Newspaper Page Text
i " J, x. mmmm Tbe Secretary of the Treasury gives notice hat subscriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable iliree years from Aug. loth, 1804, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven andthrec-tciiihs per cent, pcran- num.-principal and interest both t 1 in lawful money - These notes will be convertible -it thc'-nii ! of the holder maturity, iuto nil J'r;' -tit. gold bearing bonds payable not less thuu live nor more than twenty years from the::- date, as the Government may elect. They v. ill be - fpt it im fJooiintion of ". S:w. S.")0", $1,000 and 3,0U, mid nil stibsci -iilhilltt must be for fifty dollar or Home umltiplu of fifty pollard. vi The aote Will bo transmitted ti the owners free of transport at ion charged as soon after the receipt of the origiual Cirtiucatcs of lTcHncP''ct or misconduct, as they are liable to at posit as they car. be prepared As the notes draw interest from August lo, parsons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards fur these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of onc-qitar ter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury dcparttnei t upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with'whoui the deposit was made. Xodeduc tions for commissions must be tuauo fruat the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. It is A National Savings ISank, ntTcring a higher rate of interest than any other, and ihr bent sttarittj . Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. 8. .Notes, consider, that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it ctanof pay in anything better for its own assets are either in piverumeut securities or iu notes or bond; payable iu gov ernment paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent mvestmeut. The notes can always be Sold for within a fractiou of their face and accumulated interest and arc the best secu- rity with banks as collaterals for discounts. fonvrrtable into a Six prr cent. o-20 (old Itond. In addition u the very liberal intcrcston j the notes fer three years, thin privilege of con- version is nuw worth about three per cent, per ( annum, for the current rale for o-JO Bonds is .Eft less than niitt prr ton. yrcmh-m. and ocfore the war the premium on six per cent. V. S '-.. - tocks was over twenty pel' wont. UiU be -seen that the actual profit 0n this loan, at the present market rate, is Dot less than lea per I ih I'nited States, nrof any city or jucorporjt cent. per auuuni.' jeddisiriel, and aiso, that every nieiubcr or Its JExemptiou. from Stale or .Muucipal iCong.e, and of the State Legislative and or Tnv ilion j the Select and Common touncilofany city, n . t lit 4 t-.. i.k nil 1 1, A .l,,i,.l nnd Ml.. httVA ' the advantages wo hvit -enumerated, a special Act of Coiijrress'tyfi mi rmntta and Jrta- uru twUt Irom ! eat temtivn. On the average, this ixemption is worth aboat two per cent, per anum, according to the rate v( taxation iu various parts of the couuiry. It is bclicvc l that 00 securities offer so great iuducemcuts to lenders art Jh se issue 1 by the government. In all other fortns cf indebted ness, the faith or ahil'.ty of I'rivate parties, or stock cotnrauk-s, or s?pcrateouinjunities, on ly, is pledged for payment, Tliilcthe whole property of thecouutry is hch! to secure !hc discharie of all the obligations of luc United States. While the government offers the u:yst libi-r- al terms for its loans, it believes that the very i strongest appeal will be to the loyally and i . . ' , 1 patriotism of the people. . Dublicate ecrti6cates will be issued for all I deposits. The party dc j,utiticg must endorse j upon the original cirtificate ttLfi dcuomiuatiun . . of notes required, and whether th y arc to be issued in blank or payable 10 order. When eo endorsed it must be left with the officer rc- ' ceiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. SCBSCBtrTIONS will tt llrttUI) l v tl -.,-.. 1 treasurer 0. tne 1 uiieu 2'ates, at arhin"ion. the Bcveal Assistant Treasurers and desi; tel Depositaries, and by tbe ted Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa Second National Bank or Philadelphia. I'; Third National Rank of Philadelphia, F First National Bank of Allentowu, if. First National Bank of Altoona.' Pa. First National Bank of Alleghany, Ta. First National Bank of Carlisle, Pa. First National Bank of Chester, Pa. First Rational Bank of Danville, Pa First ational Bank of Erie, Pa. First National Bank of Franklin, Pa. First National Bank of Gettysburg. Pa. . Fimt-NatloMl of M.UU4. Lo. First National Bank of Meadville, I'a. First National Rank of Milton, Pa. First National Bank of Pittsburgh, Fa. Third National Bank of Pittsburgh P. Fourth National Bank of Pitlsboruh, Pa. First National Bank of Scrantou, Pa Second National Rank of Seraiitoii, Ta. First National Bank of Strasburp, Pi First National Bank of Towauda, Ph. Nirst National Bank of West Chester, P. First National Rank of Wilkesbarre, I'a. Second National Bank of Wilkesbarre, Pa. First National Bank of York. Pa. First National Bank of Bait i more, Md. Second National Rank of l'.sltiinore, Md. First National Rank of Washington, D, C First National Bank of Norfolk, Va. and by all National Banks which are deposita ries of public money, and All Itespectable lianks and Itaokeis i'jiotn;houtthe countrywill give further infor-5-ol AFFORD EVERT FAOTT.TV TO '-PP.-rP.TBrPJ. I - G0D SA V Tn COUNTRY PRESIDENTIAL CLCCTIO.V : fKOCLABIATIOJI. rrrilEREAS, in and by the act of the Gen ! It eral Assembly of the Cnwiruoti wealth ofl rennsvrvania, eiiutlml "in Act- to.lirwct the manner, time anil place. f holding - fileetiens for J'renident and Vice Preside f the- I'ni td State,'' enacted 'the 2d day of Febuary, ISl'ii, it 14 required of the MienR to give dne notice of such Elections: therefore J ; " r i I , T i!l f hi tit rnuufv cT .liiiiiifft. flu herpnff tniikA COUHV" of Jl t - r J . I'K " ' , fcnbwani. itis public notice to the citi zens of the raid county, who are qualities to vole for members of geuerul assembly, that on the SECOJiD 1TF.SDAY . OF. .NOVEMBER next, being the . 8th day of said month, an . i . : : n 1. - l.i I .. . ii... .1 . .. .. 1. : ..I. election niu uv ucm m iusmiucjii.c m nu,i.u , 1 11 1 . .1 - ne ssiti meiuuer siiau ann uecn tuicu mr n hela monweallh as eleejors for tho electionof Pres ident and Vice President of tbe United States and the several Judges, Inspectors and Clerks, who attended the general election on the Sec, ond Tuesday of October last, are herehy en joined to attend and perform at the said elre tiun at .Electors to-be held as aforesaid the lik d"ties, ;eubjaet-o Ihe like penalties for tlie eleolion I roemoe-ra oi -msemu'v, c-u. I ALSA HEREBY MAKE KNOWN and give notice, that llio places of holding the afore said General KJection- in the several districts saiu uenerat uu.a T,. . V ' . .I ana towunmps m tnewv. , followa. to wit : At the Court House is the borough of Miff Itutown, for the borough if Mifflinlowo. . At the Court Huue in the borough of Miif- nntown, lor rermauaga lownsuy.. A t Ki.lim.l in Afi.vlin lor It atiwcr township. . . At tho Aca.l.-my in Tbompoutowu. v.... .!.-...,,. r At the ruhlis llouc of Ihomas Cox, urceuwooo.ownsmp. ; .11 mo ficnooi ixtiu'se iu uivuuu'i, iji .iuii- i roe township. "At Kuouse's School House, for Susqitchan-j na towuship. i At the School House in .McAli.-terviUc, fur t Fayette township. At the school llotire iu rmterson, tur the borough nT Fa Hereon At the Schoul House iu rcrrvsville fur the boroiiph of Perrysrille. At Ihe Locust throve Scho.d Il.'tiiie, tuar the residence of John T. Mcltlru, f"r Mili'ui d township. At the Sprue? Hill School Iljii-c, fr Spruce Hill township. At the School House near tho residence of Samuel Allen, foe. Ib-alu town-hip. I "CHARLES W. WElTZh.L inform Hie At the School House near McCiilloth Mill' ' KJ citizens of Juniata couufv, Jliat be eon fur Tuscarora tynship, except thai purl urn tinueslheChatr.Manufactoryat Jhe well known of it lying northwest ward of the sninmif of j old stand in Water street, where i " Shade Mounraiu. times prepared to receive orders lor Hisdsor At the Lick Stfliool lluitse near tlio resi dence of Rcnjaniiu Walls, t'or Lack tonu'hip, except that povtiou of it lying north westard ly of the summit of the Sha')a Mountain. At the Centre School House, for oo much of !'' t-wusinps oi i,acK au luscan.ra tying I u'jrth-wcstaidlr of tue Summit of the Snude 1 M0uutiu. - ' ' ' j At the Chtirch School House, in Xurbclt aud township, for Tnrbctt luwnsfcip. . K I ALSO JJAKE KNOWN and give uotiic las in and bTtae'1VtH-Ktion of the "aforesaid .et I am directed, that every person, except Ju" ' l'"c. "j10 sha!l nt,!'' " (,ffi,ce i juf appointmen!, of profit or trust, tinder the i Government of the Vnitcd States, or of this i s,B,e- or of V'1? or ,iuc01f orai,;d Jis,ri';, 1 ! whether a commissioned omcer or otherwise. lulKu - d;nc!e orcr or asent. who is or shall i be employed under the legislative, judiciary I or executive delinrfnient of this sitatc-or ol ifcXyTi incaoabfot noldine or exercisine 111 VlI'llUIWl"1""" " - .. Kw" ............ . . :.. .. v... .. , ,at the same time the office or appointment of n d"-. fnspectnr, or other oluccr of uy such election in this Cammon wealth, and that no Judge, luspector, or any other officer of any such election shall be clligible to any offloe." Also that iu the lib section of the Act of Assembly, entitled -An Act relating of Exe cution and for other purposes," approved April ltb. 1M), it is enacted that' the afore said Hth section ''shall not be construed eo as lo prevent any military officer or borough officer from serving as Judge. Inspector, or Clerk of any General or Special Election of this Commonwealth. l'ursuent to the provisions contained in the 7tith section of Ihe Act. first aforesaid, the judges of ihe aforesaid districts shall respect ively take charge of ihe rerlihcatc of return if the rh'Ciion of their respective districts and I...... ,1.a... mt u In.lm.. hm.. . each district, at the Court House iu the Itor- ! oul-Ii of MittiinloftU on the third daafter they r .i..ciion. Iiiuir for the m-esent viar on ! Friday, the llthdayof .November, A b then and there to do and perforiu the duties rc,(ini,, iw of j1I(lp, ... Also. J!y the I'.hh sccii.a of "an A:t to regulate elections by soldiers in actual niili- tarv service, approveu tne 2 ;t 01 .iugni. piroved A. I'wlW-l, "the return Judges of Ihe several counties, shall enjoin to meet at Ihe places, uow directed by law, on the third Friday af terary gcucral or Presidential election, for Hie purpose of counting tho soldiers' vole.'' The return Judges will re-assemble at the Court tJouse, in the borotich of MifHiutown, on FIJI DA i NOVEMBER '.'lb. JHtil, who; ... hMlkARnl.,1- nF t Vi a 1 1 : ...t.,.f in I Imir Anurt.pAiinri . sna 1 receive ni"" i.iv'""".j , coumj ann uu niu-n-.i , tne votes so reiumeu, ny me ..t,- al military service Also that where a Judge by tickness or unavoidable accident is unable 10 at- I tend said meeting of Judges, then the oertif 1 cate of riiurrn aforesaid, shall I e taken ehargs of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the Lt'lcction of snddjstrict, w ho shall do and per- loiui mw aiiuci requireu 01 saia uugo unauic to attend. - ' Agreeably to the provisions of the filst sec tion of -aid act, every General and. Special election shall be opened bctweeu the hours of eight and ten o'clock in theforenoou, aud shall continne without interruption or adjournment until aeven o'clock' in' trie ereniug when the jltejall tvslte&.' - f.- , Giren under my hand at my office, in the borough of Mifflinlown, this 23d day of Au gust, A, l. 1864. 1 1 -''-! J. W. 1IAMILT0N, SHerif; SntKjrr's Office, Miflliutown, .1 j -- September 2d, 180 1. . . . 'nevt; i fPHE undersigned desires to inform the La X dies of Mifflin and vicinity, that she has just returned from the city with a new stock of w inter Millinsry Woods of the latest style and most Approved workmanship, which she is prepered to make to order at the shortest notice and sell at the lowest prices. She has also on hand a largeassortment of ready made bonnet.. Hat; of all kinds which the wiliselr ill . lift, IIWll. Call at her residence on Water strsct, near SnJoua" & StambaughV store. Mr. S i: Ml STFIN. 1 S,-fd. TAlLORLWraABLlSUMrtT- . WM. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs cre to inform his friends and the public genartUy that he has just opened out large and fast1' able assortment of ' - FALL AND WIOTE& G00DV which he is ready to make to order nroarf-f and on the most reasonable terms. fl. i ii -..n .. .:il .. 1 :. r... iuiiiiu j:cuviiij win iinu ii. iv luvir nucrtpv call at Uis room above . " FASICK'S T on Bridge street, Mifiliutown 1 "r niy God and workmanship before pit ins clsewncrcv 1 warrant all clothes r no aal SIKGEE S SEWIKO HA Slj B9All persons desirous of purchaaH( of Sdcoeb's fr.mivn Machises will oho? liecessarjr inforreuUau.on Jlw1-1 ' tiivored wfihtheir tders" X- wffl better tna&ino thirty ptr ecil. ekitper tl nitnerto none in inisstranty. tommiiyk be without a machine. -' tan 1Cit TJOW TO SAVE MONET., BUY a JAMES IU' SIMONS, whtf has now hand the largest stf'tk of ready maue SADlLr:S and HARNESS in He count y, wliich he is selling at greatly rodiiccd prices. He is now manufacturing h Saddles aad Harness with such ncrfeot systei that he is enabled to sell a siipetior article ol cvfrvthing in his line, CHEAPER than an - ,-,,,-,, ln y,, i Ie invite: purchasers to cull and examine his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. f Jaaws II Simons oail'Ues wail Jlrnet ere acknswledged tosurpnn in point of lightness,! - elegance an.t comfort, as well as real ralueand . 9 . - . - . .... : elegance auiiconnori,as wen as rrai vuioeanu j dui-abi!iij,all others manufactured iu tbeeoun- !y. Remember his 9w)B i on Uridgo street, ;n (lft rooms o'oupied by D. W. A. UeliViril. as a Tai or Suon. i Belford, as a Tailor Shop. t 83iu..ll kinds of repairias Keally execnted I ,nd all work warrautel jan 1 M-y HEADQUARTERS ! V2 I ii'.-wf , i iUtliillllOU'll CkiT MaaHfactm' ! Chairs of ver descriptSott inclutlinif S.;i'e?s) Large Kockiag Chairs, rawing Rocking Ctau'9. i Childrens' Chairs, Counting House Stools. t'aiu ! Seat Chairs, Bar Boom AialChaiw, and rrery thing pertaining to his businessall of nhich he is prepared to sell chctrprr than even He is now prepared to wholesale workat cilj pri ces. Prompt attentiwn will bo- given to Iepa rins. - All work done che"sTinleiDeditiuly. Sawel I'oplal- Plank and Scantling taken in-i exchange tor liirmtuve. : )tTFnrnitur Room on Main street; ppo-j sue tne rost tutiee." . . r 1.- VSii ... - J-- ' f'HAnii''! TT'FIT9'Fr 'i"'fue't Bhr'-t notice. . tVai.r "h,1ZBwTetrortwiilhemadebyhiiiflogiTesat er 1..0J.I1. - -'J itiicUon to those who mar favor him with a call. :epl ember f IFFMNTOWN HOTEL. This old Stand has leoeutly beet 'rctjp ll-IUllinilCll, IIM I II llll Ml - pared to accommodate the travellin the most pleasant and agreeable mac House is pleasantly situated on 31miu lnrjre and commodious; and he is ampt' drl with evei-vthincr to render hia hniifi sirablc stopping plate, and a comfoqabltv I"'"!' awtmebt or Whtlo Dress tSoods, Mits to the traveller or permanent sojouruetv ,-I!H 1 1'ns, Brocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, Bon- assortment or Liquors will be found suyei-iOT to any in this part of tba country, as they have been selected with great care. There id ex cellent, alabling attaahed to the premises. He hopes to reveivc a liberal share of puhlit pat- ronage. mar 27 ' AMOS SNTDEK. 1 . UNION HOUSE, MEXICO, Jt.l.4TA . CO., P.4. SVM. BKECBER, Proprietor. rP II 13 old stand has agHin opened Tor the ac X cnnimodation of ihe i'uhlic. The accom modations are such as to. ciltcrtain travelers in tho most pleasant aud agreeable Banner. The House is pleasantly and conveniently sit-. uated. so as 10 make it a deairable'stofplng place for the traveler or permanent sojourner. His assort meat of LIQUORS will bo fonnd of the best quality. " THE STABLING ATTACHED to the premises arc exccllrnt and commodious A liberal tihare of the public patronage ii re spectfully solicited. . . Jan. 13, lHG-tf 13 ENXSY LVANIA R A I I.HOAI). ON AND J after Mouday, May 1: 13, Passenger Trains will leave MitUiaStation via: - KAJfTWAfctf. " L ! Thronb J!xprcw 12.44, A 31.' tPast,LiDc......,.... 4.13, A, M. ., raBtlUMll. 11.18. A.M. "Acconjmolation......... 3.02, P. M.!r WESTWARD. . tRaltiinore Kxprcsu..., I'LLIadelphia Express Fast I,iuc 3Iail Train .,.. fEmiurant Train..'...;.. 3.57, A.M. 4.53, A. M. 5.28, P. M 0.fJtl'l.'J"lJ 5.2. A !1 .. , JAMES NORTIfr. Daily etccpt Sunday, f Uatly except JUuMtjr, ISAAC. K. ST ATJF PSI WATCH MAKER & JEWU MAKCI'AC'TL'RIiaS OP jT t '- SILT KM tall SD IIPOWEI OF opr IuLADE He has constantly on hand a ment of Gold and Silver Paufe Lepine and Plain Watches : Fl t tiains, eals and Keys, lircast Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets. Cases, Medallions. Lockets, Pencil Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, &-t. Mustard Spoons ; Sugar Spoons, Cups.J' ain mngs, iron ana Iatier Knives, Miel'la; Combs, Diamond Pointed pens,' ctc.,-A vhiclt trill be told lute for Cask . . 4 ' 31. I. TOBIAS If CO S best quality full jeweled Patent Lever Movements constaatlron hand; also ol her Makers of superior quality. . K. Ii. Old Gold and Silccu bought for Cteh " " ' Sept. 0-ly rlTT HOTEL, Corner of Market and Rails " pTTrr.Ai)F.Otr - tgao J rad Streets, opposite the Railroad Bopot't His prices beisreasonablc he hopes lo rc UARlSBVRG, PA. - tccive a libeaffshare of nnblic tiatronaue m,iei-'iisaSBioueratasthostorsfevUo-l t.l.n beCitt. .... 'M, G.THourSON. : I ' OK Good News m& t Tnie,- At the Towxa Hall Clothlag Store. ' At the renowned Basa ab or Fashion. ' - -At JIANSBACH'8 Cheap Corne.- : Corner, Bridge & Water Streets j .- "SsxrruirTowv, fa. JLBACIl has just opened another large ' J . . r r 1.. 1. V ... ' assorimtiu 01 jew-uoouo, iueu Clothing of all kinds, Shoes, oota, lists, Caps, Carpets, t'an- Goods, Kc.,au of whiou be will r rate, his motto is -'Quick si yuics sates ' 'wtN fCassiiei Coats. . l Coarse ' Coats. , Business -Coats. . '7" AT Plain and Fancy Vests. r also - V -Trunks. Valiescs, Carpet Sacks, Cane, I'ui- brellaB,jfcawls, Gloves, Suspenders, Stockings Cravats, Shirts, Drawers. Collars. Handker chiefs, tMmhs, Brushes, Soaps. Pocket Knivoj. Chewing Tobacco. Segars, and almost every descripion of notions not found in in any oth- Cr store. ByCall and examine mV stock before pur chasing else where, as I feel satisfied that l can please an. - . - , PONT FORGET THE PLACE- , , turacrvi unu);ciiiiiiwii:i mmita. ABRAHAM MANSBACU. julyl3,stf fTT lli GOING "y OF CHOICE GOODS ' , AT THE STORE OF JOS. M. BELfORD The undersi ?ne 1 would respectfully invite Ihe public to ca!i and'esuminehis stock before pnrchasinit elseivint He has bought b"n ssortmeut at such p.-icos that he rfo be undersold by any in taa f'Untry. Special at- temlpa paid to purchasing gu-'dsin thecily per ES lilt ESS GOAD!! ! rtFicuiie. Grenadines. Bucals. re Chxlii, Brillianlcs, tiingham f.awns, . t.vmwlliels, All wool ti Lames, .fkw, Peplios. Alpacas, Sic. nHfatins, Ribbon". Flowers, (ce. Also, Col lars, TuuersleevcS, Handkerchiefs in great va ety. ' DRrGS. A large iinintity of Drugs, al.-o on Land. -Prescriptions tilled. Ife has also lab ,n a large -stock of Wool, Cotton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, &c, at the lowest priors. 1 . Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market prices will be pwWby- J. 31. miJ.FOKP. TAKE CARE OF YUUIITEETI1. WMEThCRTHE UNION IS PRESERV ED OR NOT PEOPLE MUST EAT. TEETH inserted upon an entirely new style of base, which is a combination of Gold and Vulcanite, also Vulcanite, which for Beauty, Durability, Cleanliness and the res toration of tbe natural contour of the face. cannot be surpassed Ei:her of the above Bases I warrant for ten years tectn auto . 1 mounted upon M a fl .9 Vl , lln-i m1 BllrAr i Coral its Amber, with or without artificial j gums. Special 4t ten tion will be paid to di-! Ieasd gums -anil a eure warranted or no charge made. Teeth filled foe life. Tbe extraction of teeth upon tbe latest im proved principles, causing the least possible pain. . Bg. Having located permanently in Mifflin lown and being in possession of ail the latest improved instrument and machinery. I war rant entire satisfaction in all cages or the money refunded. IQFWiU visit- McAlisterville the last week of Uctiaar. January and May, the balance of my taaa I can be found at mr office on Bridire ;0tr0ef three doors east of Snyder's Hotel, jnatown, Juuia'.a county. Pa. " ; I - G. L. DERE, ;-j2y "-; ' rtrident Dttthnt. ' i east of . nds aur(nact-iring ail 1 W rh U13 line, such as e most fancy, and aire general satis- aetioh.T sAa be intends to make his work neat and sabstantis.1 be feels assured it will be ac knowledged to be as good as any in the coun tyall he asks is a fair trial. He also, intends keeping en hand an assort ment of Saddles. Bridles, &c. . 1 Carriage and Baggy TrlmmhttT Exeont-ed fn the very best and latest. 'style. Repairing, ic, done Beatlv and at the short- esl notice. ' Y - ! t CORVEMIS ?K.'LELLA!f. tear 3-1 - rjiuuj voa-t-s. j ' - ;;gtrir'raOd'Iarrcu t olcli PWrvys i i.ciiaoie nn f ure tiijia -oou- iiure aitti.-v.p:- stock wt ieVtiofioodi lias b.-en 1;rg"ly vJlciiabla auSuo .. : r'hj"' '-uA.t'oiupletclol of! ' AM 4'aanl d imm-. I mmi "iSm :vtY.iirrt7& fjjl'earfwPaiilwn',,-- ": i ri'.T- - . .. . n.r' STwte-arith naTadWrc.Ve.t!. .. T - Mjiwicnu nwi i n-j,ica nci . m...i...? .,, ,ln iu. j ,,. " Silk and Satin Vests. ...: Tickiogs. Dcoiui!, wl .Sbirtliigj', ' , t.1;,rs .ut I itile inHri'iifW. n,e H!m"l. V $i ' Lijht and Heavy Vests. , Keutuckv .lean.'',- ' It costs but Liiilc ami I'tiriiie" the RI.hhI (LI O a T.IlT Ti T It.. nll I TT L . 1 r .die. uuian inu namsam m inia - ' - m uiacrt- Tins ana aiainereni. urices. as I r k-. . . . - Lm . ., - rr , i ll iimmwuI 1 . All e "SJii . " .. . . ------ - 1.. : ! It 'V otrn ?wj'ing on the business for -tne ; VI -8"r t.Past.4en years, be fuels eatisned that he can-! riiw fmaejui GOOD -NEWS ! CALL and see tne' New Stocn of Fall ond Winter Goods at. . . . ! MICKEY & PENNELL'S, . . IN PATTERSON'. , justreccive.1 anew and complete assortment f t..-. , . , , Ladies' Latest tjle Press (ioii., I'lavn and Fantj- Frcm-li Mcritt", ' Paid aild fauejr Freueli Ucp, Black and Colored AIaiai, . , . immm. uu m u v J ZZ A large assortsMBt of .; J'uruin1' Goods! iltuorarkirt. ; -Brooo!i'8iuar; anT ,mv' Sliawtn, Twilled ami Plain Flannels'. Also a large" assoriment , of 'a.''silrle3 and CassinetUf of, rhkwo!o to I'urchas- crs at town pilcW.for Cash or rujDlry.-rrff-duce. ' :n - ' MICKEY A PENNKI.L. ,'ii' Vat I el sou. Pa, P. AlKOtjou will &Ad a lar;" tuci of Groccria1), ! ' Hatilw:it. Ouecnswarc. 1 an,f si.-k ( ' , i W, II -,wl . ;. iiw I 1 if MICKEY I'EXN ELL. i EVERY J RON H EVERY BODY A.) SEE WHAT . Tl(l A: Joi'd.'in j HAVE TO SELL SOCI1KAP. ; OlIS, IA1TS, ! :,M lbs. Eagle W hite Lend. j ;0 Columbia do dn. XIV) ' Delaware river d .In. :;00 " tJib-boro pure while Zinc Faint. 2t't) ' .lersey do tlo do do. Prussian li'itiis. Sperial Fi-ench tireen, I.i'li i erage. Raw aud burnt Cmher. Putty. Class. Vamish, Fully knives. Brfhei and Flaxseed ' Oft, &c, tc, for sale i-Sean. bv ! . TOJU .y JOIllt.iX. . I Goods u Jfl r.n.'1'nns in DRY U00 US'. HeLaiiics, Alpaccn, 1 rints, Brliaxcs, Cambric.?, '.f-ttre-i. Bobiiiet.. f-ivellas, ' (Yietojia Utwrs, Mohairs, Swisses," i- J''aids, hainsooki. '"itonadc-, ..Black Crehf;'.'- ' Saline's. Englit-h Crehcj Crash. Heat CrW-i ' W-tyurst .UUiiiri .iiiiiiupy it iii iiniTi, - , ' - Tabby Velvets,-'"-Tieking-. Lawns, . . - . GinghnKi., Edgings. Linen-. - Drew Trimmings,' ln-ertiu". 1 1 mi 1 Manii Itililinn7l tie.. .V f". ji!l it which will be sold chimp fur ..a-:i, a the Ncvtr .store in Tattersnii. -CW ' TOHU X J"IAN. , .JaW Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Co.Tcc. Ptiher- ! ized Sugar, CrKhed ji igar, N. O- Mi.-ar. ; 'vV , i 'h0c' Mu-.'.'r.'i. "nice." I S.'areh. Nutmeg". Cloves, Cassia, Oinj cr. i oi-n i-heap at Ktm-i-li t-iah Sail. St. for sale the kiv Smur in PaMerson. aul-tf TODD i: J'KAN. THE X Gentlemen's Furnishing Emporium ! ! ; Just opened in the new Rrick Ruilding. Main Stree', Patterson, a large and elegant assort- : ment of Readr-Mnile Clothing, consisting iut partf i Oct irotil::. f'rtirfc C''itx. I Dress Coot. I'iiii'nli,im.. I o-x, Ji 'tirri x. Ai( s. j L nrrfiirln. JfiimlL'i n iiii ff, j fills Olid dips. Hunts A- Sfiwx.i And everything u.-ually found in a firjt class 1 Gentlemen's Kiiruishiiig ."-tore. faxcv noon's Also a large and carefully aelecleil assort ! ment of Fancy Goc-ls. of all classes, kinds and ' I qualities, all of which will be sold ai. the low-. est possible living prices. ; j Ittiair (rititors and Shne. I!e also invites the. attention or the ladies t0 his fine slock tif GAITORS AND SHOES. Which he wiu sail at prices defying compeli- j lion. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. ; Ue has ou hand a beautiful assoriment of ! Carpets, Oil Cloths. &e , which are of a good ! quality, and well worth the inspection of the 1 buyer. 1 WATCHES AXD JEUFXKV . Void ami Silver VTurht, " ' I Clock, f'or '., ' ! ? . e , .-" Vtoiu and f iinri hit!, afcli KeyT.dies'and Gents' Breast Pins. Gold Pens 11 nd Feucils. &e.,'whichat this tiinev form the largest anil best assortment iu the I county. X i VSL.A11 tliehove roods will ha-aaliLcl lean- I er than awf 'other store in tUrftnited States-.! If you don't blive it,-just give wacatl and be convinced of the truth or the assertion ' I FVI HFfllT k Patterson, jan 1, lSb-l-tf r , f wTVfi VT XKMI Il V v"VJ"Attl llv. n. i .... - mijiw airi "VII. i i -8. W. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. 'TJIEabAra named having ta-Jtcn charge ofj targe ana convenient hotel where he la M, I art 1 m.Jmm & 1 n a. .i.M.o I boardefV PrrsolMLfuibia; tonke east or wvtt will fin j futs-the most convenient stopping place as they will be waked up at any krmr desired The Watiun-i 19 most farordWe trill the accommodations are of the be km I. The tatjmi is excellent and honfltttfs attentive. , The-laUe mid Urir WilValRr.bei.ll proti'k-d. " te$" lelias, iu connection with the Hotel,' a (rood LirtiRV STABLE. Iloise. Carriages, I Buggies, &c, always to be had. Fcrsons ' conveyed to any parr of the country. ' desire lo pleje, he boi-es to merit public nar- s-a- iy sirici utteniion to husuics ami a roaage, and render rhtf sojonrn of his gue.ts " both comforUdle and plca-ant.s !' Patterson June . i." .' v . 1 , HtXMJXJS CElEflMTED BITTER WINK OP IRON. ' BITTER WINE OF IRON, ,y . BITTER WINK OF IRON. " . BITTER. VTINi: OF IRON. TIfKOKf! T ToMi" . .. . , TUtORTAT ToNti' 1 ' 'tiik OKKAT T'M-Tiit:-Rr..T TtN: For )yprpi.-i ud I'r'Jip'stion For llypepxia ami ItLtiCilion, For Uysprpsia and lilie-:li'iiT, For ly."pepia and Itidi;eJiioii. For Weak SliiiU! and (Jenoral I'rliiliu . for Weak Stomachs and General lability l'ti- UVnk r(imti'!i ttit.l t.fntH-rtl!ilv - Tortrak Stomkcd and t'.rneral l'ebiliiy. I'elinble adJ?iire do iiooil. " " Rel's Me and KuihvJo do l!o.l. ! It rust bill l.firle and PitriSra the I'Wi. It cots btt l.itiU; and rnrifi'-s the H'ui"U. 1 t ! em' ' I N..w .'.:1t ,,k .. rVi f I Only A-k a Tn i 1 Vrw tltilv A-k h Tii ii ! I '..vl Only A-l a Tn:,l tt ll-i ':iil.;ll.Ie l.dii in". ff llit- Valnablr K-d'aiiie. - jot' this V-ltiitlT i!.'ii.iiif. 'Of thU Valuable Medicitii-. Only S-mi !;. -.- & Oni l..!lnr .. r ; Only Sf veiiiy-ti-rc tlue I'ol'ir p r H..I: . Only Srvnily-livf ! I.l!.!r!--. Only Kefenty-Hve ife I'ullur p-r f:..u ' Maniifnciiired soli-'v 1. . .S. A. Kl '.VKI.K.v l:i:o (ii-iK ral lepot 1 Ifi JLirti l si.. Ilsuri,'., p:i, ! Fir salt" by It. !'. Kcnui'r, Milfiinljnu. an t ( resio-clahU' dcsler evei w'uore. . ' ("July i-5 04 't Tmc peculiar taint or infection which w , call ScKort-i.A lurk, iti the riiiisrirutiniL- uf intihitndes of men. It either produce nr..V prmhu-i-d by mm en fcchleil. itinertf .f.iw if the tdm-l. wherein coniTieU'nt to su-taii the vital fiweea inthi ir vii".iii ai-tion. mil .t .1 ... fall iittn di-fTih-r au l tl'-cav. The 'frofiiloiw orintarr.-r.Vatiiin i s rioiiMy caused by Tucn UTUtl disease. h. living, liiwr-tifli tVutrt unlu-a'nliK ! food, iiiitiuro nir. lil-lt an! filthy li.t'"'-. , the lii-pn-snitii; sics, aud. ':iv ail. h Ihr Vi-tu rial itit'.-ctiiiti. Whatckvr -it- iiri-.'in. it i- IhTnlit.irT "n the ttiti-titutinii. I tet rnili.'i t'ro;n putt HM to chiltlr. u Hutu I Ihe third and fourth lo tu raiiitu ; " i 1!. , ! Slants- . In- ;i. ri,i nf liiiu win, nv. 4-1 tt i'l 1 i-it th' iui.uit!i'- nf tht tlttlu-rs uiMiii ttii'i. . chiliin-n.'" ill ili-.-ts. it iriL'i"ti -i t j k -: varioti ttatti .-: .i.-n.iiliii to the or'mi. ;r attai ks. In tin- Inn;-, s.-pitiila pritu-- 1 i tula-rch .-, Mid liruily t uUMtntpiiiui : m tii , viand-, -wvllinu- vMch xttppura: and (, eolllo ith 'Ti'tn pi.iv ill lim stnlltai.l! nn ! linrt-t I. 1I1 ran"in;!t- wh:c!i pr.shic itul: ge'tioii. ily-pa p-hi. uiid i.M-r unipl.iint. : ! : tl". skill, ( rltptivi- ami ctit:Mi. .nn atli-i 'i.'ii-. Those, all havitiL' the simto iifiuin. r-;'iire tl.. T niiii'- 11 unity-. ... purilii-atiou and in tion uf the Id-ml. Ptirit'y b" LIimhI. and : these dangerous iti-Ivihimm-s li .ne yuii. Wit't fi!do, finit, r nji-rti'iti i bliHul. nm rnnunC i have health; itli that -iiw .t"ttii' ni'-n ; lit-.-iiihy. juu eanirs; have t niuliu disca--: Ayer'a Saraapfu-iilii I is cctup-mmk-i from the n:n-t r'ei anti : ilntc that ineslini! w icmc !n di.-t-ic t rrd f..r" tiLfc4rfHtt-twi tli-t inp.T. an l !i.r the cure 11' "f flic t.'iMir'iors if 1 ':t.n!. That it is fir ?iipe rior t. any !-- r un i'r n t di'vt-i-il t krmwii by all v. Im Iihvc L'ivi n it a trial. 'I !.-,-; i ilif? e'lmhiiii- virtiii-s truly extra-. rdin.iry in tin it- ( fli.-i-r uniiri titi- cl-is of cuittphiint , is ir Is- j rnvi n by the '-rvat iiiiiltitn i of pul licly km. 11 and ri-ntarkubh? i ttrt-s it ' has ninth "f fin inllnaiitg ilica-i: Kinff'.; : Erll, or Glandula SweHings, Tit mors. ; Enipiins, Pimples. Blot?be and Sores. . Eiysipelas. JRose or St Anthony's fir?. Salt Eheum, Sald Head. Congh frorf 1 tuberculous deposits in tho lungs, tVTiite Swellings, Debility, Dropsy. Nenralijii. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis aiu Syphilitic Infections. Mercnrial Disease-. Female Weaknesses, ami, huh-cik tin- hoi. scries of fnntphiiuts that ari- from impurity of the IiIihi.1. Minute n H.rts of iri.liv ii h: . I t a-cs may b tuiind in Aki:' Aki!o n Alji iSai. Which is :'urni-li, d to l!u iltuui.-n fur fratiiitius tli-trihtiliiui. whervin may I learned the diroction-i for its u-i. and -,ii!-i of the icinarkable files which it has mini, w hen all other tetui dii Inr! t'a;l.-d to ailurd ri-lirf. Thosp arc luii.oaiiy taken from all iti'mi ttt tin- ri.tintry. fn unl -r that every reader may haw iuti-., 1., mih,, one who can sin nk Id him of it la tu iti Irnrn person!:! e.p rii m i. frr.Mnr.n di j,ri-ri lb vital cm-rgii s. and thus hm,s ii .i. li;ii' tsr more subject todisia-o ami i; f.i!:il 1.-.11I1-than are healthy nonstiiutions.- lb-mi ir kiiils lo shortvii. mid dues greatly shorh n. the avi-ragtr ilnration of 1. 11111:1,1 'liti. 'I h -vast iiiiportam-c of iht M consideration, hs le'l us ! spend years iu pent cling a rmiuiiv 11 hich is atlcquate to its litre. This c nuu utter tti tin public nndt-r the n.imi of A 11 r. SAiiiAPAttiixa.;h it is eonipo-d :' inpredients, some of which cxt-ivd tit.- ! r- tif SantiftuUfn in alteraMve power. I'.v ;t iiiityini n.ay protect yourseif from li.c snib r inpr and dangi'r of thos tltsonh rs. Cui -.. out the fool lorrnplinns that rot and fe-i, r in the Mood, purge out tin canst-' 01 iii.i a-i-. and vigorous hoaiih will follow. By it- pv u- ,1!,r vutues thrs rvminly stinmlntt ,11. vi!.,; I'unetions. anil thus c.vrx-ls tht- (ti.-Mni.. which kh Jurk with anyiart nf ir. lin the .-jstini 1.1- l.uj-l r on a We know lht' I'u'dic have Ic n ih reive.! r-ly tompounds nf itartem.itu, th .t I""0""! " and did nothini-: but th-v ncitner ne iki-civeui nor n mis. iti virtue nave ot-en proven ly annn ilant trial, and tljtt remains no qtu .-lii.n .f iti un.iussing exctdlchce for the cure of lh. afflictinir disease it is Thlcnded t. reach. Althongli nndcr the laaai" name, it is a ery different medic ine ftoVt'i any nthor w hich ha been before thwpciijilf, and is tr nre t-f-fectual thannny other which has ever been available lo them. CH FAIRY IT.CTOUAL Tn WOJ-Ud S Great Remedy for ougua, toias, incipient con- BUmption, and for the relief ol Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. : This has been so hmsr u.-ed and so uni-ver-aliy known, that wt need dt nt nton than af.-ure the public, that its nualitT is kert i tip ti the U-st it ever has leen. ami tliat t: VK?. ri ,ie?1 on 10 !" " ".ha.3 v.r ih-iiA. 4k 5 , jC? mm? 1 rl-jar!;" . ' ;T';" ' 1 " - fW.W.Wjl,W(V,t,.J , . , . : - "to..-. .;.. c-dl all dra? cery r. lo-i-v. ' wfer-. .-i