Newspaper Page Text
IIIK LAM BKKTYILLK KKCOHD AUGUST 14. 1907. STORY OF TWO DUELS. V Sword Thruot, n B. Hot Wound and an Extract din try Sequel. When duelilm \ .Mi ;i'l uu! Junior !n tin- social <• i<-.' of this < outitrv if Lad many worlh.v ami uoluLie >\\»> Iienr . im-ludiim I ' less dist itmuished persona:.'- titan ILiir.v <'la\ Amin v ,1 a< k- "ii. Ai< \amlt-r llamii!"ii In- Witt < 'liutnii. Stephen I itnr ami others of tin- .'■aim* type. nit nowhere on thi' continent was il so mmli -n establish ml institution as in that peculiarly ro mantle old • it \ of Now Orleans It w as woven into tin- \«*r\ fabric of tin* lifo of tin* community, and many a cnunlWintf tomLsiom* In tic auliqual . 1 r r.-ol.mctcrios Lear ^rini and silent witness to tin- fact, though to understand tin* situation more clearly oUC* should biv.ilhe, O to peak, the a I m o> jiliere ..I th. period M. Ana .stlu. wlc* afterwanl became a district judge ami general of the l.ouioani legion, was tie* victor in several encounters In which tie* leni |ier of tie* period caused him to lie ell gaged iiiir iii particular is note worthy on accoiinl **l I he part il play ed in a:j e \ I I i na i \ freak of for til in* Alexander Orailhe was Hie «»f femling parly, though lie* insult, or, rather, provocation, lor gentlemen scl doiu Instilled, would in this day he of s< ant concern. I»nt ome cause of nr tioii wa pre cut, ami each was sure that a dead!\ me. Him would certainly follow I la v rode together iu a car riage with ladles, who after (lie duel, coiumciiled ..,i their mutual affability during He* entire trip, which only serve to : ho how delicatel.v adjust ed w a I lie • -!.* of e|iijiiet le, c special i.v in I m* |»i «• ' in <• liiuii1 I II. > l«.ii-lil jil The Oaks. and ns soon ;i • Ilit* weapon. Ii;ii| hern rrossrd ;inil tin- Imprrssive “All.*/, messieurs," protiounred i •rnillii'. who wns hij£h strung mul Iml I»1«»<»«!«•«I doubly so mi der tin* stress nl In* re^n nlfil ns a grievous pn»\in ation lost his li*m pi-r mul t'lirioiisly rlimiri*d Ills untune iilst. Augustin, on tin* rontrnry, was rool, «•«*1 li*i*ti*iI mul anile, parry inn i*in*li sava^i* thrust until hy a li*nips il ai*r»*t (stulih'ii piidsi'i, Jinlh*l<iiisly InliTpolat imI Into a vh ious limn*' of < irnillir'.s. In* pier< ••*! 1 him through tin* iln*st. (Irullhe. with oin* of his limits per feruled, ri*maini*il for a loiin 11m«* hov I'lini; he I w «• i * 11 lilo mul ih'ath. mul w ln*n at last In- <Ii11 i-oiin* out of his i*«»«itn In* was how oil lilo- :.n lo-i'iiarian It was now onIs a ipii’slimi of tiuu* for tin* wounded man. ns an Intrrnnl ahsci'ss hail formed whom it roiild not In* li*ai ln*i| sm*K«*r\ lin n was not what It Ih now mul tin* doctors despaired of Having him Some tinu* after In' had hot'll up and about a ipiuml w ith Colo nel Mniiihw ill.* ih* Marinin rosiilteil in his r h a 111 • n i; 111 that dist innuislied elti 7.111 This 11 in* 1 was also foiinld at 'flu* Oaks, hut as (Jraillie was too weak to do himself Just lee with a sword the weapons . hosen won* pistols, at fifteen parrs, i'.o h to ha\o two -hots, advance live pares and lire at will. At the lir-d shot, tired simultaiu'oii.'d\. the uu fortunate man fell forward, pieived 1»\ his ndvei.uV hullrl. which had entered tin- exact pla< <• o| his former and yet unhealed wound Marini'.', with pistol in hand and as pI:i• id as a imtrhli* lain.-, advanced to the id most limit marked out, when (Jraillie, who was iiif.'iim a math. exclaimed: ' I' i n * arain You have another shot.” With dinnil\ Marinin raised his pistol above his head and tired into the air, say Inn with timid politeness, I lie!or strike a fallen foe ” More dead than alive, tin* strirkeii dm li I was carried Inunc h\ his friends ami roiisimird to (hr rare of his phy sician . hut. lied rad of sinking rapidly, as was r*pr. ted lie really bcjiiin to mend and by the follow inn morning was mm h In,pro\nl The hall had priirtraled to tin* abscess wliieli had threatened his life and made an exit for its poisonous accinnul.nions. Some Iiinr afterward he walked out of his room as .reel is r\n* and soon re named his 11' *: 11111 and statelv healing Cmtiirx Maua/.inr Psychology of Gambling. The lunil basis of tin* injury done b\ uamldiii. a temleliry’to ovrr rate tin* rhaiu c. of w inuim: Wlirn a man speculate-, by .'taking, say. It oil t lie eh mice of w iniiinv, i pH i. ohseiw es an I mrlish writer In Nature, the notion of \\»nnii :• loo makes a bin imprrssiou on lii- mind and means something more real t » him than the idea that tin* udds are _‘i>i» t • l against him, say. Ho forms » lea mental picture of the prize, ami the odds do not present the • slim* picture io his mind. ('ouseijueut ly. hr r\an,.'.',l Itrs his prospects. Appropriate. ^ mini-t. . havlnn nhni out his “no ti( r ' was about t" read his hytim Wlirn lie wa . remitided of one he find t ol*i;ot tell Slopplu;;. In* made this ail lioiun ciiumi t. apo|,,;i tun f"l' Ills fornet !‘»»I ii • Tlnm. nun h lo the amusement et hi-, a ml ie i ice. he hcuaii to line out the hymn i folhiws “l.ord, what II thou i'ii, w reb Ii am 1 " .linin'*. It Wasn't Funny. "Kill ho's a regular profosNional full " I kllO\\ ||. I-." "Knl \ • *11 r< l«-m (I i.» him as an ‘uu oou.soIouh Immoi ist.* " ' s.i lit* whs on tin* invasion to whloli I r< i'«t Hi* Inn! tiU'il to lv funny with a tonsil m nt from tin* I "tirtli wuinI" liilhulolphia 1’ivss All D«*.n to Him. W ill* Tin «I• t.• i .iiil. iv un* to tin? niluoi a I laths it i .1; ivhail. .1 ml \. m iv 'tusi* un* tin' moans in p* that shows how lilth* \ on valm* mo llusbuml <m tin- oontraiy. I not wish t>» lose a |»oiitnl of you I'M# — omlo Itlattor Soak ink stains u sour milk, ami Hliouhl a stalu sm.. tvmaln 11 is.- in a woak solution tif ohlorhlo of llino Always ask your grocer for Hill’s Bread It is always Fresh, Sweet and Pure. It has pleased many and it will please you. Save the labels and get PREMIUMS. -s'vx\y i/ The Kind Yon lla\o Always Bought, and which has been in use for mcr ;{<> years, lias borne the signature of - and has been made under nis j>er -f—p'■ Small supervision since ils infancy. S% 'ft Allow no one to deceive > ; in this. All Coiintcrfcils, Imitations and “.Tust-as-gnod ” are hut Kxpcrimcnfs that trille with and endanger I he health of Infants and Children—lOxpcrience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA C'astoria is a .harmless suhstltulo for Castor Oil* l'aro jforic, Itrops ami Soothing’ Syrups# It is IMwissiuf• It contains neither Opium, JVforphino nor ollirr Narcotio Mihsl ancc. Its ajyo is its guarani«•<*.# II destroys Worms and allays I Vvcrishnoss. It ciiits Oiarrlioni mid Wind ('olio. It, relievos 'Tori liing Troubles* rmrs Constipation ami llal ni< im \. It assimila tes the Cood, regulates t Im Stomach and l»o\vels, giving healt liy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tim 3lothcr\s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMr erNTMIR COMPANY. TT MtJHHAY fclBtfr. NI'W YORK CITY. STOCKTON’S Quick Lunch Cafe No. 2 NOR1H UNION STREET, LAMI’.K.KTVII.LK., N. .1, CRANE’S ICE CREAM. FRIED OYSTERS A SPECIALTY. Steaks, (’hop .\ « . ()ysi« is, (’I.mis, (’lam (’Imwili i . IS.iknl I leans, 11 no. Tongue, I isli < ’.ikes, I'.'gnnil I i in I < > \ .l«i S.unlw n lies, I I,ml, Soil and I )evileil < ‘rails. Steamed (>vdci ., IT* k I«* * 1 I'ongue, (Inns, Piles' lost. Pic and Milk. j the SNEEZO” i < MTU NEW KYK CLASS MOUNTINU IS liDTII SKlT'KK AND COMKOItTAIILK, CAN’T EVEN SNEEZE THEM OFF YOl AUK SI !|{K OK coin: KIT CLASSICS I’.Y CONSULTI NO III K S I* E r I A U S T s OK Till. SIJN OPTICAL MF’G CO. j Incorporated 1S99. uti 1 1, u 1 ome VI. HIM (MS is IMII.ISIII l> ISMI r. r. lit I'reniilenl COR. STATE AND WARREN STS , TRENTON, N. J. Omi Blorli From Trolley Tnriniiml. Prevent All-Aches By taking one or two Dr. Miles' Anti-Pam Pills when you feel an attack coming on You not only avoid suffering, but the weak ening influence of pain upon the system. II nervous, irritable and cannot sleep take .1 tablet on retiring or when you awaken This soothing influence uptin the nerves brings refreshing sleep. ♦ as doses, 25 cents.* Never sold in bulk. Almost instantly and leave no bad effects. Tlioy nlso relievo every other pain, Neura - gia. Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, ltackache. Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from in jury, Bearing-down pains, Indigestion, Bu siness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness L>r Allies Anti-Pain Pill - Cure Headache M WUFACTUKEO L'NOliR I,II KNSE OF F \ I I N r KM.If r, Mt'KH IMFOR I Oi. cm u u;u The SUNLIGHT' Electric Portable TO OUR PATRONS ONLY Have you seen the latest electric lamp FOR THE HOME FOR THE PARLOR DINING ROOM or LIBRARY? This beautiful lamp, like picture, 19 inches high, well worth $12.00, will be furnished to Our Patrons Only (none shipped out of town) for $3.95. Drop us a postal or call at our office and we will deliver one of these lamps on thirty days’ trial. Lambcrtville Meat, Light and Power Co. AGENTS FOR THE “SUNLIGHT” ELECTRIC PORTABLE LAMP The Greatest Offer Ever Made by a Publisher in the History of the World $1000 FREE Accident Insurance Policy ;] Yes, Absolutely Free with every Yearly Subscriber to The American Farmer (* (*7 OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, AND The Lambertville Record ISolli papers and $1000 Accident Insurance Policy for one year with no oilier dues for assessments, for only $2.00 I hr Ami n, in I .min i ' is the onh I> I arm Journal published. 11 fills a position of its own .uni has taken 'I'" l. iulinK I'l l"' in Oiu home ol rural people in mi ty union of the United Stairs It gives the farmer and his family something to think about aside loan the humdrum of routine duties. Every issue . contains an Original Poem la C.OOIIK Si >1 ON I. I'he publishers ol the •• Anietie.m 1 inner " have gone to great expense to secure these " id' 's. It proposes to hair tin- higgt -I i in illation of ;my journ I in the world, mati. lolls oltrr ol a firr l.imitrd A.. i.leii! I’.-hm l..r $i,ooo to mn\ new subscriber to the I'll 1-AMHERTViu.i! Record who will pay t year in advance. The Policy pays as follows: A.a nient Policies for its I.' this end it make this ‘American Parmer" and I'.n l.o.i of Life. I’> r Loss of IJtdli F.ycs. mcuuimr entire ;tn.l pci nutii. iii l..i ,| the n;:ht of liotli . ve For Lons of Moth Hand*, by actual and com pi t< ei n . at or above the wrist. For Loss of Itoih Feet, by actual and eoinplef. -.. i-.r . .tt or above I be ankle ••or vf One ILind and One Fool, by a. tm i . i. I >e\rraiiee at nr above the wrist ali i uilJe Fop Loss of Dm* Hand, by actual and complete . \ , at or above (be wrist I'. r Loss of One Loo*. I.v a. Inal and compht. . \ .dam • .1 or above the ankle, loir Loss of < tm* i’.ye. men nine eni h •• and p. • n.., i .m ! . . of f |t. -i.dd of on. -, ve .. 1,111X1 |N) 1 .(NX) IN) 1.INNI IN) ll you will sulis. "hr .it .III. r .... 1 he . ..upon below, we will give you a year's sulisi ription to both papers, in addi tion give a I'KI'.K AO'IDIvN I I'OI.KA 1 < >R $1,000 fully paid for one year, without any dues or assessments ol ,mv kunl. I lie policy rovers .I wide Iang. ot risks, including death or injury on railroad trains and other con veyan. es; elevators, trolley cars. et. . ilso.a.. i.leuts on the high road, from riding or driving, automobiles, horses, burn mg buddings, hold-up, drowning, l.i.-yrle a., i.lenls, etc. $5.00 A WEEK IP DISAIil.ED will he paid for , number Ol weeks II you are disabled m any wav dm. "bed in the policy. You cm have the paper and policy sent to different .It It IfUSSCS ll \'t HI < lcsil :mail this to-day: To T,„- TmsiiiEHTvn.i.,' It,:.. laiinlu'i'lville, N .1. I enclose...f„r whiel, send the Am., banun' mid ll koohp om* year, and Mu* Limited Accident Insurance Policy for 81,000,00. Name.I• (, . ..Aire .. To whom policy is to he made payable. The Arc Limit on this Policy is Between IB and B5 Inclusive. The world-famed treatment for Piles, Kczema, open sores, nasal catarrh, and all the dis eases of the skin, burns, etc. HEMORLINE Kndorscd by phvsicians, lead ing druggists, and thousands of grateful patients who have been cured by its marvelous healing power. In the treatment of hemor rhoids, it obviates, the necess ity of a surgical operation, and the danger and excruciating pain. It cures quicker, and is entirely sate and painless. Send for circulars of hun dreds of thousands of testimon ials and professional endorse ments. If your druggist does not handle it send direct to MARSHALL HEMORLINE CO., Marshall. Mo. CAI\lf*PPCURED TOSTAYCliREP without pain, inconvenience, or leaving home. NO KM FK —NO msTKlt-NO I'AIN The M \suNJ MCTITOl), indorsed nt th«‘ Inn rna Medical Congree* and by prominent New Torn nhyaiclana ti> he the only permanent cure. for free booklet. Investigate te-day. ran cer does not wait. The skeptical areconvim <■<*. Mason Cancer Institute. 1 GO to 152 W. 48th St. N t CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CA3TOIIIA. Inn the W '• J H-1.0 A .vjvs Roafjlt “rr it* l This valuable remedy is a cure for l»y>jn psm. Indigestion. 11-;ut-[ burn. A- nitty of. ->r Sour Stomach, I Sii k or Ni i voiis II. adache, (Jemruil or \irvous-|>ebility or Prostration 1 and .til Him'iim's arising from adisor- ’ dt red condition of the stomach. Recommended by Physicians Pleasant to take. It is not necess ary to diet only in ^ery severe cases, j The stomach will soon hi' in such a | f healthy condition that oue can eat moat any kind of food. Two Sizes, 50c. and $1.00 par box. If your druggist does not have it, | | send direct to F. L. SHINKLE, Manufacturing Pharmacist, MUNCIE, INDIANA. C> n'uhirs and Testimonials sent an application. A Positive CURE Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It i leunses, soothes lirah ami protects the • is..’ menu br:iu«\ It euros Ciu ta rli ami drives CATARRH HAY FEVER aw y v ‘ at m i:n Ilr.i l 4]uii kly. Kf store0- tlit* Senses of I 1 »stc n:■.* 1 Smell. Full si/.*' JWVts., at Drup yr-'''' "i‘ 1mail: Trial Si/.t* 10 eta. by mail. I'.lv it rot 1h* r r»(i Warren Street. New York. oastohia. Bears the ,^The Kind You Haw Always Bought “T (ZUtfZSZ&i PROTECT Your Telephones, Switchboards, Gables and Property with the SKY-ROCKET Continuous Discharge Lightning Arrestar “You cannot AFFORD to take the The SKY-ROCKET will save you time, mom v, trouble ami may save you from loss or property and probably life. Phis is an arrester ami not a cut out. It works while you are aslei p or away from home. “No Switch to forget to turn oil.” Pile Sky-Rocket is placet! outside of tin building or along the line and keeps the lightning on the outside. Now is the time to put one ou, don't delay. PRICE $1.00 POSTPAID. CHANCE MANUFACTURING CO.. Centralia, Missouri. BARKER’S HAS.? BALSAM IClcrmM am! Iwau! !'ie» th- hair. I'i••••-- u< -.i ' .. .1 .t pr-’Wth ,j N > r Fails to li -storo Or»y ■ :r to jta Youthful Color. I Can i- m*m p 0 «'u« » Si hair l&.luiK. " & a :>1 if 1 •u* l'rt:^L'i»H NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Sarah Quick, Deceased Pursuant to the order of George F. Hanson. Surrogate of the County of Hunterdon, made on the twenty-second day of May. A. I>. one thousand nine hundred and seven, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims I against the estate of Sarah Quick late of the County of Hunterdon, deceased, ' to present the same.under oath or affirmation, to the subscriber, executor of said deceas ed, within nine months from the date of said order: and any creditor neglecting to bring in and exhibit his or her claim (under oath or j affirmation), within the time so limited, will be forever barred of his or her action there- j for against the said Executor. Dated May 82, A. D. 1907. JOHN li TREWIN. I Executor l IS ILL IT WILL COST YOU 4 PENT ® I IB ■ to write for our big FKKE BICYCLE catalogue I showing the most complete line of high-grade ■ ^ mm BICYCLES, TIRES and SUNDRIES at PRICES |H BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. A. DO NOT l DO NOT BUY A BICYCLE or on any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Cata logues illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW PRICES ana wonderful now oilers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP ON APPROVAL without a cent deposit, l’ay the Freight and allow lo Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Rider Agent in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. WS8.50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ONLY Regular Price 5 $8.50 per pair. To Introduce We Will Sell You a Sample Palp for Only NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WON'T LET OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of IS years experience in tire 4 .80 making. No danger from I HOK!\J>, CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. Notice the thick rubber tread ••A'* and puncture strip*"!!'' ami “IV* also riin strip “II” to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make—SOFT. bLAMIt and 1 ASY 1UD1NG. DESCRIPTIONs Matte- in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside with a special quality of rubbe r, whu h never becomes porous and whu h closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape We have hundreds of letters fr- in satisfied customers stating that their tires have only been pumped uponce or twice in a whole sc a. on. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That “Holding Hack" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome bv the patent “basket Weave” tread which prevents all air from being squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these squeezed out between tires is $8.50 per pair, but tor advertising purpose ■gular price < tory price to the ridel _ „ . we are making a special fa of only $4 80 per pair. All orders shipped*same day letter is received. We ship C O.I). on approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount of 5 percent (thereby making the price $4.55 per pair) if yon send FULL CASH WITH OKDKK and enclose this advertisement. WV will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at Ob'It expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as sate as in a bunk. A-k your Postmaster Banker. Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. l/f C built-up-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and everything in the bicycle line arc sold by us at hall the usual prices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SI N DKY catalogue. _ _ mmmm but write us a postal today. IM> NUT THINK OF BUYING a DO PtOm WwMm&P bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new uud wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. HEAD CYCLE CONPANY, Dept. “JL” CHICAGO, ILL r < CP f BEST MADE cp fp ‘r E A^ THE -THUN TON Till ST AND SAFE DEPOSIT DU. 26 AND 28 WEST STATE 8T., TRENTON, N j. Receives money on deposit hi large and small sums. Al lows interest on same and pays customers’ diet ks the same as a national hank. The payment of interest to our depositors is not anew thing with us. Since January 1st, 1X90 we have paid $509,722.21 interest to our depositors instead of keeping it for ohr own surplus. 3 per cent, on inactive and tl per cent, on active account. Use the safe deposit vaults to store your valuables and save anxiety. A safe and convenient place to which you are invited to come. HUUH // //.l .1///./., J’res. ami Trust OJficrr. WASHIXUTOX A. KOF.HUS*, l FnsiJenl. UAlthFli H ( M M F. /*' b\ .!< , Srcuml I irr I*rrsn1rn( , t*,./ '/Vcli‘t«;>< A TI.SOA /,. f‘KTT V, S,< retiiru. \\ U.U\ U U. MOOHK. (\ishirr r<3oo ' >! 'A Year AMERicAN^^ik' Monthly Review- Reviews he more Magazines there arc, the more Indispensable is 'Uhc Rei i ; ' cf Reviews PRESIDENT ROOSFl id. T sc .* I know that through it* column; views have been prewrtnl t n>r that I rnult! not otherwise have had acre** to; I«*cau»r nii rarnc;t ami thoughtful men, no matter how widely their idea* diverge, are given fier utterance in its column*." WE WANT A REPRESENTATIVE IN EVERY TOWN TO TAKE SUBSCRIPTIONS ONE OF OUR REPRESENTATIVES MAKES $50 A WEEK THE YEAR ROUND WE PAY THE LARGEST COMMISSION IN THE MAGAZINE FIELD NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. YOU CAN MAKE A SAFE INCOME AT HOME AND BUILD UP A PERMANENT BUSINESS WRITE AT ONCE TO THE REVIEW OF REVIEVS COMPANY 13 ASTOR PLACE. NF.W YORK