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THE LAMBERTVILLE RECORD OCTOBER 21, 1908 AMENDMENTS PR0P03ED TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY THE LEGIS LATURE OF 1908. BENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU TION NO. « STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Hk it K&solvbp (the House of Assem bly concurring), That the following amendments to the constitution of this State he and the same are hereby pro posed, atid when the same shall he agreed to by a majority of the members elected to the Senate and House of As rembly. the said amendments shall be entered on their Journals, with the yeas and nays thereon, and referred to th« Legislature next to be chosen, and pub lished for three months prior to the first Tuesday after the first Monday of No vember next, In at least one newspaper of each county, to be designated by the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Assembly and the Secre tary of State: 1 Strike out paragraph :f of section I. Article IVr. and Insert In place thereof I tie following; 3. Elections for members of the Sen ate and General Assembly shall be held every two years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday In November, be ginning anno dofninl one thousand nine hundred and ten. and every second year thereafter. and the two Houses shall meet separately on the second Tuesday Iri January in each year, at which time nf meeting the legislative year shall com mence ‘2 Strike out paragraph I of section II. Article IV. and Insert in place thereof the following: 1 The Senate shall he composed of one Senator from each county In the Stute, elected by the legal voters of the counties respectively, for four years. 3. Strike out paragraph 2 of section II, Article IV. and Insert In place thereof the following: 2. As soon as the Senate shall meet after the first election to be heid in pur suance of tills constitution they shall be divided by the Senate as equally as may be Into two classes The seats of the Senators of the first class shall lie va cated at the expiration of the second year; of the second class, st the expira tion of the fourth year, so that one class may be elected every second year and If vacancies happen, by resignation or otherwise, the persons elected to supply such vacancies shall he elected for the miexpirod terms only; provided, that the Senators having the longest period of time still to Nerve at the time of making said division shall be entitled to the longer terms I Strike out paragraph I of section III. article IV, and Insert In place thereof the following: 1. The General Assembly shalf be com posed of members elected by the legal voters of the counties, reaper!ively, every second year, beginning on the first Tues day after the first Monday In November, anno domlni one thousand nine hundred and ten. who shall be apportioned among the said counties as nearly as may be ac cording to the number of their Inhab itants. The Legislature shall. In the year one thousand nine hundred and ten. and at Its first session after eaeh United States decennial census hereafter, and not oftener, divide and arrange each county of this Stale Into a district or districts for the election therein of a member or members of the General Assembly. Kach Assembly district so constituted shall contain, as nearly as practicable, an equal number of Inhabitants, ami shall consist of convenient and contiguous ter • rltory In a compact form, but no county, or part thereof, shall be Joined with any other county, or part thereof, In any such district; provided, that each county shall, at all times, be entitled to at least one member, and the whole number of members to be chosen shall never exceed The Court of I at si Resort. I.»y whatever ituiue known, Is hereby Invented with ex clusive original jurisdiction and with full power, under auch procedure an II may by rules prescribe, to review any division and arrangement made by’ the la-glsla tore into Assembly districts of the coun ties of this State for the purpose of de termining whether such arrangement and division, or any part thereof, is In ac cordance »»i in conflict with tills section, and, If In conflict herewith, to adjudge the Maine, or such part thereof as may In la conflict herewith, null ami void In case mi Id court shall determine such ar rangement and division, or any part thereof, to be null and void the l.eglsla tore shall proceed to make a new ar rangemeut and division, entire or partial, as tin- at tion of the court may retpilre. 5. Strike out paragraph of Article V and Insert in place thereof tin* following: 11 The Governor shall hold his otllee for four years, to commence at twelve o'clock noon «ui the third Tuesday of January next ensuing the election for Governor b\ tli« people, anti to end at twelve o'clock noon on the third Tuesday of Jan uary four years thereafter, and tie shall be Incapable of holding that office for four years next after his term of ser\Ice shall have expired: amt no appointment m nomination to office shall he matte by the Governor during the last week of his Mil til term. t> Strike out paragraph ii of section II, Article VII. and Insert In place thereof the following 0 Glerks and surrogates of counties shall he elect. I by tile people of their re spective c* t• 11■«. - it the elections for mem bers of the General Assembly. They shall hold their offices for six years. 7 Strlk. out paragraph 7 of section II. Artlch \ 11 and Insert in place thereof the following 7 Sheriffs and coroners shall he elected by the people of their respective counties ut the elections for members of the Gen eral Assembly, and shall hold their offices for four years, after which four years must elapse before they can he again cap able of serving Sheriffs shall annually renew their bonds S Add to section 2 of article V11 three paragraphs to he known as paragraphs 12. IS and II 12 All elections for Governor, member* of the Senate and General Assembly , slu r HTs. coroners county clerks and surro gates ».f counties and all other officers now or hereafter necessary to to* chosen by tin* electors of the whole State, or of any county thereof, shall he held every second, year, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, beginning anno domlnl one thousand nine hundred anil ten i.. /\u i'lMt iions r«»r juhiki'k or mo peace Hint all amt anv municipal officers. ms ills Ungulshcil from State and county officers hs tiei'i'lnliefore provided, now or hereafter necessurx «■> he chosen hx the electors of any eilv borough. town, township. village or subdivision thereof, or any tmmlcipall ty of this State except counties, shall he held every second year on the first Tues day aft'-r th> ttrsi Monday In November, beginning anno dominl one thousand nine hundred an.I eleven. H I'xcept as herein provided with rela tion to the o'hce of Senators, all officers filling Itiix 'deetlve office at the firm these amendments ;ake effect Khali continue In the exercise f ihe duties thereof accord ing to their respective commissions or terms of office, and until their successor* mux he elected and qualified under the provisions of these amendments, and all officers whose terms of office would expire after these amendments take effect and prior to the election and qualification of their successors in office, at ths election for the respective offices tlrst held under the provisions of these amendments, shall continue in office until their successors can be elected and qualified, at the elec tion for such office or offices to bo held next alter these amendments take effect, according to the provisions hereof The Legislature shall puss all neces sary laws to arrange the terms of office of all statutory elective officers ho that •aid tu rns may be In harmony with these amendments, and to carry Into effect the provisions hereof These amendments, if adopted, shall lake effect and go into operation on the first day of February. In the year of our Lajrd one thousand nine hundred and ten AMENDMENTS PROPOSED TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY THE LEGIS LATURE OF 1908. ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLU TION. NO. 4. ATE OF NEW JERSEY. i{» it Resolved, (the Senate concur ring). That the following amendment to the Constitution of this State be and the same is hereby proposed, and when the same shall be agreed to by a major ity of the members elected to the Senate and to the House of Assembly, the aaid amendment shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and naya taken thereon, and referred to the Legislature next to be chosen, and published for three months previous to the first Tues day after the first Monday of November next, in at least one newspaper of each county to be designated by the Presi dent of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Assembly and the Secretary of State, payment for such publication to be made by the Treasurer on tha warrant of the Comptroller. First Strike out Paragraph 10 of Section VII of Article IV. and change the numbers of the following para graphs to correspond Second Change Paragraph 10 of Article V ho ns to read as follows 10. The Governor or person administer ing the government, and four citizens of the State appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall constitute the Hoard of Par dons The members of .said Board, or any three of them, of whom the Governor or person administering the government shall he oru. may remit fines and for feit urea. and giant reprieves, commuta tions pardons and paroles, after convic tion in all cases except Impeachment. The four members specially appointed shall hold office for five years, and re ceive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during fhs term of their appointment. Third Change Section 1 of Article VI. s<> as to read as follows: SECTION I. The Judicial power shall be vested In m Court for the trial of Impeachments, a Supreme Court. County Courts, and such other Courts. Inferior to the Supreme Court, as may he established by law. which Inferior Courts the Legislature mav alter or abolish as the public good shall Fourth- Strike out all of Sections II. IV. V. VI and VII. of Article VI. change the number of Section III of Article VI to Section II, and Insert the following seel ions In Article VI: SECTION III. Aliy Judge of any of the Courts of the State may he removed for disability con tinuing for one year, or for refusal to perforin the duties of his office, by a vote of two thirds of all the members of the Senate and of two-thirds of all the mem bers <>f the House of Assembly voting separately, after a hearing before both Houses In Joint session. SECTION IT. I. The Supreme Court shall he organ ized in three divisions, namely: the Ap peals Division, the Law Division, and the Chancery Division. It shall consist of a Presiding Justice of the Appeals Di vision who shall he styled the Chief Jus tice, a Presiding Justice of the Law Divi sion who shall he sly led I he President Justice, and a Presiding Justice of the Chancery Division, who shall he styled the Chancellor, and eighteen Associate Ji'stires, which number may he increased 2. Tin* Appeals Division shall consist of Hie Chief Justice. HiiiI six other Jua tlces of lIn* Supreme Court to In* bn signed hy ill*- Governor. A Justice oi the Supreme Court assigned by the Gov 1*1 nor to the Appeals Division shall serve Iii Halil Division until tin* end of Ills term. Th«* remaining; Justices nhull he as signed by the Supreme Court to the I.hw or Chancery IMvImIoii. hs the of the Court may require. 3. Whenever tlve number of causes be fore the. Appeals HI vision hIimII be so great that the Division cannot promptly hear and determine them, the Governor shall, when authorised hy Hlatute. tem porarily assign five of the Justices of the. other Divisions to sit In the Appeals Division, which shall thereupon sit In two Divisions for the hearing and rieel ston of causes trending at the time of such assignment. t. Four Justices shall tie necessary to constitute a quorum on the final hearing of anx cause In the Appeals Division, tint the Supreme Court may provide hy rule fur the making of Interlocutory orders hy a lesser number of justices, or by one Justice; such orders to be subject to revision h> th« Appeals Division. On the hearing of a cause in the Ap peals Division, no Justice who has given a judicial opinion in the cause in favor of or against the Judgment, order or decree under review shall sit at the hearing to review such Judgment, order or decree, hut the reasons for such opinion shall be assigned to the Court In 5. A majority of all the members of the Supreme Court, to be presided over by the Chief Justice, shall constitute a quorum for the assignment of Justices, and for the appointment of officers, and the enactment of rules 6. The Supreme Court shall appoint one or more reporters, not exceeding three, to report the decisions of the Court, and shall by rule define bis or their duties and powers The reporters shall hold office for five years, subject, however. to removal at the discretion of the Court 8KOTION V. I. The Appeals Division Khali have and eterclse the appellate Jurisdiction heretofore possessed by the Court of Nrrors ami Appeal*, the jurisdiction heretofore posHessed by the Supreme Court on writ of error, and the jurisdic tion heretofore possessed by the Preroga tlve Court on appeal, and by the Ordi nary on appeal, and such further ap pellate Jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by law. together with such original Jurisdiction as may be incident to tin complete determination of any cause on review, saving, however, the right of trial by Jury. 2 The jurisdiction heretofore pos sessed by the Supreme Court and the Justices thereof not hereby conferred on the Appeals Division, and the jurisdic tion heretofore possessed by the Circuit Courts ami the Judges thereof, and such further original Jurisdiction not of an equitable nature, and such further ap pellate Jurisdiction from Inferior courts, as may Ik* conferred by statute, tfhall be exercised by the Law Division of the Supreme Court and by the several Jus tices thereof, In accordance with rules of practice and procedure prescribed by statute, or In the absence of statute, by the Supreme Court. 3 The Jurisdiction heretofore pos sessed by the Prerogative Court and the Ordinary, not hereby conferred on the Appeals Division, and the Jurisdiction heretofore possessed by the Court of Chancery and the Chancellor, and auob further original equity Jurisdiction »• ; may be conferred by statute, and sue! i further original Jurisdiction as Is nov conferrab.le on the Prerogative Cour shall be exercised by the Chancery Pivl slon and by the Chancellor and the sev eral Justices of said Division in accord ance with rules of practice and pro cedure prescribed by stutute. or. In th absence of statute, by the Buprem Court, but the Justices of that Dlvlsio' shall be under such control and auper vision by the Chancellor as ahull be pr« vlded by the Supreme Court. 4 Terms of the Supreme Court pre sided over by a single Justice of th Law Division for the trial of issu Joined in or brought to the Law Dlv* ■Ion of the Supreme Court shall be hi 1* In the several counties at times fixed h the Supreme Court. Until so fixed, aucl trial terms shall be held at the plac« and times now Axed by law for the hold Ing of the Courts of Common Pleas ii the several counties. G. The Supreme Court may provld* by rule for the transfer of any cause oi Issue from the I^iw Division to th* Chancery Division, or from the Chun eery Division to the Law Division oi the Supreme Court, and from the County Court to the Law Division or tha Chan cery Division of the 8uprema Court, and for the giving of complete legal and equitable relief In any cause In the Cour1 or Division where It may be pending. d. Nothing herein contained shall pre vent the alteration, by law of any statu tory power or jurisdiction conferred upon any Court or Judge since the adoption of the Constitution In the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and noth ing herein contained shall prevent the legislature from conferring upon any in ferior Court which may hereafter be es j tabllshed such power or jurisdiction as ■ was exercised by or which may now be conferred upon the Inferior Courts men j turned In Section 1 of Article VI. of the j Constitution of 1944. HKCTION VI The County Courts shall have and ex erdse, in ail rases within the county sucl original common law Jurisdiction concur rent with tiip Supreme Court, and suet Other Jurisdiction heretofore exercised bj courts inferior to the Supreme Court ant the Prerogative Court us may be provide*, by law. The final Judgments of the Coun ty Courts m«v be brought for review be fore the Supreme Court in the Appeal! Division. Cntil otherwise provided. th< Jurisdiction heretofore exercised by th< Courts of Common Pleas. Orphans' Courts Courts of Oyer and Terminer. Courts o: Quarter Sessions, or by the Judges there of, shall be exercised by the Count? Courts pursuant to rules prescribed b> the Supreme Court. The Justices of th< Law Division of the Supreme Court shal be ex officio Judges of the County Courts All other Jurisdiction or authority nov vested in any Court, Judge, or magistral fcrlth Jurisdiction inferior to the Courts lr this section mentioned, and not super seded by this article, shall continue to b< exercised by such Court. Judge or magis trate until the Legislature shall other Wise provide. SECTION VII. This amendment to the Constltutlor •hall not cause the abatement of any suit or proceeding pending when it take! effect. The Supreme Court shall inakt such general and special rules and order! as may be necessary for the transfer ol all suits and proceedings to the appro priate Division or Court created by thh amendment. Matters pending when thh amendment takea effect shall be decide*] by the Judge or judges to whom they were submitted, and the order. Judgim-m or decree made or advised by said Judg> ahall be entered as that of the Division or Court to which the suit or proceeding ahall have been transferred. Fifth Strike out Paragraphs 1. 2, & am 8 of Section II of Article VII; and substl tute the following paragraphs in place ol Paragraphs I and 2. and change the num bers of the paragraphs following u to cor respond ; 1. Tiie Chief Justice of the Suprerm Court, the President Justice of the Division, the Chancellor and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall t>* nominated by the Governor and appoint..] by him, with the advice ami consent ol the Senate They shall not he less lha thirty-five years of age and shall have been practicing attorneys in Die State for at least b-n years. They shall hold oftie. for the term of seven years; shall, al stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not lie dimin ished during their term of office, and they shall hold no other office under the Gov ernment of the State, or of the I'tilled States, and shall not engage In the prac tice of law during their term of office The Chancellor and the Chief Justice ol the Supreme Court, and the Vice Chancel lors and Associate Justices • of the Su preme Court, In office when this amend ment takes effect, shall be Justices of the Supreme Court until the expiration ol their respective terms. this amendni'Mit takes effort shall be con tlnued in office with the powers of the Justices of the Supreme Court at the Cir cuit until the expiration of their respective terms. They may hold the County Courts, subject to assignment by the Division of the Supreme Court. 2. The Governor, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint one Judge of the County Court In each county, and such additional County Judge or Judges in any county as may l»e authorised by law The County Judges may hold court In any county Subject to the control of the Supremo Court. The County Judges shall not be V>sm than thirty years of age. and shall have been practicing attorneys in tills Stale for at least five years They shall hold office for the term of five years: shall at stated times receive for their services such compensation, which shall not lie diminished during their term of office, as the Legislature In its discre tion shall fix for each county, and they shall hold no ether office under the (Jov •rnment of the State or of the United States, and shall not engage in praetlee of the law In the courts of the county where they hold court during their term of office. The Judges of the Common Pleas. In office when tills amendment takes effect shall be the judges of the County Courts until the expiration of their present terms t. This amendment shall take effect on the first Monday in February. In the year next following Its adoption bv the people 4. The Legislature shall puss all laws necessary to carry Into effect the provi sions of the constitution and this amend* tnent thereof AMENDMENTS PROPOSED TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY THE LEGIS LATURE OF 1908. ASBEMltLY CONCURRENT RESOLU TION. NO 9 STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Be it Hkroi.vrd (the Semite concur ring). That the following aiimndment to the constitution of thin State be ami the Paine Im hereby propose*!. am! when ttie same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to the Senate and House of Assembly the said amendment shall be entered on their journals, with the ayes and nays taken thereon, and re ferred to the Legislature next to be chosen, and published for three months prior to the ttrst Tuesday after the first Monday of November next, in at least one newspaper of each county, to be designat ed by the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Assembly and the Secretary of State: Amend by striking out paragraph seven, section four, article four, and Insert In place thereof the following: 7. Members of the Senate shall receive, annually, the sum of one thousand dollars and members of the General Assembly shall receive, annually, the sum of ten hundred dollars during the time for which they shall have been elected and while they shall hold their office, and no other allowance or emolument, directly or Indi rectly. for any purpose whatever The President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the General Assembly shall, in virtue of their offices, receive an additional corn pensatlon. equal to one-third of their al lowance as members. It flarvad Him Right. Two Irishmen, meeting one day, were discussing local news. “Do you know Jim Skelly ?” asked Pat “Faith,” said Mike, “an’ 1 do.” “Well, he lias had his appendix taken away from him.” “Ye dou’t say bo? Well, It serves him right. He should have had it In his wife’s uame.”—Everybody’s. A Bishop's Story. The late Bishop Fitzgerald ouce pre aided at the graduation exercises of a class of nurses. He told the young women n story. lie said that during our war with Spalu a certain hospital had a corps of nurses of exceptional beauty—Just such a corps. In fact, as the youug ladies ranged before him would have made. But it was whispered that these fair nurses were Inclined to a little frivol ity. inclined a little to flirt with the ailing youug soldiers in their charge. Now. when a soldier felt that he was ou tlie mend a fllrtatlou with u pretty nurse was delightful, but wheu hta wounds were troublesome then gal lantry was a thing that he waa hardly up to. And Indeed it waa said that some times a pretty none In this hospital would come to a favorite soldier and And him lying with closed eyes, as if asleep, and this note pinned on the counterpane: Too 111 to b« nursed today. JOHN SMITH. One never realises how little ap pearances can be trusted till he sees a toad catch a fly. m ALCOHOL 3 PEIf CENT. AVegelahle Preparal ion for As - simil.i i ing tlic Food ami Rcgula lingilip Stomachs and Bowels of TOEU-MSHITn^i Promotes I)igestion.CheerfuF ness and Rest.Conlains neither Opium.Morphine nor Miami. Not Narcotic. An/poroidDrsaicuimm ftutifikin Sredm Mx. Strut a + flbcMte Salts Anise Seed * /hpermuf hUariouateUii* Harm Seed Ch trifled Sugar • van flavor. hat/ujrran J Aperfect Remedy forCtrnslipa »ton, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms jConvulsions.Fevei ish ness and LOSS OF SltUtf. Facsimile Signamre_uf dLd03i&' NEW YOHK. Atb months old j5 Doses-J3CENTS Guaranteed under tfiTFooda Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought CASTORIA \\V find that our Lamhertville patrons prefer to come to our main office at Trenton, where we have most com pletely equipped offices. Specially arranged dark rooms, I*iuIt fin the purpose and fitted with all the latest electrical and other scientific instruments for making a thorough e\a ininatii n of the eyes, so we have Discontinued Our • Lambertville Office. We make our glasses right here so that one in|• is all that is usually necessary. THE SON OPTICAL MF’G CO. !§§§ Formerly Applegate Optical Rooms, Fstb. 1880 COR. STATE AND WARREN STS . TRENTON. N. J. On account of our long established rrpntation our name is frequently used h/ imposters. I )o not he fooled. We do not and haw never employed canvassers. STOCKT OH’S Quick Lunch Cafe No. 2 NORTH UNION STREET, LAMBERTVI LLE, N. J. FRIED OYSTERS A SPECIALTY. CRANE’S ICE CREAM. Steaks, Chops, &c., Oysters, Clams, Clam Chowder, Baked Beans, Ham, Tongue, Kish Cakes, Kgg and Kried Oyster Sandwiches, Hard, Solt and Deviled Crabs, Steamed Oysters, Pickled Tongue, Clams, Pigs’ Feet, Pie and Milk. BEAR IN MIND That we are still doing: business at the old stand, and that here you will find a FULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINE. RUBBER GOODS AND TOILET ARTICLES, and the prices are such as tQ defy competition. Prescriptions carefully compounded. E. W. CLOSSON, MAIN ST. PHARMACY Cor. Main aud Church Sts.. L&mbertville, N. J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of John I'ktrr Smith Demwil. Pursuant to the order of tleorge K Hannon, Surrogate of thf (!ounty of Hunter*Ion. matte on the fourth da.v of .lime A. I>. one thou sand nine hundred and eight. notice in here by given to all person* having claims against the estate of Johu Peter Smith late of the t'ounty of Hunterdon, deceased, to present the same,under oath or affirmation, to the subscriber, Executor, of said deceas ed. within nine months from the date of said order; and any creditor neglecting to bring in and exhibit uis or her claim (under oath or affirmation), within the time mo limited, will be forever barred of hi* or her action there for against the said Executor. Dated June 4. A. D 1908. CHARLES E. SMITH Executor. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Bab Is quickh -bjOrbeJ Unas Relief ui Once. It cleanses, south* j*, heals ami prole Is the dise is*<1 ia**i ,. Iim&« ivauhiug lion* Ca a;'vh aa.l drives arvav u r J in the *ju*• litw tttv>raH the Senses of CATARRH HAY FEVER Turn* aud S.m il. Full size 50 eta., at Drug gist* or by mail. In liquid form. 75 cents. Sly r -‘ “* *“ - * r Brothers, 56 Warren Street, Hew York. I ELECTIOyOTICES. j "V'OTICE is hereby given that the Boards! .131 of Registry and Election in and for each and every .Election District or Voting Pre cinct in the County of Hunterdon will hold their first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. I, 1908, at 10 o’clock in the morning at the following places in the respective townships of said county: Alexandria—Donnell's store, Mt. Pleasant Bethlehem—West Portal. Bloomsbury Borough. Clinton Borough—Grandin Library, Clinton Clinton Township—Lebanon. Delaware—J. K. Wilson’s house, Sergeants ville. East Am well—Holcombe’s Hall, llingoes Franklin—Town Hall, Quakertown Frenchtown—Town Hall, Frenclitown High Bridge—Liberty Hose House, High Bridge. Holland—Gibson House Hall, Milford. Junction Bor.—City Hall, Junction Kingwood—Grange Hall, Barbertown. Lebanon, E—George C. Apgar’s, Woodglen. Lebanon, W—Township Hoorn, Glen Gardner. Haritan, E—Opera House, Flemington. Raritan, W—Hook A ladder Truck House, Flemington. Readington, N— Bonnell’s Hall, Whitehouse Station. Readington, S— Hilts’ Hall, Three Bridges. Stockton Bor.—Town Hall, Htooktou. Tewksbury, E—Apgar’s Hall, New German Tewksbury, W—Philhower’s Hall, Califon Fnion—Peach Exchange, Jutland Lambertville, 1st Ward—Hibernia Fire Co. Building, Lambertville. l ambertville, 2nd Ward- Fleet Wing H & L Co. Building, Lambertville. Lambertville, 3rd Ward—Columbia Hose Co Building, Lambertville. YVest Am well—Holcombe’s Hall, Mt Airy Such Boards shall organize according to law and then proceed to ascertain the names and residences of all the legal voters in their re spective districts, by making actual iinjuiry at every dwelling house or habitation, or of the head of every family residing therein ami shall continue such enumeration of voters from day to day, on successive days, until the same he completed. (Sec Election Law ) Second Meeting. Said Boards of Registry ami Election will also meet on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1908, at the same places from l p. m until '* p- m., for the purpose of making up such Registry Lists, from the canvassing hooks, as the law may require. Monday, Sept. 21,1908, The County Board of Election will be in session in Flemington for the purpose of tilling any vacancies that may -exist in the local Boards «»f Registry and Election Primary Notice is hereby given that a Primary Elec tion for all political parties will he held in and for the above Election Districts in the above named places in said Election Districts on Tuesday. Hept. 22ml, 19(18, between the hours of one and nine o’clock in the afternoon. At the same time and place the local Board* of Registry and Election for the purpose of revising and correcting the original Regis try Notice is hereby given to all Boards of Reg istry ami Election in the County of Hunter don that they are required to strictly observe Sections 23 and 24 of “An Act to Regulate Elections (Revision of 1Hy8).” approved April 4,18W, and that the County Board of Elec tions will be in session inJFlemington on Monday Oct. 26, 1908 for the purpose of tilling any vacancies that may bo in the Board of Registry Tuesday Oct. 27,1908 at the same places, and between the hours of 1 p. in and H p. in., for the purpose of revising and correcting the Original Registers ami for adding thereto the names of all persons en titled to the right of suffrage in such Election District at the next election, who shall appear in person before them or shall he shown by the written affidavit of some voter in such Election District to be a legal voter therein, ami of erasing therefrom the name of any person who, after a fair opportunity to be heard, shall he shown not to be entitled to vote therein by reason of non-residence or otherwise. The County Board of Election will be in session in Flemington on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1908, for the purpose of receiving the Registers and receipting for affidavits, etc. The County Board of Election will he in session in Flemington on Thursday, Oct. 29, 1908, between the hours of 8 a. in. and f». p m., for the purpose of adding or erasing names from the Registers. The County Board of Election will he in session in Flemington on Saturday, Oct. 31, 1908, betweenthehoursofHa ni. and p. m., for the purpose of adding or erasing names from the Hegisters. The County Board of Election will be in session in Flemington on Monday, Nov. 2, 1908, The Court of Common Fleas will be in sens ion on above date at the Court House in Fleui ington, between the hours of H o’clock a. in and 5 p in . for the purpose of revising the registry. On this date the County Board of Elections will be in session in Flemington for the pur pose of tilling any vacancies that may exist in the local Boards of ltegistry and Elections. Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1908, The Court of Common Pleas will be in ses | sion on above date at the Court House in Flem [ iugton, between the hours of H o’clock a. m. i and 7 p. m., for the purpose of issuing certifi cates to any person registered who has been refused the privilege of voting by any District Board of Election, and who may prove their right to vote by applying in per son before said Court. ELECTION Noy. 3, 1908 No person will be allowed to vote at said Election unless his name appears upop the Registry List of his Election District. JUDSON B. KERB, Chairman, GEO. W. SNYDER, Secretary, ELSTON BEATY, JOHN H. REED, Hunterdon County Board of Elections — When a horse picks up a nail in his foot what does the driver do? Does he whip the limping, lagging animal and force him along? Not unless he wants to ruin the horse. At the tirst sign of lameuess he jumps down, ex amines the foot and carefully removes the cause of the lameness. What is called "weak stomach” is like the lameness of the horse, only to be cured by removing the cause of the trouble. If you stimulate the stomach with "whiskey medicines” you keep it going, but every day the condition is growing worse. A few doses sometimes of Dr. Pierce's Golden M edical Discovery will put the disordered stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition in perfect condition. Ninety eight times in every hundred "Golden Medi cal Discovery” will cure the worst ailments originating in diseases of the stomach. It al ways helps- It almost always cures. To cure constipation use I)r. Pierce** Pleasant Pellets. They’re sure. —We make a specialty «>f engraved visiting cards. Let us furnish yon a new plate at a reasonable price or leave your old one aud we will have your cards printed in a few days. —Bee our big line of Birthday aud Beaaou oar da—all cards tinseled free. Doll Hospital. We are too busy to write Advertisements, but will take time to look after your interests. LAMBERTVILLE HEAT, LIGHT & POWER CO , H. M. MOORHEAD. Urn I Myr. ^ EVERY DEALER SHOULD HANDLE JEWEL BUGGIES ONE OF OUR LEADERS. No. A-959 " Amesbury " Cut-Under Runabout. If your Dealer dot-3 not carry them in stock, insist that he write at once for our catalogue showing 84 styles, comprising the latest designs in buggies, runabouts, phaetons, stanhopes and surreys. Built in < >ne grade only. Every one a Jewel. They excel in style, finish ami durability. Our line the largest, our styles the new est, our prices the best. Live Dealers should write us at once for Agency. Si THE JEWEL CARRIAGE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. Factory, Carthago, umo. The Mott Modern, Economical and Durable GAS RANGE Kor?.' “ELEVATED CUPID” ~ ror either artificial or natural gas. lias three star top burners, 4 inches in diameter, drilled, with removable cap. (>ne (bant llurticr 6 inches in diam eter, drilled, with removable cap and one Simmering burner. 1 rouble oven and broiling burner, and one Telltale Pilot light. All burners removable. Swelled doorframes, tea shelf, match box and all ornaments. Highly nickeled and {xilished. Price *.! -.(«>. If v«m dealer does not handle the Elevated Cupid, write ».m <•» ... us. [THE AMERICAN FOUNDRY ' C , ■ nmilton, OhlQ.j THE SMITH CORN HARVESTER A guaranteed time and labor saver. The only perfect acting two-row Cutter. 1 »111 soon pay ^ for its«?lf. Made of the very best material. Send for descriptive circular and price list. Manufactured by THE SMITH MFC. & ENGINEERING COMPANY, R! DC ELY, MARYLAND. I A SHORT CUT TO CLEANLINESS CUTICLINE 1 is far superior to any soap. It instantly re moves dirt, grease, paint, tar and stains of every kind without the hard rubbing. The new scientific cleanser in powdered form. Better than soap. Leaves the skin soft and smuum. Aimougn wonucriut in iis cneci, li oonuuns no aciu ; is purely vegetable. Ask your druggist or grocer. Two sizes, lOc., 25c. Head for sample. CUTICLINE CO. IIO Center St., Bath, Main*. ’HOW TO OUT A 18 PIANO first select a make with a reputation. Made by a concern that will furnish a full guarantee with every Piano. Deal direct with the Manufacturer, and thereby save two profits. If you are thinking of purchasing write for our book and allow us to submit a proposition that will interest you. Pianos shipped direct to customers; freight and eipenses prepaid- Easy payments. Allow us to make you an offer on one of our celebrated Lawson Pianos, even if you do not anticipate puchasing just now. *vt., I*«w York.