Newspaper Page Text
tw&-L'- - '. v'-r- , , V . ztf '; -. O.- V 2 L v .... Ogg T' C2 -.,.:. v,. a i,. csrss & 1 w VOLUME XIX, 'X0.f'j.' ' rafcasionai .(.arte. - TJB. I c RUftDIO, orPaitencn, -JL P, wishes to inform hut friends and pa tron that he baa rmavrwi t; tbe hrtii nn .bridge Street opposite Tudd & Jordan. Store, ,c pr-ti;.,. , .-.-.. JEKEMLin LVOXS,' ,,r Miflliatown, Jnniaia GamtT,; OSes on Main street Soutk of . JJridge gtr et. TOJIH STfiSES, I lifeUUES CAVES EY, Manufacturer or Tomb ; - b'tones, McAlisterville and Mifflintuwn. All wurk put up in the most tasteful and mib- j - btantial maimer. Cive h;a a j anril l:i-(14tr. -t ' - ZIAIX AND V our Stotk i . EXAMINE. . o: heady Madrl lolhtiie hefore Jon Tui chavT Xl.oyU'te, j on itill find on hand a'- gnod 'msorttuen't for Xcp and Boja Viarc, which wiir1)C cold cheap for cash or i-ouutry rrodt-c. . , T in I if Patterson. Pi. " " JV C. STEWART f M;iltiit'iu ii. Jmu'H 'i f -it-., t't rs hi rirofi'siu'ial sorvh'CS .10 the pub- K Hons and .1) other busiuesk. will !T prompt f, n: a-,,, j - Nrtl of li.!urd iorv, -i:.ii'5.) . 'W 'II.I.IAM M.. ALLISON.- ' Attiifnnj af Lou 3 jimt$ Vrt'.lr.j 'i t 1 Witl :itteu-l to all lin-;m---' r.nrrus'ed to hi ! cir. oliice on Mail. Sirc-i. Miintowu, Pa. KILITARY CLAIMS. el'MfU iinHoricriio.1 iil prfiT.jt! tti-n l to 1 M thv i..t!lTii..n if t'l-iiin- acainst c-ither the fittt r N'i.'inl iiverainent. Pensions. Uriel !' iv. I'.miiii v, F. lira I'ny. nd :U! other cHin.s risintr art d the presetit or (itj fflicr .r. r..:i-. ' ". . ... - jEEKMLdi Lyons. ' Anorpr-:tt-l aw. M.ft-nicwii. jmisU fv.,'p. feMQiN. W. Cor. Howard & Mnlberry Sts. I". ;!cr . : Ci. T, Keed. M o j L S ilJ 1 " .LOTUS. .No N-r'h id- SS I M KREl8.-ATI NETS, MAHKKT S1HEi:T. .-tween FimrtJi and Fifth. Fini..ur.M,iHA. I - ti-sa j WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, . .S'... North SKCoMi S'rwt. I -iincr efj . , . i.itiiirrr. I it li. n. " Aii assartiiient of Watches. ' ' nrrwir.: iIfukv Avn 1:r srn kfts, Jewc!7iW t ' U.TLTLMORF.;' " Plated Ware. : ..niiuflT n haa-l. i.itablc f..r UOl.lli 4 1 j i' K SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. . '-HKsvxrs : . , fc-B" K"psiring nf Watches auci .'enilry ' ,; ' Superinr Impob cf.i Cicmbs, Snc CiiEW Ti'.i'ipily attcti-l'.'d to iiMi ToiiArcu, an-i Lef of every description. Dee. 6. -1 ir. " ! witlu a general nsscrtment of Pines, -Snuff - - j ll'i-ios. Fancy Articles, &e. Jttlyl9-3ni. w. a. r.EVEHi.vf;, t Callowbiil Ptrcet Wharf. ' 1'lHla.Ielpbta, Pa. npjdies of Timber, Strve". I.ocut Pins ; lr top 1'o'es. - Sir au l Lumber genera'y, j fit" he purchased, rontracted fur. or received 1 ii ommiC'loii,' at the option of the shipper, j niAIli MANUFACTORY. 'Ill I r of lite .fl NI,T.. C'lfSTV ) AdRlOfLTC RL KoClKTV, r Perrvsville, Oct. l'i. IS'-'!. i .. W'F. do hereby certify that the- Committee n .Manutaouued Articles has awarded to ! m,,,, gplendid likaieuu ever gotten up any t 'UiKLEs W. Wkitci. the First Prcmitim tor j where, which is at th. most siibstwitial, neatest mad, and best BUBJi'lXE & co s 1 10 Market at,- Harrisb'g Smsned soil of hatra. ' Cr. IV. JACOBS, Treat r. 'frr.t.MM Ilr.NTH. 5'c".v. janLi II ESN. II wIlI'KR, No. o-JOJTtpiI Street, ih't l'tfth. 'tk&- -J5vH1AIFtrHIA. Mnmir-cturrr and Ucaicf ' lii r Watclies, FI E J E W E 1j K V , O L I I ' f J l V R WAR E, smi iiipcrlor Silver Plated Ware x-V - : ..March 9,rl80o, 3aoe. ; It W-LV.J - Al CTIONEEU " Th undersigned offers his services to the ffjftlfc as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. He tis had a very large experience, and feels C jafi-ieu't that lie ran give satisfaction to all who hiay employ hiiii. He may be addressed at MiSintown, or found ill Lis home iu Fer rjaigh tawtU'hip..OHci'a may also be left at Mr. Will's Hotel. J an, 1H. WII MAM GIVrX. -- '-, ,- U it- .-,..) PHILADELPHIA f PAPER HANG fXGS i IS5 BOIVIJJ, . IM HIL. - MASITFAtTt'RERS OP " - 1 WALL PAPERS, WINDOW CrKIAfX PAPERS, irn...r Htl UTil and MARKET Stri N It. Xtme st-.-L uf LINKS SAIE. t.utlt bju-l. , Orphans', Cowi Sale. J. ; I TMIE. trndert'lrnedv.' Administrator of the J- Estato of Robert Harris, lftte of . Jleale townshsn. dee'd.. will exnoee-tAAlitftt Tmhlie i outcry on. the premise, on . I 5ATCRDAY, ATOTi.M' 15. A tract ot land situattd in lieale towuship. ! Juniata outv, P., adjoining lands of Cal 'vin and Tc!r Bcale, aiid tlplrs cf Robert 1 Su-rrttt, doe'd-k yodcopitaUing about' ( Acres, i Abont 90 acres of ?hi'rh art e'eared an$ un i dor oultiTation (lie balance f-einf' tiisbor-. 'BHd, : - ! Thore are on flie premifes.a log noe, , log born, an apple orchard and good water at : I ho li-tua. The property' will- be sold iu a bouy or in " . . . . XITRKE ' PARCELS, j. . r , ; 84 Aili Jie..denied mot desirabtt:.1 ..- ,...; ! i'KK,M8. Cash oh confirmation of. said bv the Court. , Sale to wmmwi( at 1 n'eloek P. M f aaid duy when attendance will be by ' July 12-ti. JOHN COI'FMAN; Admrm"". I- r ' ; , n. j . ' ! , A Kirk ErkC& C A I f 1M1IT: L N lEUSIC. F.I) OFFERS AT Ini - I tllA D nf l.illtl BMiinlnil ir, W n 1 1. ( er townsJih). Jituiala couutr. Pa., adioiainir ; lan a oi jncoikMtlir.aberger. I':iniel Wertz f rd ' w I'ic w MertdilJi, ectitaiDintf, about f 7 ' ""'" ""." nu in Foou ; 1 .... t. -i i I i priuis. tuc uiiauw ooing weu iiniiierea. lucre ' . .i - i.. .ii ) mi I Log House ami Frame Baf k Barn i cn tit J.rVkUeii. Alo good irwrr etcil frnit trees. .--i For tenm and further information inquire ! of b!Jrtnleri;ned residing noar Mexico, at which place letter" mar be addressed ta him. ulj 12ih.'"i5. vji cisiM mel- . or.o e. PKTFR NEW F, GROVE & CO. f? Cnnignnienis oT firain. Flour, and I Country Produce respectfully solicited. Also; ! a larjre and general assortment of (irocerics i on hand. F. GROVE & CO. DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS OF .('tears. Tobacco and Snuff.! .V. 101 l it I Mi LI Strctl DenfRCs.S) Hlindnrss and Catairh. n-titF. JTKb virb (he.i(tin"4.t'm!cees!, by Ir. J J. ISAACS. Oculi't nnd AuriiHt. ffurmer- j7 of L-fdea. Holland,) No ol'J PINE Street hiladclpbia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can j be seen at his Office. ' The medical faculty are j invited lo accompauy their jiatienls. as ha I has no secrets in hi practice. -SKI Irlt I A I. iEJEH, inserted witiiont pain. No charge j made for examination. Feb, 15. 'C5.-'ly. PHOTOGRAPHS. rni,a TViir.insi nf ttiP Sfuti w.i. hn m.iv visit L Ilsn-isbursr. or desire a lirtl cl33 Piotitre should bv all means eo where they take the jfJERMS OF ADVERTISING ! Scventy.five cents per square of ten lines i or less for the first fnscrtion three inset 1 . t i r. i i .-,n ..!., f. .ii ct,dar..,f IIUI15 IOI l.'IV IUU UU ,vilte IV. an nuuni'u u, insertions. Estate Notices $2.00. , Profes sional aud Business cards with paper 88.00 per your. Mercantile cards with paper S15.00 P-rycar. Local notices 10 cents per line. People ought to IccK to their interest and ad vertize in the Sentinel as its circulation i about ,ouo third larger than any other paper published in the county- ' -. " 'i . JOB WORK RATES ' . . . i'f. . ! - i - ..,. -!- Eighth cheet .bills,. 1,5 ; quarter sLeet bills 2.O0 J half sheet bills S3 00; whole sheet S5 00 50 bTP.s are always given if de sired. Blanks .2.00 per quire' Colored or fancy work extra, r Cards at $1.-j0 per hun dred. Job Work respectfully itolieited as we ibclieve we can do up jobs n ally knd attract ely and expeditiously. ' !ir. u. :. ' ' .it JErt9 OF PUBLICATION 'a ' ' The Jumiata SusnsBL is PubliAed -.on Main Street, next door to the Post Office, f Mitlfintown, Juniativ County, P on every Wednesday nt the tatc'orf Ja!00 Tier year in : advance aud Sl.Hl if not. paid within tho year.- ve wish tl- a -cash bn-inessas nrtirly as possible.. (V'e wish to deal ..honest ly and alike with all. und therefore need no be asked to'Vta'y'Trota'OU'r' terms by any one- Thankful for past f avors wo a'l, th .ou'iuued j ..t.i.ort 2'vrt ..(r fr;.Ij. : )!.;:' r,ft COSSt'tfo'ON T3 fSlO-Ayil ivq MUTONTOVJi.-JUxLiTA COUNTY; FM A; AlGUgT 16,: . 1 iM'tfht l I VI!M TftZ SOLDIERS ORPIUSS, x :.:rMM 4JWA8.-fstJrf!.v.0R XHB EXPERIENCE OF DR. T- H. ''''lftAVP-;TR4rtn-P BURROWES IN VISITING fflPFLIN- .j TRA5TP, TRA1IP, TRAMP. ; t 1 tic prison bell I eit;; i ;. . V. ,,..I hinkiug, another deftr, of you, - ; .,., Aud iiv briUt and. happy Jioiucao far tray, And the tears they fill my eye fpite of all that I can do, " , r' Though 1 try to cbeertny comrades anii begajr. -' . C'horc8 '-: ' .'' v'''1 : Traiiip, tramp, tranrj!, the boyi are mareiing, ' , O, cheer, up, eonirade tbey wUicon; -An4 bensaU-lhe atarryliaj tf ; ; j : ,i We shall brenthe the alt again, j , ' " ' 0? the free land in our own beloved home. I ...... tin : i :..'-! -J -l ; In Lho baltlc Xronl we stood, vrc ' .t: . K ; When theirjficre out charge they made, .-. And they swept usoff a hundred jnn ermorc But before we reached1 their lines, ' ' They were bcateij pact dismayed; ' ' ; And wa heard the ery of idt'ry o'er and o'er.' .r CHORra " ' '.I . to :iit!iin. the psiscn qi!; ,. ;i .joa-.. '. We are waiting for the ihij ... ;?.jsr Thai shall com to open wide the iron door,) . ' And the hollow eyes grow bright." '' htA ! poor heart Plmost giiy, " Tff Hi lu k vT JtJuln b of tJi.t HlW".. '.'lIOKl'S "' ' . ! ''' ' BROWN LOW ON RETURNING REBELS. Those who are in sympathy with re turuing Rebels arc suddenly euamored of the virtues of fxntaweeand pardon, and no tumble of the world's LTstory basuch attractions for 'them as the parable of the Prodigal Sn. They seein never to weary in quotingthis parable as otic of uqcriaul ed beaaty aud pathos. It is interosiiug to note the puiuts difTercuce between the Prodigal Sou atid our returning Rebels. : l-'irst-'-Tbe Prodig:il Son did nut $?ch) he went with his fatlifr'n eousent, aud as the Scriptures indicate, with his blessiag: Next, he irn'ttj he did not stay and villity r the old nnu in his ou n house. " lie asked for something to start him in the world ; be ;lid not prc:ect a pistol to the old man's breast and demand his greenbacks or watch. He received tho portion his father gave him ; he did Dot prets it a modern Southern name for stealing. And rcreh'tii-J it. he started out ''to seek his fortuue." lie did not retire to tho south sld? of the old mnu's farm, and join a ! baud of robbers who were plundering the j old man. and his law-abiding neighbors. ! Receiving Lis portion', be 'juicily took his journey into a far coun'ry. Finally be repented of his fully, not because the old ! man whipped him iuto repentance. bit because be "came to himself," and saw that he had wasted bis substance in riot ous living. ' TI 3 went back home, not with murder in bis heart, boasting bow had killed, and threatning what he would do, but he bowed down in hon est coi'tritiou, aud ashed all sorts of par don'. ITe didn't return saying, "I have fought you four years, and until I was overpowered," but bs went back crying. ' Father . I have sinned ajrainat Heaven, aud in thy sight, and am no. more worthy, to be called thy son,", and iuiplorbg'y said. "Make me as one of tby hired ser vants." ' lie went home,' because, throughout bis entire course of riotous livings hit, heart wds there. lie did not return demanding ''rights," his property and back rents. He did not aak instant pardon upon the faith of an oath of an amnesty, but proposed to prove bis repeat ancc genuine by his works, . .. The story of the Prodigal Son is oue of sincere, deep heartfelt and voluntary re pentance for a great wrong., Do our re turning Rebel come repenting of their unpa relied crimes ? As long as rebellion showed any s'gns of success, did they show any signs of repentance?. .Are tiicy coin ing back because they love the Union, or were about to "pcriab with hunger?" All who return ''peaceably to their homes, cul tivate friendly relations, and abstain from hostile acts dis-countcnaneing every at tempt at disorder should be met with- the same spirit and treated with ..leniency. When they manifest a hostile spirit, rake them Tick the dust. Knoxvillc Wlug.,..: ISf A womau'g . tears often soften a mau's heart; her flatteries, soften this head. , - i : tsir The sourest cider in tfce world is made from the apples of discord. ; . , : K9 It is impossible to lock at the sleep ers iu a oliurch without beinl.retnlndcd that Sunday H a.'3y of rest. " i r'oW,t.;v 'p ' '-'u ;"t;- :l . .tg Wotnan are not' nil tiigefeX ;If Hicy wer., they would go tnL jfcaveo :for husbandu or, at least, be nore difficult in their h'jice earth. TB K-trOBCtMHIT Of THE LAWS- . --''' TOWN AND M'ALISTERSYILLE- '1' Five o'clock' tn the mornlngof the 27th of juW found us, with ' a jcpriioanionwho. had chargeof the hos' iunifortns ik ; . th (juiet co'unty-town of SrifijtQ 'io juiuata. An li6ur.'inde"'the necessary arrange-: menta; and by wx wc" were .ot tkd, joiit wU6 boxes pactcd. In . aa . oped , spring wagon, behind an active pair'of -liorse.f and at veu 'pulled up at. the 1 school by the rural' t.amtet" of- iicAIIis tersvme(wltb' Col.'. McTarlauJ, the yet crutch' ed yote'raa of Gettysburg and other battles, at'tfie'Joor? ' fie glad; faccs of sevcblT boys. toST &ttste4 4het tie visit was as Relcom? as -it .was.. fwcil tiBiCo, hjr they were, just abotjt. tj tartfifor moiher and l)omc,V and only awaited .the "new clothes.". i : ... '.-u The ride bad been 'delightful. It ran eight mli'cs across oneof : the finest vaf leys or series of. valleys in. the State. Shade mouutaiu on. the north broken in outline by numerous gaps and iauecta- tious, with the more rcgulsj Yiejb gf , tb4 i uscarcra oa the south, bounded toe hor izon in opposite directions, but witbia - no narrow limits. The interior space , being the whole breadth of the country, was not less than twenty miles, including the" Hue Juniata" along the foot -of Tujcarora, and the, space to the north, .watered by Lost Creek and its branches, and varied by that rclling character of surface which adds to the apparent distance and gives to every turn of the road a new feature. In this beautiful vailcy and at the .early invigorating hour at whic it had been rapidly traversed, ,thq scenery of Juutata seemed moic attractive than ever. - Give us, after all, our own Pennsylva nia landscapes, with their mountains and hills, their r.apid rivers, their dash ing brocks, their clear glancing springs, and here aud there a lakelet ; their tree and viue-clustered homesteads, their rich Hclds, their scattered shade trees and their ever-recurring pieces of wood land, in preference to all the broad prairies and sea-like lakes and almost interminable rivers of the mighty west. Wo do like to quench our thirst at the clear sparkling brook by the wayside, with enough of motion in it to keep its life from stagna tion. We do like now and then to get off the dead level of the tramp, tramp, tramp, be it walk, or trot, or gallop -over the prairie, and to try other muscles of the body, whether cf man or horse, in mount ing and other sensations in the enjoyxent of the bill top. t. In a. word, we like va riety ; and, -though the fertility ot . the west may be exhaustlcss and its p'oduc tions almost spontaneous," we prefer th compelled but kindly response which, the mother earth of our own State makes to the stalwart demands of her sons. There is not only mauly eiertise, but peasant variety in tncm. e may db unne oin- ers in this ; still we rpiestion whether we : .i n- i ii .i could long continue to take pleasure in the absolute ownership even of a dollar mill, ere . some money . King to present us with one, that should drop into, the hand its golden grist, at the fixed rate cf one per second neither more sor less, and all alike bright, round and .yellow ; but Btijl all alike auj always the s ainc. Rat, lo come back from the "Yellow boys" to Orphan boys; there they were, clean washed, boots blacked, hair comb ed and smiline, like other boys waitina for their new suits. . Out of tearly one i hnndrc(f sets, it was the task, and do light one, of ,Mr. Royer to rigsixty-eight ap-( plicauts in four hours. Uut at -lasi tho work vastjone, with . only two or ihrea misfits j and these, of that encouraging kind whict time jWill surely, remedy, by growing up the wearer to the size of the garment, provided only ; that . the ' gar men shall ) ast . the , process of adapta- The boys were brwsjht to tho drossing room ' in "srjuads. awkward ; at entrance but neat, erect and. shining at exit; and it was pleasant to ..listen to the, hearty nurrahs witli whien too newiy atiireu an transformed, jWero received dq4 ; their jolfr was.rSOTorsd :w'b jebUJreB tr-Ji9 Erst appearanee Ion 'tbo play, grouad.. Of younggixls Jhe place, mixed wth ;and course this became css and less loud, as eutertaiaiug the female , Orphans, and the party "afcef jjarty issued forth ; till, atJast boys adtnirjog the cvolutians, of tho. . Or tho noW settled dowa to a carious :h am' phao Company, as, jrf with .drum at their of eoDgratulation, satisfaction and pa- ere. To be sure, there at length begia t" be bear J box crilbixs on Sts : calfs ;J .07 !..:i -' i'-"' - - : , 1. ,i ,. were to widef pants .too loarj, cleeves ' too short : and tho poor tailer crime-- in-. fotJ aome complaints,' - which, i if ftstic were done, dame nature thould hat -borne, for jjot making all ber specimens of boyhood 0 the fine mode's which the ocs'.helie art ist bud taken as bis guide.' But, ow the wbjQlft, ihs Very largo majority were pleas--ed and, tie rest beaaicacTaisea(. ?' .., i Thou -came li the 'dinner, .'which ,of eofset,belu forfln psJjra occasion,' was a feMt, jfitji. its p'jdiDgitil''pios.-' Dut, jdginffJij iWiJjest. test,---the - rmldy looks aod tbe satisfied appearance of. the children, the every day It! -j rius be, as it is known. to-be, ' aLandaot, wholejL'e and sufficient:' '.After dinner occurred- the company parade of- thoboys io their' -new Uniforms -with their1 Cap(gi, Lieuten ants,.' .Sergeants and Corporals," cter so granil j.raally.doiBg credit to their dr'iK t.!Scerr and adding, as the teachers concur in saying, a most effieion't - means to the discipline of the school. ' ' 3 While all this Vas lii f tt!grc53 amongst the boys, the girls, whose' neat 'and taste fully made rimslin 'dc' laice ' 'dresses and ctraw hats bad all been in readiness the day before,'' wcte on the "green of the sfchoolj enjoying ttff eeasion.Jaud await ing eVeritS. On inspection, tlieir costume was" found to bo plain and neat, though tastefu arid, 'what is" 'better,' satisfactory to the wearers'. " ' ' '- Next came tho .rcf ad-j.-essj the . bur don ' of which however moralized and sentimentalized in . phrass, , uecesearily amounted ' to the old cautiou : be good children and fate care of your clothes; for su'fch' ever has teen aud. suub . always . . L -11.".. - . - will be the "course oi human events" un der similar circumstances. ' Arrangements bad been . made, or thought to be made, ty the kind ueigh bors, to couvey all the pupils of tfce school to Mifflin, where they wero to take the cars for their homes and also to .enjoy a reception by the kind citizens of t'ae place." Before the half were seated, however, in the carriages, wagons, &c., it appeared as if there would be a lack cf conveyances for all. Sp self aud companion threw traveling sacks and cloth coats into one of the carriages and took it afoot. This eight miles walk," relieved by retts in the shade, excursions over the feaees after blackberries and cc occasional drink of tLick-milk at a. faim bouse, was at first most pleasant ; then it settled down into "fine wbolcsome exercise j" next the miles in these parts became astonishiugly long ; and finally it was quite sufficiently latiguing to render a good wash and a cup of coffee at boat Snyder's hotel very refreshing. During this walk, somo of the occur rences were suggestively though sadly in teresting. Going in the same direction with ourselves and generally passing us, were the carriages loaded with the orphans to an extent that . would . have., been in structive even to a city street car conduc- .tor in me sit ot .close packings ver and snon a group of boys, getting along ... . t . . by the old "ride and do" or turn about, would be waiting in the shade for the next wagon, or another be seen hurrying along to the eppointed station ; but all lively and bent on getting, to the snd.of. the journey. Passing, the. other direction, were groups ot horsemen cr per sons in cr.riages,!witb lei horses. , These latter were found to be purchases at, a sale in the neighborhood that day, of dis charged government horses., ; . Here were two results of tho war and siirns. of its close. The dead . warrior 'g,,orphans re turning, in the care, of a grateful State, to cheer tho widow's .heart, and. his war horgc.goisg back to th, plow. . 'Many a saddle M.f mpty -iay fcepft.; desolate. Let us-hunor ourf es by doing our duty to tho living.. t .- ....r;J .n .j j, -'.si: ; -, ;Wos rested . and, again ; on foot,: we found, the quiet of, MilBia, disturbed gone. ) AH the resident children, jo their .best dresses, were. out to see and welcome tho.Orpbao8.:Ay4 and more toO.JI; The -adult population , partwk. the.. feeling - of the young..,. The, iroo ailiag aboMi the , Court. House green WaS lined with; an un broken row. of spectators. .The, xrecn t? head and offiosra 'at their fpostsr they aaxohod, field, and wbeelod about the . .;e, rrlti Ikd jresislsa of Vetera... EDITO S. . J-trt the evening dame theerowded. (reet ing ie. Oni of tha .oharcbla, -wtf little sp5!M ere do'Uvtt.4 iy-Ktife orphans, songs "and Rymps suDg"b'y the school, ex planatory addresses made by tbefr'au'.hor itics, and addresses of warm-hearted wel come responded on .the part, of the citi zens. - After a. liberal collection toward a library for the setoolsnd thebenlition. the meetings adjou rned , alike -eoeoura-ginp i to-the; Soldier, -Orphan : cause and creditable to t e'peop1eof" Mifflin . It would-be ,omiiug the pleasaaiest feature in this Biost agreeable event, not too add, that fheaff children were all hos pttsbly tfttijth fhr Ii,o'c1effoythe night aoCwhi!c i.ioJbyhe pcordV of the prte,, and til at a'(f "the?rbuuiber been 1 U.JC jnstead.of ,one lhuD.Jrcdr,.-thr- were places aai a welcome tor alu t 1m fact there' tras qu"rt a contest trfget thenv, and tuauy were aisa'p pain ted. ;. a . So ended the first publfc reception" of State ;" and four o'tsloek follpwipgmorn ig lound self and coitpauieo at Lome ready for a ltto nap. ...,-- We should like , to give the. "proceed ings of tho meeting more at length,1 .but have not space, This will, however, no doubt, be done by . the Rev. Mr. Gnss, who origi-atsd and so well managed ' the affair, and whose local paper is warmly advocating the cause. .Sih'iol JmrnaL ;rWIT0r"A "RAID.- 7 :i The town of Greenfield, Ohjo, y;as the scence ot great excitemei. o.aa. dy last week. It appears tht, entagci by tho almost constant tightly rows and riotous jioceedines ip.a. aberf ...the,, whisky shops of the town the ladies, resolved to put a stop to whiskey selling in their midst. Thry improvised a meeting to be held on Monday morning, met, passed resolutions and marched iu solid phalanx t! several places where whis.Ecy was "sold in quantities to eoit pi;rc'bas-iTI" and de manded the liquoi.vwhica wa3 persistent ly refused ; whereupon,, with axes and hatchets, they made an inT-olcntary attack upon the doors of the establishbents, weut in and rolled the casks out and spilled the liquors in the struts. They were a most determined set of raiders. The male portion of the community looked on com placently, thinking it s matter not com mitted io their hands, and let the ladies have their own way generally. The re sult of this raid is the combination of the whisky sellers, ho have commenced suit,, against the raiders. The better disposed citife.s held a meeting and resolved to stand by the ladies, and see them through the matter. The best legal talent will bo employed by the ladies, whohve sacceed- - j ed with little effort, in raising a largj fund already to preiecate the ease thor oughly. BEOtNLOW ON.'APARCOri CA3E- " A characteristic letter frem Gov. Rrownlow has been "received in the matter of an ftpplicatiou for pardon. , The pe titioner, is the Rebel L'r'a'dier General Wm. lI,Carroil a" wealthy and once prominent citizen of Tennessee, and the rsame who is suspected of being. connected with the Rebel corispirators'in Canada. It waV&ut recently that Carroll employed counsel fu'r the purpose cf suing. the United Stats Government for the use of and damage doce to Lis "property by the appropriation and use of the same for army purposes. lie now asTs for paruoo, hori-cver, and bis case was referred to Gov. Rrownlow. or suggestion- - The Governor's letter ia reply is received1. Lie says.. ''This man Carrcll, were ke to eonic- within the State of Tennessee, would cot be permitted tob.v. five min utes. ,:Tbe 'people, would, nqt tolerate bis exjstence there.," 1. can't ay. anything against so poor and mean a niaa as this, an. can't say anything for him. 1 there for, say nothing. "- -- V '" ' !;e . - i..-. .. ; , fcir A Traveler, . near .-fnc eJos 'or weary di-yV drive ever a foncTy and m'rid dy Voad,' little log cabin in .the forest 'and' ascd .for a, drink.. : A young wotnau supplied his wants, and afterrards as she was tiie first woman be had seen for several days, be offered bef " a iae for a kiss. It wis duty taken and paid for, and the young lady who- had-never seen a dime before, looked at it with somo curiosity, then asked what - she should do with it.: He replied, what she chose, as it was hers. "If that's the case," said, "you may tei9 it back aad give me --.v. v, f aso