Newspaper Page Text
' ' '". IT t ft" "IT i v.,.,j;. .., j0 won, tio i i,maJ xliij'1 tJJia'T'O oil 9tA fir's .A .4 E.. Ol'SS &.-CO. Z, IDITCKS ,.s. r--s . VOLUMJ&XJJrmiSii WHOLE NUMBEK," 951. M" V-taw n v(.-rt ew lis . ico Tbnu aw miv s. . .1 lx.l ." .aa oJ msJ3 X'sr, ?! e.' fi.'? vi '-t .: ,-,r ; , . t -r -nr: 1 'i'l'J J!i:.'J '.'!& HI?. !.V jsju. ..wi!J tiicntTZ,:1. -.'I.- .-.' .' .' . . !t , ..... ,. . -i - tr. f,c ri .viiio, orrattcrton 1 fft.l 'shci to inform LisTrictiSs and r- tronsthst he h remTei tx tLe honMonj BriaRe-SJmriippote'ToJd & Jordan's Store.- J aprO-tf " " : - . .. :i-. 1 i JEREMIAH " " Mifflintown. .Inniata Conntv.' P., fHPc pn Mitin street. Soui h f Uridgc sir . ', - i T TOM II STO.VES. IIVCW Pi vrvrv i - t i War ;;! 1 ...1.1 -1 r... - 1. country produce.' . " " "v evi buuu ivi lulu U i MICKEY X VENN KM.. . i'ilticrju, J'a. -If, , ;'.."e. 'c.-sti-:varv, ; . ATTCHEY-AT-LAVV, ; MijHitif'iirn. imtti ('.. I'ii., -'ttVrs hi.'ctsiocr.1 services to the pul,- j Im. t'oilcciions and aU other tiusincs will ; reci-ivc pr.'mLt ..nipntion. tift;cc first door 1 v , ,.1 i' . ,., , ot t "1 liettiinl riore. . ' 1 I AM i!. ALI.ISO.V. iHonicg 'f, itlotnru i'nMt'f. V'ill !lcd to all l):i.,ilHS5 tlilril'tU-1 t' his j cu e. Ollicc on Main St rev' - iiiintowii, l'a. rV MILITARY CLAIMS. " THR nn.tersiJtiKd iil prumpilv aJirn 1 to the c-llcciion a JaiiiK against riiln-e the Stat or Xartnawi-Triiii," V-'i3i;a. Kacka ry. t.nniy:-i:xtri Var.-wnd ail vllier cUims 1 an, 1115 .nrr : !:: "I'-scm or utiv "MKT i1r, ; . . JKJSKMI A' t.AoS, j .iit v at-i.iw. I !! 0: M::nii!''wn.-.TnniM fa II ii "D f uJ '1 ft I --1 ' Also. J.d.'i.Ts in :-. r ' ILS. tbVSSi.M!l'!'o. r ATI NETS', i'U. t'vi wcou Ko'ivtli slid I'ifth. u: : I'Miu.''m.v. . V.. 14 N.M-ili S ';:'; i S'j-.i. . ...-m i- ..I f?' -., I" M " t : , An assottment cr ' ' YTalchns. we'ri'. ... .' - - ' Silver & , . Plated "VTarf, l.iiWc for -'. It oiiT;in:' v -.iT ir.i.T. .''.' : ."-.'-- 1 iP" Kepairing ft Wa " . li'td Jewelry j rompity atti Jed to v.: H . 1 - . ... ixc l"'il-I. yr. . , . A..I.KVK1U.V1;, 1 .-v-.. ..,,....( tttilx & '4MmiiiHioir.'Hrrti:tii4 1 C iUowtiil! Sirer! T. barf. I'liiladclphia. 1'a. lc Mippiifs ia 1 imrr. Mve. i.i.ohsv rwi, m... p .vc nii-i -i.iiniiicr,, g.'tiira.y. f.di iuich:iae.J..citiiact.-.l f..,v.- r r.-ceived : on c-miuUslott,. at the option" ..f 'lie sliipj'cr j ' ' JPVCm "I BT TY I I 1 I !" 11 I VIT l 'Tlll'V I '.11,1111 JtlA.ll'rAt J Wiil. . ' - ' ..r-iri.K .,1 the Jt.-.l.'-tv CorsTT ! Ai;ki rtiL t v ul Soci ety, v.,...,,.,.. ,r,T, ""-!The iutcrcEt isravable'.'.y in cur- Stones, McA'.ivt rrilV av:d MiT.intowii. All. - . . . work put up in the mot'. "iastcM and s,. ; reney v eoupeng ntlachcd to eaeh nole, whioh lantial iimuuer. bi hiu. a call. . are readilv cashed anvwhere.1 It amonntsto l3--3tr. ' ,. a - ; - ' .'??, Cuimlies or fMate...-acJ the interest is I.VIjU.AM) KXAMINK , not taxed unless Pi a "urplns of the 6w!er s our Stock pf Keidv MdeCh"hirsr bef'cre ' " 1 i 1 n ,. ,. . ... . . I income exeeeniiig sn hundred uullard a year. ou rurciiase i-lftwhere. yuu will lind ou ; . . . ,am (V hand a poud assortiuetit lor Men and UovsiThis fact iucrctics Ihiir. vrHue froiii one 10 . , IVrrysvillc. (V:t. K,v1 WO-i. J ' qERMS Vi'Z d herpbjr certify that the ('oij'ti'i'te'! ' J-. en . Jlaiiufacturiii, jir. irles Jias awarded til ' Seventy-1 t'ii,ii't:s W. Y.Ei'izKi. the First I'rcmii'r fitri'or less- foi the most substantia neatest made, air! West finished sett ff CllsiH. . . ... " . Y. JACOBS, rrciM'r. .' iLi.t.'sM Ui.sru. Sec'f. janlS tl i:ltY If iRI'Elt, -No. i2i AUCII Street, above I'ifth Miii..t!:i.rifiA. !l;ViiTacl iifer titta lealer iti (? i, l4 t r i x k J n w e l. ii r . 7i -TJ S O l S t L V K R II' A II E. Ann! xiiysriur SU-or PJateil Ware ,:i March L'O l,Sii", omos.. . V T" EN DUK.vT ?.'' T" - -CRIKli ACCTIONEEK " . - TIiq und.'rsigncd offers his Services to the rnblicf as Tendiie Cryer and Ancti.iricer. ile hi? had k very-large experience, and feels confident that lie can give satisfaclion tc all who mar employ him. He may le addressed at M(ffi'nrtoyn,..or foulil at'his-.'hnme in Fer niaiwgli .rHusli(. Orders may also to left at Mr. Will s Hotel. , Jan. 2-, lfMl. - - WIT.l.IAM GIVEN. ij.rt.i n. rJHLAiiEU'UiA J : is,!-: : ) TArKir lIANUINCiS 7 c"'';year. ,.-- - liou iti icki M AXtTAf.TU'RKRS Ol WALL PAPERS, niNPo w n riiTA tn pa rKr.?, ;orcr.vr"ULKTU . and ,VAI!KET Stro - - - ' T-.aot i'UiL irif; t.v, " ' . -VAlinc atock i-of I.INKN SHAL'KS CfnetVm'y "on land. ' "Tub. 1".; t.; jm, i 1 : t". , -jt.t ' Tb wle of the rs 8irs"o3(H),W,0OO ... of the 7-30 Loan was -ooirjiietsu umne 31ft of i'Slarcb, lW"'. The sale of tlie PetoHd series 1 c Ti, M;n:..n. ...i.i. i,rs t w' 1 . 1. Stl.uuiu .'...1 IV11 JIJUI .UllVti tei rs from me loth tlav of June, waa j begun 011 the 1st of April."' Ia the ihort ' tpact f f-.'rhi cut Out IkaJrtd Millions of 'hi- tsrits hut bail tA'l leaving this 1'ajr less I than Two Hundred Millions to bediyposgd of. ... : .. - ! thrTe per ecuc, per apiiuni, according tj Hie -n'r liec other prc'pcrl-. V ' .-. Subscribe Ouickly I.c.-s :hih $J(0,Oi't,fKHt pf the Ii oau autiivr- tlie last ConprcK are now o the mar lis amount, at the ra'e rt which it : wm? w"''.1 "" iu two iu"uth. when 'Vc times will undoubtcd- , , . " .; , , , ly command a "irninm. as lias unifornilv.necn J . j 'V.c iase on closing the -u' .JciilioHi to other j T ft nntr se'rur pi-''rU (hut no rrmsitirr" , rif'lr iir.fntn' 'i-yiiFt'i th? .r.y. ..Tif . .'Tif. i t of- t 'VT ' f rtt'.ii Ii! ordor th it ciliici. 01 evcrv tovu ;ecl!"u o! 'heciuuti y mar he nflordc'd facHt- ' Z 1 ! 1!-luk- a'"' Ti'vaic Bankers ihrrrjhcut ' illc coutiirr, hafe eencvally agreed In rccciC . . cn.uas i jui Subscribers will select lti-ir own agents, i: whom thry have cor4?- deuce, an 1 wilt are r.tly t' he rt-spoasiAle fc the lehvory of the uoios f"r iKuch ,ar; tlio 'nr cent rr liny on K 50 notr. 'i'UO CUt ' . ;rii " O.l) i I li ' 1, . More ind More Desirable. . . : The rebellion a-jiujiiiressed," and the Vv ! iTti"c" has alrca' acted mcasttreao rc- lj-x psptiiiiitnres a rapidly as possible to ' a peace footing, thus itbdrawing from mark tt as b'irrowpr St"! pin-chaser. Uu-' '' S y '-W'-V .V MMIKET new orprt I y the (iovertiif'cirl. h l con-ftim- ..) . .... "s .. ;ui:r mi: I'an'i.t'j. i r i-i' s : ., i . , TJirSeveii-.Thirty Notes arc convertible on ' c!r, at the optiuu of tho hjlder. - !in lr XJ. S. 5-20 Six tier cent, ( :,)LI UH K A KI N(f Pt N'l )S ! U'I.ujU arc ttivtays a pi.ciniiiiti. I : . - , Free from Taxation. , tlir -Sti yotes cttiiiint lie taved fcv To-'ns. rde JAY ( ArKF. s'S'KST. fij-trf Vtf SiTur!!". iV? w XT.I. irTTttTtsivieti fry the ' pjr;t criiia1 Hank of IMiiUdelnbia. : Firt National Hank of Altoonai I- " First N'atioiiar Hntik iif t'urje. - - r'--ft Natiot-t-1. ..f Harrisbiirg. - " llarrishm Xnl'onal fionjc of H.-irrisbttrg. Kirst N'ationiil J'.ank of IIiinthJrf.'!otl. ' First Nati.mal liank of Srlinsgrovc. A':!! by toiv. l'arl-ev, i ','o, Uaiikers r- . ... jw.!Haiton, a 'EltMS or ADVERTlPrxn- fivc'ceni8 per square ftf leu lines for the 6rst insertrnn- three iscr. ' 1 ti'His.ior 1..111 anu ;.u cents Mr an suose'picr.i 1 insertions, l.siatc Notices :Si.(M.. J'rofea-1 sional and liusiness tard." tti'h paj-ef .00 peyfrr. Merchantilc cards with paper f 15. 00 1 i i i.. i . ."'". '. .' i i i People ot'eht to look to their interest and aJ- I vertirS .in the jtEsrix.jis its . circulation j tis about . one third larger jtlian aoy other j pttper published in the eoutify. ro work r.ati;s Kigali 'she:! 'rill t!,-Ji.2.j fliia:tcr sheet bills ?2.0.i; half' sheet bills S3 nf; whole sheet jri ) :d biils arc always given if de sired, lilunks per quire., t.'olored or fancy work cltra. Cards at $1.50 per hun, died. Job.YYork leapec'tfttl'.y solicit M Y.f Jb'elievc wc can lo np jobs ni&lly and attract cfy and expeditious!;?. ;-... - : r-r rpF.RMS OF rUBLlCATR'N ' The -JcjciATt- Sexiincl - is I'liblishi; j . c"n Main ptrecl, next door to "the Post OBioc, j Jfitllinfown, Juniata County, la., on cvcTy AVeduraday st thcj reif of S2.W per year in 1 advance nr.d $2.u0 if noi ptiid within, the We wish" to do a cash business-a"5 j nearly as possible. Vfc wish to detil lioiiest i ly aud alike with all, and, therefore need not i' asked to vary from our terms by any one Thankful for past favors we a'sVtl'C font icueJ' iip port and cff .rts of "our triiiW ' ' ' - jtTTtlUj AN1 ltEMlTT.VS;CE!5. Lelicfs on liusincss", Communicatione X.r ti. rapcr. and Imittances should hi ,i,ir... .t A 1 s, Sentinel Office, Miffiintewa, UV ' b-A SJiAK&LN THE GKASS. ; Come, listen awhile to ire tad, ' --CoiR'e,' listen to me, fer a spell l i' :Lct that terrible. dram : v ) ' ! t Fora moment be dnmh, i; .t!j' ' f ?r yrjur uncle ia going tc tell . . . .. J- . What befell "A youth who loved lftuor '0 Veil. A clever yourig tSan was La. my lad; . And with Vcauty uncoaimoitl hltssi V, ' Krc with brandy and wine, 1U bean to decline, ., And iichatc'l like a person posse 30 1 . ' " ' I protest ;' The teiiipcranee plaii is tho best.' One evening he went to the tavern, may iad, !Ic Went to th? tavern, one night, Acd drinking too "much. 3 tf Hum, braudyamf such, - I The chap got exceedingly "'ig t,' ,.,.r . . And waa quite .: ' . o ;,. "What your aunt, would emitlti -1'righl.'' t' o fullo fill into ooo. m. In"' : ' ' "f is a horrible slumber he takes He trembles with fear. And acts Tory ipueer: .. My eyes 1 how he shivers aud sV:ui'?i r . . . AVheu he wakes And raves about fcordl great snakes 'Tis a warning to ; at'.d tarn, my hid: A panicular caut'en to all Though no one can see j T't'i iper but he 1 To hear the poor lunatic bav i, 'How they cravrl ! " ' ' A'.! bvrr'he Sorar.d the wa!" '" Next morning he took lo his bed, my lad, Neil morning he look to his bed : , And he V:;cr got !.:p. To dine or to sup, Though they properly physicked and bled ; Aud 1 read -Ncitday the poor fellow was diad. . .. Von ve heard of ihe aoako in the rrass, niy f the iper concealed inthe grass: "lad i - llut now you must knew. 1 'MM'fdiidliwlf Is a snake of a different class ; . , Alas '. "Tis the viper that lurks In the glass ! - - ' J-Jnn 1). S.i,xi;- THE NATIONAL- DEBT- OfFICIAL ST.ITE5IEXT 10 JULY !1 I)fJ I tearing diold IlllerCJtt . S 1, 1 0.6G!..rt t I , . Coin in the Treasury $35,000,000. Wahisuton, Aujj. 2. The (ifliciul statement -of the public ebt, as appears- tre'fc the. books' of the Treasury 1'cpr.rtibcnt ou tile .'Mat at Jd ly. !.hors tlye amount outstandin?; to . be 2, :?;2';TftsZZ, Htvided thus,' ri : T!:'c J'jjjt bcariti' iLterct ' in coin h i$CI,.-'l,?37.r.O.. ".' ' Til b debt bearing '-Jureft is !af::l tuoney is S l,28i),l 5i, 5-1 . on which the nterwt is ?74,74rt!J30.7H. 4 " -' J . The debt. or. which interest !:as ecas'it! Thc debt I carir.t n-3 interest ia HM.rt Ii.tntrcf K.ti Tn "nl-rt I.. lui money la io,rut4'jo -.0. 1-i,''.' i'.uw ," iuj.uiu. arc as toliows : QQe auJ, tvVo jear 5 per cent. ' . .-' uotes ,430 fi'! o'ji I'nited States Note?, -jrfd irsnc, 472,Pii;i . ' . ; ' ' - - 'c, ue. -, ,.'00 'Jomppuud Intercut Notes, At ; .-; t of"JJarcb.3rl8,- ; -15,000, W If . ...t I . V..t. ti i . of June 30, T3G4,. :: y- 197,121,470 Total Legal Tenders in uir---.; eolation,' '! ..if W8,.J?,269 Theamocct of- fraotional currency is $25,750,000.. , -L- . ; The uncalled for pay, requisitions and fniscellaneoits items of the War and Na vy Departments amount to S15,7vt',CW.. ' The amount of .win'in the. Treasury is S35,:Jo8,000; and of currency; S1,402 000. Total au-'ounl'iuv Treasury," SI10,- 739. 632 l'i. - -- y,-. : t, " . jejT.Tb .Uoston-. Xra.Ukr., say tha sevoral trader from Virginia arc iii that city,' pay ing ap eld ilcbtd. .One of these, who was iuUoldcd to a , jRercbant 1000, paid the amount, in gold, , with interest. Another puid vOOQ, and, other . suuis of : greater amount), n goid. ' tn etrj i instance the.deilei ooutesded ;that.,thc cb were iwJntfafiM ttitou. a ppecie baa, and should U teCtlld tbo fianio fi Editor,. We have iust passed through tlie fiery ordeal of an intestine war, or, more distinctly sp0kenl a rebellion the manitude wbcrepf pxceedss that of any rebellion ta the worlds History- it cost us an iciniccs-j amount of blood and treasure, tbut . by .the grace of, God and the gallantry of our armieSj we haVegaiu ed the victory over the combined powers of the Southern, .aristo-rsts . .and their allies anu sympathizers both in the north aid foreign countries, and haveiuaintain cd the supremacy of the - constitution. The object the"'war,'..6n 'ejJr parthtts beicn grossly misrepresented by a net incon siderable fortioii pf 'r roliticiaas. in the loyal j. Stales,' : Llt.o Avas ; represented as an "unholy nigger war," a 'crusade against slpvery,"- &C, which j had a direct tendency to discourage our people in the prosecution of the war unto a successful terininatipd: , CV.r gov ernment, however, was sufficiently strong notwithstanding the many prophecies to tho contrary to subdue the rebels; and tcstore peace ou a firm, basis, . ,- , , Now, as tha all-absorbing question of raising aroiios is past disCtiLaiou, we ought to direct jir attcc'-ion to1 the present u-anls of our country ; we arc iuvolvSd In debt and I think", it would net be ;n espedient to the question how we can relieve ?tr country of ;its obligntiens i V. . .:. . l ,t. I t in uie uiue aim, nun mu itsii, taxatioi:. ,-.lut instead of that,, or, any other rjiioatiou of like importance, vesee the question of the expediency of inex pediPCy of enfranchising t'e negro, staring us iu the face from almost every j newspaper, wc pick - up. both Republican and llemotratii:. t r Tlie Negro has been draged iuto every campaign fora nunlb'br of year's, and no doubt , but lita thifika Lo it of im portance, ahd a . "digger' man than Lc had an idea of.; - Men of all parties have been carted into office en this same . old "Nigger question," by making themsel ves popular ou one or the other side there of, until the people have , became so dis: cuu.-d ai. it.- and .have almost come to (he conclusion that samba is culirely 'raised up," that there is nothing left :o liim but a little wool sticking in the teeth of politicians. , , . . We believe, with very erccptious, that tho institution of slavery is an evil, and tlie pro-slavery arisifcrp.taof the south were 3o certain ufttut fact, .that they iiuagiued danger, when thgrc . really was none lit? the cvitninal who, aa. soon as hi has coramittcl a crime, belicvos ccry one knows his guilty Bo. trcEg fras that petsuasion in their minds that they took ; j re;onrse tri. ari'is agahir.t the flovernracnt. and declared- )rdu:rnC3 of Secession iti order to protect their . 'peculiar ; institu tions" vrhtc tlicy could have enjoyed the imaginary benefits therctf for ages' -uu-less it wa. or.'iuiaeA ty au . overruling l'rovi lcCci to end now. .It was the de sign of the great . Republican 1'a'ty at the outstj to prcs';ribc liiilts for th 3. evil, ani not to disturb it in the states Trhiri it czistcd by virtue of their domestic laws; although by : making gr.rblcd cs tracU from the Chicago Tlatform of lGO, some politicians endeavored to conviuco the people that destruction ami limit".!':"'., was the object. f , ... -,. ., ; . " , . But after the slavehelderj d'd fibp.? and. alter that rebellion had assumed such a magnitude as was truly horrible, and it became manifest that that lcbellion could not be subdued, without laying '.forcible hands ou the iustitution of slavcry,"thcn aud not until then would ,our . n.uch la mented Chief Magistrate 3Ir. Lincoln interfere in tlie slavery institution even then be hesitated, and first issued, a Pro clarration of. warning on the 23rd of September l$tJ2T-giving the rebels one hundred days time fo. return unto their allegiance to the,,. United .States, and in default thereof he would, at the cod of tho time specified, emancipate this slaves. Yet they, .as .1'haroh .of old ."hardened thoir hearts"; and, stiffened their necks, a.ud. pleasing iu . the.. . sight of Jchcvafc, j was ,ue: ccuscquen-e. w, ine sxtcs arc .(roc. : freedom tp no. longer theory,. but it a ;. . But "what, will wo .do with (hen now ". is the question ,. ,. - . .ditcd ia almost every jpplitical news -, ...V.Till we colonize., thorn ? ..Will uwe keep them amonj us jasa . subordinate raes ? 3 Or, wU we grail unto , them .the right of full citizenship ? ' .The iormcr. in my bumble opinion woulilbc the best? of all, yet strong arguments could bo:ad- duccd to the contrarv, j . . v. . . . . ' ' ' . j ... TTe will .Colonize them,, we have ; to decide betTreen the two latter questions either mlordiuatq et ' equality. ..Elevating their condition, seems to me to '.be tho duty pfthe present generation by erecting schools among them and fit them for so cial life; but to mak.o. ..tHeii our equal, by .grfteticjj unto them the rights of suff rage, I ; tun stct'lly eppesed. They are not yet lit subjects to have these priy;Icgc3 prantcu them. W-e find a few Infolligent men among them, it is , true. j. but gener ally epcafclzg they are an ignorant class of peoploa They liavo no txoro itloa , of the workings of our Governmental ma chinery, than our children, hdve of the F.oman Inquisition, .itow I believe, that to endorse them at the present tifcc, with the right of franchise, would be a danger- experiment, it would, be detrimental to to .our. .. (,overniu2nt. An . un educated and ignorant class ot people can not vote intelligently it is impossible.; Here the argument might be. brought up against me that we have a good many whites who are uneducated, and still have the right to vote, which is true; but I am now epeakiog upon the theory, whioh I think wi!! be universally acknowledged as a 'id, that the white!. JVcu without i, . I tetf education are more intelligent -than th.3 Here cvmes ai:thcr r.rgr.nent against me which seems the most plausible 'They went into the army for os and as sistcc in maintaining - tin supromaey of our Constitution and we are ' ungrateful if io net extend 'unto (hem the rt'chf of citizenship " ; We acknowledge t?.!! that, but artf thry not sufficiently renutnerated for their ser vices T"ere they riot led trotl under the yoke of Bondage and Egytian tor yitnde into a lacd of Ltbf.rty ? Were riot the sbickless and fetters broken for j them, and they can go ' wheresoever they please tn this vast country without dsngor of being enslaved ' again ? ' That,-1 think is a sufficient' renumcration to thetn for present time and generation. It is all thoy can afford to f se at t.hi.a ''"'S !''in' 1t re tfaD '. give, - and i: we tan tucin so-1, oeiiovc icey win fe satisfied. ' ' -' ' -' If you have space fot this lengthy ccai i11Cnicattoi in your columns, I would be very thankful to see ithavcaplE.ce..- I fill, not .trouble the. "devil" -with 'Vstiek iug" more type. . . . ..A'utt"! '-rrti-y, f i . . i " , . ?- G. DKEj-'iLER:- rfe'io.NT'oxcsrt, July 27th '55. We have been invited to comment on the above pro or con, and shall d eo oa the next page. hit. ; v : .., . . ' '"' ITEMS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS." Do every thiut? at tho proper time. Iveep evey thi-g ki its place. Always mcud eloihe before washing I thciu. -5 ; f j" ;: . - , i-r r Altini or viaegar U good to gci. colors, red. green, or ye'low. ;. .. ; Ual-soda will ITeacli j cac tipoouful is enough for a kettle of clothes. Save your suds for the garden and Jilacte cr to hardou yards when sandy. ' -A hot r.hovcl held over varnished furn- Lure will take out white spots. . i. -' - I. A bit of glue, dissolved in .tk'ua ailk. and water, will restore old crape.; ! Ribbons of any kind shouhf be washed in cold suds, and not rinsed. .. .If flat irons arc rough, rub-them wall, wilh fiuo salt, and it will Make them smooth.. ;-, t If yoii are bnying carpet fr durability you rntrst' chose small figures. ' A bit of soap rubbed on the, hinges cf doors will prevent iheta fromt creaking. ; Scoth snuff put in holcj where crickets run will destroy them. , . ;; t . .. ' Wood ashes and common salt, wet with water, will stop the cracks ofthe-steve and stop, the smoke from escaping. : ditca should be the prevailing colr foT bed hanging and window drapery. tf. A TfacSee being asked by a South crncf why the Yankees always say ."I grcss,'' while the Sotttbera people say "I ; reexon, gave U.e to.iowing explanation : j That a Yankee could suets as well - ns ft Southerner could recto- , rr f '" , wTnc 9;Icafaeeomt.1i!'h.ninrc than j thc- Thc -m-J thc ra!tlesu:.le i nLrs ,11 tho noW ht thP had ds -the 1 execution. . -- What ia more refreshing this hot wealh- -cr than a drink of pure, cool water.-- Of its value and longing for, let those speak s who have suffered the pang! of thirst mt dcr a broiling sun. If so necessary fur man, may' we not conclude that brutes ' stand in actual need of it ? ... Look at the t cattle which have been couliucd all -day in a shadeless pasture with no water, and see them iush to the poud or brook, for a fill at night, and puff out as they driuk until the milk is actually force 1 out, 'of their teats. This is all wrong. " If water is not iu the fields or pastures whetc they arc confined, they thould be allowed access to it morning, noon and night. Other kinds of stock are equally depend ent upon water for comfort, not the leait of which are the too frequently neglcted barn-yard fowls. If supplied from a.ves""" sel, the f'req'uerit visate and rapid cvapo- , ration under thj hot sun, render frequent rcCUings neceaarj, and their longtar riance at the fresh supply shows huw much they were iu rant of the article. . So give nil tha'stock plenty' of fresh wa ter it is food, comfort and drink. A tiitKAT fc'roRV. We once saw 'a young man gazing at the ry heavens. ' with a in 1 S&- and a .. of pis- . tols in the other. .We endeavored to at tract his attention by .iog a in a paper we held in our t&, relating to a young man in that of country who had left . home iu a state of derangement. He dropped fhe"T""aud pisfbis front hi I 8. with tl'.e '. it is I of whom U read. I ed madly from the hou?c, utter- teriag a wild I to the (Jud vf.luve, and without replying to the ? ? ? of my friends, . came herewith this f --- of pistols to put a .j2 my Nisteoce. My ca'e has no in this 5?" The f'.'Ildt-tng auecdote of the Iron Duke is recommended to the Secre tary of War, and of the Navy, who have -spent enenfioua sums in fruitless ex peri ni!:KL ritfe ner inventions. A man came ': to the Duke. '''What havcywi to offer V" '" ."A' bnllft proof jacket your gracc'."- ' : rutiton." The inventor obeyed: The Puke ran a bclf. ' ri aid de camp pre sented himself. 'Tell the captain of the guar-' t- crrVr tr;c of hi men t brad ' - with a ball cartridge" - The inventor dis appeared. T.rA wt3 never seen again near the Ilcrsc Gcards. No money was wast- ' cd it? try'a'g tbr.t invention. tV. The savage muidcu paints her body, the bright eyed beauty of civiluatiou paiuts her cheek.. The one vtcars a ring in tcr no?e t.thc ether rirgs iu her cars. . The one girdles herself with tlie gaud ita.t,. zone she can command tho other arrays hsrsclf. in stuffs of , the ctliext quality aud richest d-es. Tlicy a.r-j the same by nature they have been changed by eir euust,';ncci. . . IOti.ike day f th'o ''rc-i'lents fa ucrc! a I rer?"cd and weather bo.iten sol dier, anxious toi obtain a better view of th pro-V'sion, fcnppeur'i.! to step leforc a ' party oJ ladies and gcctlemcn One of ' the gentlemen nudged him ou the elbow : at the same time observing. ' Excuse me. sir, you arc right in front of us." Rowing handsomely in return, the td. Iier replied, "TL'nt is uothiug remarkabbr fir me, sirj I've beeu in front ot you for' fotir jti."- '.'. . ;S- . . . fcs?" As muctrate of silver as can be held between the thumb and linger, if thrown into a vase of water, villi, it b sai-Jj preserve flowers, for a fortnight. This E:ajJL'6 an interesting fact for thc lady readers of tLe, StNf i. f.l. . r?A impossible to look at thu sleepers in a church ' without being re minded that Sunday is a day of rest. ISyThaekery says that 'wheu a man is iu love with one woman :u a faiuih-; it is atouishiog how fund he becomes of CTrv otic connected with if. - . S" ''Can you rettd smoke, ma V "WItat do you mean, child?"; "Why,'I'vc heard people talk about a volume of smoke, and I thought you j fould fcad most any volume. . A " of fa,iliun stcf pei jut0 a , iU l f hft ha,. I matr-monial ka,ke being to polite to L.,. jt say .craale. . , . rr : ! ': -'! onch wat M - WATER, .,. ... au t f I