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The Lambertville Record RECORD PUBU8HINC COMPANY WILLIAM B. DIMON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT LAMBERTVILLE, HUNTERDON CO., N. J. OFFICE COR UNION AND CORYELL STS. SUBSCRIPTION 1 year iu advance . 6 months “ . 8 monthn “ . Jot, Printing of every description from the smallest label or card to the Urgent handbill or pouter executed with neatnesa and dispatch at reasonable prices for best workmanship. Entered at the Lambertville Post Office as Second Class Matter 11.50 75 40 TUESDAY, JUNE 28th, 1910 Sterling Members on Excise Board. Iu all communities there in a difference of opinion re garding the wisdom of granting licenses to soil intoxicat ing liquor, Lambortville is no exception to the rule, Whatever is the opinion of the good citizens of this city along those lines there is no difference of opiniou regard ing the sterling characters of the members of the present Excise Board, or to specialize, of those gentlemen who have the honor, if also the great responsibility of cousti tilting the majority of this very important board While it is true Messrs. Thorne, Mioke and Roberson conscientiously believe in license, they have proven them selves, iu every instance, to belong to tliut high order of citizenship that fulfills to the highest degree the expecta tions of those whose votes were for them. Elected to close saloons and raise the liceuse fees it must be noted that their election pledges have been carried out to the lotter. Surely such actions deserve the com mendation of every good citizen. Carrying out such pledges requires men above tempta tion. ft is u novel experience to our people to have an Ex cise Board that Is not criticised as a petty, grafting, luw defying body, owned body und sonl by the lowest liquor intsrost of the city und it is with a blush of shame that the doings of Excise Boards in the no great distant past are re called. 'I'll ose in a position to know vouch for the state meut that these petty, grafting boards resorted, iu their dealings with the liquor interests, to any und all forms of graft from a free lunch to the demand for a substantial stipend for a license transfer. Messrs. Thorne, Mickeanil Roberson being men of integrity, who would scoru to stoop to such things huve brought ull such abominable practices to an end. Disagree with them ns you may on their license policy, we venture to say that friend or foe cau not be found with the nerve to associate graft with them. Unless we entirely misjudge the men iu this determiu arion to make an Excise itoard above reproach and thoy iu no way liositute to make it known, it will be well for those who have been given a liceuse to conduct their (daces well within the requirements of the luw or they will wake up to the fact that they have not boeu granted a perpetual privi lege. Messrs. Tliorue, Micko ahd Roberson are not the men to play favorites. They have sworn to do their duty and nolens all signs fail they will do it. It is the duty of every good citizen regardless of his opinion on the liquor question to encourage these men in a work so well begun. Here they are Thorne, Micke, Roberson. Taft Has Won His Vacation President Taft can (40 to uis simmer home feeling that he has earned nis vacation—if a President can be said ever to have a real vacation—for the cares of office follow him. Hut ho has kept the Republican faith, he has insisted that the majority party in Congress should keep it aud the re sult is a record of progressive legislation that is without equal. President Taft has been working under tremendous difficulties because the party of which he is the leader has not been united in either House or Senate. An element has arisen in a group of middle Western Stutes, known under the popular title of “insurgent.” This element, claiming to be of the Republican Party, hus prolonged the session aud has fought nearly every measure that the ad ministration has stood behind. Why the Senators aud Representatives engaged in this movement have acted as they have has not not always been plain, for after they had had their opportunity to denounce or to propose amend ments they have usuully fallen into line and supported the particular bill under discussion. Rut they have assailed the President, they have joined with the Democrats tip to a certain point and they have harrassed the passage of ev ery important measure from start to finish. It is wouderfu! that under such circumstauoes the President has succeeded in winning so great u victory, for a victory he has won aud of such proportions that it must have an excellent effect upon the coming campaign. Hu has been the man at the wheel aud he has piloted the Republican craft through tempestuous seas aud has never lost his grip even when Republican leaders in Congrpss faltered and were about ready to give up aud confess that the combination of iusurgeuts and Democrats was too strong to be overcome. Taft has shown himself to be a man of courage, of activity, of earnest conviction, and if the country does not rise to his leadership in the Novem ber election and send a Republican House back to Wash ington, it wilt be because most persons have forgotten the starvation times that accompanied the lust Democratic ad ministration, aud are deceived into believing that there is something in the Democratic contention that the rise in prices is due to the protective tariff. We cannot believe that they havo forgotten or that they cau be led astray again. A splendid record this Cougress has made. Much more remains to be done, it is true, aud that can be accom plished only through a Republican House. A Democratic victory would bring nothing but ooufusion aud would abruptly halt all progress.—Inquirer. The Value of New Friends. If a niuii (loBH not muke new acquaintances an ho ad* vauces through life, he will noon find himself left uloue. A man should keep his friendship iu cons taut repair.—Dr. .Samuel Johnson. The New States There was ho surprise in ttuy quarter when, last month, Congress voted to promote Ari zona aud NewMexico to the rank of statehood A dozen years ago they were at the point of admission by v irtue of an omnibus bill that would also have admitted Oklahoma and the Indian Territory as two Htates. A hard tight led by Senator Beveridge in his capacity as chairman of the Committee ton Territories, gave us the present Htate of Oklahoma, with suitable population and boundaries. Arizona and New Mexico ought to have beeu unifed and brought in aw rtn« .aa. _! . tlmt after fifty years the Htate *im«h?V»V *yh» ded into two tr n n*u population and wealth equal to twice the average of the rest of the States in the Union. I In nothing else have our political parties more perniciously obstructed statesmanship in the shaping and admission of new Htates. Under the hill as passed it will he some time before Htate constitutions can be adopted, and four new senators can be seated at Washington Meanwhile, this chap ter of our history being closed, we must all unite in wishing Arizona and New Mexico a great and honorable future. Let us also hope that the four U H. Senators may prove to he men of sound character, even though of limit ed public experience —Prom "The Progress of the World." in the American Hefiew of Ite views for July BABY'S DEADLIEST EMEMY The fly w hich you remove from your milk pitcher may or may not have had a life his tory connected with all or any of the diseases named at the beginning of this article; hut depend upon it, he has been wallowing in milk after he had been in filth- The falling of in fected flies into milk on the farms or in the dairies has made i*>Bsible many a local epi demic of typhoid fever The same propensity of the fly for milk baths has made the child's "second summer" a thing to he dreaded by all mothers. How few parents realize that were it not for the fly the child's second sum mer would he no more to he feared than his second winter. The very high death rate of children from diarrheal diseases abruptly rises and falls with the prevalence of flies. This great mortality among young children from diarrhea and enteritis causes a great er decrease in the human span of life than does any other preventable riixeafte. Oov. IfuifheM Iihh aptly Haiti ‘ our iuo»t va 1 liable natural resource is our children."Whei we consider that the fly is the chief disseiui nator of the disease to which children arf most susceptible, the necessity for a re lent less warfare upon .this domestic pest i apparent.—From Review of Reviews for July SPEARING THE CACTUS. Customs of the Natives of the Mexl* can State of Sinaloa. -p ••• **SBI^| long state, comparable almost with Chile, as it lies along the west const of Mexico, Just ns Chile lies along the Pacific shore of South America. Like most new countries, the most Interesting part of this fertile state Is its inhabitants, possibly because the country Is so fertile. Game Is abun dant and easily caught, and the fruit of the great plthaya cactus Is ripe almost from season to season. Every native, whether mounted or afoot—and most nlftlves ride -carries a slender stick ten feet long, sharpened at one end and the point hardened with Are. One supposes these sticks to be rath er primitive lances until one sees the Indian spear a cactus fruit from a branch seven or eight feet above his bead. These pltbayas contain mauy seeds and a little blood red pulp, all j of which, except the spines, is food for the Indian All day long these Indian men wan der through the Jungle, a wall of green broken only here and there by the old trails of half wild cattle, gathering the cactus fruit. It would seem that some would be dried or at least taken to the brush Jacnl. which represents home to the Indian. Rut. no; lie sits down and eats what he gathers Immediately. If his wife wants any of the fruit she goes and gets It herself. She also gathers the food for the babies.—For est and Stream. THE MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY, 73rd Semi-Annual Dividend Notice The Manager* of this ltauk have ordered paid from the caruitii;* of the hmuuesH for the Six Months Ending June 30, 1910 to the depositor* entitled thereto under the By-Uwii, a semi-annual interest dividend as follows : 1st At the rate of b in ii i»er centum i»*»r annum on all account* from •MW to $1,(100 ami on the tlrut $1,(W0 of all larger AQfo account* wml At 1 he nitr of per centum (8 percent.) per annum on the exocsH of $1,000. Payable on a ml after July ltftli, 1910 I^correaponaunee Noumea. Rank open »1kily from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m except Haturdays amt Holiday* On Saturday's from 9 a. m to itf o'clock noon. PHILANDER B. PIERSON, President HORACE G. WOLFE. Sec y and Treasurer Stockton’s Quick Lunch Cafe No. 3 NORTH UNION STREET, LAMBERTVILI.E, N. J. FRIED OYSTERS A SPECIALTY. CRANE’S ICE CREAM. Steaks, Chops, &c., Oysters, Clams, Clam Chowder, Baked Beans, Ham, Tongue Fish Cakes, Egg and Fried Oyster Sandwiches, Hard, Soil and Deviled Crabs, Steamed Oysters, Pickled Tongue, Pigs' Feet, Pie and Milk. WANTED At ouoe. Meu to represent ub, either locally or traveling. Now ia the timo to atart. Money in the work for the right men. Apply »t once and aeoure territory. ALLEN NURSERY Co.. ROCHESTER.N.Y. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Complex ion sallow? Liver needs waking up. Doan’s Regulets cure bilious attacks. 35 cents at any drug store. Market Prices Corrected every Mouduy and Thurs day uioriiiK. Fresh Butter. Egt;a per do/. Lard. Potatoes. Honey. Wheat. Rye. Corn. Oats. Wheat Floor.. . 38 . 33 . 15 . 80 . 19 .$1 00 . 75 . 83 . 40 $3.40 to $3.30 —The real Bread— L. B. O.— Spe cial every afternoon. I | Three per cent, interest paid on Certificate* , of Deposit and in Havings Department. Hafe deposit boxes for rent in new vault from three dollars up. Wills receipted for and kept free of charge. No charges made for collecting incomes and making investments. CALVIN SOL LI I)A T, Dissident. JOHN V HOLCOMBE, Vice PresUteut FRANK A. PHILLIPS Cashier. W.S. HULSHIZKR, Asst. Cashier WILLIAM L. WILSON, Teller DIHKCTOItS. Calvin Holliday, Hainuel A. Hums, J. 8. Mtmldlford. Oeorge W. Massey, Isaiah I*. Smith. William l.auer. Krank A. Phillip*, Oeo. L. Koinlue, John g, Holeomhe, Wllinot Uiilnby, J. W. Crook. FREE MEDICAL BOOK. ■ This coupon, if mailed at once, is good IfiT/tSa* °°py Of MURKAY’8 MEDICAL I lA. FH- an up-to-date household medical I dictionary. Cut out this coupon and mail I it to M l) ft HA \ CHEMICAL CO., 244 East |r>tfml St., New \ork City, N. Y. Murray’s Lotion cures Eczema. Dr. KENNEDY’S rifftMM UTU«| P»w*rW It Care, And Web la Krery H* I KIDNEY LIVERMRE! Dr. Kennedy** FtvtrlK U»Mly !■ ad _ „ adapted to aL age* and both eexea, afford ing permanent relief In al caaee caueed by impurity ol the blood, euch as Ktdaev. Bladder and Uw Complaint*. Cure* Oo» sttpatlon and Weakness peculiar to women. It proves successful in ciam where all other med* icinea have totally failed. No sufferer should dee pair as long aa this remedy la untried. It haa an nn broken record of aucceaa for over thirty years, and haa wen hoeta of warm Mends. For sale by all druggists er write to Dr. David Kennedy’s Sons, Handout K. Yn for a free sample bottle and medical bookie! —Seventeen years of steady increase in sales is a strong endorsement for the “Lambertville Pufl.” TIZ. Get it at Siiamalia’s. —There’* satisfaction in smoking Lambertville Puffs. Children Crj FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA I Virginia of the Air Lanes A ROMANCE OF FLYING ... By Herbert Quick Copyright. 1909. by O'® Bobbi Merrill Company Continued stranger lighted the weed. He was a medium sized person, with deep set eyes flickering from their cav erns with n blurred sharpness. Ills face was sallow and colorless, with hollows in I ho cheeks. His nose was irregularly notched In profile, like the ■tub of sometfling else broken off his face. “My name is (’arson.” said Theo dore, “and 1 am from the south, from Alabama 1“— “Craighead is mine.” rejoined the other. ‘I am from here and elsewhere. There are twenty planes where I might vote were there any question under the sun worth voting on I think I may venture to give you. sir. as my perma nent resident e. until further notice only, the Hat .Mott. Paris.” “I”— began Carson “The Hat Mort.” Interposed Craig head. “One deep midnight in the dear, dread past beyond recall I was ejected from the I hit Mort because my conduct was not up to the theretofore undis I_ “I All FROU HKH1 AND KLHEWHKIIK." closed standards of the place—from the Rat Mort—actually truu out, to colu an expression' Doth It not open glimpses of a depravity hitherto fubu lous? And when I have been graduated from this emporium I shall return, pride In my port — meaning nothing vinous- defiance In mine eyes, and I shall sit down In the Rat Mort and be have myself for long, long periods of time, for ages. Carson grew somnolent. Mr. Craig head sat upright, tanking occasional elocutionary gestures with Ills cigar hand. Morning came Two or three men came past the greenhouse, went round ljt and walked away again, ns If mak ing some sorl of search. They came back after a time and entered. One was a tall, athletic, ruddy complexlon ed. youngish man, who seemed to be the lender of the trio. They gazed at the sleeping Carson and Craighead as If taking stock dispassionately of re turned estrays In the form of doga or horses “Well, Mr. Craighead," said the tall one lit accents distinctly British, “I'm no end sorry to find you out of bounds again, sir!” lustuutly wide awake, Craighead as sumed an attitude of jocular famil iarity. "It agonizes me to have given you a moment’s pain, Dennis," said he, "but believe me 1 should have been bowling like a banshee had 1 stayed longer In the storm center of Mr. Waddy's pneu matic slumbering." From his evident Irritation at the mention of his "pneumatic slumber ing" Carson guessed that the shorter of Dennis' companions was Mr. Wad dy. He was blocky and strong In build and bearded with gray excre acenses that grew forward and up ward from all points, as If eyebrows, whiskers and mustache had been train ed through a knothole for a long time and then suddenly cropped off and left staudlng. He was puffing audibly. This la bored breathing coupled with his ap pearance of having dressed hurriedly gave him the general effect of one who has leaped suddenly from bed and chased something at high speed. He had on a topcoat over shirt and trou sers. Ou one foot was an arctic over shoe, on the other a Wellington boot. "Mr. Craighead," said he, as If care fully choosing terms of scathing re buke, “I've seen all kinds, and you do beat—the—Dutchl” “Thank you.” said Mr. Craighead, bowing. “Pardon me, Dennis, have you not met my friend, Mr. Carson, from Alabama? A new arrival. A pe riodical, I believe. Mr. Canon, Mr. Dennis O'Qrady. Mr. O'Orady Is the official dispenser of dope"— “Tonic, Mr. Craighead, U 1 may cor rect you, slrl" said Mr. O’Orady. “Of course, Dennis,” protested Craig head, “I meant tonlcl And is this Mr. Canon’s jag boss? I hope his slum ben are less sonorous than Mr. Wad dy’s, Mr. Carson. I”— “Attendant," suggested Mr. O'Qrady softly. “Mr. Evans Is the attendant of Mr. Wylie. No doubt an error on Mr. Craighead's part, Mr. Wylie, but we understand perfectly that you an the Mr. Wylie who arrived very 111 last night, sir, and who departed baton we could give him the examination and the formal admission. Mr. Bvana will attend upon you, Mr. Wylie, and we hope, sir, to have you feeling much better In a few days, slrl” “You an greatly mistaken!” exclaim ed Theodon. “I don't belong hen at all!” “Quite right, sir!” responded ,Ur. O’Orady heartily. “Quite right! I am glad that you an already able to see, sir, that you belong with Mr. Evans In room M, air.” “But I am not Mr. Wylie,” inter posed Canon. Continued on 4th page BOB HOT BARGAINS THIS WEEK Simmering, sizzling, scorching values. The real sensation of the season. Remarkable in its scope- extraor dinary in its saving opportunities! Don’t let anything keep you away from this store to-morrow. A showing that positively outclasses anything you’ve seen anywhere, any time. We don't sell credit-we GIVE it! We sell for cash when we can-but when a customer asks for credit we give it. We extend easy payment privileges to everyone, ALL THE TIME. Do you want a good Refrigerator We're in the front row when it comes to Refriger ator selling. They’re bright, new, spic and span. Refrigerators and Ice Box es have already made a phenomenal hit. Ihey're famous ice saver s as well as money savers aiTtt are scientificallybui It. 10 Days’ Free Trial. All All Sizes ssr$9.w>442.MI Free Trial NO MONEY DOWN. 50 I Cents a Week. This Handsome $16 Couch can be Bought THIS WEEK for $9.98 ffiCD$*TfatTnduce5leep IN’o Money Down Whole gleaming avenues of bright new patterns in BRASS and IRON BEDS. $6.00 Beds, now - $3.19 $8.00 Beds, now - $4*98 10 Days’ Free Trial—No Money Down BUY MATTING NOW So follow this good advice and inspect our huge stock of Summer Floor Coverings. Fresh, new, pliable Ja pan and China Mattings. Cool and inviting, 50 CENTS A WEEK. $13.50 Rolls redocedto 9.9ft ANY SUMMER SEWINGS MADAM? ^ If so join the Og den Bailey Sewing Machine Club. $1 w hen you join and 50c a week after. This is a high - class guaranteed machine and we are selling hun dreds of them C'me see them. Regular $35 machine, now $17.98 tISK THE OLQ BlltOH Ooden credit Svitem Center of Umbertvillt, N. j. -A Different Kind Of a Credit Store Ogden-Bailey Co., 16fiT“on Lambertvtlle. N. J. Do You Tl(lnk For Yourself ? Or. d open your month like s young ffulp down whatever food or modi* .be offered you f ♦ ♦ ♦ Intelligent thinking woman, from weakness, nervousness, lug. then It meant much to - --V"tf 'rl«l md iqa. hunca medicine nv jnaSwN ""MnniTUltl, sold to dmrol>t, for the cure of wnmtn', lilt In need o pstn and you that ***** Th« makers of Dr. Pierce's Faro rite Pre scription. fSr the cure of weak, nervous, run down. over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked women, knowing this medicine to be made up of Ingredients, every one of which has the strongest possible Indorsement of the leading and standard authorities of the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and In fact, are unly too glad to print, as they do. the formula, or list of lugredienls, of which it Is composed, in plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. ***** The formula of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre acrlptlon will bear the mott critical eiatnina tlon of medical experts, for It contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters Into It that Is not highly recommended by the moat advanced and leading medical teachers and author ities of their several schools of practice authorities recommend the Ingredients ^rl'CTgst.r^teWvscrlptlo^TrTb * * * ~5 * Mo other medicine for woman's Ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has rerelved. In the un qualified recommendation of each of Its several Ingredients by scores of leading medi cal men of all the schools of practice, la such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration! ***** A booklet of Ingredients, with numerous euthorstlve profeslonsl endorsements by the lesdlng medical authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for same AddiuM Dr. B. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. T. ^Remedy* CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm it quickly tbssrfctd. Give* Relief el Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem bran* resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Mead quickly, lie- ||^y j»gyg| stores the Metises of » w w w w>. Taste and 8inell. Full gixe 50 da., at Drtti E'sts or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cent! y Brothers, 5G Warren Street, New Yor) Chlldran 'Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA ■any Children are Sickly. Mother Grey’^Jilwef^Powders ^or i Samson Felt Mattresses THE MATTRESS THAT “PUTS YOU TO SLEEP1* Samson Felt Mattresses rank with the best made The materials used are the best that can be secured and their “building" is done by workmen who understand mat tress making. No stuffing as of old, but instead, a system aticly built mattress consisting of layer upon layer of elastic beautiful airy white, flaky sheets. Guaranteed strictly sani tary, vermin proof and non-absorbent. No lumps or holes which destroy your slumbers, such as occur in cheap “stuffed" mattresses. 2 feet 6 inches wide 3 feet wide 3 feet 6 inches wide 4 feet wide 4 feet 6 inches wide $8.25 8-75 9*5 ■ * - 10.00 . * - 10.40 Made in two parts for 50 cents extra. Twenty years experience in mattress making insure the quality and-'Workmenship of our goods. The HARRY B. SALTER CO., D«Pt G. Trenton, N. J. CLARENCE RANDALL MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES and WAGONS NEWTOWN, PENNA. I ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD A88GBTMEM ON HAND. OALI, AND SEE THEM SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING. TROLLEYS To TRENTON Cars leave Bridge Street, Lambert ville, for Trenton 6:20, 7:20, 8:20, 9:20,10:20,112:0; a. M. 12:20,1:20,2:20, 3:20, 4:20,5:20, 6:20, 7:20,8:20,9:20, 10:20, 11:20, P. M.; 12:20 midnight, daily, Sunday included. Returning, leave Trenton on same schedule from 5:20 A, M., to 11:20, P. M. Farr' 25c. each way, or 50c. return. Connections At Yardley.; Cars leaving Lambertville at 6:2'® 7:20, 9:20, A. M.; 2:20, 5:20, P. M., make immediate connection at Yardley with trains for Philadelphia, arriving there in one and one-half hours. - Re turning, trains leaving Reading Ter minal at 7:23, 11:30, A. M., 1:30, 2:,7> 3:,7> 4:i7. 5:3°> 6:|7. 7:17» p M., make close connections for Lam bertville. Round trip rate, $M4 - 20c. each way to and from Yardley, and $1.04 return, to Philadelphia. Close connections at Morrisville with electric cars to and from Bristol and Philadelphia, TreBtofl.Net Hope &LambertTilleSt.Rv Subscribe for the Twice-a-Week Record