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THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. LAMBERTVILLE, N. »J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY • > DIOR. WHOLE NO. 1892 THE MI AMI-WOODPECKER GASOLINE ENGINE. My stock of Farm Implements is complete; Cun furnish any modern implement in use. 1 buy in large quantities and can offer attractive prices. Consult me before you place your ordei for Spring Goods Grain, Ceresota Flour and all kinds of mill feeds in stock. Sucrene Dairy Feed Bran and Peanut meal; The latter is the richest feed known, contains 50 per cent, protein and 10 per cent, fat very low in price. Meat scraps Mica grit for poul try Blatchford’s Calf feed needs no mention. Lehigh Coal. Portland Cement, Rex Flint-kote Roofing etc.. Engine Sup plies, Batteries Plugs, Wire Oils Belting, Pullies etc. REPAIRS MOST ANYTHING. WRITE FOR PRICES. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. BARTON HUFFMAN, RINGOEb, NJ . J Inn AMWELL NATIONAL BANK, LAMBERTVILLt , N J CAPITA! $72,000 on sdhpi.i's \ni) t>Ni>i\im:i> profits 72,000 00 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Three per cent, interest paid on sums ol $5,00 and over if deposited one or more calendar months Certifiates ol Deposits issued beaiing mierest at the rale of y per cent, per annum Transacts a general banking business and invites Individual and Commercial accounts WHEN IN DOUBT Aboutyoui (One.* -a toih'taitides < all and inspect niir stock. We curry a full line of hire Drugs and Chemicals. AH I he latest and Up-to-date Toilet Adults, Smidii's and Itublni tint as in gnat variety, at prices to suit the times. PRFSntini IONS (A It Fill 11 )' niMPlHfNPh I) Main Street Pharma cy COM. MAIN AMI CHURCH STS., Uamhertville, IN. ,1. E. H. HOLCOMBE. R«al Estatn and 1 iisuranc« Sol i 11> \\ I’m him. Gur. Bridge and Uniuu treets S..I.I and Km Iimu< <1 I ir-i-« Ih»h Hi*' IiioimiiHii fur »;«.!. #»l l>r*i M. Ifl•• »*«•. «•«*« ■«! I'ni'HHHi' Im liiW'tors m i*t«* lm>rr« •»■• I# rin- t.i ••'Ini* . / ‘h 1/ I' Kin inn/ Sn\ <ji tm, i ,rm r Mum ami ./• (/* r«<n< tm Is. ! .H uih' rt ri IL\ A . •/ A. D ANDERSON, I nil ll#i It i i‘-II t / il n , SniiritnY Mil^fri i'ham > i'll a mi A ntn,\i/ l*iitiii< Liliiiliei t \ 111 «*, N . I W. F. HAYHUR3T, i in nut ihn'-ut- Lair, SnUrifnr, Matin in ( "idm » i\W ami Xnfrtri/ I'tiLlir. 51 NORTH UNION STREET. l.uniin rh ill* , A’. ./. W. P. THORNTON, RUBBER STAMPS, tr. Him ON wool) sliu.i: I Dtvtkr in Fine liubU r I*imtin« Stainiw. Wn\ ShhN. ShrI JinrnniL' lirRtvl Jt !1 t fiMH'llM i 'rttrtl«>L'Ui- fur tin* ashinK a4,:i JOHN C. MOORE, Fire Insurance Agent, 64 BRIDGE ST., LAMUERTVILLE ItEFItESENTINo THE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY Of PHILADCLPHia This 1- one of the T.ry best Companies. 1 .oases pai.l since organization, ism, over i*!S.000,000. Bates as low as canlbe written by.anv .relia ble company. DR. J. F. CMATTIN lAWulHTVIlir NATION A IBANK BUIlOlNU HFRF FVERV THURSOAV A1 TWO O CLOCK .J. ^ . ..ABAW, Funeral I)i renter & Upholsterer All ol tlimitivpnir***l Will; .mil pni*f*» k miraiit ♦•«*«! i\. - iii I in' l i> *n • \ - hi I i».* 11 ..iVi.'. .lour \i. <;:| NO Kill i mon si im i I uiiliH h ill*-, \. ,1. CARRIACES AT REDUCED PRICES FOR SIX WEEKS. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. Second -Hand Carriages Cheap J. V. & C. RANDALL. NEWTOWN, Pa. WILLIAM HUNT 49 UNION STREET, LAMBERTVILLE N. J. OLD i'O.HT OFFICE hTAHt Painter & Paperhanger WALL PAPER, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND WINDOW GLASS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED WORK GUARANTEED PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM C1«st!**-» and tli*- hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. N^ver Pails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cure* p diva* a ft hulr falling. Aa. and |11*'at lhu^p.aU O OQ*--—• '• • •••••"• •-•-•■O t i 1809-The Year | Centenary of or Genius- 1809 Mendelssohn! ! | Master uf tire Musk1 oi the Heart—His Rise to Fame Cherry Pie anil ! Genius. By Oliver Leigh £J ( opyriKlit, 1909, by llie Araeric;iu Press Association IN these ila>> «> i’ u ii r os i there ought to l*o a universal anthem of prats* i and gratitude t«i J the minister oi sweet solatv in music that mah« - itself understo* d without «*11 r ha\ ing to grind ov«i so ie n t llii stud fes. la .Mendelssohn xve have :i mas ter Of llu* mush- of llio Iiomii Other supph ihe kinds that appeal t«» tin iutelleel. Urn passions ami tin popnlm idol I /.at lot i of more or less m«-i« »ti i« >u llOise. 1'aslliOUS eollH* Mild ”»• ill 111.* divine alt of music in Parisian mil littery, whieh acroutits for tin* temp** rarx popularity »*f complicated mu siciantsm oxer simple tnelodx. There is n«» fear, Jioxxcxer, (lull Mendelssohn will ex er be eclipsed while the lieail of the ureal people responds lo lhe up lifting voiee of symputhetle minstrelsx He had few troubles in his short life. Perhaps the heaxiesi was lie name, .lakoh l.udwi^ Felix Mendels solueltaitlmldy. Hut ll was a ^real name In* xxas Porn to oil the ltd of Fop niarx. isop, in the still standing house at llumlmru Moses Mendelssohn, his ^randfalher. xxas and always xxlll lie fa 1 noils as a pioneer of the reform movement in the Jexx ish ritual. His dialogue mi tin* iiumorialhy of the soul earned him the liile, “the modern Plato.” and ii xxas translated Into nl most exery modern loimue. One of his sons. VPtaham father of the eom poser. Pexx ailed his colorless eelePl'itx ns in his earlx life “the son of mx fa Holt III Ills lelnfl nil plV»> « .'lislllci ill UcMH'IMl If fi-‘ artist *4»*;«v<*l>' writes, i .• sleep It will beguile li tin* artist gayly writes. 11 i - a vulgar six !*• It . .. • artist w nli' at length l i.»w sail Ills hearers’ lot' If ih.* artist briefly writes, .\*» Ilian xx ill < at e a jot h tin* artist simply writes. A fowl he’s salil to he If ..i. ait 1st deeply writ. II* ' mail, it's plain t<* <• lu whatsoever way he win *. lit* nan't please every man. Therefore let the artist write li * \ ),.» likes an«l ean In his t w fitly first year tin* lucky \ Pill was sent, out l»y his indulgent father t*» see till* world anti 1 house tlm country he preferred t*• live in. He landed in I.ntulon Kttster week of 1SJ!i lie i niiilneteil his "Symphony In t Minor'' n iIn1 ritilliannonie society's i'*iniii. ..i wlilt'll nreltestra Wagner was i *>mliii i*»r a i|iiat‘ter of a eeiitury later Hi* was mailt* an honorary niemher. and tins recognition ..f his powers Mill'd i stum* t’roni my lieati which shows how bitterly he felt the |»i*«>|»li ei's la.-k of honor in his own eoimtry. Manx triumphs and a few failures marked lie next throe years, during win It **• toured I-!urope with great profit to his mind Hut Paris lie ne\ er lo\ etl as ||*‘ did London After il< lirsl Irtish over the budding genius Paris grew indilVeivni. There xx as a great nnisje fen. il m lutssehlori in IS.’*:’., : 11 xvhieh hi "Trumpet Overture" was playetl in tie evvl'cid company of llandel - ' Ora. I In 1 xi i" and Iktihoven's Pa sit i.i! Sympl • ny" and I he n\ erl tire l - "1 < • \ JAKOB LUDWIG FELIX MENUELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY [Born Feb. 3, 1809: Died No/. A. 1847.J tiler" Mini laicr ns "the father • »l* iu\ soli I'• • Ii v \v;is horn t<* n ^mootli ninl happv life Ity Ills tcuih \ • •:11* he was -iifti< i<*111 l.v developed as a pinnPl to n|.|M*nr in public, Hint at twelve In* was a composer There were regular musical pan ins with a small orchestra in tin* Mi'inli'lssolin home. and I < li\ laid tin* felicity of Ills iianu* in a< lim as conductor in lln*s»* performance* of Ids own work-' These won* syin phonies, operas, concertos and i>iar lots. The full rehearsal "f hi lirsi opera on his fifteenth birthday earn.-l him I 1m* high > ••mplinn'til of iI!••«! Judge, win advanced him »'i • •».• ip preni it i*" in assistani * * * in th< name of Mozail ami of Ilndn and Ol Old Ita« h/ Tin* father and soil paid a visit to Paris in \kj7>. Tin* boy* fame had stirred tin* < min-di v of tin* great men who hord'd Mien in the • ii\ ..f art In tIn* crowd who paid >im-en* h"ina,. «* to I In* lad of sixteen were \I«.-• h* li lfalevy. liossiid. Meyerbeer and < hern liini. lie was iinhapp\ at llnding their genera! ignorance «n Ccrmnn mmie On their wn.\ to their homo, mm |< Herlln. lln*\ called on Goethe. w in honored l elix with a pi* • » of verse 01 his ran- trift • fin* heainifu! overture To “A MiiKumtoei Night' Iheam* was writ I«*n as early a i vjr. of th| favorite work' Sir George Maefaricn the eminent president of the l-'.nMish Hoy a I Academy of Mm;, ha writ ten the follow ini; judgment, i:\ir niidiria r.v as it may seem. It b inn extrrvn gant, lint reinarkahle trlln t the genius of a youth: ‘ No om* pl«*. «• of music contains so many points of harmony and orchestration that had never been written before as lids does, and they have none of them the air of experiment, but all seem to have been written with certainty of their success.” A year later Mendelssohn produced ids opera “Camacho’s Wedding” in a theater smaller than the Opera House It was a failure; at least it provoked eritlelsms too sore for so sensitive a temperament, and by way of getting an Idea of his skill In prose and rhyme we quote Sir George Grove’s transla IJi'IM " Mendelssohn v\ :t 4 !i«» #■*» *11 <H 1 * * t «>| wl.i I. led Jo llis ; i |»I lilt. :i t ll!» • years' engagement 1o «Iir«*« t ilx- t->ui. lniisloil porformuiiecy. 11• h.. posed hi* oralorlo ‘*SI Paul" 'v hi h lool. two y«M|-S. TIm‘11 IlC I'KO il (o Leipzig, w here la* undertook ilu* -mb seriptlon . on.-i*rts lino la- \ i \ I if <‘<1 l»y < ho|iin and Si Iiiiiiaiiiii In I’rankl'mi la1 foil la lovr with i **i ilo I'harloiii So|ihir b a in ena u«l ton \«:ir hi?: junior, ho ln im iwonlv eight. Shi wix pretty and tlx- daitgh tor of loinMor of i hi- I '• ou< h lb formod • hun h. Mendelssohn win an (irlNt with pencil and hrn h «•! more than nrdlnary merit. Ill- ron.nN of tlx* wedding lour and of all hi i* iir novim. la lot lor • and -keP he ulinw fin unusual ali round genius Mr wont to London lo i oiidin i hi St I’anl” at tlio Itirminu'ha in f<*iiva! W'hllo i-.issing tl rough London he played f|-c» organ ono Sunday after noon In St. Paul's cathedral Tho eon. grcgntiou Uncivil a- ho .supposed lie was playing them out until at last the outraged vergers wont and lot all tho wind out of tho hollows in I ho middle of Mai h’s mighty fugue in A minor Ilo was grateful tor tlx beautiful manner'' in whioh they performed his oratorio. In tho weightier sense the Knglish are without a doubt mom pro foundly illusion! people than those of the supposedly more artiste c.itntries Tim snored oratorio does not eouiuioiul 11self generally lo Americans as to tin* Knglish, though Handel's "Messiah'" Is ln»w imard every winter in all the largo cities and towns. When ihe new king, William i\ eg mu to the throne of Prussia In* ol fered Mendelssohn tlx- directorship of inusi« in his new Academy of Arts Mendelssohn declined at lirst, afraid i'f the unxicties uud hustle incident P* rvery new institution. At last ho a copied, in May, 1811 Thai he had his hands full is evident from a letter P< a London friend: "'i Im - pi ing program is more troublesome than ever nine teen concerts between Jan. 1 und March lo, seven more to come In the next three weeks and at least three rehearsals a week.” He was bound for a year. Meanwhile he was often in Kn.alaiiel pla\iipa f.»r «j;i< Vi. tori.i niul pviua' h<-r orpin logons, ami lu» dodi. :iu*<l his St oh h symphony t*» her. Tin* kina eh*, an ateal him w ith his Orelor of M« »i i. nix.-u a i lh«* '•am.- linn* to l.iszl. Mt \. rho. r ami liossmi Soon aft or re*.» ix .a- it ami a parly of friotals xx. io i walk ami »*ross«tl it:, l trill a*' ai t ilV.mhaoh our of tln> jcotitlciiuMi paid loll for ih. party. Tim toilk.a-por up io i *«i p'lithmuu a i;..•nifiit after. live us. iuo. Isn’t ih.n tin- M Mondtdssolm whoso inusi. wo sin*: at our sooiotx (>n henna au-xxoivd "Vos' t ho man hamloil Olio loil fro ha> k If x mi ploasi*. 1 v\ouhi hko to pax f<u him niysolf ” W in a told of this Moinlol sohn was doUghte-d l Hko that hoi tor than his nia.josty's ordor.’* I’atiiily cut vs. tin* birth of a fourth • h I Id. In- wil’.-s and his ,»wn dcli.ato hoalth an.I tin' ni.-iii) joimioys and puhli. dutlos ho had to pori'onu woarit-d him of tho Korlln a.-ail.-my *i»* Tho king pivo in to hi- potitioti for roloaso from pormanont tvsiebniea* in Ih i lia. Ilo roooivod an invitation to ooinlu.l a tnusio fosilval in Now Voik ill 1st;., hut ho hut |.t rest His op. ia "Antipifio" was pio.luooil in l and his uroat dramaii. ora torio • Klijali" in Itlriiiiiiftha m. for w host* so. ioty ii was wrilion. This was in Unrust. Isp; h iy oiassod with -Tho Mosslali" in popular osti inatlon I.* niorolv iuiiiio tho . ol. i.iiiios who orow.lod around him now would till this < oluiiin and I lie lisl ol Ids works a pap*. I halt ha in tho fa mil \ and an.viotios in. lelont to a norvous tom por tnmiii uii.lorniiiKMl Ids hoalth so that In* ooliapsrd on .\'.*x. I 1*17 l h- w as of slight if noi frail build, about llvo i• *ot six, a. tivo and ox.-ita hlo His faoi» is to he* oiassod with th.ii ..f Kdpir l*oo. follow pilarim from 1SUP, (tin who outlixod Hi. n.riimn m-arly two ye nil's \ fa.o always pah* hut dark of hair and in lin- hollow an nvorrotiiiod naiural air and interns. sii>. . pi ihilit> ThaeU.uax said. Mon d. i - .dins U tho most bountiful fa. • 1 o\or aw. like* what I imapm* our S.i xioiii's |o ha\o boon ' Ilis whole Irani* and amnion,m.a* wore- In .mi aoii\ii\. and In harp- dark brown oyos ^rlowoel dlv lamps Ii max . In <*r the* amhilioits xx h«» . .• \ i i In* faun of m*niu I" kiioxx lint tin brain food for wliiedi M< mh-ls-ohli m<>-l haiiUe'ifsl was rieo with milk and idiolTV pit* \iiel this die-adl’nl aim Ie>11x jiroeiinaai Hot e.nlx hi- niu-n . lull fh< pin are*- and li\<-!> l.nioi and .del not h*sse*n Ids e-ul Inisia-m for .lain ina sxxhnmina ami a.xumnsth Ii is m»i aixe-n to many shii of p n Ills |e. Olljo\ M< tnl. 1-i.hlie i III 11* 111II . from the* orelinarx ill- of life lit was a path of ios.-- \.. improx id.a marrhim*. no wolf at Id e|...i, m« x ie a • in i . atasi lopiios noin n tin I I'd tltl.a t ions w il bill and xxith.mi xx lin ii imhiil-i lln-ir xie-lim hx di-1 ..i i ilia la i.-al i'ii t e* f s.-li W'lix piiiuhh la . aiiso a pi n hi Hi'o pi'oelm o amilh Not hilia- oa ii h.- I.--- pr.'htahh or • 111 i I a l>l<- ill.m I.. . • »m pa i. M.-ii el. I* musi xx ii h !'. . t hox» n e hopm s .a M'aam-i' I In In- i ah 1 i ml ii ‘ n v ;i n (I •lint;. H n - sW • • I Hi"- **ill «*l whirl, uiir an ■ • -him i mu iurr.l i hr spiril i hit i idjhIiIi iis \\ i run ili« jiinmil •>! nil linnm|s In «*,li*«la> I I .1 |.|lil|r~ • •HIM - Irmn li«»l<Ii11u lh< l»al a ni •• • \ * :i Hi., m- iinl.irhi hi11 - win* in «I«• in**<I in wrii lu III III* Ulil .,f II ll \ <1 II I llollli II.Hll III* *i m I rail a* t Ill'll (ill i.f mil i< il< lit i**ii v **l it i* i ii *• ii *>r liullih < • I 11.1 hill top l hr nit,sl **f us «»r«Ii11n i v Ini mail, tin* • |ii iri Minis Ml I lhl \! I TIIKW'IMMH I iMltl tiehl \ i •• I »l mi i m in i i M\\ . • aim •l.llul.t III till- llM||l<-|\ W.i\ U. • .III m| .MoikIi-KsmIi1! wiiliMin ri ' <>1 1111<I<r \jiliiina his ”-.ujM. |, * ' • •. 111 m 11 s mi li: inlluem-e I In- « ImuIi iiiimiiu |||«* :l < * 11 i < * % 4'! 11« • 111 • I 1 till- Um|!i| leal 1114 * • I. Iilll ill 111.111 \ \\a.\ . 111*1 Mill'll till' i* V«|tiisii i | v Im .'iUI Ii lll in* I• .<ti• m| M* l 11 * * I ssi»1111 i'm.'i i 11 m 1111 * I . Min I • i ■. i r t iif Ill'll 1*1 X : 11141 will iMlitinll. Im m|;|i I Ilil • l|<*el‘ I <' 11:: i. ‘'ll I I Ilf I 11IIIH I • I Mil | Ml r of of la r ■11 ii iuwi* lit \ f 411* *' It* *.1» A Rural Enoch Arden. 'Mil Mill lilt !* l'i\\ li ill W f -NM Il stale." I'.imw ii * 111 • i * w i .1 iiilt W i f 14 *41 .11 M f fellow III III* *• I (till Wilke tiii«* 4In\ mil i«<.I iii tin* rill loa<l t';i«Ks : i till 111 • \ . r i« • 11 • | >« m i * *| f m i aliollt si\ III I- III lit- meant lim- hi w ifi lt« Mil', took ill W ;i liii ;* II *1 lip I .* »r* i •«I lli«* fit 111 i I \ im* 11; i \ ..mi* I ..'»«* I II Weill :i 1m|| I ill Im lh I. ill'll. II <io«ir. s**fi I \ ii ii -ini i hi • iiojib umI - ii*i. 15mm r, -ii r. 11.1 t iii*ii4*4I i r<>111.41 i i’o111 Iif r v. .i t. mi. I * ll**.' s.iid Hill; ’I M. Il'fil \ 41 i • I * I I I 15* Hiev \\ 1)4-114% ir I ff I. ; lh! I. I 1.4 i II I ’ll ll I., ill.; I I 111 i I \ I I I ill. ..I Hill's ";| . , I illU it flf I i '. \ f I If .'III I ‘15mm r.eii ii : I sear*'il *l i I •’ New Y il. Times Apfel6inc. Mi*.*»>i11 - i ui iiisln‘il . .. i i i li- nii"* 14*4*t»t li 1*111111 \ : i new '.- ill 11 •! Mu « .< i in;iii laiiLpia^e It . fi..iii lli'-r. Ill'll ol'Hlmes w*’|f lir I hlppe.l Im t ;* riiiiiii\ lie fruit v. ,i 1 n..u n f.. r I loir.' tllill' JlfliT || .ill \ ill I ■ :ip11*I ms Messina ’ apple from M«‘ slmi A114*r man v \«ai- aplel am .McsmJi) i" i|**hi*n**ia14*41 Into ‘ apfel Me> sluu," ami llfially il Ik- in* apt* situ*,” lie* name l»\ \\ h!>• Ii .a in. .- an still known • 1111 o 11 f.'irmaii p* il in • Quite Sufficient Mrs .hiiH H (IliNpr I i11^ fl Milliner's \\ IndoWl I cbil.'l < ** \\ III! II I t h;i f hoops those women's li.-.ul- nirtiin.' ;troiltitl all I In- Him M t .1 •' \\ liy my clour, Just .1 bonnet itse lf I Mill clout t«> turn any woman* < I-l|» ptnoott'H Mhjjth'/Iuo. ivnow i!i>solf nnd v-uv own phi • iu the universe about you. I < ar m» phan toms, but face r^tUtiois Grant \lb 11 AN ENGLISH HOLIDAY How East Side London Plays on Boxing Day. ROUGH SPORT IS THE RULE. All Cockneyland Flocks to Histuiic Hampstead Heath Where Hilarity, Fast and Furious. Hules From Eaily Mommy Till After Midnight fcinviliji dax i> a mval ills!it ui i.-n iu Knuland Tin- day after t Mu i t Is lhi\iiu4 day, so called because in ihe old da x s it marked llli* U. I . | i i. ih'lual p:t\ litk of I'hrlslmas ho\,■«.. \. w 1( is a national holiday ltesldos boiiu tin* Iasi in ilu* your, n h is 1,1 Midi. Londoners, id all exeuts, until Lasiot Monday It's a «;ronf day in t'ocktiex land, and tin* oust oiul croxxds to Hampstead heath, the plot mosque open space in tho nnrthxvost of l.omlon Ml road a load to tho hoaili Soon aft or daybreak tho proeossloii begins l ully loadod traps and donkey barrows aro tho prlueipal lloms In i In- xohlcnlar 1 ratlt. . but tho majority aro on foot sinning and shouting for tho holiday “The yet aro, Sir 'fchiery,'’ shouts a woman, pushing a tin squirt tilled \\ it li wator Into your fnoo. '*'IOro yot aro. Sir Thiery; all tho tun of tin* fair Two a pomp ' Vvo it oouplo. ns iII x or in'ltid • Tho London hi root inorohants Itaxe tho habit of u;l\hitf prospeotlvo oiistom ors a tltlo, prosumably oil tin* theory* that a Londoner likes to have you he lit*vo that ho Is some well known man Should you he persuaded Into huyiu.u “a oouplo” the * hanees aro a moment later you will he fare to fare yyhli 'An lei She wears a laruo hat trimmed with larpe leathers of brilliant Inn lias a hair fringe doyy n over her fore head and a bright colored velvet dross 1'robably sox oral will bo iu a lino, o.n-h with an arm around the other's m- k mm a m.>iihi or^an in i in* other .mini Their is ha) | In in their *wes. an.I !.«♦ lor*; ymi aiv iivmiiv *»l' ii a nIiimiii .• I* iviiI.t will In* rimiiIjik down your t'.n * 'rill* host (11i11K I*' do is In l'«»t l*i•:11. for li' \ .*u should |»iv*» ha 11 In you an* sutv I.* ivtitv. d**f**n I ***1, \\ i 111 your • • • 11. * v like a w**l mu ami a iimsi um ..mforia I»it* IVellim «*r dampness *|..\\ n your hark Olu c on l m* heath (In- n» uiinut I ■ it«-In *.s will first * hi I in your not in* ■’Tire y *• r an*. kernel; h* * \ * * i i shies a tanner I ’.v «*ry on** y**r Kiioeks .laliii »er mm • 11.• \ ’r»- all milky l.oid . s I nd k ills 'a i \> ity Thru this • elle will lil***.*l V..UI' ey<• Hillside a lairr irni stands a rat « d ) lal l'«»rni < Ui ii hiv hair a dozen ui«*u !'l r i |»|»«•« I lo i Im- w nisi wilh arm- I'old »*d a< mss ihrir . lusts i Mu* of Ih'mi I e\ideiitl> l hr proprietor. invIhIh a hum : ralllr, whirh ;_i\<“. forth a most d<af eninp mdsr \i last Ii si..|t and In i hr^ln 'l.oidirs and ... ni^. I waul In hii Irrdii' *• to \rr noii.a- s«nnr *»f ll.** I*.-si ho.xcrs in I In- world Im ai the .ml i l **• 11 \ S. o| | of Ih.i poo) K'11 n hi any man In fIn* < mini and ii la don't put 'im aid In three ralnals '. If •i\. ini a .fin'd \all, ihrn. who’ll ’ * \ • • '< m • •ii w ii h I hr . hamploii Soinr o||r a- rrpts (In* IIIl’it III).' off. I and a lush niadr to pay lli. olmi slo/1 |r. III.I ::• • I lilt.. Ill'* Irld \ .onipany of lra\**linn a* lots i a Krlnhlrd oil I hr platform (llllslde ill.' ne\l i.ui all naulr up In tlnli war |.II llil Thr plr. r lo hr performed I * Mlirllo" I hr prirr of admission i a penny \ reserved «al an empty h..\ will \oii aii.d her penny \ ml lilt* house si loll till Otilsid. you will it11*I r\«-ry l.utti «.I outdoor al.lUsi'llM'lll In lull * w In "Aunt Sallies." sw dim mttmhihoiil rkippint- and donkey Tin* laltri air Silently pal loll i/.r*l Yotinn ill** n and maiden old null ami women, all hint* "a paniioiih of donkey ride" \ lal w.nuan rlhms lo on** |.. lira a lie* k shoul lim * a iii r i' I'm sure I'm lallin. In.n'1 niaIn im u«» so fast II**. Inol al me ’aI I » ulUir tfel off I'm tire y r|* ’ItHim ’im " \\ In'ii I lif tills! lias i 11 .11*«*« 1 :i \\ .i \ if Is si in t > 111K III lilt' !• >;i 11 [ ill II1111 'I klinW 11 \ i'l' (lull* |l oil purpose” At Iasi I Ilf Jniiriie\ flOlln- Is begun. «*\er.\ l»nd.\ li»i|ip\ i n«l tired, yet in»l I"" llri-il in link arms, tin* m«*ii wearing I Ilf ' II I ' !■ Ill lll'f fll IlillS Illlll p'MlI inn I..Ill'll ft ml- Mllll f III* Kills WfMlIlf • Mps Mini 1 in I s uinl womll"U- uni ■ uliiif juekeis. \ll uif sliming 11111 * • i« 111 solids, Iml fVtr\ 11uw Mini linn 1 he> liifiil l' i Mi in it11ihi111 xv iI It |»<>|> songs n| l In* in* Miif 111 In ili1 11 "i *n 11n*y drink I#«•* r mil nf on. pew lei un.l swear ii 1111 \ i n lt |o\ •• Mini friend' hip till I ||f Mil. f n|' III!' 111*«»| t|*I« * I Ol’ |I In' be Iiik v*. :i«» In 'In- niornln_r Mini • I"- in_• tilin'. I In nil • illllll Time n! '■ jilfiisi Mini m s(miI i inn'll This 11 •. i y miisu.i I lif i|i|f-ln*n \\h\ | I III* M V e f' l: • < oi k Ilf \ Wofkll ' I W il.\ i W Mills , . ..||l| il l oil' l«. .11 o\ I I |{.ixlii{.' i!m» \fw York Time-. Wanted to See Them Win n I I'li n. n^fil I "ii i for l In in i l inn- i. i . • in|m11ii*<I In i in->i If i ' 1 < * 1111 l*i h .-If was given s'inif iifiiitv I' ' l If enllfi l ion liov ll wms hi if lull exploited to lifr 1111» f • lii toon. \ v i "for | In- |.. I |f It II Silt [Mil i' III ]> I III oil Ii | • i Ii ; 1 a t bird "i I In ■ • i \ |. i u In 'i I.< ' " t It'd Inv iif»i In* r l»\ l'i • Ilf tit. between In i • • 11»|»»«l h iml' Mifl in Ilig in ;t loiitl \ "I. •• Mm mu. i an: i In* p'*or < "iuing . n nindV M s ufiils is gelling all l" t anti -tl. I 1.11 • i i ■ • •*!1Mamtzlnt (iootl min t} Jn limit n|* woman Is tin liiiiiiftliM"- jewel of lh**!r souls. Kim kf sp#a i e. Hii Vocabulary. lit* whs an «*nfy t'liiltl I’li. y w . i. very particular about Ills nutnu*-i' of spfffli, t tiiislanily coitis ting him that In* would list- l»t*aufIftif h'liglish Uf however, was allowed in»\\ a:nl tlnii fn ass... lain with ol lift* .hiltlnn II** pla.M'tl with a neighbor hoy a I**n while out* day, and wlion In- tame htmif there was tin erslatle smilt* on hU fact l llkt* that hoy, mother, * he said 1 like him very much. lie swears , beautifully. lie knows every word ” I New York l'rebd 0 Q~ if li An Appreciation of Lincoln l£>y toiWte L@w // (/ COPVKIUIT, UHIU, BY RUBfKTUl t O V M SOMEWHAlt down tliar round Hodgenville. Kaintucky, Or tharabouts, a hundred year ago, Was born a boy ye wouldn' thought was lucky; Looked like he never wouldn' have a show. But * * * I don’ know. That boy was started middlin' well, I’m thinkin’. liis name? W'y, it was Abraham—Abe Lincoln. PORE whites his folks was? Yes, as pore as any. Them pioneers, they wa'n't no plutocrats; Belonged right down among the humble many, Ami no more property than dogs or oats. But * * * maybe that’s As good a way as any for a startin'. Abe Lincoln, lie viz middlin' high, for sartin! SOMEHOW I’ve always had a sort o’ sneakin’ Idee that peddygrees is purty much Like monkeys' tails—so long they're apt to weaken The yap that drags 'em round. No use for such! But * beats the Dutch How now and then a lad like Little Aby Grows up a president—or guvnor, maybe. c&jAuiMHAM Lincoln; ^ AUK LINCOLN never him no reg'lar schoolin’; He never iinarterbackeil nor nulled stroke oar, Nor never spent his time nmi money Coolin’ With buried lungwidges and ancient lore. Hut * * Abe larned more To ret him forrerd in the human filin’ Than all the college fellers' kit and Idlin'. A HE LINCOLN never did git hilalutin— Not even thar in Washin'ton, 1) C He jist kep' common, humble, ord'n’ry, suitin’ His backwoods corn ]iatch raisin' to a T. Hut * * * jirniny gee' VJ y, Abe was any statesman's peer and ekul And wise as Solomon or old Ezekul. I RECKON I’m a bit old fashioned, maybe, But when I want il pattern for a r.,an I'm middlin’ shore to measure Father Aby And cut to fit bis homely human plan And long 's I can I'm bootin’ loud and rootin' proud, by hucky, For that old boy from Hodgenville, Knint'icky! The Gettysburg Address j Remarks sc the Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, tlovember 10. ISO FOURSCORE and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that ell men ave created equal Now we are engage] in t treat civil war, testing whether that ! nation, or any nation s.i conceiwi and so dedicated, can long endure We are met on a great battlefield that war. We iiave come to dedi cate a portion of that field os a final resting place for those who her" gave -their lives that that nation might live It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. Hut in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, wo cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow, this ground. The brave, men, living and dead, win ! struggled here have consecrated it far above our power to adu or de I tract The world will llttlo note nor long remember what we say here but it can never forget what the;' did here I* is for us, the living rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have, thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to ; be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead wo take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly re solve that V'cse dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, undei God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people ami for the people shall not perish from the earth It May Be Pneumonia “A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult breathing. Then fever, with great prostration." If this should be your experience, send for your doctor. You may have pneumonia! if your doctor cannot come at once, give Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him exactly what you have done. Then do as he says. No alcohol in this cough medicine. j c7AyerCo.,Lowell.Ma&• Keep tl»e bowel* in ^ood condition One of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime will cause an increased flow ut biL and ptoduev a gentle laxative effect the day following.