ton. The meetings will be continued this week. —Ask for the Best Bread — M^c; lv 4V’«* — Mrs. Thomas Hall, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. \V. Carroll, Jefferson street, Tuesday af : teruoou at :j o’clock. Mrs. Hall is survived by two daughters, Miss Han j nab flail and Mrs. Carroll. Lambrrtville Public School. Report of the Gamboit villo 1’nl* ic Schools for the (fourth' mouth end ing Dec 21, 1900. High School_ GRAMM ATI SCHOOL. "A" Grade. "H” Onule. “C” Oracle. "IV* Oriole. first waijo rum ary “A” Grade. ** II” (trade.. Grade. “l),,OaiU . THIRTY WARD I»R1M AKY “A” Grade • H” Grade. . •*(Grade. *1 D” Orude Totals. Same month 1905 Ho* following impili r • ' of nor drily d irii •i2 n m t»«; 29 24 22 1)1 ‘|i» 42 1" "•'< 52 49 4. 59 IS 40 9‘» 47 4.2 4u 92 49 27 22 S'.) 29 22 22 97 M* 4 4 :‘*7 s| 41 2(» 2d 9 7 ID 22 91 42 27 24 9 '* 1*7 55 T.2 94 070 ft 77 520 92 «75 5'-7 500 91 i I,.i\ •• ni illn r I-- * n u; the mouth 11 it; 11 sri ini»i. Senior ( Ihhs- llioiims Iniir * '**'*’■ ! r.irr, Madeline Conway, Gertrude I t l .i . Flea nor Lucar, Helen Sergeant, 1 -i*lio stile*. Sub-Sr Class -Florence \Vri»:lit. bum. bpear, Mu! \ U’l Irion. Mary Leu ei\ It- 1 HralYm, Mary Bulger, William SeyilerC -b-bu Molveever, John Kelty.lvan Bind. Middle Hass- \lnm d'omlin&ou, I .mute Sehonek, l'.dna Ryan, M irgaret Kober • risu* Pew, Mil.lro.l Marjaruni. Ilolon Laliaw. Kli/.alioth Cooper, Mary «'itrni<»*i' , Russell \ au Camp. Simoon Huseltoii Junior Class—Harry llartp< i Hugh \.m St iver. Sara Cook. Minnie Fret/. Fanny tdi > ginsky, FJi/.abetli Holler, Olivo Hockenbui x. Mm* .Jones, Selina MoHonalil, Anna 1’arUor. Fthel Philips, Elsie Scott, Bessie Slack. I tliel GRAMMAR SCIlOnl V Grade Helen Pecan. Mnrcaivt Howell, Alien Gorman, Flizabotli Smith, Celia At wood. Minnie Hurling, Mamie Groginsky. F.lsie Bowman, lteba Camp, Helen Meijinnis. Henry Stockton. Robert Byrnes, Bradley Akers, Honovan Wilmot, Bielmr.l Van Horn. 1.1 mis Young, Alfred Bodiue, lord Van Seiver, Horace l'arlee Frank Kramer B tirade F.lla Blaekwell. Loretta Bulger. Avis Black, Mary Brown, I lizabctli Lucas, Anna laidor. Margaret Mnstcrson, Marie Me Climes, Minnie Mttore, Reba Rose, I .eon Ab bott. Houglaa Hilts. Leon Gorman, Leo (lor- , man. Win. lloj'poek. Andrew Holcombe. Sinn- ■ ley lloleouibe, Harry Meehan, Hyman 11a- i pliael, Howard Sw it (, Bradford 'Ill-true, Art man Lambert ■ C" (trade l.b/abeth Carr. Ha/el Hvas. Florence Helsel. Helen Lyons. tiraee Malloy. Marion Rending, Grace lonison, Nellie Wi - liams, Charles Conover, Albert llolootnbe. Charles Heins, Irvine lloppoek, A dim ml I .niter, (tfoive Larison, John Non is, Hongla l’t-w, Kenneth Beed, George Mmlli, \ld i Sine, C • rl Swallow, llarvt fnmiin'i', Alb i I •miKon. llaridd Wilson. Lloyd Van Horn "H" (trade - Katherine Carr. Margaret I' Ifnnie Groginskv- I.rtitia Howell, Mu Holcombe. Hannah laiison, Ida LetVcvei. charlotte Mason, Martha Mami, Lillie M• • tier. Klizabrth Miller. I'.va Roberts, (lertnid. skillmau, Hailm Smitli, Grace Stout, I trlla | Aouni!. Cut-iie Abraham. Burton Baib-i William Cooper, Leon Hawk, Uuhsi II H< I bourns lloweil. Illicit Malnunjd;y . ! !C *• t skillmun, Josoph Stockton, Karl Van lion FIRST WARD PRIMARY. \' (trade Raul Cooney, George IhitVui, Jaeob Heins, Robert Holctimbe, Richard II--I* loiubf, Hand lrcft/, llavnioiid Van I !..i, Kayni'Mitl Wesner. Archer, Miblred Hi rosu, Margaret Austino. (ietievieve I s m b, I 1111tiII Noble. Alice Stollt . "It Grade I lorenee Hunt, Margaret Hun’, < diaries Smith, i hrar Webber. Blanche Trim mer. Reginald Walker. Bessie Naylor. Ban! Henry, RaMnoml Henson, Howar<l Slot ktnii Idi/abelh l'a\so|| C‘ (trade Raymond Fisher, J-diu limit, Robert Roib-baucli. Robert McNamara. d'lllie /t li, Uizabeth Collican. I tlna Hralliu. I - Henry. Jennie Harm I loi'-n -■ Peter- n, - Ro.h ! i tie'll. Mull. < ... \ n. i f H lira-le Hai -y Naylor. II. I. n Hun'. Pearl Mam. Kmmn Aivlni I i--o Ham-H, Laura Fulmer, F.-lith Hratbn. Nettie H*im. Walter Collicnn, William /eh Waller II-•- • j Kennel h Rode bn u ch TllililJ WAR I.) 1*1(1 MA ItV. “A" (irail* Katherine Bla. I . \m ( on* ver, Kst.-r Hurling, All- Heller, Mai v lloi't iu.<n l.lkm Hayes, I'.mma Juste e, Helen Mil nor. Jessie Recall. Lillian Readme. Katherine Skillmau Stella W right I>»li11 N M ahum I • t i i roll. Chiton 11111f<, Lloyd (ionnau. Paul .btlc'iinbe. Raymond Johnson, II-i \« John son. Allred Kt ephart, Lester Lai i on. Harold Parker < lareii'e Prict Paul Ra l. i ' H 'Grade Walter Hotline. J-thn Carr. I ! viu Gilbert, George Haas. \Y\mm Megnmes, Win. Price, la my Parent. I dwar-l Riordan. Win.Swift, Paul Sheplni -1. Mildred Curtis. Florence Cowdriek N• !Iv Hendei n limn Mary, .Man.I M-- < l\ . I tln l < *•(t "G” Grade Amy Case, Anna Heau, Myia Hilts, Kmma Haves, Helen Holcomb. . Grata Mason. Emma Alegmms. lleuryetfn Pick. it. I loi'em • Swartz, Adelaide Nan Horn, Ra" moml Hilts, lewis Havis. Ilan I- - . b -i Heller,Albert Ho. kenbury.Ivlwar-l 11«.1- - n.' • . 1 .?lix Malanaphy. 1'red Mall-o, Robert M u ;an, Ler-.y Robin --n.Heorc Robin on l--l.ii 1 hu burrow • i> lini'ir mini r.i n-iit, u.u ■ n i..n. i- it Lucille liHivroft. A'ln < Immberlm. .Mai y < m - tin, Ali'f Case, Sara Frylinu, Carrie Ma- m, Marion Yost. !*«■ rt I >;i Holcomb* Manpii.-t Holcombe, Ida Finkle. Helen Hawk, i I, Doboromdi .land* Dili-. < hail'"- Ely, .1 ;im*• ~ liny* - Wm Keepharf, Win Lanln-iistim-. Al le i t Mailman. Hairy I£*»l»in«i*n. Ilarrv 1. • • Lingt'ord Swarf/. .Miirnn St>\.iM, I I n Names of tliOHO wIimhi* IlccHut ions and Deportment have carli incr.r'nl SMI per cent, or more: JUG 11 SCHOOL. Senior Clans—U5 per cent un»lov«r: J.I 1 •»«u or Linrar, Lidie Stile- Gertrude ,L. r. ' A.Mil- .Iiil.nmn, It. Ii-n Hi-ir. niit. Mi.-Mim-! Conwuy; ao per cent. and under « -i • • ' .» Carr, Annie Bowers, Annahol Boy le, I i i it limit. Muriel riche nek. I .aura Kinie Sub-rir. Class per cent, and over, t, Mar . O'Brien,c Ethel Uraltln aiel Dmi J’.! -el;.Mary JiuUrer, ’»0 per cent, and under If.: Jennie Spear, Floretic*- Wright, Mary 1.- It-- r Middle Cla-s per e«-nt. and'iver 1. Fan nie Hchenclt, Helen La I'm w. Mi Id red Maria rum, Edna Ityan, Margaret Bober-■ • 11 l.l-i" JVu. Elizabeth Cooper: an p*-r cent. and under nf., Elizabeth Henderson, Alina I "iiilin-■ ,n, l.v.. Akers, Bussell Ibadim:. Mary < .trim* ly Junior Chinn, 'H per cent, and over. I Mo. nie Fret/, Ethel 1’hilip-. Funny tlin^m-'l Bennie Slack, Olivo Hocketibury, Ll-ie Sroit. Hazel Thorne. Sara ( ook, Ethel Smith,au p* r cent, and under Selina .Me|>.maid, Ma Jon*- Kh/tthcth H* Her, Hindi Van Hei . r Nelli*- |p,. Herbert Holcomb* -. Haz*d Denson, Anna Parker, Harry Hartpein •*•. Beba Balder t-.ii Wiit. i*• l I oii'.ver, Howard Smith, Or ville Wui mi I GRAMM A It SCHOOL. A” Ora le *»*. |»m|- cent and over 1 Maim. Groginakv. I i ,• Bowman, It* l>a ( amp Elizabeth Smith, Donovan Wilnint. Helen Begun, Alfred Itodine. IliiM’-e I arlee, Miriam l'.nnis, Biehnrd Van Horn, l.owi Young Bradley Akers, G* i trnd<• McQuillan, A1..-• Gorman. Margaret How*11, Celia Atwood, 'hi per cant, and under ftr». Ford Van Seiver. lioh. ert Byrnes, Dorothy Masney. Edward Malloy Ethel Smith. Mary Jiiatiee Helen Mcginn Minnie Burling, Henry Stockton, Frank Kra mer. ' JV Grade if. per cent, and over; 1 Mary Brown, 2, Alex. I)ilts, Fdla Blackwell. Don. .is Diltn, He ha Boko, Violet Williamson, Farlo Fisher, Minnie Moore, Madeline O’Neill. I / aheth Lucan, Leo Gorman, Bradford Tice ■ . Marie Mokuukm. w. por cent. atnlgunder ■ Avis Black, Stanley Hole*mihe, L-.reM > 1 ! g**r, Margarot Masterson. Mary Kell . . I 1 r ence Treftz, Anna Lodor, William H Elizabeth Meehan, Leon Abbott, Lem Go man. Walter Kerr, Albert Mathews. A Irew Holcombe, Elizabeth Ent. * ( ’Gra*h -9B per cent, and over. 1. Irene Foy, Paul Malloy and Elizabeth Carr Lila Thorne, Florence Hels.l and Albert Hoi combe, Ella Fulmer, Ethel Smith, diaries <’onover. N. Ill- \\ il'hmis. lln/cl n>. i M’il'on. I >lin Norris, lieorm* - hyinh, art wallow, ..ertnule onu\d, meua Fry him, '.m per eent. and umlrr (iraee Malloy. Marion heading, (Iraee r.«m- > **OTI» Mvres, Admiral l.nuer. Mary , Moonan, henneth heed, Ceopo |...i. N \ lot II well. Helen \.\,mh, |_).ni l.i- 1' •. Wn, < ,rl. hutl, lay iloodi■■.i>>w, I !’.* 1'. orn. It. !.{*it .lii'ii .lohn 1 unis, I : ■ Van 11. in. V-. . rp>‘. Ha/el 1-avar.l “1»M tirade- nr. pero- uT and over: 1. Kath t iraee Stout, i:uss,.U l(,l-cl, 1**11 - !‘' tii Miller, .lonnie t iron msl.y > per • eni an.I under Flossie lluye'.Snra Field-*. I li in * Howell. Hannah l.arison. Ida I.efex* i Anna 1*.. Morenn. Mildred Montgomery. l.,-ii in Howell. Maul.:. SoviVert. Hentriee Tavlor. I ill"- M. Itler. III! , \|., H M-he. .1 .1,11 r.t\. ' Jo e|.|, Sltlel I 'll. M.ti \ M-o.t . Ill- H Slll|!ll. Ma.lelilie Hoi. .11)'.. KIKST WAlil) mm A :: V. \ tirade T ill C. ney, C. or: HralV.n. loelmrd Holeoii.i My. r i; ipl | ; Wrinlit, Anna I.eiv < ;--n. \ i.-\.• 1 ti. li. I u e lla Mathew-. N, Harriet I . |or. Marion Thornton, M.- u . i “l»” tirade i len. \ \\. I i. . ■ , Hunt. Margaret limit, ( .■■ . • ■ \\, i„.r. 1 aura I'm, Blnueh. Ti no . , p. \H>, N. Ill* helper, He' In. M -1 V. ml. • Nellie Morgan. I * . H , «.. ., i p.n | W ilnier I’P'I' I I l int, man, I r- . 1 Keiper. rii/al-eth l ax - n, I: \ m. ,,.i |i, TI l Mi l» WAllli ! KIM VKV. A t ir.i-ie hath* i m*i Fla 1>. Ann t , ,»* v*T, Marion ( uinniii *. (ilinlys |;|y, A11• •.• Heller. Mary llortliiai., l i, u Have', l'lni.i: .lusti. i , l.uey Join. r. Helen Miim-r. Je -,e I. run, l.illian 1 •«• a>i111 luimia -witi. Si.-11a " right, Haul Hole- u. 11 . , . . .). lniso,i. I l,:ai II. mlei-son. It i. rath John 1 or. had I fit, «ieoru** Haas. Wynne Ale, nine', i dwurd llinrdnii. I ml A os. Paul si nhei I. Plorenec ( owdrieh. l'laiu-he l’.ly, Nelly Henderson, Maud .Mosley. It hel Seot |. A1 mo Mi a ri n alkx. r. k i:i:it. Sujh rv i -inr. I ‘i liielpu!. NEW HOPE AND VICINITY. •1 *itin Xiuglev, of Hi idgeton. lifiH been spending koino 1line with Charles l'erupletou. A herd of 10 cows belonging to I'.I wnru i’unk, uoar hero, ufleeted \vi: tuberculosis, was killed. Mrs. Trank Corrigan, JMiillipsburg, N. J.t was ilit) guest of her parents, C. Scaioontugh ami wife last week. Mrs. Martha lliiinbleton and Mrs. \. C. llainhloton spent a low Mays hi d week in Troutou. Charles Corson ami wife have boon spending some time with relatives and friends m I’hiladelphia. Henry II ungray wife, ami child and William .Mender, wile and daughter, of Hndgeton, were the guests of Harrv Vos and family reeentlv. Mr*. II. H Hundv, uf Sydney, N A., was the guest of postmaster, Hetts and family last week. Isaac Aim Celt, wife and daughter, witnessed tin* inauguration of (lov eruor I’.dwin S. Stuart at llarna lung, on Tuesday of last week. While working in the I'nion Caper Mill Wednesday luormiig Lewis Ash ton had a Huger severed front his hand. (iardetle Magill lias accepted a pos ition at the I'eunsyl vauia Hailroad shops at Trent on . AIis< Margaret Killian, ot Newtown, was the guest of Miehael Hrahan and family i eeently. Mrs. Susan Clynier Inis returned to her liome in IJoxhoro alter spending some timo with relatives here. T'he Democratic primary election, will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday, .famiai v Jltli, at i\.'!u e. n. at whieli candidates for the following o/lh ivs will be nominated to ho voted for at the IVbriiary election Three coiineilwon, two s« liool diroetors,. as lessor, Judge <>t election, nr peetor, overseer of poor and auditor. Clarenee Id. Mini hr i I, <.| Trenton, and Miss Maggie .1, .Moiiisey of till-' plaee, were man led at I’enniugton, \. .1., on Sat III'da v d Die \ will i .• tide in Tn ntoii. The many 11 lends ol He v. I >. \V . I l<d lilig' i . i.t I ’a I ksbiii ;•, forinei ly pastor of | in Hi ed»\I eiian Church, of tin phoe, will I" pained to know that lie has hem eritieall.v ill willi diphtheria. Il is with pleasure that we he nr he i < eon va leseent. Thomas \uId, who resides on the second floor of Middleton s building, fell part way dow n a flight of stairs Aloudny morning of l ist week. His lieud and fin e wen- eut and Io nised considerably, although ho was n d seriously hurt. nuiTOumiiMi nv in r eniinrou, ^lamlcbiMren un i 'i great gramt chihlren, .Mrs. Tei e .a 8uxton, of Ne \ (10|»o eelelnuteil the '.HitIt anniversar, of her l>irtli at 1.1m homo of her laughter, Mi .lac »i> IVickett. Mi •Saxton looks nun'll younger than who really is, mi l has just finish ed inakin -. a <iuilt eontumiug H,?s; patch os. The M*.'iil;n meeting of the (hi /.ciis* Juterury Society, was liehl in StiutHiaaii’H Hall, l’i nl.iy night. L’u i Newhope Orchestra luriiistie l mimic fur the occasion ami the receipts filler tho actual expenses *.t the evenin ', were ileilnctetl, v.. i e <|oimt* I to that organization. The program follows: Music, Newhope Orchestra; essav, Miss A11tii• Kelly; recitation, Rev. \. W. (»rigg-, vocal solo, Miss V.m Horn, a'lliesM, Ihule n S. Price*, music, n ehestm; In weekly, Miss Margaret McR.-an; mu ic, orchestra; oration, AI her1 Regan; music, orches tra. 1 lm I Vi I. lion of linkin'' \l \c K ' * > I il J>’* v . I Jioiuum I!. Vir^ur, I >. I *., foi in'll’.’ pastor of 1 li m Fioni i iigton Huptit f-liiirili, now h «:nt of | Kl i/ i!»• I li. e.\ pcct • fo complete Jifty years in 11»«• ministry dunuury X!‘.) in xt. A * observance of the* miniver* hiu'v will be ledd in 1110 South baptist Church, N'-wiuk, .Juuuury ‘.’7 to i‘». Dr. N h^shi \vill preach on the morning of Jutium '7, deul i n g with rcmini Hcoilci rt ol hlh life. Tuesday following wliicli will h«* tho miniversary of liih ordinalIOI, v111 In* marked l»y exei - , rises at \\ l.; i • h uddi e * es w ill he mm In. A in-in iii ty have* the njin.i. • of his | convictions without having the coin. Cas ties in the* air are too apt to have material convictions with fortunes in the gutter. - The .rumor Fund of the Mount funnel baptist Church will hold u Little Queen Contest on .J,ninary .'to. Tho children ure selling tieketH and , anyone in ay buy us many us they du ! sire. One ticket will admit you to ; the entertainment. 4t Says a woman writer: “Man i> a plain neeessitv.” We hope tire men who strut around, feeling like a luxury, will see this \ magazine writer has found a man "ho is “lie her than Rockefeller.* i'oor old Croesus. Nobody thinks oi him now W itli the Uotlu hilds fighting the Standard Oil company,the general pub lie assume the attitude of a disinter ested spectator. Another labor trust is looming up in Chicago. A bonus of $100 for a baby, N’oo tor twins ami $500 for triplets is the oiler made by the Central Federa tion oi Labor o! that city. < lustiiv Vrezyszewski, of Jersey 1 City, was hauled before the C ourt of Cbiurter Sessions in that city on u e-lmrge of selling a pint of beerski to Anton VoWHehuiiit/.ski. Of course he wasn't guilty hut lie stands for a dose of juilaki all the same. I Ins earthquake bogy man's beating arattml our buslus im lines us to just a little nervousness, hirst he was busy out in ' hrisen; then down in Chili, anil at latest accounts in the West Indies. And all wilhiti a year! The l.ehigh Valley railroad stock holders believe that a railroad, like a man, is known by the company it keeps. I hey have therefore supported then board of directors in keeping Lehigh Valley stocks off the New York Stoi k exchange's lists. Nearly live thousand trees have been ict out in Newark by the Shade Trees • oniinission since it was organized 1 he commission's woik does not apply to Newark politicians and their labors. 1 1 here is no need of its woik m the t shady line. i Anent the shortage of cars to handle the vast freight trallic of the country, one exchange remarks that the trouble seems to be that the railroads only have enough to take care ol the trallic in I». uiocrat times. - mvicts in the Ohio penitentiary evidently have a “soil snap." 1 heir stmt of daily labor is eight hours, and all they make over that lime is placed to their credit and paid to them at the end of their term. It is staled that many convicts make horn #30 to $60 a month. Knforced good behavior is an excellent thing at times. A11 Illinois jury says a man with a gun and dog is not hunting unless he has killed something. That plea wouldn't work in Jersey, llut the boy who was hauled before a justice in the same State and filled lor fishing on Sunday, though he put in the plea that he wasn't fishing as he had not caught anything, would go scot free in Jersey. Ihe pioprietor of a Pennsylvania daily paper has announced that the news section ol his paper will lie open ed with prayci A general adoption ol this plan would play havoc with the “yellow journals," providing the report ers paid attention to religious mvoc.i lion. In the secret, and fraternal orders Uncle Sam has .1 varied collection to draw from as there are 111 the United States more than three hundred ami lifty secret orders, brotherhoods and sisterhoods, containing over seven mill ion members. A Hound iiiook ■ oal dealer an noimces that lie has, in advertising his wines, <ast bashfulness to the lour winds. A coal dealer 111 l'.kzabeth seems to have overt ome his moral shy ness without blowing his trumpet. lie contracted to furnish the school's sup ply at a low figure, and then gave short weight. Sonic lime last year in a serial ti rstlied form entitled ‘ The Roosevelt Hears" appeared in the pictorial section of the Sunday edition of the New York I iines. The hears, however accord ing to the story, were endowed with human attributes and were ready to see the sights and engage in all the seasonable sports. The production struck the business sense of a toy deal er, resulting in ordering front a German toy manufacturer a large number of toy bears. It was a lucky stroke of busi ness genius, tor there is no telling where the craze will stop Adolph Snyder, an employe of the Raymond Rubber (Jo., of TitUHville, met with Hononn injuries while at work one day last week. Him li ft hand wan caught in the mam of ruI» her passing through the largo sheet ing rolls and wan ijnickly dnivvti into them, l>ut for the presence of mind and prompt, action of Walter JfoskiuH and Willnun Jluney, Mr, Snyder would piohably have been crushed to deuth. '1 he young men caught and threw him bodily to the other Hide of the rolls with Htieli force as to break the imprisoned hand Iooho, leaving four fingers and thumb m the roll*. Ho was removed to Mercer Hospital at Trenton by Albert 'l ice and Wil Ham Haney and atteuded by J)r. I. i*. I*. Turner, when the injured member wuh amputated. Mr. Snyder seems to have been peeiilhudy marked by fate for misfortune, having only hint summer lost his wife and turn hy drowning. Retains its moiaturo-*- Mju’Kav’u bread. A fine rooster belonging to Reuben Horne, of Middle Springfield town ship which had esca)>e<l the Iratoliet on Thanksgiving I>ay, Christman and New Year's Day, eoiumittiMl suicide by hanging on Wednesday morning. Being jutient under crit'.C'sat is more or less a pose. A SPECIAL OFFER SAVE MONEY ON JOB PRINTING COMBINATION No. 1 2oO Packet Noli' Heads 250 XXX White Envelopes - 2oO lobular Stiltements Special to Feb. i, 1907 $3.00 V. T l=A COMBINATION No. 2 500 Lei ter Heads 500 XXX Kxl iii W 1 kit«' Envelopes 500 Regular Statements special 10 htu. i, 1907 250 Business Cards lor 75e. if added to either eombination. All slock used is of an excellent grade. Remember, this offer expires Feb. 1st and is for cash mly. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. All goods lelivered free by express to consignee’s door when cash ac :ompanies order. LAMBERTVILLE RECORD Cor. Union anil Coryell Sts. The Trenton Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 26 AND 28 WE8T STATE 8T., TRENTON, N. J. Capital. .... $200,000 Deposited with Prerogative* Court 50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, 107.800 07 Trust Estates, • - 720*364 83 Deposits - - • 2,553,108 74 Receives money on deposit in large and small sums. Al lows interest on same and pays < ustonicrs* diet ks the same as a national bank. The payment of interest to our depositors is not a new thing with us. Sine.o January ist, 1890 we have paid $500 722,21 interest to our depositors instead ol keeping it lor our own surplus. ; per rent. «m ma< live and 1 A per rent. 011 active account. Use the sale deposit vaults to store your valuables and save anxiety. A sale and convenient plat e to which you are invited to runic. Ill Oil // //.I t///./, /Vf.r mu! 'ini.. 1 njli,rr II'ASM X/iTOV ,1 /{OKIII.I f/.v r,r.Hl,h‘nl. /M HK Kit OCM M/•'/«’/'.', .//*., ,Wrniel ! ’"•* f’rrHiilent unit ’Jininurer, XKf.XON I. PUTTY, Sevrrtnrv. UII.UAM </ MOOHA/, Cnnhlvr. F. W. Donnelly’s Notable Cothing Bargains pull thrifty people hereward. Were it otherwise, we sliouM iloubt the wis (lom »t clothing Imyers. Tlus is no ordinary stock, hut rather a stock of goods which none but the best tailors can equal. Style, chic, quality, fabric, pattern-- everything which a well dress ed man wants, is iunbodied in them. And the backward winter has made ns I ut rim >, $12 Overcoats, $7.50 15 Overcoats. 10.00 25 Overcoats, 18.00 40 Overcoats. 25.00 Men’s suits reduced the same, and loti of Hoys'suits and oveicoats at al mo t half off. The i. .nrlmcnl almost < ompk’U', too. Fred'kW. Donnelly TAYLOR OPTRA HOUSE STORES AND KSSEMBLY.NOOM TIU’.NTON. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS TO WASHINGTON February 7, 21, March 14, aS, April 4, 18, May 2 $ii.^o or $1 4. So covers necessary expenses from T.ambertville according to hotel selected. i THREE DAYS 0UTIN6S TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL FOR DESCRIPTIVE ITINERARIES GIVINI. KATES AND FELL INFORMATION Apply to Ticket Agents, or address J. It. WOOD, , OKO. W. BOYD, PaHsenurr Tintin' Miumg'-r. (inwTftl Passenger Agent, 1 mlaUelpuia, 1