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r ' ' '. j 1 C- ' i t C.-".1- ' ' " ' '''' ''T' ' ." " "' ' ' '' ' '-'-' " 1 ' ' " '"' . . . V" . r -I.I'!? ' ? -A L.. GI'S.S & Co. VOLUME XIX, mn. Dit. r. t:. uiMilo, or rattcrNvu, Pi., wishes tc inform Lis fricuils ami pa trons that he has removed (o the house on Diridjrc Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store. . apr'j-tf . . , . y . : " ' . JEUHMlAIi LYONS, ' Miftlintown. Juniata County. Yti., Office on Main street South of llridge sir ct. , TOM It STOSES. KEl'liKN CAVENEV. Manufacturer of Tomb Stones, MeAlistcrvillc and Mifllintowu. .Ml work put up in the imit tasteful and sub ETrtiit ial manner. Ci ire him a call. ispvil l'MJlti'. CALL AND EXAMINE our Stock ot" Heady MadeC-?othin.i before you l'ureii!c l.'Ncwhcre. you will tind S hand a jrood assort iiieiit for Men and ltoys Ware, uhich wiil be sold clioaj) for cah or ronmry produce. A1ICKKY & VKNELL. in 1 tf ruticrru, l'a. ., . k.. tV STEWART, ATTOB ?i HY-AT-L AW, Mijjlinl-iirH. .Inri't'n (., V., t'.Tcv; bis professional service" Id the puh- '.:. t'i'Uf etiotis and all other, hnsiucs? will ' rcoive proi 'pt intention. Ofliec first door K..rtiiol lo.-'.i'eid's i-'tere, (ufsmlrs.) Ti I.I.I AM y. ALLISON'. Attorney at Lav:, Volant i'nbUr Will attend to all binincss cutrt:!ed !4 his uit;. Olfice on M.iin .Street, MiiHitituwn. l'a. MILrTAEY CLAIMS. MM1K B-l'lersineu will nromptlv atlcO'l to 1. tlio I'ji'lcc'ion of ebiims apaiust cither the tle or National (teternmeiit, 1'enfioin. Hack j I'av, luitintr, Kxtra I'ay. nud all other claims nri.inir out f the rrescct or any other car, j CoiWetetl. JEKCMIAU LYt)5S, Hitilinlown. Juniata Co., l'a. febloj r. Kaiser t. ti.XX, Reed, i-C'o No I-'. MAKKhi Ml'.t.I.T. North iJe, between Fourth anil Fifth. HHLADLUMIIA. t, u st vrrrcit. -.a WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, No US North SKCONU Street. Corner ol Quarry, l'llILAlllILI'lIlA.. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver & Hated Ware, con--l:Miilv nn hau l, Suitable br JlUl.tOA I SHKsKxrs: - - ' r Ib-paii ing of Watehea aui Jewelry prLiiiLir Httended to Dee. 0. 1 Si; 1-1 yr. . V. A. LKVKilLN'G, iiaib cr 4. miuHsin loreliant Callowhill Street Yv'harf. l'hiladelphia, l'a. Supi'lie- of Timber, Staves, Locust Tins Hoop' Poles, kt kn and Lumber peneraly. Vtll b- pnrchaseyl, eoti'raeted for. or received on commission, at the option of the shipper. CllAIll MANUFACTORr. O'flCK IF THE JlW'lATA CorxTt .b.Ull I I.T I" KL SilOIKTV, f I xv if a . . u.," ,. r.,i,niiter I Mi .Manufactured r Articles has awarded to CiiAiii Ka V. WtiTzrt, the First l'remiuiu for ' th most, su.1 ifti!tia! rtatcst made, eud best buiahed ecu i f Chairs. . , . G. V7. JACOBS, Wu-LIAM IlKSt II. Src'lj. . jau 13 No. 520 AXtClf .cJrcQt,alovc Fifth. lMHLADF-Ll'IUA.' .llaniilacliircr and Dealer In Watclies, ' FI.VK JKWKIiKV, . X O L I D SILVERWARE, ami superior Silver rWted Ware March 29, 18ti3, 3mos. CR1K 11 , AUCTIOKEIV .. TL umlcrsigncd offers his services to the public us Vendue fryer and Auctioneer. 11c has had a very large c'pcricrce, aud feels coulideut that he can give satisfilion to .til who may employ hiui. He ma7c addressed at MitHiulown, or found at his home in Fer managh township. Orders may tlso be left at Mr. Will's Hotel. .. jau. 25, ibui. wiluam Givc:r; r. I'HILADKLl'IIIA ( ls(- I'Al'KU HANGINGS. ' J 1" .'..IIOUTLL Ac III ICKL', . -MAM'KACTL'UEU.SOF . - - WALL PAPERS, ' AM '"WINDOW CIKTAIN I'Al'EH!?, Coruor F.)URTIl nnl M.VUKCT .trc vinLAi'Ei.puiA. N. H. A tine stock of LINEN SHAHES "Ojjts'antly "nhnnd. Fcb.l-I,!...".-.' - alia mam From the Home Journal. ROSES. ' BY W. L. SHOJEKAKEA. The Lyacinti nl crocus fair Have ceased their early blooming, uovtr the soft and buuuv air The lilacs aro ierfuiniuj;. The lovinj? ternal Zephyrs woo . Thc lilies of the valley, ". The proud, imperious tulip.-', loo, Aud round thcui fondly daily. A myriad Cowers in shady dells, In meads and woodland maiet, Iliujx, all day long, their fairy belli; lu. May their mother s praises. Ami they arc dreaming, all night long, Of happier fcavns coming. Whereof a low. prophetic song The wandering wind is humming. But what nre these '"'it heralds bright; That, ere the spring tide closes. Announce the advent to toe light Of roses, royal roses ? All other flowers, how fair soc'r ?!ay sbiisc their ilewy faces, When rose; come less fair ." petir, And with diminished graces. For roses reign the queens of flowers, l'-y right divivc are royal, And all the rest that charms the hours .rr: their retainers loyal. l!cl"ved ny Iotc, they scent the air ; He evermore does choose "em, To Mooni nniid his odorous hair, An' nef tie in his bosom. Sweet are the flowers yes, every one That on earth's breast reposes I'm still the sweetest 'neath the sun Arc roses, royal roses! So. honor tiKio roses be ! The Howers, uieihiuks, all love thcui, M ho, longing, wait their reign to see, With Summer skies above them. AN' ELOdl'ENT ADDRESS- Gov. Curtiu has i.ssued the following cliHjucut and patriotic address to the peo ple of rcunnylvsnia, c.nniuncing the close of the war and the preservation of our common liberties : lT9vtVANi. ExKClTivE Ch In'oHR. Hauhisiu m;, Juue 11, lwio. j To the Profile f luw?ih ttnta : The bloody struggle of four years is ended. The fires of rebellion are quench ed. The supremacy of law and right is rc-cstall:.-hed. The foulest treason re ceded in history has bceu between to the earth. Oar country is saved. These blessings we owe nuder God- to the uucru;:lcd heroism. civic and mil itary of The 1'cope. In the darkest hours under the heaviest . discourage ments falter y ho would thru never faltered. They have bceu ir.npired with the de termination to maintain the free Govern ment ol our fathers the continued Un ion of our whole country and the grand llepu blicau principles which it is their pride aud duty to defend, fir the sake net only of themselves, but of tho hu- man lace. T . ' ' 4v, t'i Of j I'cnnsylvauia have been among the forc : mc'st in the career of honor. Their : hearts have been in the contest. Their j means and their blood have been poured out like waterto maintain it The remains of the heroic bands that left her soil to rescue their country, arc now returning, having honorably fulfilled their service. They have left tens of thousands of brothers en viau f a bloody field. Their memories will be preserved" on our rolls of honor. For their widows and families, a grateful country will' suitably provide. Let the survivors, who are now return ing to us, have such' a welcome as it be fits a brave and patriotic people to give to the gallant men who have saved tho country, and shcofnew lutjtre en Pennsyl vania' . . recommend that in every part of the State, on the approaching Anniversary of Independence, special observances be had e welcome to our returned dctcudcis and of commemoration , of the heroic deeds of themselves and' their : comrades who have fallen. A. G. Cuirri:?, fcj?" He that is innocent, may well be conGdcnf. TBK CONSTITUTION THE DSIOS-AUD WfLINTOM; "JUNIATA COMTiNN'A. JUNE 21, ml THE FIELD, THE DUNGEON AXD 'THE ! " ' ESCAPE.";-""' -;- Wc Lavo received a few of the advance sheets of a work of this title, by Albert G. lliciiAiiDSON, a correspondent of the tribune who waa captured in an attempt to run past the batteries at Vicksburg when Ge.v. Grant was besciging that stroughold.. We give below a few char acteristic extract, which may assist our readers to form tsome conception, of the interesting character of the work,- 'On that Sunday evening, half an hour before dark (the latest, moment at which the guards could be passed, even by au thorized person without the countersign), my friends, Messrs Drown and Davis, went out to the rebel hospital, beyond the inner line of sentinels, as if to order their usual medical supplies for the sick prisoners. As they passed in and out a dozen a times a day, and their faces were quite familiar to the sentinels, they were uot compelled to ehow their passes, uul Mr. rownc left his behind with inc." - A few minutes later, taking with nic a long bos filled with bottles in which med ical supplies were usually Drought, and fiving it to a littie lad who assisted me in my hospitol duties, I started to follow them. , As ii in great haste, we walked rapid ly toward the gate, while, leaning against trees or standing in the hospital ' doors, half a dozen ot our f riends looked on to sec how the plan worked. When we reached the gate, I took the box from the t v t -it where I was certain to be recognized. I boy, aud said to him, of course for the!,-, j , t. j- j ' : laid down my box ot medicines, and benctit of the sentinel : t. n r..i .i -i i- ! sought she ter in a little outbuilding i. am gomg ouLsiue w get tuese ooi- ties filled. I shall be back in about fif teen niiuutcSj aud want you to remain right here, to take them and distribute tnem among tne uospitais. io not iro j away now.'.' The lad understanding the matter per- cetly replied : "Yes, sir; and I at tempted to pass the sentinel by mere as surance. I had learned leng before how far a man u:ay go even in captivity, by sheer native impudence by moving right along, without hesitation, with a confident look, just as if he had a right to go and no one had any right to question him. Ouc several occasions, I absolutc'y saw prisoners, who had procured citi- zeua' clothes thuS walk past -the guards in broad daylight, out of llebel prisons. I thiuk I could have done it. on this occasion, but tor the tact that it tad been tried successfully two or three times, and the guards severely punished. The sen tinel stopped'mc with his musket j de manding: "Have you a pass, sir? "Certainly, I have a pass," I replied, with all the indignation I could assume. "Have you not seen it often enough to know by this time ?" Apparently a little confounded, he re plied modestly : "Probably I have, but they are very strict with us, nrfd I was cot quite I gave to hiui this genuine pass belong ing to ir.y associate : . Headquarters C. S. Military Prison ) Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 5, 1864. Junius II. Browne, Citizen, has per mission to pass the inner J2tc of the Priaou, to assist :n carrying uiedrcincs to the Military Pfiscn Hospitals, until further orders. . J. F. Faqua, Cer'i. and Ass't Commandant of Post We had speculated for a keg time about my using a spurious pass, and two comrades prepared several, with a skill and exactness which lcmonstratcd that, i f their tab tits had been turned in that direction, they might have made first- class forgers, l'ut we finally concluded that the veritable pass was better, because, if the guard tad any docbt about it I could tell him to send it to headquarters for examination. The answer of course would be that it was genuine. But it was not submitted to any -such inspection. The guard spelled it out slowly, then folded and returned it to me, saying : .. .. , "That, pass is alhight. I know Cap tain F aqua's handwriting. Go on, sirj excuse me, sir, lor detaining you." I thought him very excusable under the circumstances, and walked out. My great fear was that during the half an TUB EIFOBCCMEIT Of THE LAWS. irMd 1 EoiAjsjoIi must- elapa before , I odti garrison. I mfglit ei could encoun- j ter sbm llebel officer or attache who , knew me.' j ' V ' - ' ..." Before I listd walked ten steps, I saw, sauntering to and fro on the picza on the new headquarters building, a deserter from our senica named Davidson who recognized aad : bewed t to( , iqc). , .1 rather thought he would cot bctrcy me, but was still fearful of it. fI ,wcnt on, acd a few jards. further, coming toward me in that narrow lane, where it was .im possible to atoid him, I saw otle . reb,?! ol5eer who knew ine better than asy other who came into tiij rjnarters frc tjucntly Lieut. Stockton the post-adjutant. Observing hiui In 1 the distance, I thought I retognized in bin; that old ill fortune whiei had so long aud steadily baffled us. ... AVhen we met I bade hiui good even ing, aud conversed for a few minutes upon the veather, or some other subject in which I did not feel any very profound iutcKst' Then lie "passed into headquar ters, and I Went on. Yet a few yards furticr I encountered a third liobel named uith, who waa entirely familiar with me, and whose quarters, inside the garrison, were within twenty feet of Eiy own. There were not half a dozen Gun federates about the prison who were fa miliar with me, but it seemed as if at this time tney were coming together in a grand convention. - - Vnt ihirlno in ontor tho Tiobol hnmif:i! r rpm . t,p FnT flll. coming of the blessed darkness, I con stantly expected to see a sergeant, with a file of rebel soldiers, come to take me back in the yard: but none came. It was rare good fortune. Stockton, Smith, and Davidson all knew if they had their Wits about them, that I had no more right there than iu the village itself. - I sup pose their thoughtfulncss must have been caused by the peculiarly honest and business-like look of that medicine-box. At drk, my two friends joiucd me. Wc went through the gate in full sight of the sentinel, who seeing us come from the hospital, supposed that we were Rebel i surgeons or nurses. Anil then on that dark, rainy Sunday night, the first time for twelve mcnths, wc found our circs walking freely in a public street without a rebel bayonet before or be hind us. 1 . . So, on that cold night, when wc were so stiff and exhausted that wo could bare ly keep our seats on the mules they had so thoughfully furnished, these friends conducted us fifteen miles, and left us in a Union settlement wc were sdeking- It Tas now five o'clock in the morning. Lea ring ray companions behind, I tapped at the door of a log bouse. . For many months, even before leaving prison, we had been familiar with the name ot Dan Elms a famous Union guide, who since the beginning of the war had done nothing but conduce loyal men to oat lines. : Ellis is a hero, and his life A romance. He had taken through, in all more than four thousand persons. - He had proba bly seen more adventure -in fights and races with the Rebels, in long journeys sometimes bare-footed and through the snow, . or swimming the rivers full cf J Coating ice than any other man living. IT -t il. . ue never lost out one man, who was swooped up through his own heedlessness. The party had travelled eight or ten days, living on nothing but parched corn. Dan insisted that a man could walk twen ty five wiles a day through snow upon pan ed-coro. just as well as upon any other diet if he only thought so. I feel bound to say that I have tried it and don't think so. This person held the ssme opinion. " He rovoltcd against the parehed-corn diet, vowing that he would go to the first house and get an honest meal, if he was captured for it. ; He went to the first house, obtained the meal, and wis captured. ' ' ' " . - . After we had traveled fifty, miles, efcr'y tody said to us, "If you' only find Dan Ellis, and do just as he tells you, you will be certain to get through. ' AVc dt'tl frnd Dan Ellis. , On a Sunday night, one hundred and thirty-four miles from our lines, greatly broken down, we j reached a point oa tho road waited r for I two, tours, rhen alonj-nw Daw Ellis, with a party of seventy men refugees, prisoners, Rebel deserters, Union 3oldiers returning from their homes within the enemy's lines, and escaped . prisoners. ' About thirty of them were mounted -and twenty armed. Like most men of action, Dan was a person of few words. When our story had been told to him, he said to his com rade s: ... , ' J'oys here eri.ome geutlcffien who havo escaped from Salisbury, and who are almost dead from the journey. They are our, people. They have suffered in our cause. They arc going to their homes in our lines. ., We on't.,ride and let these men wlk. .Get down off yottr horses and help them p." . ;.. . Down they came,-and tip wo went ; and then we pressed along at a terrible pace. ' ' ' ; ..- .! ... , To-day whttt vre came on the hot track bi" eight guerrillas, the Rebel-hunting instinct waxed strong ; ritlun Den, acd, taking eight ot hts own men, he started in fierce pursuit. Seven of the enemy escaped, but one was captured and brought to our camp a prisoner. ..v Then Dan went to the ne .rcst Union, to learn the news ; for every loyal family iu a range of many miles knew and bved him. We, very weary, lav down to sleep in nn old orchard, with our saddles tor pillows. Our reflections were pleasant. We were otly .seventy nine miles' frohi the Union lines. We progressed swimmingly, and had even bc- guq:tr regulate the domestic . affairs of the border 1 ...,-.- .. Rcfore midnight soma one shook my arm. I rubbed my eyed. . open and looked up. There traa Dan Ellis. "Boys, we must saddle instantly. .We have walked right into a" nest of Rebels ; several hundred are within a few miles ; eighty arc in this immediate vicinity. They arc laying :n ambush for Colo nel Kirk and his men. It is doubtful whether we can ever get out of this. We mast diviae into two parties. The footmen must go to the mountains; we who are riding, and in much more danger as hctscs make more noise, and leave so many traces must press cn at once, if we ever hope to reach the Union Hues.' The word was passed in low tones. Flinging our saddles upon our weary hor ses, wc were on our way almost instantly. My place wasjiear the middle of the cav- al cade. The man just before me waa ri ding a white horse, which enabled me to follow him with ease. We galloped along at lau's usual pace, with the most sublime indifference to roads up and down rocky hills, across streams over fences everywhere but upon public thoroughfares. I suppose we had travelled three miles, when Mr. Davis foil back from the front, and said to nic : "That young lady rides well , dots she not ?', "What young lady?" "The young lady who is piloting us." I had thought Dan Ellis was piloting us, and rode forward to see about the young lady. There she was, sure enough. I could not scrutinize her face in the darkness, but it was said to be comely. I could see that her form was graceful, and the ease and firmness with which she sat on her horso would have been a lesson for a riding-master. She resided ia the Union house where, Dan had gene for news. The moment she learned his name she" volunteered to pilot hiui out of that neighborhood, where she was born and bred, and knew every acre. Tho only accessible horse (one be longing to a Rebel officer, but just then kept in her father's barn) was brought. out and saddled. She mounted, came at midnight, and was now steadily guiding us, avoiding farm houses where the Reb-, els were quartered, going round their camps, evading their pickets. She Ice! us for seven miles. Then, while we remained in the wood, she rode forward over the long bridge which span ned the Nolechucky River, to see if there were iny guards upon it; went to the frst Union house beyond to learn wheth er the roads were picketed; came back tcld us the, coast was clear. Then she rode by our long line toward her home. II w ouuum 11H 1 1 , HI UV. .111 L W .VW.H, cheers had it been safe to rheer. l! EDITORS. ; WHOLE NUMBEK; 517, hope the tbue is far distant when her name may bo ' made.- publioi .' Until the Rebel guerrillas arc driven rqnl; oat . their hiding-places near bet mountain home, ii will not be prudent." - ,:' "The Field, the Dungeon and the Es cape," will abound in stiring events nev er before given to the public. In view of the author's material, his well-known tauat-worthincss, and graphic descriptive powers, the publishers feel, justified in predicting a work of unusual interest, containing more-. of the fact, Inr cident, and Romance of the war, than any other that tas yet appeared. ' . ' i , Scld only by; subscription- Agents wanted for. every city, country and town ship in tho United States. This work ptestssts a rare opening to both men and women, who desire lucrative employment. For particulars, address American Plb lisiiinu Company, (Successors to Hurl but, Scranton &; Co,) Hartford, Connecti cut. A BOY S LAWSULT- Uudor a great tree close to the village, two boys found a waluut. 'It belongs to me," said Ignatius, "fo I was the first to see it." "No it belongs to me," cried Bernard, " for I was the first to pick up." - . And so they began to quarrel in ear nest. . -: ' " ' ' "I will settle the dispute," said an older boy, who had j eat comei up -Ita placed himself between the two boys, broke the nut in two, and said .:.-. "The one picsc of shell belongs to him who first saw the sut, the other piece of sh3ll belongs to him who first picked it up ; but the" kernel I keep for judging the case. And this," he said, as he sat down and laughed, "is the common end of most lawsuits." ' -' , , , grJuliu3, can you tell me how Ad am got out cf Eden , . ... . "Well I 'spose he cliuacd ober dff fence." "No dat ain't it." "Well, den ho borrowed a wheelbatj row and walked out." "No." "I gub it up, den." "He got snaked out." JST Some people" have instilled the no tion into thejr mind that the publishing of a newspaper is a mere amateurs pro fession, followed for amusement's sake, and for the cost of which little or noth ing is cxpfcrted. ct there is not in tho entire round of business a more expen sive employment than that of publishing; a newspaper. p&" "Monkey roosts" ia the expressive : name given to tho fronts of stores and taverns, where loafers are allowed, es pecially on Sundays, to gape a: ladies- passing on the streets. . And what do they call the ladies who are - always try ins to pass the "monkey. roosts? and givc- a side-long glanee at those in such pla- cs?" , jfcjy;Jo!iu Brown, was hung ,for at tempting to arm- the slaves of Virginia . and use them for the prosecution of a treasonable warfare on- tho Government.-! Jefferson Davis ani Robert E.. Lee botb openly and oarnsstly advocated the arm ing of ths same class for the same pur-, pose.. .What is to save their necks from the halter ? The Charleston race course, where so many Union prinontrs are buried, was recently dedicated as a cemetery ,. tho. graves having previously. been- mounded, and a substantial fence erected. ' , 3T Thomas S. Boeock, of Virginia, Speaker of the rebel House, is the "for tunate" individual upon whom in the ab- -sence: of Davia and .Stephens, devolves the Presidency of .the Southern Confedr eracy, if any of it is left. He has not yet reported. ""' " . . JSy Whai .is the difference between stabbing a jisa and killing a hog ? Ono is. assaulting wiih intent to kill, and the othc? killing with intent 16 salt. tf.JcS Davia was born in the , game. year wit!) President Johnson, but will probably die some years sooner. tSr An Andover boy, 16yeais old. ha3 . been wnt to the State Prison for fouitttn years for burglary. '