Newspaper Page Text
7 i t A- I C8S , W. W. OO IS. TBI CowmrrTiow tub twin ft BSrOftCKMMT Or TBI LAW. EDITORS ASU PROPRIETORS. VOLUME IV1IL MlFFLlfl'l'UWA. JiMATA t'Oll 'VPNN. NOVEMBER 9 3361 NUMBER Si. u,-sr s5g r, -i. --r; ;,v:w 1,1::,:;. V. DR. P. J. Kd.inio, or ratter !'.. wi.sfce tv inform bts friends and pa- trans tfett he -f- -Ti' nadi i ibn an . I.; SiieT. ojipociie Todd & Jordan's Store. aj.ri-if - ;Tonib . All d aub- TO Mil sroi. HKI'BK.X CAYENEV, Manufacturer of 1 6loo-:. McAUstoiville and Mitlintown worn put up in the moit tart'f'il and tantid maimer. Civo hliu a call, cpril 13-tit-tf. 1 ALL A.VD KXAMIM; I our .-stock o.' !.: Mi leflothin? before Jtrowth cf Luiiincl.t Uair, Whiskers, or Mou ; o.i Purchar Klsca ii'-r, xca iU Cn l on : itn than thirty dajn. SiiJj 7 ml :i.wriuiuit f'"r Men unl IJoji i A''ri'livnioii8 anfwercd by return mail ir. ;ii.h hi ivli choip fr cu-h or i 'inilt charge. Kesp-efully yours. Ubtrt it - i.:-:f '!i-:;i:v : PP.XXfXt.. I'l' crs, la. h( :v.m;t. ATTCRSY-AT-UVYt Mijjliu'.wn. Juniata Co., 1'tt., VS'w his prnf-'-i 'inl cr;cit to tte pal- C'dlei'-tiun ttiii ';! w:.-r business wiil t 'c.v t r..r t : .;it!iti ln. .T"ie iirei ajr - irr - i: fle.iori'" .Sr.,rr, :if-;ir?.j . - Jhtlh.UI.lU l.lUJNX imilllll t T -..i-fm M..a ?:.-,ct d.,:.-. iwtl-: st r!. W ir: I; Aitrinj at I ait. l ii! at'i'nl i t J! b;i;Mps ra ru-'.:-l t.-. ' MILITARY CLAIMS. 'TIIE undvr-!r-- is III protnnt'.y : I 1- ir..- .i'.lc';'I ! -.f cl;it..s kr-Jnt :th'-r t!. j S v- r v.i.i IYj;. ! . . !'..'.ii-.t.'. TT-r-i -.r, 1 ot.i.-r iim j .;i.i:J of ti.c v-''.t or 3y nur r, . !: - i. : Jnr.Mi..jT ITONJ. i i'.:torn. y-ut-f" . .to'3. ,.-.!.t:.-u i'., TV. frtily Ti ! tt V -CZ S UY'I' ! ! 'I'tif. undrin.vl r.;aaiS ia Ur4n-w-i j ..c aati-hip. coany, :tn tikeu j V-Vise A iWiUt'i icr. r-wpectfui'v f-1 !.rl.;...l i.J. (iH'jOTM. " JAMES TVX. '(-i.e c:t ("IIP WV.vr and KF.ST ,.Uc- I!. if. b. ni.M.i:ii"i. ; M . ' .-.i, 'i.'i."'..ti; 'irc t. M:i5!.ti' n. ; &, A i i K-?:'tiv -tr tv s on boot. j ii. J. V.KLI-Kli. i hi f OR. FRED'K SGRC; !: fjD'.tfh 'fC J'Jitici'n. i-i T!i":".'p.(!i. Jiiniata Ca. lr. S-.rT vrac'we ti.e !ouc-t"tui .Me li. inf. wh: j has -o often pr.vju ! ri -rit the coi.unou Drue Praeiiec. .eni.i!lv iit-r bis iu vK-i: t. :ne cu. , tui-i Ci rr'.s iae j-..ate. !VnifiHs! P''l!oBS ! '..L i i;f(.;'.'X V.'KO HA"i: BITS T '-'- . ABi.l.D I'l i;l; iK PRKESI W.VRi AiLE LM'l l l Kl lt i PENSION. A.l p-r- : v -..' yiii intvjii -it v'v;.i tor a Pension 'niu.f ' - .11 vn !h-:"l'.t'i"ii Miif'-vi t.jknon weth- r : it-ir l&bi!itv i-- sntSeifiit to entitle them t i h. F -iwim. All disnliiel a.u-liers will call 'ite .nJiTij;t:-'.i v. ;.. ti n-'i ajipimtcn I P-iisiuit .t.T.a:ni:nu; t-ii .iliiii C-'iinti-.s. I r.- u. ift:. si car'e-Ti for Jauia'.i and J I C. RCSDIO, M. D.. P:t:rs-Jt, Fa. ! CISAIit MANUFACTORY. or r us. .'i .vuti Cot .viv j. r , - v'li.e, Oct. 1-'. lst.a. f. I i ti.-i-liv Tt'tfy that tue ..tnr.nt -e i -a Uaniil'.iei'ir-d Articles n itwarued to i:ian V. stttttt th First Premium f .r tS-.- i ii. j subs-am ia'.. BVit made, and best f...'.-J.-J Mil t CWllt. V. i A COBS, 7"'-tV. li.i.i u H&mw. Stc'y. jan 13 . jii.v .if. van Eiioi I'M-; i'aynsasier. V- S. A ) lim ant) Ibbn Jgtntjj, No. 2At poittit rornTii street. PHiLAr3CLrHiA. Alt' KINDS i)P MU.ITARY AI NAVAT, II.VIS AIJI -STKI), WIILKCTEB ami Ni::oriATr.i. PENSIONS, Bcwainr AN? BACK PAY PEOCUREB. ;liais! unlrss SurcrssfHl. . App'iciuoni by Mail at'en-W M a preaiptly as if made in : Tho teit of TCt'en;n'!..' iv-il. i . 1 m : i Tlic Sentinel th"! FITS 1 Hjv'w.rtir-'ia iH'iui 1 Silt.- With yossr permission, I readers of your ppr that I wi'l be'.i, by return mail, to all who wish it ; I (rev), a Kecipe, with full directions for ma- , king au I uing simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove in ten d-iya, Pimples, I!lotcLe, Tan, rrcc!;l9H. and all Impurie:ieS . f ,b Kk'a- Jeaying the eao.e soft, clear, : rwoin nua teautiful. : I will a!a r,,ii fr.. ... ni.i - - - - ' " t A7.i'4 I jiua .orinrojioee, aimpie a;recuon.i atii mi ..ntiMon that will enable them to start a full IHOt?. F. CHAPMAN, thmit, 27.'lrn Pil Iroadway, Hew York. I . A Csrd to the Suffering, j CA!.l.()W twoor three bogsheadiof "Cuc Oliu,'' 'Hr;npr.viili," "Nervous Amidol." I fcc, ic. and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR , M OHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC, PILLS-r- 1 ll:ii hi rdtorol! .i rit'lh ami vitf. in ln- j than tltirty Jy. Thor are purely vegstable, f.:.stil to take, pronspt tad salatiry in their effej's yu th broken-down and shattered cob - I it'r.ijn. O'.d and young can take them wi'h j Ivan'.ige. Dnporte.1 and old in the United l,ajj 1 T I L' 4. II"1 T'r, " 'J v.-i.. HUM H., ! t No. 127 Droadvay, New York. 1IT S'int lortac I'mteil Mates. -A Box of the Tills, aeeurely Backed. le mai.d t any address oa receip'. of : rr-.i;. mhi'-.h is OM! DOLLAPi, post paid j '" .' fr DOl VISHTO BEClHtD: l. KUCHA N ti (FNiiLIsil SPECIFIC PIII.S cure, in ! t,.: iN dav-, the worst cRes of NERVOUS ! :F.SS, Inipofeuey, Premature Decay, Seminal j We- kn3, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual i and Aervoas .".Bec'.ioBi, no matter from what ius-; proiiiccW. Trice, One Dollar per boi. ' ?eii'-, post-pVitt, by mail, ia receipt cf an or- I dr. Ue ISox ill perfect the cure :a laoH 'ra.fl;. AlreM, JAS. S. Bl'TLEIl. .;.neral Agnt, 4"' Broadway, New York. rpHS CMSF??-I0S8 AND EXPERIENCE A of an in i!M. rubiihed for the benefit snd aa a cautioa t youne men and other, vii eii'fer fro'.i Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Ma-.hvj, ... Lpp!ying at the r :ie ritu tLc Mcar.i of Self-care. Sy ene vtan h.u cik-ed Uinijclf aiierunJerj3:Oj( con- -'iJcrabV Hekery. By enclosing apMt-pajd :-iresi ciiVKljped "inie c.pij" may be had ti " a5ot. N AHI NIFL MAYKAIR, Efq., .'un Iy Brooklyn, Atngs ttw., S. V. .ir::;,-, -r ! M. i'.. y.itLiST and Altist, formerly of iv ' den. llull.iuJ, in now located at No. iill TINS 1 Mr?i l, L'uiLbi:irilji,irBf!n perTnssflim . r::U Ps-ii-os cf the EYE and EAR -ni1.) be S5te tlficiF.y treated end cuj'tJ, if curaiU. J itxf' Eyes iu.-terd without paiu. t N. I. u charges made fcr Exsmination. IUe Medii'.al ficuliy is invited, as he haa no ' v-cr-iis iu his tacdc uf treatment. Ja'yW l, 1 y. "Ml MANHOOD: HOW LOST. ilOV.' IlEETOUKD. uu'.il ilird. a n.- vr cdiuon cf Cul- ttt'it Cdihra'td Enit on the raeical cure 'w;ikai:t niediciiie) of Spermatorrhoea. ,or : cliual Aeuanea. Involnnmry Seminal Loas- e, IniT.ofeni'y, Meil'al and Physical Incapa i iiity, inspedimcnts to Marriage, etc.; alio, j Cinim!'ion, Epilepsy, and Fiu, induced "by ; fell' indulgence or sexnal extravagance. ! Pri.:e. iu a scaled envelope, only 6 cts. The celebrated author in this admirable e- i sav c'.early demous-rates from a thtrty yiars succesMiul prrnice, iuai me aianuia; cuute- anenrea of seif-abuse m.-y be raJ;cilly cured -aUIiout the aangerous uie of internul medi- cine or tlio appucaiion oi me uie poim: I out a m'"e o cure, at ou-:e simple, certain ' and en"e."ual, by inans of which :very uf-f"i-..r i. o umiver wbat. his con'Jidion mv be 'msv i-vtre hiri'.eif cbcaply. privately, anu '"''l iiieture should be in the hand. uf fT,..ry vouth ana every man in the tand.'undcr eul, in a, plain envelope, to .,,j address, post-paid, en cept jf six cents r"two p-ifrt stamps Address ttic putlijbers. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE i CO., j;- Iiowcry, New York, Post Office box 4586, Juae 1 Iy MATRIMONIAL! I IAL)ll:S AND UfSTLliMKN ! if vou nis'n to marry, address the undersigned, j who will Bond jou without money and without 1 tiricc, valuable information that will enable I vfi-i to marry ba.ppy aud speel'.ly, irrespective '( se, wtaitn or beauty. This information wid cost you uothrng. and it you wiu to ' marry. I will cheerfully assist you. All let ! t'.rs stiicily confidential. The desired in- ir ' "ration sent by re'urn mail, and no question i.sUcJ. address SARAH B. LAMBFKT, C:reini'oint, Kings Co., New York. MilBintowa, Oct. 12, iae4-2mo. EVERYBODY TAKE NOTICE! Tht we'ha-ve reduced the prices of our bttrk of goods -.ince the late decline in gold aiid ar selling goods cheaper than they can be purchased in Philadelphia at. wnoleole pri ; es. - . - i We ar.i soiling Prints, from 20 to 40cta. ! DeLaics, from 40 to 6cts. ' Ala; accas Lyouesc Clothe and Departs, at I list fall prices. Call and examine before you purchase elsewhere. , ! Oct. 6-l. - 1 tODD & JORDAN I ,- ; . . !'. i. ' r. H. Salter fi. W. Reed. &. ! : .- Also, J-ibbers in ,. i- ' -n; I CLOTHS, CASsJIMKRKS, SATINETS ! No 113 MARKET STREET, N-jrlhs ide, between Fourth and Fifth. '' ; PHILADELPHIA. '-!- Tuscjtfora Female Seminary, ACADEMIA, J CNTATA" COUNT Y PENS' A. tJomucnces its summer Term May 4th, I SCI r ? caiara address ..." " Mra. 0. J. TR ENX'n. Principal, cr .iI!'ivb"P.VTTLl,'50";rtr i TV-. 1 :.. .j!.ti.' ., i. X berger of Perrysv uht, 'o collect hij ont- j the West aide of the nvir on i lie 10th Jo - j vember next, at the oftic. ef the Dotaor in i Perrygille : and thoe on (he East sie eaa find him at bi office in Oakland, on ay Sat- urday up to that time. All acoiunls tpl paid ; standing accounts, notes, sc. will meet til o ..i i. " " "7 ' . " i-.II e ,h. at tbe etniration or thm (tniR will da nnmeai- I ai'.lj ui, nil. mc OMIIU Ul J w .uw , 1'eace far collection. M m. I'UiiH Milllintown. Oct. 12, NOTICE. "VTotico is hereby givm that th VESDCE 1 NOTES given tc William PcfTor of Tusca rora township are left with the -undersigned in MilUintowTi, Pa., All persons interested are requested to call immediately or the notes will be put into the hanJs of a Jut!e for collection. JOHN WEIGHT, sept 7 3t ' " J NOTICE Notioe hereby giveu tlitt the books and neconntsof Feighily AStraynr, of MoAlisters ville. JuoiniaCo. Pa. have been plaoed in the hands ct the undersigned, residing near Oak larn Mills, for collection and settlement. AU persons interested are requested to call imme diately and save further trouble. SAMUEL LEONARD II I X It V JltRPF.R, No. 520 A8CCU Street, FJIILADELPHIA, Has a large stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY. SOLID SILVER-WARE. Snr.erior plated TEA SETd, srcC'SB. FORKS. &e fts... Oct. i-BI, 1 mot. Photographs. i--f-- fPhe Patron9 of the SENTixcLwbo may... visit JL Harrinburg, or desire a lirtj jslass Picturs should by all ir?aps go where they take the mist splendid liksnestts ever gotten up any- ULI1NITE i WELDON'S 110 Market St., Harrisburg, Ta. ONi CENT ntWAHD. I! an away from the resilence ol the snlscri ber in MitBintown, on the night of the 21s) If SI. Daniel Horning, an indentured appren tice to the pi-'mtiu business. Said Ii.tniM commonly kaown as "the printer's devil." is about 17 years c!i about five fevtoneacdsev- ea eighth inches bijli, (more or less,) grey es, thin face, and had on when heteir brown roundabout. Htn inj,irf rinli'iveyttfMprs f inMii hi. hand. The above reward will be raid fcr his siiiprehens'ion and rr-nrn. but no thanks. . A. L. CU1?. Ail persons are Ticrec . ix uei" i nar-1 bor, ;wt. r r;.',.y said i!.-rn-u; ! "r count as we will pny tin dbt ;f ir ''ti.ract lug, neither individually nor as a fl".u Utsd & i V IS- A G EAT S?JCC!!!53 ! , Unparallsd iu the History of Sewiajj Xa chines. TUE . , , VVIvI.l) iA IK TIT II SHUTTLESEV1NG MACHINES Never fail to talisfy those who givsj them a tborough U'tal, and wherever introduced axe rapiuly superceding all others. Thry Uie tr.a threads with a straight needle and tku'tle, making the Lock Stitcs, which is alike on botti sides, and for economy, dura bility, elasticity and la"tt, is the only Hitch worth j of itj. They nre propelled by Cam, which produce belter timed motions fur sew ing than can possibly be obtained by cranit or lints. They work like a "thing of life," the needle throwing out its loop, and then sfani ing still until the shuttle passes through, when both draw upon the threads together, makiDg the stitch tiyet aad strong. Tbey are capable of running at very high speed, being smooth ly finished, and making Jive ititchetxo every revolution of the ballanee wheel, a speed un eqvullcd by any shuttle machine in us For these reasons the "Wszd" is atknowl- edged, wherever kltown, to be THE BEST SEVVlNti MACHINE MADE, and is unsquatr led in it. ninplicity of construction, PowEk, Do- BAB1MTT, ' CA9 Or M ASAGCSIKtf T, aa tM great beauty and certainty of its operation. - Every Machine is ' Warrantwi ' '' . . !t' '' i ' ' .i Ail orders or communicatirns from Families, Timers. Seamstresses, C' thiers, ' Harness Makers, ic, in the country, will Teeeive prompt . attention. - t,, :.'. . . - Send fur Desn-iptive Circular and Samples of Work. ..: -... AGK.TS If ItTED in every locality Address ' 5rt BROADWAY", Sew York. P. P. BOX 2,041. . . - r , " The American Advertising Agency will re ceive orajrs lor ine aoove namea Aiacamea. Business Pcpartment E. Alvord, ... Corresp. Dept. Fouler Wells. J ' - raar2-tf . of these Weed Machines may be 'mSM and examined t the residence of A. L HtH m Mtfflat9WB. Vn.-. . i ir i mm mwmm a m m . .m w w.m u 2ffl DOLLAR BILL; OR. HONES THE BE8T OF POLICY., uoaniuJ von ay 1 Two for five cents t Why, you mutt be making f money B7 dear!- But III take them, and here'l your money,'' and the old man , ., j . . . , j d? wo H fiTe ceut8 Walked off. Julia put the money ia her drawer and t.t i .a . i n . '"eu hot me oia man wun raiiicr a con tcmptuos ex rcssioo on her young faoe, wheu be aaddentlj started at something that caught her eye, on the i de-walk ; she ran forward and picked op a piece of brown paper, or what looked like uch, just as a number of people cauio by, and as she did so, ehc saw it money in fact not lew than a twenty dollar bill ! "Hi is so rich he will never wira it," was her first thought, ,'and how much it will buy for ns at home ; a Sabba:h dress for mother, and a pair of shoes for john ny, and a new hai for me, and a new book for me to eindy in when I go home, but" on further refloct'on "I know just wht awtber will jay, eo it is no use plan-nn- Jnlia sold a few more pennies worth of apples and mtt3 from her Btnall stock, and thers, as it gre-v dark and the hmp-lighter joumienced his rounds, she filled her hrge basket and started homo with her stock in trade. She walked slowly, for sbe enjoyed looking into the windows of the stores and dwellings she pae.vd, and pwt ot her way led through a neighbor hood' that had costly mansions, through the plate-glass windows of which the gas light streame d j the child for such she yet was loved to loiter piat those places, and see the glittering tables in the base ments, where ladies ia rich dresses, ' and jrjtlenJcn io fine liaeu and brovlcloth, were eating of silver. It was a!l a problem to her as it is ia- pdceJ ta oM-r people how such a great difference be ; why her mother, who was so gentle and f:ood, should toil ia a gt'.rret. wflile these pcolpe lived in such splendid rtsrji"-TV hat bsl ohav -dene " n vti b4 they done to de'erroine the difference? j Such thoughts vague and expressed ! run through Julia's mind, and caused her o y member the twenty dollar bill that suine of wetlth that reposed in her pock ct. and r.he hurried a little at the thought, and soiiu reached the' lonely retired C3urt where sba lived with her widowed invalid wether ar.d little brother. The piece was ! poor, bnt not squalid there was even an j appearance of neatness . and thrift, in the i clean loor plate and small pots of gcran i ium and verb)na thdt rested on the upper ' viodow aill. In that room, Mrs. Pean, Julia's mother, lived, toiled and suffered, aud prayed sometimes charging God with forgetfulncss sometimes, through terrible season of despondency, doubting his promises, but always returning, peni testani sorrowful, to lift the cross a little higher! The supper-table was set and revealed by the dim light a comfortable meal. Mrs, Pean took pleasure iu preparing, as ftr as she , was able, this evening meal, over which they could linger together, and Julia always brought home a good appe tite. She was a smart, energetic child, aod had got her present occupation! by her own efforts, and her mother,', while fearful of temptations by which her young lite was surrounded, yet strove to prepare her to meet them. . She bad early taught her to be honest and truthful, lessons she icoclcated by prayer and the teachings of God's holy word. ...u--- Julia did not ', wait long, niter sitting down to table, before .he laid the - matter of the money before her mother with a frauk confession that she knew to whom it belonged, j ' , . -. --.f ; a;. ... . He will ceve miss it," she concluded with a sigh, .''for be is as rich an a Jew aaljtistes miserly. Why, mother, he would try to cheapen the price ol marble." ""Well, Jalia," said Mrs. Pean, gently. Perhaps Tfe had better keep the mon- j "Mother i" The girl looked up in a tonitsamcnt, while her flltlS brother ae tually whistled. It was ' re y rade : of him, I acknowledge, but he really did it You see," her mother eontinired, "it Mi et mi considerable that we really really need, atid as you say! this f ch'iteTi- i uemen who 1 . t t wonW never m;s it i n . . . Y vua"e K lSBOt ours, Dut tnen 11 W0U1U ! be merely appropriating what dkl ftot be-' longto as as right." ' "Oh. mother, yoa are roakior fan," Faid Julia, deeply inertified, f yoa think ' w-ted to keep itV r- . . ,. .r : "Knowing to whom it belongs, have we 1 a shadow of right to possess it my ehild T" ' , . ... ' . , , . --Jnlia, much to her mother's surprbe, f The mortality among the chndren m bust into tears. ' - ' our c.t -asf a d eonntry.ia sad to "We are w'poor ," 3 said, .d'y,and i I- there any necessity for , ... u r tul9 r-! aI these children sent into yoo need so many things, mother, that I : , . , , ... w - 4 the world to be thus early cut down? Are wished I thoairht, as I really found it. ' , . i,,- .. t . r - . not nine out of ten of these early deaths that I might keep it, but I knov it was a . , . , J wicked wish result of ignorance f What parent ... , . . ; . . - : ever lost a child, except by accident, with ' Lcad ns not into temptation, but ce-1 ..... .,:.-!. ' .Ant tS.nlmr, ill? T knrl .AnJ lt A,S livep as from evil," said Mrs. Pean, gent ly : "always, my dear ehild, draw a broad line of distinction between "mine and thiue," and never overstep it. Your own cooscierce will tell what is yotira and what is your neighbor's where there ia no jegal specification monitor," It u . sure and sate "But Mr. Converse is to wealthy, I think it ought to " "Converse! Pid youssy Converse?" Mrs. Pean turned white luce death, and her vcise was low and strange. "That ia his name," said Julia, won dering at the change in her mother, "and he lives in a great marb'e palace, or some thing like one"." "Julia," asked her mother, "is fcs tall and shsrp-teatured, and d-tcs ho talk like a foreigneer, and with a s'jrsnge accent?" "He has been io France, mother, for I once heard him tell a gentleman so, and hi said he made all his mosey there, Mrs. Pean said no more to Julia then, but she continued strangely ".ita'.ed, and when the took down the oil iiiblo anJ se lected the portion, "Ulead the J-u'd, ob. my s'nl, and forget not all hLs bea-3:g,' her voice was tremulous w'.tti tears. The next morning after Julia hud goae to her stand and Johnny to school, Mrs. Pean dressed herself as well as her limit ed wardrobe would permit, and went out. She took her way Etraight to the marble palace, as Jalia called it, in which Jule-j Converse, Esq., resided. He was sitting in his business chamber, with a flowing purple dressing gown around l-u poctlylunb, wlaen the survant usher ed in the widow in faded black. He look ed at ber as if surprised at her presump tion, and in that moment he knew her through all the mint of years, the change, which toil, aud hardship, and sickness had made he knew her. "Maria!" "Jules!" And they were folded in each other's arms, the eldest and youngest of a broken family, the long parted brother and sis ter ! It was a 6trange meeting a strange story all afound, and yet riot one oft repeat ed. Mrs. Pean was married in extreme yo uth to a poor artist, thereby voluntarily separating from her family, who complete ly disowned her at the time, and the sep aration had proved a long one. She . had followed her hasbaud to America, and closed his eyes among strangers, lived in privacy aiid poverty, and to her letters home received not a word, for her parents had long since died and her brother, a merchant in foreign ports, had failed to ev er receive them, or hear aught of her Chance no Providence, had decreed him to America; most assuredly IW . , . ... dence had permitted the meeting ot the two solo representatives of an old and re spectable family. . . If Mrs. Peah had erred ia her youth, she had expiated her offence in bitter re n orse and had brought up her children beyond reproach. . "Ilow strange," her brother remarked '' that T should have taken a fancy to that child, and she should prove to be my own niece. I often bought apples just to hear her speak ." ' ' Jnlia had done tii!n injustice when she called him a miser, for no miser would have done what he did-made that twenty dollar hill a thousand. ' So that, ere a week passed, she was at a good school, as well-dressed as any girl in it, with a great am'uition at .hebeart to make herself wor thy of it all Hd ber mother in a comfort able home, wber9 she should not again know watTt, where kisd relatives minister ed to her m .sickness.. -..It was all very strange, but J alia - never again doubted her mother, ot, failed in . believing that doing right brings it own reward, even .in this wor:, and that : honesty " is most assure lly , poi'the ; best,"bat; the only "policy!" I'he.Rlchlnoni Whig thinks that Lincoln's re-election is rendered absolute. ' ly certain by the recent rebel reverses. MORTALITY AMONG CniLDRLV. ently, it would not ha7e died?" The loss of cur own three first-boin has led us to think much on this topic, and three al most always healthy living ones, are evi dences that our studies have cot been in u w;.hoat Next to proeurh-'j r.IectT of sound slecn t Tinin X Iaid ft. i - i J in "i - r. . or rather before it, we place tLo prepw preparation of food. The kind of fool they eit is not half so much conscqueuc J tz the minner of its preparation. j ive a child a Urge apple and let him swaHo- it. io pieces from the size of a large pea up ward. - The result will be, thnt the lumps will be partly wore off by the eoat on the atom:'b, and partly ditsovled by the jr tric juice ; lut nftrr a time, the remaining portion of the lumps will be torced down into the inttine?, and go through tib length of fifteen to iTccty feet, producicg at lsas griping and irritation all the way, if Dot diarrt.eea or dysentary. Bat first scrape or mash the apple to a fine pulp, snd it may be eaten with impunity, as i with benefit, if ripe or nearly so. Feed a child on boiled potatoes cue np, or on potatoes coarsely mashed and IrisJ ia fat, and you will be pretty sure to ua 1 more or less lumps of potatoes remaining undigested, ilow can it be otherwise than that these lumps must hive produced irri tation in the iutestines? bat mash these same potatoes finely before feeding them, and then the fine material will be digest ed and afford nntriment instead of giving uneasiness and pain "uuder the apron." The same told trsa of most meals. Cut up fine as fiae shot almost they will be digested, and produce nourishment, while if fed in coarse pieces, they will lie on the stomach, like a meat poultice on the outside, the cause of uneasiness if not of inflatuation. Feed raisins and nrits to children, and unless very strong and vig orous, the chances are that they will in duce immediate sickness or a weakened system, liable to be affected by the first change of heat or cold. Chop these same raisin or nuts finely' reducing them almost to a powder, and they may be eaten in moderate quantities with impunity. These remarks apply to ali kinds of food, and in a measure to grown up people as wea as ciniarcn. Many pcrsous are over nice or aaxiou as to what their children eat, and often reduce them to skeletons, and unfit them for a vigorous resistance of colds or mala rial diseases, by feeding them on toast or rice, weak gruel, A.c. Give them ratter agiai tupply of food finely reduced, so that it may be quickly digested in the stomach, and they will grow vi-crous snd he able to withstand the changes of climate, and the exposure to which they are ever liable. Mothers, consider these things, and see if they are not true and in accordansa with reason. American Agriculturist. FARMERS SHOULD VISIT MORE- American farmers work to hard. Our efason.8 aM 80 snort, net p .so scarce, ana there is so much to da, that it is lmnasst- ble to find time to attend to meutal im- provemcrif, arid the csitivation of soeial feeliog9. "Ail work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It ia so with those who have attainaJ to riper years. We all neod relaxation, tid we all tale it one way or another. Would it not be well to find it by visiting a littie more among on? brother farmers? Po not make forma! visits. Get into your buggy sohie evening be fore dark, aud take your wife to visit some good farmer friend . Talk over your ag ricultural blans and prospecta. Look at the crops and tho stock, and you will be al most sure to get 'some bint that wilt prove useful. - If yon see anything particularly good, say so.. - It would encourage your friend and stimulate him to renewed exertions. . . it your own crops are better than hie, you will feel none tho worse for knowing - the fact. Poh't gossip. Leave that to those who hive no thing better than personali ties' to talk about. Pon't stay too long. PoVt bore your friend, or let him bore yu. Be cheerful Dd pleasant: Return home early, .and you Will . be astonished wi'.h how much more spirit you will go U work lira next morning. Things, which had deprest yon for days and weeks will put on a different aspect. We can accotn. plish much moto than we do if we" only thought so, cod Lad oourace to systematic ally go to fork.-. -A little relaxation, a converoaliorv with one yh? has the same trials arid labors, give ns new courage, and we attembt and accomplish with ease things which before oppressed cs with thoir ma?nitnf?e.