Newspaper Page Text
No." jROrEBTYOF-THE JUNIATA COUNTY EDITORS ASD PROPRIETORS. volume ivm. "lilFFIJjOOtiiT (l ,T,rO3.N0VE!IBa 2, 1864. NUMBER 30. 1 i-u.i' &UtOova tots. I. - social' t": . :- Ijfcp--' . . - . a. t uxrss ww.Ditu : . : I:- " : ! : : - - : ., : - - - t. wsmnnoi-tM sm). .u saroneaimT meruu un.l TV. t c. i raw wtanea to tmrorm kin ihmai .wftrs rona that he has removed to the none oa bridge Street opposite Todd it Jordan's Store. . aprt-tf TOMB STO.VEt ECBES CAVENEV, Manufacturer ef Tomb r'-nt, NUAlistervi'le and Miflimown. AU work pal up in the most tasteful uJ sub . aiantiul uum(. Givs bin. a sail, kril 13-64tf. ALL AND EXAMINE J our Stock of Ready MadeClt thing before a Purchase !sewber, yo'i trill find- oa banJ good a.;orcarnl for Men and Boys rc. which jr-il l ea'J cheap for cash or ji.auy produce MiCUT PESXELL, I -if Patterson, Pa. K. C. 8TKWART, ATTOBilEY-AT-WW. ArYn'iijotrfi, Juniata Co., Pa., his professional eervie.s to the pub lie. fVlLcmns sod kit othr bujraes -grill Tecie prompt attention. Srrt door V:r:fc of Bth'ord'e dtore, (upstairs.) Colour 68 District!. , 7 svs.r-"-- A80MBt:kr' ' SBKRirf . Reoistm 4e.CoM Migs'.HER. Dist. Attt. Additak. ' " Coeohm: SkAT0R8 f6 T Miller. W It MUUr. Kirk Louis W HJRW Mkm - John M ' Hainei. Hall. Walters CArwfy.BaUb'b.Swoope. Kttrnt, WW Smpt 8ft 5 JJ Lewis X P Me Daniel IjHm. Noteet'o LnuUn. Dtgwx. IftZrsu.EaouM JKen-Jwrj J A Ephr'm TAoa JrV UMQro-oAt atMU.' Ljcm. MSlikai. Yoabg. Caxmoii sager. JfiMllU . LYOA'S, tf'fiintj. Junli-.a Cour.'.. P , OflSco ea M. .tr?; South -if DriJi atr et. M. ALLISON. . Attorney at Lew, ?nbUf. Miffiintima 64 80 70 59 73 84 58 64 Fermausgh 87 83 86 83 87 89 S& 83 ' Fayette 217 97 219 219 95 95 216 ' 21 .Monroe 40 86 43 41 85 85 42 40 Swpehanc 36 71 36 36 " 71 71 36 36 Greenwood 19 59 19 19 59 59 19 19 Delaware 149 91 151 146 95 90 UL 148 Walker 146 128 144 140 130 132 144 Tatteraoa 24 71 21 25 72 73 24 22 Milfurd 78 110 78 78 111 111 78 77 Pwrjtn: 36 52 37 38 50 50 42 38 Ttot&R 36 90 36 36 90 90 37 36 Spruce HiU 80 87 78 78 88 .89 78 77 Beats ' 59 93 59 59 94 94 59 5S TiKcarora ,45 181 45 45 182 182 43 47 Lack l 104 4t 41 103 103 41 41 Black Log , 2 29 2 2 29 29 2 2 Total 119 1517 1165 1147 1514 1526 1145 1149 1159 1165 1147 MajVtsiee $ 358 349 379 1515 1145 26 149 370 i77 Camp Stonetsio, Co. A 4?th P V Co. G 201st Co. E " Co. K 196th Crnnp Biddlc, Co. F 201M lwa-J'ni; Room 8 Co. V 12th Cat. 49:h Cj. M 12th Ca7 bis ( Co. V 194th trs. (;; oa TlaSa .S'.rset. Miiliiaw?.. fa. i Tariier Lan IIt . Caiap Prole, Aopo ;": r-iem:?ui promptly t:a A to JL the ca!ctiou of cUimt (Pint either the r":o or Nuliuaai Oorernaient, Pkhhiodi, Back rr, Eountf, Fx'ri Pa;, ai all other elaime ..-U:r.f cu: sf liie pris-;3t or any other wr, JEP.EMT.!! LrOXS. AtMraer-at-Law. i:S.;uU.irr., Ji'nia Co.. Pa. feblO OY-KZI oT-tet I'lir; Dr.aeiT3tl residing ia nrxBwooi I. towiibip, j&niHta esun:, hariog takes jt f. ;;! as Auctiooerr, refpoctfuiiy of ffrt ta-rr!et to t p3)M?r" AJl !ttrm al-Jr.-sd to h:.Bs at LWrpiol, Perry county, or Mi'lerovjvi, p rry eaaa'.y, te pr"j;tj a::iaei to. JAML3 COX. G.-3weoa, Miy Z. - 'rho CHEAPEST and BE3T p"e?e to gt X L4. Mirr?', nail Ciiifcirea'a .-t, S.i;prs aid i&:t)ra :i at It. D. WCLI.ER'. M;n S;rot. ahTeCtcr.-y Siree-, MiffinfoTn. A fjod as?ertiiitut always oa hind. tL. TSXKS CASK. II. D. WELLEK. y.a i-tr DR.FRED'K SORC, IIutiieopatMc Physician. 'Vice in, Juaia'.a Co. Ta. tf, fr. STg prac'iece the Ilonifopathic fJj-tiu of Medicine, which has so often proven Co. 151t Co. O 20Sth Co. B 202ad Cj. I 53rd Co. I 152nd C. C 3rd Sltilea' Barrack , Co. I. P A 152nd Co. K 208th Co. F210tk Co. K 202nd Co. F 49th Co- II 49th Co. B 1st Cat. Camp 15 U S I Ca. B 209th Co. C 47th ! Co. E 3rd Art. Co. F loth Cav. Mower Hospital Co. B 205th Carrirr Hospital Co- E 49tl S 1 2 2 1 1 4 30 6 1 C 1 1 1 ft v 5 1 ft V 1 i 9 11 10 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 n 5 1 n a 1 4 9 1 o 2 1 - 1 4 9 10 10 1 6 1 31 5 1 2 4 2 32 5 1 2 4 2 U 10 1 6 1 3 3 4 '" 3 1 - 6 3 6 15 11 2 12 2 1 1 1; 1 4 s 5 1 68 73 43 100 61 85 60 83 64 79 60 3 94 79 76 99 87 88 87 88 85 88 84 87 216 98 211 99 219 91 214 99 . 215 98 218 97 43 83 43 82 39 84 40 86 39 86 40 85 36 71 86 71 44 63 34 73 34 71 36 70 19 59 19 59 19 57 18 59 19 59 19 38 150 91 141 97 14S 85 149 90 148 91 148 90 143 127 138 134 144 12S 143 130 143 129 142 127 36 00 21 75 23 73 25 71 24 . 72 . . 23 72 82 105 75 112 77 110 75 110 78 W 80 109 35 63 81 67 36 52 35 53 36 52 36 52 36 90 35 91 36 90 86 90 86 90 35 89 77 87 75 91 77 90 78 89 77 90 76 89 61 91 55 97 59 94 56 95 . 58 f 91 59 91 35 190 37 190 43 179 45 179 43 181 44 182 87 108 39 106 41 105 41 103 44 101 41 104 2 28 2 29 2 29 2 29 2 29 2 29 170 1493 1078 1589 115fr 1498 1138 1527 1145 1516 1143 1514 1170 1078 1155 , 1138 1145 1143 823 bU sli 389 37l 371 . ... . , , ......... ..... . 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' 1 14 4 10 6 8 6 9 6 8 6 8 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 o o o 2 2 2 21" I 2 242323232323 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 222222222222 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 11 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 , 2 v 2 9 4 9' 4 8 4 8 4 7 4 2 2 2 ' " 14 28 31 11 12 30 14 23 11 31 11 31 8 7 8 5 10 3 11 1 9 6 10 5 1,1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 9 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9" -r - 4 5 - -4 3 S 4 z . 1 a" 11 1 1 1 2 2 6 6 "S I S 13 1 3 1 3 1 51 5 .1 5 1 6 1 5 1 5 Ovrersor la 1863 -AO; Curtia. 7? 106 259 48 54 27 190 180 37 94 51. 44 87 75 55 69 4 a w Woodicari. 77 85 91 119 72 73 93 141 82 128 69 105 106 113 208 139 33 1456 1737 1456 281 Mat rot sine '63. 9 16 39 41 19 22 43 47 21 34 S2 23 26 36 87 83 C 517 Tout Army VoteS SI 88 -85 84 , 80 80, 85 73 82 - 82 68 94 88 72 67 80. 62 71 64 87 65 85 iievoti:1243 1605 1250 1231 1594 1606 1230 1227 1597 1608 1238 1587 1166 1661 1222 1578 1202 1598 1209 1C03 1208 1599 1243 1250 1231 1230 1227 1238 1166 1222 1202 1209 1208 MAJQRiTtt t 362 344 375 367 382 849 495 356 396 394 I9T ft . Onietal Ilone Vot Theso ara the fitmres on thm tal! paper, but the fignre1 woro iooorrectlT reversed in the returns, making 30 of a difference, f Union men in Roman, Copperheads in Italic. .Majorities on the home vote. Majorities on the whole ote. $ Total number of sol diers voted. For John J. Pat terson for Congress, one vote. Africa and Kearna, one each for Senate. Henry Balsbaatv, two, and John J. Baisbacb, one, for Assembly. John C. Swoope, two, John M Swoopc, one, John V7. Swoope' four, ind John Swoope, one, for Assembly. There were sev eral fetes rejected by the re turn Judges, for want of for mality, 4c, of which the Union mea had probably half dozen aajoritj. The Charleatoa Mer cury of the 2&th lt., say : If we hold oar own nd pre vent farther military mees9er on the part oi our foea, there is every prospect that McClel lan will be elected, and his election opoa the Chicago plat form mailt lead to pesce and oar independence. The election in Westers Virginia, passed off quietly, and the entire Union ticket is believed te have beea elect ed. Gov. Boreman, Union, is re elected by a heavy rasj. its superiority to the eomicon Iru Prastice. He respeutfuUy ailur hia services to the oit- iu of this e-onty. Charges noUerate. re&. 'OJ-tt rcaw)!!s! - Peasions! LL PER60.VS WHO HAVE BEEN D13- V apl!;d twrin'j the present wak AUE ENTITLE! TO A PENSION. Ail per ms who in'end applying for a Pension must ?!! on the Eiaaining Surgeon to know weth r their risibility is aaflteient to entitle them i a Pension. A1 disabled Soldiers will call on the nnderaigned whd baa been appointed Tension Hurgtoa for JunU'.a aoi adjo-xiug Ciiuntiee. P. C. RC.VDIO. M. !.. PatUrsc-a. Pa. Zi. 9. ises-tf TWO UNITED STATES MARSHALS WAYLAID' A Well KaewB Citizem of Juniata Har-leresl. CHAIR MmTACTORV. ticn or tbb Jusit Cocsrf AoucctTvnat Socistt, V PerrySTtlU, Of.. 16, l"iS. I E -in Hereby certify that the Camaiiiioe a Mtaufa-'are4 Articles baa awarded to (nsiu W. Wtitaei. the First Preaium for the m?st sub.taatial, noaust, aa4 beet Aalahad teU of Chairs. O. W. JACOBS, Triat'r. Vil.uw 11 atca. Sce'f. jam IS J9ux ti. ran eboy (LaM Paymaster, C- 8. A.) .No. 204 eOGTH POCBTU STREET. MILAOeXtHIA. ALL ILSDS 0? IflLITART AND NATAL films inirarrn mi t ptti' n AXD NUCOTIATEO. rsmiovs, botjvtt AID SACS FAT PROCURED. ?e Caaige aotess waecatal. Ssair Appdioatioas y Mail attendei ;o as promptry as it made of references given. iarersoa. . The bt The SnUlnel is the BEST aJvcrfi.sir.f aiuliua. An eitra of the Oxkaloosa (Iowa) Her ald, dated the 3rd iaat., gives the follow ing account of the murder of two U. 8 Manhals by the disloyJ men of that vi cinity. Oue of the victims Captain Johu L. Bashore, was a soa of Mr. Sam uel Basbore. residing aboat three miles north of Mechanicobnrg, Pa., and was at one time a student of Cumberland Val lev Institute. Captain Bashore removed to Iowa eight or nine years since, and set tied in Centreville, Appamooee county, in the Southern part of the State, where he was engaged ia a mercantile business at the outbreak ot (he rebellion. -Uttering the r-rviee as 1st Lieutenant the 6th Iowa cavalry, he was shortly afterward promot ed t a eaptaiuey, and served his country with fidelity, and honor to himself, for 3 years After having faced death in all forms on the battle eld, confronted the open rues of the Ooverameat, he was shot down in eold Wood by the wretcbeo who aid the rebellion secretly, by all the means is their power. Capt Bashore was a young man of excel lent business qualifications, and emmiaent social qualities. He has a large nnmber of friends and relations in Jnaiata eonntj among the Bashore and Seiber families, who will remember Johii L. Baiho, as one fitted to adorn any position to which be might be called. We ask them to re member that be died by the hands of mur derous guerillas ia the employ of the Confederate service, and that these gueril las and all thei aiders and abettors, North sad South, are working to elect Geo. B. r..iMollan Presideet. Go to the polls', ill of you oa the 8th of November, and resent the murder of your frieud aad kinsman; The follwing Etrel&t a:cQuat of th trsels sfiiir : On Saturday, October lt, in Sngar Creek township, Poweshiek County, Depu ty Marshals J. M. Woodruff of Knox ville and J. L. Bashore of Centerville, were wavlaid and iu cold blood murdered. The particulars of this dastardly affair as we get them are as follows : Several drafted men of Sugar Creek hav ing failed to report at the Provost Marshal's office, deputies Wood run and isasnore were sent to inquire the reason, or some thing to that effect. On gaiog to die neighborhood they met Mike Gleaeon, and after some conversation leading them to believe that he was all right, they disclos ed their business and offered to assist them in finding the men. . The marshals made an arrangement for him to ro with them after they bad fed their horses and obtained some refresh menu themselves.- But while the marshals were feeding, Gleason went to Millers saw mill where the Copperheads had met to drill as was their custom on Saturday. The military company soon dispersed. Alter tewcing. Woodruff and Bashore started out to boot the drafted men. As they were Bantu along the road they were soddeatry fired apoa by a squad of men oooeealed ia the bushes. Woodruff was instantly killed, having two balls through his head and a number in hia body. Baahore was bat slightly wounded. He jumped out of the buggy but was immediately sarrounoed by the Lopperueacs and several guns and Gleason placed ' under arrest. Ba shore lived four or five hours and told all the particulars of the assassination to James S. Cravens, at whose house he , died, and others. John Fleener, Sam uel Fleener and Perry McFarlaod, sup posed to be the principals in th.s cold blooded crime, have escaped and are still at large. Hon. J. B. Grinne! has offered a reward of 1500 for their arrest and con viction. On Sundsy, three or four bandied cit izens were collected at Cravens. Toe murdered men, both of whom bad been soldiers, Woodruff of the 3d cavalrv Ba shore, 6th cavalry, were lying with their gnastly wounds pleading ior lattice and revenge. It was with difficulty the exas perated crowd were restrained from strin ging up Gleason without judze or iurv. Our informant left the scene at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, when parties were scour ing the neighborhood for (he Fleecers and others, sad arrangements were made for bringing the bodies of the slain and the prisoners to Oskaloosa. Sugar Creek is one-of the hardest sod most notorious Copper head holes ia the State. The Fleepera are hrotherain-law to Mvers who I'll 1 a a .7 autea Auowey last autumn, and they were also implicated ia that horrid murder. There can be little if any doubt that these assassinatiooe are ia accordance with the plan already adopted and sworn to by the secret order of CoDerheada ia low. What Copperhead Op; feoveraeieat fie' Slti te the -i asst. a na . " a a . ' 1 1 Ct . asvewa m bj aa v-B '--w-IJia, hate twom ikal son who bad betrayed the marshal. -Mar -7' " , T ,-fT , T T appealed te them to spare Vis life. Beta " " 'JJ "c" V araJ' them that they were strangm to hisa tb? 'f aA- Ume tf -he had nothing against them, was siaaa ft, for dealing leniently with such men discharging his duty as an acer. " these has past. The officer of the a .a . . tll n A a aL! T Deggea inem no. w ... m uw should at one determine to point ae was soo. .0 ma oa, toe P lft mni Me Sidneys, sasnore men f tenne near the kidneyi shot Gleason breaking bis leg. Beaker felr, whether he was shot again or not doea not appear. But after he was down, Gleason. who was not badly wounded bat he could walk, came up to him and struct him a terrible blow on the head with the but of the gun; inflidtHig" a frigbtfal wound and breaking the gun. By this time the Copperheads bad left, thinking doubtless they bad succeeded in- killing both officers. A half an hour later a neighbor who heard the firing; ' came that wiy aid ths wean-Jed aezr were carried off visit those 1 Banishment on ho resist their authority. saT There is nothing iu the history of impvdenat to be compared with the pro. position inside to the American nation by the Democrats ia the1 Chicago Convention- "Commit suieide that Slaver may liver am. M'Ckllaa said he failed at Rieb moBd for the want of men. He wilt fail at the ballot-box for the nae reason. The developements made by the recent investigation of the facts and circumstan ces connected with the great conspiracy in the Northwest, have established very clearly what Coppejhead opposition to the Government meanst While the leaders of the Copperhead factions are deluding the majority of the honest men who are now supporting McClellan, the rea! object of these leaders, aside from and -which are calculated to follow the election of "Little Mae," may be clearly set forth as follows : 1. To incite soldiers to desert from the armies, and to harbour and protect deser ters. 2. To eircalate disloyal and treasonable documents. 3. To discourage enlistments and re sist the draft 4. To communicate with, tad impart information to the ecemy. 5. To aid the enemy by recruiting for him, or assisting him to recruit within our Enes. 6. To farniah the enemy with munitions of war. 7. To eo-operate with the Hebels 10 their ianiH sf lyt Saataa. . "- 8. To act aa the paid incendiaries and apply the torch to Northern- ciue and towns. 9. To destroy the military stores sod property of the Govtrnment. 10. To assassinate and get out of the way Union citizens oawoxiena for their seal, and Union soldiers and Government employees. 11 To establish a Coofirderacv of States; with the Eastern coaniaxmwesJtkt left "oat in the Cold," and make slavery and the slave trade, the rreat features of the Goernatest, ; , -Thie ia what the Democratie leaders are at now, sad it is what ttey hope to a complishj the tlettionr of Crsorge B. MaCIeJIan. . . PLEASONTOiVS VICT0RT OVER PRICE LH MISSOURI. General Fleaeooton gives the following information in regard to h operations against Price s He marched i2 miles ia two days aad fooght 82 miles. lib force was less than 6.000, while Price bad fully 25,000. Price has bat one gnu left, aad no ammu nition, ha haviae blown ud his train. He , 0 alaobarned 400 wagons to save then from capture. We have 2,000 prisoners, with several thousand stand of arms. General Fagan is reported killed. Price's army ia completely disorganized, and flying ia all directions. 1 1 - r PHIL KEARMT8 PROTEST. Gen. M'ClcIlan issued bis extraordinary order for retreat to Harrison's Landing, after the battle of Malvern Hill. The noble and gallant Phil. Kearney exclaim ed to tho officers around hia "I. PhDin Kearaey, an old officer, en ter my solemn protest- against this order for retreat We ought, instead 0 re treating, to follow up the enemy aad take Richmond. "And in fall view of all the' res!wnsibilities of such a declaration, I sy to yen all, sucA aa order rati tnfy 6c promoted by cowardice or treason." nan." If a traitor strikes down the American Flag, shoot; him on the spot I has bseoms unto ws a hw of war a4a' law of honor. Says thrLord Dundreary of Democratie poKties, " Xxhwaust sll the reswourcee af Statesmanship, to persuade the individual to lift the American Flag, up again. But doa't shoot V DakiksSS RictTnaw. Tlwre are bat threw Copperhead legislatures remising io 'tk free State New Jersey, Indiana ant Ilfiaois, and they: are three op-, posed to allowing the soldiers' to vote.1 Reasoa, carus the soldiers hate Coppa eai- : - - '