Newspaper Page Text
DYSPEPSIA. CUKU VVA It RANTED- Dytpeptia has ihtfoV.otrinj Stiriptvm : 1st. A constant pain or uuessiness at the fit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and AciJity. 8d. Costivensss and L"M of Appetite. 4th, Gloom and Depression of 8jilriti 6th. Diarrhoea, witli Eripimj. Oth. Pain in all pan of the system. Hh. Consumptive Symptoms and rulpita tion of the Heart. . Stb. Cough, with r Illegal in the Throat. 'Jih. Nervous Aflclion, And want ot Sleep at bight. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vrailiug 11th. Duziness, L'iicness of Visit and Lost of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great Weaknce. Out of the thousands of eases of Dyspepsia that hare used Dr. Wishart's Ureat American Vyspepsia Pills, uot one of them baa failed of Jperfect cure. We warrant euro in ewjr , no maitar If of twenty years" standing. Bold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wuhan's Office, o. 10 X. Seoond street, TU delphia Pa. All examinations and consult tioas free of charge. Send for a circular Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge on receipt of money. Dyspepsia, IJvspepsia Htrpvpti. I, EuzAfETn Bmxsos.of Bradywise, Del. formerly of Old Chester, Del., Co o?rlify that, for one year and a half I suffered everything bnt death from that awful disease called Dys pepsia. My whole system was prostrate with weakness unci nervous debility I could not digest my food : if I ate even a cracker or the tmalicst amount of food, it would return just aa I swallowed it ; 1 became so costive in my bowel? that I would not have a passage in letb than from four and oficu tight days; undyr ttia immense sutTcrim;, wy mind seemed en tirely to give way. 1 had dreadful horror and vij forboding. 1 thought everybody nated me, and I hated everybody ; 1 could Hot beat ny husbntid nur my own children, everything appeared to be horror stricken to iue; 1 had no ambition to do anything; 1 lost all my love of family and home ; I would i amble and gran der from place to place, but could not be con. tested ; I felt that I doomed to hell, and that there was no heavenf ormc, and w:is often tempted to commit tuiciue, so uei.fciTHS my whole nervous system destroyed, and also my mind, fmm that awful complaiut, Dyspepsia, that my fricnrls 'bought besi to have me placed nl Dr. ' Kirklride's Hospital, West rfciUdcl phia; 1 remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, l.ui iu a few days my dreadful complaint was raging tts bad as -er. Hearing of the wonderful cures per formed by Dr. Wisbart's Gicat Aitiuiean Dys pepsia Till and his treatment for Dyspepsia, rr.y husband called on Dr. Wishsrl an 1 stated my case to him. He said be had no doubt he I'Ould cure me. So in three days after 1 called and placed myself under the Doctor's treat ment, and in two weeks 1 began to digest my fjod, and felt that my disease was giving way, and continued to recover for about three iii'.ntha, and at the present time I enjoy per ft-ct health cf body and mind, and I most sin cerely return my thanka to a meiciful God and Dr. VViehart. and to his great American Dyf psia Dills and Vine Tree Tar Cordial that :iTe l me from an Insane Asylum and a premature grave. All person suffering with Dyspepsia arc at liberty to call on me or to write, aa I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering humanity. Elizabeth I'. bassos', Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Ta. Dr. WUhan's Olace, . 10 North Second treet, Philadelphia. Pysprvsia I Dryncpsia t Dii. Wishaht. I have been aconstant suf ferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen vr, during which time I cannot eay that I rr enjoyed a perfectly well day. There -.rc tiroes when the symptoms were more ag r' "i'ed than at others, and tbeu it Bcemed i ll I be a great relief to die- I bad at ail ti:i on iir.j.leaseiit feeling in my head, but ''vrV, Liy sufferings", much increased that I V .iimc almost until for business of any kind; Ty mind was continually filled with jiioomy leujuts and forbodings. and if I attempted to hauge their current by reading, at once a tecsatiou of icy coldness in connection with a lead weight, as It were, resisted upon my urain ; also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the etomaob, and great pain to ny eyes, accompanied with which was the continna fear of losirg my reasuii. I also experienced great lassitude debility and nervousness, which made it ditlicult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became averfe to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the ekill of a number 'f eminent physicians of various schools, fiuully fame to the the con clusion that, for this disease at my present ige (45 years) there was no sure in existence But, through the interfeuence of Divine Prov Hence, to whom I devoutly offer my thanks. I at last found a sovereign remedy in yonr Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed almost the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feel ings, and in their place health, pleasure and contentment are my everyday companions. James M. Sasders, No. 4')3 North Pecond street, Philadelphia, Formeily uf Woodbury N. J. Ir. Wishart'a Great American Dyspep sia Pills. This is to certify that I have suffered for ten years that dreadful complaint called dyspep sia. J suffered much pain and distress, with gloom and depression of spirits ; I wastreated by eight different physician? for my complaints and at times was much better, but then theold disease, dyspepsia, would return with all its dreadful realities, and my whole system was fast wasting away. In this sick and debilita ted state, I was handed a circular ofWishart's great American Dyspepsia Pills, and PineTree Tar Coidial, which gave a correct description of my sufferings, and determined to place myself nndci the Doctor's care, and take his medicines. ' As soon as I commenced the use of themed ,ine, I began to pet better, and so 1 contired three months, at which time I was perfectly restored to bealth , I am to-day a well man. Dr. Wisbart. I gire you this certificate with a grateful heart for the benefit 1 have received from tbeu of youv truly wuutlerful medicines. May God bless you and preserve your truly useful life for mauy years. I would say to every sick jiersoa who is suffering as I was, tbat'my residence is No. 130 Richmond street Philadelphia, where I will take great delight !n giving testimony to the great power of Dr, Withart's medicines to cure. F. II. Ames. Theabovcarc a ew among the thousands which this .Treat remedy has saved from an un timely grave. We have thousands of bitters from pbysi iana and druggists, who have prescribed and sold these medicine, sayingthat they have nev er used or solil a medicine which gave sncb universal salisfucf ion. Prpare,t only by the proprietor. Or. Utfc. C Wisbart. N. 1 North Second Street. rh:lndc!tbia IVnn'a faidbv 'i 4r.'s5i?:j imj'jaWMgCTM.-aa HEADQUARTERS! 3 53. tSJ en CO Mifflin town Chair Manufactory ! CtllAELES W. WEITZEL would inform the J citizens of Juniata county, that ho con tinues the Chair Manufactory at thewellknown old stand in Water street, where he is at all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor Chairs of every description, including Settees, Large Rocking Chairs, Sewing Hocking Chairs, Childrens' Chairs, Counting House Stools, Cain Scat Chairs, Bar Boom Arm Chairs, and every thing pertaining to Iiia business, all of which he is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ces. Prompt attention will be given to Rcpa ring. All work done cheap and ex peditiously. Sawed Poplar Plank and .Scantling taken in exchange for furniture. fc-jy Furniture Boom on Main street; oppo site the Post Office. CHARES WEITZEL. 8' ptember 3, 186-tf. BE in GOING IKE 6?RHSG A&RBVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF JOS. M. BELFORD The unJersigued would respectfully invite the public to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. lie has bought his assortment at such pries that he connol be undersold by any in the country. Special at tention paid to purchasing goodain the city per order at the shortest notice. Every cffortwill be made by him to give sat isfaction to those who may favor him with a call. LADIES' DltESS GOODS ! Black and Fancy Silks, Bergcs I.awns, Morie Antique, Grenadines, Ducals, Pure C'halii, Brilliantes, Gingham Lawns, Bombazinels. All wool d'Laines, Cashmert-s, Peplins, Alpacas, &e. A full assortment of White Dress Goods, Mus lins, Brocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, Bon net Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, de. Also, Col lars, Cudersleeves, Handkerchiefs iu great va etT. Dftt'tiS. A large quantity of Drugs, a'lso on hand. Prescriptions rilled. He has also laii .n a large stock of Wool, Cotton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, &c, at the lowest prices. ' Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market prices will be paid by JM . ISELFOR1). Philadelphia Furniture arcrooui. 424 k 42(, North 2n" Strert. ESTABLISHED EIGHTEEN YEARS having a very large Stock of the best made Furniture on hand, such as Kofas, Spring Seat Chairs, Rocking Chairs, and Parlor Fur niture generally. Also, Bed Room Sets Com plete, wtth Bureaus. Tables, Chairs, Looking Glaises, Beds, Matresses, &c, and a full va riety of all kinds of Furniture generally. I warrant all articles sold and will sel CHEAP for Cash, Mr2!l-fim J. L. SCHN'ERLY Pt'iTTSviUc" Marble Woiks, THE undersigned desires to inform the citi zens of Juniata County that be has taken charge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi in Perry eville, where he may be found ready to execute jobs in bis line of business such aa Tomb Stones. Monuments, Marble Slabs, Table Tops, &c. &c. He believes that a long experience and practical knowledge will enaole him to give entire satisfaction to all who may putroniie him. Give him a call as he fells confident that for neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot be excelled. CIIAS. EMERSON. Apr. 25tb HOW TO SAVE MONEY. BUY FROM JAMES H. SIMONS, who has now on hand the largest stock of ready made SADDLES and HAK.NKSS in the comity, which he is selling at greatly reduced prices. He is now manufacturing hi Saddles and Harness with such perfect system that he is enabled to sell a superior article of everything in his line, CHEAPER than any other establishment in the county. He invites purchasers to call and examine his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. James II Simons' Saddles and Harness are acknowledged to surpass in point of lightness elegance and comfort, as well as real value and durability,all others manufactured in the couu y. Remember his Shop is on Bridge street, n the rooms formerly occupied by 1). W. A. elford, as a Tailor Shop. B9uAll kinds of repairing neatly executed d all work warranted. NEW MILLINARY. o THE undersigned desire to inform the La dies of Mifflin and vicinity, that they have just returned from the city with a new stock of Summer Milliuary Goods of the latest style and most Approved workmanship, which they are prepared to make to order at the shortest notice and sell at the loweet prices. Call at their shop just- opposite the "Sen tinel Office," on Main St- Mifflintown, Pa. SALUE HAWK, M:iv3-3in. TILME KEELY. CITY HOTEL, Corner of MarKet and Rail-r-ad Streits, opposite the Railroad Depot IIARltBVRG. PA. UOTerm-i as moderate as thns-e of anv He id in !.! v. KM. THOMPSON. 3 P Fisk'sPatent Mctalic Bnrial Cases. FOR ordinary Interments, depoiitin in Vaults and transportation they have to rival. They are made of the most imperishable ma terials, and are enameled inside and ortt to prevent rust and the exterior hag a FINE ROSEWOOD FINISH. When properly cement ed, the remains of the deceased, are free from irruption of water, or depredations of vermin. They may without offensive odor be kept as long as desired thus obviating the necessity of hasty burials. Their long and successful use and the approbation given them renders unnecessry any extended notice of their valu able advantages. SAN DOE AND MARTIN, I'nricrfakers antl'Cablnet Ware Manuracturors, Keep constantly on hand an assortment o the above cases. Mifflintown Pa. Jan 4th 18G5.-ly TAKE CARE OF YOOfi TEETH. WHETHER THE UNION ISPRSERV ED OR NOT PEOPLE MUST EAT. rPEETH inserted upon an entirely new style J- of base, which is a combination of Gold and Vulcanite, also Vulcanite, which for Beauty, Durability, Cleauli ess and the res toration of the natural contour cf the face, cannot be surpassed. Either cf the above Bases I wan-ant fcr ten years. Teeth also mounted upsn v GolO, Fiatlua and Silver, Coralite and Amber, with or without artificial gums. Special attention will be ptid to di easd gums and a cure warranted or so charge made. Teeth filled for life. The extraction of teeth upon the latest im proved principles, causing the least possible pitin. 83&, Having located permanently in Mifflin town and being in possession of all the latest improved instrument and machinery. I war rant entire satisfaction in all cases or the taoury refunded. eSs"W'ill visit McAlisterville the last week of October, January and May, the balance of my time I can be found at my office on Bridge street three doovs east of Snyder's Hotel, MilUintown, Juniata county, Pa. 0. L. DERR, janly rtiideit Ptnttit. Good yews and True. At the Towkr Hall C.lotbing Store. At the renowned Bazaar or FAStltcS. At MANSBACII k YANORMER'S Cheap Corner. Corner, Bridge k Water Streets MUTUMTOWM', FA. THEY haa just opened another large as sortment of New Goods, such as Clothing of all kinds, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Caps, Carpets, Fan- j cy Goods, &c, all of which they i Will sell at low rates, as their motto is '-Quick j sales and small profits." Cobu Cloth aid Cassimere ('pats. Fine anu Coarse Coats. Frock and Busiuesa Coats. Sunday and Everyday ('oats. Pants Cloth and Cassimere Pants. Plain and Figured Pants Fine and Coarse Pants. Well-fitt ing and Long- wearing Pants Vests Cloth and Cassimere Vests. Silk and Satin Vests. . Light and Heavy Vests. Plain and Fancy Vests. also Trunks, Valieses, Carpet Sacks. Canes, Utu ureu.s, o. ., u.0,e,o..M.,,,ra, I vn tc Slui-ta 1 1 . nTufU I ,i Kirn lUnill-ui' ' , T: ,, , "i' chiefs. Combs, brushes, fcoups Pocket Wes. (.hewing Tobacco, Segars , aud almost every descripiou of uoiions not found ,n any oth- cr sUrr. JaeCa.ll and exhtninc our stoik boforepur- ! chasing cfe where, as we fee satisfied that ' we can pa'Ke ill. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE- Corner of bridge and water streets: ABRAHAM MANSBACH JAMES N. VANORMER. LEVI tIKCKT New Firm in GenLleuien's Furnishing B.iMt tE STBATEit J r'ltfpPSftn " Kmporium '. Just opened in the new Crick Building, Slain Street, Patterson by Levi Hccht and fciainucl Sirayer, a large and elegant assortment of Ueady-Made Clothing, consisting in part of Overcoats, Frock fonts, Drrts Cunts, Pantaloons. Ycstt, iJraiccrs, Colliir. Untlrrsh irts. Handkerchiefs. llatt and Caps, Boots fc Shoes, And everything usually found i. a first class j uentiemcns rurnismng More. . r Ai Vi UUUJHj Also a large and carefully selected assort- meut of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and , qualities, all of which will be sold at the Iw- est possible living prices. j Laaies' Gaitori aud Short. j They also invites the attention of the ladies ' to his fine stock of GAITORS AND SHOES, which he wid sell at prices defying competi tion. CA11PLTS, OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beautiful assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c , which are of a good quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyer. WATCHES AD JEWELRY Gold and tfilvtr Watcht$, Clocks, Eur tingt. Plain and Fancy ringt Watch Keys, Ladies' and Gents' Breast' Pins, I Gold Pens and Pencils, &e., which at this time form the largest and best assortment in the county. ss.ll the above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. If you don't believe it, just give us a call and be convinced of the truth of the assertion - HECUT 4 STRAYER. Patterson, April 12, 1865-tf. rpAKE NOTICE. LADIES Mrs. Sarah Stein has removed her Millina ry Shop from Water Street to Cherry St. above the M. K. Church. She has just returned from the City with a large assortment of hnrin!? pond which phc will hall low f'.tl i and cx-miu before purchasing elsewhere j She is also prepared to do "dress making ' at. the shortest notice. Call and t iamine vou will see the sign with ber name at the door ! April 5,-tf. j caTssasHueaB4EmckjnMi GOOD NEWS ! GALL au see tne New Stock of Spring and Summer Goods at MICXEY ft PEHHELL'S, V ; - IN PATTERSON. J Just received a new and complete assortment or -. Ladies' Latest Style Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy French Merino, Paid and Fancy French Reps, Black and Colored Alapaca, Black and Fancy Caslmicrs. A large assortment cf Mourning Goods, Balmoral Skirts, Brooch Square and Lotis Shatrte, Striped and Barred Woolen Shawls Our stock of Domestio Goods has been largely increased by the purchase of a complete lot of Choice Priuts, Bleached and Un-Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Denims, Wool Shirtings, Kentucky Jeans, Twilled and Plain Flannels, Also a large assortment of Cassimers and Cassinetts, all of which we offer to Purchas ers at town prices for Cash or Country pro duce. MICKEY & PENXELL. Patteison, Pa. P. S. Also, you Will find a large stock of J Groceries, ! Hardware, , Queensware. Boots and hoca. Wall and rt'indow Taper. Jaul-tf MICKEY 4 PESSEI.L. k r iv k nil's c;elebrtaei . BITTER W INE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OK IRON, BITTER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OF IRON, ! THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC THE GREAT TONIC For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, I For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, : For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, j For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, ; For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. ' For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. For W eak Stomachs and General Debility. 1 For Weak Stomachs and General Debility. ! Reliable and Sure to do Oood, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, I Reliable and Sure to do Good, i And Canuot do Harm. j And Cannot do Harm. , ' And Cannot do Harm. , And Cannot do Harm, j It ousts hnl Little and Purifies the Blood. ' ' : It costs but Little and l'Uri&es the Blood. ' I It costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. : ! It costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. j I Now Only Ask a Trial I Now Only Ask a Trial I Now Onlv Ask a Triul i 1 Now Only Ask a Trial Of (tig Valuable Medicine. ! Of this Valuable Medicine. Of this Valuable Medioine. Of this Valuable Medicine. Only Seventy-five & One Doiiar per Bottle. 1 Onlv Seventy-five & One Dollar per Bottle. ' Only Seventy-five &One Dollar per Bottle. Only Seventy-five ne Dollar per Bottle. ! Manufactured solely by S. A. KUNKLE& BRO. ; j Oeneral Depot 118 Market at., llarri.-liurg Pa. i For sale by B. F. Kepner, Mifliintown, and j respectable dealers everywhere. ' - Ob-13 64 -6m ! rmSYlVANIA HOUSE. At Railroad Depot, Patterson, Pa 8. R. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. rPHK above named having taken charge of X this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain traveler?, sojourners or ,,, boarders. Persons wifhine to take . . J . . K '"e 'rains eat or west will fini this the most. conTenieIlt 8t0p,h1Kj,lace as they will be wated at nnyho5r(e9ired. ThJ ioca,io ' is mos, faTorsble ,nd ,he accmmo(iation.?r,l of the best kind. The stabling is excellent ' and hostlers attentive. The Table and Par i I will alaobe well provided. j t&" He has, in connection with the Hotel, a good LI EKt SI AliLE. Hotse, Carriages, Buggies, &c, always to be had. Persons 1 conveyed to any part of the country. j B5iBy strict attention to business and a' desire to please, he hopes to luerit Millie uat- roHage, and render the sojourn of his guests i oin coniioriauie anu f leasani. 1'atterson June 8? tf TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, i VM. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave ! to inform his friends and the public generally j that he has just opened out a large and fashion- ' able assortment of i ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS. j ! which he is ready to make to order promptly j I .t, .....i.l f.m,. Th public generally will find it to their interest to eal1 is , I 1 A a 1 U I V 1 1 i f"'H', j jon linage street, .Mifflintown, l'a., and luspeci y Goods and workmanship before purchas- mg elsewhere. I warrant all clothes to fit or ! no sate. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. 8ftAll persons desirous of purchasing any of Singer's Sewing Machines will obtain all necessary informatiaa on the subject and see them in operation ht my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirty per cent, cheaper than ever hitherto done in this county. No family should be without a machine. jso 1, 61-tf M1FFLLNT0WN TIN SHOP. HAVING purchased the Tin and Sheet Iron Store, located on Bridge Stteet, Mifliin town, I would respectfully inform the public thst I "eP constantly on hand ffAnerml artiu?nt of COOK & PABLO 3 STOVES, Tin and Japan ware, the largest and best in the county, and as to qnality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. SPOUTING, ROOFING, Job and Sheeting work, will be promptly at tended to either in town or country. - Brass Copper and Enameled French Preserving Ket tles, Dippers, Brass, Copper. French Tinneo. Enamelled Hollow Ware. Waffle Irons Coal Shovels, Fruit Cans, both common and Patent, and of various measure!, always on hand and for sale' rcrsons in w&nl of anything in the above line are requested to give him a call before puruimsuie ucniC, . w ihai b" can suit them either as regards article r the price. . t&" Old copper, Bra and Pewter boughs , aM(i ;bt highest price paid m cash or goodt. j JACOB G. WiyY. I SHREINER'S. BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP For Uongh, Cohh, Croup, Whooping OAtyh, Atthma, Bronchitis, Spiting Blood, Pain and Wcaknet of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, &e. This Syrup is a purely Vegttabe Compound . It ii pleasant to take, and never does injury ; but, owing to ita purifying qualities, musi do good under any circumstances. Its effect ia truly wonderful soothing, calming snd allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying, Strengtnening and Invigorating the whole sys tem; calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expecoration, and healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. cnorp. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the first show of the Disease, aiid always keep thia Remedy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, thia Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Trice 50 cents per Bottle. Prepared by S. A. KOUTZ'S 4 BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine fepot, No. 116, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers throughout Hie United States. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED goo audi Cattle gottfe. These Fowdcri will strength en the Stomach and Intestines, cleanse them, from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. 1 hev are sure prerentlTe of Lung Feypr, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, soch as u lan ders, Yellow Water, Dia t e m per, Fo u n d er, 11 t S T O lr Slavering, Coughs, Fe Tera, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener irr, Ac. Tn poor, low-spirited animal, it has the moat benetk'iol effect. The use of them improree the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and piTt to the i?orse a fine, smooth and glossy skin thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and ppirit of this aoble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. Tne property this Powder powa tn in creuin: the quantity of Milk in Cow?, give it an imiortanee and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. Br actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Emitter firm and sweet. Ia fattening Cattle, it give them an appetite, loosens their hid und makes then thrive much faster. HOGS. . Tn .It TVoosM. nt the Swine, such as ."355T Oonghs, Ulcers in tha Lungs, Liver, 4e. By putting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bar rel nf Kwill tVin above Diseases can be cared or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Pries 25 cts. per Faper, or 5 Papers for $1. PREPARED tt a A. POUTZ & BRO., AT THEIIt WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, 5o. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Kd. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. FOUIZ'S MIXTURE. The Lest Liniment fur Man und Btasl note in use. f tJTZs' Sprains, Burns. Swellings, and all Diseases requiring an external application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll E"1- fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney lf Fr"Perly applied. For Sprains, Bruises f.1"0'': ea "; c?8.tcs dra ,e., , ;'r pal., Cn.s or W ounds, tt is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef- ";aCT- vtiftu Tt-r TmMU afflic'ted wi'th" thisDisease. no mat- ter of how long standing, can be promptly and effectually cured by the use of this Mi&ttire There s nothing in the world so sure and U eocd to take away lad CORNS and cure Fros Kites, as this ureparation. Try it and satisfy yonrsclves. Price 85 and 75 cents a Bottle. "Prepared bv S. A. F0UTZ S 4 r.uo., At Wholesale Iru and Medicine De pot, No. 116, Franklin tst. Baltimore Md. Sold by B. F. Kepner, Mifliintown Pa., and al tore-keepers throughout the United States. The above Medicine can be had at irmnu ctor's Prices of Johnson Ilalloway & Cow fr,No3 North 6th St Philadelphia. MANHOOD : HOW LOST HOW RESTORER Just published, Sj(tw edition of Dr. Cul- rerwe Utlcnratta Jbttai; on tne rscical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, of Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal i.ossr es, Iuipotency, Mental and Physical Incapa city, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by, self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. B5u Price, in asealed envelope, only 6 cts. The celebrated author in this admirable ci ssy clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming couse queuces of self-abuse may be radically cured without the daugerous use of interna! medi cine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, ao matter what his condidion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privutcly, and TtiB iecturi. ennH ilf j t(,r hr a. of eTery youfh anJ eTy Infln -m the lan(. Sent, under, seal, in a plain envalope to acy address pes'-raid. on receipt cf til cu.t or two post stamps. Addres 'he ruBlieherr. (-iIAj:. j. ,i. KLINE 4 CO.. i;r Bowerv, New York, Tost Offict t?x 15 pyriHl Ti l II TTTlTi i i i T ,S4SPABIL3 : . . v . . 3 - rat world' ut Buns PM Bcrofula wad ScroAiloas tHnemew. From Lnery dcs, a icttl-known merchant iff Om font, Mait. "I fcave poW larje qwintiiica of y oar Riuaf Kit. la, but never yot one bottle which failed of th desired effect and full satislacrion to iiioc who toolc it. An font ae our people try it, tbey aree there ha been no motllcinc like it beiore in our oonunouity . Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches. Fostulea, TO cers, Sores, &nd all Diseases of the Skin. From JtVr. Robt. Stratton, Bristol, Enpltmd. M I only do niy duty to you and the public, whm I add hit testimony to tbut yon publish of the ma diciual virtues ot'ronr P irsa' Mr dangb 1T, al tn, haa an afflicting humor iu her ears, eyes, mid Iiaif for Tears, which we wcro anabla tare until we tried your Saksaimiulx. u 1ms rcn welt for eomc mouth. H From Mm. Jan K. Rirt, wfti-knnmn mmd mm- tftvewwd Uutp of IJeuntMrille, Vap Mnrj Co A' . J. 44 My dauxhter haa suffered fur a year paat with a acTofuloui eruption, whifth wm rery troubleaomev "Nothing afforded hut rtlicf mitil wa tried your Kaksakakiula, which toon completely cured ber." From Charlet P. Gagcf Esq-, of the citItty-tmom Gaffe., Murray f Co., mnnvficturr f tnamtlted pabers in -Vtsiu,'!, jV. . " I had for several years a Tfry troubleeoRwi humor in my face, whi.ih grew constantly worse unt?l tt ('ifllriirett my fi-ntuivs and became an intoi crable affliction. I trwd almost every thinr a man could of both advice and medicine, but without aay relief whatever, until 1 took your Saesai-akilla. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time, but in a few weeks the new Fkin Lee fin to form under the blotches, aud eon tinued until my face is aa smooth aa any bodv'ti. I and I am without any symptoms of thediaeav that I know of. 1 eujoy perfect health, an4 without a I doubt owe it to your Sak-hatauili-a." j Erysipelas General Debility Purify; tha Blocd. Prom tr. 1t(t. SnWo, IIottton St.. Xrtr York. " Dk. Ayf.k. I sWJoin futl to remove I'rvptimtt Slid tirrofafaiu Sorrn hy the persevering use of your rAn vu:tt.i. ,and I hare just now cured an attars: of Alaiiptutnt Ery-iplas With it. No altrrjtio wo prir'f tfjua! the dAl!3Ar.mi.f.A you have sup plied to tiic pron-paiua aa well :it to the peoi4a.w from. Ei JohntoA Esq. Wnltfiwin, Ohio. 'or twelve v-nrH, hail the yellow Kryt.liMIa til my ri-'lit arm, during whiWi time i trjl nil too celebrated physician t t'ould reach, ami took hun dreds of doifiM worth of medicine. The uier were so hud thut the cents heeani: vih11 aud tha lioctors dtHrided that my arm must be aniputnteii. I hej?au u!ciu vour Sap iakim. . Took two bot tles, and borne of your Paij.s. ToTther they have jenrtd me. I am nriw us wll anl aouud om nny body. H-'inu' iu aX'Ublie p!acs my rtiw. known to every bodv in this comiuuuity, ami excites tin wonder of "rmn FTtn. If' tiry V'tiro. -If. . ., of Xttrrmtte, . H'.t a let tili iii member of the t'avaOian FmrNa went. I havfl used your S aw vi auii i a iu my family, for general lMIUv and tor fnirit'ithtf the ItooiL, with Vry U'lli-lal nftiilt.. and fjvl cuutidfUiT U lOiflmeuUiag it to the afflicU-d." Ut. Anthony's Tire. Rose, Salt Rheum Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From TTtirrey .Sichb r, Eq.yh abt? editor vf f4 Tuvkhitttm-'l' Jtrmorrtit Fenn.ybttttia. "Our only vhil-i, ' t t!irce y::r ot" ajje, waa atUik'tl by pimil-n ria his lore tick 1. Tiiev rapidly c-preud nut 11 tht-y iornied a lwuhome :io vinileue sore, which covn-d Ins rie. aud a t unity bliu-1cd his eyes lor aruc dai. A itkillul physician .-ippln-d nitre of p'ivtr anti oTirr ifnuti'-s, without nny ppart eift-t-t. Vox fifteen days w Kiiurtk'd Mi hatMls, h-sl with them he khoui'd tenr op u tin t'rs ti iiu and corrupt wound which eoven-l his whol K 1hcv. 1 Irvine tritd every thin; elc we Iian any hnpe from, we be;ui pviu your bAiiSAPAlULLA, and aj.plviup the iotlile i-tai-ti lotion, aa you iireet. The sore N-an to h':d trht-o we had (fiet tlte lirst livttl, and wns y when we had nmfcJvd the second. The child'n cyrfcttJiea. which had conw vut. grvw a;?in) nd he i now si Ijenlthy and fair ati mi y other. The whfle ucit'hbrh'wl predict d that the child must tlic." Syphilis and MorcuriaX Disease. vi Jr. IU, am Stout i St. Ja)uU, Mifsovrf. 1 rtnd your Sails pak"iluv a more "t' nmniv for the seeoudarv symptoms of .yfM and for ftvphihiic disease ihan'any tlH'r we port-as. Thr prof ftihn are imi-htcd to you fur son: of thi oest ineflieines we nae. From .1. J. A. J. FrfHcky .V- D.t in eminent ph4iriiin r.f rcn. M'trt., wA w pnnnintut mrnirr of " in:. Aykii. VI y denr Siri 1 hnvc fonnd rrmr $KAi'AKil.i-A an'exM'llent rerwtiv for SyphM, th of the primary and ovwidory typ, ana cSc nal iu rome caws that were too ol(iiiHte to yield to oth'r rt'uiedis. I do not know what we ettn em ploy with man certainty of suvcens. wlwre a pow?r iul alterative is njmreii(" .If;-. Chit, S. 'an Zu-ir, of Xctc JtrvnHrt,, X.J., had drelfu! ulcers on his feps, caused by the abus of m reury, or vten uruil tli-tasr., which f;rrw more and more oprravard for yewrs, in spitw of evcy rvmeilv or tnttnrKWt could he applied, until tb iiersvcring use of AVKii'j Sksapariu,a relieved iim. K-wcu.escan be found more inveterate and uUtrcsFiuir than this, and it took several doien tottlcs to cure him Iieucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness, are ffrnwrallv produced by internal SrofuhniB 9'( crrafioit, atirl are verv often cured ty the alterative effect of this .Sabsapakim. Some cases reonlr. however, in id of the SAiusArAhiiXA, the sil(il application of local remedies. From the vfU tnoicn find iridebf-crffbrated Drt Jacob Jfttrriif, of Cincinmtti. " t have found your Saksapakilla an exccITcfit alterative in diseases of tmales. tauy eases of IrreiiTfirity, l.eo-orrhna. Internal I.lcerution, an4 local debility, arising from the scrofulous riiathesib hava yfelJitl to it, aud tfHre are few th;t do nut, wheu'its effivt is properly aiiied by local treattm-Tit. A InJy, ttmeillinj to alfrw the publication of her nm, n-rites .- Mr d.iu;hter ami my.clf have been mrrd of a. verv debil its ting1 I.cucorrhtPtt of kn stanlio, bf two bottles of your SaKsapabilla, Bheumatism, Oout, laver Complaiut, Dys pepsia Heart Disease, Keurulifia, wfKn cnns1 by Scrofula in the srstcm, are rapidly enred by this Kxt. iksaiakilla. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS po-soss so many advantage over the othr purgatives in the market, and tiifir .upcrior i u tiles arc so nniversally known, that we need t.ot do more th:in to as-uro the public their quality is maintained equal to the Ix-st it ever has bcon. and that thy may l- dfpcndvd on to do all that thev have ever done. Prepared by j. C. AVER, M. D., & Co, Lowell, Ma... and siiKt tiv F'xjLrxxltu-re We have opened ilif lurge Booir. just cppc." ite our Store in Patterson where ' we offer for sale at low prices a general tenrtment of Tables, Chairs, Sofas, I (Mini; cs, H e d h t e a d s , and Mattresses, Trunks Carpets Stands, Racks, & ' Many other articles for houce furnishing HECHT & STRAY ER Best White Lead! Best Zinc! PUKE LIBERT 1 LEAL, Unsurpassed for Whiteness, Fine Gloss, dura bility, Firmness and Evenness of Surface PUKE L1RERTY HEAD Warranted to cover niore ktirface for same weight than any other Lead , Try tf and you will have other '. TURE LIBERTY ZINC, Selected Z1C, ground in refined Liajecd Oil, uuequaled m quality alwavs tha same. PURE LIBERTY ZIXC, Warranted to do more and better wrk at a given cost than any ether- . . Oct the. Best I , . Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA r.UT COLOR VVORKS. Orders executed prorrrt lv by ' ... . 2EIGLER kniITIl. ! Woksalc Drn?, Paint f ttlui Vtzle-g la. Etorc and office, ?V. 11 ITortJi 3rd j Street PHIIDLLI'UIA. I March . y.