Newspaper Page Text
, . ' I i i "I 4 A Co CJCSS & Co. irHB CONSTlTrJTlOH TH 0(101 AHT asr-OBOEMRKT 0T TH IAWS.;' EDITORS. VOLUME XIX, NO. 15. - -;r ! I.s WHOLE NUMBEB, 051- ! i 4 professional (Cards. iionaicaras. l; X IHO, ot lal I erMo, to Inform liis friends and pa- Trt. r. cms X f Pa., wishes I tress that he Las rciauvcJ to the hjnm on Uridge Street opposite Teid i Jordan's Store. fcprH-tf - - - - - r I jEREjILUI LY0X3, ; - Mitllintowt., Junii County. Pa.. OSiie . i . is . i . e i . . v. j'lniu slices oouil' vi iriuc Mr ti. j TO.flli STO.fcS. i rCCrtFN CAVENLY, Manufacturer of Tomb ' ftjncs, McAlistervillc and Miutinlown. All ' ark put up in tbo mast tasteful aud sub stantial manner. Give bin. a call. 13-G4tf. . - t AIL AND EXAMINE . our Stojk of ReadvVaeCtfhinKVt'ore ,. . .. . . I' j yoa : urcBHKe l.isewhcrc, you will fii.J xn l..-;sj a jfooj a;(nrtment for Men and Boys :re, wjich wiii ud icild cbeas for of . , , r MICKET c PEXXEtL, , Patterson, P. JB i-t K. C. STKW P.T, ATTOKN EY-AT-t AW, .TI.'TOtRrwIISIt, amintr'! t C, ill., 0?er hs proftsaional -rtTices to the pub- ; bt!:'8 "''o'cd. will Bl! b subscribed for witb-i-i. Collection and al! c!b 'Jils:ne-i will ' iu two tuontbs. when the notes will undoubted- :occv promDt attentmn. Olitte brst Uvur , f Bclfjr l"s Store, (upstairs.) . A T " .1 ttorney at L(tv. 'i'l attend to all bui.iess Mtrusted to bis ! OSce a Main Street. MitMitltf wn. Pa. MIIITAXY CLAIMS. p!IE underxigncd will promptly attend to tb Cdllection of claims agiiimt either the I '.i'r sr National Government, Peiisioait. 11 irk l'f.y. Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other cUinis e-W.Ttz out of tbe preient dr any other war, J"""C ' JKREMIAU tVON?, Attoiney-at-I-rm. iS-nttwii, Jjniata CJ ; Pa. " fcUO i!. F. Sulger -jf-tr. G. ff, Reed. Also, Jobbers in 'JJ-OTIIS, CASSI-MtlRES. satinets. No 423 MAUKKT STREET, Nartb ide, between fsIr'b and Fifth. PlllI.AUEI.rHIA. C?s. ' a Teace footing, thus withdrawing from mark ' H"TkVFFBit ij'43 j ct as borrower and purchaser. ' ATCXMAKES AN3 JEWEI.Eat ! TbisU oxir LOXr .V MARKET N'J. 1 Sorth Corner c, , , v ' Quarry. PHlLAl'FXmiA.. Aa assoitEEiit of Watches, Jewelry. Si!r?r Sc. Plate. i Ware, ;..:.-fly on hand, Suitable for JlQUitA I ' V-'Rcpairin? of Watches and Jewe7 j K.r.ptly Suend,d to i I'ec !. lH'.l-l yr. j W. A. LEVERING, , nutber & Commission !lernatl Callowhill Sireet Wliarf, l'hiUdelphia, Ta. Supplies of Timber. Slaves, Locu't Pife j H oip Poles. &c &t au 1 Luaibcr Tfc'aera.y. j .'lU bs purchaael, contracted for. or reof.;d 1 i eotnuiisaion, at the option cf "he shipper. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. Omci or ii csiAr Cot six I AuatCtLTHRL Sot'trTT, j Terrysvillc, Oct. Hi. Ib';S. ) rebr certify that tb Committe wr j. 1. u . ..,:r. Ma...factud Arficles has awarded to! t'BARLKS W. WtiTZKi. the First Pretnidtrl fT or less for the first insertion- three inser tn rast substantial, neatest made, and host 1 ton3 fpr f 1.60 .nd 50 cents fcr all subsequent hniahed sett of Chairs. , ' i insertions. Estate Notices ' 52.C0. Pr,.fes- WiLtla.t HattcH. Sec'y. . jnl3 fona. and Business cards w,th pap $.(VJ EaEXKY U llU'EK, 520 ARCU Street, abovs Filth. PHILADELPHIA, j manufacturer and Dealer In Watolies, , F I N E J E W K L 11 Y , SOLID SILVER WARE, snt luperiaV Mirer Platett Ware March 29, 1805, Smos. 'ENDUE. .. CRIE J V AUCTIONEER AV TJte-tftdirsigned offers his services to tbe y.i)M9 to Vendue Cry er and A ucrtotreer. He h bad t very large experience, aud feci? c-::SUsit tlmt he can (jive satisfaction to ll K2 may tWploy htm. He may be addrjssea a. Mimitstetrn. orfowtd at his home in Fer- ! ':.najU towrwhip. Prderj mfiy also be left f. Mr. Will rtotel. '.. ! Jan. 2o, 1854; WILLIAM GIVEN, j " j 1t;,-1 PHILADKLPHIA f PAPER HANGINGS. ISG'5 ' MO WE IX & HITRKE, MANUFACTCRERSCP WALL PAPERS, AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Comer FOURTH and MARKET Ptr PHILADELPHI.C M. B. Afine stock of CIN'BN EUAUE5. ff.ojmn'.ly on hand. fsb. 15, 1655-3ia. it n y a ; II lV I "m SI ! J ' v 111 11 the sle of the first series of S SCO. 00-1, (KM) of the 7-30 Loan was completed lift tre 81st of March, l$'Jr. The sal of tbe second series of Tbtes Hundred Millions, payable three year fi-oro tbe 1-fib day of June. 1HV. was beyun on tLt lt of April, in the thort tvace cf thir,,, ' crer (Mf r.(,frf miicli cf T - thh trritt hart Utn told leaving this i'ay IcsS j than Two Hundred Mi'lionsto be disposed of. The interest is pnysblc Semi-annually in cur rency by coupens attached to each note, which 4re readily cashed anywhere. It amounts to Cities, Counties or States, and the interest is 1 not taicd uule si on a surplus Of the owner's i. . .. . . . , . ,. . : income evceediug six hundred dollarj a year. i , . This fact increases their value from one to ' i ...,. . . I, a-. - .i. , three per cent, per annum, according to the I raie levied on other property. Subscribe ftcict'y." " Less thai $JO),Ot0.000 of the L can author e J by tbe last Congress are now on the mar- c jir.mou J a premium, as baa uuiformlybeeii I -7 j the cape on closing thfe ubciptions to other I Lot its. It .iov teems probable L'm no tontiJtr j tftf amjunt oiyouU the prtsetit tents uriU in ol f"ri to th; fjiiiie. ' orasr taut citite&t of eterr town an section of the country may be afforded facilt-lk- for taking the loan, tbe National Banks Slate lianks, and Privata Bankers throughout the country, have generally agreed to receive subscription at p'.f. Subcribrrs trill seieel their own agents, in whom they hava confi dence, ;i?!d who are duly t be responsible fo the (V.ivery of the notes fnr which are the One cent day on a . fjO aote. Two cents " tl0 : Tt 44 " " t.iOO 2 flOOO tl ... " " 4 t joou. Jtiore and More Desirable- The rebellion is upt)r?sed, and the Got ! eminent bnf already adopted n.'ajt'res to re : lut estcnJiturc? as rapidly as possible to uc orkat rorvi.An LOi.r or THE rEOl'I.K ' The Sevuft-Tiiirtv N.'ci are convertible on tLe r raatnn;y, at the op:inn of the bMer, .... ' TJ. S. 5-20 Six per Cnt, GOLD-HEARING 30NDS ; n arc alway s wortn a premium. Free from Taxation. The 7-31 Nttee cannot be tixed ty Toitas, ceive ovd'.ti. JAY COOKE. , SrnsCRiPTIPT Aokvt. PhiUJrlpMa Sr!t:piiN wit.i. n. tii tu tu 1 r lbs , first Satitvnil Itnnk of i'iiiiadt'lphia. First Ntttionul IVink of Attoon-s. Kjrtt N.itiucal Mink cf C'tHi.Je. F.rsf 'ttOiial Pan': rrf l!rri.-hur. HarrisbufT Natt.?i-t! P.aalc of Il.irrisbiffj. ' t irst Nr.''t' tank of liiintittjlort. Firt Naiionul l!ank of Selinscrove. And by Do'y. Parker, & Co . Uinkerv.: ' MiCintown, Pa- ERM9 OF ADVEP.T1S1NG Seventy.fiv. cents per , e.uar. of let Iirs I per year, jiercuaniue earas wnn pitpar 9 lo.w pjryear. Local notices 10 cents per line. People oliht to loolt to their interest aui ad- verliie in tbe f inti.vel as its circuiction in about rtie (bird Isrg-r than any oiher papa published in tbe county. 1 ' JOB WOBK RATES Eighth sheet bill. $1.26; quarter sheet bills 12 00 i half Eheet biilS 3 00; whole sheet $C 00 SO bills are always given If da aired. Blanks f 2.00 per. quire. Colored or fancy work eitr. Carda at $1.50 per bun dTed. Job Work respectfully solicited as wo ibelievt we on do up jobs nt ally and attract Tely ail expeditiously. . , PERMS OF PUBLICATIO? -a- , , . j The Jchata Sisiivil la Fablisbel on Main Street, next door to tbo Post' OuVe, MiBiatown, Juniata County, Pa., m every ........ ., , C m ...e i advance and $2.53 if not paid within the year, Wtf wish to do a cash buwi-neiri el er'y s pottibla. W wish to deal honest ly and alike with all, and therefore nettf not i asked to vary from our terms by any on. Thankful fcr past favors we ask the eoatinned sapport and efforts of onr friends. JTETTERS AS-B REMITTANCES. I' Business, Comnunicatioaa for it aper, and lirtuittances should fca addressed A. L. Oue, Stctioel Office, MirBint own, P .. , TTELCOSE HOME. ; O, (be rseti who fought titd bird, ' ' O, tbe-glud and gallant tread, ' 1-1 ' And I h bright, ekies overhead,' -i : ' ' , : . Welcome home! :. , : 0, the brave returning boys, 0, tbe overflowing joys, . ; . . ; And the guns and drums &nd noiaa , Welcome heme f' ' : ' ' Let the deep voiced cannon roar, , .. Open every gate and door, Tour out, happy people, pour , ! " Welcome borne! " t ,' ' .' ' , Bloom, O Banners, ovar all, Overvcry roof and wall, : - Float sid bow ; and rise and fall, W1cmu konL- : Splendid iolittnn moving down,' Iron veterans, soiled and brown, Grim heads, fit to wear a crown, 1 ; W'elcume home ! '' ' Grial head, which a wall Wrv ben( ; -Keeping sacred things within, ,, . Keeping out the hosts of sin, Velcoine home ! There the women stand for hours. With their white htitids full of flowers, Raining down tbe perfumed showers. On the dear men marching bdme ! Do you see Aim in the line ? ' Something makes him look divine, ' And a glory makes him shins, , Coming home. ' Look out where the flag unfcrls, Look o!tt through your tears and curls, Give them welcome, happy girls ! Welcome home ! Welcome home from war's alarms. ' Welcome to a thousand charms. Waiting lips and loving arm I. Welcome home I . , . Strong man, with tbe serious face, If you saw him in his place, ' Jlaiching swift to Jeur embrtdb. 1 1 ' . . Coining home. .. ; .. : You would vup with td murpxif w At the dear dead boy that lies Underneath the Southern skies, ' Far" from horn. ' '' " ' , ."''' i !.l'' : V..' Woman, with the tender eye,. : Theeping while the boys go by, Well we know what makes you ry, Weiry home ! fid he with you in your pain. Tod will lock and look in vain, ; lit will nevef come again - To hie home ! , So amid Cur jiy wa wp ! For the noble (lead, who sleep i. la the vale airi on the steep, ' Far fiom home: . For the chief who fought so well, for the Christ-like man who fell . ... By tbe chosen son of ITell, : t - ' ' And went home ! And W2 thank you. Slavory a dea"l, And iheiioa'.s of V'rongare fied, . . ; . And the Kiht prevails iustead. . ATelcotrle boms ! Limlii and tongue, and press ar frea, Aud the Nation shouts to see AH the glory yet to be, : Woliou heme ! r . ) r THE NATIONAL IMN'niEN'F AT GETTY S NOI5LE LETTER FROM THE PRES IDENT. ; Splendid IKicalion Piiria by Coiond C. G, : - nalpiB?. ' . f - PiiESicEvr jonxso.vs ..a. - ' -TEH. ' ' ; LET- Executive Mansion, Washingtu. D. :tu. D. C.,1 , 1S05'., ; Fu!y3 d to David Wills, E3q , Chairm-tn of Committee Sir: I had promised ibysetf the pleasure 01 prticlpat ing in person in the proceedings at Gettysburg to-iuurrow. That pleasure, owing to try irXaisposkioo, I nra reluctantly compelled W forego. ti I should have been pleased, standing on that twice sacred. spot, to share with you , I your joy at the, return- cf peace ; to greet with you the surviving heroes of the war, who have come back with light hearts, though heavy ' leaded with Honors, and with you to drop grateful, tears to ' the memory of those that will never return. . Unable to' do so iu person 1 ' can only send yotf nty greeting, and" assure you ' of my fu'U sympathy with the spirit and pur pose of your exercises tj-tuorrovf.' ; Of all the anniversaries of the Decla ration of Independence none Lave been rAore important and significant than that upon which yow assemble. Four years of struggle for our national life have been crowned with success ; armed treason is swept from tbe stand ; our porta arc re- I op-tied ; our relation with our t-rternal Coitlluerce is frtfe5 (Jur soldiers' and sail or resume their peaceful pursuits ; onr flag floats in ererj breeze, f ami the on!y barrier to our national progress,' IIuuUm Slovtry, ii-forrvtr nt an eiiJ.1 Let us trojitthat each reeurriug Fourth of July shall finl our nation ' stronger in in wealth, stronger in harmony of it.- cit izens, stronger in its'devotidu to ndtion ality and freedom:' As I have often said, I believe that God seut this' people on a mission among the nations of the earth. He founded its perpetuity.1 " ' ": ' . That faith sttstaitied ia through the struggle that has passed. " It sustains me gov, that ne duties are ddvolved ripori tt!? and net dansert threatee o. I fc'el that whatever means He uses,' the Al mighty is determined to preserve us as a people.' And since I have seen the love our folio cititfens bear their country, and the sacrifices they have madts for it, my abiding iaith baa baenmu ctrotiger than ever, that a Government of the people is the strongest, as well as the best Govern ment. ' ;' Iu otlr joj to-nsorrow, I trtist you will not forget tbe thousands of whites as well as blacks whom the war has emanci pated, ffiho will hail this Fourth of July with a delight which no previous anni versary of the Declaration of Independ ence ever gavo them.' Controlled eo lorjg by ambitious, selfish leaders, who used them for their owe un worthy ends, they are now free to serve and cheriah theGovernmentagainst whose life they in their blindness struck. I am greatly mistaken if, in the States lately in1' rebellion, we do not henceforward have an exhibition' of such loyalty g;Hd patriotism as was never seen nor felt there before. " ' 1 ' When you have consecrated a National Cemetery j you are to lay the eorneT stone of m- Ntkm) - Monument which, in ' all human probability, will tiso to the full height arid proportion yltl design. Noble as this mocument of stoue may be, it will be but a faint symbol of the grander mon umeot which', if we do our duty, we shall rise among the" nations of the earth, upon the foundation laid in Philadelphia rilne and eighty yetrs njn. Time shall wear away and -crumble this moDuracat, but i fA'tf, ba! e 1 as it is n'p-ta the consent, vir tue, putriotisin and intelligence of th peo pit;, each year th;t!l make firmer and more I Your friend and felloe citizen-; ' I f ANDREW JOIISSOS. j The letter w.t frequently applauded, particularly iu the portions which alluded to the stability of the Government add the emancipation of the tinsro. At tbe conclusion, three enthusiastic cheers were girea for' President Johnson. CMonel Halpine'i Poem.' rnoroHTB or Tina axd rues. As men beneath gome pang of grief, Or sudden j.vr will dumbly stand. Finding no words to give relief, Clear, passion-w;irru, precise and brie f, to thoughts with which their so"uls expano. So here to-day , tSese trophies nigh, No fitting words eur lip's can reach f Tbe hills around, the graves, the sky, The silent poem of. the eye, t - it, Surpasses all the art of apeea I,, fa , ' 'f.rx' ? :.t ' t: To-dav a nation meets to build A nations trophy to th,e;dead, Who, living, fothied heriwerd and shield, The arnrs she .sadly learned to wield,,, .. When other hope of peace had fled j And not alons for those who be . . ' , , , In honored graves before ns blent, ; iThall our proud column1 broad and high, Climb upward to the smiling sky, '' But be for Xl a monument. ' : '' :i - i .: -i A :. ' An emblem of enr grief as well 1; m For others, as for these, we raise ; ,...., For these beneath our feet who dwell,' . . And ail who in the good cause fell,. On other fields in other fray '. "" ' ' To all the self same love wa bear '" Which here for marbled memory strive. So soldier for a wreath wonld! eare,' I Which all true comrades might not soar, Brother? in death aa in their lives. , fn sou'it-era hill-sides, parched 'and brown : la tangled s wamps, ctr verdant ridge, Where pines and broadening osEs loot down Aud jasmine weaves its yellow crown, And trumpet creepers clothe the hedge, Aion the shores of endless swnd, Beneath the palms of Southern plains Sleep everywhere, hand locked in hod. . The brother of th. gallant band Who here p jure 1 life tbro throbbing vins Aronnd the closing eyes of all. ; Th 4 gUrt4 tni ew . The hunying flags( tbe bugle call, ' , The whistle of the angry ball. The elbow touch of comrades true, The skirmish fire, a spattering spray, ' The lon sharp growl of fir by file, ' The thick ning fury of the fray ' When opening batteries get in play, ' And the lines form o'er many a mile. : . T!e foeman's yell, our answering cheer. Bed flashes through the gathering sracke ; ' fe'wift orders, resonant and clear, . : . - Blithe cries from comrades, tried and dear, - The ahefl-scream'and sabre stroke, i The volley fire from left to right ' From right to left, we hear it swell ; The headlong charges, ewift and bright, . The thickening tumult of the right, , - And bursting thunders of the shell. . , . . ' Now closer, denser, growes the strife.' And here ww yield, and there we gain ; . The air with hurtling miasiles rife, ' Volley for volley, life for life ; . 1 ; So time to heed the cries cf pain. , Panting, as up the hills we cliarge, . Cr down them as we broken roU. ' ,i i Life never felt so high, so Wjre, ' And never o'er so wide a range ' In triumph swept the kindling soul. : 1. ! : New raptures waken in tbe breast. Amid this hell .of scene and sound, The barking batteries never rest. And broken foot, by horsemen pressed, Stifl stubbornly Contest their groitad ; Fresh waves of battle rolling in. To take the place of shattered waves, ' torn lines that grow more tent a 3d thin,' A blinding cloud, a maddening din, ' 'TwaaHhen we filled these very gravest Night falls at 1 ngtb with pitying veil, . A moonlit silence, deep aed fresh. ' These upturned faces, stained and pale, Vainly the chill night dews assail : For colder than the dews their flesh. And flickering far, through brush and wood Oo searching parties, torch in hand. Seize rf yon can some rest and food, ' ' At dawn the fight will be retevfed- : "Sleep on arms!" the hushed command. They talk in whispers as they lie In line, these rough and weary men. ' "Dead er but wounded ?" then a sigh. '"No coffin either 'Guess well try ' To get those two guns back agai c." : "We've five flags to their one, oho i That bridge, 'twas hot there as we passed, M : "The Coloneldcad !.. It cant be ac, . " Wounded bally, that. I know," Eulhe kept the saddle to the last." "Be sure to eend it if I fall ;"' "Any tobacco? Bill, have you !" "A brown-hair'd. bine-eyed. Hu;hin-dt.!l;" Good, night, boys, and God keep yoa an." "What, sound asleep? Oiiess I'll sleep to j.'- "Aye, just about this hour they pray , . For dad.'' . "Stop talking! pass the word." " And soon as quiet as the clay Which thousands will but be next day, ' . Tbe long-drawn sighs of sleep are beard. -. . .-.-, 1 ,.. :' . ' Oh men, to whom this fcketch, though rude. Calls back some scene of pain and pride; fh widow, hugging clos your brood. Oh wife, with happiness renewed, Since he again is t ynurtnde ; ' This trophy thtl to-dy we riiro Should b i a monument for all. And on niard phrase ... - Confine a generous nation's praise '. To th'.se who here havefcsreed to fall. But let ns all to-day combine"1 ' Still other monuments f raise: ' ' Ilera for the deal we build a shrine, And new to those who crippled pine. ; ..a Let us give hope of happier days.., . . , Let homes for thoe sad wrecks cf war Through all the land with speed' arise ; They cry from every gaping scar, ' ' ' '' ' -"Let not oirr brother s tomb debar " :I '"' L The wonnded living from your eyes." A noble day, a deed as good, A noble scene in which 'tis done. h Ih birthday of Our BStionbdod,- '' And here agai 9 the nation stood.-. On this same day its life re-woo. A bloom of banners la the air, , , A double calm of sky and soul, Triumph al chant and bugle blare, . ' " And freen fields spreading bright and fair, Aa Heavenward onr hosineas rati. ' ' t j -: .1 .'- '' Hos&anM far land redeemed.!- ' The bayonet sheathed, the cannon dumb ; Passed as some horror we have dreamed. The firry meteors that here streamed, ' Threat'nicg within 6'ir homes to come. Again our banner floats abroad, ' , Cone the one stain that on it fell ; 7 And bettered by his cbast'ning rod. . With streaming eyes uplift to God. We say, "He doeth all thing well,'' saK-'What a fine head vour bov has." said an admiring friend. "Yes," said the fond father ; ha ia a chip off the old block; ain't yea sonny ?" "I guess so,. 'dsddy. 'cause teaoher said yesterday I - tlS 3 yr.ang tlook-bvsd i LINCOLN'S VIEWS OS NEGRO SUFFRAGE. The most important expression ' of j President Lincoln's views on the question 'of negro suffrage' has just been' given to j the public in a letter which he wrote to Governor Ilaha of Louiiaai. It is ti ' follows : hstcCTlTE Mansion, WAsiiixTON, March 13, '54 j Him. MirJtarF Iluhn : ly dear Sir : I congratulate you cn having fixed your name in history as the first ftce State Governor of Louisiana, now you are thoit to have a convention which, among either tilings, will probably define the elective franchise. 1 barely fctlrT5'.- 'or your private con sideration, whether some of the oolorei people may net be let in, aa, for instance, the very intelligent, and especially those who have fought truliantly in our ranks They would probably kelp in some trying time to come to keep the- jewell of Lib erty In tfcs farSily dl' rsed-jm. But this is only a suggestion, not to the public, but to you alone. Yours Truly, A. LINCOLN. . -THREE VIEWS- That wo may know what dependence hereafter to placet iu the oracular utter ances of tne great Cockney Thunderer, let us here quote some of its fulmioations at three periods of the war : tom the London Times, Kot . 2$t '60. ' It is evident on the smallest reflection that tlia South, evea if united, could nev er resist for three months tbe greatly prepondering strength of the North." From th. London Timet, Spt. 14, '64 "The publio will admit that they have not been misguided by our comments. Wc said that the North could never sub due the South and the North has now proclaimed the sathe coneluvion." Prom the London timtt, April 10, '15. "The catastrophe seems complete, and i n all its accessories calculated to impress people with a feeling that toe work is 10 eomplished: and that the civil war is really at an end." la the beautiful consiatcucy of thesg prophetic orucles is there not food enough for an immense laueh? FRAUDS UPON UNITED STATES TREAS URY NOTES- 2s, imitation, aia reported ir. circulaiioa, 1 loony done. j OS, altered from otie'. Portnit of j Chase. o. iuiittion. Poorly dene ; coarse. I ' 53,' -rh jtagraphed. Have a blurred J IxjL ; tlte1 pr-per is stiller aud heavier, ' Srgtiiitnres very heavy, j 10s, irnitaticri. weil executed, are re j ported in circulation. There is no trea j surv stamp upon t!ie bill. 10s, altered from Is. Vii-nttM por- trait of Lincoln. 20s, imitation. Eagra'-i-rj-' coarse; general appearance bad. COj, irsiutioo. The head 01 Hamilton is coarse end blurred; otherwise excel lently done, aud we!! calculated" to eV ceive. 50s. altered from 2s. Vignette pot trait of Hamilton below the Words, United States. Ju genuine it u above. 10'?.-), imitation. , The only points cf ac tual diQerenca between the genuine and I couuterfcit are these : la the upper left I corner are the words, "Act of February i 25thv Ij2." ..In counterfeit the "th" i and the ornamental lines above run into and touch the border; in the genuine there is a clear space between. On the right end of back of note there are four teen small ovals ; on the edge of each oval the figures 03 the bad read qqi, or inverted, while on the left they are 100. This is tbe reverse of these figures in tbo genuine ; there, it will be seen, that on the right hand they read 100, and th left oof. These notes are well execu ted. ' " ' '' '" Postage Currency. -25 cents, imita tation ; poorly ecgraved and 00 poor paper. 60 cents, imitation poorly done. Tha heads of Washington sre blurred, and are not alike ,. 5 cents, and 10 cents, imitation poorly printed. 50s, newjisuc.' are, now i3 circulation Observe Caution. The portrait on each coarsely done. National Bank. s, imitation, well executed and of Jt daftgefotis charaoter, are repotted iii circulation. . , Coupons. Counterfeit cocpons, dated March 1, 1865; for $12 E9, in the simiii. tude of 10-40 five per cent. Uni'ed Mates SoOOO bonds, have been offered at j different Uuited State depositories. ' '? 7-30 Bowls. Some of theaoarc in cir- with the coupons cut of and 0Ferad . Mrre9aT; Without cou j pons they are of n- value until mature rl"f.ise all ertcli