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THE LAHBEftTVILLE RECORD RECORD PUBLISHING COMPANY. WILLIAM B. DIMON, ES'TO* » W O PU BUS N C R PTBLI'HEP , AT aiiumiii, irsttis's ox. s. j, C" CE COi »WO COftTCU *"^S. SUBSCRIPTION . yexr :c rina^ .#'..50 Jo PtlB&XI 4 er-err -isaenj-fcor. frccL —•? 'Si lefi iabei or .ard tc tie Ursesi . •.. -'r rcew-r ejecated *-.i£ Eatress ! >raici »: rMcmbit pr. oas if bast Hr- rai i.: -i? IanMl0®:-c*,* ; : ; av Xatwr T.£$DA> NOVEMBER 5 £M0. Afirr x'-ii :--3e. BEtii farther notice - r.rr :' make better arran^reaects : r :_e *fr:aeh:njs b; -days. Tex Ex'cbt- mi i-e published once a re;i>: Friday. Paid in adTanee ?Ei-j: r:; ;:oas »i’i he eiter ie-3 pro j*:r::c cate! y HOPE FOE THE LOCAL OPHOS isrs. Z'ui re*. •- at the recast elaetioc baxe - x#-J very ea*ise to the Lx; 0/t::aj*t.« :f Huaterdos Cotta :y. > r Q«f bird! *al si: M»u^e*e_ tat* Chesty are siasEeh Local Optiosiste. K4i being pledee-d : do eTerytbiEi- ia tlstir p;*ctt. seeare tae eaactaaest cf a Lora. Ot t; a Li* Sose people b*Te frits- .*ei S»a»tor Ge._»rdt asd Assets'. xrsaii Mattie** beessae they did not do aaythiag for Local Optioe at last Wtaters ses*.;s of the L*gi» latttre. Tie far.a Lor*' 0. assists of Hscterdot Coaoty L&xe zz Senator Gebfaardt and Asse*atuyni*B VC the*? - _ T;u:. sttpretie and they say tit- beoaase :f the Legtahusre aad G'. xerE:-r iast year art beisg is p?;r .■*; syapasLy *::a toes. *as a xrfT i..;i rjnsv; *iy Senator Gei> hardt as i Asserted# matt Xatt&m ce-s.J tc-t accosa: anyth.-g for the L -r*' Ort'.-n rattse Happily Loea! Of-uot:«ts say the recent riar cro Las rltarei tats eosdmoE ui gixen t; >r raloe Ge: hardt and Assetr t-iyirat. Martas** a Legislature aid a Gcrertcr -.t fa I joiitsca: systpatry *:th treat Cocse-itf nt.e Loral Of ti.*i*t* :f Haeterija C. Jity “Sr* to ee.etrare tie rirt:ry that they fee. * at# wx: f«et apoa their busen this airier and A: s:b- ‘ cr a* *el! to Seaator Gefchardt at d Assert' ymaB Mattie**,. *:# bare e sob r by tie Lora Or-tsos ran*# is tie fare A at sa;;t:ty ia tie Ler>.*;:tt. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. F: n osr spacaai ' Tte Pres: :.-rzi is* rw: a© :tdia t- ’S* &s> to &L5 r*;^IT? Otl tbi* FfiKit , -r err .-a, ul wib Ft.'‘4bCr ae-t iv so fire; *. -:rd:recliT ia rif -trefssge ~ C tigress H* if sot ’ike hi? p»de ffS-f-. ■ 1H ;0 I; :Oi atiim. as fee mb sr i- ;is eoat: ?er?.ss sri (vtfieb, fTr'-r'- zz St l U=:s~ (vsBit 14 !:•« s* to other* mors ft: ;f»l is the i»£r It treasase be wiii res©©® af.ii sae *-rtr>e c-r Ceijrw '<o©k ■ -if rtie'-ir :f to-rirtioas wix-t ire cerntth-'r *ecef’ted a? tS. it the .ste a: .rj:*' It » E. w ift f :* t iiif-f-.: ■ i^re lit! Et-i'.-Tf-s. - *: tr- ip~ {-:•:-*• r-: ' - f: J;*- > -f tie ha t rets* Oci:• r E-.-.t it i e-ea seiee* t j i.rt-tf :f ISf ri.VJKf. :-a this betel, lit the New Y et Leruhttrs ' beiir Petotrstte wnld ehrose t Pf-r \t»; :■: -tK-ffi i. — . therefore at rtf if-' - -:fi tiit if us seeded more ia the Seratr than c-a the Sspreme ■ft:L N ipf./.ttsfs-* •! : bow erer. tor ■ * if mc: after Gaagresss XITfttf. Oae c-f tie eat: nates:* rwifOlc to the Dem.-mts from tie :«ftt efee tw: i* : f tie Hcitf cf Re; re~rztittTf*. XiL* i>es cm mesa tie v -aif:-_:; i js*. as there are : Tf r ire _at. irei sue :5«f to be iieb, with sa-iry itodUKttf raag :sg fr . ts S. to 55»>iO pee tiasc. Tie Doorkeeper if one of the import* sat oCch, ss-i as ier him ire arer seTfsty employe*. Next ia import-* saee ;l 4 the Clerkship, ties fallow tie t-©rgaaat it Atm.* sal P;»t»asser eseh with i Urge isaiet *>f employes* CE their re£!s Ib«e :Sc«f are *1. bow by {U: :c :n». *1-0 will irM .Ter util tie tsewthUig of es* sect December. sitLcagh tie iife-of this Com fee exp-ires Hares, ■its. Here wilt be * great serubli for these eSee*, is it t« beer s toog time *:cee i Ihscmt was {at'tted it tie Captioh Besides tsese eer-eril cites all tie Ork* of Committee* ib4 iti.jutu. witi be railed os to waik the pluh sad .et the fajlifs. ir. eassieg great joy among those with k sg poittanl {mils. Dr. Wiley, food expert of the Agu ea;tarsi Dnarmnt is? rose isto tie lisse light again by csl.iag sites - tics to the ett: fleet of win fee cal is the “ahot-gsa” iortoss. that is ’A dorter who gixt* a p raadKpiwa cob* ttiiag a large ramber of drag* is the hope that cce of the lot may hit the disease- He says these doctors remind him of the banter who uses a shot gun. expecting that one oat of the charge may hit tbe mars. He »« sains to try and hare this system if practicing medicine remedied, he does nvt say in what way, bat if ne carries it too far he may great'.v re duce the list of these professional gentlemen Champ Clark, of Missouri. who will probably be the next Speaker of t ie House, is scheduled to arriTe here tne coming week. His early arrival is for the purpose of con suiting with L:* friends loosing to tue organiz.*' a of the House, in ease he ccBir, s tie sitaatiOB. There will so doubt be other candidates, bet with Mr. Clark's experience and abilitr. he is looked apes as the proper mac. His friends are coming together early to appor tion the House oSces. and unless combinations are n ade through his lieutenants, nothin, need be expect ed. as they will coni . tne situation for the benef: of their friends. Remington . Miss H ^:e sees* 5nni.iv with menus :n East Qrarsge. Mrs. Ha-nah Esg. is has been vjscr-g her soc in Pair held. Dr. W. Eiw'te eriertuinec trora laathotiSe las: week Mrs. Theo. Johnspn aad daughter of New York are spending some time at the home ae Harvey Knnl and wife. J. S. Cooiey has laid a new an la in iroat of his pvjpem _o Mij le ave nar Week s pogressrag rapidly oc the rear public library here. Tne farms x Mrs. Anna Lane ra beeo soii to -7 B. Hodgstm of Pia: > neii About bn persons from here ihtad ed tbe Yaie-Pnncetoc. foocbtli game a: Pnocetoc oc- Sara- fay. Miss Minnie Clemens was a Scant, twice to Q_aterst>wm Tbe ladies* tbe Fleam g:.- Bap tist Church serve' supper t. u: per txs oq Weinesii i Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Frenchtown % Samuel VV naan of Philadelphia was a recent vsin,: here. Mrs. Cluster A. Nice spe t a few days week ;n Penh A«nb>:\ Mrs. Alfred Curtis visited her father at Lo3i, or, Frxiay. Mrs Robert McIntyre was tendered a surprise party ry her frier, -f s Thurs day even:eg. Clarence Trimmer is quite ill with typhoid lever at his borne. 1 he P. O. S. of A., wi’t ho'-J a box social this evening. COIFFURE STYLES. A Stunrng C-sat? am Seen *t Par* T-ewter. A FtCTT HAIX UiASOOm S its r-i city :« rise sershSe of g*»3 iiiodressiitS fee hkjsi ■»;_«; aas. t*~: la tie ereaiag coiirnre there is asset Smom aUowed Its fact, one say be as pk-rarcahfe iz rise raatter of *r ratrixr c*ae s hair is tie costume art fare trill stisd. F:r :ae £tr: *i> r:« is far fatxMfsi effects tie t - asi ~e;>>a si st lzc a 5—s.r: stye of iAiriressiar -sroe-s at a Parts theater recesay stay offer set erst nis at*'e s arrest:: as. Us? " Re; -** cs'i-i-word ais. Ttista-s? *■ t ;es ;c. Record O^k. Executor’s Sale of Real Estate TO C_OSE ESTATE Cf VVM. V'. COOLEY, Dec’d PLBLIC CTIOX l> THE cm OF LAHBERTVILLE On Thursday December 15th, 1910 At 2 P. S. the Premises Ti-r v»: Arvre isi CxsnSro Shk. Sr. e u: « rxuc Sgcat. Tii ~ Arc* s. t-:er*S screes x :he A yswraega bacsL^t* .:«tn:x i a* ye*--*. zz :r. t bears :szj* (fc; X :▼ ■xrnw-i tni ml nrit li-e si irrensn. j ti be aoie -r-r.z- sr Tzixn "■lifliin % J C*x be ie-fcx »; aty rjae :t e*. __i_c : z lie J C ¥. VTIEXHOtSE. SsA-nni Encatcr. * Headquarters STOVES RANGES N. J. imp. & Hardware Co. 31 BRIDGE ST. LAMBERTV1LLE, N. J. REPOKT OF THE CONDITIOH •T THE Lambertville National Bank at Tawi}■***?riH^. in the State of New Jersey a S3 «*:•/»*■ !>'• r*-3M » as the ck*5-e of bssmecs. Xorember IS*. EXaorBClS. XjBOSiai diseoast*..ISSJ* *1 Cheriafls. served and anfe>?-ftred. F > Bonds :-■ se.'cre^r. .. Bonds. ae«rit*«a. e*c. Eaaiirj fe^ase. f amirsr* A fLxrcre* Doe firooB National Bank*. I>ne from State an i Printe Bash* and Bankers. Ac. I>ne frosi approved reeerv* agents Chrcis and ether oaeh item* y otes of ffaSKnal Bank* - -; - Fractional paper enrresoj. Bsekel? and rents .. Liiin M. 5H Kes-ei'i 3 fim I -7 • - r :.••*' Beiemj ii'>n fa»l v :tb F Trras. ;sr ^ -553 t£ :r: :«? so© 15 «*s;.45» Capital stock pa~: in . - - . . .. Santa :nn i. rW-ITjded profiler- -. - Nasic-aU Ba ns rkfce* >st5ta&dia£ I*n<r it oaker Nanconal Bax.*.* . Doe jo Su,J<e Bar a ad Bankers Iadzrvitaa! dep*'~;:> sabjeei to etse: k Dewoad certificate* of -3ep*c^’ <..ersifir*i cinrek* Gashier'* rii-r- -i> >3S«aadiii^ — :*-57v* 91 : v: 2JK :rs J - . . . _ S& Sttri t Nr. iiH-'.' r. rsrr r arvrrsj. t. . fs 1 Fnr t JL i • C*>_:*r ?f ti - TA3.-1 t5ra lii.: the 4: •> rrr- * rLc rf rj kwi) ce «-.J ke&rf Fiin A. I’, CtsbizT. '•fiyrz tse 'i : ;-iy -' S;i-s':« i*ff ^fiTTii F Bi'-irif? Nmetj PaJ.i: . "iiTrs SiuisiT r».T- • V- ‘ ... - 'Tr: -_i'. i •>!•.• w ItiS-IT LICENSE NOTICE. N r - - •-~;rr.T«5 5b« ‘.r- r;i H Htr zmi-'. will *zz-T *i i£f mt :—-“Ar mrr :' ‘ :t Ei"- (' >»«i*5iOBer«, wiach w~i 1 :-r t- : T > •‘■rssl r;*. zr ~ iz^-Liy «T,t3(,DMaAtfftL. -tr »; 7 *3 O ?•-* Ics uz-i 1 tB r t: * ■r:;5c:j7i:n »: N ‘ :i Ciir:l it tie <, ;jt 'f .’ASS* E SErSOLDS. etsr ’ eft UsMtej - N - N’Tesc^r 1 IKS. —Sete-’e-T t-*-5 . f ••«*»? is es -- «_■ ft? :j ' -MEeti f;r *.'a? "Lis'^'tT - Pa2 r-?sr»'>e N ::-5. -rr:'t • a.: 5 - a' - r ■ *i - ; ipr* at Hi": 5 This is the chief requisite far making Perfect Bake Day Foods ROYAL Baking Powder The oohr Baking Pow der rrvaAf from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —Made beta Capes— i PATENTS Cl::-; >t»i« F.'iwscb fateoM. *e-rare*4 xxii »>*i Tr» -W luiv ui i -r rrict:^ \o V aatei ti - r^vit is aafewnd. fwarti *i®ak «iik a*s<sri* T>T* if r»f«R -« t-X tTtr ■<HZJ:--Z. *.* to PkKaniel-'j T( airerc*? Puts?? tse *»ie ai oar e xyow. • Gsiii ’««*> Snw. FL LLER'Vv FI LLER - uTm i'H ■ r ii* Fistiis. WASHINGTON. D. C Children Cry FBI FLETCBEIS CASTORIA § FALL PREPARATION have been going steadily on and we are now ready to meet your wants. We would call attention to the following well known lines of merchandise: “Meroc.” Underwear “Onyx” Hosiery “Tannerts” Gloves “R. & G. Corsets “Lion Brand” Shirts and Collars “Columbia Yarns” “Slide Easy Brand” Neckwear Ii vou are going to buy Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, tic., &c., why not get the best and be fully satisfied. SPECIAL UNTIL GONE* Ladies’ Hand Embroidered Pure Linen Handkerchiefs ioc. each. $1.00 doz. S. A. FINGER, Agt 40 N. UNION ST. LAMBERTVILLE Oyster Patties ARE GOOD Leave your order the night before and get fresh flaky ones .... Tirt* per ctmt. imureas p*:i ©n Certificate : 5 IVj-.Tji: asi is jurist* r*tr»rtat-fct safe Jerosu bcxee far rest in s*» r»-Ut frisc. ltr« *Cjn sip. TSs r*r*ipj<si far ac i kept free ~i c'ancpe. So ?~Ars~ satie for iflli Iiai . *®d reakisg zartaaesta. SL TI-X $* I. LIT*A 1. PrvflS^iis. Jv3X <*. BGLCOMMK. Ta* FRJ.S K J. FSILL1FK Cct\^r W- & KKZSSIZKS. As* "irw '•kill:a x l wil> s\ n~r UlKU'TOK.v Cahrta SoJJfiaT. Prank A. Phillip*. SmmI A. Ran>. 6w. L - Kvnitir. S. ^Mktiferd. J*tu» y. Holcmnk*. 0«wx* *• W.I«iM OuinbT, Isaimk P. $wik. J. W. Crock. J- K. LAB AW, Funeral Director & Upholsterer JkZ iiaif df -xtt.: tan rejiaimt Torkawi rriosf c3*j»es*m to ? **< .*. faction Nisrit Beil on «&oe oo.v N«. «t SOBTH OilON MKKKT. LuiWftiilW. X, 4. •v. HAYHURST, (itawritef-aMar, its icitor, Mmxtxr in C\anrcry «*„? /Wif, 51 NORTH UNION STREET. Imml ifTfrt/iV, A*. / F. W. S_ARISON, Owwr Jfaia tad Jefrrt/sm *tr**u% has-, i-trtrt Ut, A". / Dr. CHARLES E. WAGG DENTIST. tirt imir of University of Pecn?T;T»£_i PORCELAIN WORK A SPECIALTY. C«'- I’nion and Corytil Sts. w. P. THORNTON, RUBBER STAMPS, ** buttonwood street *w» <*r :a Fine Rubber PriEna* v*-*- Presses. Buraia* Brsni* and rieneUi. 'voe for the aeiin*. JOHN C. MOORE, fire Insurance Agent, Ekioqe St. i iufif> « tioae st.. lambeatwlle. KEFREoExtIXO r«E UNION INSURANCE COMPANY ... or *MtL»OCl.*»H» i c:« if one of the rerx bees C«bm'<« U»"e« pud stnoe . rc*ris«uoe^Sh # :.iUu«> be be vntten fee ant* reij trolleys To TRENTON „C-US leave Bridge Street. Lamber. vitte, for 1'r^nion 6:10. 7:*^ 5.;; 3-0.4:;i,5:ro. l> M.; irtrc mtnAg i.atlv, Sunday included. Rettirrini ieAV0 •«««» on same schedule iron s'0 A, M.. to 1 i:rcs P. U. Fire a5c Clt'' or 50c. return. Connections At Yardley. V -its leaving LuuNrrtviile a: u: : = -'0. «:iv\ A M.; r:ro. s;jo. P. ’ 1. Ae tmtno.5i.ue connection At Yard 'vuh trains tor Philadelphia, uriv tkero m one and one-hil:' Imbr. 1 tunung, trains leaving Reading 1 mtna! at u.^ ^ Xl ' ,. stir. t:t: S'sjo, 6:1;, ;:i; M.. nuke close connections kW L Ivrtvt.le Round trip rate. #1.4 iov'. each way to a!V> ft**, Yur '^l04 Wutn«l° PhiladeSi^ia. t- lose connections at Momsrilk TffllM Hfif Btif i LatetlfiL'S -.TJXrkRFS hair balsam