Newspaper Page Text
'.' ..$ ,),,k--V ( I 1 V t f. 9 -A. .IvaflixllllI HfttOt. . Qrt-hAlf, column, on ye'. OrM-fourlh enlttmu, erne year.. On square (10 '"") i"ition additional Insertion, 80.00 U.nn 76 60 fi-oWtmtel and Business carls ol ivoimortthan linos, per year, 8.00 ataallor, Knecittnr, Administrator Sad Assigns Notices, ' Editorial notices per line, 1' All trenseient advertising less than I month 10 MnM s line. AU advertlsetncnui for a shorter pe riod than on yr are payable att.t time they are ordered, and II not paid tee person ordering them will oe neldj -MnoiMlbte for tit mon. v j Pod v y , chakQc billing brook. f-fcYl In hammock, Ke ailing book, Golden curia, Tlhy feat, Olrl n huiiimork IjOokn no sweet, Ulan rides past, Pig moustache. Girl In hammock, Makest-Manli." Married now One year ago, Keeping hoitee . On ltaiter Kow. IUhI ht stove, Heefstftk frying, Olrl got married, Cooking trying. Cheeks ar.Tjimilng, Eyes look red, Girl Rot married, Nearly dead, Dlacult burnt up, ' . Beefitteak olwrry, Girl pot married, , Awful sorry. Man comes homo, Team Moustache, 1 Matt aa Maxes; Or t no hush, Thinks ef hammock In the lane Wishes maiden - Back again,) Madcn also , Thinks of swlnj, ' ' "Want to go back Too, poor thing. Hour of uildnifflit. Baby squawling, Man In aoek feet ' lirnvely walking. Baby yells on. Now the other Twin lie strikes up Like hi brother, Paragorid By the bottle, Kiuptleil Into - Buby'a throttle, Naughty tack Points In air Waiting some one's Feet to tear. Man In sock feet See him therel Uoly Moses! Hear him swearl " Raving crazy, Gets his gun, Blows his head o(T Dead and gone. Pretty widow, With a book. In the hammock. By the brook, Man rtiies past. Big, . Keeps on riding; Nary "Mash." TRAVELERS' TRAITS. ' Eccentricities of Prominent Persons ' .on the Rail. ' Roaco Conkling generally get one seat in a drawing room and be , , ' get all the oewepapera La can bay, '' read tbem and throws thorn all ov . er tba drawirjg.rooro in a mass, be sides he fjlfsjs bas a portmanteau . fall of law papers, which be strews - all over every seat ia the drawing room. Conkling ia a very vaio trav eler and wanta everybody io tho car ' to ' look at . him. Now, there' LlaiD, be'a just the opposite, he al . ways boys tba whole drawiog-room and shots himself up, and ia a very modest, retiring traveler i but Grant , Is a qaeor, old fellow. Wbon be 't. . .wasl'reUdoDt of the United States be nearly always traveled in a spec ial ear, bat now, since bo bas be ; . eoase private citison. be travel jatt aboat the same as ordinary , folk. Yoa can always find Orant In the rear end of the car in the ' smoking apartment with a cigar io bis month, and there be sits with a . band on either arm of bis chair and smokes and smokes, thoroughly ob , liviona of everybody in the car. He never looks at anyone sometimes be srill look oat of the window for i , boors, when he's not doing that he's ; glancing over a newspaper. He's ! Ipdifforent to everything that's go ing on, ' Why, if the train be , is in stops on the road ia the open cono tsjr fpr soms mlnatea bs never moves, never . inquires what's the natter, bat aits and smokes stolidly . jiotil the train starts, while all the other passengers pat their beads oat x ef tb windows or . get off to see what's gone wrong." ' l reuember a trip to Chicago Grant mad in my : ear some time B0." His seat was directly behind lady who was trsTeling 'stone- ao-J wk, by tb-by, ke tery lit 'ft about Wicr. tihs had hs VOL 20. MtDDLEBUltGII, SNYDEll COUNTY, window rip for Boraa tttti uJ it wasjd imB, He novor make ncquain pretly chilly, bosidos tbo Mark tanees on the train, ami lbs porters smoke poared into the car. I watch ed Orant for a littlo while and I saw he whs annoyed as the smoke anJ chilly broefe blew riflht over him. Presently he got np, and leaning over the lady's shoulder put his band on the catch and lot the win dow sash down. The little woman gave an iovolantnry slnvt nnd turn ed ronnd fiercelv. bat Grant nover noticed hor and dropped buck into his chair. After a little while tbo little lady hoisted tho window SR.iiii and some of the passengors who had seen tho affair smiled at one another. Tlin llift little woman beckoned to me end said. "Conductor, who is that hog biok "of roe T" That a uenorol Grant I snul i. "Oh, said the little woman and she droppod the window immedi ately. Grant board the qnestion bat never let on, nnd went oa read ing his paper as if nothing had Imp pened." "Bat Oscar Wilde took the cake. said tho conductor, warming np as he saw the reporter was highly en tertained. "Oscar Wilde was moro bother than all the womon who ever rode on a railroad car. lie had in idea that he was the grcalost ruan that America had evor soon and he put on more airs than if bo had been tho Czar of Russia, tho Prioro of Spain and the Emperor of Gcr many all in one. onld yoa bo- lievo it, he paid the porter of tho sleeping car to toll pooplo at tbo stations alone the line wherever the train stoppod that Oscar Wilde was in the car. lie was the vnincst, most conceited male I evor saw. lie wouldn't drink wator out of tbo glass at the dolor, but sipped it out of a silv er nnd gold mug ho cariivd with him, and he'd sit with the tips of hi fingers pressod togother nod look up at tbo roof of tbo car as if Le was about to ofTur np a prayer.' 'Herbert Spencer wna the most restless travelor I ever saw, nnd Bob Iogersoll is the best. When logersoll enters a oar to go on a journey, the first thing he does is to hang np his big slonoh hat, then he coramsncos to make himself comfor table, and by the time tho train starts ho jiut acts as if bo wore at borne iu bis study. If thore's no one on tbo train that be knows, it don't Uko hitn Ion; to sti iko np an acquaintance, and everybody seems glad to know bim. lie's a very jol ly nnd a vory liberal travelor smokes nearly all the time on tho cars and always currios a bundle of choice cigars with bim. I remember one night tboro was a freight wreck, and our train had to lay np for throo or fonr boars. It was a terrible oigbt, the wind blew a hurricane, and the rain came down in torrents. Colonel Iogersoll ' was one of tho passengers- Everybody got tired. Nobody conld get anybody to talk with them. At last a little Sootoh mon who was tfaveling through Ameiioa sightsoeing, learned who fogersoll was and be tackled him then and there. Iogersoll was just in the humor, nnd in less than ten minutes everbody in the car crowd ed aroand him nnd listonod to him for over two boars, and the passen gers seemed so pleased and enter tained that they forgot all about the night and the accident " ' "Secretary Folger is a very qoiet traveler. He gonerally bas a pile of legal documonts along with bim, and pats ia the time examining them. Booretary Frelingbaysen is a groat newspaper reader on the cars, and always pats mo in mind of Joseph Jefferson. Jefferson Is a remarkably quiet traveler. lie's a good listener, bat talks very littlo. Salvinl is a very enthneiastio travel. or, admires every little thing ia the shape of pretty scenery along the road, and be sees everything. Ho's a noble fellow, and liberal with the portors." , 'Secretary Lincoln is a business like traveler, does a good deal of work on the train, ind . reads ' more newspapers than soy maa I ever saw, lie's so difliroot from bis father in this respect, His father need to sit ss quiet as a mouse with his arms folded and look out of the window nearly all the time." - "Perry Belmont is a very nervous man twists bis moustache and plays with bis watch-obaio half tho time. Every now and again he polls oat bis walo'j and look at the - 1 " " , T a ' i t. B MD 1 M buU maii" l time, as if be were ia s great hurry. don't liko him " ' Not long agn Mrs. Kifo Chase Sprsgno, with hor two children, were traveling i Perry Bftlaioot ws in tho same car. Mrs. Rprane, thonffh a good deal brokon,is still a magnifi cent woman, and walks like a Q iocn, Welt, a man opposite, her kept star iug at her, which ovidunl'y annoyed her. n.ilmont. whoso ohiir wa at the other end of the car. seeing thin, nnd knowio-r Mrs. Sprngne,asked the man to change chairs with him, which the man did roliiolanlly." "Ilonry Word Boechnr always pa tronizes tho hotol car fioely. Gov ernor Paltison is nn easy travohir and Congressman Hoar is a very funny, philosophic travolnr. Ilo pulls his big. black slouch hat way down over his red, smoothly-shaven facs and goes to- sloop." "IJon Ii.illor nsiially travels in n privnto car. Two or tlireo years ogo ho went Wust in a private car, nnd tho car being nn Eastern f oreign car the roof was too hih for tho tunnel at G illilzon, on tho Alleghoaies, nnd part of tho car roof was torn avay. Butler's only remark was, aa bo lookod op at tho torn roof nnd nd dressod the servant, "Thomas, who throw that brick ?" Tatti is tho jollieat laly Iravolor T know of she's full of fun nil tho timo so J.i Aimee, ("lira L-uiiso Kellogg always looks tirod, and Modjoska travels in her own special car." "I bad IJilly Flornneo nnd John T. Raymond both ono trip t'vo yenrs ago. An old lndy traveling alone, and of a vory norvons temperament, askod Mr. Florenco if ho didn't hear n q'loer uoiso un lur tho car. "I'll j soe tho condnotor nb'Vit it." sail Florence. Ho slar'cd to tho other end of tho car, nnd catcliin Ray mond's eyo, beckoned to him. K iy mond gat np and walked to Florence and they stood at tlio other end of tho car from tlio old lady, with their backs to hor, "'John," said I'lcrcnca, "borrow tba conductor's coat and cap for a minute, nnd go tell that old woman tlio cuuso of that queer noise she imagines sho hears undur tho car !" ltayiuond saw tho j ko put oa tho cap ond coat, and with a fil, i ,;, V(.,y .nnfl lenf ial. nnd ho very serious countenance wont up tojw; n Ktoai m(ll)y p,ivi,, j p tho old lady and said in nn off-hand won not ttko if ho woro not por way,"That noiso is merely caused by j ,njtu,d i0 di po. no will give jour tliouMo being ncauy worn away. "Hu,"said tho old lady, ".von't tho axle break nud cansn an ncci dent '' "It may bo," said Haymoui "I'll take n look at it when we gut to Chicago." 'Chicago," screamed tho ld lady. "It might break and kill ns all be fore wo get to Chicago." ' God forbid, Madam,'' naid Ray mond. "I have n wifo nnd foui'toon children dopoodiog on mo." 'Well," wont on tho conductor, "They scared the old lady for half hii bonr, then I wout to hor end tald ber that the condnotor she had boon talking to was John T. Uaymond, tho notor, nnd that thore was nothing. the matter with the axle, but I thii.k she still bolieved there was. Flor ence and Raymond mako rooio fun on a train than nny pooplo I know of. Frank Fray no was nlways n well -liked traveler. I've boon rail roading for over thirty years horo aud there," said the conductor, "and 1 know noarly every maa of note as soon as 1 see bim." 'Hollo I" exclaimod the conductor, "hero's Philadelphia." nnd snro onough the train was rolling into the Uroad Street Station. Tho Western passengers for Philadelphia disembarked, and the Philadelphia paesongere for Now York got aboard and in five minutes the train was on its way to the end of its jonrnoy in New York. A n aeedote of Mr. Lincolo t "Old Abe" onoo replied to a question early in tbo war as to how - the Union re verses affoeted hitn by saying ;i ''I foel very ranch like a great, stalwart Illinois neighbor of mine w9b was logging in bis bare feet. A log roll ed over and crushed one of his big toes before be could escape. All drawn op with pain, be reliped to a question of bow bo was with i, "Well, I'm too big to cry, but it hurts too damn bad to laugh."-i?cx? Glube. . : !... m (lermany is over raawith vagrants. Thoy nnmber 300.090, Xt is stated that their theflsrsscb 10,070,000, SHE DIDN'T DARE DO IT. Tim nthnr dav a man nn 1 a wo man camo to a sudden halt on ! Grand Iliver slroot. nnd tho man dropped t'.io bnsliet fiho carrying nnd called out : 'I vil! 1 1 will t I'll not livo wo. t was with yon another day 1" "You'll leavo me, will you V he calmly naked. 'Yes, I will ' . "Whenl" "Nov riht rlT Ihis minute !" "You'll gi away 7" "Yet, sir I" "I wouldn't if I wero yon." I will, nnd I defr yon Io proven t mo! I havo BnlTerod nt I yo.u hau Is just ns I onaI can put up with it.'' "Oh, t shan't try I orlop yon." bo nniil rnOip.l "I'll sltrmlv rn. . .......... ... mystorionsly disappeared. They will want your, nnd I u v v . - -i you havo nn extra lar-i moHh , ,,. . , j'O'.l wrtitfc nn.i in jinn R'r-JB ji'n noso turns nj nt tho ond s hnir the color of a brick terra cottn, the riowast in fn'iion ; eyrq rather on tho pipiint ivolco partakes of "Wrr trhl you wouldn't daro do that !' sho scroamod. "I certainly will, nn 1 tho tion will ro int.i nil tho papers " Tk'iy gl ir vl at can other for a miiiuto liko r-s. Tlion h walii.t.l on. Klin looked up m l down tlio street, gritted her teeth tool'ier, nnd t In n jiicrkei tip Iit oaiiot. nn l rl lowed on nftnr. I to ha 1 wliat th ey called the dead wood on hor. I'cfroit l'nc Viu.. OLIVe LOGAN'S GC3D ADVICE. Olivn t.ognn got real mad one day and git oil tint f.ll owing : "A woman's safe eta rd fa to keep n man's hand oil' her. If rou iioed ' his nasislnne in w liking, take his arm instead of him taking yours. Jnst tell him iu plain English to "hands otr." lie tony not liko it nt first, but ho will 'respect yoa in the fill tiro tenfold more. Men will be and do just what woman allow them to do. Men will not d' to trout. Civo a man your arm and you will ,nrm ,nnv lovinir iiuoezes nnd n!v twints that hnrnnld l:ae no oppor tunity of doing, and tho oppoi (nn'y ty tti jast what ho is nftor. A fow more words of adrien nnd I rloso : Keep ycinr girls off tho nt i fr-t, ex cept whon they hnvo liuMnens. Teach llion it is unnocossary to ga to tho post.ofiiia ovory ti'iio Ihey go out. Your girls can. wal!c nlone jnst ns well as your boys. Don't al low your girls, jf tlioy must have a beau, to go with buys much older than themselves. If possible, install into their very naln:o that they nro 'safer in thur own hands than they are in tho Imndi of ntiy man preachers not excepted TELL THE WMLE TRUTH. Fovornl rtntemcnts eoncrrning tho wonderful properties of tho soul of Dakota aio now going tho ronnds of tho press. Ono is that pumpkins are not raised thoro becauso tho vinos grow so fast that thoy woar tho fruit ont dragging it . ovor the prairies. Anotlior item ia that n farmor plants a boot ia tho spring aud in tba f ill pulls it ont nnd bricks np tbo excavation for n cis torn. Why not toll all of tho ntoiy ? Ctioumbbid grow so largo thore that the settlors ncoop thorn out and iiho thorn for forry boats, nnd uso the vinos for cables npon whioU to work t be boat. The cabbages bnve to be out down with nxos in the full, and tho stocks Are loft standing to be used aa bitching posts. Potatoes are not mtiali planted, because they grow so large tbe neighbors becomo separated by bills,' Wbont is to strong that its stalks nro osod for fire wood, ond all bearded graiu thore is shaved before toot to oiar t lieans nre not raieod either, hecu'tV well, enough has been sU .ihow that Dakota -is a great, great country, CMcago UarnU. A love story in four lines i 'I want to bite yoa," said he. "What for f said she. "Case I love yon," said bo la ajpart of a eonvoi'sution we overheard a few . days ago by a ouoplo ia our town. ' port to the police that ley wifo I no'boll rang in the mi I ilo oi mo nor PA. JANUARY A FAViDJS TO-VN. Eli Perkins, tho groat An'rlran J. W'i ic ator. writes as foll.v.vs from Maneh Cirtnk i "It is pronounce It Is is situ .1 Moch 'h'iok. nn I is sitmto 1 on and simetimos mi lor the Lo'iijrh Hiver Il'H a qmtir oil vvn. Oi oithor sld yo'i look strii '.l up abiot half aniilo b 'f ro yon cm sen drylis;ht. Tho sun risos thoro at t in Sommer and sots at 4. In January, when t'm sua runs low, it d ies not slril.o M inch Caiink at all. I ho people vnceive their liht as they do in Norman ly h mi l-U'intor from rellwt.vl ray. "Mnc'i Cvnk ban tho fioenf Episcopal Cinrcti n-n tno i-e eq.uppe.1 bo-o cm,) my i an i .mn- sylvania. ruo -nan via oi -mm ch - ivcb mo tne oinoors oi i coninanv. Tho othor day tho lire- . r ' ...1 it.... m ! . I .a nion, and in nmn ." " sixty-four mcmbora of tho church llmd 1iinT olT thoii iilnj- Int nnd speared nt tho brakes with red shirts nnd fireman a HI. C O CD - GO i o B CO CD CO GO fc3 CO CD 3 CD a -aV '3 tri CT5 CO B. CO cw CD a? ;: -- (JO. CD CD "3 CO CD 5'oa 5 B. 0 Cu 6 s. . -s p t TJ CO o a o 3 'A o i H C3 D M B CO !r 2. H o 3 a. 8 - il i ir ' " r- 'W -V -aWU UUtlMWM, M'-tULaWaSi 11 Hl . MUti-laY. Law fra)eeaMSh. suat mil Jts tkil in....-- irbi.. 1 Tlivi Katar SH. M.iJ ht ll slit. -I. . ...j 1 im no, )') Physicians. Sr. WINTIKM) H.VMI'SEI.I., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. (VntivviMo, Snyder (,'o., Pn M""-ti! vt-f'-'"! .'HSl '1 ,'i' "' l ,,1,lir. hi . -J jj ii. utmnxKu. ilYM( I 4t :t'!tul:(. lirwr.inMWN. V.. I1r M iro(.''n ii ,fvl. t ti i.rtiinn rtiiil vliMiilty. AVt. i , H. I. i n i k it ii , nn. ii. fiv n ahvisiii's mm & IIJlSSiSGER, PHYSICIANS A?in SURGtONS. iiT r is. if prnfr'-lni! rtvl''p-' l-i il' . iii.ct ot Ml.l.llf I 'ir il ii. I rl .1,11 y . I ifll lew r fti Hi.' l uurl ll' ii-e, In Am. I I I in .'it.u i' '. i r i. Jli MAHANl) UKTIIIlOlK, rromj'i. SnyJor count;, ri''ni(nt nilllfn.r-r,.ll,w' "I l'i.?,rliir ir.l .su ki in. nilom It- rnirrl -iMt .rvK l il. i t iiio. f4. 'k r:nK'li,ii sinl ooriiinn. Miii-rh, 17, IV I. tf. jj j. -smith, Physician & Surrccn. r Sriiiim. .S !.,, r.'intifi, Pn. (ifVr lin prntr.plnnal jiorvlrrri loti: ftilli i'III. no Mmn i"troi".. .Itinali Jlt. J. (). WAGNKI5, I;i)s!rlnii nixl Str nn, OiT.rn til firif.'ilo,ill r.-rvlr, I f A lTii-lmrj ami I Hilly. Io li- T.n. Alitf. b.'huif. II. J. MCKIIKUT, SliRGEOM DENTIST. K Kilt II I st:i.l('K, .SWiJi-.-ir', ' itn'rt. Ir f. l'iil tiuln '.rimi'My aMnit. tn, MI :v, 7. IIClVATi IIF.HMANN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. AVinni. , S,ivil r n., Pii i)lr hi pfife.i.iiml .arvinoa to tlifilt1m oififll'viiiovnivi..iuiiy. auk ,w . A. M. SMITH. rzvsiciAX ax ft srnnFoy Mtir Ii' pfyf"!.!!!! p. rvlrii M tbo rltlf.eD of AilmliuiK ami vl. irlty. . Ht.. 4 't.i. K7vANnTucKTi;hr IUI101CAL4 MECHAMCAI, PK.NTIST SoliiiKj;rovo, Petin'n. WlTEB AGENTS! ee N Q a 53 71S o as giHL: lD I yi CO .CiK '...Pvr?lf itrW Zffl ii j ' : .1 o 9 I i'VVV'.'.' A foinri'ct.'' 4intile tt a f 'nr fairul . Invn'unl le to t!i ?!i ri l nnl, tlm I'nrini r, tlio ( I. 1 1:, tli! .Vi'i-in i.l.-, nn. I I i.i Mii'li'l.t. Iiii-ini in.'! I r-.'nl r.-rn.-. niiinu-rri'ii T n'v In Ihu mrriil Mill, -4 ;i!t l T i rli i h ri'Vin' I l-i I ill", tulll:ilili Fliitl' tirni Tl.!.i.'ti, I'.imllH'H i'.l r,.lM.4ii,itit.'iii'r, Ii il 1 1 . ' i i 'ui. IimJ; Iti'i... mental v . .- ..-...-.Ii in--, 1 1 ii ' ; ifriiii j; J "mI1... Hi. .In .'; i..w In iMiiilnrl I'l'l.':!' Mi'i'lllitra, I' i"'.l!..'-. r I 'ii!. I It -(.clkili l.'.vv I.i lir.ini.--: Ilic I. i-t i I liniti.iv. Srii-liil l-v. fiiiin lin.f nil iii-i-li": ll.'inc .r.inrii.i. nl-, nml enw to riiiiil'ii t ( i ... in i '.viler n r.img iu im itiv (oi:nn (u'-'k Uil The of T.cry-Tny J.lfe Nnpi.ltn!. I r .,, t ii i ,i i i-r more ii'ifil inf"r'i.iilliii lliin nny lit il.u Manual," Inn) t-nclliitf unu-liau Hid J-rii1.., M I'Ain to i:hrs. Aal-lSlt Hi VUttWtvtl "STIC AlllSSTS. Creator iDlucmTts anil Owttfr Ruccom with ir.ia liojk liiun any Oitior. Kolit hy Kiil,"Tl;l(iii only, nml at the (iillotvliiic a'HM'il Vine Itovnl tvtiiv". I'iiiil V. 71 leu Hi. r", l.i.rti.y M-It1, Siirlnk'nl Klf.. .. ft M I' iui.i Ii Mi'PK ro.Ciill Mill', liNi'k nml l..l", A 6" Pi'iit pot i n 1.1 , wIiitu vu liuvu no St,ut. u rcci'lrt "f prlru, lM)rrip(ld Clrrnliin Xlnlleil tr n ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. St. Loulu, Ilo. tblcago, 111. Allaata, Ca. WALOT'E Agents i'oa in An id Axr Fireside COMMENTATOR. over eue iiik, Mir illi'mtuated. Th. moal IntanaHr InUrMUn rallelnua book tit thaaif... Niin-r,a laiJeii. AiiKN I S ara liaviiiK 1;IU UO('lS. t'ne liuly rtiorla 07 ortl. -a llil iok i a mluia'rr Id ludiana, lu in iim ilav. tella fur . VWV. KiUt JCXIUA bl'UClAL ItlDlb to our n.-an t hrfr .a. J. H. CHAMBERS al CO. 8t. LouU, Mo. t'Llcau, 111. AUmU, Ca. BPOIt ItATtOSi liillttH nt Wru. W4NTKII Oi' 411 wityi aki marttfS 4 t aa wlia narrladi tola, ahoui Hi. AiM-ii No, Ma Wall, at tari't,, Da. !,. Imniaa, and Tliua iun,an, (i i rni'a. w.r. iiooauas bilalaliBla. ISAAC UEAVIaSt, Middloburg. Snyder County, Pa. (IrrfSi is rsASKblM VS. lutfot I vsrvtbing belonging to tbe pro' J fa.tlou dnna tu tb. eeit Kka oar. All wot aarraatail Tariul alarta. . II a alii a I'll attaint Li h.ielnaa la. aaai t tlaaliaHiVa, Tr al (aaayat- mu A.a.uaf aa.i iiuavina. -, . ......... . NaV... 'Villi I'ONT. rilil1l".l erery, Tliitr"biv r.vpnmsj T. II. JlAUTKlt. Proprietor. Terms of Subscription, ONI" noi.f.Att AN1 FIKI Y I'F.XTfl I HIt ASM;!. ro paper d.icon. tinned uti'il s! si!rnni'.,-a t paid utile" nt Oic fi'itii n of the piibtinlior Bnlisi-riilfiis outside of the comity PAYABLE IH ADVANCE. iyPrr.ini litliiiB and twins; psper 4i!ilrerNed .o ollirs lrroliiisubseiliierS suit sre ImiMp fnrtlie prlee oflhepsprr PLAIN TRUTHS The ii the fotmdstinn of I f., it nrnil.ilfj ttinmch vrr)r jrt .f thff t, nnd linlr It i 'ie anil rich, m'iml liraltli it imp".illr. If iliik'axc Imt intcriM Hii" r)i,ni t!ic ( r hiu' nl ' niiv V .iy to .liivtf it eitt it to purtfy nnd nuiih tlio U.i.hI. 'Ihcc imi.ltf fir!' rc Well l.nown, nnl tlic liiclir.! innlnnl r.iitliiriti-s ncrrc lt;H notmi? I'M lion fJiiK tlic M'HkI to ill Haiti'! i ml slvi lint oil the Iron if .it.ili.iii' liillicrtn lin lv 1.1 ii kfii I'u- ti Oi, caiir liia.i. nrlic, kk! i" i'I-.-" ii)' i'i'i lifi.w m's I ittiN Hit ims will tlinf Mi;l'ly mi'l wall tlic'l.l'iii'l. u tf iii titnl t-trt-lii;tliin. )ri it,.iTiil tlnis iliive iliwnw Ituni nny pivt of ttie n-sti-m, nml II will ,. WlarUcn tlie ti-illi, ciuiw ln-nl-nclif nr ciitii.'Uijii, uml it i lively tut iiijuiiuut. Saved li!i CliilJ. t;N. EiilawSt.tiiVlTiw. "M. frK w. IVnH: t'pon t'ie rrr,.nnnrn Ii .ii nf a tiMiwl I turd ll. N a llmi'M a n nic ami " i.t,raiiv ft.r Iny iljiii:lii,f. wli'in I . ihitmiitlily 4 w.i.lini; nwiy nlh Ijinlmn'linn. II in I.l llura iUni;lit.i. 'V lla .-fnlk ilir., nnikr Ilia cm r4 rniinrtil t.hyn-i:tm, 1 W.I l'lh It I llMt anyltilrst Cmlil nift Iti. iiimi-i rl tlwp li.cAa, bin. t(t H, y fire. A .iirpiiw, lfofi mv daiili. .-r li.i.l uk.'ni.nlMMtl.t IImi.wn'4 Ihi.n In i mm, h IwKjn In nnl nuw i. n'nle rcM-.f.-d o f..roirr I .illh. A lillh llaiKhm tri;ii tn fh w 'i;n. fit I il.unilluil, an.l vhen Ilia .li If.ian a, cun.ntlril I. qui. kly " Tnni.1 a rrr re tiiiirc,! ;" anil wh.n lnfWfn-.l tli.l iVc .Uirr ml'-r wnt Ukmil lK"A l.'a Imhn ltn-ritii, rrn.jnuvu "that a guod toluc, t-ilce II." AuwaAM ruaLra. r.Rowv's Trov Tttrrrti rffodual- ly euro liyiH-".ia, IniliiMmn nnd W'f.ik ms, nml runilirs the prratcvt ivlief niul lirnrdt to p? rvitia mncring Iroin muIi wasting ilin-nwia nn Clin luiujitiun, Kiilucy CuinlainU, etc. Absolutely Pure. TM nt.'4iF iirrcr vHrt. I uurt' I of pif ity itf.t;'li sitiJ hul' Nom iirtasi. iV'irs ins tiiMnl. il linn tt.r ordlti r liiflut iii i miinnl I at -l'l in i.nit.i-iiiMn wi'h tltst nnlt:luU low ti mt, Imti wHstU, lutn nr rh nh.itu j , N III MV IN Jtr.N. IfOYALs hAfcl.t ntWIiKH ni., 1k Wisll Ht. N. . Ana. it, im iy. Iwlllmnll (Ir-fl Ilia fi.l'l fur Itfi-fil V..ialilr llnlm il'at nlll remove laa-i t-'ri rklr., rill,ilr. an lllolrh... I, tlia iiutn '., i lr anil t an tlm 1 1 ilin tn iraa tlniif l.'r irnliir.tiK a Itii'irliuit Hn.ath il half nnil.klil 'I nr .ni'mili larr. Ait-lrta rf. imlff, IILN-' k CO., l katrli.y hi. IS . V. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tlia a.lvaril.i-r tiavtns rtr.snnll i'Uia.1 1 1 Hit ilr. ail niaa, ! r u 'ii 1. 1 1 '. . hy a ai.,.,,1 . rm. ii- l. ii. 1. 1 m.ika hn. . m tn ill. ir.l..w .uil-r r iIh i..aiiit rum. t.i all tin ilanlra ii, tia u ,11 .an I a anny or il. a era. ci l-ili.ii u- i. (ua.-nl i-hariia )"llli I ha illrana ilnni. fur frat'iirli'tf anil ui'lna tiiaatn. wlJ.'h they w t: An.l a t lire I'm r I r OoiikIi t'olil4, i.i.hii in l.itiiii, A.ilniia. Iti.iit, lilila, aie. I'uriiaii vvi.iiiDit lite rieairii.tian. win piaaa al Ir. . It . K. A. WILHONl IM 1'ana ht WII;Uio.iiura, h. , SRKOnS OF VOUTH. AtlKNTI.KM N whianrTarail fir Taanlrnfll Narvnna I1KII1 LIT Y. e K KM If K Ii rl CA Y, ami all Ihaaileeia nl yuuihlul Ion. will lor tlia aaka of aall-rlns huaiktill n.1 (ri. tn all aim nea.l It, iha rn. a aiJ tl ra'tloaliT aianinn liia.iroia ramauy j ni(U ha was enroll. Niitlaiare al.lilns to fofti iif tlia ailrertlirr'a n ari.nea aan da .0 l y ul driltig In p- rtrclcunn lauea. .lull r. ui buuta, 11 f.b It, If SELINSGROVE MARBLE WORKS. S. K FiAliCi. at SftlonatMra, Sardar aonnty, PaH It ptpf ad la laraiab fMonumciifN. (rnvc m fci.ones atnd Hi: lltl htt? Work nl all blnila to tlia n.waat sad kaoilttsat d.a lane, workad eat of tb. , Best Marble a abort not la. AM WORK WABBAIfTe tv tu oivb aarisraCTins. flaar sa'l aa.l aiamh.a ray mstrrial ..J laars toy iwlnat klur. imrcliaeila alt.wbwrta. Juii.3, isai l-. ( AttOtlONKK!:3.-.Tbe nnJeralptt ad artar Ihrlt aarrlaaa 19 tlia a. f aniioaai-ra. and haraay Mlralt IBctt aiirtaaa. 1'rriie raaauuanla. . ifjt. m srii,r. IKIli-l KIN 4-V.' rlata'Kia., fa. r Vm.:,.. "r.'r f f Y'--a --'t-.w.. , .- -jrwv7.'g'Tttti Sav. J