Newspaper Page Text
THE LAMBERTVILLE RECORD JESSIE E. PIERSON, Editor, WEDXE.SDA )', SEPT. 11. 1907. —Buy your coal of Geo. W. Maasev. —The old reliable Mai'Kav's bread. —Cooks point with pride to bread made from Thomas’ Flour. Retains its moisture MacKay's bread. - Ask for auil insist ou having Lam bertville Puffs. Best cigar made any where for the money. - Can you use a rubber stamp in your business? Let us know. Thornton, 4U Buttonwood street. Lambert ville Putts, are ever growing in public favor. Kline A Son sell them. Miss Munel Seheuck is attending the Kider-Moore Business College at Trentou. Miss Liilie Stiles and Miss Laura Kurnev are enrolled at the State Normal School, Trenton For monumental work, go to Harry k. Kramer, Coiner Bridge and Franklin streets. Harry H. Stockton has removed from this city to a farm in West Amwell Prof. Louis Bout well has rented the residence on North Main street recently occupied by Mrs. Jiulsou Kobersou. Joseph Charaker had a baud badly mashed last week by having a heavy plank fall ou it while at work ou the 1‘. K. K railroad. —The number of pupils enrolled in the public schools Tuesday was f»H8. The following w ere enrolled in the primary department. First Ward H8 Second Warden, 1'h 1 r«I Ward, J7 First class File Insurance ouly, in the leading companies o! the woild at the old established agency in the Holliday Building. I! H. 1101.CoM iu Miss Sarah Gallagher fell down stairs last Friday night and while not beiug seriously injured lias been con hned to her bed evei since from the On SHildas morning, Sept Id, 190?, Prof. \\ M. Berko will speak in tlie Baptist church on the work of the Anti Saloon League. I u the evening, at 7:80 o’clock tin* pastor will preach ou “The Perils and Needs ot the Horn The annual convention of the Hunterdon County Woman’s Chiist i an 1'empei a net* Fiilon, will beheld iu Flemiugtoii, Sept 19th, 19«K A good program with a silver medal contest for the evening is in preparation. All friends of the cause ure cordially invited to attend Mr. and Mrs. W F. Megiuues arul (laughters, Helen and Marie, left this week for Scranton, Pm., where Mr. Megiuues has assumed charge of a large factors . Being unable to se cure a desirable house they w ill not move then goods until later. We wish him all possible success ami all of them a pleasant home in said city. Trial Catarrh treatments ure being mailed out free, on request, by Ur. Shoop, Baciite, Wis. 'These tests are proving to the people without a pen nv’s cost —the great scientific pre scription know n to druggists every whereas lb Slump's Caturrh remedy. Is sold by S W. Cochran .V <’*> At the August meeting of the ’’Reliance Club,” Fi*her building, Mr. Alex. P Kerr whs unanimously elected all honorary member which gives him all the privileges of the rooms The members of this club are all reeeut students of the High School and Mr. Kerr highly appte elates this token of their esteem. The annual meeting of the Woman’s Christian Temperuuee Union, of this city, will be held ou Satin day evening next Sept. 14th, at 7. JO o'clock intheii hall, on Chinch street, Tlieie will be au election of officers, reports ami other business of importance. All members especially aie invited to be present. Press Supt B. H. Van Horn’s Sous have »tc cepted the agency for the Ladies’ Home Journal patterns, read then adv. in this issue 'The New Jersey Implement and Hardware Company also have a new adv. of especial inter eat to housekeepers, better lead it S. A. Finger has a full line of materi als for knitters, look for adv. on sec oud page and see what yon want. Fred’k W. Donnelly's adv. w ill intei est the man of the house if he needs fall clothing. At the 10:110 nervine ■ it t A 11 drew’« Fpiscopal Church, «»i» Sunday, lfith inst, Mr. <•. Rowland Miiiime, will deliver an address in the inter eats of the Anti Saloon League. The tight thia League ih making against the rampant liquor forces in 11 *» m State as well as elsewhere, ought to enlist the interest mid support of all law abiding citizens. A cordial in vitatiou is extended to J^ambertville men and women t<> come and hear Mr. Miluroe speak on one of the moat serious problems faring our town and state viz. the liquor trartie. -The funeral of Frank Colligau took place Friday from the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Colligau, on Cottage Hill. Requiem high mass was celebrated in St. John's K. C. Church at 0 JO o’clock, by the Rev. William H. Lynch The hear ers were; Nicholas and William Me Oowau, John McKeever, Stephen Brady, .John Moonan and Frank Cleary members of St. John’s Tem perance Cadets. Interment at St Jobu’s cemetery under the direction of John Car mod y. Ferdiuand and Uafl’oeli Tab uni, Italian brothers, waived indictment and were tried Friday before Judge John L. Couufltt upon a charge of holdiug up Mrs. Henry Holcomb, of Mount Airy, and Fred Baker, of Trenton, near Riugoes, recently, when they mistook them for Paymas ter Reed. They were found guilty and seuteuced to serve 10 years iu State Prison at hard labor. The prisoners denied participating in the hold-up, but several witnesses tiled the identity beyond question. Two other participants were taken to the State Prison Friday to serve j similar terms, and auother member of the gang is awaiting trial. More Increases For Pensioners. Congressman Ira W. Wood has re ceived notice from the Hon. V. War i ner, Commissioner of Pensions, that ■ the following additional pensions have been granted in his district: .lames G. Gulick, Clinton, increas ed pensiou at $12 per month, under the act of February 0, 1007. Cornelius H. Hawkins, of Califou, increased pension at $12 per month, under the act of February 0, 1907. •losiah Q. Hoaglaud, Flemiugtou, ' increased pension at $12 per mouth under the act of February 0, 1907. Anderson Slack, Lambertville, in \ creased pension at $171 per mouth, un - j der the act of February 0, 1007. William 11. Case, Pattenburg, in- j creased pension at $15 per mouth, tm der the act of February 0, 1007. George Emery, High Bridge, in j creased pension at $12 per mouth, mi der tin* act of February tS, 1007. County Appropriations. The Board of Freeholders 1ms made t lie following appropriations foi county expenses for the eurrent year: Incidentals. $1500 rKi Coroners 450 oo Courts. 1600 00 County Buildings. 2000 00 Freeholders’ and officers’ salaries. 6750 00 Advertising ami printing . 1000 00 Comity jail. 2000 00 Asylmu. 14000 00 Stationery. boo 00 Bridges. 12000 on Fleet ious .. 6600 00 Count v Supt. aud Fxaminers MOO 00 Taxed (’osts ... 1600 00 Coil lit \ Board Taxation. . l.Uio oo discounts. 1200 oo Transportation t*f I’risoners loo oo Total.Sdsooo oo ON M AC A PAM HOA P. Fleiuin^ton-Biutroes ii>ail $2250m 4? ('mss drains, culverts, etc 1000 00 Fiitfiueers’ and printers’ fees 000 00 I>iseuiint, Flem Bm^oes n>ad 1000 00 Flemin^toii Wlntehouse read looo oo Total for macadam roads $26 li*s 42 Appropriations for general county purposes $62000 00 Macadam road. 2046s 40 Total tax levy $HS46S 12 William J Hennessy Dead. William I. Ilennessy died at SI Fiancis* Hospital, Tieutoii, Monday j iuoi iiino at ahoiit seven o'clock .-f typhoid fever. Mr. Hennessy who wus employed at the Trenton shops of the IVniisyKama Bailioud company, was taken sick about two weeks a„'o, and, typhoid developiip', he was re moved to the hospital a few days Im* ton* his death. Ills condition became rapidly woise and his death was e\ peeled at an y 11me. Mr. Ilennessy was elected as a member of the hoard of education from the First Ward for two terms. He has served for several years as secretary of the hoard and yvas at the present time chairman of the com nnttce on books ami furniture. Ills term of office expires in I‘.HIM. He was a member of St. John's |J. C. Church. He is survived by his aged mother, Mrs Margaret Honnesny, of yvhom he yvas the sole support Ills am* yy as thuty eiolit years. Mi Ilennessy yvas a member of the An cient ( h'dei of II iberuiaus. Funeral services will be conducted in St. John's H. C (diurch, I loirs day morning at 11 o’clock Inturmiuit in St John's cemetery COMMON COUNCIL I lie September meeting ot l.ainbeit ville Common Council yvas held on Monday eveimi*', September IMh. All memb(*rs present except Hervcy S Mr. Smith introduced on title, tyvo ordinances m»y ernino tin* salaries of the tax assessors and the tax receiver, both ordinances yyere referred to the liityy and ( h dmalice ('oinmit tee. Mr. kiuinei called the attention of council to the reckless manner in which automobiles are di iven through the city streets, and he in«»v«*<I that the Mayor be instructed to notify the police officers that they must enforce compliance of the State speed layvs ooveriiinu the running of automobiles through the streets. Carried The monthly report of Fire-Chief, (ieorjje W. Arnett, yvas received and tiled. Mr. Smith said that some action should be taken m regard to the bad condition of the suleyvaiks at the Spoke Mill and the necessity of m»ol in*: North I moil street at that point. tin motion the matter yvas leferred to the Street Committee On motion by Mr. Fisher the street committee yvas ordered to advei I isc for bids for t he i emoy al of oil! baee. 1 lie folloyyin*; proposals for tin macadami/iHi; "f York street to the cit v line yy ere received Will. J. Ledger, $M20.00 and (ieo. Buncholl, $2, :i40dHi. After some discussion it yvas the j unanimous opinion of all the mem hers present that the coiilruet should not lie •'iven out at the present time on account of a lack of funds in the treasury and ou motion of Mi Smith the matter yvas referred io the street committee to recommend wdiat shall he done. Motion — (JRouike, that all monthly ; salaries l»e paid. Tl»*» following I * 111 h won* ordered i pttnl: l.ville 11 ••ii t i -iy lit and 1‘oiv. r < *111 oh idixlm * 1 nn (leorge W Slack " riiait 1 reft/ : John I.HIC . I 1,1 Al.rain i on. 1 ■< t 11"" H H Joiner A Son i Henry VV O’ I laniel- . : ''r Street pay roll. )hi /| The hill of Jacob II. Hidromhe for paviug blocks amountiug t.< (Mi wan ou motion of Mr. Smith referred t«» the street committee. Report of Tax Receiver. Ha To duplicate. (it ('msh paid Treasurer < dltf to -e<| prop, acct I'll paid list attached. Cawli on hand •■'fti.*!’-* Ml Total Report of Treasurer. illation Hal due Municipal fund. Pal due Hoard of Health fund. Public hcIiooI fund overdrawn aati.Hpj mi *3 Pi fM» 1 •. 8V •427 *»7 I Bills payable . ou ] On motion of Mr. Smith that coun cil adjourn until Friday evening, Sept. Id, carried. —There’s satisfaction in smoking Lamhertville Rafis. — Get the Best, MacKay’s —Special ! every afternoon. ITEMS OF PERSONAL INTEREST. George \V. Arnatt has boon spoil d injj: ii few days in Plainfield. John K. Botti lias accepted a posi tion as teacher near New York City. Bryan H. Taylor and wife visited Philadelphia on Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Cannon recently visited in Philadelphia. James Skillman is ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. S. A. Wilson is visiting Ocean 11 rove relatives.. Miss Grace Pierson spent Saturday in Philadelphia. Mrs. George 11. Groomo, of Trenton has been visiting relatives m this city. Harry 1>. Williams is visitiug rela tives in Washington, V .1. Mrs. Martin Bavin recently visited relatives in Philadelphia William Wilmot and wife, of I'ren ton, spent Sunday in this city. Mrs William II. Gandey visited Point Pleasant relatives on ITiday. Miss Pauline Niece visited in Tren ton, Sat in day. Walter Margeruiu, of Morrisyille, visited this city Suturda\ Charles II W Van Heiver, of Burlington spent Sumlay in this city. Mrs. Pred Peets lias removed to Boston. days Hi Atlulltii* City . S A. Kin-er spent Tnesilay in Hhiladtdphia Miss Lizzie Barber recently visited l*i hIIhviIIo relatives George \. limit visited Khiladel phis on Tuesday. Mis Klijali Brewer, of Hnladel I'liin, lias 1 *i11*11 spending a 1« \\ days with M i s,< Jeor-e W • Ti au.-ci Mrs Helena Hall and .Miss Lillian Hall of Krenclitown wen* the iccent guests oj I .aiiiherl x die relat ix es Warren Nan Seiver, ol Treutoii, visited relatives in tins city on Sun day Thomas McNamara and fainilv and Miss Mary \ McNamuia spent Sun day at Haven Hock John IMasteisoii is spending two weeks w it h lelat I ves at Washington, l> t . Miss Sadie Hittenhouse and Miss Kate Milligan, ol I’hihidelphia have Keen visiting Mrs. Jonathan Ihlley. Mis Illicit Hughes and elnldieii, ol Jersey 1"11 \ are visiting Lamhert ville i elat i \ es 1'iof. I II Seohev and George W. Massey have n'tiirned from an exten sive tom of I .in ope I'’rank Wilniot and wife, of I’ttts Inn g, iceentlx visited relatives in this city .lamest), How no and wife, ol Hast < htinge, are the quests of fi lends in this city . .Miss Lucy (Towle\ has returned to her duties as teacher at Kali view, N . J. James I', ('arinody and family left this eit x Saturday foi Seattle, Wash., xx here t hey xx ill i eside. Miss Mary Shamalni, of IMiiladel phiu, is tin* g 111 x s t of her fattier, (1 coi :;c M Shainulia. Mis, Martha Linlmrgnr has return ed from a several months tour to I '.ill ope . Miss Anna 1 . I.odm has heen spend ill- hei vaeatioii xxitli Charles Lodoi and familx at Westwood, N. J. Marvin J lloleoiuhe, xvife and dan-liter Thelma, are the guests of relatives at I'airinonnt West Virginia. W illis Smith has returned from a visit in N'exv Hrnnsxviek and N* %v York Misses Lila and Grace Claxton, of Trenton, have heeti visiting George Hell and xx ife on l»elaware avenue. Miss Martha Kiugei has returned to lo r school in Newark, after spend in- the summer with her parents hi t Ins city. I'eter II. Swallow and friend, < ienrge Brink, of Moline, III , me spending two Weeks at Host on, Mush., and Aslnirx Hat k. Mrs. Shot man, ol Baltimore, Marx land, Is the truest of her Sister, Mis. Martha Harrison, on South Main stieet. Mr. and Mrs Alexander H. Trout celebrated their golden wedding aiilil versarx Thursday at then home, near this city. 'The couple are III excellent health and Mi. Trout ‘•till conducts his oxx n milk route in the* city. Karl, the young son of S. S. Van Horn, who has henn III the Hasteui institute, New York eity, for treat ment for the seveie injuries he re eelved several days ago liy a mad do-, returned to his home Wednesday'last. The doctors declare lie is out of dan-ei of cunt t act mg rallies. $25.00 REWARD Tin*, filmvi* reward will ho paid for tin? information that will lead t<» tin* arrest and con vict ion ot tin? miscreant that destroyed two bicycle tires lie tween the hour of 7:U0 and H;j{0 while the wheel was standing at the curl* and in front of Justice Lyman’s ollice <>n Wednesday evening. Sept 4th The wheel belongs to our represents tive (leo. W. I'rall, who was at the Magistrate’s office in the discharge of his duty in pi oseriiting two persons who were eonvieted of disorderly eon duet in interfering with one of our employes. Four men were seen to overthrow the wheel and run away. Lamuf.iitvilm: Ki ubi k Co. Narrow Escape From Death Harry Grimes ha<l his ankle sprain ed and the muscle of his arm ami shoulder badly bruised as the result H a runaway at New hope on Wednes day morning last. He was loadin*; his wagon at* the Heading freight station, when his horse started. He grasped the lines ami was knocked down, both wheels of the wagon pass ing over him. As the rear wheel passed over him his foot became entangled between the axle and the bottom of the wagon and ho was dragged on his hack to where the horse was stopped by George Ely, near I\ II. Slack’s office, on Bridge street, u distance of 500 yards. That Mr. Grimes was not killed is little short of a miracle. Tax Rates For 1907 Fixed. Ttu* County Tax Hoard has com pleted the work of figuring: the tax rate for 190? for the various taxing t districts of the county. This table shows the total tax rate per $100 (val uation) for 1900 and also 1907. Alexandria. Bethlehem. Bloomsbury. Cliuton Township Town of Clinton . Delaware. East Am well. Franklin .. Frenohtown . High Bridge. .. Holland. .•unction Borough. K ingw ood.. I -amhert ville. I iebanon. Karitan. Keadington. Stockton Borough Tewksbury. Cnion. West A inwell. Flemington. 1900. 1907 $ .98 $1.22 1.10 1.29 .88 1.00 1.00 1.44 1.50 1.71 1.08 1.42 1.02 1.05 .78 1.20 .98 1.01 1.40 1.77 .79 1.21 1.01 1.08 .98 1.20 1.48 1.79 1.00 1.89 1.20 1.05 1.12 1.40 1.15 1.80 1.05 1.22 .94 1.10 1.29 1.40 1.80 2.15 I tin nut taxable values hi Hunter don 1*011 iity in 190f» was $l‘.t,f»Ofi,9S7 ; this year tho net taxable value is $19,907,295. Tlu* total expenditures for last \ oar xvore $244,407.27 and this year they are $1107,405.90, merease of $02,99S.09. It will he seen that notwithstanding there is a raise of the ratahles this year of $402,OOH, tlu* mnnieipal and other expenditures have inereased to swell an extent as to raise the average Countv tax lute this year from Shi ' to $ 1.55. As stone roads only aeeonut for less than hi rents on the $100, the halanee of tint inrrease is dm* to other demands which the various municipal authorities should carefully j*uard. The Hoard fixed the following dates ami places at which time they will sit to hear appeals from the taxes as assessed Nov. 11 Culifon. for Tewksburx ami 1 ichanoii. Nov. 12 West Portal, foi .1 unction, Rloomshm \ and Hcthlehem. No\ i:: A nnuiitlale, for Clinton township, llinh llndye and Clinton horouoh. Nov IS Ihiptisttown, for Ciiioti and Piutiklin. Ni• x 20 I’i euchtow n, for Preueli tow u and Kmywood. Non. 2‘* Stockton, foi Stockton and I hdan\ mi e. Nov. 20 I jamhci t ville, foreitv and West Am well. lh*c. 2 rieminotoii, foi Plemmy ton and Kmi itan Pee. Ilmoocs, for Past Amwell. Dec. 4 W’hitehousc Station, for Readme ton. Appeals will also In* heard at any of the regular nieetin^H of the Hoard at the (i t and .1 in \ in Pleminyton. The Mould has untitled all the Assessors to meet the Hoard at the tSiaud dm \ loom on Satunlav, Sept. I I, at 10 a. m at which time tliev will si^n the tahle of rataldes, and also present their hooks completed in all respects. Hunterdon County Bible Society The ninety fust annual meeting <>i the Hunterdon Coiintv I'ohle Soeiet \ will he held m the I’reHhy t er ian Church at Preueli town on Thursday, Septemliei 20. The following is the program : MHIIMNII s ran ION, 10;,’to. Souy; hoi vice; reading of Scripture, Prayer. (I nder direction ot the. pas tor, Hex .1 < . Kreneh ) Annual sermon, Hex. <'. S Wood r u tl. Heading minutes of last meeting. Ihpoi I o| the Pxeetlfive Commit tee Appointment of Committees Tl ensure!'s l epol t. t 'all for \ isit my delegates. Report of Hex . J. C. Preiich. A n i ltNlUlN SMSMION. I >ex ot lonal sei \ ices le t hv I’resi deuI .1 oh ti I j. ( km net I. Siuy my. Reports of delegates from sister Hornet ins. Reports of ( 'oliiln It tees. Address, Rex. John Pox, l» D , of Nexv York. Sinyiny. Address, Rev. John D. Pox, D l> , of Trenton. Report of Committee on Resolu Readme of minutes. < 'I os in y piayer. Election Officers I In- following arc tin1 iiuiiich of tin* ofticets appointed I»v tin* <’.*unt\ Hoard of lllr. tioii for IIiim year The fiiMt t wo named in each election dis trict iim1 Kcpn Idleans, mill tlic lard t wo in i I >cinocrat s : Al*'miii'Ii in I li'iina- * iari i li. Il'.i ,i- •• Nn ■ II. I', VS. Iln S II \\ I urlil I > r t 111 r 11 r 111 IlnUiil'.l 11 S\ • III . .1 • • 1111 l» Sir. i uuik.-r, Sin ill..I-.I I .iiin \ W ill..-i t 11• »i ulm kn III. .< .111-1. Ill V M A Itull.lrll II l: 1 .larui'M IVl. l u- S SrlluultM < lint..I. J'».ii'oiu:li W S I,null. I * W\ <■ knit'. (i. "i uo I* < < >r*< mi . .1 >.lni S I •.•Him < ‘lint. *it * i * .1 11 ii v ii* •» W V'k.ill. < If.* S'.uni: .1..I.n D ll -tJiiiiiu, Ai.'lr. u S Kinn. v In lawiiir Iirn. I l‘ sin i liri'l.I riali Suti"ii Wilfurd faiinlM 11 ll. in i liiiitiiii I asi Aniwrll l'' Iioiil, II.m \ Mm* Il'.wiir-I t^ui.'k -I * .Ii u S William m Iranklm II * Hairs mplr. I Inn v <1. • — • 11mrI< • Matlmw .IoIiii Itin.-liiLi t Frm.'lit'.wn lluuli I aylur SY.illn \| h t \ hr -I < * — III 11 I'.lltlrl . I ■ 1 Will'. 1 * it-r lliul. Hi I'lK" II l.atilnri s M I’m I, l*..t i i 11 Hurras Nathan H I > 1111■< 11 11. .Ha in I I low a r> I I .rar, .lir-r I . . t •. I In * lull'", < liarlff I * Krlnrl \ .Inn"Ik.ii I W l.vnilt S S Hu-rul" ir* I •li.lni T Snntli < liarl* - .MayI.* 11 \ Ml lur I <1.1111.11'.. \N r.-lr \ I> ii . t\ .1"-. i •) i I .a rrir k N.wlon I'. Sr..|.r l.ainl.ri t villi- Ht wur.l, Al»in I ran, • r ..I<• i• 11 I .Manuan, .1 •.1111 I Hunt, Jain.-i I ll"uau •■.'■I. wai'l. '1 Imiiiiii-. Hull, Julius Y.;tt. i I ra.-l HuMrltun. Alrx I* Kn i : :{.| wai'l, Ja- Mu im Wilt s..|i I tll.ll.rulu'* I Inina'. II l.uuai Irl w hi *I S * . »rv. II Faint J'.lm S Anttar.ll.iunu Oars I'rtrl'S H'lluiisiin, 11 r 111 V /A 11' I r I - ‘ > 11 Went laMiiomii .la- ..Ii VS I' ' lui-Uo pliers SiniMi I O * 'a-l n.-r ■ | • 1. < iai In* i Flint Hiiritan I V. Suntli, II M Wilmni. W illiam '. if.ill, J I*.>tIi o>I Hilt \V»*st liaritan l.intmi A Flurk, I -a.'. Inn II II I UU I 111 .1 " I •>.. 1111 •1 rillllp li. Il'.i). Nnitli l{rj|i|inut'»u Hiivnl Hill.", il'ilart San I’.-it, M V Naslor Julm I’ark S.>ut.11 I ra'linutnii (l.'.n'f S Hal|r\ |J.-n jarnin IU •»> m .Inlin 11 ■ *IV. tlfurur li li.l.ii'.n. Sturkf'.ll llll'HIII N'lrrr Hlllllrl Hilt- Jll'l s'»u SI SVariirk. I liim i- SVilHon. Mast Jr is I • inn v Malilun li Alj.auuli. W SV Vim H. rl.n k. ll I* 0| k. I’, in- ll Hall. SVrnt T. wknlmrs fitMi S H'.flinan, A .Nrilfll. ( 11 a '■ SI I Al.iili I: Alplllli'li I limn Ans.'ii M« * rm Jnlio K Vnunu. Win \S ril.-nrnr V r|- ' liail.-M \S' llnirry SVtisf Annv. ll Aaron Van Sy. klr .1..tin Sliap li. r l Vlla-rt IMnllips tin>m*‘ I I'lmitt A healthy iuuii im a king in Him own right; hii unhealthy man im an uu i liapi».y slave. Hui'dock Blood Bitters i t.iiihlH up Houtut lifiiitli k<**'pH you ! well. The New .1 uihcv exhibit at tin* JameHtown KxpoMitinn has been at trading coUHiilerahle attention. ll will he brought back and pi am." I in the State capitol building later in the year. —Special UiHcuit Kvery afternoon at Mac Kay’s. Secure coutentineut through the happy medium of a “Lamhertville 'Puff.” Insist on having the genuiue. INTER STATE FAIR Tin* Inter-State Fair at Trenton, N. .1., will he opened this year Moinlav, September doth, and will close Fri day, October 4th. The week will be tilled with pleasant surprises for this, the ui fittest fair east i*f the Mississip pi. New departments have been added, the racing program has been (‘litirely revamped and a vaudeville program combining the newest ami I best of outdoor attractions w ill be pro | seated. Th< odore 11. Coleman, thcacknowl | edged peer of raee meet promoters in I the l nited States and the best known horseman in this country, has been engaged to conduct the horse racing department. Coleman is of W ilkes Hnrro, and whenever his name up pears in connection with a meet horsemen know the very best is eom ing to them and to patrons of the racing. Ho is the man who for a time managed the Umpire Cit\ track and who established the New York State Fair. \t his spring meets this year in Seranton and Wilkes ltarre he had v'OO horses entered, an unprooo dented record Air. ( olemun s pohry at tin* Inter State Fair is shoxvn by tin* fact that two days after In* sitin'.I his en^u^e nn»nt for Trmitnu In* cent meted for tin* appearance at tin* Inter State Fair of Major Pelmar, tin* kinc of trotters, with tin* world’s trotting record ot 1 j. t*» ^o against t mn*. The racing program, entries for w hich i'lose Septeinlu*r 14th, cousists of thirteen classes for purses of $a00 each The fastest race is tin* pace ami the slowest the ‘J:»U trot. The intermediate races are arranged to accommodate tin* most popular classes, thas ussnmi^ jjood fields «• f w ell matched horses in all of these events NIW HOPE AND VICINITY Ilex, and Mrs. T. It. ('rooks and daughter Porothy, spent last week at l tcean (iruvi'. Mrs \nnie Poole and daughter Nellie, of Poylostoxvii, eallcd on I m uds hei e recent 1 \ Miss lllcaiior llamldcton has re turned home from a two week’s trip to At laid n* City. < leor^e Cooper, wife and two child i e11 of riiiladclphia leccutly visited William Ashton and family Ah. and Mrs. Ilveiet Freeman and son Mai old spent some day s last week viitli W ilson Shiiddinp,oi and family. liichard Trewm and family of Plainfield spent some days last week w it li relatives in t Ins place. Miss I lisle Hiown, of Philadelphia, has been visiting relatives m this Miss Marx Murray of Chicago, III., is t he ^iiest of friouds in Nexvhopc and vicinity. Miss (Jail Scott and Miss Francis Williams, of Slutin^ton have been spending a xxeelv at llstellxille and ( h'can City, N. I. Mr. and Mis II Koss Taylor with their children have returned to their home in Itrooklx u, N. A , after a Hiimmei’s vacation at the residence of Mis. Ivobelt Mollis. Kielmrd Corson and wife, and Mrs. Charlotte Sli.illeiosM and ^rauddau^h ter of I'reiiton .liiliction were the quests of friends here during the Waller Sheerer is spending a month's vacation at Chicago, III , and Minneapolis, Alum. IF- will also spend a few days in lb nvor, Colorado and Yellowstone I’ark before return nitf home. The third ipiarterly meeting of the buck's ('oniit x ('onstable's Assoeia lion will be held III Nexvhope oil Saturday evening, September 14. In tie evening following the meeting they will hold a dance in Stmtsman’s hall SFOCKIUN MlH. HollO'c M . It I 'll 11111 has heen h|mi11• 1111;* two weeks lit Atlantic (My. Mia. Kh/uhetli Hin t pence Iwih linen viaitin^ file in la at Wertavillc. Mim. < Inn Icm I'arent ami daughter, I va, were recent oiieat.a of Mra. Mars W can, at Mount IMruwant Mims Uessie I, Hi ink, of Trenton, lias heeii Visiting relatives in tliiH place. Mihh Alwilda Van Syckle, of New ark, is I lie ;• n ch! of lYank W hitlock and wife of 11 emlrpiartei m. Mim < h or;;c < Hliistcud, of l iciitoil, i s t lie ^iicm! of . I oil n Millei and wife, of Sergeant’h M i11 m. William ServiM, wife and hou, I i link, of l i enloii, hav e heen spend ! mi;' a few days as the ^iicmIs of ,1. .1. HittonhoiiNc and wife, Serj'eanlHville. Mim. William thiick and daughter, Hannah, of White Horae, have heen spending a week with W illiam llolhor and w ife, of Sand y Holge. Kdwar l Shaw, who Inis heen under treatment at St I’lancis’ Hospital, Trenton, has returned to ins home iichi this place, somewhat improved. Mrs. Mahlon Htrouae and him!nr, Mihh Malad Woodruff have leturued to I Mi i i adel pit la afte-i Hpelidiui' Heveial weeks at the home of then father, Will inm Wood i u 11 The Stockton pnldic mcIioo! reopen ed Monday, Sept.cmhei H, with I'io feHHor I'M he 11 '1. I» ii h It as principal; MisH.I- nine Mu hilly' in chaise of the intermediate dep arfluent, and Mims Italic l.awshe the pi unary room. 'I he following delegates from Dell* war<* township will attend the Demo cratic < nuts convention Tlniraday, Septemher at II o’clock, at the court house in ricmmoton Knlierl Heath. John I’. Harher, David I Ifolcomhe. fleor^e K llann will ^o uh delegate to the Democratic Htate convention in Trenton, September 17. Hiram Shepherd, who had heen Hiif faring with dropsy and other diseases l for a louj* time died at his home near Sandy Itid^e, 'I uesdav evening,of Imh( week aged •#*» years. He wan a hrothei of Nathaniel and Jiichard Shepfierc and had spent hit* life in tliiH locality, lie i« Hiirvived hy a widow. Kunera Horvicea we,re held at the Sandy Kid*'c cemetery, Undertaker W. fireen having charge of the tirruu^e meiita. Aak for tlie Jtast Urcad Mac I Kay’s. Heart Strength Heart strength. or Heart Weakness. means Nerve Ptniufth. or Nerve Weakness—nothing more Rus tavely. not one weak heart in u hundred is. in it f*l/ actually diseased. It is almost alwuv- a nWMtfn tiny little nerve that really i- all at fault. 1 his ooscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve simply needs, and must have, more pow et, men* stability, more controlling more governing strength Without that the Heart must eontmuc t>> fail, ami the stomach and kidneys iiImi have these sum • controlling nervt « ’Ihis elearl) explains why. h< a medicine. Hr Snoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts Hr Shoou first sought the cause of all this Painful. palpitating. suffocat ing heart distress l»r Shnop's Kcstorativ e ;1! popular prescription- Is alone dine;..! t,. | weak amt wasting nerve renters It i.r.tlds ! it'streugthens; it oil ts real, genuine heart h. If vou would have strong He.ut. str. ,g «ti 1 K'-tion. strength, n the*. nerves- ieestablish theiu as needed, with Dr. Smoop .* Restore, t' S. W. COCHRAN & CO. Seventy-Ninth Anniversary of the Central New Jersey Baptist Association. I'lie seventy ninth ainiiversarv ol j the Central New .lerse> Baptist Assn enition will he heht in the First Bap 11st Chureli, Baptiattown, V .1., We.l nesilny ami Thumhiv, Sept. \*,'» ami ‘*H», UU)7. Following is the propritm. Miniateia' Conferonee Tiieathiy, September *JI, »' III) r. m. Moderator Janies I’ limit- i 4 lorU \\ W lloarl.iii.l t>e\otional Seni»-*• \\ A si*• \ *■ 11-.>i. Sulnert tor Ihsrussion flu- t -. ,.| ili.< |:11.|,■ in Pastoral Visitation (i. oi , I... I.h . iM'en IiiHensM.ui Busmens. A.ljeui nuieiit I V KM NO SI SSloN . Ill I M I Vvot tonal Sen ire I. li I II)..11 Sermon • K Minimum li l> . Ii.-nton. N .1 First session Central Baptist Vhho eiation, Wednesday morning, Septem her v»5. Mo.terator Samuel B William^ <Jerk John llulsharl lt*ee I i«>votioiiHl S«-r\iee I'.lwinS I i\ Beporl ol I'r<>k'rainine i '••iiimit i •*<* in t ' lutroiluetoi \ Seim.mi .1 oliit llnlhiari H'I'1 iMVeiim: lor Minister-.' an.I Union-. I’ninl. li'.M' NV.-l.-onie an.I I nt ro.luet ion ot' new I', tills II ihi I .I. . i i.mi ot i *lli.■ i• r•• 11:10 liea.iim: ol liiili-s.■ | iM.I.-1 II < > Beuilim: ol ( Inir.hi I,otter-. II l"> \ppollllUlont oi 1 '. 'III III il l e. • ll ‘si I;.-ports «*f I’rea-urri amt Clerk I Woo Adjournment Sunday sehool eonveiition, We. I uesday afternoon, September i !.'• Siumm. Led In I II l-'isher Si'iiptlire aii.l I’iii\fi I W Ov.iIii-.-i Appointnn-iil ot i oinniitti-i-s Sinaina A.l.lit-ss Tin-1'Imr. li an.I the ('liil.lreii (I Neil. I'hiIn.lotphin I'lVe Mlllllle I nII. - on III!-. I nine iMlerinu hu l\\peusool 111• * l onu niion Sinuuitf Beport s o|'t 'oniin111<. »0‘ A• I lournmenl ’ te I -Ui NS \ lie in.-el nii: ol I If Won I.-11 . ||.. i in- Mi-•■-I .mi Son. i\ 1.1*1, II"- semi annual nioelm ol f In* W'on if n's l-'oif in ii Mi- ion So.-ifi\ Adjournment Seeninl Herndon Central I * a pt i h t A»Hoeiat i«'iiA Wednoadu v evenin'.:, Septenther TV Yoitlip People's .Meeting. . 1H I »e\ .it loilli I Sf I i |. f ,1 \ lllll. l. ’. r« \ ■ 111 less I'alilfl ll Stolen-. I'll l> Bol'tleulow n. N .1 M i.HKionai y Serviee. so. M usie I * v < lion s i . I lliisl rale.I A.1.11 e- - t.ilo in : • • 11111• -1 11 Imliii l.’ei Ba \ Iiionl .1 1'ivn Willnnn I'l''f. N.'iv A .a I. * hlemu. Ail ioiiruuieiil Third session (Vntrnl liaphst \s- .. elation, Thiirsdny, Se]heiuhfi '"N* I »ev olnmal Senn .■ Bol.eit lln w '* l" Beailim.' of Minute SI.’. Bepnrls .. |' <'t >||| in 11 I. ert s r. I'reseiitat ion ol' I a-noinnnil ioiial Intel .Mi ni r. IIimIoii.-iiI >.l lln- la\ iim-1om Avf I In pi isl, New I’.rmisw nl. I" !■> Iti-porl ol tin* Mis loiiars Committee 11:0*' S.-ripiiiif ami I'rayer \V Cordon •le-Ill's 111" Doetl initl Sfililon .lames I* limit, i I >:oo A.ljoiirnun nl i in I »e\olnmal Sfrvi.s- W \\ lloa l.-in l * t • Bfii.lim ..I MiiiiiI. • i mi A.I.Il f M. I \ ..In | i I > * I'1 < Ipnii Meeting rnuhUflo.l In Moheral.'l A. I join nine nl ('urrinpea w ill meet ail liainn that atop at I'reiielilowtl, on Brlvidere l*i viaion «*f I’ennayIvnnia Billhead. Aeenlenta will liappen, hut the hi - t Insulate.I fainlliea Keep Or. TIioiiiiih' Kelerll ie Oil hn aueli emei peiietes. It aiilnhies the pain ami lieala the HINtiOl S M taa Alien Butler,Miaa Alien kmps ley, of New York, ami Mihh Kamo t 'ol 11 ii h, Mias Alarpumt ('ollina, «*f Bloolilyn, mu hemp niitm tuineil h\ (' II 11 ipp him ami u ili-a! t he ('• •! t a o I>r. ami Mrs I’ < Yminp worn eallinp on fneiola in Trenton Saint • lay. IV S. Wheeler Hpniit Snmhis in Trenton visit nip i flat i yea Mims Tlieoia l.uBiie is atleinlmp the Inpli aeliool at I If mill.-tun AC I IllJICKI Y Off lay Has Beni Dangerous in New Jersey. I*n I In* II;; lit til III;' ill tin* I I;'lit I imr. Act < 1111«* k I y hi t lilies nf < In ii{4«*i . Itaekaolie is ii kidney dangei . I >< <1411 *H Kill liny I’iIIh act ipnck I y. t’llle all disln • Ml 11 • •, 11II11; * I • | • > 11M kill I'lenty of evidence to prove this. Mrs. Sarah (’iiini-v, i.l *.'ii| Seventh St., .1 fi Hoy f' it y, N . .1 , hii \: “| wiiM HU Mel lljg 1 OCellt I \ wit 11 | 'll I 11 'I in tin Hinnll nf my I*i4i*k, nervousness ami ii general languor ami depression. I got III* I H * 111 * I i t flilllt 111 \ II if* It 1 *M sleep ami it \\ a vers a|*|<ai <■ 111 Dial Him kulneyH were not m a Imaltliv eomli tion l lii’ iiriiii* liinl a laid oilor ami the passages wci e too Henut y. I Mill fered in * 1111* | >a i n u Iimii lilt in:' or m t oo 11 ini'. My husliand had used I loan's Kidney I’dls with com|* 1 *• to •ati-lo. tion ami so I coiielilded In Irv them. I hr result vv a m that I foinnl a coin plete cure, iilnl am mo plateful foi it t hut I have I mi * n tclliii;' e-eiyhods ahoiit my ease, in Him Iio|«cm that .mint other MiiHt im may fiml relief through my Mtatement. For Hale l»y all dealers. I'riee cuntm Foster Mill'iu n (!o , HulValo, New York, Hole agents for tin tinted Staten. kememher the name Loan's ami take no ol her. I'oachoH are lu mging from fl.f*0 to it liaske* at the exchanges hi II uiitenlnii county. An inspection of the oyster grounds I in Atlantic county, indicates the cro|» I of oysters far uliovn the average Doth in numbers amt <| ua I it y. "Sutlered iJay ami night the tot luent of itchiug piles. Nothing help eil me until I used |)oiiii’h Ointment, ft cured me permanent ly. ” Hon. John It. Oarrett, Mayoa, Oirard, Ala. I The Lehigh Valley Kailroad lias H«nt Htrict notice to its employees that they must ho total abstainers from alcoholic drinks, or leave the service of the company. NOT MANY DAYS MORE For These Bargains MEN'S SUITS JjJ4.95 Former Friers, $S to $ 12. Former Friers. $15 to $20. $10.95 l'ormrr r,urs- $22.50 to $20. BOYS’ SUITS $1.95 Fornu'r PriiTS' $2-50 to $l $2.95 l'or”ll'r l'ricrs> $L5() io $7 $3.95 Formi'r Priirs> $7-50 to $I(K Cut Prices in the Furnishing Department Fred’k W. Donnelly lavlor Opera House Stores, I4-U> S. Broad St., Trenton Don’t Waste Coal. Coal Costs Money. Buy a Taylor’s Dustless Ash Sifter. Si.n‘' .and ca!] J_•' combined, m all sixes. YOU MAY SIKT YOlJIt AS I IKS IN THK PAKLOR NO OUST. Price $‘J.(I(). VVc arc Ilu* agents. I:vcrylhin>i in H/irdvvtire. The larc;csl assorlmenl of Notions and lAtiiey Articles in tile two count ies. THE OLD CANDEY HARDWARE STAND, 31 BRIDGE STREET, LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. TIIK I.ADIES’ HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS NOW ON SALE HERE We have secured the agency for The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns because I hey are I lie best at any price. Leading stoics throughout the United States, as well as ourselves, have thoroughly investi gated the many claims id superiority made by the manufacturers ol these patterns and luul t hem founded on fact. The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns an- the simplest, the most accurate and the best made pal lei ns on I lie market. The free Guide ('lull I is one of t heir si longest points. II you want a pattern at any lime and it is impossible loi yon to come to the store, bear in mind that a let lei will get I he same quick, prompt attention as a personal visit no matter you want by mail, you will receive prompt, com Icons and caref ill at lent ion. Price Kh\ and 15c. Tht! Stylo Book. Monthly Edition, illustrating The Ladies’ Home Journal Patterns, will he given free to all who call. THE (iRANI) DEPOT Richard H. Van Horn’s Sons, LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Hulletin. WHO SAID JAMESTOWN? Tlir .hunt' town Exposition lias ripened into a highly interesting how. it i:.11’I an industrial exposition where you , co tho wheel , go ’i'ouikI, hut as an historical, patriotic, ami truly American epitome of three hundred years of civ ilization and devclopemenl it is inviting to every citizen. From the John Smith episode to the present year the course of devclopemenl, of the South especially, is traced by object, picture, manuscript, and reproduction. Thirty slates have erected buildings typical of the olden time, and tilled them with reminiscent objects. The National (lovernmenl. is the chief exhibitor, but there are thousands of others that lend interest and diversity to the general ett'ect. The buildings are rich in architectural suggestion, and the grounds, naturally attractive, are beautified by the skill of tlorist and landscape gardener. The special features make each day memorable. In athletics, both by land and water, the representation is unique, while the military and naval demonstrations are stirring and spectacular. The Imposition enjoys the merit of nearness; it is right in our midst. A day or a night’s ride from this sec tion brings one to the grounds. The Pennsylvania Railroad, by its “Cape Charles Route’’ to the South, oilers a morning and an evening train from New New York and Philadelphia. The tickets are reasonable, and the price varies according to the route and the length of the stay. The fair grounds are swept by cooling breezes, and as a vacation destination there is nothing else to compare with this season. Ask Ticket Agents for rates and train time.